Wakes up...
Mika extending his arms and legs after having fallen asleep in the apartment building elevator but now feeling almost fully rejuvenated
That was nice.
I feel like I can continue investigating with the and perhaps even clear out this floor by the end of the day.
Well.Might as well begin.
Mika lay flat on the elevator floor on the second floor of the Apartment.
I don't even feel like moving though...
Like why can't Zombies just eat themselves.
All these thoughts went through his mind before decided to finally begin.
"It's time I guess."
Mika than moved his arms above his head, his hands behind his shoulders, and his now bent legs to his chest. Pulling the lower half of his body off the ground than extended his legs above his head before pushing off his hands and swinging his legs forward this would cause his body to kip up and firmly land to his feet.
Time to move.
He than looked upon the elevator panel scanning it to evaluate that he had been on the second floor so he'd moved his hand to the elevator panel and pressed the button that read the number two on it.
This would cause the the elevator door to than open revealing a very clean open room with very nice furniture placed in all four quadrants of the room.
"Weird, why so specific..?" The temptation of moving the so neatly placed furniture was almost unresistible so he decided to do so taking 5 minutes to distort the organisation of the furniture even if ever so slightly till satisfied
This thread was submitted via a live roleplay chat in the Corvidae Flats F2 area. Participants and rewards were: Mikaela earned 397 RPP.
Stupid couches._.
For all descriptive play-by-post roleplay set anywhere in Harper Rock (main city).
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