d'Artois: Events in Time
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d'Artois: Events in Time
* Doc Doc slammed his hands down on the bench, as he bellowed "DAMMIT to HELL!" He then continued to mutter in an irate fashion, "Fuckin' blow 75 grand on a 'bracelet'.. that that doesn’t ******* help!" He flung a wrench across the room. He raked his hand through his hair as he prowled about the room. "Repair a heart.. No problem.. shredded kidney...? Child's play.. Make a sensor turret? No fuckin' way in HELL!" He stalked back over the bench intent on just chucking the whole lot into the wall.
‹Pi dArtois› : She heard him before she saw him and thought, for just a moment to turn around and come back to do the ritual later. Except, she had to stop doing that. Avoiding him. It was senseless really, considering how they had both moved on and it was cowardly not to just work through things. And well, it certainly sounded like he wasn't having the best time of it. Stepping into the room in the complex set aside for rituals and crafting Pi stood in the door and watched the last and eyed the crafting table. This, this is where she could help him and where she was most comfortable, not in the rituals she had originally come here to try her hand at again. It had taken her hours to bind ONE tome, but she had so many more to do... Speaking softly from the door she stayed where she was, just on the precipice. "Maybe... there is something I can help you with?" she offered.
* Doc :
Doc whirled about. He hadn't realized anyone was here, much less her. God. Could things get worse? He If anything the last few days in Tytonidae had taught him to keep his mouth shut and his options open. He almost sounded civil, as he said through clenched teeth, "I don't know.. is -there- something you can help me with?" He doubted it, but he had found he was far the best judge of things or people lately.
‹Pi dArtois› : "I came to .. try the ritual again." She stepped into the room, approached the crafting table. The crafting table was littered with parts in the process of being put together and the tools needed to make it happen, picking up a small Phillips screwdriver she handed it to him. "I'm not good at it. Rituals. Maybe a lot like you are right now. I feel like my brain is bleeding out of my ears trying to do something that doesn't work for me. But..." She lifted her hand and indicated to the crafting table. "But I can do that... or help if you need a hand. Try a smaller screwdriver to leaver up the part and then.. slot it up under the other. You shouldn't break that one, if you keep it raised with this."
* Doc : He tried to calm down. His frustration was high due to his failures with stupid mechanics and a recent conversation with Ruth came flooding back to the fore. It wasn't helping. Doc stared at Pi. She looked like his Pi. But she wasn't, his Pi was a ghost, and the sooner he came to terms with it the better. She wasn't going away. And he didn't really want her to. He had to get past this awkward distance they had for each other, and his animosity wasn't helping. He was going to interrupt her, when she showed him how it was levered into place. He canted his head to the side, his attention caught. "Show me this .. again.." His voice was all business. He moved closer to her to see what she was doing better.
‹Pi dArtois› : She slid him a look and opened her mouth to comment on her surprise that he'd capitulated to her help so easily but closed it just as quickly. Why look a gift horse in the mouth, they were, they needed to get the hell past their past and the only ones who could were them. Instead she moved the joined parts to the side, collected another two and showed him again, this time quietly, letting her small fingers pry, hold and slide the piece in. She didn't get it the first time, grimaced, and tried again, this time it dropped into the place and she let the top half drop. "My fingers are smaller, so they work better on the smaller parts I think, but once you get the .. knack of it. It'll work fine for you." Holding out the screwdriver for him to take she continued. "I would much rather be helping you with this than the ritual I came here to do. That, doesn't come easily for me."
* Doc : He wanted to try it himself, but while Pi was in this generous mood, he decided he would use her for all he could get out of her. "And this.. what is the trick to this one?" He slid the two ornery parts to the turret toward her. "It looks straight forward.. but" his frustration leaked a bit, "It isn't." He said distinctly. "If I need specific tools, I will get them. I have never failed as something as much as I have failed at this. And its pissing me the **** off." He counted. Once he got his temper under control. "If we have a situation like before... these turret things would be our warning system, as well as giving damage. I told Aidan I would protect her.. and I suck at it."
‹Pi dArtois› : Pi stared at what looked like a half finished Turret and stared at Doc, turning her head to the side and arching her eyebrow. "No wonder it's pissing you off. You aren't starting with the easy stuff are you? Even I have trouble with this one.. Here." She lifted the turret and put it on its side, pulling the shotgun towards her. "It's damn hard not to have this blow up in your face. The trigger is tricky ... you just need to... go slowly, really slowly and duck when it blows. I have found if you balance the gun here... and pull the sensor up while you pull the trigger wire taut, it makes it easier. Here." She said again, offering him the tools. "I had dozens blow up in my face before I got it... I think it's just the nature of what we're trying to make. Bombs, dart guns, trigger...
weapons, it's just going to be... hard."
* Doc : "Yea it's not a bear trap. But those are easy.. Bear traps are like stitches.. its easy.. But these things yea, they are harder.. but they aren’t a beating human heart.. and I stop a human heart, insert a fine stint, and restart that heart with no problem. So why do I have so much trouble with finite inanimate things? I have taken a lacerated liver, and salvaged it. Rerouting blood vessels, and revitalizing dying tissue. But this metal block, is just a ******* thing. And I cannot master it! Do you see the ******* irony in it?"
‹Pi dArtois› : She grinned then, and gave him a good natured shake of her head. "Because you took years to learn how to do that. Medical School, Internship Residency before getting yourself where you are. You just need to apply the same amount of time and patience." Firmly handing him back the screw driver until he took it this time she finished. "I have no doubt Doc, that this..." She waved her hand over the table and all the items on it. "will be owned by you.. in no time at all. You don't have it in you to fail... you just need to give yourself the time you need to learn it and stop trying to run before you can walk." Leaning forward she pulled the parts for a Rigged Security Cam closer. "Here, this ... is a good place to work up to a turret."
* Doc :
He looked at her, she had a point. He didn't become a surgeon over night. But dammit, it had been a long time since he felt so inept and useless. Hell Psycho beat the hell out of him and she wasn't even trying. The attack on that Cherrywhip chick.. he missed. MISSED! He took the screwdriver, and took over the camera. When he had been in med school, he had practiced dissection while discussing other people's lives. It had helped him then. He stared at the camera and slowly, like he was performing surgery, methodically matched all bolt holes. "So how old are you really Pi?" He eyed the camera form different angles, "Not saying you look old.. but you are more mature than most.." his voice somewhat absent.
‹Pi dArtois› : Pi wondered why he asked and looked at him oddly, watching the top of his head as he leaned forward and was fully focused on the part in front of him. "I'm... I'm 32. It was... It was around my birthday you were.. you became... " she waved her hand ineffectively. "This." Moving away from the table she left him to it, heading over tot he ritual table and laying what she needed down on the smooth surface. Until like crafting table this one was kept clear. For any ritual you only required specific things and nothing else. It required no tools, no items but the ones used in the ritual itself. "I have always been... contained." she admitted, putting oil, and the other items onto the table in front of her. "Did... Cyth give you any oil?" She asked, looking up from her side of the room.
* Doc : "32? You don't look that old.." his voice even and conversational, as he focused on the task at hand. Two bolts in, two more to go. "Contained.. down right reserved, is more accu.." he slots a bolt in, "..rate. You should loosen up more. Have some fun." His voice held no demeaning tone or intent. It was just an average observation. "Aidan knows how to have fun. That girl is a handful.. if I was younger.." He slotted the last bolt, he smirked at the inanimate object. Then he grabbed the next piece, "Pookie gave me a bag of ****. Felt like Santa Claus hauling that bag around.. I think I saw some..."
‹Pi dArtois› : She heard him before she saw him and thought, for just a moment to turn around and come back to do the ritual later. Except, she had to stop doing that. Avoiding him. It was senseless really, considering how they had both moved on and it was cowardly not to just work through things. And well, it certainly sounded like he wasn't having the best time of it. Stepping into the room in the complex set aside for rituals and crafting Pi stood in the door and watched the last and eyed the crafting table. This, this is where she could help him and where she was most comfortable, not in the rituals she had originally come here to try her hand at again. It had taken her hours to bind ONE tome, but she had so many more to do... Speaking softly from the door she stayed where she was, just on the precipice. "Maybe... there is something I can help you with?" she offered.
* Doc :
Doc whirled about. He hadn't realized anyone was here, much less her. God. Could things get worse? He If anything the last few days in Tytonidae had taught him to keep his mouth shut and his options open. He almost sounded civil, as he said through clenched teeth, "I don't know.. is -there- something you can help me with?" He doubted it, but he had found he was far the best judge of things or people lately.
‹Pi dArtois› : "I came to .. try the ritual again." She stepped into the room, approached the crafting table. The crafting table was littered with parts in the process of being put together and the tools needed to make it happen, picking up a small Phillips screwdriver she handed it to him. "I'm not good at it. Rituals. Maybe a lot like you are right now. I feel like my brain is bleeding out of my ears trying to do something that doesn't work for me. But..." She lifted her hand and indicated to the crafting table. "But I can do that... or help if you need a hand. Try a smaller screwdriver to leaver up the part and then.. slot it up under the other. You shouldn't break that one, if you keep it raised with this."
* Doc : He tried to calm down. His frustration was high due to his failures with stupid mechanics and a recent conversation with Ruth came flooding back to the fore. It wasn't helping. Doc stared at Pi. She looked like his Pi. But she wasn't, his Pi was a ghost, and the sooner he came to terms with it the better. She wasn't going away. And he didn't really want her to. He had to get past this awkward distance they had for each other, and his animosity wasn't helping. He was going to interrupt her, when she showed him how it was levered into place. He canted his head to the side, his attention caught. "Show me this .. again.." His voice was all business. He moved closer to her to see what she was doing better.
‹Pi dArtois› : She slid him a look and opened her mouth to comment on her surprise that he'd capitulated to her help so easily but closed it just as quickly. Why look a gift horse in the mouth, they were, they needed to get the hell past their past and the only ones who could were them. Instead she moved the joined parts to the side, collected another two and showed him again, this time quietly, letting her small fingers pry, hold and slide the piece in. She didn't get it the first time, grimaced, and tried again, this time it dropped into the place and she let the top half drop. "My fingers are smaller, so they work better on the smaller parts I think, but once you get the .. knack of it. It'll work fine for you." Holding out the screwdriver for him to take she continued. "I would much rather be helping you with this than the ritual I came here to do. That, doesn't come easily for me."
* Doc : He wanted to try it himself, but while Pi was in this generous mood, he decided he would use her for all he could get out of her. "And this.. what is the trick to this one?" He slid the two ornery parts to the turret toward her. "It looks straight forward.. but" his frustration leaked a bit, "It isn't." He said distinctly. "If I need specific tools, I will get them. I have never failed as something as much as I have failed at this. And its pissing me the **** off." He counted. Once he got his temper under control. "If we have a situation like before... these turret things would be our warning system, as well as giving damage. I told Aidan I would protect her.. and I suck at it."
‹Pi dArtois› : Pi stared at what looked like a half finished Turret and stared at Doc, turning her head to the side and arching her eyebrow. "No wonder it's pissing you off. You aren't starting with the easy stuff are you? Even I have trouble with this one.. Here." She lifted the turret and put it on its side, pulling the shotgun towards her. "It's damn hard not to have this blow up in your face. The trigger is tricky ... you just need to... go slowly, really slowly and duck when it blows. I have found if you balance the gun here... and pull the sensor up while you pull the trigger wire taut, it makes it easier. Here." She said again, offering him the tools. "I had dozens blow up in my face before I got it... I think it's just the nature of what we're trying to make. Bombs, dart guns, trigger...
weapons, it's just going to be... hard."
* Doc : "Yea it's not a bear trap. But those are easy.. Bear traps are like stitches.. its easy.. But these things yea, they are harder.. but they aren’t a beating human heart.. and I stop a human heart, insert a fine stint, and restart that heart with no problem. So why do I have so much trouble with finite inanimate things? I have taken a lacerated liver, and salvaged it. Rerouting blood vessels, and revitalizing dying tissue. But this metal block, is just a ******* thing. And I cannot master it! Do you see the ******* irony in it?"
‹Pi dArtois› : She grinned then, and gave him a good natured shake of her head. "Because you took years to learn how to do that. Medical School, Internship Residency before getting yourself where you are. You just need to apply the same amount of time and patience." Firmly handing him back the screw driver until he took it this time she finished. "I have no doubt Doc, that this..." She waved her hand over the table and all the items on it. "will be owned by you.. in no time at all. You don't have it in you to fail... you just need to give yourself the time you need to learn it and stop trying to run before you can walk." Leaning forward she pulled the parts for a Rigged Security Cam closer. "Here, this ... is a good place to work up to a turret."
