The Necromancer was making her way through the contents of her backpack curiously. The sound of droplets of water hitting the sink basin in her small bathroom filled her eardrums but she ignored it easily. She was looking for certain items she could sell to earn a little of money from. She wanted to buy Marjani something nice. Nothing -too- nice but enough to let her know that she appreciates everything the woman does for her. Nishaa wasn't the most easiest person to live with, to be friends with - or even love. Nishaa had a lot of problems, mentally.
Within her back she had a few faeshards, a fair few stones she had collected from the caverns she liked to pick up the gems and stuff them away in her backpack because they were pretty. Once upon a time Nishaa had given Marjani an emerald she had found down there and she had appreciated it - she still had the stone now, she had seen it a few times. She assumed though that the woman liked to keep it hidden away to keep it safe. Safe from thieves like Nishaa.
”I guess I could sell these.” The woman held a fistful of gems in the palm of her hand, she could get a few $1000 for these, easily. A mixture of green, red and purple stones. Shining under the bathroom light.
Pocketing the gems in her cargo trousers she adjusted her pink ‘my little pony’ tee and made her way to the fadeportal that would lead her outside to Honeymead Station. A few seconds passed as her whole body left through the shimmering wall and her feet touched the concrete of the pavement belonging to the station.
A sigh escaped her lips as she felt for her thigh - making sure she had her trusty kitchen knife safely tucked away to avoid drawing the attention of humans. It would also be needed to defend herself if anyone decided they wanted to come at her - which wasn’t unheard of. People had tried to kill her whilst she rested in the Library one evening. They had failed obviously - but she had always been extra careful since the attack.
Making her way south, she needed to get to Coastside. The shopkeeper there always gave her a good deal when she sold him ****.