d'Artois: Events in Time

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Re: d'Artois: Events in Time

Post by Doc »

Aidan: "You know, that....slut almost made me lose my taste for strippers."

Doc: Doc tuts, "You should have never had a taste for them.. unless you mean killing them"

Aidan: "I appreciate an attractive female form that can dance....which is why I say almost. She was more man than woman. I could have sworn I saw an Adams apple on her a couple of the times she tried to hit me. But, you know she is dirty so I did not want to get too close to her. Might catch vampire aids or something."

Doc: "Please.. a vampire stripper.. lets dissect this shall we.. you have eternity before you, if you play your cards right.. but instead of using that attribute to perhaps better herself.. she swings from a pole for humans to leer at.... can we say **** for brains?"

Doc: "If you want to leer at strippers ..fine.. just not vampire strippers.. its degrading for our kind to be seen condoning that **** behavior.."

Aidan: She snickered, "Maybe we should start a vampire abortion group? Try and educate people on the dangers of retarded vampire siring. Our slogan can be, "Remember people, only you can prevent retarded vampires from being born into this world.""

Aidan: "And I know, I like the human ones better. Always have and will. I mean at least they have a reason for what they do and not I have an eternity to waste being a slut."

Doc: "What was it's sire thinking? 'Oh.. I am bored as ****.. so I will sire this skankhole and make it part of my family.. to show the rest of vampire-kind, just what I think of myself..'? Hell.. I have no plans of siring.. because I will be judged by the damn spawn.. and if it fucks up.. I will have to put it down. Why do I want that kind of ******* drama? I don’t. But I agree.. sires should have to pay for the ****-for-brains they sire. It like they are doing a big '**** you' to all of us.. ok.. I see your '**** you' and I raise you a stay in the Shadow Realm..."

Aidan: "Have to say Doc, you have a way with words that would bring a smile to even the coldest heart," she chuckled. "All I know is that I am tired of the morons that run about this city and the assholes who don't take responsibility for them. I probably won't ever sire anyone either, at least not without knowing them and thinking they would be a benefit and not a dumb ***."

Doc: "Its common sense.. and its like half the vampire population just lose their ******* common sense the moment they were sired. They are so giddy with power, they aren’t thinking long term. They aren’t realizing that they ..i.e. we.. have to lay the groundwork for what our future will be.. and at this rate.. its a sad existence that is looming in front of us.. if we don’t take matters in hand."

Aidan: That made her pause and give thought for a moment, "From how you say that....you sound like you have plans already?" the tone was inquisitive and even a bit....hopeful.

Doc: "I am doing what I need to do to ensure that we have a future. Protecting the masquerade at all costs is part of it. One of the main reasons I wanted to join Tytonidae. They protect the masquerade, and they protect it with a vengeance. I fully support it." He looks at her, "So.. keep that in mind.. if you get a bounty and I have kill you.. its just business.. fair?"

Aidan: "One of the few things about you, Doc that I know I can count on is that it would never be personal. If I fucked up you would not hold back because of our relationship. I like that and appreciate that about you," she smiled.

Doc: "Like I said, it wont be personal.. it's just business. If I **** up.. I fully expect to pay the price as well. Thing is.. if we start the way we intend to go forward.. and learn it the correct way.. we wont **** up.. "

Aidan: "Actually, Doc" Aidan said after a moment. "That is something that Ast and I wanted to talk to you about, we were interested in joining them too. Let me shoot her a text and have her pop over and join us. That cool?" her phone in hand as she began to send the text.

Doc: "Sure.. "

Asteria: Getting the text, she popped over without hesitation, having just cleaned up her wound though she was too lazy to change the pants themselves. "Kalispera, Doc," she greeted him with a smile before settling in near Aidan.

Doc: *Doc smiled a lopsided closed mouth smile* Hello Asteria.. well done on your rituals.. for locking that ******** out .. " Looked at both of them for a moment, "Aidan said you both wanted to talk to me?"

Aidan: "We had been tossing the idea about with something more, out of life and had thought about joining Tytonidae," she said a look with Ast for a moment before she continued. "Then you joined them and last night well....just seems like the right move. They are efficient, don't ******** and you can rely on them. It operates how people wish for most of their families to work," there was enthusiasm in her voice as she spoke.

Asteria: "I've locked one out...now just need to lock out the prostitute," she replied with a grin. "Just glad I don't have to pretend to put down with her anymore." Then there was a pause as Aidan spoke, accompanied with a nod. "I've followed their work on the crownet. They do good work. Most are scared because of how...efficient--That's the word?--they are. They do what the Undersecretary...what Pi...was supposed to do and didn't."

Doc: "Well you need to contact Velveteen.. She vets everyone. I will be honest, its not easy. And the city.. as a whole.. hates Tytonidae. You would be setting yourselves up to be pariahs. I can contact Velveteen and tell her of your interest. But you would have to get in on your own merits. I have no pull or sway. Tytonidae wouldn’t be what it is, if nepotism played a part. Understand?"

Asteria: ".....Nepotism...." she repeated. "...What is this?"

Doc: "Getting a job or a position based on family.. or who you know.."

Asteria: "Oh, I didn't want that," Asteria clarified. "I more wanted to know what it was like..."

Aidan: "Understand perfectly," Aidan with a grin. "Favoritism," she said to Asteria with a smile. "We won't get in even though we are his favorites," she winked at Doc. "But, um yes. How are they?"

Doc: Doc shrugs, "Efficient, respectful. Damn good at what they do. If it weren’t for you two, Ruth and Cyth.. I could easily break ties for the family for them. But as I told Aidan before you got here.. if you ever get a bounty.. I will hunt you .. and will help kill you. Its not personal.. its for the good of the city. So just because we are family.. Tytonidae holds my loyalty."

Asteria: "If I got a bounty, I'd ask you to kill me anyway," came her easy reply. "A bounty is a bounty. If you're stupid enough to get one, you deserve to be killed, nai? And, it's not like there's a family to break from. It's a lie, and has been. Pi just wants people to order around like she has been with me the past week."

Aidan: "Basically," Aidan said as she reached for Ast's hand. "I honestly, would have broken away the moment I was turned if it were not for Asteria. Because I was turned with no one there," she shrugged.

Asteria: "And if I'd heard of someone else who was a vampire...who would be easily manipulated...I would have sired into another family," she remarked offhand.

Doc: Doc knew the two of them had been alone, no one making an effort to know them or care. "Tytonidae is more of a family.. than ours. But again.. you would both have to get in on your own merits.. think hard on this. What if one of you gets in .. the other does not. How would you deal with it? Don’t answer.. just think about it.'

Aidan: "You know, had we been talking to Pi about this or something similar, she would have just been really gun ho about it. And not even told us to think about the what ifs of the situation...." Aidan sighed a bit as this was something they would have to discuss at length with one another.

Doc: "I don’t want either of you hurt. And if one gets in and the other doesn’t.. there will be hurt."

Aidan: "Is there like a test? Or something? Do they interview?" Aidan asked, as she wanted to know about the testing process at least to some degree.

Asteria: She nodded, falling silent and remaining as such while thinking it over. Would it be worth it? How would it be if Aidan got in and she didn't...? Or if she got in and Aidan didn't? Would she be able to support Aidan and not feel a little bitter? As the question was posed, she paid more attention, not wanting to miss anything while she mused.

Doc: Doc ponders, "You need to contact Velveteen. Its sorta like fight club.. first rule of fight club.. you don’t talk about fight club. You gotta know you want it, regardless of the fact you don’t know details. And any information, needs to come from her. That way you know you got it from -the- source. Not a 'source of a source'.. "

Asteria: "A lot to talk about..." came a disjointed comment while thinking it over.

Doc: "Yes.. not something entered into lightly."

Aidan: "As always, Doc it was a pleasure to chat with you and you have given us both a lot to think about. We should get together later and talk more. The three of us always have the best talks," she stood. "Though I think Ast and I have a lot to talk about,"there was a smile though it was a small one. "Try to not lose your teeth or break a hip while yelling at all those youngin's to get off your lawn, ok?"

Doc: Doc nods. "Yea.. and when I do.. I'm going to call you to come take care of me..."

Asteria: "I'll make sure you're tucked in, and I'll get the nurses to look at your bed pot, too, alright? Since Aidan likes to underlook that."

Doc: "This is precisely why you are the favorite..."

Aidan: "See...and I was going to make sure they gave you a nice sponge bath," she grinned. "Now you are going to get bed sores, unless your favorite wants to come in a turn your ***," she stuck her tongue out at him.

Doc: "Lets just hope I don't fuckin' break my hip..." He eyes them both, thinking they would end up killing him with their version of kindness.

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Aidan (DELETED 3366)
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Re: d'Artois: Events in Time

Post by Aidan (DELETED 3366) »

Aidan: Good morning

Doc: Hello

Aidan: How are you?

Doc: Hmm Broken leg, 3 gun shots, a gut wound..and something else.. so fair?

Aidan: ....what happened?

Doc: Cyth and I fought over the couch.. broken leg.. Paladin.. gut wound.. Hunter gave me the gun shots.. they were her fault too.. I was collecting chemical waste for her..

Aidan: Special special

Doc: Yea.. no worries though.. I will get her back..

Aidan: People are apparently looking for me or so says the sighting board on crownet. So, I am tempted to just hang around and see what happens.

Doc: really... *pulls phone to see*
Doc: A hundred bucks? that’s it?
Doc: Pfft.

Aidan: I am insulted

Doc: cheapskate.
Doc: You should be..

Aidan: I am worth at least five grand

Doc: don’t hang out for less than $2000

Aidan: Well, if I do, I might try to organize a group hang out
Aidan: Because you know whoever is after me won't come at me alone

Doc: nope they wont.
Doc: and if you do get hit.. the family is all up in arms that Pi asked Ty to help take out the skankhole..
Doc: so it will be up to us to retaliate.. which means.. you could go down.
Doc: cause lets face it.. speed is not this families forte

Aidan: I honestly think the family is overacting about the help we got

Doc: Yea.. got their panties in a bunch.. instead of saying.. thanks for the help.
Doc: cause we would still be waiting.
Doc: if we did it.

Aidan: Yep
Aidan: I mean Grig helped last time, but with the fact she managed to draw blood and wound me. It was only going to get worst before we got around to doing it ourselves.
Aidan: Like some people have a lot of nerve to *****.

Doc: Yes.

Aidan: I don't think Ty follow blindly either, but it is a matter of trust and if you trust your leader then you won't hesitate when they call you in.
Aidan: Simple.

Doc: Precisely

Aidan: I honestly did not expect Pi to get **** organized and react so fast to my being attacked.
Aidan: But she did

Doc: Yea she deserves props for that

Aidan: I respect that she did what she had to do to protect me from that *****.