* Doc :
He looked at her, she had a point. He didn't become a surgeon over night. But dammit, it had been a long time since he felt so inept and useless. Hell Psycho beat the hell out of him and she wasn't even trying. The attack on that Cherrywhip chick.. he missed. MISSED! He took the screwdriver, and took over the camera. When he had been in med school, he had practiced dissection while discussing other people's lives. It had helped him then. He stared at the camera and slowly, like he was performing surgery, methodically matched all bolt holes. "So how old are you really Pi?" He eyed the camera form different angles, "Not saying you look old.. but you are more mature than most.." his voice somewhat absent.
‹Pi dArtois› : Pi wondered why he asked and looked at him oddly, watching the top of his head as he leaned forward and was fully focused on the part in front of him. "I'm... I'm 32. It was... It was around my birthday you were.. you became... " she waved her hand ineffectively. "This." Moving away from the table she left him to it, heading over tot he ritual table and laying what she needed down on the smooth surface. Until like crafting table this one was kept clear. For any ritual you only required specific things and nothing else. It required no tools, no items but the ones used in the ritual itself. "I have always been... contained." she admitted, putting oil, and the other items onto the table in front of her. "Did... Cyth give you any oil?" She asked, looking up from her side of the room.
* Doc : "32? You don't look that old.." his voice even and conversational, as he focused on the task at hand. Two bolts in, two more to go. "Contained.. down right reserved, is more accu.." he slots a bolt in, "..rate. You should loosen up more. Have some fun." His voice held no demeaning tone or intent. It was just an average observation. "Aidan knows how to have fun. That girl is a handful.. if I was younger.." He slotted the last bolt, he smirked at the inanimate object. Then he grabbed the next piece, "Pookie gave me a bag of ****. Felt like Santa Claus hauling that bag around.. I think I saw some..."

Ego correctionis silentio grammatica tua
IC Forum username: That Guy
Dressed by Ariadne- Pi dArtois
- Registered User
- Posts: 4270
- Joined: 19 Aug 2011, 19:13
- CrowNet Handle: Pi
Re: d'Artois: Events in Time
‹Pi dArtois› : "Oh I'm glad.. I could do with a couple more oil. Once I summon the fae, the oil is what will keep it contained so it doesn't break out and kick my... ***." She turned and leaned her *** on the rituals table watching him. "I'm not good at having fun. Not that kind of fun." She said blandly, her small hands gripping the table behind her as she settled there. "I enjoy what I'm doing now... I like to create things, craft like you're doing. And I read... I was very quiet growing up. Kept to myself. This.. is very social for me. So I'm working... on ... loosening up. And you? How old are you?"
* Doc : "I .. am.. 45..." His words slow, as he concentrated. "Creating.. fixing.. discovering.. heady stuff." His hand slipped and he had to start over. But it was alright, the frustration was gone. It was a simple, take his time, one step at a time. "Not preaching, god knows I have nothing to preach about, but there is something to be said to letting your guard down once in a while.. and just enjoy the moment." He failed again. He picked up the piece and looked it over, while saying, "So how did you.." he saw something he had missed before, and therefore adjusted the way he held the piece, "become what we are..?"
‹Pi dArtois› :"Huh..." she said, thinking about that. Had they really known so little of one another that it had been, just now, that they'd shared how old they were? It was something she had just realized. Maybe (definitely) they hadn't known each other that well at all really. Turning back to the rituals table she set up what she needed. She liked that there was someone in the room behind her, even if it was quiet company, it was still someone, a presence as she called upon the fae and bound it to the circle in the middle of the room. "The family is teaching me how to do that... loosen up." Making a pile of the oils she would need to bind the circle she answered him. "A Grigori... a wanderer of the bloodline, someone who was.. is rarely around, followed me into a park, accused me of... killing someone. I tried to shoot him and he didn't die." She finished blandly, now walking the circle and laying the ingredients in the middle. "I'm... going to try this ritual.. ...don't break my circle after I bind the fae to it. It gets... grumpy." she finished, ending her story. "I saw your article, in the newspaper. New job?"
* Doc “Accused you.. You?” he paused and smirked as he worked on his metal bits, “...Of killing someone ..” He tutted softly, “I think perhaps, he wanted you .. and used that as merely an excuse. You are imminently desirable... I bet more so as warm.. rosy human.” He made a audible yet undecipherable sound of conquest. The pieces were together. One more to go and he would have a working turret. “I didn't tell you?” he carefully studied the piece before attempting anything. “I guess it happened along the same time as my decision to join Tytonidae..” he pursed his lips as he pondered two different options in which to put it together. “Bella hired me a couple of weeks ago. That's another one who needs to play more...” his voice off hand. “So what was his name.. this one that accused you?”
‹Pi dArtois› :Was that sarcasm she hard. She sent him a narrow glance before shaking her head good naturedly. "I liked the article. It was short and... succinct. Very you." Ignoring the sarcasm he let it slide because, well, he was right. Her? Kill? Ha, even she, (and it had taken her a while to get to this point) could see the humour in it. She was, had cultivated, an aura of weak innocence when the truth was, scratch below her thin veneer, she was... and always had been, a killer. There was no sense in denying it, especially not when it was true. She scoffed at his assumption and quickly disabused him o fit. "Oh definitely not ... desire." she started, shaking her head before stepping into the circle throwing him a big eyed look at his words. "Oh no.. it wasn't that. He saw me kill her. I call him The Rev... he's ... Habren's. But his full name is Reverend Luciferum. "
* Doc Doc heard her words, and when they finally sunk in, he turned to look at her, in a new light. Pi as a human, had killed. He couldn't help but smile. Here all this time, he had assigned characteristics and feeling to her that weren't even true. He had thought she turned him, because she couldn't just let him die. But **** him.. she had been a killer in her mortal life as well. How interesting was that.. “Hmmm” He turned back to his bench, a bemused smile on his face. Who would have known? Human Pi was a killer. The irony amused him. He had to force himself to focus on the turret. “So why did you kill this 'her'?” There was more interest in his voice than before. She had his attention.
She was distracted now, her attention focused on the fae that stood in the middle of the circle staring at her. Her hands held loosely at her side she now knew this was a game of wills, hers against of the fae whose very nature directed it to come out of that circle and harm her if it good. Red eyes glared at her and she answered the question Doc asked her absently, saying truthfully what she might have not answered at all if she'd thought about it for five seconds. "I did not have the clearance to know why." Uttering a fae word under her breath she smiled as the fae in the circle howled, doing as it was bade, as she bade.
* Doc Her words replayed in his head, 'clearance' no..it was 'didn't have clearance to know'. Well that makes this doubly more interesting.. “****!” The piece slipped in his hand. He stepped back, centered himself, and took the piece up again. At least he didn't break it. Good to know the bracelet was working. So she didn't have clearance. That meant she wasn't freelance or a merc. She was... or at least had been a government operative. No wonder she was so ******* closed mouth. ******** bureaucrats, they probably beat all the fun out of her. He threaded the slot slowly, “Which government?”
‹Pi dArtois› :"French." she replied quickly crouching and scooping up an oil and flinging it at the circle watching as it reinforced the near break and shaking her head at the fae who snarled at her on the other side of the glowing wall. "Now now... no escaping for you." she muttered at the fae, searching for another word and speaking it quietly. She muttered under her breath in annoyance as the fae bashed his fists against the circle wall, causing more cracks to appear. "Merde!" she growled. "Your research.." she asked, picking up a oil and testing its weight before she spoke another word of power. "Who funded your research..."
* Doc “Unites States Department of Labor.. You would think, it would be Department of Justice or War.. but it was Labor. Makes you wonder what else they hide under average normal names...” He continued with the last few steps needed for the turret. “I did freelance too.. you would be surprised what independents will pay for...” He hadn't gotten this far before. The conversation was actually a good thing for his concentration. “Got one indy for 500K .. to study the affects of a certain type of implant. For the most part the implants all failed, but in some..” final bit … “they failed spectacularly...”
‹Pi dArtois› :Speaking of failing spectacularly she could feel her control slipping and her choices running out. The fae's eyes glittered at her and its raised its grotesque lips to reveal the sharp teeth beyond. She wasn't going to get this right, she could feel the control from her grip and she wanted to growl at it. "Officially, I worked for the Agence de l'innovation industrielle... the Agency for Industrial Innovation." she grimaced, barely registering what she was saying as her attention zeroed in on the fae in the circle. She spoke one last word and in a flash the circle exploded and the the fae escaped pushing her back against the ritual table and destroying her progress."Mother ****!" she swore, slamming the flat of her palm on the table behind her, staring at the damn circle as if she could kick its *** into submission. "Just.... ****."
* Doc Her cursing made him chuckle silently; tightly controlled, won't let sugar melt in her mouth Pi, just lost her cool. She had her demons, too. But Pi didn't sound, though he could wrong, like she could center herself quickly yet. She needed that push, that little impetus to make her focus. “And what would the Agency say now? Let me guess.. 'Shake it off, focus. You are have a target to achieve. Do not let your focus falter.'.. hmm?” She had helped him, and she really wasn't aware how much her mere presence and willingness to answer his questions had helped him. It was only fair he try to help her.
‹Pi dArtois› :“Quoi?" she asked finally turning to look at him as if he'd just arrived and she hadn't realised he was there at all. It wasn't even that she hadn't realized he was there so much as engrossed so much in what she had been doing that it hadn't completely sunk in. "Oh.. oui. Je dois me concentrer. Exuse moi." she replied before sweeping away the mess the crashing of the glowing wall had made and setting up again. This time she didn't speak, she didn't engage in conversation. This time she narrowed her concentration even more until nothing registered but what was directly in front of her.
* Doc Doc had no idea what she said, but it sounded amiable, so he didn't press it. He didn't need to, his turret was complete. He sighed in contentment. He actually made the ******* turret gun. It was a triumph for him. And, as much as he wanted to take the credit, he owed it to her. She gave him the hints, and ability to step away emotionally. Maybe there was a hope for a relationship of some sort after all?
* Doc : "I .. am.. 45..." His words slow, as he concentrated. "Creating.. fixing.. discovering.. heady stuff." His hand slipped and he had to start over. But it was alright, the frustration was gone. It was a simple, take his time, one step at a time. "Not preaching, god knows I have nothing to preach about, but there is something to be said to letting your guard down once in a while.. and just enjoy the moment." He failed again. He picked up the piece and looked it over, while saying, "So how did you.." he saw something he had missed before, and therefore adjusted the way he held the piece, "become what we are..?"
‹Pi dArtois› :"Huh..." she said, thinking about that. Had they really known so little of one another that it had been, just now, that they'd shared how old they were? It was something she had just realized. Maybe (definitely) they hadn't known each other that well at all really. Turning back to the rituals table she set up what she needed. She liked that there was someone in the room behind her, even if it was quiet company, it was still someone, a presence as she called upon the fae and bound it to the circle in the middle of the room. "The family is teaching me how to do that... loosen up." Making a pile of the oils she would need to bind the circle she answered him. "A Grigori... a wanderer of the bloodline, someone who was.. is rarely around, followed me into a park, accused me of... killing someone. I tried to shoot him and he didn't die." She finished blandly, now walking the circle and laying the ingredients in the middle. "I'm... going to try this ritual.. ...don't break my circle after I bind the fae to it. It gets... grumpy." she finished, ending her story. "I saw your article, in the newspaper. New job?"
* Doc “Accused you.. You?” he paused and smirked as he worked on his metal bits, “...Of killing someone ..” He tutted softly, “I think perhaps, he wanted you .. and used that as merely an excuse. You are imminently desirable... I bet more so as warm.. rosy human.” He made a audible yet undecipherable sound of conquest. The pieces were together. One more to go and he would have a working turret. “I didn't tell you?” he carefully studied the piece before attempting anything. “I guess it happened along the same time as my decision to join Tytonidae..” he pursed his lips as he pondered two different options in which to put it together. “Bella hired me a couple of weeks ago. That's another one who needs to play more...” his voice off hand. “So what was his name.. this one that accused you?”
‹Pi dArtois› :Was that sarcasm she hard. She sent him a narrow glance before shaking her head good naturedly. "I liked the article. It was short and... succinct. Very you." Ignoring the sarcasm he let it slide because, well, he was right. Her? Kill? Ha, even she, (and it had taken her a while to get to this point) could see the humour in it. She was, had cultivated, an aura of weak innocence when the truth was, scratch below her thin veneer, she was... and always had been, a killer. There was no sense in denying it, especially not when it was true. She scoffed at his assumption and quickly disabused him o fit. "Oh definitely not ... desire." she started, shaking her head before stepping into the circle throwing him a big eyed look at his words. "Oh no.. it wasn't that. He saw me kill her. I call him The Rev... he's ... Habren's. But his full name is Reverend Luciferum. "
* Doc Doc heard her words, and when they finally sunk in, he turned to look at her, in a new light. Pi as a human, had killed. He couldn't help but smile. Here all this time, he had assigned characteristics and feeling to her that weren't even true. He had thought she turned him, because she couldn't just let him die. But **** him.. she had been a killer in her mortal life as well. How interesting was that.. “Hmmm” He turned back to his bench, a bemused smile on his face. Who would have known? Human Pi was a killer. The irony amused him. He had to force himself to focus on the turret. “So why did you kill this 'her'?” There was more interest in his voice than before. She had his attention.
