Patient Files

Single-writer in-character stories and journals.
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Re: Patient Files

Post by Doc »

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Ego correctionis silentio grammatica tua
IC Forum username: That Guy
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Re: Patient Files

Post by Doc »

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Ego correctionis silentio grammatica tua
IC Forum username: That Guy
Dressed by Ariadne
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Re: Patient Files

Post by Doc »

Since surgery is no longer an option. The clinical side of psychology has become an interest.

Do those of our kind exhibit psychological issues?

If so, are the symptoms less or more intense than those discussed in mainstream psychology journals.

Do the symptoms follow the same patterns?

Below is an example of textbook neurosis of the Neurotic Need for Affection and Approval. How deep the neurosis goes or can be traced is yet to be seen.

Anonymous Citizen: *texts* Cant make it. Another time.

Patient X: "What was the point behind cancelling?"

Anonymous Citizen: *texts* You prefer no notice? Duly notice.

Patient X: "No i like noticed but what is the reason behind it."

Anonymous Citizen: *texts* You're nosey huh?

Patient X: "You like logic for my motives for seeing you. I'm returning the favor."

Anonymous Citizen: *texts* Very well. Broken Leg.

Patient X: "I'll tend to it."

Patient X: "Where are you."

Anonymous Citizen: *text* No need.

Patient X: "Where. Are. You."

Anonymous Citizen: *Text* Was a doctor. No. Need.

Patient X: "I was trained when I was turned to heal. At least let me look at your work and see if its up to par"

Anonymous Citizen:*text* I prefer not to be coddled. The weak are coddled. when I am weak.. I will call.

Patient X: "Did the work weak ever leave my lips, or in this case my fingers."

Anonymous Citizen: *text* I don't need help.

Patient X: "I know you don't. But give me this, please."

Anonymous Citizen: *text* When I need. I will call.

Patient X: "I was trained when I was turned to heal. At least let me look at your work and see if its up to par"

Anonymous Citizen: *text* I prefer not to be coddled. The weak are coddled. when I am weak.. I will call.

Patient X: "I know you don't. But give me this, please."

Anonymous Citizen: *text* When I need. I will call.

Patient X: "Why are you so stubborn."

Anonymous Citizen: *texts* ME?! (caps intended)

Patient X: "yes you."

Anonymous Citizen: *text* You are the one who cannot take 'no' for an answer.

Patient X: "I can't. You're right... But I have my reasons."

Anonymous Citizen: *text* Fair enough. No questions. I can drop it. Can you?

Patient X: "I'm not sure..." "but I don't have a choice... do I."

Anonymous Citizen:*Text* No.

Patient X:"Thought so."

Anonymous Citizen: *text* Now we are getting somewhere.

Patient X: "Are we, you think so?"

Anonymous Citizen:*text* Yes. WE have established -boundaries-.

Patient X: "I just let you win, don't get your ego boost from this."

Anonymous Citizen:*text* And Now we have start back at zero.

Patient X: "Yup." "Zero is the beginning... beginnings can be nice."

Anonymous Citizen: *text* Zero is the bottom of the bell curve. It is empty. it is nothingness.

Patient X: "Exactly."

Patient X: "Can I come see you yet?"

Anonymous Citizen: *text* No.

Patient X: "You're making me sad."

Anonymous Citizen: *text* Get used to disappointment.

Patient X: "Its not disappointment I feel."

Anonymous Citizen: *text* then get used to what ever you are feeling.

Patient X: "You don't think I know this."

Patient X: You're going to have to just bare with me.

Patient X: I can't... Not feel satisfied knowing someone is hurt and not seeing them with my own eyes... I can't, I have to see. It's my fear, and I just have to know.

Anonymous Citizen: *text* you should seek counseling for that.

Patient X: They tried, when my father died.

Anonymous Citizen: *text* Your cross to bear. I will not enable phobic behavior.'

Patient X: It's just how I am... I like people being okay... And when they get hurt I get upset because I care, and you are in XXX which means, you're family.

Patient X:Family is everything.

Anonymous Citizen: *text* we are not family.

Patient X: XXX is about communication, and trust and being one unit and working together.

Patient X: We are within itself a family.

Anonymous Citizen: *text* Precisely. Trust. You are not trusting me.

Patient X: Yu earn trust.

Patient X: I want to get to know you, I want to meet you and learn to trust you. How am I suppose to do that if you won't even let me see your face.

Patient X: I know I have your back. I know that if you need me, I will be there and no one can stop me from getting to you, but I don't know if you

Patient X:... Well, if you will be there for me.

Anonymous Citizen: *text* I will be blunt. Do not use XXX as your reasons. I will not be manipulated.

Patient X: I'm not trying to manipulate you. I'm trying to get to know you.

Patient X: Fine. You win, when you are ready to talk, if that ever happens or meet... You can reach me. Have a lovely evening.

Anonymous Citizen: *text* You manipulate to get your way. To get what you want. You want to meet me in person; after I decline. You cannot take no for an answer. You use excuse of your 'fear'. I will not enable that fear. You fall back on XXX as your 'excuse'. It is all manipulation.

Patient X: My fear has nothing to do with you saying no

Patient X: My fear is because I lost everything I ever loved because someone got hurt and I couldn't do anything to stop it

Patient X: I can do something now, I can make it better but Anonymous Citizen you have that covered so fine.

Ego correctionis silentio grammatica tua
IC Forum username: That Guy
Dressed by Ariadne
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