A Great Fete

For all descriptive play-by-post roleplay set anywhere in Harper Rock (main city).
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Atabei Narcisse
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A Great Fete

Post by Atabei Narcisse »

Note: The thread is closed for now, but will be open in a new thread linked when 'open.'
“I be tin’k’n et be time ta be pay’n our respects to ‘da great lwa Erzulie. She been real gud ta us.” Atabei said out loud, above a soft whisper, as she sat crossed legged in a small dark corner of the sewers. The naturally curly haired chestnut colored woman stared at the palm of her hand, which possessed a piece of ear and a thin layer of a lower lip, cut off from the woman herself as she talked in the ear and then raised the lip to the other ear that remained on the left side of her head. “O‘Course we ‘gun git ‘er sum real nice t’ings. I be remembr’n ‘ow she likes ‘er t’ings.” Atabei pressed her right index finger to the lower part of her lip, as if motioning for it to be silent, as the woman stood, the tri colored blue hued sarong that was wrapped around her waist covering what might have been exposed not that long ago.

It was very rare the woman left the safety and familiarity of the sewers, believing she didn’t need to ever go topside for anything. But tonight? She might very well be needing to, if she couldn’t find Harmony or Valentine in the sewers. Atabei had seen them once or twice in a building in the south side of her normal hiding spot, so that was where she was going to be heading, in hopes she might find them before they go above ground. The light, skinned toned woman with hair that bounced with each fast, heavy step in the sewers waters, passed by a few vampires, who were unidentifiable to her, as she was to them. The woman from hispaniola paid them no mind as she caught the glances at her as she passed by, more than likely surprised by the fact there was a half naked woman running through the sewers with ferocity and sheer determination. The woman had to get to the sewer cover before Harmony and Valentine made their way there.

It was a good thing she didn’t need any breath, and Atabei found herself more or less where she was at in a lot of aspects prior to being killed for her lifestyle practices. Luckily, the woman hadn’t experienced any of the same vampires, or encounters like the night she had been killed. By the time Atabei got to the sewer exit that would take Harmony or Valentine up into the city, the ear and lower lip were no more, just a small pile of grey colored soot, that was comparable to that in a fire place. Atabei dropped the remains of what would have been her ear and lip to the water at her feet, watching it slowly slink down the sewers in the same direction of the water and other nasty things that made its way down here and then glanced up to the metal cover high above the short woman’s body. “Please ‘dun be lett’n ole Atabei be too late.” The woman looked back down, away from the manhole cover to see a familiar looming figure, and his accomplice, the sweet Harmony with hair the color of berry compote coming her way.

The woman with bouncing curls that went every which direction started approaching the both of them and looked between the two of them. “I be t’ink’n it’s time we have us a ‘lil celabrashion. Life be gud wit ‘da two of yous.” Atabei meant every word of it. They were all so unique, and held their own belief systems, that somehow just meshed nicely together. Add in the fact that Atabei’s practice held on to the firm belief that no one person should judge another, as they were as they should be; driven by the lwa’s, there was nothing but acceptance from Atabei, when others might shun those such as she, Valentine or even Harmony. In the hispaniola's woman’s mind, no one but the lwa’s could be judging anyone, from the day they were made of flesh, until the time that flesh was rotting in a crypt, or underground somewhere.

“I be wunder’n if da both of yous can do me a fav’r sumtim tonight? For ‘da party tomorrow.” Atabei clarified, so that they both knew how important this was. “I be need’n sum’tin real pretty and nice. Sum’tin shiney or sum’tin dat be smell’n real nice. Our speshul guest be lik’n to be real fancy, ya see. And sum’tin ta drink. Can’t have no party wit’out the spiruts!” The rest Atabei could take care of, with the things in the old crypt she returned to the night the woman met the both of them and sired them. Both hands came to rest on the waist of the woman’s sarong, where she would slip both thumbs and pointer finger into the top and pull out a wad of different colored bills she came across on her seldom ventured topside escapades.