She was distracted now, her attention focused on the fae that stood in the middle of the circle staring at her. Her hands held loosely at her side she now knew this was a game of wills, hers against of the fae whose very nature directed it to come out of that circle and harm her if it good. Red eyes glared at her and she answered the question Doc asked her absently, saying truthfully what she might have not answered at all if she'd thought about it for five seconds. "I did not have the clearance to know why." Uttering a fae word under her breath she smiled as the fae in the circle howled, doing as it was bade, as she bade.
* Doc Her words replayed in his head, 'clearance' no..it was 'didn't have clearance to know'. Well that makes this doubly more interesting.. “****!” The piece slipped in his hand. He stepped back, centered himself, and took the piece up again. At least he didn't break it. Good to know the bracelet was working. So she didn't have clearance. That meant she wasn't freelance or a merc. She was... or at least had been a government operative. No wonder she was so ******* closed mouth. ******** bureaucrats, they probably beat all the fun out of her. He threaded the slot slowly, “Which government?”
‹Pi dArtois› :"French." she replied quickly crouching and scooping up an oil and flinging it at the circle watching as it reinforced the near break and shaking her head at the fae who snarled at her on the other side of the glowing wall. "Now now... no escaping for you." she muttered at the fae, searching for another word and speaking it quietly. She muttered under her breath in annoyance as the fae bashed his fists against the circle wall, causing more cracks to appear. "Merde!" she growled. "Your research.." she asked, picking up a oil and testing its weight before she spoke another word of power. "Who funded your research..."
* Doc “Unites States Department of Labor.. You would think, it would be Department of Justice or War.. but it was Labor. Makes you wonder what else they hide under average normal names...” He continued with the last few steps needed for the turret. “I did freelance too.. you would be surprised what independents will pay for...” He hadn't gotten this far before. The conversation was actually a good thing for his concentration. “Got one indy for 500K .. to study the affects of a certain type of implant. For the most part the implants all failed, but in some..” final bit … “they failed spectacularly...”
‹Pi dArtois› :Speaking of failing spectacularly she could feel her control slipping and her choices running out. The fae's eyes glittered at her and its raised its grotesque lips to reveal the sharp teeth beyond. She wasn't going to get this right, she could feel the control from her grip and she wanted to growl at it. "Officially, I worked for the Agence de l'innovation industrielle... the Agency for Industrial Innovation." she grimaced, barely registering what she was saying as her attention zeroed in on the fae in the circle. She spoke one last word and in a flash the circle exploded and the the fae escaped pushing her back against the ritual table and destroying her progress."Mother ****!" she swore, slamming the flat of her palm on the table behind her, staring at the damn circle as if she could kick its *** into submission. "Just.... ****."
* Doc Her cursing made him chuckle silently; tightly controlled, won't let sugar melt in her mouth Pi, just lost her cool. She had her demons, too. But Pi didn't sound, though he could wrong, like she could center herself quickly yet. She needed that push, that little impetus to make her focus. “And what would the Agency say now? Let me guess.. 'Shake it off, focus. You are have a target to achieve. Do not let your focus falter.'.. hmm?” She had helped him, and she really wasn't aware how much her mere presence and willingness to answer his questions had helped him. It was only fair he try to help her.
‹Pi dArtois› :“Quoi?" she asked finally turning to look at him as if he'd just arrived and she hadn't realised he was there at all. It wasn't even that she hadn't realized he was there so much as engrossed so much in what she had been doing that it hadn't completely sunk in. "Oh.. oui. Je dois me concentrer. Exuse moi." she replied before sweeping away the mess the crashing of the glowing wall had made and setting up again. This time she didn't speak, she didn't engage in conversation. This time she narrowed her concentration even more until nothing registered but what was directly in front of her.
* Doc Doc had no idea what she said, but it sounded amiable, so he didn't press it. He didn't need to, his turret was complete. He sighed in contentment. He actually made the ******* turret gun. It was a triumph for him. And, as much as he wanted to take the credit, he owed it to her. She gave him the hints, and ability to step away emotionally. Maybe there was a hope for a relationship of some sort after all?
K I L L E R || E L L I O T ' S


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Re: d'Artois: Events in Time
Kainai: *text* Mind if I come over? *she just wanted to hang out.*
Pi: [Text] Definitely, I'm at .... the Necro, but you do you want to meet at the Complex? Somewhere comfortable?
Kainai:*enters through the portal again.* Good evening, Pi. I'm sorry if I caused you worry earlier.
Pi:*looks up and smiles, putting down the magazine she'd picked up while she waited* It was so unlike you... to leave like that. I just wanted to make sure you were alright.
*tucks her feet under her and nods towards the seat opposite* Come, get comfy
Kainai:*takes a seat across from her and hugs a cushion. The truth was, she was scared by any kind of sexual attention. It had taken getting used to just having a husband. To be aware that people are allowed to have sexual feelings toward her even if she doesn't return them had frightened her.*
Pi:*Pi looks at the woman, noting her discomfort* Do you want to talk about it?
Kainai:: *she hasn't told anyone, not even her husband, but it has been irritating her.* Something happened a long time ago that I should have gotten over by now.
Pi:*Pi smiled encouragingly* "I'm not sure there is a time limit on when we get over things... but maybe talking about it will help?"
Kainai: Some dumb boys in middle school held me down and groped me because I'd grown breasts before the other girls. They didn't know what they were doing. That kind of attention just makes me nervous now.
Pi:*It was amazing how calm you can pretend to be even when you're not. But Pi, for all her inexperience with people, knew Ruth needed support from her. She just wasn't sure, exactly how she was going to give it. She was, quite frankly, not very good at this stuff.* I can see why and I'm not sure, there is a rule about when you learn to ... or get over it at all.
Kainai:*looks at her calmly, brown eyes focused on the present.* You're right. I was not fair to Doc, either. He was very respectful, just too honest. Honesty should not be rewarded with desertion. I was avoiding him.
Pi: "I know Doc has become your close friend, so maybe there is a way you can do something? Maybe talk to Alistair... get his advice. Unless, unless you think there is something to not tell Alistair?"
Kainai:"He won't take kindly to that news. It would stir up trouble." She wasn't going to let it fester either. She would find Doc a woman.
Pi: "Yes...." Pi said then, remembering her own reasons for not telling Elliot about her past with Doc. "Yes, you are right... it would. But you? Whatever, you decide... what would be best for you?"
Kainai:To find Doc a woman.
Pi: *chokes a bit on a laugh, and then swallowed the smile and shock at the woman's words* Well, if you think that will help?
Kainai:*nods confidently.* Do you know any who might be a match for his intellectual tastes?
Pi: "I haven't thought about it. Ummm..." *she stuttered ineffectually* "Maybe he needs someone opposite to him.. someone who can.. lighten him up a little? " It seemed beyond strange to be having this conversation with Ruth, about anyone, but even more so about Doc.
Kainai:I suggested Ivy and he actually screamed at me, *she mutters with a rub to the forehead.*
Pi: *winces* "Yes, ... I think maybe Ivy is a little 'too' opposite"
Kainai:I will keep an eye out. *She will even go to... social functions.*
Pi: *grins* "I'll help if I can.. but... I have never done something like that and since you are his friend... more than me. If you can .. help him be happy. That would be... nice."
Kainai:*puts a hand on hers reassuringly.* Of course, Pi.
Pi: *takes hand and squeezes* Thank you.
Kainai:Anything for my sister.
Pi: "And for you too. I think it will be good for you too. If helping him gives him the distraction he needs.."
Kainai:*she sighs again and sits up straighter, black hair composing a perfect frame around her face and shoulders. She tells Pi,* I hope so. To be honest, I don't think he needs a woman to be happy. He merely told me that he hadn't been as happy as before some other woman hurt him. And as you were saying earlier, one doesn't simply get over these things right away.
Pi: If ever was the time for Pi to confess to someone about her past with Doc, now would be it. To let someone else carry the burden of holding in their mutual past and trying to help him but knowing he didn't want anything to do with her at all because of that past. She gave Ruth a long look, and for a moment ... just a moment considered what it would feel like for someone else to know, to know exactly why she couldn't be the one to help Ruth in this.
But she didn't. Or couldn't. Pi was not geared to confess her sins or share her past. She had spent too long with no one that it still didn't come naturally for her to share even this part of herself. Instead she squeezed Ruth's hand again. "Then, if there is a way you can help.. I know you'll find it."
Kainai:*She nods, Pi's faith in her gave her confidence. She can deal with this. Doc has always been her ward, even if he was much older than her in appearance. Pi had asked her to keep an eye on him, she was his senior as a vampire at least. Surely she knew what was best for him.*
Pi: *smiled in return*
Kainai:*In any case, she would try to be brave and not leave abruptly at the first feeling of discomfort.*
Pi: "I am glad you came to see me... "
Kainai:*stands up and hugs her.* Anytime.
Pi: *hugs her back* "Definitely, anytime."
Kainai:I'll see you later then. *smiles at her sister, then steps through the portal.*
Pi: *raises her hand and waves before sitting back down in the chair with a sigh*
Pi: [Text] Definitely, I'm at .... the Necro, but you do you want to meet at the Complex? Somewhere comfortable?
Kainai:*enters through the portal again.* Good evening, Pi. I'm sorry if I caused you worry earlier.
Pi:*looks up and smiles, putting down the magazine she'd picked up while she waited* It was so unlike you... to leave like that. I just wanted to make sure you were alright.
*tucks her feet under her and nods towards the seat opposite* Come, get comfy
Kainai:*takes a seat across from her and hugs a cushion. The truth was, she was scared by any kind of sexual attention. It had taken getting used to just having a husband. To be aware that people are allowed to have sexual feelings toward her even if she doesn't return them had frightened her.*
Pi:*Pi looks at the woman, noting her discomfort* Do you want to talk about it?
Kainai:: *she hasn't told anyone, not even her husband, but it has been irritating her.* Something happened a long time ago that I should have gotten over by now.
Pi:*Pi smiled encouragingly* "I'm not sure there is a time limit on when we get over things... but maybe talking about it will help?"
Kainai: Some dumb boys in middle school held me down and groped me because I'd grown breasts before the other girls. They didn't know what they were doing. That kind of attention just makes me nervous now.
Pi:*It was amazing how calm you can pretend to be even when you're not. But Pi, for all her inexperience with people, knew Ruth needed support from her. She just wasn't sure, exactly how she was going to give it. She was, quite frankly, not very good at this stuff.* I can see why and I'm not sure, there is a rule about when you learn to ... or get over it at all.
Kainai:*looks at her calmly, brown eyes focused on the present.* You're right. I was not fair to Doc, either. He was very respectful, just too honest. Honesty should not be rewarded with desertion. I was avoiding him.
Pi: "I know Doc has become your close friend, so maybe there is a way you can do something? Maybe talk to Alistair... get his advice. Unless, unless you think there is something to not tell Alistair?"
Kainai:"He won't take kindly to that news. It would stir up trouble." She wasn't going to let it fester either. She would find Doc a woman.
Pi: "Yes...." Pi said then, remembering her own reasons for not telling Elliot about her past with Doc. "Yes, you are right... it would. But you? Whatever, you decide... what would be best for you?"
Kainai:To find Doc a woman.
Pi: *chokes a bit on a laugh, and then swallowed the smile and shock at the woman's words* Well, if you think that will help?
Kainai:*nods confidently.* Do you know any who might be a match for his intellectual tastes?
Pi: "I haven't thought about it. Ummm..." *she stuttered ineffectually* "Maybe he needs someone opposite to him.. someone who can.. lighten him up a little? " It seemed beyond strange to be having this conversation with Ruth, about anyone, but even more so about Doc.
Kainai:I suggested Ivy and he actually screamed at me, *she mutters with a rub to the forehead.*
Pi: *winces* "Yes, ... I think maybe Ivy is a little 'too' opposite"
Kainai:I will keep an eye out. *She will even go to... social functions.*
Pi: *grins* "I'll help if I can.. but... I have never done something like that and since you are his friend... more than me. If you can .. help him be happy. That would be... nice."