Doc: You should tell her

Aidan: At the family meeting I will saw so publicly
Aidan: That way everyone can hear it

Doc: *nods* Good. we're too divided.. we need to focus on our positives

Aidan: Exactly.
Aidan: People ***** about not having direction
Aidan: She gives it
Aidan: Then they *****
Aidan: ******* emo twats

Doc: Yea.. that can be disheartening.. cause leadership is not easy

Aidan: Its not
Aidan: It sucks and you will always piss someone off
Aidan: Pi and I don't agree a lot but she earn points with me on this event.

Doc: yes. And that wouldn’t bother me.. to be bitched at.. but I don’t know about her.
Doc: Even leaders need to be told that they did good.

Aidan: Yep.
Aidan: Don't get me wrong, Pi and I are not going to be buddy buddy now, but this was probably the first time I really felt like she cared.

Doc: Yea.. but you know.. I think she cared along.. she is just **** at showing it.
Doc: Look at the crap I give her..
Doc: I asked her for help.. no question.. she was there.

Aidan: Some people don't have your charm and gentle touch *she winks and grins*
Aidan: But yeah I get what you are saying

Doc: *laughs*
Doc: The one I cant figure out is Elliot

Aidan: I have to agree there...I thought that I knew him but I am not really sure.

Doc: I found out.. in Pi's previous life.. she was a government sanctioned assassin.. how the **** does she hook up with a peace and love hippy type?

Aidan: That is like water and vinegar...

Doc: Is she trying to atone for past 'mistakes'?

Aidan: No idea, though they say opposites attract. I mean....I was a vampire hunter, but now look at me. I am one and not trying to kill anyone save for the disease ridden sluts that drag their cunts through gutters while looking for loose change.

Doc: You were a hunter? *smirks and then confides* I hunted the blood thieves for blood samples.

Aidan: I was raised to be a hunter, but you know there were never any around really for my family to kill. *smirks* I hate those begging bastards, coming about looking for my blood. I enjoy....removing them from the city.

Doc: Yea.. Before I was.. *pause* in my previous life, I was trying to create a serum, for a super solider.. to fight.. our kind.. needless to say.. stopped working on it..

Aidan: Why did you stop? Could still do that, but...make them our day soldiers. To use them to hunt down our foes in the day....hunt down the retards that are sired.

Doc: Because it would mean working with humans, and there is just too much chance of a risk to the masquerade. Just one slip.. and they know.. and they could turn against us. Not a risk i want to take.

Aidan: Good point. Though, Allurist have thralls you could use? No to low risk there.

Doc: Hmm I am not an allurist.. I thought that was pretty obvious.. *dryly*

Aidan: You sure? I mean sometimes...I just want...take a nice bite right out of your *** *smiles her fangs showing, which she licked with her tongue*

Doc: *can't help but grin and shake his head* You are something.. haven't figured out quite what though...

Aidan: Amazing, awesome, sexy...mega *****. Take your pick, though generally people tend to scream God. What can I say, but I have a gift. *gives a dismissive shrug, then grins*

Doc: And let's not forget your extreme modesty.. it just leaks from your pores.. *dryly*

Aidan: Oozes really.

Doc: Pardon.. I bow to your superior knowledge..

Aidan: So....been thinking about what you said to Ast and I the other day....

Doc: *he lifts and eyebrow* And?

Aidan: *shrugs and scuffs her foot* I am not sure. We have not talked yet, but I am not....sure.

Doc: If in doubt.. don’t.

Aidan: But, it feels right. Why do you have to be the smart and responsible grandfather I never had till now?

Doc: Look.. nothing is lost if you take your time to know for sure. You are much better off, in the long run, knowing wholeheartedly its what you want. Instead of rushing and then regretting.. and its age Aidan.. I have been there, done that. I see things so much different now, than when I was your age. Trust me.. you have time to decide your proper course.

Aidan: Lots of time. *she sighs* You know I never planned for a future? Never expected to have one.

Doc: He looked at her, and canted his head to the side, "Never? At all? No .. meet the right man settle down have brats?"

Aidan: She laughed a bitter one, "I was supposed to marry a man within my clan and breed the next generation of hunters." A shrug as she looked away, "Boys were fun to play with, but I only ever felt anything when I was with a girl."

Doc: Ok.. so you really do not need to be thinking about Tytonidae.. until you and Asteria have discussed.. 'long term' plans for you together. What do you both want long term.. are you both content not to sire? What if one of you wants to sire.. the other doesn’t? Do you both feel the same about the masquerade? Do you both agree random ****.. ? Up until now.. really - it was you and her against the world, right? Now you're seeing it doesn’t have to be that way. What if she still feels that way? You two have a lot of talking to do.

Aidan: "I can't believe I am having this talk with you," she chuckled and shook her head. "We really need to talk more, because I never had this whole paternal type talk thing. It is weird hearing it now...and I am not liking just how much sense this makes," she smiles. "I know how I feel about her....I know what I want with her,"another shrug.

Doc: "I can't believe you haven't had it either." He was far from the perfect person to be advising. His shot at relationships ended with his human death. The irony was not lost on him. "Have you told her what you want? And has she told you what she wants long term? And I don't mean, 'to be by your side forever and ever' that's too easy to say. You two need to sit down and discuss.. Pi for instance.. can you two come to terms with her as a leader? Cause the longer people hold on to emotional ****.. the harder it is to get past it. You said you respected how she handled this thing with the skankhole.. have you told Asteria that? Does she feel the same? If not.. you two need to get on the same page.. right?"

Aidan: "My family was not...typical. So, I never had a talk about anything save for my duties to the family. I suppose that is why I never bothered to plan and just expected myself to die from liver disease, or picking a fight with the wrong person," she sighed. "I never had much of a mind for relationships. Kept it physical, kept it fun. It was easy....this...," another shrug.

Doc: "This is heavy huh? Not so light hearted and fly by the seat of your pants, any more. You have to look long term. And I mean long term. Not a year.. not twenty years.. but think 100 years. Small differences you have between you now.. will either grow or shrink over the years.. based on how much you are willing to give in. Don’t say to yourself, 'I don’t like it.. but I can deal with it..' because time will show you different. If you don’t like something now.. say it now; get it in out in the open."
Aidan: "I really never thought about any of this before...never even felt or used the word...love before. Now," she smiled and shrugged. "I just I am afraid of messing up," she sighs yet again.

Doc: "So what are you saying? That you don't know if you love Asteria? Or that you do and you never told her?"

Aidan: "No! That I do! And I have told her and she has told me too, but I don't want to **** it up, you know? Before I never cared, but now I do care, but as this is my first real relationship....I just...." she growled her frustration. "I can see a future with her and I want it....more than I have wanted anything in my life but at the same time I'm scared of hurting her and losing her...." she sighed and again wondered how they got from talking about the dumb-slut to this.

Doc: "Ok.. cause you were scaring me there for a second.. I cant help you on the scared part.. except to say 'trust her'. Don't hold back from her. Share everything.. I have seen couple break up. Most of the time it is because they grow apart.. they stop talking. They stop being involved with one another."

Aidan: "You should be in charge of a family, you know?" she said with a smile. "You make sense, you are logical, but you care too. It's just nice to have you in my life...and stuff," looked away and shrugged as if what she said did not mean as much as it really did.

Doc: "**** that.. You, Asteria and Cyth are enough to drive me to want to drink..."
Doc: "Why the hell do i want to take on anyone else? You three will kill me"

Aidan: "Then a family of four?" she said with a grin. "Like the three musketeers, you can the be lecherous priest, who takes confessions from us naughty girls," smirks.

Doc: "I could get into that.. a pillow fight thrown in there once in a while.. while all clad in skimpy night attire..?" *nods*

Aidan: "That sounds hot...." said with a nod. "Can we have like...holy water splashed on us?"

Doc: *Nods solemnly* "I think if.. you're good. I can arrange that.."

Aidan: "What if I am naughty?"

Doc: "Then you will have to be showered..."

Aidan: "Guess I am going to be a dirty, naughty girl a lot," shrugs. "Nothing different there," remarked with a dismissive wave of her hand.

Doc: *smirks* I can tell you are going to spend a lot of time in the confessional...
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Re: d'Artois: Events in Time

Post by Lancaster »

‹Elliot dArtois› The room had real potential, Elliot thought. For hours, lately, he'd been inclined to just sitting in that big armchair he'd insisted on leaving in the middle of the room. There was something about this place, this 'portal', that just hummed with something unknown. Something magical. Something profound. It had all the potential to be a hub - a vast room of great importance. Except, the way it looked now, how could it be? In the distance, he could see Asteria. She was preoccupied, concentrating on rituals. It looked to be a tedious task. One that required concentration. One that was dangerous, if such concentration was missing. And so he did not disturb her. Instead, he paced the space, brows knit. Contemplating what could be done - what renovations could be made to make this hub appear more welcoming?

<Doc> Doc was loving the home tome. It was effortless travel. One second you are in the catacombs, the next second, in the portal room..somewhere. He didn't really care where it was located. It was ******* awesome. And Asteria had been kicking ***, locking the shithead, so Cytherea didn't have to worry about being accosted again. It was still a work in progress, but loop holes were being closed, and actions were being taken. But for all it's effortlessness, it was still rather unsettling to make the leap, so to speak. So he had started the habit of closing his eyes, when doing it. Opening his eyes, he was in the portal room, to one end Asteria was hard at work, and the other was E. He didn't bother speaking to either. Asteria was deep involved in her ritual and wouldn't appreciate him breaking her concentration. And E? Well, they never had much to say to each other.

<Elliot d’Artois> He caught a movement out of the corner of his eye. Doc. Using that tome, again. They really were great, the tomes. Elliot used his often, even though every time he did he felt as if he were going to hurl. He imagined Doc was using the portal room just to get from one place to the next. Just passing through. Elliot recalled the conversation he'd had earlier with Pi - she'd shown him the texts Doc had sent her. Elliot hadn't liked it, to say the least. He was no 'Dad', for sure. Cytherea was no one's 'step-kid'. She could date who she wanted - Elliot couldn't and wouldn't have a say. But still. Still. He couldn't help himself. He called out to Doc, to halt him in his steps. Strode toward him. He needed to have a word.

<Doc> Doc was going to craft some noise makers for Cyth, when he heard Elliot call his name. He stopped. He canted his head to the side as he had a good idea what was about to happen. Elliot wanted more details about him and Cyth. Truth of the matter was, there were no details. But he wasn't sure he wanted to admit that just yet. He would just wait and see what Elliot said. He slowly turned about and looked at him, “Yes?”

