Enzo folded his arms across his broad chest, his suit easily allowing the movement having been tailored with exacting instructions to fit him perfectly. He considered it worth the investment, the power garnered from authoritative clothing could not be duplicated by sheer attitude alone. He knew others would argue it but the dragon had grown up in a world of cold violence, bought and paid for by men who commanded it without raising a finger or saying a word. Their presence and honestly, presentation of self speaking for them. Anyone that said a brute in street clothes toting a weapon was more intimidating than a man wrapped in power and an expensive suit, holding Gods knew what diabolical cards in their well moneied fingers, was an idiot. And frankly deserved to be shot by the street peon. Poof. One less moron allowed to breed.
And so it was that he stood at that door and silently defied Princess Stabsalots assessment of him. Anyone looking at the Dragomir knew he was not to be taken lightly, though he made no moves to correct her. Her assumptions actually amused him and did nothing but further his goals. There was no doubt he'd happily pants plunge her, but that had nothing to do with his reasons for being here right now. Women were a fine recreation. Not a motivator.
Enzo listened with even more interest as she began to question the rodent about her brother. Well well well, it was highly personal. He had no siblings of his own so didn't even try and identify with her in this, but her anger? He could feel it thrumming through her with each move she made. Like a cello that had it's strings wound too tight and they threatened to snap with each pluck of a finger. That he could help her with.
He lowered his gaze, still housed behind tinted glasses, his own self.. his aura if you would, became more. Menacing tendrils as he 'circled' himself around the man cowering before the vampress. And then Enzo mentally fisted. With his game firmly in place he moved to aid Raven in her own game, taking the mans arm without word and holding it taut. Wormboy tried to move, to buck him off, but it was like a toddler trying to wrest free from a vise. Enzo didn't even have to exert.
"Shall I have drinks brought in?" he asked her, his tone bland as if it were asking the weather. "They have a fine vintage here from Peru."
Sleazy jazz and a dangerous woman ( Raven Talius )
- Enzo Dragomir
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- CrowNet Handle: The.Devils.Halo
- Location: Savaging the soothed beast
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- Raven Talius
- Registered User
- Posts: 253
- Joined: 30 Jan 2016, 05:41
- CrowNet Handle: The_Raven
Re: Sleazy jazz and a dangerous woman ( Raven Talius )
Raven’s gaze slightly shifted to view the man who held the shoulders of Ronald and she noted the shift within him. He had gone from playful to hunter, almost in the snap of her fingers. It was a strange shift really and she had to remind herself that the enigma that was Enzo, was not really her concern. A small ”Tsk,” rose to her lips at the mention of drinks and her brown hues rolled upwards. The fledgling had her drink sitting right in front of her and she was going to break his elbow. Snap it underneath her strength. A slow smirk slipped onto her lips once more as she lightly gripped Enzo’s left shoulder with her right hand. ”You rich men and your drink. Honestly, you should get out more, wrestle with a few people and maybe murder some of them.” A chuckle rose to her lips then as her fangs threatened to press into her mouth.
Oh yes, the murderous side of her sung a song of dark intentions. Her blood boiled with the need to murder the man before her, to sink her fangs into the pulse that she felt underneath the palm of her left hand. “Now hold on!” Protested the human, but she was far from listening to it, all she wanted was to hear his cries of pain and taste his blood. ”Be quiet you, I have to concentrate if I’m going to do this right. You see, I’ve never gone and broken someone’s elbow before, so this may require a bit of trial and error.” A snicker of amusement parted her lips then as her brown hues moved to the man’s elbow that was exposed to a strike. His left shoulder, was supported by the arm chair and she had pinned his hand to the arm of the other chair. However, she had a feeling that she had to flip his hand so then his pulse was resting against the arm of the chair.
