Walk the Walk ((Bartimas))

For all descriptive play-by-post roleplay set anywhere in Harper Rock (main city).
Ursula Wolfe
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Re: Walk the Walk ((Bartimas))

Post by Ursula Wolfe »

She had watched the way he acted after she had slapped him, but she didn't say anything. He needed it, he really did. Now that they were standing back where she had started, Ursa smirked at his question about where they were. "Yes, this is where I came from, I knew you had some keen hearing. I was training with something I would like to show to you. Something that will help you I believe." Ursa said as she but then added "Not with your eyes, but with other things, things that we still need to have some conversations about." She lead him into the building, but stopped as she pulled him into a corner. "The other thing I mentioned... We need more privacy but suffice to say, it will involve a death of some sort." She whispered this, low enough that only his keen hearing could pick up on what she said.

"Once I show you what I first intended to show you, We will go somewhere and talk privately about the things that might help with your eyes." She said in a not so protected tone. Then she gently laced her arm with his, a way to gently lead him without making it appear that was what she was doing. "First though, time to be a good sire... or at least an informative one and introduce you to something." She said, once again with a voice that was meant just for him. After a moment, they came to stand before the silhouette of a male, granted, she knew that Bart would not be able to see the dark being, but he would hear the deep, booming voice that seemed to echo off the walls of the abandoned building.

"Barty, there are things, you can't see it, or even feel it, but they are called Wraiths, I have one of my own but this one..." she moved a bit so that even though he couldn't see it he would be facing it. "Wraith guides, like the one I currently have you standing in front of help you learn certain powers, certain talents. This one..." She stopped for a moment and this time addressed the shadow, knowing that he would answer her since she had just allowed him to take some of her "What can you teach?" She asked, it didn't take long for that booming voice to reply, telling them that he taught the powers of the fadewalker. She once again began to speak to Bart, "You are still too young for these powers, but there are ones, that we can find that are closer to your skill level... that is if you wish to learn those powers. Does this sound like something that would interest you?" She asked as she kept close to him.
Jesse's Girl
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Bartimas (DELETED 5582)
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Re: Walk the Walk ((Bartimas))

Post by Bartimas (DELETED 5582) »

Warmth… A coppery taste begins to enter his mouth. Idly, his tongue flicks forwards to rest against his gums, tasting. Blood flow, from the slap, having split his inner lip with the force of her open hand’s impact across his cheek. He licks at the spot slowly, to get the bleeding to stop while she leads him along. His reply is softly spoken, more calm then the frenzied upset state from previously as he says “Who is it you have to show me too?” before he pauses, listening to her continued words. He hesitates as she speaks about his eyes, giving a soft sigh before his voice replies “I do not know what I want, I admit Ursa. I… It is hard, yes, what I go through, what happens… But blood bags are easy, and make the process easier controlled, and It…” he shakes his head slightly, saying “One way or another, ill listen to whatever you say.” He smiles gently at her, giving her arm, the one leading him, a careful squeeze, something mean to be a comforting display of affection.

The man listens as she speaks about wraiths, about her own and the one she has lead him to stand before. He keeps his questions to himself, for now, simply cocking his head as he listens first to her introducing it, before he hears it’s booming voice. Its sudden voice does noticeably make him jump a moment, before he calms. It was strange… to hear a voice that didn’t rely upon air being taken in, with no fore-warning, no motion he could easily sense attributed to it. He smiles faintly, muttering “All the good things go to the older folk I am noticing. Starts with drinking and continues into this weird sort of afterlife eh?’

It was a sign of his recovering calmness and improving cheer that he is back to making jokes of course, and he allows a warmer smile to flick into view as he says simply enough “I would be interested in learning, Yes… But what sort of tricks… Or talents and such would I possibly find useful? I admit… I barely use the talents I have picked up from just going along. Mostly that blinding trick I figured out so early…’ he trails off a moment, giving her a prompting little smile as he turns his attention more towards her while he waits, listening
Ursula Wolfe
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Re: Walk the Walk ((Bartimas))

Post by Ursula Wolfe »

Her brow arched ever so slightly as Bart brought up the fact that the older ones got all the perks. As her brow relaxed back into place though, she smirked and nodded her head, despite the fact that she knew that he couldn't see anything that she was doing. Still, she was quite just a bit longer, taking in his other questions. Which 'talents' would he use if he picked them up. Well, she didn't know all of the powers that could be achieved herself. She only knew of those that she had, and then those of the others in the family. To a point.

She shifted slightly but then looked at him as he mentioned that he used to blind power. She had used it on those she fought, but who had he used it on? "Oh? And just who are you going around blinding?" She asked with a teasing tone, "Not going around blinding random vampires are you? They tend to get a little bitchy if you attack them without provocation." Her tone was still teasing but there was a real, serious undertone to her words. A warning that was meant to protect him from doing something stupid, not that he had done anything wrong that she knew of. He had, to her knowledge, never broken the masquerade.

"That aside, I can't tell you the powers you would use, that would be up to you. I can tell you of the powers I know about. The first wraith I ran into after... taught me some interesting things. One I use on you quite often. That trick where I pull you to where ever I am. That was the first power I was taught by a wraith. Soon after I learned to summon other things... one of which being the wraith I mentioned earlier. The story is still a mystery to me as to what happened to him, but that's neither here nor there. The point is that the powers while you may not use them now, may come in handy later. I know that Jesse has a power that allows us to feel fed without having to feed, he's used it on me a time or two and it's quite a rush I'll tell you." She laughed softly, the first time he used that power on her, she felt as if she had been on a caffeine high. She hadn't had to feed from a human, hadn't had to tolerate the plain taste of bagged blood. It was now a power she set a goal to get. A distant goal, but a goal none the less.

