You Are Cordially Invited To Azraeth Dragomir's Re-Coming out party
Presented by Nikolae Dragomir and the Dragomir Line
Time: 7 o'Clock est
Date: April 30'th Saturday
Where: Arbor Vitae Winery
Theme: 1960's Playboy Chic
Dragomir and Dragonal proudly invite you to celebrate Azraeth Dragomir's
Re-Coming out event. Formal dress in theme required. (Live RP)
Bertram walked quietly toward his sir, his hand full of a silver tray bearing calling cards from those who wished audience with Mister Lorenzo Vaughn Dragomir, and the finalized invitation sir wished to send out on behalf of his brother Mister Azraeth Dragomir. The manservant could not be prouder to be in the service of such an illustrious lineage and swept the tray down upon the table for sir to review.
His master raised his head from his missives as Bertram stepped back without turning, waiting his orders. "Thank you Bertram, this is the final draft?" he asked as he picked it up from the salver, sweeping the calling cards around carelessly and with little thought. "Yes master Lorenzo, it just arrived from the engravers."
Sir nodded perfunctorily once as he looked it over, then handed it to Bertram. "This is excellent, you've done well." The manservant cradled the warmth he felt from the praise to his chest, filing it away under why he loved his job and this line of Dragons. "Thank you sir. Shall I have them delivered?"
"Yes... see that they make the rounds to the businesses we've dealt with first, family, and friends of the Dragons. You have the list." Sir paused then before continuing, looking thoughtful "See that each business owner receives several so that they may have a broader choice of companions for the eve."
Bertram bowed then and backed up to leave, had just reached the door to turn when Sir spoke again "RSVP to Friday evening, then bring me the list so that I can send that off to Ariadne and the caterers... entertainment.. " Sir trailed off, he knew Bertram would have it done right. "As you wish sir."