Silently, she flipped his hand so then his pulse did exactly that and she nodded her head as her right hand trailed up the man’s arm to where his elbow was. Her fingers slid around the knobby bone that was his elbow, it wasn’t quiet facing upwards so she flipped his hand again in the same direction that she had done before. This forced his shoulder forwards, but she was confident that Enzo still had a hold of him. ”Although, I have to admit Enzo, your tone of voice makes you sound bored. I’m a little disappointed really.” She softly noted as the fingers of her right hand noted that his elbow was now taunt and facing upwards. “Wait! I’ll tell you everything that I know! I won’t even tell your brother that you’re really alive!” Ronald gasped out as he watched her fingers with wide eyes.
Another snicker rose to her lips then as her right hand lightly patted his elbow. ”See now, I don’t believe you. You never believe a rat who is about to be in immense pain. They will tell you anything that you want to hear, just so then they can avoid the inevitable. The rat will even lie to save his own hide.” Raven pulled away slightly, only to bring her right hand up and bend her own elbow. With force, she brought her elbow down upon the man’s own elbow and with a satisfying, ”Crack!” She heard the man’s screams echo around the room. It was then that she stepped back, releasing his arm so then it flopped back to his side. Oh she was sure that he would now tell her everything that she wanted to know. The woman waved a hand at Enzo, ”Feel free to have your drink sent in, I’m sure Ronald here is going to need a stiff one.”
“You ******* whore!” Ronald spat while he glared at her as she made her way back around the table to put distance between her and temptation. Oh her restraint was running thin. Soon, oh so soon, she would rip his throat out and drink deeply. Raven had gotten ever so hungry ever since she had entered this room and she wasn’t exactly sure as to whether she could resist killing a few more on her way out. ”Hmm, I believe that I have heard that word before. Yes, men don’t exactly like it when I do something that they don’t like. Thing is, the last person to call me such a thing, died by some tragic accident. Oh dear.” In truth, the last man that had called her as such, had been drained of every last drop of blood in his body by her. A gift from her sire the night she had been turned. It was then that her fangs pressed into her mouth and she smirked at Ronald. ”Now be a dear and tell me everything.”
- Enzo Dragomir
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- CrowNet Handle: The.Devils.Halo
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Re: Sleazy jazz and a dangerous woman ( Raven Talius )
Enzo held the man in place as princess stabbish made short work of his elbow. The resounding crack that filled the room heralded the hard jerk and movements from the now wounded little informant. He continued his silence as she began her tender ministering, until the former tough guy began spitting whore out towards his guest. His eyes darkened, the storm gray of them becoming almost a roiling black, the slit pupils widened as he slipped further behind his captive.
Still holding the very stupid man with one hand, he used his other to jerk his head backwards by the chin, exposing his neck to Ravens catspaw. The Dragon's expression completely shuttered itself, his face a void of emotion as he leaned down to whisper in Ronald's ear... "call her a whore one more time." He did not express what would happen, leaving it to the writhing man's imagination. Enzo straightened again, letting the object of Raven's ire loose but for the shoulder he held easily in place.
Just when the man thought he was getting off with an intimidating warning, not quite relaxing just a slight slumping, Enzo brought his other hand down hard on top of his victims free hand, crushing the bones in his knuckles and fingers. He gave one hard twist before lifting his own hand back up, feeling the wrist pop out of place as the man screamed again. Enzo however had finished and was already pushing the intercom button to order a bottle of Royal scotch be brought to the outer door by his manservant Bertram. As soon as he heard "Of course sir." he switched the 'com back off and smiled pleasantly at princess "Don't let me keep you from your dinner darling, I fear I have a fussy palette." He didn't expand upon his feeding peculiarities, but it was obvious this blood sack didn't fit the bill.
Though his expression returned to amused candor, his thoughts circled the information coming from the two. He wondered if princess stabbish's brother was also a vampire... or something less on the food chain... he half hoped Paladin... he still carried a grudge against those assholes and couldn't get enough making dead things out of them. The stray dog's of Harpers Rock had been eating well since his escape from the holy land.
He was sure he would love on them for at least a thousand more years... he had a very high attention span. And apparently so did princess...
