d'Artois: Events in Time
- Posts: 20
- Joined: 31 Jul 2013, 00:54
Re: d'Artois: Events in Time
"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"
Jacquiline: She shrugged. "To each their own I guess." She chuckled.
Doc: "So what about you.. and the Ex.." He looked at her, "I have a .. friend,
Zodiac.. she's medium.. she might be able to help you...and the.. Ex get closure..?"
Jacquiline: "Closure isn't what I need with him. I killed him for a reason Doc, he was a cheating ******** is what he was.. needless to say what he got was easy compared to what she got."
Doc: "Yea he's cheating ********.. but lets face it.. you're not lily white.. yourself. None of us are.. Do you want him hanging around for ******* ever? I wouldn't.."
Jacquiline: "Not preferably I'd rather be able to have a private life again. He can't do anything that much I have learned though. Of course even though I may not be lily white I sure as hell don't cheat..."
Doc: "Darlin.. " He looks at her, "Male point of view here.. You ******* kill people.. he forgives that.. you can’t forgive a random ****?
Jacquiline: "When he didn't ask me first the hell I can he knew about all my damn kills... **** we slept with other people together instead he fucks the ***** I hate... that's crossing a line."
Doc: "Ah.. there it is. It wasn't that he 'cheated'. It was 'who' he cheated with." He nods, "Yes. That one, even I know you don't do."
Jacquiline: "Exactly.. So I killed him and I tortured her before killing her... now they both can rot in hell as soon as I can get him to go there."
Jacquiline: "He coulda fucked anyone else I would have cared less... but her mm that was a problem."
Doc: "Which is why you should look up Zodiac. She got rid of Cat's crazed dog thing.."
Jacquiline: "Then who will I spend all my time with... its not like this city is running rampant with men... who well how do I put this... get what I like.."
Doc: "Jac.. You don't need someone else to make you whole. Its nice.. its comforting.. but you don't -need- it. And this holding on to a ******* ghost.. its destructive.. this will not end well."
Jacquiline: "Nothing ever really does in my life though now does it. Sure I take some sick twisted pleasure of making him watch me kill in a way I know he hates it.. its all I can do.. I want to get rid of him I do, but I want to be the one who does it."
Jacquiline: " I do not keep him for comfort or to feel close to someone.. he isn't even alive he is a ghost I know this.. He needs to go I know that as well. I just want to do it. I want to get him to leave and make him go to hell.. I want to know he is suffering. Is it twisted and fucked up sure it is."
Doc: Doc looked at her for a long moment. He knew that look. He saw it when he looked in the mirror. He didn't want someone else interfering in his 'fun'. He rubbed his chin. "Alright." he nodded. "I get it. I do." He added softly, "If you find.. you want.. help.. you will ask me?"
Jacquiline: She nodded to him. "I'd only take this help if I knew I got to be the one to banish him." a pause "Or with a guarantee of his suffering eternally since he decided to haunt me."
Doc: "If you want nothing more than.. moral support.. I'm there."
Jacquiline: "and I appreciate that. to be honest for a moment, I'd like a life outside of the killing, the training, this apartment, I love my life but damn if I don't get bored."
Doc: "yea.. I get that too.." He shoot his head, "Cyth is gone. It's kill.. hunt.. kill.. kill some more.. " He sighed. "And I met this girl.. and things looked up.. but then there is Cyth.. "
Doc: "So its back to Hunt, kill kill kill.."
Jacquiline: She nodded to him. "Oh what girl?" She asked curiously.
Doc: He grinned, "Zodiac.. SHe's .. feisty.. and sexy.. and damn smart.." the smile faded.. "But you know..."
Jacquiline: "What... why not?"
Doc: "I'm ******* bound to Cytherea.. "
Jacquiline: "Well its not like she is here now is it... wouldn't Zodiac be ok with that?"
Doc: "I don't know.. "He shook his head, "She's a lady.. she's someone I wouldn't want to disrespect that way.. And even if Cyth ******* left me.. I don't want to ******* disrespect her either.. "
Jacquiline: She nodded to him. "I can understand that entirely I do."
Jacquiline: "What about a divorce or whatever the equivalent would be.?"
Doc: "There is that.. but what does it say about me.. that I gave up after only 75 days...? Hell that's ******* pathetic.. We have eternity.. and I cant wait more than 75 ******* days?"
Jacquiline: "You have to make that decision and be damned what others think. I mean really Doc you kill people and enjoy it... you can't care to much about what other people think about you."
Jacquiline: "None of us can"
Doc: "Yea.. you miss my point.. I don't care what people think about me.. But I care about my actions.. and I would look at someone else and think they were ****.. so .. if they **** for that.. then so am I.. and thats.. where I am.. I am ******* ****. BEcause, I want a woman not my wife.. at least I don't have to ******* act on it.
Jacquiline: "Then don't act on it and deal with the crazy **** that happens. Deal with the loneliness, the damn anxiety when you can’t get any, the loss of being close to someone deal with that then."
Doc: "This is me ******* dealing with .. dumping this **** on you.. see how that works?" he smirked slightly.
Jacquiline: "Deal with having no one to spend this ******* eternity with... that is what I get to do.. why do you think I am haunted by my ex... there is a reason.. more to our relationship than any person knows or understands." She shook her head and smirked. "Well then I will just start dumping my **** on you.. fair is fair."
Doc: "Indeed it is.. spew away.. " It would actually be a relief to forget his own needs in favor of some one elses.
Jacquiline: "I dealt with his wanting more than just me because it was better than the alternative being a cop into BDSM well it isn't something widely accepted among coworkers. I took what I could get... I loved him I did with all I had not I hate him more than anything else... He wont leave because he is the only one who ever made me happy and feel any sense of normal.. I am twisted and fucked up and people don't get that. Now I live for eternity and am totally fucked."
Doc: Doc's initial reaction wasn to try to fix the situation. But, he remembered Cyth telling, sometimes 'we women just want to be listened to. don't try to fix me! Just let me talk.'. So He looked at Jacqui wanting to offer some sort of solution, but he bit it back, "You can't let him win. You gotta be stronger than him. Don't know how.. just know you have to."
Jacquiline: "Yeah that is easy enough.. let me ask you this Doc I get rid of him.. who is left who really knows and understands me... who would understand those dark and twisted desires I have. No one that's who. He may be haunting me and drive me insane but I can talk to him and still have someone who can at least discuss those matters with me. You know the fucked up part... I haven't been with anyone since him." She hated herself for saying it aloud.
Doc: Doc looked at her, He knew those words. He knew them so ******* well. That was exactly how he felt about Cyth. She knew the worst about him, all the dirty hateful secrets, and she didn’t care. But then, she left... him. "Damn.. I am almost jealous.. you at least get to hear his voice.. I don't even have that."
Jacquiline: She looked at him seriously. "It doesn't help most the time he strikes out telling me when I get rid of him because he knows I will, I will be all alone again... he taunts me.. Sure sometimes I can get a conversation it is kinda nice at the same point nothing will ever come out of it. It's torture knowing I will never really have him, of course when he was alive I never really had him though either."
Doc: "Yea.. you get derisive comments.. I am constantly second guessing myself. Maybe if did this.. or didn’t do that... maybe maybe maybe.." He stopped. He stayed silent for a while. "**** it Jac.. I just want to know what the **** I did. She was smiling.. and laughing talking about me.. bringing her ******* coffee when she gets back.. in a couple weeks.. Well it been over ten ******* weeks .. and the god damn coffee i bought her eight weeks ago.. is still ******* rotting on the counter." His voice bitter.
Jacquiline: She looked at Doc and sighed to him. "Doc she is gone and will probably not return... I will tell you what when you decide to move past her I will get rid of the ex of mine." It was a deal of sorts but she was comfortable with it. "Doc honestly she probably couldn't tell you she was leaving out of guilt so she did it in a different way.
Jacquiline: Women are wicked evil little things."
Jacquiline: She shrugged. "To each their own I guess." She chuckled.
Doc: "So what about you.. and the Ex.." He looked at her, "I have a .. friend,
Zodiac.. she's medium.. she might be able to help you...and the.. Ex get closure..?"
Jacquiline: "Closure isn't what I need with him. I killed him for a reason Doc, he was a cheating ******** is what he was.. needless to say what he got was easy compared to what she got."
Doc: "Yea he's cheating ********.. but lets face it.. you're not lily white.. yourself. None of us are.. Do you want him hanging around for ******* ever? I wouldn't.."
Jacquiline: "Not preferably I'd rather be able to have a private life again. He can't do anything that much I have learned though. Of course even though I may not be lily white I sure as hell don't cheat..."
Doc: "Darlin.. " He looks at her, "Male point of view here.. You ******* kill people.. he forgives that.. you can’t forgive a random ****?
Jacquiline: "When he didn't ask me first the hell I can he knew about all my damn kills... **** we slept with other people together instead he fucks the ***** I hate... that's crossing a line."
Doc: "Ah.. there it is. It wasn't that he 'cheated'. It was 'who' he cheated with." He nods, "Yes. That one, even I know you don't do."
Jacquiline: "Exactly.. So I killed him and I tortured her before killing her... now they both can rot in hell as soon as I can get him to go there."
Jacquiline: "He coulda fucked anyone else I would have cared less... but her mm that was a problem."
Doc: "Which is why you should look up Zodiac. She got rid of Cat's crazed dog thing.."
Jacquiline: "Then who will I spend all my time with... its not like this city is running rampant with men... who well how do I put this... get what I like.."
Doc: "Jac.. You don't need someone else to make you whole. Its nice.. its comforting.. but you don't -need- it. And this holding on to a ******* ghost.. its destructive.. this will not end well."
Jacquiline: "Nothing ever really does in my life though now does it. Sure I take some sick twisted pleasure of making him watch me kill in a way I know he hates it.. its all I can do.. I want to get rid of him I do, but I want to be the one who does it."
Jacquiline: " I do not keep him for comfort or to feel close to someone.. he isn't even alive he is a ghost I know this.. He needs to go I know that as well. I just want to do it. I want to get him to leave and make him go to hell.. I want to know he is suffering. Is it twisted and fucked up sure it is."
Doc: Doc looked at her for a long moment. He knew that look. He saw it when he looked in the mirror. He didn't want someone else interfering in his 'fun'. He rubbed his chin. "Alright." he nodded. "I get it. I do." He added softly, "If you find.. you want.. help.. you will ask me?"
Jacquiline: She nodded to him. "I'd only take this help if I knew I got to be the one to banish him." a pause "Or with a guarantee of his suffering eternally since he decided to haunt me."
Doc: "If you want nothing more than.. moral support.. I'm there."
Jacquiline: "and I appreciate that. to be honest for a moment, I'd like a life outside of the killing, the training, this apartment, I love my life but damn if I don't get bored."
Doc: "yea.. I get that too.." He shoot his head, "Cyth is gone. It's kill.. hunt.. kill.. kill some more.. " He sighed. "And I met this girl.. and things looked up.. but then there is Cyth.. "
Doc: "So its back to Hunt, kill kill kill.."
Jacquiline: She nodded to him. "Oh what girl?" She asked curiously.
Doc: He grinned, "Zodiac.. SHe's .. feisty.. and sexy.. and damn smart.." the smile faded.. "But you know..."
Jacquiline: "What... why not?"
Doc: "I'm ******* bound to Cytherea.. "
Jacquiline: "Well its not like she is here now is it... wouldn't Zodiac be ok with that?"
Doc: "I don't know.. "He shook his head, "She's a lady.. she's someone I wouldn't want to disrespect that way.. And even if Cyth ******* left me.. I don't want to ******* disrespect her either.. "
Jacquiline: She nodded to him. "I can understand that entirely I do."
Jacquiline: "What about a divorce or whatever the equivalent would be.?"
Doc: "There is that.. but what does it say about me.. that I gave up after only 75 days...? Hell that's ******* pathetic.. We have eternity.. and I cant wait more than 75 ******* days?"