<Elliot d’Artois> Elliot had no idea how to go about this. He'd never had a younger sister, or a daughter, or anyone whom he cared for that he'd protect in this way. And now he had a whole bunch of them - and Cyth was so delicate, seemed so fragile to Elliot. She seemed aloof and confident, but Elliot had seen her at her worst. Or what he believed was her worst. He supposed - best just to be out with it. "I just... Pi showed me the conversation you had with her recently. Via text. About Cytherea? I just want to clarify - I don't give a **** who she dates. She's a free woman, she can do what she wants," he said with a smirk. Deep down, he was just an amiable, nice guy. But in a single moment the smirk disappeared. It was replaced by a cold, determined seriousness. "Even so. If you hurt her. If you break her heart - if you send her into that mess of a girl she once was...." he shook his head. The next words tumbled over his tongue before he could stop them - before he could edit them, mentally: "...I'll slice off your testicles and hand them back to you on a silver platter."

<Doc> “As comforted as I am, that you feel the need to want to handle my testicles... I have to remind myself why.. Cyth is no longer that mewling mass of inconsistencies. But to answer that question, we have to ask how that mewling mass happened in the first place. I believe you are intimately involved with that particular event. So, just for the sake of argument, if she were hurt, and I am not saying she is going to be, but if were, why do you get to wreak havoc, when I would just be doing what you already did to her? Hmmm?”

<Elliot d’Artois> Elliot's shoulders straightened; the man tensed, rising to his full six-foot-six height. Every hint of that playful glint disappeared from his very-blue eyes. Jaw clenched, and fingers twitched. How the ****... how dare he. "You assume that I enjoyed what I did to Cytherea. That I did it on purpose. Why the **** do you think I'd allow anyone to hurt her the same as I did? I loathe myself for what I did to her. You don't get that, do you? I get to wreak havoc because how I wish there had been someone there to stop me from what I did to her."

<Doc> “So.. you are equating emotional hurt.. that may happen, because things don't work out between she and I.. to your taking her ******* 'life'?” Doc smirked, “How ******* arrogant are you? Do you even realize how asinine that sounds? To think that an emotional hurt, would anyway compare to the brutality you did to her. You know why she's not a mewling mess anymore? Because she has stayed the **** away from 'you'. She's realized she doesn't need you and your special brand of 'love'.”

<Elliot d’Artois> "You're the ******* asshole who assumes he knows everything, when he knows nothing. She's a ******* Allurist. No, emotional hurt isn't quite as bad as taking her life but it's nearly as debilitating. You haven't got a ******* clue," Elliot fumed. None of them had any clue. They had no idea that he'd taken himself out of this world to do just that - he knew they were better off without him, and he'd gone to great measures to make sure that he didn't hurt them anymore. To not hurt them anymore, meant taking himself out of the equation. No, he hadn't killed himself. But he'd thrown himself into a dark hole and had intended on never coming out. Would still be there, if it weren't for Pi. But this was no place for self-pity. "Think what you like, Doc, but I repeat: if you ******* hurt her, I'll hurt you. Get it?"

<Doc> “You're acting like you own her. Like she is your property. Like she has no rights to feel anything at all, except what YOU deem appropriate to feel.. Maybe just maybe, she getting stronger, more self-assured and she just doesn't need or want you anymore.. and that ******* scares you. So instead of manning up and asking -her- if she needs your protection, you are trying to scare me off. But, big man.. what if you succeed. Hmm? What if, I say, **** this, I dont need her drama, and cut it off dead. And then because of that, she's 'hurt'? You going to come fondle my testicles because I ******* did what you told me to?”

<Elliot d’Artois> "No. If I owned her, I'd tell her to walk away from you as fast as her legs could carry her. I know she doesn't need or want me anymore. If this scared you off, I'd call you a ******* pussy, and Cytherea deserves someone with some balls anyway. I could bet you peacock around like King ******* Rooster, but you've got no balls anyway, do you?"

<Doc> “Does the hypothetical completely escape you? Or do you just focus on every other phrase... I distinctly said, 'what if'. And the reason I said that, is 'you' are damned if you do and you are damned if you don't. You have opened Pandora's box. You've let it out.” Doc looked at him and waited, then sighed, “The penny hasn't dropped yet huh? This is -Cytherea- we are talking about. Do you even think anything you or I say, will hold water with her? She is her own ******* person Elliot! Hurt will happen. And it is going to. Putting your head in the sand and threatening people not to hurt her, is useless and just screams that you have no confidence in her at all. She can't continue to grow without some growing pains. Your coddling of her, would do more harm than good. Hurt happens.. and sometimes its no one's damn fault.”

<Elliot d’Artois> "Just because you have no heart doesn't mean everyone around you doesn't. I care about her, regardless of what she assumes. There's no guarantee that a relationship is going to last for eternity, but there are different degrees of hurt involved in a break up. You seem like the kind of asshole who'll hurt someone unnecessarily," he said. Elliot was sick of this ****. Sick of people treating him like he was some retard. Like having a caring soul was some kind of ******* disability. As if it should be something that should be cured, fixed, as soon as possible. "So I'm just saying," he continued, voice level and cold. "Don't underestimate me."

<Doc> “Like you are underestimating Cytherea? The old double standard, huh? Only you are allowed to underestimate people. It doesn't matter what Cytherea wants or doesn't want.. you are going to handle it, because you are such a stellar judge of character, and the epitome of 'restraint', right? You can assume the worst about me, right now. You know you want to.. first Pi.. now Cytherea.. you just want a reason.. have at it big man.”

<Elliot d’Artois> "**** you. You don't know me at all. You don't know one ******* thing about me. Caring for Cytherea is not the same as underestimating her," he said. Restraint, yes. Restraint was required. It was getting more and more difficult to restrain himself. He knew he should have walked away but couldn't. Couldn't even summon that calming song that was working so well, lately. "You want me to show no restraint, huh?" he asked. There was a part of his brain screaming at him to stop. But he couldn't. His body moved as if by instinct. Within seconds, the unbreakable sword was dancing happily in Elliot's grasp, hardly making a whisper of a sound as it was unsheathed from the holster at Elliot's back. "You'd be in ******* pieces on the floor already if I didn't exercise some kind of ******* restraint."

‹Asteria› It was remarkable, seeing someone else talk to Lancaster the way she had. Most didn't seem to think they could, or should, or that it'd matter. She figured being Pi's lapdog was a perk in some ways, but she got tired of watching himself castrated over...and over...and over... He never seemed to have a temper where it was warranted, and only sometimes exerted anything even remotely steadfast and authoritative. In those instances, he was often rebuked, ridiculed or ignored. ...But here was Doc...pushing his buttons...trying to get a reaction. Or, that's what she assumed. It was like he was doing what she, herself, had done at one point, “Trying to find the misplaced balls that were buried deep in Pi's purse”. Rituals long since forgotten, she leaned forward at her perch, only to take several steps forward as Lan brought out his sword, staring hard at Doc. Would he do it? Would he actually attack him for pushing his buttons? Was there some semblance of a man hidden beneath emotional song lyrics and lopsided smiles?

<Doc> “Do I want you to show restraint? When has this ever been about 'my' wants? It's all about you Elliot. It always has been. This whole conversation has been about what Elliot wants.. he doesn't want Cytherea hurt.. He doesn't want to be underestimated.. He wants to be seen as 'showing' restraint. He wants to call all the shots. He wants to be the alpha male..” Lifts an eyebrow sardonically, “That same 'restraint' that you are so famously holding back.. made the mewling mess.. that you are now dictating when she is and when she is not allowed to feel. When has this ever been about anything that I want..?”

<Elliot d’Artois> No. No. This was all wrong. So wrong! That's the impression that he gave? That he cared about no one but himself? Elliot was torn. His heart, heavy with regret and shame, was telling him to bow his head and walk away. To crawl back into that hole he had buried himself within. But he wasn't like that. He wasn't a coward. Didn't want to be a coward. Wanted to argue the point with Doc and have the guy understand that he had it all wrong. But something inside Elliot had given up. He'd given up on trying to gain their good esteem. They weren't going to give it to him. So what the **** was there to lose? To Elliot's furry--the demon that always won out--Doc was a miscreant. A ******* asshole that needed to be shown who was boss. Without a second thought, the sword plunged into Doc's gut. And it was no pansy stab, either. The blade pushed through muscle and grit, through organ and nerve. Elliot's jaw clenched, eyes billowing a cold storm, as he continue to shove the blade--to push it so far that the tip of it came out the other side. So ******* sick of it. Sick of the blame. Sick of the guilt. They wanted him to be a cold-hearted violent ********? Then so ******* be it.

<Doc> The attack didn't surprise him, the speed at which it happened, did surprise him. Doc had been pushing his buttons on purpose. He wanted to see calm cool collected Elliot lose it. And **** him, if he didn't get his god damn wish. Granted he also had not expected the ferocity of the attack either. It took all of his strength to heave Elliot backwards, along with his blood soaked blade. He moved backward, his step faltered before he was able to give the impression the stab hadn't bothered him that much. He smirked at Elliot, it was his cold patented **** you smirk. “Feel better..?” His words were slower, more measured, as he pushed the pain down and away. He refused to show and acknowledge the pain, “So I guess this means I have paid my debt.. and I have permission to hurt her now?”

<Elliot d’Artois> Deep down, Elliot didn't intend to kill the guy. To do so would cause far more drama that it was worth. But that didn't mean the idea wasn't there. Deep down, there was this carnal enjoyment of violence. The way that blade had slipped so easily through Doc's torso, like a hot knife through butter--it was pleasing. It scared Elliot how much he did enjoy it. And deep down, he'd have loved nothing more than to chop off Doc's head. He'd allowed the guy to push him away. Had taken great satisfaction in that slight stumble--it gave away weakness. It gave away shock. Doc was not stone. He could be hurt. Elliot took a step forward--was almost hoping Doc might retaliate, so more reason could be given for further attack. Blood dripped from the blade as Elliot lifted it, the edge of it against Doc's neck. It almost wasn't enough, just to imagine that arrogant smirk rolling across the floor. "There is no debt. My threat still stands."

‹Asteria› He did it... Lancaster...actually did it. For a moment, she could see it in his face as he debated on what he was going to do, as the hippy artist warred with the inner killer that was there, lurking. And the change, first and foremost, came in the form of his eyes. Like the night she'd blackmailed him, they turned. No longer did calm, caring eyes stare back at Doc (despite the subject matter and anger that was brewing), but cold and calculated ones, far duller and harder than they'd been only a moment before. The movements that followed were swift, barely making a sound as the blade cut through his middle, her own green eyes widening a fraction as she watched it play out. Doc pushed him away, and acted like it was nothing...but Lan didn't seem to be done yet.
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Re: d'Artois: Events in Time

Post by Doc »

‹Asteria› She could see it, that same blood lust that lurked in her own depths, the urge to cause violence and relish in its aftermath. The satisfaction when you saw what you could do with just the smallest flick of a wrist. The urge to kill as fresh in his mind as the day he'd sired her. ...But he wouldn't act on it, much like he hadn't with her. She could see it on his face, despite the arrogant smirk and the way the blade pressed into his neck. Well, she had her own urge; the urge to say something. What, though? Doc wanted to do it as he was and Elliot was doing as Doc sought. For what it was worth, she'd observe, curiosity getting the better of her. Only if she thought it went too far...would she do more.

