In the shop was that sampling of both now. No crowds, but a couple of each drifting in and out for various reasons. Supplies, novelties, books,
Or simply to talk.
The woman sat patiently as the girl studied the cards in front of her. She had been visiting this woman for a couple of years now. Most of her friends scoffed at the idea of consulting a person who used tarot cards to divine the future, but she could not deny what she had experienced so far.
The gypsy knew things. How she managed this was a mystery, yet her advice was, more often than not, spot on. In a way it freaked her out. It was one thing to sit and hear how your life was gonna turn, but far different to see those words come to life as you moved on. Mistress Zodiac was a strange one to say the least.
Melissa Bancroft listened to the iPhone the girl had ‘spoke’ her findings. In all the times she had been here, the woman never spoke a word. The pretend human voice just added to the anxiety she was experiencing being here now. All the little quirks she had noticed over the past 3 years were nothing alone, and even if she stacked them all into a pile the evidence was weak, but when you added recent events to it, the evidence turned downright deadly.
“Is there anything else I can do for you this evening, Melissa?” the iPhone spoke as the girl sat and smiled brightly at her. Melissa debated this again for perhaps the hundredth time. She had her suspicions and needed to know. Only now when she was poised to discover the truth had the possibility of danger entered her mind.
“Wh…..What can you tell me about vampires.”
The smile never faltered, but one eyebrow arched in surprise. Calmly her fingertips began to dance over the keyboard on the phone’s screen.
“It seems this town can’t get enough of them. I have been hearing of supposed vampires for the last 5 years now.” Her fingers began to dance again.
“Were there vampires in the past? I honestly think there could have been. But today? In the here and now?” Zodiac stood up and stepped to a small file cabinet and began to search a bit. She pulled out a sheet of paper and returned to the reading table and laid it in front of Melissa. “This is a list of books by reputable authors who have explored the subject properly. You can find them at the library or you can order them on Amazon.”
“No. I mean real vampires. Vampires today.”
“There are no vampires.” The words flowed from the speaker as she gave a practiced, sympathetic look of understanding.
“Yes there is. I heard it on the news. Too many sources are saying the same thing to be a hoax or wrong.” Melissa batted away the paper. “Too many strange things happening, and you’re one of them.” Why was she even lashing out at this girl who had, in truth, been nothing but kind and helpful to her was a mystery. Perhaps it was her mind’s way of trying to figure out the gypsy girl once and for all.
Both eyebrows rose as a true look of confusion covered the gypsy’s face as the woman stood up. Gently she typed onto the phone again. “Melissa. Calm down.” She reached out and patted the woman softly on the shoulder.
“I can prove it!” Before the gypsy could even move, the woman reached into her purse and pulled out a small jar. She uncapped it and swung at Zodiac.
Zodiac’s eyes were wide as saucers as she found her face soaking wet. The excess water pouring down her blouse. She sputtered and spat out the water that landed in her mouth as Melissa stood there in shock. “The priest said this was blessed. Holy water. It burns the undead. I don’t understand. Either he lied or…”
As Melissa continued to babble away, Zodiac grabbed the sheet of paper and wrote on it with large letters.
Her eyes had shrank into narrow slits as her eyebrows formed an angry V. It was taking every ounce of her will to keep her fangs from coming into view. She stood there trembling in anger.
“I’m sorry.” Melissa began to whine. “It’s just that all you can do, I always wondered how. Being a vampire made it all make sense to me.”
“And you decide to prove your point by doing something that, if I was a vampire, it would hurt me badly?”
Now Melissa’s mental argument began to fall apart. Zodiac was right. If all the woman knew was true, the girl would be burned badly and hurting from her impulsive actions. “I’m sorry.” She kept babbling. Another thought occurred to her then. If Zodiac was a vampire, how much longer would she still be alive after a stunt like this.