Jacquiline: "You have to make that decision and be damned what others think. I mean really Doc you kill people and enjoy it... you can't care to much about what other people think about you."
Jacquiline: "None of us can"
Doc: "Yea.. you miss my point.. I don't care what people think about me.. But I care about my actions.. and I would look at someone else and think they were ****.. so .. if they **** for that.. then so am I.. and thats.. where I am.. I am ******* ****. BEcause, I want a woman not my wife.. at least I don't have to ******* act on it.
Jacquiline: "Then don't act on it and deal with the crazy **** that happens. Deal with the loneliness, the damn anxiety when you can’t get any, the loss of being close to someone deal with that then."
Doc: "This is me ******* dealing with .. dumping this **** on you.. see how that works?" he smirked slightly.
Jacquiline: "Deal with having no one to spend this ******* eternity with... that is what I get to do.. why do you think I am haunted by my ex... there is a reason.. more to our relationship than any person knows or understands." She shook her head and smirked. "Well then I will just start dumping my **** on you.. fair is fair."
Doc: "Indeed it is.. spew away.. " It would actually be a relief to forget his own needs in favor of some one elses.
Jacquiline: "I dealt with his wanting more than just me because it was better than the alternative being a cop into BDSM well it isn't something widely accepted among coworkers. I took what I could get... I loved him I did with all I had not I hate him more than anything else... He wont leave because he is the only one who ever made me happy and feel any sense of normal.. I am twisted and fucked up and people don't get that. Now I live for eternity and am totally fucked."
Doc: Doc's initial reaction wasn to try to fix the situation. But, he remembered Cyth telling, sometimes 'we women just want to be listened to. don't try to fix me! Just let me talk.'. So He looked at Jacqui wanting to offer some sort of solution, but he bit it back, "You can't let him win. You gotta be stronger than him. Don't know how.. just know you have to."
Jacquiline: "Yeah that is easy enough.. let me ask you this Doc I get rid of him.. who is left who really knows and understands me... who would understand those dark and twisted desires I have. No one that's who. He may be haunting me and drive me insane but I can talk to him and still have someone who can at least discuss those matters with me. You know the fucked up part... I haven't been with anyone since him." She hated herself for saying it aloud.
Doc: Doc looked at her, He knew those words. He knew them so ******* well. That was exactly how he felt about Cyth. She knew the worst about him, all the dirty hateful secrets, and she didn’t care. But then, she left... him. "Damn.. I am almost jealous.. you at least get to hear his voice.. I don't even have that."
Jacquiline: She looked at him seriously. "It doesn't help most the time he strikes out telling me when I get rid of him because he knows I will, I will be all alone again... he taunts me.. Sure sometimes I can get a conversation it is kinda nice at the same point nothing will ever come out of it. It's torture knowing I will never really have him, of course when he was alive I never really had him though either."
Doc: "Yea.. you get derisive comments.. I am constantly second guessing myself. Maybe if did this.. or didn’t do that... maybe maybe maybe.." He stopped. He stayed silent for a while. "**** it Jac.. I just want to know what the **** I did. She was smiling.. and laughing talking about me.. bringing her ******* coffee when she gets back.. in a couple weeks.. Well it been over ten ******* weeks .. and the god damn coffee i bought her eight weeks ago.. is still ******* rotting on the counter." His voice bitter.
Jacquiline: She looked at Doc and sighed to him. "Doc she is gone and will probably not return... I will tell you what when you decide to move past her I will get rid of the ex of mine." It was a deal of sorts but she was comfortable with it. "Doc honestly she probably couldn't tell you she was leaving out of guilt so she did it in a different way.
Jacquiline: Women are wicked evil little things."
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Re: d'Artois: Events in Time
"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"
Doc: "Part of me .. wants to believe that.. the other part, said Cyth wouldn't be that woman, ever." He snorts, "You realize this means your fuckin' stuck with Casper... because I can't see me .. moving past this any time soon."
Jacquiline: "Well I'm fucked with Casper and you torture yourself, aren't we just two damn peas in a pod." She shook her head taking a deep breath. "Honestly she probably didn't have the heart to tell you. Not to be mean to you but because she probably cared too much and couldn't stand to see herself hurting you so she hid it and did it the only way she could do it."
Doc: "Yea.. just like Casper doesn't want to leave you .. he fucked up .. he knew it.. it was a power thing.. He might taunt you.. but that's a typical male darlin.. he probably did it when he was alive too. You just didn't see it in the same light."
Jacquiline: "Well at least when he was alive I got laid out of the deal." She said sarcastically shaking her head.
Doc: "Yea.. when Cyth here.. damn did I get laid.. " He grinned. "Foreplay was rough.. but ..DAYUM."
Jacquiline: She grinned and chuckled. "Yeah.. now I feel like a damn recluse... or like I am trying to reclaim my virginity.." She shook her head again. "There was more than that but that was definitely a bonus."
Doc: "And fighting.. then you get to have make up sex.. " He grinned, "Sometimes she would just start **** .. for that reason..."
Jacquiline: "That was always the best." She nodded and grinned. "It would be fun and get out of control and being human well there was that risk of going to far but it was worth it..."
Doc: Doc grinned at Jac, and held up his hand.. "See this ring.. we're bound eternally she and I.. and this means.. we shouldn’t be able to ******* hurt each other if we attack.. " his face took on a softer look at the memory, "She ******* severed my leg! I mean what-the-****... if that isn't hurting .. what the **** is?"
Jacquiline: She looked at Doc and took in what he was saying. "Well that is fucked up... really" She glanced around and was quiet for a while as if lost in her own thought. Then looking back to Doc she perked a brow. "So what do we do now.. you have a tortured soul I have a ghost who has a sick sense of humor following me torturing me..." She stopped there as if not knowing what else to say.
Doc: "we keep each other from doing something stupid.. " then he grinned, "And we gang up on Cat.. "
Jacquiline: She laughed and nodded to him. "Alright works for me... so uh what do we define as something stupid?"
Doc: "That's as far as I got.. which is farther than I got yesterday..."
Jacquiline: She nodded to him and got lost in thought. "Ok what is off limits... no revealing ourselves or sleeping outside in the daylight...."
Jacquiline: "Hobbies we need hobbies! besides killing.. something pleasing and that can take the place of sex..." She stopped and bit her lip thinking on that one.
Doc: "Yea.. I am thinking about seeing if Zodiac will let me do some counseling... maybe you could start a business?"
Jacquiline: "Me start a business... uh well hmm" She sat there. "I could that would take some time though and a lot of studying..."
Jacquiline: "And is counseling pleasing to you?"
Doc: "I think it would be interesting.. so see how people's minds work.. in this new.. existence.. as far as I know.. there has been any papers don't on it.."
Jacquiline: "That could be really interesting." She nods to him. "Well that works."
Doc: "Part of me .. wants to believe that.. the other part, said Cyth wouldn't be that woman, ever." He snorts, "You realize this means your fuckin' stuck with Casper... because I can't see me .. moving past this any time soon."
Jacquiline: "Well I'm fucked with Casper and you torture yourself, aren't we just two damn peas in a pod." She shook her head taking a deep breath. "Honestly she probably didn't have the heart to tell you. Not to be mean to you but because she probably cared too much and couldn't stand to see herself hurting you so she hid it and did it the only way she could do it."
Doc: "Yea.. just like Casper doesn't want to leave you .. he fucked up .. he knew it.. it was a power thing.. He might taunt you.. but that's a typical male darlin.. he probably did it when he was alive too. You just didn't see it in the same light."
Jacquiline: "Well at least when he was alive I got laid out of the deal." She said sarcastically shaking her head.
Doc: "Yea.. when Cyth here.. damn did I get laid.. " He grinned. "Foreplay was rough.. but ..DAYUM."
Jacquiline: She grinned and chuckled. "Yeah.. now I feel like a damn recluse... or like I am trying to reclaim my virginity.." She shook her head again. "There was more than that but that was definitely a bonus."
Doc: "And fighting.. then you get to have make up sex.. " He grinned, "Sometimes she would just start **** .. for that reason..."
Jacquiline: "That was always the best." She nodded and grinned. "It would be fun and get out of control and being human well there was that risk of going to far but it was worth it..."
Doc: Doc grinned at Jac, and held up his hand.. "See this ring.. we're bound eternally she and I.. and this means.. we shouldn’t be able to ******* hurt each other if we attack.. " his face took on a softer look at the memory, "She ******* severed my leg! I mean what-the-****... if that isn't hurting .. what the **** is?"
Jacquiline: She looked at Doc and took in what he was saying. "Well that is fucked up... really" She glanced around and was quiet for a while as if lost in her own thought. Then looking back to Doc she perked a brow. "So what do we do now.. you have a tortured soul I have a ghost who has a sick sense of humor following me torturing me..." She stopped there as if not knowing what else to say.
Doc: "we keep each other from doing something stupid.. " then he grinned, "And we gang up on Cat.. "
Jacquiline: She laughed and nodded to him. "Alright works for me... so uh what do we define as something stupid?"
Doc: "That's as far as I got.. which is farther than I got yesterday..."
Jacquiline: She nodded to him and got lost in thought. "Ok what is off limits... no revealing ourselves or sleeping outside in the daylight...."
Jacquiline: "Hobbies we need hobbies! besides killing.. something pleasing and that can take the place of sex..." She stopped and bit her lip thinking on that one.
Doc: "Yea.. I am thinking about seeing if Zodiac will let me do some counseling... maybe you could start a business?"
Jacquiline: "Me start a business... uh well hmm" She sat there. "I could that would take some time though and a lot of studying..."
Jacquiline: "And is counseling pleasing to you?"
Doc: "I think it would be interesting.. so see how people's minds work.. in this new.. existence.. as far as I know.. there has been any papers don't on it.."
Jacquiline: "That could be really interesting." She nods to him. "Well that works."

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Re: d'Artois: Events in Time
"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"
Catherine Nilson: *calls him*
Doc: Doc was in a depressed pissed off mood. He had been avoiding all calls if possible. The last one he took resulted in an hour long screaming match. He debated not even looking, but he did. And he saw it was from Cat. He answered, carefully. "Hello."
Catherine Nilson: Had she known how depressed and pissed off he was going to get, Cat would have refused to leave, but she was kind of preoccupied with her boyfriend. Speaking of, "Hi dad." She did not elaborate for a long silence, then realized she had been the one who called him, and thus it was her responsibility to carry on the conversation. "How is your stuff?"
Doc: Doc lifted an eyebrow. 'His Stuff' What the hell was she referring to? His manhood? "Still Working.. last I checked" He pulled the phone away from his ear and stared at it, before speaking once more, "um.. Why?"
Catherine Nilson: "Well you know that stuff you were going to do with the paladin?" Emphasis on the word were.
Doc: "Still planning on doing.. yes.. just have to ******* find her...and Get Axel to call her" He paused, "Wait.. you know where she is?" yes! This would lift his spirits. Whose spirits weren't lifted by some good-old-fashioned--water-boarding-torture?
Catherine Nilson: Cat exhaled. Oh wow. She was so bad at this. She needed to take Talking To People classes, or at least read some books about it. Doc was going to probably shoot someone. "You might want to read the Death Discussion thread's last few pages." Don't ask her to elaborate, don't ask her to elaborate, don't ask her to elaborate…
Doc: "What? She's ******* DEAD?! DAMMIT" He wanted to throw the goddamn phone against the wall. This just wasn't his *******, day, week, or month! "Who the **** killed her?" His voice lower muttering, 'dammit .. dammit to hell..now I gotta find another ******* paladin..'
Catherine Nilson: "It's worse than that." She waited until she was sure he was listening. "You know how she used to date my boyfriend? Well she kind of came on that thread and..." Green makes a suggestion about how she should act and what she should say, so Cat's voice starts inflecting, which it rarely ever does, usually being deadpan. "She's a vampire and she wants to chop Axel's dick and the Sangue killed Ivy for mouthing off and they'll probably kill me next if I try to defend Axel, not that he needs it, but every time she threatens him I feel like hunting her down and stuffing her into one of those giant stripper cakes."