Kainai:*puts a hand on hers reassuringly.* Of course, Pi.
Pi: *takes hand and squeezes* Thank you.
Kainai:Anything for my sister.
Pi: "And for you too. I think it will be good for you too. If helping him gives him the distraction he needs.."
Kainai:*she sighs again and sits up straighter, black hair composing a perfect frame around her face and shoulders. She tells Pi,* I hope so. To be honest, I don't think he needs a woman to be happy. He merely told me that he hadn't been as happy as before some other woman hurt him. And as you were saying earlier, one doesn't simply get over these things right away.
Pi: If ever was the time for Pi to confess to someone about her past with Doc, now would be it. To let someone else carry the burden of holding in their mutual past and trying to help him but knowing he didn't want anything to do with her at all because of that past. She gave Ruth a long look, and for a moment ... just a moment considered what it would feel like for someone else to know, to know exactly why she couldn't be the one to help Ruth in this.
But she didn't. Or couldn't. Pi was not geared to confess her sins or share her past. She had spent too long with no one that it still didn't come naturally for her to share even this part of herself. Instead she squeezed Ruth's hand again. "Then, if there is a way you can help.. I know you'll find it."
Kainai:*She nods, Pi's faith in her gave her confidence. She can deal with this. Doc has always been her ward, even if he was much older than her in appearance. Pi had asked her to keep an eye on him, she was his senior as a vampire at least. Surely she knew what was best for him.*
Pi: *smiled in return*
Kainai:*In any case, she would try to be brave and not leave abruptly at the first feeling of discomfort.*
Pi: "I am glad you came to see me... "
Kainai:*stands up and hugs her.* Anytime.
Pi: *hugs her back* "Definitely, anytime."
Kainai:I'll see you later then. *smiles at her sister, then steps through the portal.*
Pi: *raises her hand and waves before sitting back down in the chair with a sigh*

Banner by Ariadne. YIM: kokothehunter
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Re: d'Artois: Events in Time
Cytherea: Why hello old man.
Doc: Hello Pookie
Cytherea: And how have you been?
Doc: *half shrugs* Won't complain.. You?
Cytherea: Collecting things for you.
Doc: That's because you are so sweet
Cytherea: Only sometimes, and sometimes only for you.
Doc: Yes. I believe that.
Cytherea: Elliot inspired me the other day, it was rather odd, I haven't heard from him in quite some time.
Doc: Perhaps he misses you?
Doc: or Perhaps the newness of he and Pi was worn off and you're his new hobby
Doc: Or maybe Pi made him do it?
Cytherea: *arched a 'brow at Doc.* The first one, perhaps. The others, I'm not so sure.
Doc: You honestly think he misses you?
Doc: Seriously?
Cytherea: You know, sometimes you make it sound like I'm the most horrible person alive, that the thought of someone caring about or missing me is laughable.. *she stared at him for a moment.* Good evening Doc, I'll stop by soon and give you the items I've collected.
Doc: *smirks* Bye Pookie
Cytherea: *gave a nod before she left.*
Doc sighed, 'God dammit! I wasn't finished with her.' He thought to himself as she left. He expected her to go off on him and rant and rail about something or other, while he deviled her. He was ready for her to even belt him. He had a whole series of insults and hateful comments lined up especially for her, and she just ******* left. He sighed again.
“Well damn.” Just when you think you have a god damned female figured out, they go and ******* change on you. If she was going to leave every time he insulted her now, that was so going to annoy him. Who would he devil now? “Dammit!”
There was nothing for it, he was going to have to make a god damned peace offering. Coffee. She loved coffee. But knowing her, she would just take that as her due. He narrowed his eyes in thought, what do girls like? Candy.. no he wasn't getting her Candy, she would think he was getting romantic thoughts toward her. No. **** No!
Flowers! That's it he would get her flowers! No.. Not flower-s. One flower. Just one. No need to over do it. A single flower. Right. He would do that tomorrow.
Doc arrived at the flower store and looked around at all the flowers. He was completely out of his depth. A clerk noticed him and came over.
Clerk: Can I help Sir?
Doc: Yes, I am looking for a flower.. for a girl.
Clerk smiles: We have some lovely roses..
Doc cut the clerk off: Not roses. No she will think its romantic.. its not.
Clerk: Oh in that case, a white or yellow rose...
Doc: No roses. You don't know the girl.. she will obsess.. No roses.
Clerk: Well about a pretty pink carnation?
Doc: That screams 'let me take you to the prom', No.
Clerk smiles: What about a chrysanthemum? *points out a pink one*
Doc: Don't they send those to Funerals?
Clerk's smile wavered: Not Pink ones usually.
Doc smelled the pink chrysanthemum. "Oh god.. that stinks! You want me to give her a stink pink death flower? She would throw in my face."
Clerk snapped: That why Roses are so perfect!
Doc: No Roses. She's a kid.. ok.. Actually she's my Ex's.. new guy's kid. If I give her a rose.. a shir storm will follow.
Clerk: You're giving your Ex's step child a flower?
Doc: Yes. It's complicated.
Clerk eyes him like a perv: What about a gardenia?
Doc: That sounds pretty.. what does it look like?
Clerk showed him to a shrub covered in blooms: It smells wonderful.
Doc sighed: Yea is smells good, but I don't want to give her flower that screams, "Hey I plucked this off a bush for you." Cause trust.. that's what she will say.
Clerk: What about a lily?
Doc: Lily's mean death.. You want me to give her a death flower? No.
Clerkis no longer even attempting to smile anymore: Primrose?
Doc: No Roses!
Clerk: Its' not a real .. Never mind.. what about..
Doc cut her off: That one... over there..
Clerk: Absolutely! It's perfect!
The clerk charged twice what it was really worth, and sighed with relief as he left with his purchase.
Doc:*texts* Where are you?
Cytherea: *replied* In Newborough, why?
Doc:*text*Want to see you OK?
Cytherea: *texted back.* Alright, where?
Doc: *text* You tell me .. I will meet you there.
Cytherea: I'm sitting in an Abandoned factory in Newborough, you can swing by there.
Doc:Doc sighed, he was trying to be affable and easy going. Why was she being difficult? If he told her where to meet him, she would find something wrong with it or devil him for details as to 'why that place'. His phone buzzed. Good she gave hi a location. *text* Be there shortly.
Cytherea: Cyth eyed her phone, though she didn't reply, she opted instead for placing the items she had stolen into the bag she carried. She'd hand it to Doc when he came to see her, which was strange, he didn't normally seek her out. But she thought nothing of it, he probably needed something.
Doc: A short time later, Doc arrived at the appointed building and began to look for Cytherea. He eventually found her. "Hey Pookie.. " He smiled, he held out a cup of coffee toward her, and his other hand was behind his back.
Cytherea: Her head lifted when she heard that nickname, one she wasn't entirely sure she wanted to know the meaning of, but she gave a smile in greeting and then eyed the coffee. ''And I didn't even have to ask for it this time..'' she mumbled, something strange was going on, but she reached out and took the coffee, her smile still in place. ''Thanks.''
Doc: Doc then pulled his other hand from his back and offered the item he held to her, "Peace offering..."
Doc: Flower
Cytherea: The smile grew when she saw the flowers, the golden irises lifting to stare at him. ''Aw, thank you. But you were probably right in your conclusions yesterday.'' she took the offered items and inhaled the scent that lingered on the petals.
Doc:This was going better than he had anticipated. He expected her to find something wrong with them. He should leave while shes not pissed off, this time. "Yea.. well .. That's all I wanted.. Later Pookie."
Cytherea: ''Just a moment.'' she said, grabbing the slevee of his jacket, halting his escape. ''I apologize for my reaction yesterday, whilst your words held merit, I do still get upset from time to time, and your words did just that. But you weren't in the wrong. Anyways, thank you for the flowers and coffee, they are lovely. I'll see you later to drop of the things I have?'' she asked with a small smile.
Doc: So close. Next time, he tells himself, must move faster. He half turned and plastered a half smirk on his face. He didn't want to play psychiatrist about her feelings, and ****. He just wanted her to ... to what..? To not be pissed everything she saw him. Yea. Didn't mean he would stop deviling her. He liked deviling her. He just wanted to be 'able' to devil her when he wanted.. and her being perpetually pissed at him, sorta made that difficult. "Sure Pookie.. later.."
Cytherea: ''I'll see you later old man.''
Doc: Hello Pookie
Cytherea: And how have you been?
Doc: *half shrugs* Won't complain.. You?
Cytherea: Collecting things for you.
Doc: That's because you are so sweet
Cytherea: Only sometimes, and sometimes only for you.
Doc: Yes. I believe that.
Cytherea: Elliot inspired me the other day, it was rather odd, I haven't heard from him in quite some time.
Doc: Perhaps he misses you?
Doc: or Perhaps the newness of he and Pi was worn off and you're his new hobby
Doc: Or maybe Pi made him do it?
Cytherea: *arched a 'brow at Doc.* The first one, perhaps. The others, I'm not so sure.
Doc: You honestly think he misses you?
Doc: Seriously?
Cytherea: You know, sometimes you make it sound like I'm the most horrible person alive, that the thought of someone caring about or missing me is laughable.. *she stared at him for a moment.* Good evening Doc, I'll stop by soon and give you the items I've collected.
Doc: *smirks* Bye Pookie
Cytherea: *gave a nod before she left.*
Doc sighed, 'God dammit! I wasn't finished with her.' He thought to himself as she left. He expected her to go off on him and rant and rail about something or other, while he deviled her. He was ready for her to even belt him. He had a whole series of insults and hateful comments lined up especially for her, and she just ******* left. He sighed again.
“Well damn.” Just when you think you have a god damned female figured out, they go and ******* change on you. If she was going to leave every time he insulted her now, that was so going to annoy him. Who would he devil now? “Dammit!”
There was nothing for it, he was going to have to make a god damned peace offering. Coffee. She loved coffee. But knowing her, she would just take that as her due. He narrowed his eyes in thought, what do girls like? Candy.. no he wasn't getting her Candy, she would think he was getting romantic thoughts toward her. No. **** No!
Flowers! That's it he would get her flowers! No.. Not flower-s. One flower. Just one. No need to over do it. A single flower. Right. He would do that tomorrow.
Doc arrived at the flower store and looked around at all the flowers. He was completely out of his depth. A clerk noticed him and came over.
Clerk: Can I help Sir?
Doc: Yes, I am looking for a flower.. for a girl.
Clerk smiles: We have some lovely roses..
Doc cut the clerk off: Not roses. No she will think its romantic.. its not.
Clerk: Oh in that case, a white or yellow rose...
Doc: No roses. You don't know the girl.. she will obsess.. No roses.
Clerk: Well about a pretty pink carnation?
Doc: That screams 'let me take you to the prom', No.
Clerk smiles: What about a chrysanthemum? *points out a pink one*
Doc: Don't they send those to Funerals?
Clerk's smile wavered: Not Pink ones usually.
Doc smelled the pink chrysanthemum. "Oh god.. that stinks! You want me to give her a stink pink death flower? She would throw in my face."
Clerk snapped: That why Roses are so perfect!
Doc: No Roses. She's a kid.. ok.. Actually she's my Ex's.. new guy's kid. If I give her a rose.. a shir storm will follow.
Clerk: You're giving your Ex's step child a flower?
Doc: Yes. It's complicated.
Clerk eyes him like a perv: What about a gardenia?
Doc: That sounds pretty.. what does it look like?
Clerk showed him to a shrub covered in blooms: It smells wonderful.
Doc sighed: Yea is smells good, but I don't want to give her flower that screams, "Hey I plucked this off a bush for you." Cause trust.. that's what she will say.
Clerk: What about a lily?
Doc: Lily's mean death.. You want me to give her a death flower? No.
Clerkis no longer even attempting to smile anymore: Primrose?
Doc: No Roses!
Clerk: Its' not a real .. Never mind.. what about..
Doc cut her off: That one... over there..
Clerk: Absolutely! It's perfect!
The clerk charged twice what it was really worth, and sighed with relief as he left with his purchase.
Doc:*texts* Where are you?
Cytherea: *replied* In Newborough, why?
Doc:*text*Want to see you OK?
Cytherea: *texted back.* Alright, where?
Doc: *text* You tell me .. I will meet you there.
Cytherea: I'm sitting in an Abandoned factory in Newborough, you can swing by there.
Doc:Doc sighed, he was trying to be affable and easy going. Why was she being difficult? If he told her where to meet him, she would find something wrong with it or devil him for details as to 'why that place'. His phone buzzed. Good she gave hi a location. *text* Be there shortly.
