Ursa stood - for the most part - frozen in the spot as Bart because to talk about the life that she had brought him into. Listening as he continued to talk. A small part of her almost wanted to roll her eyes because, boy, talking about talking someone's ears off. If that were a power, Bart would be more than able to do it. Still, she concentrated, or at least tried to, on what he was saying, what it was that he was telling her, the things that were bugging him and so on and so on. The things he started with were nothing new to her, the intensity, the being able to hear things better, smell things better. All their senses were heightened and then in his case, she was sure that the senses that he did have were even more acute given his lack of sight.
It wasn't until he brought up what she did, that her own expression changed, taking on something that would have had others thinking that he had slapped her. Her blues eyes glanced around. Yes, she killed things, she destroyed things merely by walking by things or by touching them. Plants - minus weeds - wilted in her presence. She sighed, it was what she liked to call her evil within showing itself outwardly. The darkness in her soul. Yes, they killed, they destroyed, but at the same time, you can not have life without death. It was a whole circle. As she thought about this though she still listened.
He talked about being shot, and for a moment her expression changed again, this time she was angry. Angry at him for not being more careful, angry at herself for not teaching him how to be. But mostly angry at the asshole that shot him. He spoke of the pain in his eyes, how feeding seemed to make it worse, like his eyes were trying to grow back the same way that they did when she first turned him, as he had shifted from mortal to immortal in her arms. Again, there was a part of her that felt bad that he had to go through that every time he fed. There was also a moment when she thought of doing something but she had no clue if it would work. And then of course, if it could work, would Bart even be up for whatever she had in mind?
She doubted it, knowing that he still saw himself as a monster. And the way he was talking now, he was getting more and more upset about things and while she understood it, she could also see that he was spiraling outward, downward, until soon enough he would hit rock bottom and probably do something that would get them both in trouble. The more he spiraled, the more it angered her. At him. At herself. But this panic attack he was starting was going to get them both in trouble so she did the only thing she could.
Her hand lashed out like a whip, smacking him hard before she whispered in a lethal tone "Snap Out of It!" The slap was meant to be just that, a way to snap him out of what he was doing. What he was saying. He would harm himself or get them both in trouble if she hadn't done something. She hoped the pain would give him something to center on, that with that he would come around. "That said, You are already doing wonders for the name you hold. You have grown, and you are coming into your own and that makes me, makes the family very proud. So you dislike certain aspects, you don't think I don't?! Really, it's a way of life now, just as eating a burger was a way of life then. However, you need to calm the **** down before the **** hits the fan." She kept her voice in that lethal but relatively calm whisper before she tugged his arm and started to lead him towards the building she had come from earlier.
"If you want help with that pain, I have a couple ideas, both of which I am sure that you are going to dislike, but they are better than nothing, and better than you freaking out over the pain that you are feeling. What do you say?" She asked as she stopped again, looking at him, though she knew he couldn't see her, her face was a mix of anger and worry.