Only gay in the village?

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Re: Only gay in the village?

Post by Myk »

Charlie wrote:
Azraeth hit the nail on the head so eloquently.

Both my characters have strayed from their predominant orientation at some point in their pre-Harper Rock life, putting them at a 2 on the Kinsey scale, meaning: Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual. Given the opportunity hereinafter, if chemistry between characters is obvious, the gender and physical sex will be of no consequence. I'm open to plots that would lead to development on this front.
That is absolutely fascinating!

I love psychological theories. :3
I think I will have a read of this Kinsey scale.

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Re: Only gay in the village?

Post by Salvador (DELETED 8639) »

Here we are!

A trio of fun, at your service!

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Lincoln King
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Re: Only gay in the village?

Post by Lincoln King »

Well, looks like since this thread started a lot has shifted, more public RP's of chatacters who aren't strictly hetero.

Most of mine lean towards being open to interpretation, or not strictly settled in their sexuality. Kaspar is quite openly pansexual, Judah is generally more about the individual but in terms of attraction gender is less of a factor though he's not terribly comfortable discussing his own sexuality. Lincoln is "open to possibilities" by his own admission, but tends to skirt the topic. Matilda primarily dates men but has had experiences with women and isn't opposed to falling in love with one just hasn't met someone and Merry is "Perrysexual" XD poor dear, only one person for her so far.
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Re: Only gay in the village?

Post by Mircea »

Let's see...

Mircea is hetero-flexible, committed to Habren Ashe. He's slept with men previously but never had an actual relationship with any.
James Carpenter is straight, but has done gay-for-pay.
Lex is 95% hetero, but I think in the right situation that 5% would raise its head
Isabelle is gay and committed to Solene.
Sebastian Clark has never been in a relationship and has no idea what he is, but were you to ask him he'd confidently proclaim himself as straight.
Nathaniel Walsh is, I i]think[/i] gay, but I haven't written him enough to be certain either way.

For me, orientation doesn't come out too much in my board-visible writing because, like Nikolae, I like to write smut and explore character preferences through the more intimate moments between people that I can't write here, so it goes a little bit neglected, I suppose.
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