Cytherea: Cyth eyed her phone, though she didn't reply, she opted instead for placing the items she had stolen into the bag she carried. She'd hand it to Doc when he came to see her, which was strange, he didn't normally seek her out. But she thought nothing of it, he probably needed something.
Doc: A short time later, Doc arrived at the appointed building and began to look for Cytherea. He eventually found her. "Hey Pookie.. " He smiled, he held out a cup of coffee toward her, and his other hand was behind his back.
Cytherea: Her head lifted when she heard that nickname, one she wasn't entirely sure she wanted to know the meaning of, but she gave a smile in greeting and then eyed the coffee. ''And I didn't even have to ask for it this time..'' she mumbled, something strange was going on, but she reached out and took the coffee, her smile still in place. ''Thanks.''
Doc: Doc then pulled his other hand from his back and offered the item he held to her, "Peace offering..."
Doc: Flower
Cytherea: The smile grew when she saw the flowers, the golden irises lifting to stare at him. ''Aw, thank you. But you were probably right in your conclusions yesterday.'' she took the offered items and inhaled the scent that lingered on the petals.
Doc:This was going better than he had anticipated. He expected her to find something wrong with them. He should leave while shes not pissed off, this time. "Yea.. well .. That's all I wanted.. Later Pookie."
Cytherea: ''Just a moment.'' she said, grabbing the slevee of his jacket, halting his escape. ''I apologize for my reaction yesterday, whilst your words held merit, I do still get upset from time to time, and your words did just that. But you weren't in the wrong. Anyways, thank you for the flowers and coffee, they are lovely. I'll see you later to drop of the things I have?'' she asked with a small smile.
Doc: So close. Next time, he tells himself, must move faster. He half turned and plastered a half smirk on his face. He didn't want to play psychiatrist about her feelings, and ****. He just wanted her to ... to what..? To not be pissed everything she saw him. Yea. Didn't mean he would stop deviling her. He liked deviling her. He just wanted to be 'able' to devil her when he wanted.. and her being perpetually pissed at him, sorta made that difficult. "Sure Pookie.. later.."
Cytherea: ''I'll see you later old man.''

Ego correctionis silentio grammatica tua
IC Forum username: That Guy
Dressed by Ariadne-
- Posts: 2
- Joined: 27 Oct 2012, 01:26
Re: d'Artois: Events in Time
‹Pi dArtois› Pi text Mathias to meet her in the portal room. The rituals were becoming easier, smoother and she was getting new ones faster and faster and it was becoming more the trick to find someone around to take the bound one so she could make another. This time, it was Mathias' turn.
‹Pi dArtois› [Text] Could you please come see me in the Portal Room, I need to hand you something.. it's important.
Kainai dArtoiscrept into the portal room quietly and saw that Pi didn't seem to be in danger. She joins her next to the ritual altar. "Hello."
‹Mathias› Mathias had been laying on the couch at home when he got the text. He grumbled, shifting so he could pull his phone out of his pocket, wondering if it was Jazir, and disregarding the thought immediately. Jazir would have just used telepathy. So when he saw he had a text from Pi, he felt a tinge of annoyance. He had gotten the slightest few words out of Jazir about what he and Pi had talked about a while back, and it still had him pisses. Reluctnantly, he pushed himself up to his feet and headed out, almost dreading meeting up with his sire. With the mood he was in, he was ready to pick a fight over anything.
‹Pi dArtois› "Hi there Ruth. I will have a Tome for you in a minute, I wanted to bring you here to get one... I'm just calling in Mathias to get his, and yours is next. Are you well?" While she waited she got the ritual items ready.
‹Mathias› finally walked into the Portal room after a few minutes of recieving the text. He lounged quietly against the wall, watching Pi and not interrupting her, seeing as she was already talking with someone else.
Kainai dArtoisnods. She has been better than the last time they spoke. She did not want Pi to blame herself for what happened, and anyway it wasn't a big deal anyway. Her friend had affections for her, and Pi had asked Ruth at first to watch after him. It was not anyone's fault that the man had affections for her. Besides, he was never going to act on them. Knowing that, Ruth seems more at ease.
‹Pi dArtois› "Hi Mathias" Pi said, spying her childe and waving him over oblvious to his mood. She picked up the tome she had made for him and walked it over to Mathias and handed it over, holding it out to him. "Here, I wanted you to have this? Do you know how to use the tome? And... I think you've met Ruth before?" she said, waving her hand to indicate Kainai who stood behind her. "She's my ... sister."
‹Mathias› walked over to Pi, sighing silently when she held the tome out to him. He took it and glanced at it, nodding in thanks. He glanced up when Pi introduced him to Ruth. He nodded once at her in greeting. "...Once I think...nice to meet you."
Kainai dArtoisreturns the nod, then glances curiously at the tome. Her silence is not vindictive, she is merely somewhat of a softspoken creature.
‹Pi dArtois› Smiling she let the the tome and gave Mathias a long look, wondering if there are things they should say to one another, things that hadn't been said before but with Ruth here she wasn't sure she wanted to air his secrets for anyone else to see, even someone she trusted as much as Ruth. Instead she let her gaze hold his for a little longer than necessary before turning to head back to the ritual circle. "I'm going to make another for Ruth, but i fyou have any questions before I do Mathias... feel free to ask before I get started. Ruth, you?"
Kainai dArtoisYes. What will this tome do? What do you want by giving it to me?
‹Mathias› shook his head silently, signalling he had nothing to ask Pi, but stuck around, which showed he did want to talk to her.
‹Pi dArtois› Pi was a bit distracted as she worked the ritual, the fae in the circle giving her grief as she spoke the words of power to make it do her will. She heard Ruth and her words but it took Pi a while to respond, as the fae attacked the walls of the circle and Pi bolstered the weakness with oil. She wasn't good at this, but she was learning and she'd practised enough to know she needed to make sure the fae didn't escape. This time, like the others Pi turned, triumphant as the circle broken the fae vanished and there on the floor in front of her was a tome powered by a beast who relunctantly funneled its power into it. She bent, picked it up. She then turned with it, the tome still glowing, but fading slowly and offered it to Ruth. "You will use it to bring yourself back to this room, in an instant... and sort of... instant portable, portal." she finished, obviously proud of what she'd made.
"And... nothing, I want nothing. Just to know you have it and can use it. Just, don't try to give it away, it will lose its power and if you take another tome off anyone, you'll lose the power of this one... and it won't work anymore."
‹Pi dArtois› [Text] Could you please come see me in the Portal Room, I need to hand you something.. it's important.
Kainai dArtoiscrept into the portal room quietly and saw that Pi didn't seem to be in danger. She joins her next to the ritual altar. "Hello."
‹Mathias› Mathias had been laying on the couch at home when he got the text. He grumbled, shifting so he could pull his phone out of his pocket, wondering if it was Jazir, and disregarding the thought immediately. Jazir would have just used telepathy. So when he saw he had a text from Pi, he felt a tinge of annoyance. He had gotten the slightest few words out of Jazir about what he and Pi had talked about a while back, and it still had him pisses. Reluctnantly, he pushed himself up to his feet and headed out, almost dreading meeting up with his sire. With the mood he was in, he was ready to pick a fight over anything.
‹Pi dArtois› "Hi there Ruth. I will have a Tome for you in a minute, I wanted to bring you here to get one... I'm just calling in Mathias to get his, and yours is next. Are you well?" While she waited she got the ritual items ready.
‹Mathias› finally walked into the Portal room after a few minutes of recieving the text. He lounged quietly against the wall, watching Pi and not interrupting her, seeing as she was already talking with someone else.
Kainai dArtoisnods. She has been better than the last time they spoke. She did not want Pi to blame herself for what happened, and anyway it wasn't a big deal anyway. Her friend had affections for her, and Pi had asked Ruth at first to watch after him. It was not anyone's fault that the man had affections for her. Besides, he was never going to act on them. Knowing that, Ruth seems more at ease.
‹Pi dArtois› "Hi Mathias" Pi said, spying her childe and waving him over oblvious to his mood. She picked up the tome she had made for him and walked it over to Mathias and handed it over, holding it out to him. "Here, I wanted you to have this? Do you know how to use the tome? And... I think you've met Ruth before?" she said, waving her hand to indicate Kainai who stood behind her. "She's my ... sister."
‹Mathias› walked over to Pi, sighing silently when she held the tome out to him. He took it and glanced at it, nodding in thanks. He glanced up when Pi introduced him to Ruth. He nodded once at her in greeting. "...Once I think...nice to meet you."
Kainai dArtoisreturns the nod, then glances curiously at the tome. Her silence is not vindictive, she is merely somewhat of a softspoken creature.
‹Pi dArtois› Smiling she let the the tome and gave Mathias a long look, wondering if there are things they should say to one another, things that hadn't been said before but with Ruth here she wasn't sure she wanted to air his secrets for anyone else to see, even someone she trusted as much as Ruth. Instead she let her gaze hold his for a little longer than necessary before turning to head back to the ritual circle. "I'm going to make another for Ruth, but i fyou have any questions before I do Mathias... feel free to ask before I get started. Ruth, you?"
Kainai dArtoisYes. What will this tome do? What do you want by giving it to me?
‹Mathias› shook his head silently, signalling he had nothing to ask Pi, but stuck around, which showed he did want to talk to her.
‹Pi dArtois› Pi was a bit distracted as she worked the ritual, the fae in the circle giving her grief as she spoke the words of power to make it do her will. She heard Ruth and her words but it took Pi a while to respond, as the fae attacked the walls of the circle and Pi bolstered the weakness with oil. She wasn't good at this, but she was learning and she'd practised enough to know she needed to make sure the fae didn't escape. This time, like the others Pi turned, triumphant as the circle broken the fae vanished and there on the floor in front of her was a tome powered by a beast who relunctantly funneled its power into it. She bent, picked it up. She then turned with it, the tome still glowing, but fading slowly and offered it to Ruth. "You will use it to bring yourself back to this room, in an instant... and sort of... instant portable, portal." she finished, obviously proud of what she'd made.
"And... nothing, I want nothing. Just to know you have it and can use it. Just, don't try to give it away, it will lose its power and if you take another tome off anyone, you'll lose the power of this one... and it won't work anymore."
- Pi dArtois
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- CrowNet Handle: Pi
Re: d'Artois: Events in Time
Kainai dArtoissmiles a genuine smile, doe brown eyes lighting up as she takes the tome from Pi and stares at it in awe. "That is amazing," she murmurs. "Simply incredible." She loves magic and power. She is proud that her sister is so skilled.
‹Mathias› watched silently, saying nothing, checking his phone every so often, spamming Jazir for a few moments because he could. But he did want to talk to Pi, clear things up with her.
Kainai dArtoisThank you for this magic, Pi.
‹Pi dArtois› Pi watched Mathias her gaze worried and then back to Ruth. "You're welcome Ruth, I think you'll like it once you get use to using it." She spoke, but her gaze didn't leave Mathias and him waiting there for her, silently. Gnawing on her lip Pi turned to Ruth and spoke quietly. "Could you give us a moment please Ruth... I think, I need to talk to Mathias privately."
Kainai dArtoisnods. It had been nice seeing her. She steps into the portal.
‹Mathias› only watched Pi, listening to what she said to Ruth, hearing her ask if Ruth could leave, give them a moment alone. Once they were alone, he shifted slightly against the wall, but didn't move, slipping his phone back in his pocket.
‹Pi dArtois› Turning she cleaned up the ritual table, keeping her hands busy and her back to her childe but she spoke, h er words coaxing him to speak what was on his mind. "You looked like you wanted to speak to me... are you alright?" She asked, tidying up the last of the ritual items before turning and resting her butt on the edge of the table and facing him. It felt like a bit of a stand off, him on his wall, her on her table, each facing the other.
‹Mathias› quietly watched her as she cleaned up, glancing away and peering around the room. When she spoke to him, he looked at her, silent until she faced him.
"You talked to Jazir recently?"
‹Pi dArtois› "Yes"
She answered quickly, knowing what was coming next and waited for where it would go.
‹Mathias› "...He said you have...concerns about my being his donor?"
‹Pi dArtois› "That is a part of it yes. But not all. I have concerns about you wanting to harm yourself and I have concerns that you might try."
‹Mathias› "...Why are you concerned? The need to self-harm came from my humanity...before everything with Jazir happened."
"It's not like self-harm will get me very far when I'm a vampire..."
‹Pi dArtois› "No, I don't guess it will. But the underlying reasons for it are my concern too. Just because it was what always was, doesn't mean we can't find a way to change that. I know you're happy with Jazir, and that matters to me too."
‹Mathias› "I am happy with Jazir." He absently looked down at the second ring, an Amaranthine on his finger, fitted just above his engagement ring. He smiled slightly, only to frown before looking back up at Pi. "My emotions are just going to be heightened for the rest of my life. I know that...it's going to be a struggle...just like when I was human."