"I know another in our family has enthralled a human, someone to basically do her grunt work. And my sire, he can find just about anyone. Of course, I now have powers that will keep him from finding me if I don't want to be found." She then glanced at him, taking him in. "Also, there is a difference between tricks and powers. What we learn from these wraiths, those are powers, they come from training. The fact that my eyes turn to that of a wolf's or that my tattoos and piercings do not heal and vanish is a trick, it is something that has just come with age. They just... developed. And you seem to be developing one that is close to a power I learned recently. Where I can lure just one human to me, you seem to be drawing many to you when you sing. They gather like rats almost." She added that last part with a teasing tone but the rest of what she had said had been pretty even and serious in nature. "Is this helping any?" She asked curiously.
Jesse's Girl
•~Fforde Forever~•
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Bartimas (DELETED 5582)
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Re: Walk the Walk ((Bartimas))

Post by Bartimas (DELETED 5582) »

He was very attentive now, carefully listening to her words. She was trying… Hard, to help him find a use for all the possibilities out there. He knows, it was just… Hard. He never really wanted this life, sought it, craved it… It came suddenly, and painful, in an alleyway here in the city. He does owe it to the world to make the most of what he was given however, and he quietly turns his attention more onto his sire as she speaks. His reply to her statement about blinding is a wry one, saying simply enough “If I smell rot and hear a shambling… I concentrate and push the effect there. Makes the slow things… The dead ones…” he clearly has a certain… distaste, for the zombies he had trained on so very many of over the last few weeks. His continues, saying “Makes them come down to my level at least. And I’m more practiced here...’ he touches his temple a moment, saying “And a few times, when someone shot at me when I was trying to find my way through the sewers… used it a bit there. People can’t shoot what they can’t see. And I think… I hope it runs out for them. Eventually...’ There is a moment of real guilt to his face in that moment, clearly pained by the idea of someone having light forever taken from them before he carefully calms his expression, going back to listening.

Feeding without needing humans? That got his immediate, and undivided attention she likely be able to notice immediately. Feeling full, not needing to feed… That was something that would very much appeal to the gentle young man and he leans forwards subtly as she describes it. He makes… A certain attempt, to not seem so nakedly longing though, saying “That… Seems like a very useful sort of talent. I… Where would one learn to do such a thing?” he then tilts his head, waiting for her reply, his attention clearly going to be on that concept for quite a while as he murmurs “No more blood bags.. Lord, that would be nice..’ He turns his gaze, blind though it is, back up to focus more directly upon her now

His smile is gentle as he says “Some of those seem very useful… Tattoos? I… Admit, I don’t see…” he chuckles, sadly, before continuing “I don’t see the attraction, as you can imagine. Same with Piercings. I… Know what they are, as a concept, but I can’t imagine them…” he shakes his head ruefully, continuing to listen, especially when she talks about the power, or trick he had been developing, conscious of its use actively or not. He says quietly “I… Would say that it seems like it’s a useful thing to be a singer with. I should probably offer to one of the family to sing or play for them if they have a business. Should make them a bit of money… Id like to give back in that way If I can..’ He nods slightly, before he leans back, quietly contemplating on what she said, murmuring “I really would like to figure out that ‘feeling fed’ trick you mentioned though.” His grin is clear at the thought
Ursula Wolfe
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CrowNet Handle: Red_Riding_Hood

Re: Walk the Walk ((Bartimas))

Post by Ursula Wolfe »

As he explained how he was able to blind, she smirked a little, she had wanted to know the who, of course, the who was explained in the same sentence so she didn't say anything. Though, she had heard that there were vampires that held the stench of death with them, those would likely get in trouble with her young progeny, or rather, he would get in trouble with them if they were older than he. Again, she kept her thoughts to herself though as he continued to speak about things, things that always served to upset her a bit, and with some of her newer tricks that had manifested with her, her eyes shifted to gold and around them an aura of danger pulsed for a moment as he mentioned the times he had been shot in the sewers. "******* hunters..." she said more to herself than him, her voice as quite as a whisper and as lethal as a black widow's poison.

Thankfully, not long after that she was distracted by his question about how to go about getting the power that would allow him to feel fed without having to feed. She smiled to him, even though she knew that he would not see it. "You would have to follow my training and the paths I have entered with time and energy. For that is the power that I eventually seek to get to myself. Not for your reasons of course, but because of the fact that our line tend to leave a lasting impression when we feed on humans. I don't know if you do or not, but I know I have. Which doesn't really matter since I kill them anyways, but yeah..."

She shook her head and then started again "Point is, that the powers that I am learning, you will have to learn as well if that is what you really want. However, it will take time, and a lot of energy. At the same time though, it could be a good thing for both of us, it will allow us to spend more time together. However, if you want to start to learn, we will have to see about finding a different wraith guide, this one has taught me one of the powers of the fadewalker, but what you need the summoner powers first and thus we will have to find Chematt, she will allow you to learn the powers that I have used on you a few times." She said with a smirk, playfully poking him since she couldn't wink at him before pulling her phone from her back pocket to see if they could find out where that guide was.
Jesse's Girl
•~Fforde Forever~•
Come little human, I'll take thee away, into a land of your horrors.

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