Life Stuff

Single-writer in-character stories and journals.
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Cellissee (DELETED 9822)
Posts: 37
Joined: 13 Sep 2017, 21:36
CrowNet Handle: SpaceHamst3r

Life Stuff

Post by Cellissee (DELETED 9822) »

September 23, 2017

Mood: eh

So the cure thingie...the more I find out the less I like. Ok, there probably is a cure. But that's not the point. I never thought there wasn't one. I mean, no way all this craziness happens and, oh surprise, there is no cure. There's totally a cure. If the emails are real, they could be faked right? Hell yeah they could be fake. It wouldn't be hard, they probably aren't though. But they could be. So, there is a leak. But who was the source? That's important info yeah. Motives man. Ok, effects. Vampires storm the facility, like ******* storm troopers. Boom, we're terrorists now. But not all of us, but the seed of doubt ya know. That ****'s been planted. And was it even finished? Weren't they still testing it? They ******* released people into the city to watch them? They weren't done yet. Who is the source man? What did the source want to happen? There was also that patient 005, said something about not responding as fast or something? It wasn't clear if he ever did or not...
The cure was imperfect, it wasn't finished. What a cluster ****... moving on...

I have a place to stay! No more sleeping in basements and sewers...yay! Finally, my state of calm has been officially enhanced. Like the last week was so crazy. That's an understatement yeah. I..became..a vampire. mind=kaplow.
But I met some cool people. Like Every, straight up kaplowed mah brain some more and solved all my financial woes, and then Bjorn, aka Poodle, is just all like, ya I have a place you can crash, for free, just boom, here have a nice day. I owe those guys man, I so do. They don't want me to, but I'm gonna pay them back somehow.

So, so far so good. Oh I'm supposed to have a Sire, or something. The vamp that "turned" me. I keep trying to remember what happened. The whole day man, I lost a whole day. Just a blur. Not even a blur, more like a blank. It's a hole in my life. A really ******* important one. I thought my Prof. X powers would help ya know, but no dice. So lame, so so so so so lame...

But um, at least I haven't killed anyone else lately...yeah that's always great.

Welp, there's a million other things I could talk about but, I don't wanna. So yeah, end of transmission.
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