‹Pi dArtois› "I will never stop worrying, Jazir and I haven't always seen eye to eye but your welfare is our one shining point of agreement. He loves you... in his way and me in mine. And you're not something we're yanking back and forth between one another but you are the thing that has brought us closer than we would have otherwise." Standing she looks at the tome at her feet. One that needed the power she could give it.
‹Mathias› '...I just don't know right now..." He shrugged and glanced down at his phone as it vibrated, pulling it out and reading the email. "I have to go...Jazir's heading home...I'll see you around..." He chewed on his lip. "Maybe we can talk more about this later."
‹Pi dArtois› "Okay, ... if you need me, use the tome. I'm here, 8pm nearly every night."
‹Mathias› nodded, then used the portal to exit the room before heading back towards the Towers.
‹Mathias› watched silently, saying nothing, checking his phone every so often, spamming Jazir for a few moments because he could. But he did want to talk to Pi, clear things up with her.
Kainai dArtoisThank you for this magic, Pi.
‹Pi dArtois› Pi watched Mathias her gaze worried and then back to Ruth. "You're welcome Ruth, I think you'll like it once you get use to using it." She spoke, but her gaze didn't leave Mathias and him waiting there for her, silently. Gnawing on her lip Pi turned to Ruth and spoke quietly. "Could you give us a moment please Ruth... I think, I need to talk to Mathias privately."
Kainai dArtoisnods. It had been nice seeing her. She steps into the portal.
‹Mathias› only watched Pi, listening to what she said to Ruth, hearing her ask if Ruth could leave, give them a moment alone. Once they were alone, he shifted slightly against the wall, but didn't move, slipping his phone back in his pocket.
‹Pi dArtois› Turning she cleaned up the ritual table, keeping her hands busy and her back to her childe but she spoke, h er words coaxing him to speak what was on his mind. "You looked like you wanted to speak to me... are you alright?" She asked, tidying up the last of the ritual items before turning and resting her butt on the edge of the table and facing him. It felt like a bit of a stand off, him on his wall, her on her table, each facing the other.
‹Mathias› quietly watched her as she cleaned up, glancing away and peering around the room. When she spoke to him, he looked at her, silent until she faced him.
"You talked to Jazir recently?"
‹Pi dArtois› "Yes"
She answered quickly, knowing what was coming next and waited for where it would go.
‹Mathias› "...He said you have...concerns about my being his donor?"
‹Pi dArtois› "That is a part of it yes. But not all. I have concerns about you wanting to harm yourself and I have concerns that you might try."
‹Mathias› "...Why are you concerned? The need to self-harm came from my humanity...before everything with Jazir happened."
"It's not like self-harm will get me very far when I'm a vampire..."
‹Pi dArtois› "No, I don't guess it will. But the underlying reasons for it are my concern too. Just because it was what always was, doesn't mean we can't find a way to change that. I know you're happy with Jazir, and that matters to me too."
‹Mathias› "I am happy with Jazir." He absently looked down at the second ring, an Amaranthine on his finger, fitted just above his engagement ring. He smiled slightly, only to frown before looking back up at Pi. "My emotions are just going to be heightened for the rest of my life. I know that...it's going to be a struggle...just like when I was human."
‹Pi dArtois› "I will never stop worrying, Jazir and I haven't always seen eye to eye but your welfare is our one shining point of agreement. He loves you... in his way and me in mine. And you're not something we're yanking back and forth between one another but you are the thing that has brought us closer than we would have otherwise." Standing she looks at the tome at her feet. One that needed the power she could give it.
‹Mathias› '...I just don't know right now..." He shrugged and glanced down at his phone as it vibrated, pulling it out and reading the email. "I have to go...Jazir's heading home...I'll see you around..." He chewed on his lip. "Maybe we can talk more about this later."
‹Pi dArtois› "Okay, ... if you need me, use the tome. I'm here, 8pm nearly every night."
‹Mathias› nodded, then used the portal to exit the room before heading back towards the Towers.
K I L L E R || E L L I O T ' S


- Pi dArtois
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- CrowNet Handle: Pi
Re: d'Artois: Events in Time
Jazir: "PI! WHAT the HELL did you say to Mathias?!"
Pi d'Artois: "What the hell is Vi saying to Cytherea!"
Jazir: "I don't know and I don't care...this is more serious...I don't even know who that is..." Jazir replied, sounding beyond frustrated and more than a little panicked. "What did you say to him?"
Pi d'Artois:"Talk to him yourself for gods sake." she replied, her voice sounding as frustrated as his did. "Why are you calling me and asking me that when you can just... talk to him yourself."
Jazir: "Have you ever dealt with someone suicidal before Pi?" Jazir said, through gritted teeth. "Do you even know what it's like to see them go unresponsive? I would talk to him myself...but he's not talking...and you do not want to know what I'm finding when I'm digging into his mind so why don't you help me figure out what's going on...so I can pull him back from the very dangerous edge he's walking."
"And while we're on this subject, I think it'd be a good idea to wait until after we manage to bind our souls before you interact with him again..."
"He doesn't process things like a normal person would...I'm not saying that you did this intentionally or that this is your fault entirely...he's just...unstable...he's been unstable...and I need your help...now. To bring him back..."
Pi d'Artois: “No I never have.” Pi pulled the phone away from her ear, stared at it and then shook her head wondering if there was a full damn moon somewhere or was there like a time of mass hysteria happening because if it wasn’t one drama it was another all coming in at her like a machine gun pelting her with bullets form different directions.
“And no, you don’t get to tell me when or when I can’t contact my own childe. He was talking to me just fine. In fact, he was holding down a whole conversation. Have you considered, that it might just be you? And your influence that is tipping him over the edge?” Pi regretted the words when she spoke them but she couldn’t pull them back. Didn’t really want to. She breathed through her anger, putting the brakes on her temper and tried again. “I’ll do what I can. If he needs my help, then you tell me what needs to be done, but I’m getting damn tired of the fact you, are the only one who is doing this tipping of him over the edge. I don’t understand it, no, so please, explain it for me.”
Jazir: "Actually I ******* do..." the swear word was venomous. "I will tell you anything I please if I think it will stand between him doing something that he won't be able to walk away from afterwards. If he goes to the Fade Pi...I'm coming for you...and I expect you to send me after him. Do you understand what I'm saying? I expect you to send me after him...so that I can find him...and bring him back. Regardless how long it takes. I don't give a flying **** what you do or don't think...the cause is. The honest to god truth is you don't know anything...and that's just how it is. So you can take your opinions and shove them where the sun doesn't shine."
The insanity that usually lurked, barely reigned in was let loose in full at the sudden flare of instant anger he felt. He had to take a moment to actually remember to breathe between his words.
"Tell me...what you told him...what you said...word for word...so I can try to figure out his thought process..."
Pi d'Artois: "Absolutely not. Next time you call me. You temper your words and you don't give me ultimatums. If you want to talk to me you remember that or you don't call me at all. I expect, the next time you pick up this phone you have your temper sorted out. Or you'll get nothing from me."
And with that Pi hung up the phone, slamming it against the receiver with a finality that broke the handset in her hand, cutting the inside of her palm.
Jazir: [Fine...I'll deal with this my way...if you won't help me then I'll do what I've done up until this point...and pray it works. But I promise you Pi...if pain doesn't draw him back...I will not be reasoned with, if you think this is the end to my temper you are sorely mistaken. You will need an army to stop the havoc I will wreak if he's taken to me. Innocents will die...the Masquerade will be damned...I won't care...because right now he's the only thing keeping me remotely sane...and once that's gone...well...you know how I was...
Pi d'Artois: Pi clutched her head and growled into the empty room, her head coming to rest on her desk, her eyes clenched shut as his voice infiltrated her brain.
"Damn you Jazir. You manipulative ********."
Pi d'Artois: "What the hell is Vi saying to Cytherea!"
Jazir: "I don't know and I don't care...this is more serious...I don't even know who that is..." Jazir replied, sounding beyond frustrated and more than a little panicked. "What did you say to him?"
Pi d'Artois:"Talk to him yourself for gods sake." she replied, her voice sounding as frustrated as his did. "Why are you calling me and asking me that when you can just... talk to him yourself."
Jazir: "Have you ever dealt with someone suicidal before Pi?" Jazir said, through gritted teeth. "Do you even know what it's like to see them go unresponsive? I would talk to him myself...but he's not talking...and you do not want to know what I'm finding when I'm digging into his mind so why don't you help me figure out what's going on...so I can pull him back from the very dangerous edge he's walking."
"And while we're on this subject, I think it'd be a good idea to wait until after we manage to bind our souls before you interact with him again..."
"He doesn't process things like a normal person would...I'm not saying that you did this intentionally or that this is your fault entirely...he's just...unstable...he's been unstable...and I need your help...now. To bring him back..."
Pi d'Artois: “No I never have.” Pi pulled the phone away from her ear, stared at it and then shook her head wondering if there was a full damn moon somewhere or was there like a time of mass hysteria happening because if it wasn’t one drama it was another all coming in at her like a machine gun pelting her with bullets form different directions.
“And no, you don’t get to tell me when or when I can’t contact my own childe. He was talking to me just fine. In fact, he was holding down a whole conversation. Have you considered, that it might just be you? And your influence that is tipping him over the edge?” Pi regretted the words when she spoke them but she couldn’t pull them back. Didn’t really want to. She breathed through her anger, putting the brakes on her temper and tried again. “I’ll do what I can. If he needs my help, then you tell me what needs to be done, but I’m getting damn tired of the fact you, are the only one who is doing this tipping of him over the edge. I don’t understand it, no, so please, explain it for me.”
Jazir: "Actually I ******* do..." the swear word was venomous. "I will tell you anything I please if I think it will stand between him doing something that he won't be able to walk away from afterwards. If he goes to the Fade Pi...I'm coming for you...and I expect you to send me after him. Do you understand what I'm saying? I expect you to send me after him...so that I can find him...and bring him back. Regardless how long it takes. I don't give a flying **** what you do or don't think...the cause is. The honest to god truth is you don't know anything...and that's just how it is. So you can take your opinions and shove them where the sun doesn't shine."
The insanity that usually lurked, barely reigned in was let loose in full at the sudden flare of instant anger he felt. He had to take a moment to actually remember to breathe between his words.
"Tell me...what you told him...what you said...word for word...so I can try to figure out his thought process..."
Pi d'Artois: "Absolutely not. Next time you call me. You temper your words and you don't give me ultimatums. If you want to talk to me you remember that or you don't call me at all. I expect, the next time you pick up this phone you have your temper sorted out. Or you'll get nothing from me."
And with that Pi hung up the phone, slamming it against the receiver with a finality that broke the handset in her hand, cutting the inside of her palm.
Jazir: [Fine...I'll deal with this my way...if you won't help me then I'll do what I've done up until this point...and pray it works. But I promise you Pi...if pain doesn't draw him back...I will not be reasoned with, if you think this is the end to my temper you are sorely mistaken. You will need an army to stop the havoc I will wreak if he's taken to me. Innocents will die...the Masquerade will be damned...I won't care...because right now he's the only thing keeping me remotely sane...and once that's gone...well...you know how I was...
Pi d'Artois: Pi clutched her head and growled into the empty room, her head coming to rest on her desk, her eyes clenched shut as his voice infiltrated her brain.
"Damn you Jazir. You manipulative ********."
K I L L E R || E L L I O T ' S


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- Joined: 10 Jun 2012, 09:29
- CrowNet Handle: The Wife
Re: d'Artois: Events in Time
(RP phone call from Cyth)
‹Pi dArtois› Did you use Seduction on Ash, like you did me Cytherea?
‹Cytherea› I "seduced" Ash by accident whilst trying to do it to you since he was sitting so close. And even at best it's hardly considered anything.
Cytherea: It's not actually seduction, or else I wouldn't have tried it on you.
‹Pi dArtois› We killed CC for doing it to Jaeger. We sent her to the Shadow Realm. I, did nothing and I know Elliot would laugh at the fact you tried at all. But not everyone is so forgiving of the people they love having it used on them. Different people
‹Cytherea› Well, there's such a thing as asking a simple question instead of threatening. And if she does it again, I'm removing a limb. As I said, a mix up when I tried to do it to you.
‹Pi dArtois› Ash is family, Vi is his. What do you think is the best way to handle this. It was only a mistake on your part. So you ddin't mean anything by it.
‹Cytherea› I'll message her, explain that it was an accident whilst trying to do it to you and apologize. Then I'm going to tell her if she speaks to me like that again, I won't hesitate to remove her head and for the sake of this family, tell her to stay out of my way and I'll stay out of hers.