Doc: "Slow down.. Sangue.. that is Prudence and the Ghetto strippers- right?" His voice lower, as he ponders, "Look if she's threatening Axel.. Tytonidae could just ******* kill her, so don’t do anything stupid or rash.." his voice got stronger, "And by stupid or rash.. I mean replying on the public forum! Almost every ******* time Ivy has gotten killed, its because she ran her damn mouth on the forums. Forum trolls are rabid dogs. Don't even reply. Tell me you haven't .. " he waited. "Cat?"
Catherine Nilson: "Uh, I might have a little." A scenario was playing out in her head wherein Jessica attacked Axel, so Tytonidae attacked Jessica, so Cat was allowed to help them, and she stuffed Jessica into a stripper cake and baked her into the cake, and Tytonidae had a gross party with a dead vampire stripper in it.
Doc: Doc counted. He focused. Cat had to learn to stand on her own two feet. And after that she was Axel's responsibility; she made that perfectly clear. And she had stood on her own two feet, and done just fine. His options were clear as he replied in a flat voice. "Right. It obviously worked out for you."
Catherine Nilson: "Well I wasn't a ***** about it. I just told her to leave Axel alone, then a bunch of people defended me, and Jessica's sire told her to stop posting, but Jessica didn't stop posting, so I stopped posting and it made her look like an idiot." Cat had just done what came naturally.
Catherine Nilson: *calls him*
Doc: Doc was in a depressed pissed off mood. He had been avoiding all calls if possible. The last one he took resulted in an hour long screaming match. He debated not even looking, but he did. And he saw it was from Cat. He answered, carefully. "Hello."
Catherine Nilson: Had she known how depressed and pissed off he was going to get, Cat would have refused to leave, but she was kind of preoccupied with her boyfriend. Speaking of, "Hi dad." She did not elaborate for a long silence, then realized she had been the one who called him, and thus it was her responsibility to carry on the conversation. "How is your stuff?"
Doc: Doc lifted an eyebrow. 'His Stuff' What the hell was she referring to? His manhood? "Still Working.. last I checked" He pulled the phone away from his ear and stared at it, before speaking once more, "um.. Why?"
Catherine Nilson: "Well you know that stuff you were going to do with the paladin?" Emphasis on the word were.
Doc: "Still planning on doing.. yes.. just have to ******* find her...and Get Axel to call her" He paused, "Wait.. you know where she is?" yes! This would lift his spirits. Whose spirits weren't lifted by some good-old-fashioned--water-boarding-torture?
Catherine Nilson: Cat exhaled. Oh wow. She was so bad at this. She needed to take Talking To People classes, or at least read some books about it. Doc was going to probably shoot someone. "You might want to read the Death Discussion thread's last few pages." Don't ask her to elaborate, don't ask her to elaborate, don't ask her to elaborate…
Doc: "What? She's ******* DEAD?! DAMMIT" He wanted to throw the goddamn phone against the wall. This just wasn't his *******, day, week, or month! "Who the **** killed her?" His voice lower muttering, 'dammit .. dammit to hell..now I gotta find another ******* paladin..'
Catherine Nilson: "It's worse than that." She waited until she was sure he was listening. "You know how she used to date my boyfriend? Well she kind of came on that thread and..." Green makes a suggestion about how she should act and what she should say, so Cat's voice starts inflecting, which it rarely ever does, usually being deadpan. "She's a vampire and she wants to chop Axel's dick and the Sangue killed Ivy for mouthing off and they'll probably kill me next if I try to defend Axel, not that he needs it, but every time she threatens him I feel like hunting her down and stuffing her into one of those giant stripper cakes."
Doc: "Slow down.. Sangue.. that is Prudence and the Ghetto strippers- right?" His voice lower, as he ponders, "Look if she's threatening Axel.. Tytonidae could just ******* kill her, so don’t do anything stupid or rash.." his voice got stronger, "And by stupid or rash.. I mean replying on the public forum! Almost every ******* time Ivy has gotten killed, its because she ran her damn mouth on the forums. Forum trolls are rabid dogs. Don't even reply. Tell me you haven't .. " he waited. "Cat?"
Catherine Nilson: "Uh, I might have a little." A scenario was playing out in her head wherein Jessica attacked Axel, so Tytonidae attacked Jessica, so Cat was allowed to help them, and she stuffed Jessica into a stripper cake and baked her into the cake, and Tytonidae had a gross party with a dead vampire stripper in it.
Doc: Doc counted. He focused. Cat had to learn to stand on her own two feet. And after that she was Axel's responsibility; she made that perfectly clear. And she had stood on her own two feet, and done just fine. His options were clear as he replied in a flat voice. "Right. It obviously worked out for you."
Catherine Nilson: "Well I wasn't a ***** about it. I just told her to leave Axel alone, then a bunch of people defended me, and Jessica's sire told her to stop posting, but Jessica didn't stop posting, so I stopped posting and it made her look like an idiot." Cat had just done what came naturally.

Ego correctionis silentio grammatica tua
IC Forum username: That Guy
Dressed by Ariadne-
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- Posts: 157
- Joined: 26 Jun 2013, 01:33
Re: d'Artois: Events in Time
"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"
Catherine Nilson: "Oh... and a bunch of lesbians told us to stop fighting over a man. I wasn't fighting her, just warning her what would happen if she hurt him. You'd do it too if somebody threatened me."
Doc: "Good job." Yea he was a ******* horrible sire. "Thanks for calling.."
Catherine Nilson: "Wait. You're doing it again."
Doc: His voice emotionally flat, "Doing what again?"
Catherine Nilson: Cat picked at her nails, "That thing where you get really mad and storm off, probably to torture a human."
Doc: "So?"
Catherine Nilson: "So you never take me with you," Cat complained straightforwardly.
Doc: "Its not a group activity." And he refrained from saying, and you are better off without me.. remember? "Besides, you have your childe to sort out."
Catherine Nilson: "I wouldn't get in the way..." Cat missed him.
Doc: "I am not going to kill anyone Cat.. you're not missing anything. Besides Axel would take you."
Catherine Nilson: "It's not the same! You just don't get it." Cat was getting frustrated. Sometimes SHE felt like the smart one, and he was the stupid one.
Doc: "No.. I don't. But I do get, that you are doing just fine without me. I got that loud and clear."
Catherine Nilson: "I thought that's what you wanted," Cat mumbled after a few seconds of stunned silence.
Doc: "You thought wrong."
Catherine Nilson: "You wanted me to mess up and have a shitty time on my own with my childe? You jerk." It was her turn to refrain from tossing the phone.
Doc: "No. I wanted you to do it yourself. Not run to Axel."
Catherine Nilson: "You're just jealous," Cat said before she could stop herself, "That I have someone and you keep chasing everybody away because you're an emotionally constipated JERK." She had meant to say something along the lines of how much she missed him, but Cat was hurt. She would always be a disappointment, wouldn't she.
Doc: "Thanks for calling Cat.. it's always a pleasure be told what a **** up I am. Have a nice night." His voice bland. Yea he shouldn't have even answered the ******* phone.
Catherine Nilson: "You're the **** up? You're the one who's always disappointed in me. I miss you and you don't even care, you won't even let me do murdering stuff with you."
Doc: "Did I say I was disappointed in you? No. In fact I said ‘good Job’. ‘GOOD ******* JOB Cat’! And You did it, all on your own.. without me. You're the one that said you were better without.. and You were RIGHT. OK? I get it!"
Catherine Nilson: "No you don't. You don't get anything," she scolded him. "I love you and you don't even care, you just want me to read your mind and be perfect for you. I can't be perfect, dad! If you wanted me to depend completely on you then you shouldn't have made life with you such a ******* pain. After Cyth left you've been such a jerk."
Doc: Doc sighed, "I know. Sorry.”
Catherine Nilson: "Do you want me to move back in?" she demanded. She needed to know what he needed, she was just as worried about him as she was irritated.
Doc: "No.. You're happy where you are." He honestly didn't know what he needed.
Catherine Nilson: "I'd be happy there too. I'm pretty much fine anywhere as long as people are nice to me." She had simple needs.
Doc: "No.. you've moved on. You don't need to go backwards." He meant it. As much as it killed him to say it, he knew it was true, "If you and Axel breakup.. You can come back." He knew that wasn't gonna happen.
Catherine Nilson: Cat made plans to talk to Zodiac. That smart lady would know what to do about Doc. Cat was sure that Doc was pushing people away, and craving their companionship at the same time, but that was the limit of her understanding. What to do about it besides shoot him up with horse tranquilizer when he got uppity was beyond her. "It would be more like sideways? Anyway I have to go. Sorry I said that mean stuff to you. I'm still angry about Jessica."
Doc: "Yea I get it.. Bye Cat."
Catherine Nilson: "Oh... and a bunch of lesbians told us to stop fighting over a man. I wasn't fighting her, just warning her what would happen if she hurt him. You'd do it too if somebody threatened me."
Doc: "Good job." Yea he was a ******* horrible sire. "Thanks for calling.."
Catherine Nilson: "Wait. You're doing it again."
Doc: His voice emotionally flat, "Doing what again?"
Catherine Nilson: Cat picked at her nails, "That thing where you get really mad and storm off, probably to torture a human."
Doc: "So?"
Catherine Nilson: "So you never take me with you," Cat complained straightforwardly.
Doc: "Its not a group activity." And he refrained from saying, and you are better off without me.. remember? "Besides, you have your childe to sort out."
Catherine Nilson: "I wouldn't get in the way..." Cat missed him.
Doc: "I am not going to kill anyone Cat.. you're not missing anything. Besides Axel would take you."
Catherine Nilson: "It's not the same! You just don't get it." Cat was getting frustrated. Sometimes SHE felt like the smart one, and he was the stupid one.
Doc: "No.. I don't. But I do get, that you are doing just fine without me. I got that loud and clear."
Catherine Nilson: "I thought that's what you wanted," Cat mumbled after a few seconds of stunned silence.
Doc: "You thought wrong."
Catherine Nilson: "You wanted me to mess up and have a shitty time on my own with my childe? You jerk." It was her turn to refrain from tossing the phone.
Doc: "No. I wanted you to do it yourself. Not run to Axel."
Catherine Nilson: "You're just jealous," Cat said before she could stop herself, "That I have someone and you keep chasing everybody away because you're an emotionally constipated JERK." She had meant to say something along the lines of how much she missed him, but Cat was hurt. She would always be a disappointment, wouldn't she.
Doc: "Thanks for calling Cat.. it's always a pleasure be told what a **** up I am. Have a nice night." His voice bland. Yea he shouldn't have even answered the ******* phone.
Catherine Nilson: "You're the **** up? You're the one who's always disappointed in me. I miss you and you don't even care, you won't even let me do murdering stuff with you."
Doc: "Did I say I was disappointed in you? No. In fact I said ‘good Job’. ‘GOOD ******* JOB Cat’! And You did it, all on your own.. without me. You're the one that said you were better without.. and You were RIGHT. OK? I get it!"
Catherine Nilson: "No you don't. You don't get anything," she scolded him. "I love you and you don't even care, you just want me to read your mind and be perfect for you. I can't be perfect, dad! If you wanted me to depend completely on you then you shouldn't have made life with you such a ******* pain. After Cyth left you've been such a jerk."
Doc: Doc sighed, "I know. Sorry.”
Catherine Nilson: "Do you want me to move back in?" she demanded. She needed to know what he needed, she was just as worried about him as she was irritated.
Doc: "No.. You're happy where you are." He honestly didn't know what he needed.
Catherine Nilson: "I'd be happy there too. I'm pretty much fine anywhere as long as people are nice to me." She had simple needs.