<Doc> “**** you Elliot.. I have..,” He was wavering, the open gut wound, coupled with already present gunshot wounds, and leg wound, was playing havoc with his composure. “.. More faith in her, than you will ever have. She's twice the person you will ever be.” He spit a mouthful of blood to the side, “Cause she's already surpassed you... in strength of will.. and restraint.. ”

<Elliot d’Artois> Elliot's smirk remained steadfast. The words were just words. They didn't affect him in the way Doc might have hoped. Each and every one of them--well, maybe not Doc, at this point in time--were worth ten of Elliot. That's what he believed. Having someone else confirm it for him was just that - confirmation. The words didn't sting. Though they did speak to that darkness that always, always lingered in the depths of Elliot's heart. He was not made for this life. How easy it might be for everyone else if he was taken out of it. But none of that showed on his face; eyes remained cold, expression steely--even vacant. "I have more faith in everyone else, than I have in myself. I'm broken, didn't you know? But she is my childe. She has my protection, whether she wants it or not," he said. His gaze flickered, then. He'd completely forgotten that Asteria was present--and there she was, staring at the whole scene with wide, green eyes. His expression did not soften, nor did his resolve. Doc was weakening, fading right in front of Elliot's eyes. Oh, he should have cared. Should have apologised. But he wouldn't. Instead, he had to again exercise restraint. So weak. So vulnerable. Oh, how easy it would be to slice that head off whole.

<Doc> Doc snorted derisively, “Protection. Your form of protection is toxic. Your protection would smother her, and kill her spirit. Make her into the lifeless thing like you. You really want her to be 'like' you? Endless night after night, barely making it through?” It was a struggle to focus. “Scared to show any real feelings? Because if she is like you...she won't be able to handle it.. like you aren't able to handle it. Which is why you lock it all away. You might be content to have a fraction of joy in your existence, such as it is.. But I bet, if you ask her, she would rather have two minutes of ecstasy.. to your eternity of blandness. Don't you do that her...don't you dare.” His words slow, and some even slurred.

<Elliot d’Artois> Still. Still the man wouldn't shut up. Something had broken in Elliot. Something vital. Did the ****** really want to die? Was that why he continued to spout ********? Because that's what it was, in the end. Complete and utter ********. Elliot scoffed, even laughed, though there was no mirth to it. "Keep pulling words out of your ***, mate. You don't know me from a bar of soap. Go on. What else have you got? What other hollow insults can you throw my way, huh? **** yes, I'm a violent prick who slaughtered Cyth because I couldn't control myself. I'm a goddamned monster. I know that. I've accepted that. But forgive me, oh almighty peacock, if I try to control that every once in a while. You think you know everyone so bloody well, but you don't. Get over yourself."

<Doc> “Yea I don't know you. No desire to know you. But I do know Cytherea; and you … you don't. And you're wrong.” It was all he could manage, but he had to smile. He knew hit a nerve. And he would remember it.

<Elliot d’Artois> Elliot didn't say anything. Didn't retaliate any further. The storm still billowed in his eyes, all ice and sharp lightning. He remained tense, but he at least finally managed to drop the sword from Doc's neck. Again, he assumed too much. Lancaster understood Cytherea. And when she was in need, Lancaster would be able to help--they were the same path. And no one understood. No one, ever, understood how ******* hard it was to be the way they were, slave to their emotions. "Whatever helps you sleep at night, mate. Why don't you **** off, now, before you fall apart."

<Doc> “Yea.. **** you too Elliot..” He stepped, at least he thought he stepped, but he actually stumbled to a portal and was gone.

‹Asteria› Why can't he be like that when it's needed?! came a vexing thought as she met Lancaster's eyes. They were cold, practically dead, just like she remembered when he'd made his decision. And she held his gaze as long as he'd allowed it, before they slid to Doc. He was fading, weakened, and she'd had enough. He was holding out as well as expected, more wounds than she'd have liked, Elliot's blow the one to cause his composure to begin slipping. Taking another step forward, she was nearly atop them, eyes bouncing back and forth between the two. Doc was being stubborn, and Elliot had flipped his switch. Why it'd taken that much button pushing was beyond her, and why there couldn't be a happy medium she'd never understand, but she was going to ask. All it took was Doc to leave, to clean himself up, for her to focus on Lan, head tilting a small fraction to the side, eyes narrowed in thought, not saying anything for a good minute, a tense silence descending. “...You're confusing, Lancaster,” Ast finally remarked out of the blue, tone more observant than anything.

<Elliot d’Artois> Doc's disappearance should have caused Elliot's cold composure to slip. In the past, this show of willpower and strength might have just been an act. No, not an act - but something he wasn't aware of doing until he came to his senses. But not this time. Something was different, this time. Instead of a dawning realisation and instant regret, Elliot instead continued to dwell in furious satisfaction. His body was still tense with frustration; that he didn't go further. That Doc was not dead. Now, instead of Doc standing in front of him, it was Asteria. Elliot said nothing, at first. Only contemplated her with tight jaw. His gaze finally dropped to the sword. It was covered in blood. He wiped the blade across his thigh, the denim of his jeans clearing away the excess blood. "More to myself than to you, believe me," he said.

‹Asteria› It was like poking at a shark, in a tank full of blood, with a bare finger; At any moment, he could turn on her, or he could regain something of what he normally was, and there'd be no worry of getting speared. Lancaster was her sire, the one person (other than Aidan) she thought she could speak freely with, even if it often got him angry at her. “Why does it take so much...to get you to flip like that?” she asked him, ignoring the act of cleaning his sword off, head still tilted. “You told me when you sired me, about not being yourself anymore, nai? That there'd be this need, this urge...Instead of learning to control it, you push it away and bury it until something like this sets you off....Why?” Again, her voice was merely curious, as though it were normal conversation. Asteria always had the urge to know, the insatiable curiosity, and this instance was no exception.

<Elliot d’Artois> The question wasn't hard to answer. For a second, Lancaster could only regard Asteria with the same curiosity she regarded him with. How did she not know the answer already? Had he not explained it to her before? The blade flipped in his hand, then, so that he could wipe the other side. "It's not normal. I don't like it. I don't know how to control it. Don't even know where to start. I mean, jesus!" he sheathed the sword. His hands were free, but they were nearly claws. "It's like this demon. It's like it's not even a part of myself. How do you control something so ******* foreign?"

‹Asteria› She didn't falter, even as his voice started to raise. Apparently it wasn't as mystifying to him as it was to her, but that's just it. Outsider's perspective and all. “You work at it,” Ast replied simply. “You work, and try, and sometimes, yes...you may not get it before it gets you, but you keep trying. You're not the only one who has that demon, but you are the only one who would rather pretend like it's not there and put the rest of us at risk.” A bold statement.

<Elliot d’Artois> Elliot perked a brow. She made sense, she really did. He probably shouldn't have hurt Doc like he had. But Asteria seemed pleased. Shouldn't it be different? Should someone slap him for just... stabbing someone so nonchalantly like that? That's why it wasn't normal. He was stubborn. It was hard to accept what others considered normal. "Damn right I'd rather pretend it's not there," he said, the words harsher than he intended. But he didn't continue. It didn't matter - he'd had this conversation so many times, but no one agreed. No one could see where he was coming from. No one ever tried to step into his shoes. "And what happens, when trying to learn control, when it gets the better of me, huh? What if I lose every ounce of humanity I ever had? What if it controls me completely, with no hope of turning back? That's putting everyone at risk more than the alternative," he said. He was fighting it, even though he knew it was a losing battle.

‹Asteria› “And that's where you're wrong.” Had she seen he thought her pleased, she'd have addressed it, but it wasn't outwardly obvious. Instead, Ast took another step forward, gaze becoming a bit more imploring, though not overstepping boundaries. “You'll lose yourself if you don't try. That's how it is with humans, and it holds even truer for the undead. Our emotions, yours more so, are stronger, harder to avoid and push back. If you don't work on this, you'll hurt us anyway, because there will come a time...when you lose it...and don't come back. You're not so far left that you can't work and try...If you keep waiting...then you'll hurt those you care about most.” A hand reached forward for a moment, as though to try to get it through to him via touch, just a small gesture, but she refrained. It hovered for a moment before dropping again. “We're here for you. Isn't that what a family is supposed to be? We take you at your best and your bad...worse? Whatever the word is...But there won't be anything to take if you don't work at it for us.”

<Elliot d’Artois> Elliot frowned. This was news to him. At first he wanted to laugh, to scoff. To ask what family? His adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed, and refrained from saying the things that lurked at the forefront of his mind; it would be better if he did disappear. What use was he anyway? And he was struggling to respond. His gaze dropped to Asteria's hand, waiting for the inevitable, reassuring touch. But it didn't come. Gaze turned back to her face. "Is that true though? Really? Lately..." he shook his head. "I just don't get that impression at all. This... thing with Doc? Has confirmed for me exactly what I thought the general impression was. He's right, you know. Cytherea is better off without me," he shrugged.

‹Asteria› It was at this moment she was glad she'd chosen to go killer. Allurists were so...emotional. Yes, it was warranted, she assumed it was needed to blend in and appear more human. That didn't mean she had to like it though. For the span of what would have been a normal heartbeat, she stared at him, nothing changing in her demeanor while she thought. And then, without warning, she slapped him. It wasn't a hard slap, but enough to hopefully get him to focus. “If you really believe that, you wouldn't try to make this family work as much as you do.” That same hand went for the cheek it'd slapped, instead holding it, a thumb now smoothing over its faintly stubbled surface. “Don't tell me what you've convinced me of is a lie, that Cytherea, that this family, would be better off without you. You're the reason most of us stay...” Her voice had changed, far quieter this time, brow furrowed, eyes concerned. “None of us are better off without you...Whether you're willing to believe that or not...”

<Elliot d’Artois> The consequences of the slap--regardless of how severe it may or may not have been--might have been dire had the sword still sat comfortably in Lancaster's grip. As it was, there was no sword--instead, there was a clenching of jaw and fist. Asteria was spared a retaliatory attack by the breadth of a hair--and only because Elliot was so damned practiced in restraint. To slap him, after he'd so recently been victim to fury? When he was still mostly in its clutches? But then, this was why he'd always admired Asteria. She was no coward. He was glad he had not retaliated. Because he needed to hear what Ast had to say. Tensed muscled relaxed as he cocked his head to the side--curious, and somewhat incredulous. "The family's not working though, is it? Maybe I'm not trying hard enough. Maybe tomorrow... maybe at this meeting, we can... we can become more like a faction that a family. Because I think that's the only thing that's going to work. I can't see any light at the end of the tunnel, otherwise," which, at that moment, was almost a lie. Never had he thought that he was the reason that any of them would stay. Maybe he was blind, but he couldn't see evidence of it. Asteria had just opened his eyes, however. The storm cleared from them--they returned to their usual kindly hue. The relief was almost palpable.