I even inspired him to apologize.
Jesus. And she went all crazy *****.
‹Pi dArtois› Pi d'Artois: I think the message is a good idea. Try to tone down the 'cut your
head off and **** down your throat' portion if you can. For the sake of the family. Try and work it out. Your mistake. Her over reaction. Somewhere, there's a middle ground I just need you to find it instead of issuing ultimatums along the lines of 'tell her to stay out of my way'. Lets see how your message pans out and if you need me. I'm here.
‹Cytherea› I'm sorry, but I'm not going to have some little miss nobody waltz along, threaten me, be a total ****, then mind block me instead of actually trying to figure out what happened. I don't really care if she is family. I made a mistake, I inspired him and I tried to mind speak to say sorry. It must not have worked if we are here.
‹Pi dArtois› You made a mistake. She's made one. So far, you have an even playing field and can work it out. Using seduction on randoms can have ****, catastrophic consequences. Having a girlfriend ***** at you, is nothing and you know it.
‹Cytherea› She didn't just ***** at me, and I wasn't seducing randoms. They could have easily asked, and this would have been fine. Instead I get some crazy **** threatening to tow my head off to the SR and mindblocking me. And honestly, if she does it again, I'm cutting her. And I'm quite good at removing limbs these days. Anyways, here us the messaging I'm sending, you can read it and say if it's satisfactory
(Cyth sends a cc of the message to Pi she sent to Vi))
‹Cytherea› Why hi there, I'm the person you came to, threatened, mind blocked, without actually bothering to wait for any kind of answer. So lets clear this up before it escalates. I did not touch your man, I bumped into him whilst trying to use my power known as seduction on Pi, as a joke.
When I realised my mistake, I sent an inspire up the person, as I didn't know who they were. I also thought I sent them a mind message apologising, if it didn't go through, then that's my fault, but a simple mistake.
Do pass my apologies along to the male in question for this mix up. As for your threats and mindblocking me, since this is just a misunderstanding, one which you over reacted to, and for the sake of keeping peace between this family, I'd say it's best to set it aside.
Well, it's been a pleasure. And thanks for having stopped by.
‹Pi dArtois› Pi spoke into the phone her voice soft. "I"m in the portal room, working on the rituals. Tome in.. lets talk. " Pi read the message Cytherea had sent and then dropped the phone on her rituals table. Leaning on the surface her head dropped so her hair hung down obscuring her view. Then she straightened, squared her shoulders and stood to face the portal square she knew Cyth would tome into. And waited.
‹Cytherea› stared at the phone, a feeling of foreboding settling over her, she suddenly felt like she was walking into a reprimand of sorts, and it wouldn't settle well with her, she was already furious. With her teeth pressed firmly together, and her lips pulled into a grim line, she used the tome to arrive home, catching the eye of Pi, and then her sire. Well, that was great, now she really felt like a kid in trouble.
‹Elliot dArtois› The one-sided conversation elicited a lazy perk of the brow from Elliot. Throughout the conversation he gathered that the person on the other side was Cytherea. And he also gathered she wasn't at all happy. Something about inspires, and family. And threats. He was lounged upon a chair, long legs at odd angles, generally looking a bit awkward. But he was comfortable. Cytherea appeared, almost as if my magic - she looked almost sheepish. Lan offered a grin, and a salute for a wave. "What's going on, now?"
‹Cytherea› If she speaks to me like that again, I'm removing her head.Alert: Vi Glory sent you a telepathic message:"I just want to know why you\`re touching my man?"
Alert: Vi Glory says: "*leans against wall and eyes* "...Well, hi...""
Alert: Vi Glory says: ""You should...really learn to keep your hands to yourself?""
Alert: Vi Glory says: "You could just...screw up with one action and tick"
Alert: Vi Glory says: "off that one someone who can make your entire life hell."
Alert: Vi Glory says: ""So I`ll say this once, and never again. You `ever` go near Ash Shevon again, even flip your"
Alert: Vi Glory says: "hair in his general direction? I won`t hesitate to drag your pretty little head of hair down to"
Alert: Vi Glory says: "the Shadow Realm.""
Alert: You were attacked by Vi Glory , who used their Mind Block power on you!
‹Pi dArtois› Did you use Seduction on Ash, like you did me Cytherea?
‹Cytherea› I "seduced" Ash by accident whilst trying to do it to you since he was sitting so close. And even at best it's hardly considered anything.
Cytherea: It's not actually seduction, or else I wouldn't have tried it on you.
‹Pi dArtois› We killed CC for doing it to Jaeger. We sent her to the Shadow Realm. I, did nothing and I know Elliot would laugh at the fact you tried at all. But not everyone is so forgiving of the people they love having it used on them. Different people
‹Cytherea› Well, there's such a thing as asking a simple question instead of threatening. And if she does it again, I'm removing a limb. As I said, a mix up when I tried to do it to you.
‹Pi dArtois› Ash is family, Vi is his. What do you think is the best way to handle this. It was only a mistake on your part. So you ddin't mean anything by it.
‹Cytherea› I'll message her, explain that it was an accident whilst trying to do it to you and apologize. Then I'm going to tell her if she speaks to me like that again, I won't hesitate to remove her head and for the sake of this family, tell her to stay out of my way and I'll stay out of hers.
I even inspired him to apologize.
Jesus. And she went all crazy *****.
‹Pi dArtois› Pi d'Artois: I think the message is a good idea. Try to tone down the 'cut your
head off and **** down your throat' portion if you can. For the sake of the family. Try and work it out. Your mistake. Her over reaction. Somewhere, there's a middle ground I just need you to find it instead of issuing ultimatums along the lines of 'tell her to stay out of my way'. Lets see how your message pans out and if you need me. I'm here.
‹Cytherea› I'm sorry, but I'm not going to have some little miss nobody waltz along, threaten me, be a total ****, then mind block me instead of actually trying to figure out what happened. I don't really care if she is family. I made a mistake, I inspired him and I tried to mind speak to say sorry. It must not have worked if we are here.
‹Pi dArtois› You made a mistake. She's made one. So far, you have an even playing field and can work it out. Using seduction on randoms can have ****, catastrophic consequences. Having a girlfriend ***** at you, is nothing and you know it.
‹Cytherea› She didn't just ***** at me, and I wasn't seducing randoms. They could have easily asked, and this would have been fine. Instead I get some crazy **** threatening to tow my head off to the SR and mindblocking me. And honestly, if she does it again, I'm cutting her. And I'm quite good at removing limbs these days. Anyways, here us the messaging I'm sending, you can read it and say if it's satisfactory
(Cyth sends a cc of the message to Pi she sent to Vi))
‹Cytherea› Why hi there, I'm the person you came to, threatened, mind blocked, without actually bothering to wait for any kind of answer. So lets clear this up before it escalates. I did not touch your man, I bumped into him whilst trying to use my power known as seduction on Pi, as a joke.
When I realised my mistake, I sent an inspire up the person, as I didn't know who they were. I also thought I sent them a mind message apologising, if it didn't go through, then that's my fault, but a simple mistake.
Do pass my apologies along to the male in question for this mix up. As for your threats and mindblocking me, since this is just a misunderstanding, one which you over reacted to, and for the sake of keeping peace between this family, I'd say it's best to set it aside.
Well, it's been a pleasure. And thanks for having stopped by.
‹Pi dArtois› Pi spoke into the phone her voice soft. "I"m in the portal room, working on the rituals. Tome in.. lets talk. " Pi read the message Cytherea had sent and then dropped the phone on her rituals table. Leaning on the surface her head dropped so her hair hung down obscuring her view. Then she straightened, squared her shoulders and stood to face the portal square she knew Cyth would tome into. And waited.
‹Cytherea› stared at the phone, a feeling of foreboding settling over her, she suddenly felt like she was walking into a reprimand of sorts, and it wouldn't settle well with her, she was already furious. With her teeth pressed firmly together, and her lips pulled into a grim line, she used the tome to arrive home, catching the eye of Pi, and then her sire. Well, that was great, now she really felt like a kid in trouble.
‹Elliot dArtois› The one-sided conversation elicited a lazy perk of the brow from Elliot. Throughout the conversation he gathered that the person on the other side was Cytherea. And he also gathered she wasn't at all happy. Something about inspires, and family. And threats. He was lounged upon a chair, long legs at odd angles, generally looking a bit awkward. But he was comfortable. Cytherea appeared, almost as if my magic - she looked almost sheepish. Lan offered a grin, and a salute for a wave. "What's going on, now?"

Death is a delightful hiding place for weary men.

Death is a delightful hiding place for weary men.
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Re: d'Artois: Events in Time
‹Pi dArtois› Pi slid Elliot a look, glad he was there, glad he heard and glad Cyth had come to talk. "I thought it was easier to talk face to face instead of over the phone. You sounded pretty pissed off ... sometimes it's just good to not do this sort of thing over the phone." Pi picked up her phone then, thumbing the thing to the cc Cyth had sent and closing the distance handed the phone to Elliot to read before perching heself on the arm of the chair and using a portion of the back of it to lean on. "The message you sent.. was great. Thank you Cyth." And it was. Which was a bit of a surprise to Pi because she thought maybe Cyth would lose it but she hadn't. "It was good."
‹Cytherea› As Elliot's question sounded through her ears, and then Pi's response, her mind wandered to the events that had taken place, it caused a spark of indignation to take root within her abdomen, spreading its treachery until finally the feminine creature had her fists so tightly clutched that her knuckles were as white as snow. "I'm not I'm the habit of being lenient when someone threatens to drag me head first into the SR, then mindblocking me and should she do so again, I'm removing a limb of hers, or a few." She replied, the obvious displeasure at the situation present in her tone and posture.
‹Elliot dArtois› Although Elliot still felt as if he were missing half the story, he realised now that he had enough of it in order to proceed. He maneuvered himself so that his feet were both flat on the ground, elbows on knees, and hands clasped together in front of him. He even held his hands, as if in prayer. "I get that you're pissed off, Cyth. I'm not sure how well I'd take those kinds of threats myself. Look at it from Vi's perspective, though - if someone came along and tried to seduce Pi, I know I'd be pissed. It's not just hitting on someone - that, I could let go. But the power itself renders the person...." he shook his head. It was like enslaving someone, really. Not good. "Now, I'd also stop and wait for the other side of the story. So I get it. Vi should have waited for you to explain. But please. Please, for me? For the sake of trying to keep this family afloat, as a family, just let it slide?" he said. His tone was imploring, his eyes wide as he looked up at Cyth through unruly hair. He could only imagine how he and Pi must look to Cyth, both sitting together, as if ganging up against her. But it wasn't like that at all.
‹Pi dArtois› Pi didn't say anything because he was right, it didn't seem fair and she was, when it all came down to it, Elliot's children and so Pi sat and she watched and she held her tongue because if she spoke it would be two against one and no one, least of all Pi and Elliot, wanted that. Instead she dropped into the seat he vacated and let Sire and Childe work it out between them.
‹Cytherea› When she heard Elliot's reply, a look of utter betrayal and hurt flashed across her face before it was gone, nothing remained, no emotion was displayed as the woman shoved each feeling into the black void she'd created for such things. "As stated to Pi, I accidentally seduced him whilst trying to do so on her as a simple joke, I then inspired him as an apology." She responded before continuing in a stoic voice. "But as you wish, the matter is dropped." As if to prove her point, she flashed a small smile that would barely constitute as one.
‹Elliot dArtois› Elliot's eyes narrowed; he was an observant man, and via past incidents with Cyth, he thought he knew the girl at least well enough to know she wasn't saying everything. He had to look between the lines. Cyth was one of those who'd called him a monster--of course, she continued to tell him that she didn't mean it. But deep down, he believed she'd always feel that way. It's why he felt, now, as if he should walk on metaphorical eggshells. He didn't want her to get the wrong idea. "I know. I understood as much. First - I'm not even sure the power is good as a joke. A lot of people will not understand. You tried to fix it, and that's also.... thank you. Vi overreacted. I'm not... " he took a breath, straightened his shoulders, and pushed his fingers through his hair. "...I'm not taking anyone's side, here. Just... Pi and I have worked so damned hard to try and get this family to get along. It's not going so well. You know, and we know - you'll be the bigger person if you don't lash out. Lash back. Right?"
‹Cytherea› Cytherea just stared at the male who was known as her sire, digesting the offered words he spoke. But even then it didn't help to quell the sense of betrayal that still bloomed; he was her sire, he should have had some instinct of protection, it's not like she was asking him to go kill anymore, or even say anything to them, but for him to remain completely neutral when he should have been in her corner slightly, caused a burn to her already wounded frame of mind. "I shall keep it in mind to not use it as a joke in future. As for this situation, I already let it slide when Pi first asked and I sent the message to Vi, before arriving here. So it's handled. And I doubt she's going to reply with much finesse or even a smidge of civility." She just didn't care at this point, she felt wronged, and she expected Pi to tell her to set it aside, but her sire as well? At this point, she just wanted to leave and crawl back into the distance she had been placing between herself and everyone else.