Doc: "No.. you've moved on. You don't need to go backwards." He meant it. As much as it killed him to say it, he knew it was true, "If you and Axel breakup.. You can come back." He knew that wasn't gonna happen.
Catherine Nilson: Cat made plans to talk to Zodiac. That smart lady would know what to do about Doc. Cat was sure that Doc was pushing people away, and craving their companionship at the same time, but that was the limit of her understanding. What to do about it besides shoot him up with horse tranquilizer when he got uppity was beyond her. "It would be more like sideways? Anyway I have to go. Sorry I said that mean stuff to you. I'm still angry about Jessica."
Doc: "Yea I get it.. Bye Cat."

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Re: d'Artois: Events in Time
"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"
Doc: *Doc got the telepathic messages and called her immediately. He waited impatiently as the cell rang*
Cytherea: *Cyth heard the buzzing and fished through her bag before she opened the phone and spoke. ''Hello..'' her voice was a little hoarse and sore due to the lack of blood she had suffered through for months.*
Doc: "Cyth? Is that you?" Doc was running as he spoke, he had ported back to the Depot, ported to Bullwood transit, and took it to CHerrydale and now was on his way back to the apartment. The one he hadn't been in for the last month, because he couldn't stand it being empty. "Tell me that's you.."
Cytherea: The place looked dusty as she gazed around the room, her confusion evident. ''Of course it's me..'' who else would it be? She noted the cup of coffee on the counter, she hadn't left it there. And he couldn't drink it. ''I have no idea whats going on, and everything around the city is different... and..'' truth be told, she was scared. A lot of time seemed to have passed, but it was only last week she left.
Doc: The relief, the euphoria, the rush of emotions all at once, what something he wasn't used to. Anger yes.. Irritation of course. But this was different, "I'm almost home.. Don’t go anywhere.. And .. where the **** have you been!?" The question wasn't asked in anger but in relief.
Cytherea: ''I don't know how to explain it.. I don't even know what happened myself.'' she mumbled, her fingernails finding their way to her lips as she began to chew nervously. How mad was he going to be? Cat had said that he was a wreck, but in a way that he would want to shout at her then tell her to leave again? The nerves continued to build in her stomach. ''I'm so sorry..''
Doc: Doc burst through the apartment door, and hurriedly searched the apartment until he found. He pulled her into his arms and held her like he was never letting her go, "God.. I thought you left me... Everyone said you left me.. I thought .. " he stopped talking and just held her.
Cytherea: All those fears vanished when he pulled her close, her own arms locking around him tightly, her face finding comfort against his chest. ''You should know better. Didn't we make promises..? Besides, who else would I take limbs from..'' she tried to joke, but it didn't help the ache she felt. She thought she had lost him due to the incident that had happened.
Doc: *He smelled her hair. He pulled back and kissed her, hard, possessively. When he finally pulled free, he cradled her, "Ok.. Tell me what happened..where have you been? Was it something I did?"
Cytherea: Relief was a welcome feeling, along with his lips against her own. When he pulled free she was a little dazed, though she heard his question. ''No.. it's hard to explain. It feels like I only left a week ago. I was reading memories, I saw something, then I was meditating and it just.. I woke up a little while ago. But my plant house was ruined, the flowers were dead when they had been fine minutes ago, and weeds, there were a lot of them. It doesn't make any sense. And the city's changed, Pi's place too. So many traps and beasts.''
Doc: "Cyth.. you've been gone three months.. " He looked at her, "How long do you think you've been gone?" She hadn't left him. Yes he was concerned that she experienced some massive time loss, but she hadn't left him. The feelings that he was experiencing was something he wasn't used to, and it was all he could do not to grin ear from ear. He smoothed her hair back from her face.. to be able to touch her, that was he wanted at the moment, except he knew they needed to get to the bottom of her 'absence'.
Cytherea: Three months. The news was like a punch to the stomach for her, the little colour she'd regained from feeding had faded, her lips turning into a confused frown. ''I don't.. but.. it was only a week ago I left you.'' she mumbled. It was true she knew it had been a while longer than that, because of her green house, but that amount of time? No wonder the hunger had almost killed her when she woke. She looked up at him, her teeth biting into her bottom lip, it was clear she was distressed, but she felt guilty. ''You thought I'd just left?''
Doc: "Hell Cyth.. what else was I suppose to think?" He wasn't proud of it, but it was the truth. And if there was one thing he knew about her, she could take the truth. "I even went to the SR looking for you. Ruth told me you weren't there.. but I went anyway.. just to make sure. You weren't there. So I figured, You realized you were better off without me.."
Cytherea: It hurt to think he'd thought that, but giving the circumstances, she understood. It had been longer than a week after all. His last words made her angry though, and she punched his shoulder, though it held little vigor. ''Don't say things like that! Didn't we already discuss this?'' they had, in length. It was something she remembered clearly before she had left. ''I understand, but still.. you know how I feel. I'm sorry.. you must have hated me for a while, thinking I just left with no word..''
Doc: "Hated you.. No. I never hated you. I was angry for while.. " A while? He was raging hate beast for the last six weeks. He alienated Cat, Vel, Pi, Ruth, Jacq, hell almost everyone. "I was angry for a while.. " He nodded and winced, "I did some things.. you might not like..."
Cytherea: That didn't sound good, at all. It didn't matter though, he could have killed half the city and she'd accept it, as long as he didn't hate her. She smiled faintly, pressing another kiss to his lips as her arms tightened around him. ''What did you do?'' or rather, who did he kill, was her question. But she wouldn't be so bold with that. ''What's happened since I've been.. gone.''
Doc: "Ok.. " He grimaced. "You need to understand.. that I angry.. and I took it out.. on a Paladin.. that I had locked in the psych ward in the hospital.. I couldn’t kill her.. cause.. well.. it would be noticed.. I uh.. raped her. It just sorta .. happened." He braced for the slap, punch, gunshot, whatever she was gonna do, he'd take it. He deserved it from her.
Cytherea: Her mouth opened and closed. Had he really just said that..? Her arms fell away from him as she took a step back, then another. Killing someone would have been a blessing, anything but that. She remained silent, what could she say? What could she do.. he thought she was gone, and she had been for a while, so he was free to do as he wanted. Free to be with who he wanted, do as he pleased. But it didn't lessen the blow.
Doc: '****! **** **** ****!' He yelled at himself. 'You fucked up.. you gotta make it right.' He rubbed his face as he tried to think of how he could make it right. "I'm sorry." A ******* apology..Like that was gonna make it right? Try again. "It was anger.. it wasnt lust.. ******* ***** nearly killed me.." he started getting angry just remembering.. "She thought she could fuckign cage me! Like a god damn animal!"
Cytherea: Sex, he'd had sex with another female. That was all she could think about, him and someone else. Forced or not, lustful or not, he'd shared something intimate with someone that wasn't his wife. And it hurt more than she could fathom. ''Why didn't you just kill her.. instead of.. of..'' it was the first time she'd ever wished death on someone, but she couldn't help how she felt. She couldn't think, and she certainly couldn't stand right now, so she lowered herself to sit on the coffee table, her head falling into her lap as she tried to think. Thinking would be a good way to solve this.
Doc: He wanted to hold her, touch her. But he knew he better not. She needed time. "Shoot me.. ******* kill me.. just dont leave me Cyth... please.." He didn't know what else to do. He crouched by her, but he didn't touch her. He wouldn't until she made the first move.
Doc: *Doc got the telepathic messages and called her immediately. He waited impatiently as the cell rang*
Cytherea: *Cyth heard the buzzing and fished through her bag before she opened the phone and spoke. ''Hello..'' her voice was a little hoarse and sore due to the lack of blood she had suffered through for months.*
Doc: "Cyth? Is that you?" Doc was running as he spoke, he had ported back to the Depot, ported to Bullwood transit, and took it to CHerrydale and now was on his way back to the apartment. The one he hadn't been in for the last month, because he couldn't stand it being empty. "Tell me that's you.."
Cytherea: The place looked dusty as she gazed around the room, her confusion evident. ''Of course it's me..'' who else would it be? She noted the cup of coffee on the counter, she hadn't left it there. And he couldn't drink it. ''I have no idea whats going on, and everything around the city is different... and..'' truth be told, she was scared. A lot of time seemed to have passed, but it was only last week she left.
Doc: The relief, the euphoria, the rush of emotions all at once, what something he wasn't used to. Anger yes.. Irritation of course. But this was different, "I'm almost home.. Don’t go anywhere.. And .. where the **** have you been!?" The question wasn't asked in anger but in relief.
Cytherea: ''I don't know how to explain it.. I don't even know what happened myself.'' she mumbled, her fingernails finding their way to her lips as she began to chew nervously. How mad was he going to be? Cat had said that he was a wreck, but in a way that he would want to shout at her then tell her to leave again? The nerves continued to build in her stomach. ''I'm so sorry..''
Doc: Doc burst through the apartment door, and hurriedly searched the apartment until he found. He pulled her into his arms and held her like he was never letting her go, "God.. I thought you left me... Everyone said you left me.. I thought .. " he stopped talking and just held her.
Cytherea: All those fears vanished when he pulled her close, her own arms locking around him tightly, her face finding comfort against his chest. ''You should know better. Didn't we make promises..? Besides, who else would I take limbs from..'' she tried to joke, but it didn't help the ache she felt. She thought she had lost him due to the incident that had happened.
Doc: *He smelled her hair. He pulled back and kissed her, hard, possessively. When he finally pulled free, he cradled her, "Ok.. Tell me what happened..where have you been? Was it something I did?"
Cytherea: Relief was a welcome feeling, along with his lips against her own. When he pulled free she was a little dazed, though she heard his question. ''No.. it's hard to explain. It feels like I only left a week ago. I was reading memories, I saw something, then I was meditating and it just.. I woke up a little while ago. But my plant house was ruined, the flowers were dead when they had been fine minutes ago, and weeds, there were a lot of them. It doesn't make any sense. And the city's changed, Pi's place too. So many traps and beasts.''
Doc: "Cyth.. you've been gone three months.. " He looked at her, "How long do you think you've been gone?" She hadn't left him. Yes he was concerned that she experienced some massive time loss, but she hadn't left him. The feelings that he was experiencing was something he wasn't used to, and it was all he could do not to grin ear from ear. He smoothed her hair back from her face.. to be able to touch her, that was he wanted at the moment, except he knew they needed to get to the bottom of her 'absence'.
Cytherea: Three months. The news was like a punch to the stomach for her, the little colour she'd regained from feeding had faded, her lips turning into a confused frown. ''I don't.. but.. it was only a week ago I left you.'' she mumbled. It was true she knew it had been a while longer than that, because of her green house, but that amount of time? No wonder the hunger had almost killed her when she woke. She looked up at him, her teeth biting into her bottom lip, it was clear she was distressed, but she felt guilty. ''You thought I'd just left?''
Doc: "Hell Cyth.. what else was I suppose to think?" He wasn't proud of it, but it was the truth. And if there was one thing he knew about her, she could take the truth. "I even went to the SR looking for you. Ruth told me you weren't there.. but I went anyway.. just to make sure. You weren't there. So I figured, You realized you were better off without me.."
Cytherea: It hurt to think he'd thought that, but giving the circumstances, she understood. It had been longer than a week after all. His last words made her angry though, and she punched his shoulder, though it held little vigor. ''Don't say things like that! Didn't we already discuss this?'' they had, in length. It was something she remembered clearly before she had left. ''I understand, but still.. you know how I feel. I'm sorry.. you must have hated me for a while, thinking I just left with no word..''
Doc: "Hated you.. No. I never hated you. I was angry for while.. " A while? He was raging hate beast for the last six weeks. He alienated Cat, Vel, Pi, Ruth, Jacq, hell almost everyone. "I was angry for a while.. " He nodded and winced, "I did some things.. you might not like..."