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Re: d'Artois: Events in Time

Post by Asteria »

‹Asteria› There was a mental sigh of relief on her end, seeing his eyes melt and become what she'd become accustomed to. Yes, she was one to push him, but not so pointlessly; In her mind. What Doc had done, she didn't fully agree with...but it worked as a way to get what she wanted to say out without smacking him in the face with it later out of the blue. “One hop at a time, nai?” Ast replied, voice still as soft as it'd been following the slap, her features following suit. “We'll have the meeting and see where things go. We don't want a...dictatorship, I think is what you called it, but we need something because what we're doing...isn't working. I'm still going to try at it. Might be stupid, but I'm doing it anyway. All that remains is...whether or not you're willing to try at this one thing for me...The only favor I'll ask of you. I'll even be your guinea goat, as long as it'll mean you try....for Cyth...for Pi...for me.”

<Elliot d’Artois> The corner of Elliot's mouth twitched. Guinea Goat. Did she mean that? Or was she getting the phrase wrong? "No. No dictatorship. It was never meant to be a dictatorship - but I think it's all Pi knows. She doesn't mean it. She's just trying to be strong for everyone. She does it for the good for everyone." He said. He saw Pi on a nightly basis. He saw, sometimes, how torn up she was about how she was regarded by the family. She, too, was trying. "I'll try this for you, Ast. Goats are better looking than Pigs," he said with a wink. "But I still don't know where to start. It's all well and good trying to find some balance - but I've never been an angry guy. I don't know when it's deserved or when it's not."

‹Asteria› “Guinea pig? Huh...whatever it is, I'll be it,” she replied confidently with a nod. “I'm not sure how to do it, either, since you're not normally angry. It's not as simple a fix for you as it was for me...Well, simple's not the right word, but I knew I had a short fuse and worked at it. Aidan took the brunt of it...and now I'll be that for you. You need to let your guard down.” She paused, trying to think over the idiom in her head. Let your house down? Let your fence down? ...No, guard sounds right. “When something irritates you, or starts to anger you even a little bit, maybe even when hunting the humans in the sewers...or getting shot at, even if the person misses. Or, I could push buttons...not as bad as Doc just did to prove a point, but enough to get you slightly annoyed...Or, when you get annoyed at someone, call me, and I'll be over. I'll be right there to help you work through it, pick it apart...Because you've got the emotional thing down, except this one part.”

<Elliot d’Artois> The latter part distracted Lancaster. It was that which he couldn't help but focus on. "So you don't think I'm... what did he say? Lifeless?" Yeah, at the time he'd disregarded the insult. Had told Doc he had no idea what he was talking about. But like with everything, these small words had the ability to eat away at Lancaster. Erode him from the inside out. How could anyone say that rhetoric was not a weapon? "And what do you mean? What point was he trying to make?"

‹Asteria› Her shoulders lifted in a shrug. “Do you think I'd have stuck around after you turned me if I thought you were?” she asked pointedly, brow raising as her head declined slightly, as though it were wholly obvious. “And, Doc always has some sort of point. Not always one that the rest of us get, but it's there somewhere.” Another shrug. “I'd bet it's something to do with the anger you don't let out, but I could be wrong. Wouldn't be the first time I'd guessed wrong.”

<Elliot d’Artois> "No, I suppose not," he returned. There really was no reason why Asteria had to stick around. She'd blackmailed him into turning her. She had all the right in the world to just leave him behind. But she hadn't. He could only assume that added credence to her words. Slowly, he was being persuaded that maybe, maybe she didn't think too badly of him. "Is the guy insane? Who the **** manipulates people like that for shits and giggles?"

‹Asteria› “The sort who likes to figure out how people work,” she replied, voice simple. “It's not as uncommon as you'd think...And not for 'shits and giggles' as you said, but more for...information. He could be insane, old age and all...growing senile as his hips break.” The last was added with a slight grin and waggle of her brows. “Maybe his rash of diapers is burning.”

<Elliot d’Artois> "There are easier ways to get information. For example - asking someone?" Elliot sighed. Might have deflated and collapsed into the nearby armchair were it not for Asteria's good humour. He'd just played Doc's game, like putty. His resolve had not changed, however. In fact, it was probably stronger now--with reason intact, he still wanted to go lop Doc's head off. He was glad he'd done some damage. He smirked and pushed his fingers through his hair. "Anyway. Enough about that prick. How's are the rituals coming along?" he asked, eager to change the topic - to move the focus from and to something else.

‹Asteria› Subject change. Subject change was smart, safe. Did she want safe? Not necessarily. Was it needed? Yes. “Rituals are coming along good!” she replied, her calmer demeanor shifting more toward one of accomplishment, pride. “I've learned a lot of them, some on my first try! I've got notes and I'm understanding what they are saying! ...Kind of!” It was an almost child-like enthusiasm, or was akin to it, the way she spoke about rituals. It'd become her new purpose, her hobby almost, and one that could actually help the family if they'd needed it.

<Elliot d’Artois> "Good!" Elliot said, allowing Asteria's enthusiasm to wash over him. Her excitement to infect him. Along with a change of subject, he needed a change of emotional underwear. He glanced toward the area reserved for rituals--thought of the stack of things piled in the now-storeroom of Lancaster's. "I'm not sure I ever thanked you properly. For what you're doing - keeping Robert out. And for everything else," he said, genuinely. "Do you need any more... ingredients? I've got a few. Anything you're missing?"

‹Asteria› Her smile fell into something softer, something lighter, something almost awkward about what Lancaster said, but she nodded, and pushed it back. Focusing instead on the latter, she replied, “The only thing I'm missing is...Hood of Monk's. Pi told me something about having a......um...that thing where you plant it and it grows? That she could get me some, but I'm looking myself for now. I still need to unwelcome Ivy from the same places... Everything else I have for the rituals I can do without casting it on someone else...” There was a pause. “Though, if you ever find any...silk...thingys, can you give them to me? I need them for when Pi needs a ritual done over her.”

<Elliot d’Artois> "Monk's Hood, yeah. I've asked Roxette to look for it - she can go romping around the wilderness without threat from Fae. She says it's a ******** to find. Rare. The stuff in the Hydros should be ready this week sometime. In the next few days," he said. "I'll keep an eye out for hankies...." he continued. His eyes glazed over for a few seconds, before they narrowed, the entirety of his expression squinting into inquisitiveness. "The kind of **** you need for Rituals... it's downright weird."

‹Asteria› She raised a brow at him, a humorous sort of grin playing out on her lips. “...If you think those are weird, you should see the ones I have a harder time with...or my shopping list when I'm getting ready for those. Teeth, feet of chicken's, severed heads, flowers...live kittens...I keep waiting for eyes and fingernails to come up. So far, though, I've been safe.”

<Elliot d’Artois> Lancaster smirked. "Like Zombified Animal Parts? I've had to hunt for those for people before. You've not had to deal with condoms yet, then?" he asked. That, too, he knew was on the list of requirements. Had a whole jar of them, as gross as it was. He kept them at the very back of the cupboard.

‹Asteria› "Oh, no...I have to use them, but not as often as everything else..." she replied. "It's kind of funny that they're used to hold the circle together...and keep the fae from mauling me...but I suppose, if they can't protect from stupidity, they can at least do their job here!" Her reply was said amid a laugh as this mental image of a fae covered in used condoms came to mind. "And the animal parts always come in handy, even if I don't use them as much. They're more for the harder rituals, the ones that do more damage or are more...binding in some way."

<Elliot d’Artois> Elliot laughed. It was ironic, indeed. When his laughter ceased, he nodded. "Sure. I have some of those too, if you need them. Just give me a yell whenever you might." He said. That was at least one benefit of his rage--or at least of his secret love of violence. Every time there was a raid, he was there lickity split. Some of the harder foes gave better loot. At least, in this way, some of the shame was assuaged.

‹Asteria› "And if you ever need a ritual done, call me! Or...if you really feel the need...say it in my head, but be prepared for me to take a moment to realize it was actually you speaking and not some voice in my head telling me to do things," she half-joked. "But if you need me...call me. Even if it's just to talk so you can work through something, I don't care. I'll be there." Then noting it'd gotten too serious again, she jutted her lip out in overexaggerated thought. "Or...if you need me to turn you into a frog, I can do that too."

<Elliot d’Artois> Although the smile never left Elliot's face, the expression did soften into something akin to gratitude--and that slight discomfort he felt whenever someone offered him help. He wasn't accustomed to asking for help. And even though it was freely offered, he felt as if he was taking advantage, if ever he should take the offer up. "Thank you, Ast. Really," he said, genuinely gracious. And even he couldn't resist the urge to keep the topic from getting far too serious again. "A dog is far preferable to a frog, though. And I can do that for myself," he said with a wink.

‹Asteria› "A dog? Nooooo, not a dog!" She tsked under her breath, sizing him up. "But if you want something fluffy...I'll make you a rabbit! You'll have a cute tail...and can hop around with your big ears! And then I'll scoop you up and put you in my purse and carry you around like all the stars do!"

<Elliot d’Artois> "No ordinary dog! Sleek and mean," he said, the last word capering off into a muffled growl. He laughed, then, at himself rather than at his lame joke. He was never very good at jokes. But was more than ready to laugh at himself, which made it okay. Maybe a rabbit would suit, though. It's how everyone saw him, right? Meek and harmless. He didn't voice the thought, for fear of coming across as bitter. "You could turn Doc into a rabbit, though. I think he'd like that."

‹Asteria› "No, Doc would be a toad...Or maybe the stubborn *** tied to some post, chewing his hay and staring off into space...That's what they're called, right? Asses?" she questioned, musing aloud while the image of a childhood character came to mind.

<Elliot d’Artois> Elliot grinned. "Oh, I love the way you think. Yes, an ***. That's what he is. Thanks for the visual - might keep me from lopping off his head next time I see him," Elliot said. He wasn't serious. Not really. There was a small hint of the former fury, like a scratch in an old record player marring the cadence of his baritone. There was a hint of that lightning in his eyes, like one might catch when looking at a distant storm. But otherwise, he was wholeheartedly kidding around.