Still holding the very stupid man with one hand, he used his other to jerk his head backwards by the chin, exposing his neck to Ravens catspaw. The Dragon's expression completely shuttered itself, his face a void of emotion as he leaned down to whisper in Ronald's ear... "call her a whore one more time." He did not express what would happen, leaving it to the writhing man's imagination. Enzo straightened again, letting the object of Raven's ire loose but for the shoulder he held easily in place.
Just when the man thought he was getting off with an intimidating warning, not quite relaxing just a slight slumping, Enzo brought his other hand down hard on top of his victims free hand, crushing the bones in his knuckles and fingers. He gave one hard twist before lifting his own hand back up, feeling the wrist pop out of place as the man screamed again. Enzo however had finished and was already pushing the intercom button to order a bottle of Royal scotch be brought to the outer door by his manservant Bertram. As soon as he heard "Of course sir." he switched the 'com back off and smiled pleasantly at princess "Don't let me keep you from your dinner darling, I fear I have a fussy palette." He didn't expand upon his feeding peculiarities, but it was obvious this blood sack didn't fit the bill.
Though his expression returned to amused candor, his thoughts circled the information coming from the two. He wondered if princess stabbish's brother was also a vampire... or something less on the food chain... he half hoped Paladin... he still carried a grudge against those assholes and couldn't get enough making dead things out of them. The stray dog's of Harpers Rock had been eating well since his escape from the holy land.
He was sure he would love on them for at least a thousand more years... he had a very high attention span. And apparently so did princess...
- Raven Talius
- Registered User
- Posts: 253
- Joined: 30 Jan 2016, 05:41
- CrowNet Handle: The_Raven
Re: Sleazy jazz and a dangerous woman ( Raven Talius )
Raven watched with brown hues as Enzo broke the man’s wrist and a simple smirk caressed her lips. The man was back. As the screams upon Ronald’s lips died down, she silently listened to his jagged breathing. Patience, was what was needed in that moment and she waited like the silent serial killer that she was. The fledgling had embraced the path that she had been given as well as the curses that came with her immortality. Some saw her as a problem, but so far she was an immortal problem that couldn’t really die unless she left Harper Rock. Until that day, she planned on being as selfish as possible. To satisfy her hungers. However, constant variables kept rising and it was beginning to be a problem for the woman. A hand lifted then so it could lightly rub over the tattoo upon the right side of her neck. It was the only indication that she was losing her patience. She wasn’t sure as to how much longer she could withstand not feeding without getting rather angry.
Finally, the man licked his lips before he smirked and asked. “What do you know already?” A brow perked before she simply shrugged and bared her fangs at the man. This made his eyes widen before he shrunk lower into his chair, ”I know that he isn’t taking anymore. That he is dealing.” She simply ignored the fact that he was almost shitting himself in his very chair, it was a normal response when they found out that she was no longer human. “He… He… He…” Babbled the man before he took a sudden breath as she leaned forwards to press both hands to the table before them. ”Words, Ronald.” Raven simply said and she watched him swallow before he spoke. “He is still using, but he isn’t using the mainstream stuff anymore. Your twin doesn’t function like a normal person does on drugs and whatever it is, he is keeping it to himself.”
A pause followed his words, but she decided that he was allowed to take a few breaths due to his fear and pain that had been inflicted upon his body. The man’s heart pounded as if it wanted to give out and she didn’t blame him. Both hands were useless and here she was, a predator slowly moving in for the kill. However, she still wanted answers. ”A drug dealer who met an unfortunate end, said that he was dealing. Was he lying about that as well?” Ronald drew in a breath before shaking his head. “No, that was true. Your twin is indeed dealing as well. Some of the guys reckon that he is dealing to earn enough cash to buy whatever it is that he is now taking. Whatever drug it is, he started using it about six months after he tried to kill you. After he came back from his own disappearance.”
It was weird that a different drug behaved differently to the normal human drugs. A frown creased her brow then as she simply angled her head to the right. ”How does my brother behave while on this drug?” She asked finally as she slowly moved back around so then she stood behind his chair. Raven heard the man swallow before he finally responded, “For some reason, he can go for longer periods of time without sleep and he is a lot stronger than most people. Plus, he did something… Weird, something that no other drug dealer has done. Once, a cop had come down the alley, caught him selling to one of the druggies. He turned around and only using words, confused and disorientated the man. The cop had to sit down he was that confused and your brother just walked away.”