Cytherea: That didn't sound good, at all. It didn't matter though, he could have killed half the city and she'd accept it, as long as he didn't hate her. She smiled faintly, pressing another kiss to his lips as her arms tightened around him. ''What did you do?'' or rather, who did he kill, was her question. But she wouldn't be so bold with that. ''What's happened since I've been.. gone.''
Doc: "Ok.. " He grimaced. "You need to understand.. that I angry.. and I took it out.. on a Paladin.. that I had locked in the psych ward in the hospital.. I couldn’t kill her.. cause.. well.. it would be noticed.. I uh.. raped her. It just sorta .. happened." He braced for the slap, punch, gunshot, whatever she was gonna do, he'd take it. He deserved it from her.
Cytherea: Her mouth opened and closed. Had he really just said that..? Her arms fell away from him as she took a step back, then another. Killing someone would have been a blessing, anything but that. She remained silent, what could she say? What could she do.. he thought she was gone, and she had been for a while, so he was free to do as he wanted. Free to be with who he wanted, do as he pleased. But it didn't lessen the blow.
Doc: '****! **** **** ****!' He yelled at himself. 'You fucked up.. you gotta make it right.' He rubbed his face as he tried to think of how he could make it right. "I'm sorry." A ******* apology..Like that was gonna make it right? Try again. "It was anger.. it wasnt lust.. ******* ***** nearly killed me.." he started getting angry just remembering.. "She thought she could fuckign cage me! Like a god damn animal!"
Cytherea: Sex, he'd had sex with another female. That was all she could think about, him and someone else. Forced or not, lustful or not, he'd shared something intimate with someone that wasn't his wife. And it hurt more than she could fathom. ''Why didn't you just kill her.. instead of.. of..'' it was the first time she'd ever wished death on someone, but she couldn't help how she felt. She couldn't think, and she certainly couldn't stand right now, so she lowered herself to sit on the coffee table, her head falling into her lap as she tried to think. Thinking would be a good way to solve this.
Doc: He wanted to hold her, touch her. But he knew he better not. She needed time. "Shoot me.. ******* kill me.. just dont leave me Cyth... please.." He didn't know what else to do. He crouched by her, but he didn't touch her. He wouldn't until she made the first move.

Ego correctionis silentio grammatica tua
IC Forum username: That Guy
Dressed by Ariadne-
- Registered User
- Posts: 261
- Joined: 10 Jun 2012, 09:29
- CrowNet Handle: The Wife
Re: d'Artois: Events in Time
Cytherea: She was angry, so angry, her head shot up as she felt his presence near, tears rolling down her cheeks. Her hand shot out to punch him, but it stopped before a blow could land. She couldn't do it. ''Sex. Of all the things to do.. I just.. ughh.'' she wanted to scream. No. Calm, stay calm. ''God, you're lucky I love you,'' she bit out, glaring at him. ''How would you feel if I had laid with another?'' she said, daring him to lie. She knew how he'd feel, he was jealous and possessive.
Doc: The thought of her with someone else, he would kill them. And then kill them again. "I'd kill em. Not just once. Don't do that.." Would she do that to get back at him? Her being gone was bad.. but that? He raked his hair back, she almost hit him, but she didn't. She couldn't bare to touch him, now. To have her so close, and not be allowed to hold her? Touch her? And to think she'd go to another?! He wasn’t going to touch her, but it was an unconscious move that made his hand move to touch her face, "Don't do that.. Cyth.. please.."
Cytherea: ''Don't insult me.'' she all but growled, the thought of even being with anyone else disgusted her. She tilted her chin away from him, a childish gesture, but she was upset at the moment. Though when his hand touched her face, she felt that chin wobble, the pain throbbing in her chest. ''I'm angry.. hurt, so hurt.. but I still love you. I'm not without blame.. I wasn't here. You thought I was gone. But still. How could you sleep with someone else? Why not just kill them like before?'' her gaze turned to find his.
Doc: Doc dropped his hand. Good. She might be pissed he thought it.. and actually said it to her.. but he was fuckign relieved at her disgusted reaction, he almost smirked with relief. "I just .. I just got you back.. and I have fucked it up already.. " the irony made him to laugh at himself. You ******* idiot. "But I would rather you know.. cause I told you I wouldn't lie you." He rocked back on his heels and stood up. "I don't blame you for being pissed. And it wasn’t your fault. Unless you purposely stayed away from me.. its not your fault. It was mine."
Cytherea: At this moment in time, would she have rathered he lied? Perhaps, but he remembered that she hated secrets. With a sigh she turned away, her head throbbing. This was a lot to take in. Way too much. ''I don't know what to say Doc. Do you want this woman? What even possessed you to do something like that?'' she couldn't look at him right now, but she did anyways. ''I'd love to punch you, but then I'd only be hurting myself in the long run, ‘cause of how I'd feel, plus I don't want to hurt you.'' she halfheartedly kicked his shin, knowing it wouldn't do any damage. ''What am I meant to say or do, Doc?''
Doc: "I told you.. it was anger.. power.. me showing her, who the **** was boss... " He shrugged, "Hell if I could have killed her,.. I would have done that instead.. ******* *****." he almost spit the word. "And I will ******* kill her. After I have destroyed everything in her life she cares about.. The last thing she has left.. is life.. and I will take that too." His voice was hard and determined. Then he looked at Cytherea, and he smiled, "And now that you're back.. it will make it that much more enjoyable." He smiled at her. She was hating on him right now, but that was because she cared. **** yes, he would take that. "So.. why were you gone so long?"
Cytherea: Cytherea stared hard at him for a moment, before she spoke. ''Either you can kill her now, or you can leave her alone. Or else I'm done and gone. You can pick either of those, and I'll let it slide and move past what you did.'' that smile pissed her off, she wanted to kick him harder, but she resisted it. ''Enjoyable.. yeah.'' she mumbled, before she listened to his last question. ''Well.. I just woke up a few hours ago. So I'm not really sure why it lasted so long. It was like going to sleep, but only thinking it was for a few hours, instead of months.''
Doc: "I'll kill her. No doubt about it." Doc sat on the couch across from her. "But you.. what made you go sleep? There had to be a trigger.. an event that made you sleep. Was it something you did.. or something that happened on it's own? Hell I don’t want it happening to you where you could be vulnerable.. " IF this was something that could happen against her will, he needed to be able to bring her home.. keep her safe.
Cytherea: ''Tonight or tomorrow. Not a few weeks down the line.'' she wasn't leaving room for any argument on that front, either he took care of her now, or she'd leave. ''I'm not sure.. it was strange. I was reading Cat's memories.. they were disturbing, I got a little frightened, or a lot. So i tried to calm myself down by meditation, and then I just woke up and everything was changed, and now I'm here with three months of my life gone.''
Doc: Doc nodded, he had planned on killing her anyway.. when wasn't really the issue. But when she said Cat's memories, He thought back 3 months, what was going on with Cat three months back? He frowned as it hit him, "****.. that was before the exorcism.." He reached out to take Cyth's hand, "There was a.. fae, or demon.. or something possessing Cat.. It was why she was acting so ******* weird.. Zodiac did her thing on Cat.. and dispelled it.. It played with Cat's mind.. It probably did the same thing to you.."
Cytherea: Exorcism. Well, that wasn't strange at all. Vampire exorcism. Her 'brows knitted together in confusion as she stared at him. ''Well.. I.. I don't know what to say. Does this pose a problem for me using mind read? Perhaps I just need to become a little stronger using the power..'' she continued pondering over what this actually meant.
Doc: "The entity.. what ever the hell was.. is gone now.. but 3 months ago.. it wasn't .. This thing was bad news.. and It tried to lock down Zodiac.. but she was stronger than it thought.. if you weren't prepared for the fight.. like Zodiac was, when you were reading memories... Then.. yea it could have done a number on you.. " He held her hand. "And I didn't know.. I should have known.."
Cytherea: ''No more blame game. It's happened. It's done. I need to be more careful when I do these things, and do them at home, so you can find me. Instead of being else where.'' she was still hurt, deeply, but she was relaxing more, allowing her body to slouch against his on the couch. ''What else have I missed..? I'm sure much has happened in that time?'' it was a scary thought, to miss so much.
Doc: "Yea.. you missed .. Jacq. Jacquiline... She was a cop.. well still is..She's staying at the other apartment. Cat.. is living with Axel now.. She spawned a **** for brains.. Thing named Julian.. or some ****.. I kinda stayed out the city politics.. but there a brief.. very brief time when the city tried to create a governing body with rules and laws,.. it failed.. I bought you a house.."
Cytherea: ''Jacq? Is she a new childe of yours? Axel? Do you like him? does he treat her nice? If not, he's losing his head..'' she liked Cat, a lot. So if anyone dared to hurt her, she would end their life in seconds, though she was sure Doc would rather prolong their suffering. ''Rules and laws? How long did that last?'' It was amusing, to think people would try to control other vampires, clearly it would fail. ''You.. bought me a house? Don't you mean us? And.. what?''
Doc: "Well yes us.. but it was more for you.. you like **** like that.." He shrugged, it was also one of his, 'maybe if she had a house she would come back attempts. "Yea Jacq is a new childe. And it the laws never made it out of the 'draft' stage. Sorta Like I knew it would..And Axel he's one weird ****. Guy has fuckgin bugs under his skin.."
Cytherea: It caused a smile to spread, that he had thought of her even when she was gone, not just in anger or pain. ''You'll have to bring me to it, so we can possibly move in and decorate. Lots of flowers.'' he would hate that, and all the other stuff she'd probably put around the place. At the mention of the male bug magnet, she shuddered. That was disgusting, why did Cat like that? ''Bugs.. lovely.''
Doc: "No.. not lovely.. but if Cat likes it .. ok.. other than the bugs and ****.. hes a good guy.. he's in Tytonidae.. so ..I can kinda keep an eye out.. Not that I need too.. but if I did.. I could... And yea.. we can move into the house.. It was a new sub-division that was being built.. Larch Court.. " He stood up and went to the bedroom and collected the key and took it back to her. "Your key.."
Doc: The thought of her with someone else, he would kill them. And then kill them again. "I'd kill em. Not just once. Don't do that.." Would she do that to get back at him? Her being gone was bad.. but that? He raked his hair back, she almost hit him, but she didn't. She couldn't bare to touch him, now. To have her so close, and not be allowed to hold her? Touch her? And to think she'd go to another?! He wasn’t going to touch her, but it was an unconscious move that made his hand move to touch her face, "Don't do that.. Cyth.. please.."
Cytherea: ''Don't insult me.'' she all but growled, the thought of even being with anyone else disgusted her. She tilted her chin away from him, a childish gesture, but she was upset at the moment. Though when his hand touched her face, she felt that chin wobble, the pain throbbing in her chest. ''I'm angry.. hurt, so hurt.. but I still love you. I'm not without blame.. I wasn't here. You thought I was gone. But still. How could you sleep with someone else? Why not just kill them like before?'' her gaze turned to find his.
Doc: Doc dropped his hand. Good. She might be pissed he thought it.. and actually said it to her.. but he was fuckign relieved at her disgusted reaction, he almost smirked with relief. "I just .. I just got you back.. and I have fucked it up already.. " the irony made him to laugh at himself. You ******* idiot. "But I would rather you know.. cause I told you I wouldn't lie you." He rocked back on his heels and stood up. "I don't blame you for being pissed. And it wasn’t your fault. Unless you purposely stayed away from me.. its not your fault. It was mine."
Cytherea: At this moment in time, would she have rathered he lied? Perhaps, but he remembered that she hated secrets. With a sigh she turned away, her head throbbing. This was a lot to take in. Way too much. ''I don't know what to say Doc. Do you want this woman? What even possessed you to do something like that?'' she couldn't look at him right now, but she did anyways. ''I'd love to punch you, but then I'd only be hurting myself in the long run, ‘cause of how I'd feel, plus I don't want to hurt you.'' she halfheartedly kicked his shin, knowing it wouldn't do any damage. ''What am I meant to say or do, Doc?''