‹Asteria› "Still say you should be a rabbit..." she mumbled, a fake pout on her lips. "Or..if you're really attached to being a dog, I could make you a chihuahua! Those feet biters scare me more than the big ones do! And those yelps...it breaks the sound layer!"

<Elliot d’Artois> "If you turn me into a chihuahua, you'll have to turn yourself into one, too," he said. He knew they were only mucking around. Knew that Asteria was only joking. But something inside Lancaster had been significantly eroded already - there was that small, irritating voice that couldn't help but assume: that's what she thinks of me. A small dog with a bark bigger than its bite. Of course he didn't let it show, though. Continued to laugh, and grin, keeping up the charade.

‹Asteria› "I'm not even sure I have the power to," she admitted, though her grin didn't diminish. "Though, I'm sure my time would be better spent making you more of a...what's that thing I saw on the internet...FABM? No...BAMF! Maybe I can make you walk through walls, or melt a person's brain with your eyes! ...If they have one."

<Elliot d’Artois> "BAMF? I'm not even sure I know the meaning of that one," Elliot chuckled. "No, really - if you did have the ability to turn into an animal, what do you reckon you'd be?"

‹Asteria› She nodded, matter-of-fact. "Yes, BAMF. Badass ***********. Though it sounds bad, it's actually a really good thing," Ast explained. "As for what I'd turn into..." She fell silent, seriously debating on it. "...I'm not sure...Something...I've always liked those big komodo dragons...and hyenas... One of those, I think."

<Elliot d’Artois> "Hyenas? Really?" He asked. And then he shrugged his shoulders. He would not judge. "I'm not sure it's about what you like, though. I think it could--maybe--have something to do with what you're like," he said, hand held up over his heart, fingers splayed across his chest. Again, he shrugged. "I'm sure you'd be something a little more BAMF than a lizard. Or a Hyena," he said with a smirk.

‹Asteria› "Then what would you compare me to?" she asked, curious. "I'm not sure what animal I'd be like as I've never thought about it...And don't think lowly of hyenas! They're actually far cooler and deadlier than people give them credit for."

<Elliot d’Artois> "They strike me as scavengers. You'll have to describe that one to me. Maybe I'm just unfairly swayed by the Lion King," he said. "Speaking of, I'd probably be more likely to compare you to a big cat. What type, specifically, I don't know. But you know. Ever been face to face with a tiger? You just want to hug them, until you realise it just may be the last thing you do."

‹Asteria› Her brow lifted, head tilting a bit. "So...you just want to hug me, but realize it might be the last thing you do?" she teased. "Didn't realize I was so BAMFy."

<Elliot d’Artois> "I'm not saying me, specifically," he grinned. "But, you know, in a vaguer sense. You've got an exterior that only hints at the ferocity inside."

‹Asteria› "It's an art form...lull them into a false sense of security and then bam!" Her hands raised all dramatic-like. "Never know what hit them."

<Elliot d’Artois> "Mhm," Elliot continued to smile, a knowing glint to his eyes. Perhaps he didn't realise it just then, but Asteria had planted the seed. Why couldn't he be like that? Do just as he had with Doc - everyone assumes he's this puppy dog. Maybe he could use that to his advantage. "Anyway! I want to go buy some rugs for this place before the sun comes up. Anything you want me to get while I'm out?"

‹Asteria› "Hmm...do I want anything...?" With a shake of her head, she instead focus on the glint in his eyes, but didn't call attention to it. "I think I'm all set for now, but thank you just the same."

<Elliot d’Artois> "Alright. Well. Maybe I'll see you when I get back," he said. He didn't head for any ordinary exit. Instead, he headed for his own apartment - he'd need to change his bloodied jeans. Before he disappeared, he turned back around. "Thank you, Asteria. I'll keep in touch," he said. One last nod to the deep and meaningful that they had had.
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Re: d'Artois: Events in Time

Post by Lancaster »

<Cytherea> *texted Elliot.* Did you see? I got a new Relic! And sold it for a lot of money, and sent some to the family. I thought I'd buy something with the rest.

<Elliot d’Artois> *Texts back* I didn't see! Congratulations! What are you going to buy?

<Cytherea> Probably one of those rings that stops me from breaking things when I craft. I can be clutsy at times. I suppose I should buy a home, sleeping at your place all the time probably isn't a good thing. But it's just a waste of money really, when we have lots of places.

<Elliot d’Artois> Exactly. It's not MY home. It's our home. I would never think of kicking you out. Spoil yourself.

<Cytherea> Really? You don't mind if I stay there? Because it's okay if you do, I can save up for a place.

<Elliot d’Artois> No. I don't mind at all. My home is your home.

<Cytherea> You are awesome. Thank you. I'm going to buy that ring then. Share it with Pi if she needs it.

<Elliot d’Artois> No, you are awesome. I'm sure Pi can save for her own, too.

<Cytherea> Well, it's more useful if we share it, so she doesn't waste money. She puts a lot into the family, I'd hate to see her in debt over something I have that she can use.

<Elliot d’Artois> I just don't want a repeat - Pi borrowed something from Asteria and Asteria wasn't too happy about it. So long as you're sure.

<Cytherea> I saw that. I personally thought it was stupid, since Pi was doing something for her and the family. I'm sure. You can tell Pi i'm buying it, so she doesn't waste money in future.

<Elliot d’Artois> I will. Thank you.

<Cytherea> I think I pissed Madison off yesterday.

<Cytherea> But she was being really rude to Pi, when Pi had just wanted to protect us.

<Elliot d’Artois> What happened?

<Cytherea> I said she was throwing a tantrum.

<Elliot d’Artois> Oh, on the Crownet?

<Cytherea> Yes. I think she deserved it.

<Elliot d’Artois> I think she had a point. But just went about saying it wrong. It wasn't handled well. I think this family is more inclined to argument than reason.

<Cytherea> It wasn't. I only said what I did after she was insanely childish and rude.

<Elliot d’Artois> No, I know you weren't. But Pi and Madison were.

<Elliot d’Artois> The two of them should have met to talk out their differences. Not fling **** at each other on the Crownet.

<Cytherea> It's true. I've learned violence and rudeness isn't the answer, more like a last resort.

<Elliot d’Artois> *Grimaces as he recalls his last encounter with Doc* Doc might talk to you soon. Might... it's not untrue, whatever he says. Just... whatever he says, just know that I don't understimate you. Okay?

<Cytherea> What are you talking about? What did Doc do this time?

<Elliot d’Artois> He pushed my buttons.

<Cytherea> He does that. I tend to just laugh at him when he does it now. Wait, how does he know what buttons of yours to push?

<Elliot d’Artois> *Considers telling Cytherea that Doc must know because she'd told him the kind of monster Elliot was. How much she resented him. But didn't.* It doesn't matter. He just did.

<Cytherea> You told me we need to start communicating more. Here's your chance. What happened?
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Re: d'Artois: Events in Time

Post by Cytherea »

<Elliot d’Artois> I told him that if he hurt you, I'd hurt him. Probably in more colourful ways than that. He didn't think I had the right, that no one could hurt you more than I already have.

<Elliot d’Artois> He seems to think that my wanting to protect you is a form of control. That I underestimate you. That I should allow you to get hurt.

<Cytherea> Why would Doc hurt me? Sure, he's a paiin in the *** most of the time, but I like to think he's sort of like an ally now. He won't admit it, but he has a little soft spot for me. Like a person for a bunny. As for what he said, he's going on outdated information. When I first met him, I spewed my guts about you, and he more or less told me i was being a baby. Which was true.

<Cytherea> Don't let Doc get to you, that's what he wants. To see you snap, to see how easy he can toy with you. He's a ********. But that's who he is, and I still care about him. Like I do you. It's nice you're looking out for me, but Doc's not going to hurt me, because I've not given him the power to.

<Elliot d’Artois> It's too late. I already snapped. I thought you him were together?

<Cytherea> What? Oh. Because he planted one on me. Ha. No. I didn't think he would do that, honestly. I was toying with him.

<Elliot d’Artois> He didn't deny it.

<Cytherea> Deny that we were together? How did that even come up? Doc's toying with you again, he probably laid this all out, made you think he and I were together to make you fall into some trap. He likes games way too much, that man.

<Elliot d’Artois> If it was, it was a game he won. You know me. I'm too trusting. I assumed you were together - Pi showed me a conversation he had with her via text. Sent her a picture of you, half naked. Was indifferent, when she told him not to hurt you. How could I assume any different?

<Cytherea> ..wait. What? Picture half naked. What.. what conversation. What did he say?

<Elliot d’Artois> I don't remember, exactly. Sent the picture - asked Pi to come get you. Said you'd ripped off his shirt. Something about you... being Pi's step-kid. That he was trying to sleep with you. It was confusing. But I didn't like it.

<Cytherea> I'll kill him. He's dead. That little ****. I knew he was up to something with that little smirk of his. Oooo. He'll pay for this. He won't see it coming. Don't let him or Pi know you told me.

<Elliot d’Artois> *Should have stopped her. But for all the love he had for Doc at the moment - he could only smirk* My lips are sealed.

<Cytherea> I can't believe he sent Pi a half naked photo of me. And I was not trying to sleep with him. I wanted him to sleep on the floor, because he split my coffee over my dress, I told him to give me his shirt, cause he had no toher clothes. He said no, so I ripped his shirt for ruining my dress. Then he ripped my dress, and then I couldn't go home like that, so I said I was taking the couch. We fought over it, I broke his leg, he broke mine. Then I fell asleep.

<Elliot d’Artois> Well maybe you'll have to break his other leg, now.

<Cytherea> No, I'll be cutting his leg off again. See how he likes that.
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Re: d'Artois: Events in Time

Post by Doc »

Doc: *text* Saw your request on Crow.. whats up?

Cytherea: *grinned at this, before she replied.* You'll see tomorrow. Wear a suit, something nice.

Doc: *the last time someone told him to wear a suit, something nice, he was roped into dancing.* I don’t like surprises...what is up?

Cytherea: *almost laughed, but she was getting her revenge soon, so she'd save it for then.* Neither do I. Don't worry, it will be fun.

Doc: ****. *His voice resigned. He hated females.* *text* Well may be there ..may not. I guess I will find out later..

Cytherea: Please be there, I really need you to. It's important. *she tomed to the portal room, before adding another text.* I think something got sent to you by accident, can you give me it later?

Doc: *he sighed. First wear a suit.. now its someone sent me something that was supposed to be hers* *text* Really? And what would that be? *He took **** from Elliot, trying to make his dumb *** see Cyth wasn't some fragile flower.. and now that 'fragile flower' was playing games with him. He wasn’t in the mood.*

Cytherea: I accidentally wrote your name on the recipient details when I was in the shop, thankfully. It's rather an expensive engagement ring. I don't want to lose that. I'll need it for later. Besides, you don't want to miss my engagement party, do you? And I can't turn up without my ring. *she was taking a risk telling him, it could further put him off. But he didn’t know she was intending to have him as the groom to be. And she was hoping he cared enough about her to not want to miss it. So she sent the text.*

Doc: *Pi gave him something, was that in with the items? He checked and dammit He pulled the ring out of his pocket.* ****.