Silently, she nodded her head before she lifted a hand to lightly fall upon the man’s greasy hair and he jumped in his chair. ”While it is disturbing in nature, I believe that I can handle my twin. Because when I find him, he is going to wish he could confuse the hell out of me. Then, he is going to realize that he can’t, because he already killed me the first time around.” Her fingers gripped the man’s hair and pulled his head to the side so then his neck was bare. Raven swooped in and sunk her fangs into his neck and she growled softly as his blood thickly coated her tongue in crimson. Gulp, after greedy gulp flowed down her throat as she snarled then and ripped her fangs out only to sink then back into his neck. Screams were heard, but they had been pushed into the background as she listened to his racing heart start to fade. With each feed, the woman felt as if she could gain some semblance of control upon her emotions, to feel nothing but rage, anger and hunger. Love had no right being in her life and she was determined to keep it that way. If only people would stop pushing into her life, she could be distant once more. Dead just like her body was.
Finally, the man licked his lips before he smirked and asked. “What do you know already?” A brow perked before she simply shrugged and bared her fangs at the man. This made his eyes widen before he shrunk lower into his chair, ”I know that he isn’t taking anymore. That he is dealing.” She simply ignored the fact that he was almost shitting himself in his very chair, it was a normal response when they found out that she was no longer human. “He… He… He…” Babbled the man before he took a sudden breath as she leaned forwards to press both hands to the table before them. ”Words, Ronald.” Raven simply said and she watched him swallow before he spoke. “He is still using, but he isn’t using the mainstream stuff anymore. Your twin doesn’t function like a normal person does on drugs and whatever it is, he is keeping it to himself.”
A pause followed his words, but she decided that he was allowed to take a few breaths due to his fear and pain that had been inflicted upon his body. The man’s heart pounded as if it wanted to give out and she didn’t blame him. Both hands were useless and here she was, a predator slowly moving in for the kill. However, she still wanted answers. ”A drug dealer who met an unfortunate end, said that he was dealing. Was he lying about that as well?” Ronald drew in a breath before shaking his head. “No, that was true. Your twin is indeed dealing as well. Some of the guys reckon that he is dealing to earn enough cash to buy whatever it is that he is now taking. Whatever drug it is, he started using it about six months after he tried to kill you. After he came back from his own disappearance.”
It was weird that a different drug behaved differently to the normal human drugs. A frown creased her brow then as she simply angled her head to the right. ”How does my brother behave while on this drug?” She asked finally as she slowly moved back around so then she stood behind his chair. Raven heard the man swallow before he finally responded, “For some reason, he can go for longer periods of time without sleep and he is a lot stronger than most people. Plus, he did something… Weird, something that no other drug dealer has done. Once, a cop had come down the alley, caught him selling to one of the druggies. He turned around and only using words, confused and disorientated the man. The cop had to sit down he was that confused and your brother just walked away.”
Silently, she nodded her head before she lifted a hand to lightly fall upon the man’s greasy hair and he jumped in his chair. ”While it is disturbing in nature, I believe that I can handle my twin. Because when I find him, he is going to wish he could confuse the hell out of me. Then, he is going to realize that he can’t, because he already killed me the first time around.” Her fingers gripped the man’s hair and pulled his head to the side so then his neck was bare. Raven swooped in and sunk her fangs into his neck and she growled softly as his blood thickly coated her tongue in crimson. Gulp, after greedy gulp flowed down her throat as she snarled then and ripped her fangs out only to sink then back into his neck. Screams were heard, but they had been pushed into the background as she listened to his racing heart start to fade. With each feed, the woman felt as if she could gain some semblance of control upon her emotions, to feel nothing but rage, anger and hunger. Love had no right being in her life and she was determined to keep it that way. If only people would stop pushing into her life, she could be distant once more. Dead just like her body was.