Doc: "I told you.. it was anger.. power.. me showing her, who the **** was boss... " He shrugged, "Hell if I could have killed her,.. I would have done that instead.. ******* *****." he almost spit the word. "And I will ******* kill her. After I have destroyed everything in her life she cares about.. The last thing she has left.. is life.. and I will take that too." His voice was hard and determined. Then he looked at Cytherea, and he smiled, "And now that you're back.. it will make it that much more enjoyable." He smiled at her. She was hating on him right now, but that was because she cared. **** yes, he would take that. "So.. why were you gone so long?"
Cytherea: Cytherea stared hard at him for a moment, before she spoke. ''Either you can kill her now, or you can leave her alone. Or else I'm done and gone. You can pick either of those, and I'll let it slide and move past what you did.'' that smile pissed her off, she wanted to kick him harder, but she resisted it. ''Enjoyable.. yeah.'' she mumbled, before she listened to his last question. ''Well.. I just woke up a few hours ago. So I'm not really sure why it lasted so long. It was like going to sleep, but only thinking it was for a few hours, instead of months.''
Doc: "I'll kill her. No doubt about it." Doc sat on the couch across from her. "But you.. what made you go sleep? There had to be a trigger.. an event that made you sleep. Was it something you did.. or something that happened on it's own? Hell I don’t want it happening to you where you could be vulnerable.. " IF this was something that could happen against her will, he needed to be able to bring her home.. keep her safe.
Cytherea: ''Tonight or tomorrow. Not a few weeks down the line.'' she wasn't leaving room for any argument on that front, either he took care of her now, or she'd leave. ''I'm not sure.. it was strange. I was reading Cat's memories.. they were disturbing, I got a little frightened, or a lot. So i tried to calm myself down by meditation, and then I just woke up and everything was changed, and now I'm here with three months of my life gone.''
Doc: Doc nodded, he had planned on killing her anyway.. when wasn't really the issue. But when she said Cat's memories, He thought back 3 months, what was going on with Cat three months back? He frowned as it hit him, "****.. that was before the exorcism.." He reached out to take Cyth's hand, "There was a.. fae, or demon.. or something possessing Cat.. It was why she was acting so ******* weird.. Zodiac did her thing on Cat.. and dispelled it.. It played with Cat's mind.. It probably did the same thing to you.."
Cytherea: Exorcism. Well, that wasn't strange at all. Vampire exorcism. Her 'brows knitted together in confusion as she stared at him. ''Well.. I.. I don't know what to say. Does this pose a problem for me using mind read? Perhaps I just need to become a little stronger using the power..'' she continued pondering over what this actually meant.
Doc: "The entity.. what ever the hell was.. is gone now.. but 3 months ago.. it wasn't .. This thing was bad news.. and It tried to lock down Zodiac.. but she was stronger than it thought.. if you weren't prepared for the fight.. like Zodiac was, when you were reading memories... Then.. yea it could have done a number on you.. " He held her hand. "And I didn't know.. I should have known.."
Cytherea: ''No more blame game. It's happened. It's done. I need to be more careful when I do these things, and do them at home, so you can find me. Instead of being else where.'' she was still hurt, deeply, but she was relaxing more, allowing her body to slouch against his on the couch. ''What else have I missed..? I'm sure much has happened in that time?'' it was a scary thought, to miss so much.
Doc: "Yea.. you missed .. Jacq. Jacquiline... She was a cop.. well still is..She's staying at the other apartment. Cat.. is living with Axel now.. She spawned a **** for brains.. Thing named Julian.. or some ****.. I kinda stayed out the city politics.. but there a brief.. very brief time when the city tried to create a governing body with rules and laws,.. it failed.. I bought you a house.."
Cytherea: ''Jacq? Is she a new childe of yours? Axel? Do you like him? does he treat her nice? If not, he's losing his head..'' she liked Cat, a lot. So if anyone dared to hurt her, she would end their life in seconds, though she was sure Doc would rather prolong their suffering. ''Rules and laws? How long did that last?'' It was amusing, to think people would try to control other vampires, clearly it would fail. ''You.. bought me a house? Don't you mean us? And.. what?''
Doc: "Well yes us.. but it was more for you.. you like **** like that.." He shrugged, it was also one of his, 'maybe if she had a house she would come back attempts. "Yea Jacq is a new childe. And it the laws never made it out of the 'draft' stage. Sorta Like I knew it would..And Axel he's one weird ****. Guy has fuckgin bugs under his skin.."
Cytherea: It caused a smile to spread, that he had thought of her even when she was gone, not just in anger or pain. ''You'll have to bring me to it, so we can possibly move in and decorate. Lots of flowers.'' he would hate that, and all the other stuff she'd probably put around the place. At the mention of the male bug magnet, she shuddered. That was disgusting, why did Cat like that? ''Bugs.. lovely.''
Doc: "No.. not lovely.. but if Cat likes it .. ok.. other than the bugs and ****.. hes a good guy.. he's in Tytonidae.. so ..I can kinda keep an eye out.. Not that I need too.. but if I did.. I could... And yea.. we can move into the house.. It was a new sub-division that was being built.. Larch Court.. " He stood up and went to the bedroom and collected the key and took it back to her. "Your key.."

Death is a delightful hiding place for weary men.

Death is a delightful hiding place for weary men.
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Re: d'Artois: Events in Time
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
November 17, 2013
Catherine Nilson: Hi dad.
Doc: Hello Cat.. what's up?
Catherine Nilson:
I had a bad dream that I turned into a gay weasel.
Doc: What had you been doing before you went to sleep? Feed off a drug addict or some such?
Catherine Nilson: Hm. Well First I put on my pajamas. Not the gym shorts and tank top. The other ones. And socks. Those regular ones with the pink trim. Then I laid down under the blankets and thought I should buy a space heater. But then I started thinking about the fifth. And then when I fell asleep, you guys-- you an Axel-- you were tied up, and I couldn't do anything, so I turned into this weird weasel badger thing and ripped everybody apart and saved you, and Axel called me his hero, and you said I was the best childer in the world and that you were buying me a motorcycle. But. I couldn't ride the motorcycle. Because I didn't have thumbs. Because I was a stupid weasel thing. And I woke up crying.
Doc: Doc pressed his lips together, furrowed his brow like he was deep in thought, when in truth he was trying really hard not to laugh his *** off. "I see..." It was a monumental feat that he managed to say those two syllables in all seriousness. He drew a deep breath and counted. Then he considered parts of her 'dream', he knew it was very real to her, and it affected her deeply. He tapped his chin absently, and finally asked, "Who captured Axel and I?"
Catherine Nilson: "Those whiny ones." She suddenly veered off subject and crashed into a tree, "Did you know the army is keeping people out of the mausoleum?" They wouldn't let her in, but they did frisk her. It wasn't fair.
Doc: "Because too many ******* humans found out about the zombies there.. and ran their mouth to their friends. That's why if you see a human there.. you ******* kill them, so they cant run their mouths. And about the whiny asses.." Doc mussed her hair, "Axel and I will be just fine. And if we get a vacation to the SR.. you can ******* believe I am coming back meaner than before."
Catherine Nilson: "Yeah, I'll be meaner too," she said. When she didn't get sire or boyfriend attention for a week, the world would probably explode.
Doc: "Good.." He smiled at her, with almost a tender look on his face, "And the bit about the motorcycle.. was good.. a very nice touch.. I am not buying you a car." The look vanished as if it never existed.
Catherine Nilson: She returned the deadpan look and nodded as if that hadn't been her intention in the first place and she was blameless and upright.
Doc: Doc inwardly smiled. She was trying and trying really hard. He appreciated her tenacity. "So I saw your ... pally friend the other night.."
Catherine Nilson: Her serious expression turned actually serious, which involved a knitting of her brow and a darkening of her features. "Dad, I don't make friends with paladins. They're gross."
Doc: "So maybe she's not your friend.. but you were sitting on her.. she was doing push-ups. She was a paladin. I cut her tattoos off of her myself."
Catherine Nilson: "We know." Cat meant we in terms of Axel and her. "Axel made her better." By making her better, she meant that he tamed her against her will, and that she would probably snap without him.
Doc: "So she's not a friend?"
Catherine Nilson: "She's Axel's childe, so I guess. I look out for her sort of."
Doc: Doc was hoping she would say 'no.. no it isn't' that way if he had to kill it, he wouldn't have to hear it from Cat and Axel. He still didn't trust it. There was something about it, he didn't trust. But if it fucked up, he would be there to help sent it on an all expense paid trip to the SR. "I see."
Catherine Nilson: "She's so into eating that she forgets to do normal stuff like comb her hair. So I punch her until she remembers." That's looking out for each other.
Doc: "Maybe next time you should shoot her..see if she remembers better?" He looked passive as he offered the suggestion.
Catherine Nilson: "Good idea, dad." That usually works for her, anyway. Paige will probably like it.
Doc: "Happy to help.. " He smirked.
Catherine Nilson: She sits down in the depot and texts with Axel.
Doc: *watched her and subsided into silence*
November 17, 2013
Catherine Nilson: Hi dad.
Doc: Hello Cat.. what's up?
Catherine Nilson:

Doc: What had you been doing before you went to sleep? Feed off a drug addict or some such?
Catherine Nilson: Hm. Well First I put on my pajamas. Not the gym shorts and tank top. The other ones. And socks. Those regular ones with the pink trim. Then I laid down under the blankets and thought I should buy a space heater. But then I started thinking about the fifth. And then when I fell asleep, you guys-- you an Axel-- you were tied up, and I couldn't do anything, so I turned into this weird weasel badger thing and ripped everybody apart and saved you, and Axel called me his hero, and you said I was the best childer in the world and that you were buying me a motorcycle. But. I couldn't ride the motorcycle. Because I didn't have thumbs. Because I was a stupid weasel thing. And I woke up crying.
Doc: Doc pressed his lips together, furrowed his brow like he was deep in thought, when in truth he was trying really hard not to laugh his *** off. "I see..." It was a monumental feat that he managed to say those two syllables in all seriousness. He drew a deep breath and counted. Then he considered parts of her 'dream', he knew it was very real to her, and it affected her deeply. He tapped his chin absently, and finally asked, "Who captured Axel and I?"
Catherine Nilson: "Those whiny ones." She suddenly veered off subject and crashed into a tree, "Did you know the army is keeping people out of the mausoleum?" They wouldn't let her in, but they did frisk her. It wasn't fair.
Doc: "Because too many ******* humans found out about the zombies there.. and ran their mouth to their friends. That's why if you see a human there.. you ******* kill them, so they cant run their mouths. And about the whiny asses.." Doc mussed her hair, "Axel and I will be just fine. And if we get a vacation to the SR.. you can ******* believe I am coming back meaner than before."
Catherine Nilson: "Yeah, I'll be meaner too," she said. When she didn't get sire or boyfriend attention for a week, the world would probably explode.
Doc: "Good.." He smiled at her, with almost a tender look on his face, "And the bit about the motorcycle.. was good.. a very nice touch.. I am not buying you a car." The look vanished as if it never existed.
Catherine Nilson: She returned the deadpan look and nodded as if that hadn't been her intention in the first place and she was blameless and upright.
Doc: Doc inwardly smiled. She was trying and trying really hard. He appreciated her tenacity. "So I saw your ... pally friend the other night.."
Catherine Nilson: Her serious expression turned actually serious, which involved a knitting of her brow and a darkening of her features. "Dad, I don't make friends with paladins. They're gross."
Doc: "So maybe she's not your friend.. but you were sitting on her.. she was doing push-ups. She was a paladin. I cut her tattoos off of her myself."
Catherine Nilson: "We know." Cat meant we in terms of Axel and her. "Axel made her better." By making her better, she meant that he tamed her against her will, and that she would probably snap without him.
Doc: "So she's not a friend?"
Catherine Nilson: "She's Axel's childe, so I guess. I look out for her sort of."
