Dear Diary,
Pretty Lady gave you to me. It was late, but I guess it was late evening for a vampire. That's what I am now. A vampire. Yeah, I drink blood and everything. Mostly rats and chickens. I hear there's rabbits, too, but I haven't done an Elmer Fudd yet.
You're probably wondering who I am. I'm Frankie. J-man calls me Hummingbird. Momma Dove calls me her littlest dove, and Ma Lizzie just calls me by my whole first name: Francesca. Ugh. So proper for a little girl like me. I guess I should list every nickname I've given lately, and the Meaniehead List. That's easy enough, if boring. Nice people first.
Cherry is Pretty Lady. Miss Lia is easy to remember. Her name's Lia, and, well, she's prettier than Pretty Lady. Probably older, too, but I won't ask her. Momma Dove's name is Mora. Ma Lizzie is Elizabeth. Crazy Train? That's Cliff. J-man is Jesse Xavier. Then there's Mr. Jacob. I like him, from his formality on the Internet thingy. Oh! And Kayden is Southy, 'cause he's like a Southern gentleman. That's not everyone, but still.
I've made lots of friends for a dumb, immature brat who can't use a potty and has lazy parents. That what the Meaniehead Brigade says about me. In order, they are: Azraeth, Sophia Moretti, Zachariah Staus, Phoenix, Kole Cross, Cupcake (I also call her The Sweet, 'cause of her name, but she might or might not know that), and Styx, who I'm considering calling Dead River, but she doesn't know that. They aren't names when they're being mean, but they're numbers. Seven Meanieheads.
J-man was there when Pretty Lady gave you to me. He kept blinking in and out of sight, like shadows were wrapping around him. It was very strange. But then, Miss Lia just disappeared the other night in mid-conversation. Like what Mommy would say she was doing when we played Star Trek. Of course, she had something to say. "Beam me up, Scottie" or something. I wanna know who Scottie is. Guess I could ask someone else, but still. I feel funny doing that.
I have a really bad feeling, almost...no. I don't have a word for it. Need to read more. But yeah. Really really really bad feeling. About the lady who killed Mommy. I think...she's a vampire. That would explain why the cops couldn't find her. That and I couldn't give a good description of her. Just the big sword thing she was using.
Speaking of the sword thing, I drew it for Pretty Lady yesterday. She didn't recognize it, but other people might. We're gonna show it around. Mommy said it's better to know the enemy by name than by only an accessory. I think that extends to weapons, too.
J-man thinks he has to protect me. I guess I see why. But I'm small and fast and smart. I can dodge stuff he could never hope to avoid.
I also met Jazir. His nickname's Funky. J-man thought it was funny when I suggested it, but I thought the arguing between the J's was hilarious. Better than the Chipmunks!
And, while on the topic of fictional characters. I considered calling Jazir a girl's name. Jasmine. Like the princess in Aladdin. I think Funky's better than a girl's name, or Jazzy, like that teenage girl said she called some sparkly guy in some book called Twilight. Just, ew.
Think I should get to bed. See you at sunrise.