‹Cytherea› As Elliot's question sounded through her ears, and then Pi's response, her mind wandered to the events that had taken place, it caused a spark of indignation to take root within her abdomen, spreading its treachery until finally the feminine creature had her fists so tightly clutched that her knuckles were as white as snow. "I'm not I'm the habit of being lenient when someone threatens to drag me head first into the SR, then mindblocking me and should she do so again, I'm removing a limb of hers, or a few." She replied, the obvious displeasure at the situation present in her tone and posture.
‹Elliot dArtois› Although Elliot still felt as if he were missing half the story, he realised now that he had enough of it in order to proceed. He maneuvered himself so that his feet were both flat on the ground, elbows on knees, and hands clasped together in front of him. He even held his hands, as if in prayer. "I get that you're pissed off, Cyth. I'm not sure how well I'd take those kinds of threats myself. Look at it from Vi's perspective, though - if someone came along and tried to seduce Pi, I know I'd be pissed. It's not just hitting on someone - that, I could let go. But the power itself renders the person...." he shook his head. It was like enslaving someone, really. Not good. "Now, I'd also stop and wait for the other side of the story. So I get it. Vi should have waited for you to explain. But please. Please, for me? For the sake of trying to keep this family afloat, as a family, just let it slide?" he said. His tone was imploring, his eyes wide as he looked up at Cyth through unruly hair. He could only imagine how he and Pi must look to Cyth, both sitting together, as if ganging up against her. But it wasn't like that at all.
‹Pi dArtois› Pi didn't say anything because he was right, it didn't seem fair and she was, when it all came down to it, Elliot's children and so Pi sat and she watched and she held her tongue because if she spoke it would be two against one and no one, least of all Pi and Elliot, wanted that. Instead she dropped into the seat he vacated and let Sire and Childe work it out between them.
‹Cytherea› When she heard Elliot's reply, a look of utter betrayal and hurt flashed across her face before it was gone, nothing remained, no emotion was displayed as the woman shoved each feeling into the black void she'd created for such things. "As stated to Pi, I accidentally seduced him whilst trying to do so on her as a simple joke, I then inspired him as an apology." She responded before continuing in a stoic voice. "But as you wish, the matter is dropped." As if to prove her point, she flashed a small smile that would barely constitute as one.
‹Elliot dArtois› Elliot's eyes narrowed; he was an observant man, and via past incidents with Cyth, he thought he knew the girl at least well enough to know she wasn't saying everything. He had to look between the lines. Cyth was one of those who'd called him a monster--of course, she continued to tell him that she didn't mean it. But deep down, he believed she'd always feel that way. It's why he felt, now, as if he should walk on metaphorical eggshells. He didn't want her to get the wrong idea. "I know. I understood as much. First - I'm not even sure the power is good as a joke. A lot of people will not understand. You tried to fix it, and that's also.... thank you. Vi overreacted. I'm not... " he took a breath, straightened his shoulders, and pushed his fingers through his hair. "...I'm not taking anyone's side, here. Just... Pi and I have worked so damned hard to try and get this family to get along. It's not going so well. You know, and we know - you'll be the bigger person if you don't lash out. Lash back. Right?"
‹Cytherea› Cytherea just stared at the male who was known as her sire, digesting the offered words he spoke. But even then it didn't help to quell the sense of betrayal that still bloomed; he was her sire, he should have had some instinct of protection, it's not like she was asking him to go kill anymore, or even say anything to them, but for him to remain completely neutral when he should have been in her corner slightly, caused a burn to her already wounded frame of mind. "I shall keep it in mind to not use it as a joke in future. As for this situation, I already let it slide when Pi first asked and I sent the message to Vi, before arriving here. So it's handled. And I doubt she's going to reply with much finesse or even a smidge of civility." She just didn't care at this point, she felt wronged, and she expected Pi to tell her to set it aside, but her sire as well? At this point, she just wanted to leave and crawl back into the distance she had been placing between herself and everyone else.
C U R E D || siren - enhanced empathy - sweet blood - liar liar

some things just don't add up
i'm upside down i'm inside out

some things just don't add up
i'm upside down i'm inside out
- Pi dArtois
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- CrowNet Handle: Pi
Re: d'Artois: Events in Time
‹Elliot dArtois› There was still something Cyth wasn't saying. Elliot tried to smile as he watched her, carefully. He took another breath, regardless of the fact that he didn't need it. It was still refreshing, to feel the crisp air fill one's dead lungs. "Well okay. You've changed, Cyth. I mean... once upon a time you might not have let it slide. I'm proud, really," he said, the small smile at least reaching his eyes. He then turned to Pi. "This... Ash and Vi? Is it? I've never met Vi. Have you? Do you think maybe you should talk to her about her reaction? I suppose it's not up to us to dictate what people can and can't do but... I don't know. That kind of off-the-cuff threat, to a family member, it's only gonna spell trouble in the future..."
‹Pi dArtois› Pi nodded "I will talk to her too, I had planned to, after this.. " She replied, watching both Sire and Childe together. She didn't stand, she didn't get in the middle or involved. Cytherea had come to Pi to deal with the issue and she would, in this, in getting Elliot together with his childe knowing that they both needed to work through this together. And then, with Ash and Vi, and how Vi had reacted. "The last time I saw Vi she was quiet and I understand from Ash, she defers to him. Since I don't know her as well as you Cyth, I'll need to talk to them both about this." This time she turned her steady blue gaze to Cytherea, her eyes trying to read the woman, and chose instead to just ask. "Is there anything else Cytherea?"
‹Cytherea› "Dying tends to change a person, I guess in this case, it was for the better." And it was true, her death had changed her quite a bit, now she shied away from those she knew as family, her emotions had dimmed a lot more as well, she had realised a few things, even about her sire, but they had never gotten to speak after the incident. When she heard Pi and Elliot converse on what to do about Vi, she waited for her chance to speak. "I wouldn't worry or bother about it, I sent the email, if she opts to respond in a non-friendly manner once more, then I will contact Pi and you can decide where to go from there. No point in making the situation worse by talking to her after I said it was settled. And no, nothing else, Pi."
‹Elliot dArtois› Elliot turned his attention back to Cytherea; now, he spoke not as a sire to a childe but just as a person to another person. It was an ethical dilemma, wasn't it? It was a way of acting. For some reason, the vampires in this city treated death as a non-thing. They threatened until their faces turned blue. They did so without care of consequence or remorse. Elliot shrugged, shook his head. "There is a point though, isn't there? People shouldn't go around talking to other people like that. Period. Not just to you, but to anyone. It's just... wrong? But I'll leave that one with Pi." And then stopped. Paused. Cyth had said there was nothing else, but Elliot was curious. "Hey... not long ago, Doc texted me. Said I should get in contact with you. I tried - you didn't respond. You sure everything's okay?"
‹Pi dArtois› Pi didn’t agree with Elliot, there are some cases, where you would, do exactly as Vi had done. Love didn’t leave you much room for sensible decisions and Pi could imagine exactly how a woman could react like Vi had done, without thinking, without calculating how much the other side would feel. Even knowing it was an accident. All this she kept to herself, instead she nodded at Cytherea’s suggestion. “I can do that, I’ll wait for you to contact me, let me know if anything is needed.” When Elliot mentioned the call Pi piped up, answering at least a part of it. “Cytherea needed a summons.. she had a bounty and needed help getting it down. He got me in the end… and I helped her get what she needed. Doc, ” Pi said then, to Cytherea, her gaze direct. “has told me, now that he’s with Tytonidae that he will hunt the bounty. ANYONE on the bounty, including us. I’d like to believe he is saying one thing and his helping you… means another.”
‹Cytherea› "Pi is correct, I offloaded my worries of death on Doc, how I was scared, missed some people, you make was there. So I think he was trying to help." She turned to Pi then, smiling faintly, the evening having taken its toll on her already. "He says, if I recall correctly, "Don't think I like you or anything, I just don't want to spill your blood on my suit." I think he will try to help, instead of just killing us. Though he will never admit it. Having said that. I'd like to retire before the sun rises, I need to gather some oil for you." With a final smile at her sire and Pi, she took her leave.
‹Elliot dArtois› "Okay. Good. I'm glad," Elliot said, short and succinct even though, this time, it was he who was not saying everything. Cytherea was taking her leave; so be it. She said that his name was there, that she had missed him, but did he believe her? As she walked away, a frown puckered Elliot's brow. She did nothing to show that she missed anyone. She came into family gatherings aloof, without greeting. Left, often, without saying goodbye. He sighed and flopped back down into the armchair, resuming his former position. Well, then. That was that.
‹Pi dArtois› Pi nodded "I will talk to her too, I had planned to, after this.. " She replied, watching both Sire and Childe together. She didn't stand, she didn't get in the middle or involved. Cytherea had come to Pi to deal with the issue and she would, in this, in getting Elliot together with his childe knowing that they both needed to work through this together. And then, with Ash and Vi, and how Vi had reacted. "The last time I saw Vi she was quiet and I understand from Ash, she defers to him. Since I don't know her as well as you Cyth, I'll need to talk to them both about this." This time she turned her steady blue gaze to Cytherea, her eyes trying to read the woman, and chose instead to just ask. "Is there anything else Cytherea?"
‹Cytherea› "Dying tends to change a person, I guess in this case, it was for the better." And it was true, her death had changed her quite a bit, now she shied away from those she knew as family, her emotions had dimmed a lot more as well, she had realised a few things, even about her sire, but they had never gotten to speak after the incident. When she heard Pi and Elliot converse on what to do about Vi, she waited for her chance to speak. "I wouldn't worry or bother about it, I sent the email, if she opts to respond in a non-friendly manner once more, then I will contact Pi and you can decide where to go from there. No point in making the situation worse by talking to her after I said it was settled. And no, nothing else, Pi."
‹Elliot dArtois› Elliot turned his attention back to Cytherea; now, he spoke not as a sire to a childe but just as a person to another person. It was an ethical dilemma, wasn't it? It was a way of acting. For some reason, the vampires in this city treated death as a non-thing. They threatened until their faces turned blue. They did so without care of consequence or remorse. Elliot shrugged, shook his head. "There is a point though, isn't there? People shouldn't go around talking to other people like that. Period. Not just to you, but to anyone. It's just... wrong? But I'll leave that one with Pi." And then stopped. Paused. Cyth had said there was nothing else, but Elliot was curious. "Hey... not long ago, Doc texted me. Said I should get in contact with you. I tried - you didn't respond. You sure everything's okay?"
‹Pi dArtois› Pi didn’t agree with Elliot, there are some cases, where you would, do exactly as Vi had done. Love didn’t leave you much room for sensible decisions and Pi could imagine exactly how a woman could react like Vi had done, without thinking, without calculating how much the other side would feel. Even knowing it was an accident. All this she kept to herself, instead she nodded at Cytherea’s suggestion. “I can do that, I’ll wait for you to contact me, let me know if anything is needed.” When Elliot mentioned the call Pi piped up, answering at least a part of it. “Cytherea needed a summons.. she had a bounty and needed help getting it down. He got me in the end… and I helped her get what she needed. Doc, ” Pi said then, to Cytherea, her gaze direct. “has told me, now that he’s with Tytonidae that he will hunt the bounty. ANYONE on the bounty, including us. I’d like to believe he is saying one thing and his helping you… means another.”
‹Cytherea› "Pi is correct, I offloaded my worries of death on Doc, how I was scared, missed some people, you make was there. So I think he was trying to help." She turned to Pi then, smiling faintly, the evening having taken its toll on her already. "He says, if I recall correctly, "Don't think I like you or anything, I just don't want to spill your blood on my suit." I think he will try to help, instead of just killing us. Though he will never admit it. Having said that. I'd like to retire before the sun rises, I need to gather some oil for you." With a final smile at her sire and Pi, she took her leave.
‹Elliot dArtois› "Okay. Good. I'm glad," Elliot said, short and succinct even though, this time, it was he who was not saying everything. Cytherea was taking her leave; so be it. She said that his name was there, that she had missed him, but did he believe her? As she walked away, a frown puckered Elliot's brow. She did nothing to show that she missed anyone. She came into family gatherings aloof, without greeting. Left, often, without saying goodbye. He sighed and flopped back down into the armchair, resuming his former position. Well, then. That was that.
K I L L E R || E L L I O T ' S