Doc: Doc was hoping she would say 'no.. no it isn't' that way if he had to kill it, he wouldn't have to hear it from Cat and Axel. He still didn't trust it. There was something about it, he didn't trust. But if it fucked up, he would be there to help sent it on an all expense paid trip to the SR. "I see."
Catherine Nilson: "She's so into eating that she forgets to do normal stuff like comb her hair. So I punch her until she remembers." That's looking out for each other.
Doc: "Maybe next time you should shoot her..see if she remembers better?" He looked passive as he offered the suggestion.
Catherine Nilson: "Good idea, dad." That usually works for her, anyway. Paige will probably like it.
Doc: "Happy to help.. " He smirked.
Catherine Nilson: She sits down in the depot and texts with Axel.
Doc: *watched her and subsided into silence*

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Re: d'Artois: Events in Time
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
November 19, 2013
Doc: Ah that days are finally getting longer. no more hanging out in the lab..
Catherine Nilson: "Dad… DAD.. can I use the lab?"
Doc: You want to use the lab?
Doc: My Lab?
Doc: *ponders* Well.. I am not going to be needing it..
Doc: *taps chin* No
Catherine Nilson: "but it's really important"
Doc: Doc smirked slightly, "Really Important?"
Catherine Nilson: Cat Nods.
Doc: Doc nods, "Then In that case.. No."
Later on the 19th, 2013
Doc: Doc looks at her with his usual bland expression.
Catherine Nilson: This should be a lesson for you dad, that I could have been a weird hyper Asian girl who calls you daddy-o and throws glitter.
Doc: And I would have disowned you.
Catherine Nilson: You can't get rid of me that easy, I know where you sleep
Doc: you do now. At the time you didnt.
Doc: I said Would HAVE
Catherine Nilson: *had thought about this before and had formulated a plan. Like all of her plans it involves the ground, and being inside of it. *
Catherine Nilson: Oh past tense, niiiice
Doc: Now If I am called that .. I hunt you down and shoot you.
Catherine Nilson: I would have gone Nick Cage and yelled a lot while running through fire to show the fire in my noob fledgling heart..
Catherine Nilson: And you would have been unmoved like that Egyptian guy in that movie about the commandments so I would have called down plagues on you...
Doc: He just stares at her.
Catherine Nilson: *her plan for producing a plague involves holding Axel upside down over Doc and shaking bugs out onto him*
Catherine Nilson: I won't call you daddy because I am not six years old
Doc: The Plague.. like bugs…? Bugs are going to do what to me..? Make me not want to shoot you? Or shoot you more.. what do you think?
Catherine Nilson: Um
Catherine Nilson: I guess grossing you out a little is not worth getting shot.
Doc: Perhaps you should rethink your tactics.
Catherine Nilson: You already love me so I won't make another backup plan
Catherine Nilson: Maybe when I get paranoid
Doc: You should have backup plans for your backup plans.
Catherine Nilson: But you will never disown me
Doc: I learned many years ago, one should not ever, say the word 'never', in such a definitive statement.
Catherine Nilson: I guess not
Doc: So you do not plan to give me reason to 'ever' disown you ...are you?
Catherine Nilson: Never
Doc: I am going to hold you to it.
November 21, 2013
Catherine Nilson: Cat: I'm a healer, not a fighter.
Doc: He looked at her.
Doc: Healer?
Doc: Really?
Doc: Meaning?
Catherine Nilson: I heal stuff like you doctor stuff, and we kill stuff.
Catherine Nilson: *finds a box of tools, there are tiny Docs inside yelling at her and telling her she is a disappointment. She laughs and shakes them.* Heh heh heh
Catherine Nilson: *An alarm sounds and the guards find Cat running from an imaginary swarm of Doc Bees, the deadliest form of Doc.* Don'tletthemgetmedon'tletthemgetmedon'tletthemgetme
November 22, 2013
Catherine Nilson: Dad
Catherine Nilson: Dad
Catherine Nilson: Dad
Catherine Nilson: Dad
Doc: What?
Catherine Nilson: Hi.
Doc: *gives her a look* Hello.
Catherine Nilson: I'm going to go over there now. *runs*
Doc: What the ****.. Come back here!
Catherine Nilson: *stops and turns* What?
Doc: What’s going on?
Doc: *narrow eyes stare*
Catherine Nilson: Nothing, just wanted to say hi, jeez.
Doc: *He doesn’t believe her.. but he nods* Alright...
Catherine Nilson: I want a kitty pikachu!
Doc: No.
Catherine Nilson: No?
Doc: No Pikachu for you
Catherine Nilson: What did I do? D:
Doc: You would dissect it.
Catherine Nilson: Give me some credit. =|
November 19, 2013
Doc: Ah that days are finally getting longer. no more hanging out in the lab..
Catherine Nilson: "Dad… DAD.. can I use the lab?"
Doc: You want to use the lab?
Doc: My Lab?
Doc: *ponders* Well.. I am not going to be needing it..
Doc: *taps chin* No
Catherine Nilson: "but it's really important"
Doc: Doc smirked slightly, "Really Important?"
Catherine Nilson: Cat Nods.
Doc: Doc nods, "Then In that case.. No."
Later on the 19th, 2013
Doc: Doc looks at her with his usual bland expression.
Catherine Nilson: This should be a lesson for you dad, that I could have been a weird hyper Asian girl who calls you daddy-o and throws glitter.
Doc: And I would have disowned you.
Catherine Nilson: You can't get rid of me that easy, I know where you sleep
Doc: you do now. At the time you didnt.
Doc: I said Would HAVE
Catherine Nilson: *had thought about this before and had formulated a plan. Like all of her plans it involves the ground, and being inside of it. *
Catherine Nilson: Oh past tense, niiiice
Doc: Now If I am called that .. I hunt you down and shoot you.
Catherine Nilson: I would have gone Nick Cage and yelled a lot while running through fire to show the fire in my noob fledgling heart..
Catherine Nilson: And you would have been unmoved like that Egyptian guy in that movie about the commandments so I would have called down plagues on you...
Doc: He just stares at her.
Catherine Nilson: *her plan for producing a plague involves holding Axel upside down over Doc and shaking bugs out onto him*
Catherine Nilson: I won't call you daddy because I am not six years old
Doc: The Plague.. like bugs…? Bugs are going to do what to me..? Make me not want to shoot you? Or shoot you more.. what do you think?
Catherine Nilson: Um
Catherine Nilson: I guess grossing you out a little is not worth getting shot.
Doc: Perhaps you should rethink your tactics.
Catherine Nilson: You already love me so I won't make another backup plan
Catherine Nilson: Maybe when I get paranoid
Doc: You should have backup plans for your backup plans.
Catherine Nilson: But you will never disown me
Doc: I learned many years ago, one should not ever, say the word 'never', in such a definitive statement.
Catherine Nilson: I guess not
Doc: So you do not plan to give me reason to 'ever' disown you ...are you?
Catherine Nilson: Never
Doc: I am going to hold you to it.
November 21, 2013
Catherine Nilson: Cat: I'm a healer, not a fighter.
Doc: He looked at her.
Doc: Healer?
Doc: Really?
Doc: Meaning?
Catherine Nilson: I heal stuff like you doctor stuff, and we kill stuff.
Catherine Nilson: *finds a box of tools, there are tiny Docs inside yelling at her and telling her she is a disappointment. She laughs and shakes them.* Heh heh heh
Catherine Nilson: *An alarm sounds and the guards find Cat running from an imaginary swarm of Doc Bees, the deadliest form of Doc.* Don'tletthemgetmedon'tletthemgetmedon'tletthemgetme
November 22, 2013
Catherine Nilson: Dad
Catherine Nilson: Dad
Catherine Nilson: Dad
Catherine Nilson: Dad
Doc: What?
Catherine Nilson: Hi.
Doc: *gives her a look* Hello.
Catherine Nilson: I'm going to go over there now. *runs*
Doc: What the ****.. Come back here!
Catherine Nilson: *stops and turns* What?
Doc: What’s going on?
Doc: *narrow eyes stare*
Catherine Nilson: Nothing, just wanted to say hi, jeez.
Doc: *He doesn’t believe her.. but he nods* Alright...
Catherine Nilson: I want a kitty pikachu!
Doc: No.
Catherine Nilson: No?
Doc: No Pikachu for you
Catherine Nilson: What did I do? D:
Doc: You would dissect it.
Catherine Nilson: Give me some credit. =|

Ego correctionis silentio grammatica tua
IC Forum username: That Guy
Dressed by Ariadne-
- Registered User
- Posts: 157
- Joined: 26 Jun 2013, 01:33
Re: d'Artois: Events in Time
"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"
Catherine Nilson: OW MY ARM
Catherine Nilson: =|
Doc: Your Arm?
Catherine Nilson: *sniffles, more upset about it being that guy than about getting hurt.* Dad, I was gonna turn him into a vampire and he could be Julius's little brother. But he's a paladin! I can't deal with paladins, *she sniffled again and curls up on the floor feeling sorry for herself.*
Doc: *Swats her on the back of the head* What the **** just came out of your mouth? You can't deal with Paladins?! *swats her again* I should just ******* shoot you. You better learn to deal with them! You dealt with them in order to make the tattoo book.. You dealt with them to help me abort a couple of fade beasts.. and You dealt with them because you hang out with that .. scrawny Russian one..."
Catherine Nilson: *Her sniffles become increasingly agitated growls, until she is whacking at his hands like an actual cat swatting for self defense.* Okay okay! Okay. I'll take care of him.
Doc: "No.. first things first.." He looked at her. "Have you gotten rid of hte dead paladin in my lab yet?" He watched her reaction. "Well.. have you?"
Catherine Nilson: "No, I left her in there. But I locked up," Cat replied. She remembered it like it was yesterday. She had always felt close to her sire for the reason that she looked up to him, but after that night, having actually opened somebody up with him that way, she felt an even firmer bond. That still didn't keep her from screwing up. She stood and stretched her good arm. "I'll go do it now if you want."
Doc: Doc nods, "I think you should.. and I expect it to be spotless. I am going to check on it tomorrow." He paused, "It better smell as clean it looks. Don't leave any decomp."
Catherine Nilson: "Okay, what's the keycode combination," she asked him casually. Aw yeah.
Doc: "I think I will go with you.. let you in.. then you can clean up.."
Catherine Nilson: "Okay." Cat pretended not to be disappointed. She wanted to use the lab for a Really Important Reason when she was ready, but she had a sinking suspicion that Doc wouldn't ever let her use the lab without his supervision. And this was personal. She walked with him to the lab and occasionally checked over her shoulder for wayward paladins. Damn uppity creatures.
Doc: They traveled in relative silence. Relative because it was punctuated with Cat trying to be subtle as she looked for lurking enemies at every, and letting out a sigh each time no one was there. Reaching the lab, Doc punched the code in, and stood aside. "Text me when you're, and make sure you lock up."
Catherine Nilson: Cat entered, then immediately opened the door again. "It smells like ****," she announced. "But she's gone!" What the ****, how could this happen. She should have cleaned up properly. She cleaned all the tools, but not the corpse, and now they were minus one corpse.
Doc: Doc had got some fifty feet away, when she opened the door and called back to him. "What?!" He whipped around. What the ****?! Gone.. "How is she gone?! You locked up.. didn't you?" He interrogated angrily as he closed the distance and entered his lab. The stench only served to make him angrier, as he glowered at CAt.
Catherine Nilson: "I did! I promise, I- oh. Oh no, I didn't do that. ****. Gross!" Cat covered her nose and went to grab some paper towels.
Doc: Doc's jaw tightened as he turned and slammed out of the lab. Once outside he locked Cat in. She wasn't getting out until it was ******* spotless. And Minx.. where the hell was Minx? Where would she go? She couldn’t have gotten far.. unless. Did she have a phone? Had she called someone? His hands fisted, and he slammed his his fist into a wall of a building! "****!"
