Vivi's head hurt as she sat up in the Harper Rock City Morgue. She attempted to touch her forehead with her right hand, but found it missing. Her arm had been severed halfway through the forearm. "******* bastards," she muttered. The words were just what came to mind.
Thankfully, the coroner had not put her into a body bag, but her right toe had acquired a little tag in it. Reaching down with her left hand, she saw what else was wrong.
"****!" she shouted, realizing that she had two limbs severed. Her left leg had been hacked off just above the knee. She pulled the tag from her toe and pocketted it. It might come in handy. Or she was collecting odd things. She didn't know.
There was a body bag on the table across from her, but that was not her concern; what she needed was to get home. She swung her legs off of the table, putting her right foot flat, and let her torso fall forward, ignoring the spattering of blood her injuries caused on the tiles and knocking the table onto its side, ripping out one of the base bars.
This was the base of her makeshift cane. For a grip, so that her remaining hand did not get cut on the jagged edge, she grabbed a stress ball from the nearby desk, stabbing the pole through it and shoving herself up.
"Someone needs to die for this," she muttered, using the cane as her left leg. "Why can't I remember who?"
A charm on her right hip distracted her. A coiled king cobra, black enamel on silver.
"Damn it all to Hell! Baby hasn't eaten in days!" Her pace quickened and she grabbed two thick cotton cloths, which she tied around the stumps that were her left leg and right arm, before she started to make her way to the apartment.
Once at the apartment building, she ducked through crowds and into the elevator, jabbing the button for level 2 and leaning against the back of the tiny space.The elevator ride was blissfully short.
"I'm coming, Baby...I'm almost home," she muttered, leaning against the wall just beyond the elevator and digging in her pocket for the key to the apartment before she approached the door, holding the decorative Hawaii keychain - a gift from her grandmother - between her palm and the makeshift cane.
Something about the word cane played tricks on her mind. She knew it was important somehow, in a way other than the thing she was using in place of a left leg.
Leaning against the doorjamb, she unlocked the door and shoved it open.
"*****, Baby, I'm home!" she called, maneuvering to slam the door behind her.
The cat, *****, came howling around her solitary leg.
"Are you hungry?" Vivi inquired. "Where does Hari put your food, hmm?" The blonde made her way into the kitchen, staggering a bit with every step and shouting, "****, *****, don't trip me!"
By the time the cat's food was down, Vivi could hear her snake slamming the tip of her tail against the glass of her terrarium in greeting. She made her way into the smaller bedroom and plunked down on the bed, reaching in with her remaining hand and letting the snake nudge her fingers."Hi, Baby. I don't have any food for you right now. You'll get fed soon enough."
She pulled a laptop from under her bed, opening it up and clicking a few keys to get into the CrowNet and send a note to her sire and her sire's lover, who was also was in some way a boss to the blonde. She couldn't remember what the name of the place she worked with him was, though...