Doc: He stared at the ring, she who had never been kissed was now getting married? Hell no. *text* This is too fast .. are you sure you know what you are doing?

Cytherea: I'm sure. You'll get to suss him out later and give me your opinion, even more important for you to be there. *she was playing games with him, but it was what he deserved for all the games he'd played by involving her.* Please, I really need you there to help me.. *she was hoping the last text would hit a nerve with him. It could go either way though.*

Doc: *He didn't know if he liked the idea of her getting married. Even if she was sure. It was too soon. She rebounding. Or some ****. He looked at the ring. Well hell. Maybe this was it. Cause with her married, then the only real ties to the family were Asteria and Aidan. Asteria was now on the road to recovery with Elliot.. Aidan had Asteria. Nothing would really hold him anymore. *text* "Yea I will bring you the ring. Where are you?"

Cytherea: *Grinned as she looked at her text, then up at him, she'd managed to slip past him as he was reading. Something on his face made her feel a glimmer of guilt, she managed to squish it though. He was getting what he deserved with this. Sending photos of her to Pi, saying her was going to **** her? Then Elliot too? No. He was going to get his karma, and she'd deal it. ''I'm right here.'' she said out, a smile playing on her lips, though it didn't reach her eyes. ''Do you have it?''

Doc: *Without a word, he held out it her. He wasn't her sire. He wasn't the one that should be talking her out of it. And face it, Elliot would see her married to anyone, just to get her away from him. For all he knew Elliot was the one pushing for this. She wasn't his kid. She wasn't really anything to him. Why the **** did he care anyway.*

Cytherea: ''Could you slip it on for me, please? My other hands a little sore, I got shocked on one of those locks I pick.'' her smile never wavered, this was what she needed, in case telepaths invaded her mind just to be sure, she needed him to give her the ring, to put it on. So she waited, praying he would comply with this last thing, then everything would be in place for the revenge she'd planned.

Doc: *Doc glared at her.* Give me your damn hand!

Cytherea: Cyth smiled brightly, before holding her hand out, waiting for him to slip the ring on.

Doc: *Doc roughly slid it on* Happy?

Cytherea: She ignored that, and his voice, he'd see the funny side of things later. Or stab her. Either was amusing. ''Ecstatic. I've asked Pi or Elliot to set a time, don't be late.'' she said, before pressing a kiss to his cheek. ''And thank you.''

Doc: *he left without a word*

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Re: d'Artois: Events in Time

Post by Cytherea »

Scene: d’Artois are in the Complex, in the Library

Star: walks in and sits down on the floor

Ruth: “Can my husband come?”

Pi d’Artois: stole two bottles of champagne and two blood and entered the room, passing Ruth with a nod, hearing her "Of course he can Ruth"

Ruth: sends him a telepathic come hither just in case, then gets up to help Pi serve drinks.

Madison: entered the Complex and caught the back of Pi heading off in the other direction. Not knowing where everyone was she followed her grandsire to the library and took a seat in an empty chair.

Pi d’Artois: placing the bottles on the table she went back out the door for the glasses, lining them up beside the bottles and pouring both so the vampires who arrived could choose their beverage.

Pi d’Artois: "Bonjour Madison.." Pi said, holding out a glass of blood. "Beverage? Cyth asked me to supply... it's seems like only yesterday." Pi quipped with a smile

Mr. Kleiner: hesitantly entered the complex, unsure of where he was supposed to go or what exactly he was supposed to be doing. Moving towards the sounds of people, he eventually found his way and found a quiet corner.

Madison: A confused look passed over Madison's face as she took the offered glass, "Seems like only yesterday since what?"

Star: “Hello Pi and everyone. Might Eirian join; when he is free that is.”

Ruth: “Hello Pi.. I mean Star...”

Asteria: popped in, brow quirking up at the setting. It seemed...oddly celebratory after the last meeting, and she wasn't sure what the topic was, so she admittedly felt a little awkward. "A special occasion?" she asked, plopping down in a seat.

Pi d’Artois: spotting Kleiner at the door Pi waved him in "Come in, meet the family. EVERYONE... " Pi raised her voice, please meet Messer Kleiner.. one of my... newer childe." Turning she smiles at Ruth. "Bonjour Ruth, Cava?"

Madison: looked over at Star and then to the woman she didn't recognize.

Aidan: comes in with a yawn and finds a seat. She had napped for most of the night and felt a bit lazy, though she truly did not care.

Pi d’Artois: nods at Star "Yes, of course he can Star .."

Mr. Kleiner: nodded at the impersonal introduction

Madison: Pi didn't give her a response and instead introduced the other person in the room she didn't recognize. The look of confusion grew.

Ruth: nods to Pi, then Madison, then murmurs a "hello" to Kleiner before sneaking backward with a glass. So many, many people.

Pi d’Artois: “Madison." Pi asked, wondering what the look was for. "You okay?"

Star: “Maddy come sit by me okay”

Madison: "I guess?"Madison replied. "I just don't really know what's going on. Or who that is." She motioned to Ruth with her glass.

Cytherea: had waited until Doc was nearing the room, thankful he was one of the last to arrive. Stepping from the shadows she smiled at him, ''I figured we could enter together. Moral support and all. A bit nervous.'' With a final smile, she linked her arm through his and tugged him through the door firmly.

Pi d’Artois: looking at every Pi figured she needed to make a little announcement. "Thank you everyone for coming on such short notice. Cyth will be here shortly I think.. and then all will be revealed."

Mr. Kleiner: crossed his legs and rested a notepad on his lap, tapping the eraser end of a pencil on it

Cytherea: ''Good evening everyone, thank you for arriving.'' took one of the near by glasses before turning to look at Doc for a moment, keeping her arm tucked to his so he couldn't move.

Doc: arrived via portal. Cyth told him to wear suit. He didn't. Had she not demanded it, he would have worn one. He preferred suits actually. But because she demanded it, he wore jeans a pull over instead. And as soon as he was there, Cyth was yammering and tugging him about..He see didn't Elliot.. he narrowed his eyes*

Pi d’Artois: Pi didn't actually know what was going on... so was glad when Cyth arrived and started talking. Moving to Elliot's piano she took a seat there, leaving the cover over the keys and leaning forward on it while Cyth spoke.

Elliot: stumbled in, glad that he wasn't too late. He took a seat by Pi.

Cytherea: couldn't help that smile that broke across her face, classic Doc.

Pi d’Artois: made space on the piano bench for Elliot and leaned her cheek on his shoulder whispering to him "Do you know what this is about?"

Doc: “You can let go now.. Daddy's here.. you don’t need me...”

Elliot: whispered back "I have no idea."

Ruth: thanks Cyth softly and moves to sit with Doc and, presumably with her as well. She gives Doc the tiniest smirk in the world, raising an eyebrow. Oh, perhaps things were going to go better with his social progress than she initially hoped.

Madison: leans back in her chair and crosses her right leg over the left. Taking a sip of the blood, she waits quietly for someone to explain why they are here.

Cytherea: ''So, the reason that I asked you all here tonight. I have a very big announcement to make. As I'm sure some of you know, since Doc hasn't hidden it. We're together. And as of last night, he asked me to marry him.'' produced her hand with the ring on her finger that Doc had indeed given her.

Pi d’Artois: kissed his shoulder quickly, her lips brushing his shirt and she sat up... and waited. "We'll soon see then.. I took champagne from Elliot's...and bottles of blood." she admitted to pilfering from the stores.

Star: wondered why they where here today as she listened to Cy talk.

Cytherea: with a final smile, she turned to Doc, kissing his cheek before whispering in his ear. ''Expect to lose the leg later for that picture.''

Madison: choked on the blood she was taking a sip of.

color=#4080FF]Asteria:[/color] 's eyes widened, jaw dropping.

Mr. Kleiner: continued to tap the pencil on his pad, waiting for something more important than a couple's private business to be exposed.

Madison: A few coughs escaped her and she brought her hand up to cover her mouth, "Sorry, so sorry."

Star: “Congrats Cy and Doc.” ~It took little to surprise her but she was a bit surprised none the less.~

Elliot: was a little disappointed Doc hadn't lost the leg already, but remained a statue of blankness as he waited for whatever announcement they were going to make.

Doc: half turned to look at Cyth, for a long moment.

Pi d’Artois: It took a moment for Pi to process what was said and her head tilted to the side, watching the play of emotions on Cytherea's face and then Doc's. They looked almost, matter of fact about it and she frowned a little. Turning she gave Elliot an arched eyebrow and wondered what he was thinking. Hell, she wondered how she felt about it but could only drum up a sense of relief...

Elliot: frowned a little in Star 's directions. Had he missed it? What was she congratulating? Surely they weren't just announcing that they were a couple...

Aidan: sat up a bit more and just Stared....not sure if she heard what she heard.

Pi d’Artois: looked around the room and the silence was ... deafening.

Doc: Pookie... ? *his voice low, and menacing* “Are you sure you want to ride this ride?”

Elliot: was still a little confused, especially seeing as Cyth had told him that she and Doc were not a couple. He wondered whether things had changed in the last day.

Star: looks at El and laughs a bit "El Cy and Doc are Engaged. Was I the only one that caught that part of the announcement?"

Pi d’Artois: moved towards the couple, her hand resting on Elliot's shoulder for a moment before she stood before them. "Congratulations to you both.... "

Cytherea: ''Well, since you've already told a couple of people about our.. relationship, muffin. I thought it was only fair to share the big announcement, and our engagement ring. It is lovely after all.''

Mr. Kleiner: began to write on the pad, Vital announcement about wedding. Be hesitant to attend future meetings that are of no consequence.

Ruth: is confused that her friend had not talked to her about this, but he had mentioned Cytherea quite a bit. She reached over and put a hand on his shoulder, intending to support the hell out of him.

Doc: pulled Cyth tight against him, painfully tight. "Yes.. we are very happy.. The two of us. Very happy" *painful squeeze*

Cytherea: eyed him for a moment, so that's how he played it, the smile never wavered as she swept a kiss to his lips. ''And I was wondering if one of our ritualists could perform the ceremony. Now.'' she was going to push until she could push no more.

Madison: Once she was done choking, Madison just sat back and watched everyone. She hadn't even known that Cytherea and Doc were an item but then again, she really didn't talk to anyone outside the CrowNet or family meetings except for Lan and Pi on occasion. Something she should probably change.

Aidan: "So, you like going to get a mansion and start walking about in a silk robe and your Pjs now?" she asked with a smirk.