Catherine Nilson: Cat cleaned up the paladin's mess furiously, then sprayed a disinfectant solution and wiped everything down. When stuff smelled like lemons, she tried the door, but it was locked. Cat sighed. ****. Oh well, as long as she was locked in she might as well try the lock combination. She made some random guesses with her fingers.
Doc: He raked his hand through his hair and stalked in a pacing pattern in the alleyway. She was supposed to be dead. Of course she wasn't. Why couldn't he ******* kill her?!
Catherine Nilson: Cat texted Doc. "Let me out of here!" the words were angry and misspelled.
Doc: Doc ignored the beeping of his phone, he was livid. Three times he had come so close to ending her life.. and three times some god damned ******* twist of fate saved her ******* life. She had been on his dissecting table.. His ******* table and she made it out! He slammed his fist into the wall once again.
Catherine Nilson: Cat was starting to be reminded of her first few uncomfortable hours of vampiric life, but she refrained from remodeling his lab. He would never let her use it again if that happened, and he was already mad. Why did he hate that lady so much, anyway? She was a paladin, but so were other paladins. She was especially gross to his heart, that was all. Like Paige had been to Axel.
Catherine Nilson: OW MY ARM
Catherine Nilson: =|
Doc: Your Arm?
Catherine Nilson: *sniffles, more upset about it being that guy than about getting hurt.* Dad, I was gonna turn him into a vampire and he could be Julius's little brother. But he's a paladin! I can't deal with paladins, *she sniffled again and curls up on the floor feeling sorry for herself.*
Doc: *Swats her on the back of the head* What the **** just came out of your mouth? You can't deal with Paladins?! *swats her again* I should just ******* shoot you. You better learn to deal with them! You dealt with them in order to make the tattoo book.. You dealt with them to help me abort a couple of fade beasts.. and You dealt with them because you hang out with that .. scrawny Russian one..."
Catherine Nilson: *Her sniffles become increasingly agitated growls, until she is whacking at his hands like an actual cat swatting for self defense.* Okay okay! Okay. I'll take care of him.
Doc: "No.. first things first.." He looked at her. "Have you gotten rid of hte dead paladin in my lab yet?" He watched her reaction. "Well.. have you?"
Catherine Nilson: "No, I left her in there. But I locked up," Cat replied. She remembered it like it was yesterday. She had always felt close to her sire for the reason that she looked up to him, but after that night, having actually opened somebody up with him that way, she felt an even firmer bond. That still didn't keep her from screwing up. She stood and stretched her good arm. "I'll go do it now if you want."
Doc: Doc nods, "I think you should.. and I expect it to be spotless. I am going to check on it tomorrow." He paused, "It better smell as clean it looks. Don't leave any decomp."
Catherine Nilson: "Okay, what's the keycode combination," she asked him casually. Aw yeah.
Doc: "I think I will go with you.. let you in.. then you can clean up.."
Catherine Nilson: "Okay." Cat pretended not to be disappointed. She wanted to use the lab for a Really Important Reason when she was ready, but she had a sinking suspicion that Doc wouldn't ever let her use the lab without his supervision. And this was personal. She walked with him to the lab and occasionally checked over her shoulder for wayward paladins. Damn uppity creatures.
Doc: They traveled in relative silence. Relative because it was punctuated with Cat trying to be subtle as she looked for lurking enemies at every, and letting out a sigh each time no one was there. Reaching the lab, Doc punched the code in, and stood aside. "Text me when you're, and make sure you lock up."
Catherine Nilson: Cat entered, then immediately opened the door again. "It smells like ****," she announced. "But she's gone!" What the ****, how could this happen. She should have cleaned up properly. She cleaned all the tools, but not the corpse, and now they were minus one corpse.
Doc: Doc had got some fifty feet away, when she opened the door and called back to him. "What?!" He whipped around. What the ****?! Gone.. "How is she gone?! You locked up.. didn't you?" He interrogated angrily as he closed the distance and entered his lab. The stench only served to make him angrier, as he glowered at CAt.
Catherine Nilson: "I did! I promise, I- oh. Oh no, I didn't do that. ****. Gross!" Cat covered her nose and went to grab some paper towels.
Doc: Doc's jaw tightened as he turned and slammed out of the lab. Once outside he locked Cat in. She wasn't getting out until it was ******* spotless. And Minx.. where the hell was Minx? Where would she go? She couldn’t have gotten far.. unless. Did she have a phone? Had she called someone? His hands fisted, and he slammed his his fist into a wall of a building! "****!"
Catherine Nilson: Cat cleaned up the paladin's mess furiously, then sprayed a disinfectant solution and wiped everything down. When stuff smelled like lemons, she tried the door, but it was locked. Cat sighed. ****. Oh well, as long as she was locked in she might as well try the lock combination. She made some random guesses with her fingers.
Doc: He raked his hand through his hair and stalked in a pacing pattern in the alleyway. She was supposed to be dead. Of course she wasn't. Why couldn't he ******* kill her?!
Catherine Nilson: Cat texted Doc. "Let me out of here!" the words were angry and misspelled.
Doc: Doc ignored the beeping of his phone, he was livid. Three times he had come so close to ending her life.. and three times some god damned ******* twist of fate saved her ******* life. She had been on his dissecting table.. His ******* table and she made it out! He slammed his fist into the wall once again.
Catherine Nilson: Cat was starting to be reminded of her first few uncomfortable hours of vampiric life, but she refrained from remodeling his lab. He would never let her use it again if that happened, and he was already mad. Why did he hate that lady so much, anyway? She was a paladin, but so were other paladins. She was especially gross to his heart, that was all. Like Paige had been to Axel.

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Re: d'Artois: Events in Time
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
Doc: He didn't know how much time had past, but he finally managed to get a handle on his emotions. It never used to be this difficult to focus, but it seemed like it was getting more and more difficult. He glanced down at his hand and realized belatedly that he had broken it, and shredded the skin on it, exposing the tendons. He hadn't even realised he had done it. He needed to bandage it up. He found himself back the lab keying in the code. His face a blank mask as he let himself in and moved to the supply cabinet. He never even registered Cat's presence.
Catherine Nilson: Cat could see Doc's naked tendons and she touched them with a glowing hand. The injury itself didn't disappear, but the small amount of blood Doc had lost was restored. She could see smears on the wall. This was all her fault. Cat was quiet, a lump in her throat. She had to make it up to him somehow, but not when he was like this. He was too scary.
Doc: Doc unlocked the cabinet and collected the needed items. Out of habit, he gave himself an injection of antibiotics, and wrapped the hand. He was acting out of rote, because he was focusing on trying to figure out where the hell Minx had gotten to. How far she could have gotten; how many may now know of his lab; and how to mitigate the damage done. So many thoughts were spinning in his head, that the hand wound was nothing in comparison.
Catherine Nilson: Cat sat up on the exam table and watched him. There wasn't a clue where Dominique could have gotten off to. "Did she go to the hospital?" Cat finally suggested. But if she had, wouldn't Doc have been the first to know?
Doc: Doc blinked as the sound of the voice, he turned and stared at Cat blankly for the brief second. "No." His voice absent sounding as he expressed the negative.
Catherine Nilson: "The morgue..." she said hopefully, it was an afterthought. "I'll go check tomorrow night." As scared as she was of upsetting him, it would have been stupid to leave him alone. His fist wasn't the only thing he could scrape off on a wall.
Doc: "No. Go check now." His voice was low, soft and absent. "I need to check the hospital, and call Jacq. She might have heard something..."
Catherine Nilson: She didn't want to leave him. What if he did something stupid? But he was a grownup, and... it was just... he was acting so strange about this lady. He'd really really wanted her to die for some reason. This was more than just a masquerade breach waiting to happen. "Okay," she said finally and tomed out. She headed through one portal and walked to the morgue. Sneaking in quietly, Cat began admiring bodies.
Doc: After Cat left, he went through the lab and did a visual inspection of anything that might be gone. All the cabinets remained sealed. All the implements that had been out, were still there. She left and took nothing? No. She took something. But what? Doc took the long way to the hospital. It gave him time to think. Time to mull it over. Time to let an epiphany hit. Time to realize something.. but what? What was he missing? Entering the hospital he still have not come up with an answer to his question. Maybe she was dead. But the sick feeling in the pit of his stomach told him, that was doubtful.
Catherine Nilson: "Not dead," came a text from Cat. "At least her body isn't here." If only she knew where paladins hung out. That other paladin could tell her, but he would try to kill her again, and she didn't like being killed.
Doc: He knew it even before he read it. She was alive. The anger began to boil once more. Not because she was alive, but because he had her in his grasp, once more.. and he had not gone after her. He had kept his promise to Cytherea, and she was still delivered up to him. She was ******* gift wrapped and hand delivered to him, and he still managed to **** it up!
Doc: He didn't know how much time had past, but he finally managed to get a handle on his emotions. It never used to be this difficult to focus, but it seemed like it was getting more and more difficult. He glanced down at his hand and realized belatedly that he had broken it, and shredded the skin on it, exposing the tendons. He hadn't even realised he had done it. He needed to bandage it up. He found himself back the lab keying in the code. His face a blank mask as he let himself in and moved to the supply cabinet. He never even registered Cat's presence.
Catherine Nilson: Cat could see Doc's naked tendons and she touched them with a glowing hand. The injury itself didn't disappear, but the small amount of blood Doc had lost was restored. She could see smears on the wall. This was all her fault. Cat was quiet, a lump in her throat. She had to make it up to him somehow, but not when he was like this. He was too scary.
Doc: Doc unlocked the cabinet and collected the needed items. Out of habit, he gave himself an injection of antibiotics, and wrapped the hand. He was acting out of rote, because he was focusing on trying to figure out where the hell Minx had gotten to. How far she could have gotten; how many may now know of his lab; and how to mitigate the damage done. So many thoughts were spinning in his head, that the hand wound was nothing in comparison.
Catherine Nilson: Cat sat up on the exam table and watched him. There wasn't a clue where Dominique could have gotten off to. "Did she go to the hospital?" Cat finally suggested. But if she had, wouldn't Doc have been the first to know?
Doc: Doc blinked as the sound of the voice, he turned and stared at Cat blankly for the brief second. "No." His voice absent sounding as he expressed the negative.
Catherine Nilson: "The morgue..." she said hopefully, it was an afterthought. "I'll go check tomorrow night." As scared as she was of upsetting him, it would have been stupid to leave him alone. His fist wasn't the only thing he could scrape off on a wall.
Doc: "No. Go check now." His voice was low, soft and absent. "I need to check the hospital, and call Jacq. She might have heard something..."
Catherine Nilson: She didn't want to leave him. What if he did something stupid? But he was a grownup, and... it was just... he was acting so strange about this lady. He'd really really wanted her to die for some reason. This was more than just a masquerade breach waiting to happen. "Okay," she said finally and tomed out. She headed through one portal and walked to the morgue. Sneaking in quietly, Cat began admiring bodies.
Doc: After Cat left, he went through the lab and did a visual inspection of anything that might be gone. All the cabinets remained sealed. All the implements that had been out, were still there. She left and took nothing? No. She took something. But what? Doc took the long way to the hospital. It gave him time to think. Time to mull it over. Time to let an epiphany hit. Time to realize something.. but what? What was he missing? Entering the hospital he still have not come up with an answer to his question. Maybe she was dead. But the sick feeling in the pit of his stomach told him, that was doubtful.
Catherine Nilson: "Not dead," came a text from Cat. "At least her body isn't here." If only she knew where paladins hung out. That other paladin could tell her, but he would try to kill her again, and she didn't like being killed.
Doc: He knew it even before he read it. She was alive. The anger began to boil once more. Not because she was alive, but because he had her in his grasp, once more.. and he had not gone after her. He had kept his promise to Cytherea, and she was still delivered up to him. She was ******* gift wrapped and hand delivered to him, and he still managed to **** it up!

Ego correctionis silentio grammatica tua
IC Forum username: That Guy
Dressed by Ariadne