NPC Suggestions
Posted: 21 Aug 2020, 02:13
These were copied over from the Discord:
Adding on from Noah'sNoah wrote:A Fae who offers to teleport you to a random location on the grid in exchange for a fee. And it can be anywhere on the grid - lairs, raid floors, wherever. Very small chance though, that it will send you to a dungeon/raid generated in the moment that the possibility activates, at the end of which is a one of a kind item.
Intelligent Fadebeast. A special, high-level NPC that possesses average adult intelligence as opposed to the mindless, almost animalistic nature of its kin.
Named NPCs. Incorporate these into Chapters or subchapters. Example: a named Gang Lt with higher stats than normal. In RP, he's doing... whatever it is gangsters do. Characters can work with him or actively hunt him.
Dragons. Give me a ******* dragon.
Changelings: Fae creatures who can take on the appearance of any NPC and can spawn in any area, except - surprise! They're super ******* strong. Make them hold something unique or rare. Gives higher level players a reason to visit lower level areas.
Segreti wrote:
Cliff Worthington wrote:Zombie Clown NPC