Bloody Rabbit: Has Gun. Will Travel.
Posted: 06 Feb 2012, 17:43
Day 1.
New book. So gotta start out with new days yanno. Anyways.
Somehow I got another kid. Im startin ta realize the more shadow powers I get, the more the damn things are pushin me the **** around. But then, a lot is doin that. Anyways Cait is great. A bit odd, but yanno I'm a bit odd.
Silence. I had forgotten how soothin it can be. Surroundin ya. Lettin a body think without useless jibber jabber. I found a way ta get some. Locked myself out of the family home and took a break from everywhere, even phoe and E. Love em, but ya can only figure out things on ya own yanno?
All this time I've been so busy reactin, I haven't thought. Just react react react and then try ta process. So I did that. Realized I like the peaceful life. No arguin, no bickerin, no useless crap to cloud the days. Thats not ta say thats all G was for me. But what little fondness I have is reserved for those who haven't just turned there backs.
So I was an idiot book. I get that. So wrapped up in pleasin others I forgot pappy's sayin. "Can't please everyone all the time and tryin to only makes you an idiot"
I tried ta please Habs and Mirc by bein different then who I was. Ain't they're fault, just my own. Can I blame em then that my limit on bull fizzled out? Na. I can blame for twistin the knife in but most the stuff leadin up is my own fault for tryin ta get involved.
I'm tired book and thats the honest truth. Pleasin others and then becomin the hated so fast, left tracks on my ***. I know E and Phoe and Deathy tried ta help. But it was my own fault for keepin gettin involved. Like this war stuff with DC. Goodness knows that witch Elizabeth deserves it and Etienne ain't no angel. But this crap that its ok ta continue it past death when any of them would ***** ta high heavens..struck me the wrong way. Hell the whole thing left a soured taste. I helped cause E and Phoe asked, but even that bit of help required me ta give up pieces of me because I had ta sit there and ignore that everybody was playin nice simply cause they got to kill ****. It wasn't like **** got solved from this latest grigori blow up. But when ya have targets, settin aside real issues just to kill kill kill seems ta be the way to go.
I won't regret it though. DC Idiots needed ta be taught respect. And E is lovely. so there.
Yeah I know book. I ain't writin about my convo with E. Because it struck a cord. But I guess I should. I was rantin ta her stupidly I guess that Mirc and the others claimin Deathy when they ignore his *** all the fuckin time was annoyin the hell out of me. Specially when its been made clear by Habs how angry her and Mircea are at us. Or well mostly me but I guess he was included in that. E then asked if I had talked ta sir..Mircea about it and I told her why would I? I mean. I left him a note with my key about knowin he was angry and leavin ta give him and Habs its not like I would sit around for an in depth discussion on how Habs screamed at me about all this. And E rightly said then how would I know he was really angry.
It's a good point book. But I figured that if he wasn't mad he would have replied ta my note yanno? And plus. It's not like Habs has ever been wrong on how hes felt before. And I just know if I had gone ta him on all of what she said, I would have looked like the idiot who was probably tryin ta get between them. Like I told E. Its not my place to dissect when Hab's isn't or is talkin for him. And hab's while I might be upset with her, ain't one ta lie. Get emotionally twisted with ****..sure. But lie? I ain't see it yet.
All in all. In think the goose has been plucked bloody this time. Ain't no more room for Discussion yanno? And G will be fine without me. Now they can all go ta flames and have one less scapegoat.
None of this changes the love..well abet angry love I have for Habren or the others. But I guess its time I forged my own path. I can't say what I will do for sure...but I sure as hell know Ill do fine on my own.
New book. So gotta start out with new days yanno. Anyways.
Somehow I got another kid. Im startin ta realize the more shadow powers I get, the more the damn things are pushin me the **** around. But then, a lot is doin that. Anyways Cait is great. A bit odd, but yanno I'm a bit odd.
Silence. I had forgotten how soothin it can be. Surroundin ya. Lettin a body think without useless jibber jabber. I found a way ta get some. Locked myself out of the family home and took a break from everywhere, even phoe and E. Love em, but ya can only figure out things on ya own yanno?
All this time I've been so busy reactin, I haven't thought. Just react react react and then try ta process. So I did that. Realized I like the peaceful life. No arguin, no bickerin, no useless crap to cloud the days. Thats not ta say thats all G was for me. But what little fondness I have is reserved for those who haven't just turned there backs.
So I was an idiot book. I get that. So wrapped up in pleasin others I forgot pappy's sayin. "Can't please everyone all the time and tryin to only makes you an idiot"
I tried ta please Habs and Mirc by bein different then who I was. Ain't they're fault, just my own. Can I blame em then that my limit on bull fizzled out? Na. I can blame for twistin the knife in but most the stuff leadin up is my own fault for tryin ta get involved.
I'm tired book and thats the honest truth. Pleasin others and then becomin the hated so fast, left tracks on my ***. I know E and Phoe and Deathy tried ta help. But it was my own fault for keepin gettin involved. Like this war stuff with DC. Goodness knows that witch Elizabeth deserves it and Etienne ain't no angel. But this crap that its ok ta continue it past death when any of them would ***** ta high heavens..struck me the wrong way. Hell the whole thing left a soured taste. I helped cause E and Phoe asked, but even that bit of help required me ta give up pieces of me because I had ta sit there and ignore that everybody was playin nice simply cause they got to kill ****. It wasn't like **** got solved from this latest grigori blow up. But when ya have targets, settin aside real issues just to kill kill kill seems ta be the way to go.
I won't regret it though. DC Idiots needed ta be taught respect. And E is lovely. so there.
Yeah I know book. I ain't writin about my convo with E. Because it struck a cord. But I guess I should. I was rantin ta her stupidly I guess that Mirc and the others claimin Deathy when they ignore his *** all the fuckin time was annoyin the hell out of me. Specially when its been made clear by Habs how angry her and Mircea are at us. Or well mostly me but I guess he was included in that. E then asked if I had talked ta sir..Mircea about it and I told her why would I? I mean. I left him a note with my key about knowin he was angry and leavin ta give him and Habs its not like I would sit around for an in depth discussion on how Habs screamed at me about all this. And E rightly said then how would I know he was really angry.
It's a good point book. But I figured that if he wasn't mad he would have replied ta my note yanno? And plus. It's not like Habs has ever been wrong on how hes felt before. And I just know if I had gone ta him on all of what she said, I would have looked like the idiot who was probably tryin ta get between them. Like I told E. Its not my place to dissect when Hab's isn't or is talkin for him. And hab's while I might be upset with her, ain't one ta lie. Get emotionally twisted with ****..sure. But lie? I ain't see it yet.
All in all. In think the goose has been plucked bloody this time. Ain't no more room for Discussion yanno? And G will be fine without me. Now they can all go ta flames and have one less scapegoat.
None of this changes the love..well abet angry love I have for Habren or the others. But I guess its time I forged my own path. I can't say what I will do for sure...but I sure as hell know Ill do fine on my own.