Elliot: felt like this was the point where he ought to be having a conversation with Doc - the one where he might get skewered through the gut. That conversation had already been had, however. Still, for a few moments, Elliot couldn't move. They'd hidden it, yes, but exactly how long had they been together?

Pi d’Artois: kissing Cyth's cheek Pi stood back to look at Doc and felt like she was missing something, something very important.. She didn't congratulate him, or make any move to touch him, instead she smiled and nodded and moved away.

Elliot: the question was on the tip of Elliot's tongue. He even cleared his throat to ask it. But refrained at the last second.

Cytherea: ''Thank you everyone, Pi.'' continued to smile, waiting for one of the ritualist to reply.

Pi d’Artois: returning to sit beside Elliot she poked him in the side "You should go up.. congratulate her." she added sotte voice

Ruth: narrows her eyes at Elliot.

Star: “Cy I am not sure there is one in the family with that tome to do that service.”

Asteria: glanced up, hearing something about ritualists. "Alright, you guys...You're yanking my leg now, aren't you?" she asked. "You don't...*really* want this ritual done."
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Re: d'Artois: Events in Time

Post by Madison »

Doc: “Absolutely.. Lets just do this now..” *he stared at Cyth the whole while he said it. She wanted to play chicken, did she?.. fine.. game on.*

Cytherea: ''Oh, we can get it. Or even just a human ceremony could suffice for now.''

Mr. Kleiner: cleared his throat, "You called us here to make an announcement, might as well do it while we're all here."

Asteria: "...That was the announcement."

Pi d’Artois: Pi's eyebrow arched and she stared again at them both and she just couldn't stop herself. When she spoke, there was a question there, an adamant one. “Cytherea..." she asked, frowning. "What's going on here? "

Ruth: “I am going to take away your electronic device if you do not pay attention.”

Madison: pointed at Asteria who spoke before she could, "That."

Cytherea: tilted her head towards Doc, grinning, though he'd know what about, before she hugged herself close to him, her head dipping to his ear. ''I'm not kidding.''

Cytherea: ''We're getting married. If one of you could perform it.''

Pi d’Artois: "On a dare?"

Elliot: narrowed his eyes in return. He couldn't help the bad feeling in his gut. What had Asteria said? Doc was always playing some kind of game. At least, that was the impression Elliot got. This was some kind of rouse, surely. Some kind of test. All the questions he wanted to ask Cytherea, he couldn't do it in public.

Mr. Kleiner: shook his head, "I mean that we were called here for the announcement, which was done. Might as well perform the ceremony while we're here without wasting more time."

Cytherea: ''No. Doc already revealed our relationship to you. And even to Elliot. So this shouldn't be too much of a shock.''

Elliot: "Oh but it is," Elliot said, before he could stop himself.

Pi d’Artois: "So he didn't ask you?" Pi looked at the woman and realised there was something very wrong in the world and what was at face value something to be celebrated was slowly slipping in the realm of farce.

Ruth: knows that it is not wise to rush into things, but she remembers how alone and sad she had felt when the Grigori disapproved of her marriage, so she continues to sit next to Doc and glower at anyone who seemed ready to speak up about it.

Cytherea: shot a look towards Elliot that said one thing, ''Shut up.''

Pi d’Artois: "Cytherea." Pi stated quietly. "Maybe you should explain what is going on. Please."

Elliot: grinned, then, "I mean, congratulations, the two of you," he said, the grin still steadfast. He didn't voice everything that he could have. If they wanted to tumble into an eternal bond - one that couldn't EVER be broken, then so be it.

Madison: fights back a chuckle at Pi's newest and her once confusion had turned into amusement.

Cytherea: ''He gave me the ring early as I already said, Pi.'' and it was true, it was in her memories, for those who disbelieved.

Doc: hissed right back for Cyth’s ears alone, "Neither am I.. and you will regret this before I will" Then he smiled at the assemblage before looking back at Cyth saying louder, "Your call.. 'darling'.. I'm in your hands." the last bit had a decided bite to it.

Ruth: *Native American Glare Stare.*

Pi d’Artois: turned to look at Elliot, her gaze questioning. It was his childe and hers and they were adults. One a hell of a lot older adult. Doc's forty five far outstretched Cytherea's 20s but neither were children and if this, whatever this was, is how they chose, what they chose, who were they to stop them. Instead Pi decided to hold her peace and shrug.

Star: “So Cy and Doc are getting married what is so wrong with that” ~She did not see what others were seeing~

Aidan: "Why don't we all go to vegas, on the family dime and do this right?" she said with a snicker. "We can do the drive through wedding thing, then hit the clubs until they throw us out."

Pi d’Artois: "If this is what you want, then congratulations to you both, and my best wishes."

Elliot: leaned languidly against the piano, choosing to remain silent. There was something in the way Doc spoke, like those pet names were foreign on his lips. There was something else going on here. Some kind of trick Elliot wasn't sure he appreciated. But he would ride it out anyway.

Mr. Kleiner: added to the note pad, Apparent confusion over state of relationship. Hidden romance? False romance? Still don't see the point.

Cytherea: squeezed Doc to herself once more, nipping at his jaw, seeming affectionate, but she used such a thing to answer her reply. ''I hope you're ready for later, because you'll be losing more than that leg.'' turning back to the crowd. ''Thank you Pi, that means a lot. Now muffin, shall we do it now?''

Doc: “Definitely Now.” *eyes glacial*

Asteria: met Cyth's gaze. "I could marry you?"

Cytherea: dug her nails into Doc's hip, before turning to Ast. ''That would be wonderful. I already have our rings here.''

Pi d’Artois: Pi wasn't sure what either Cyth or Doc wanted from them so she stayed where she was, beside Elliot watching it play out like a 4D movie reel and the people actors playing out a scene and not people she knew and cared for.

Star: “Ast do you have the Tome to do a binding?? I am wondering because if I get all the Ingredients needed I would love to have that done on Eirian and me make our marriage a permanent thing”

Doc: slides a look at Asteria, and nods. "Fine by me.." rib breaking squeeze to Cyth, "Darling?"

Mr. Kleiner: shook his head at Star's comment and added to the paper, Bandwagon jumpers. Have to be the center of attention?

Cytherea: resisted the groan of pain, as she gazed at Doc. ''Yes, muffin? We can do the proper eternal binding later on.'' she'd be sure he'd back out of this before then. The marriage wouldn't happen, and then she could kick his ***.

Madison: took another sip of blood. Something was so off here but she wasn't quite sure what and she really didn't care. All she did was watch, curious to see how this binding ritual worked if it was actually performed.

Ruth: fixes her doe-eyed stare of disapproval on those who would disapprove of Doc being happy, even if this was all, admittedly, a little, well, strange.

Elliot: wraps one arm around Pi's waist; his palm still grips the piano bench beside her, but she is a fixture in the crook of his arm. Of course, if this is all real, he wonders what Pi might expect. How long until he's supposed to ask her this eternally binding question?

Pi d’Artois: leaning into Elliot she added to him sotte voce "Only Tytonidae have the binding tome... what are we doing here?"

Doc: “Hell no.. You might change your mind.. I say .. do the eternal binding now.. Don’t want to risk you getting away.. do I?”

Elliot: turns his face down to Pi, confusion writ all over it. He shrugged his shoulders.

Cytherea: Stared at his face for a moment, before her smile grew wider. ''Well, get in contact with Ty then, invite one of them over. Lets spend the rest of our lives together.'' she'd probably spend it cutting his legs off.

Pi d’Artois: Her brow furrowing Pi thought, and wondered ... her eyes lit up and she grinning at Elliot, before leaning forward. "Amaranthia has the eternal bonding tome..." Pi supplied. "I can call her, see if she can come?"

Mr. Kleiner: chuckled at his one acquaintances comment, Concerns about her leaving him already? How permanent are these rituals?

Cytherea: ''Thank you Pi, that's perfect.''

Star: looks at Kleiner and cocks her head to the side before walking over to him and poking his shoulder "No been planning mine for forever and Pi I know one person not in Ty that had a tome.”

Doc: doesn’t know **** about the eternal binding ritual, what it does etc.. but hell if he was backing down. "Sure."

Mr. Kleiner: looked up at the girl who had decided to interrupt the "happy couple's" announcement. "Did no one ever teach you it was rude to read over someone's shoulder?"

Star: looks at him "Artist well artist I know do it all the time."

Mr. Kleiner: added a note, Family lacks basic manners

Mr. Kleiner: “Interesting”

Ruth: 's Glare Power is taking up a lot of her energy, so the Native woman sits down and glances at Doc reassuringly. Doc, who has not acknowledged her even once the entire evening. "Doc." she whispered, then sent her thoughts into his brain with telepathy. "Doc."

Pi d’Artois: lifting her phone to her ear Pi stood, talking to Am quickly. "Bonjour Amaranthia, this is Pi... I have a favour."

Pi d’Artois: *insert long conversation explaining the details of what is happening*

Amaranthia: "Absolutely, Pi, I'll be right there."

Pi d’Artois: taking the phone from her ear Pi said to the room at large. "Amaranthia is free... but we will need the ritual ingredients.. which she will tell us.. to make this work. She'll be here soon."

Doc: blinked and looked at Ruth, he frowned in silent apology, "Sorry.. caught up in the moment.. you might say.. " *squeezes Cyth painfully*

Cytherea: ''Wonderful, thank you.''

Mr. Kleiner: turned more fully to the woman behind him, "What was your name, if you don't mind me asking? I'm afraid I'm still new to all this."

Cytherea: squeezed Doc just as tight. ''It is all exciting. And the ring you gave me earlier, is just stunning. You've wonderful taste, muffin.'' As if to further annoyed him, she stole a small kiss, biting on his lip as she did. No one would know though.

Ruth: "I think you're hurting her," she said into his mind. Did she have to coach him on manners? It was bad luck to bruise the bride on her wedding day.

Elliot: bit the inside of his lip. He watched Cyth and Doc carefully - the affection between them doesn't appear natural. It looked strained, somehow. There was a desire to stand and demand what they were playing at. To make sure this didn't go any further.

Doc: smiled at Ruth as if to say 'I bloody well hope so'

Star: looks at him and smiles "My name is Star and I am El's Eldest childer the first one he turned. You are?"

Pi d’Artois: Turning to Doc and to Cyth, Pi stared at them both, speaking before Amaranthia got here.

Mr. Kleiner: “I was bitten by Pi if that's your question, and you can call me Kleiner.”

Elliot: but despite it all, as per usual, words were the best weapons. Doc hadn't lifted a finger to hurt Elliot that day, but he'd flung words like knives. And so Elliot remained seated. Tense, but seated. And allowed Cytherea to make her own damned decisions - bad ones or not. He wasn't her father.
First Turned PC Blood Thief
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