Since the numbers held little knowledge to her, the currency was passed over to whoever would take it first, without any regard to the fact that Atabei more than likely gave much more than was needed to complete the task, but she had watched from a darkened corner of an alleyway, the transaction between a drug dealer and someone buying it. In the woman’s mind if had been the transaction between a person seeking some guidance from a healer figure in the community with monetary compensation to that healer. Whatever the clear objects in the bag did was still a mystery to Atabei, but nothing she was going to interfere with. What did she need with silly human medicinals? “Bring dem to ‘da crypt tomorrow night for da party we gun ta have. You dun wanna miss dis.” Atabei gave the two of them a crooked smile and withdrew the fingers that once possessed the different colored denomination of bills. “I be see’n da two of yous tomorrow.” she moved backwards, slightly hunched over as she looked between the two of them. “T’ank ya both for ‘da ‘ard work ya be doin fer me.” There was a genuine tone to her words at the end, instead of the jovial, playful banter about the party a couple seconds ago. The woman would continue walking backwards until the dark depths of the sewers encompassed her and neither Valentine or Harmony could be seen by the woman. Only then, would Atabei turn around and sprint back to her preferred location of solitude to begin the preparation for tomorrow.

---Next Night---

The altar had been dusted off multiple times, cleansed with water and spoken of its purpose to the lwa Erzulie. She was a particular, and very clean lwa and wanted things in done in certain orders. Should those orders not be done to her liking, there was a good chance, Erzuile might not do the task, because she wasn’t just particular, she was lazy too. Hopefully, tonight she would find everything to her liking and her gifts would coax the woman to bless them all with continuing prosperity, in whatever form she deemed fit.

On the altar rested a light pink sarong, with a white one on top of that one. On top both sarongs was a heart key chain Atabei found with a set of keys, in the sewers a couple nights back. A pig the color of a top hat one of them lwa spirits associated with death, had on their head, on its side in a corner of the crypt area; dead. And finally, a drawing beneath the altar area, from cornmeal and ashwood, the size of an old portrait of a relative in the days she walked around as a human. The drawing had a heart on a staff, with two swirls leading outwards on each side of the heart, with diamonds and stars strategically placed above and below the heart. Her lips parted so she could speak, the lower lip grown back from a day's rest, the ear still gone, but hidden by a wrap the color of snow over her hair and ears. “Just wait’n on ‘da sacrifices for madam Erzulie and den da fun be beg’n."

She was paying respects to another lwa, one of the lesser spirits in the same house of Erzulie-a guardian of a family and its members, his sacrifices were of lesser values than the madam’s, only because she was jealous and demanded more than he did. All that was required to make him happy was a chicken she stole from a farm not far from the graveyard, that rested on the floor next to the altar, and the bottle of booze Valentine and Harmony were bringing with them tonight.
Reagan (DELETED 8100)
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Re: A Great Fete

Post by Reagan (DELETED 8100) »

There was an unusual warmth in the air the last several days, giving it that summer feel and it was only mid-spring. It was a good time to wear light linen shirts with a jean jacket that could be removed when it got a little too warm. Her iWatch alerted her of the reminder that she had set. Beltane was right around the corner and she needed to get some supplies. Quickly Reagan made a list of things that she would need to pick up from one of the many magic shops in town. Once the list was complete, she grabbed her tote bag and made her way to her new Chevy Sonic hatchback. It was only her so there was more than enough space in the car for her and what she needed to lug around for the day.

Zooming around town, singing along to one of her many Pandora stations that her phone happened to be playing over the speakers through bluetooth. It was easy to loose track of time when jamming out to those amazing tunes but soon enough, she had arrived at the store. As she walked into the store, she made her way to the left side where the ingredients where nicely placed in their own personal bins. Grabbing everything that she would need and a few extras for the different rituals that she would be performing throughout the week. Once she had everything, she placed them on the front counter. Once her hands were free, she made a bee line for the candles. Picking up several white candles of various sizes and the best thing about getting her candles at the magic shop...they are guaranteed not to be scented. Reagan picked up a couple candles of other colors for rituals down the road as each color held a certain meaning but white was the most common to use so she made sure that she had far more of those than the others. Placing the candles up on the counter, she carefully moved through the store to see if there was anything that she would want, just to have it. She saw the sage and picked up a few bundles because she needed to smudge her new home. Quartz was also grabbed since she hadn't received her stuff from Seattle just yet because the movers were running behind on their delivery...who would have thought?!

There was really nothing else that she would need to pick up as all that she needed and then some was already chilling on the counter with the clerk, she made her way over to the bookshelves. She was proudly Wiccan but she was always interested in other practices because she respected everyone that dabbled in the art of magic no matter if they followed her faith or not. They were brothers and sisters one way or another in her eyes. Reagan knew that not everyone shared the same thoughts as she did but she was a very open minded person and loved to learn. There were a few ritual books that she didn't have but then her eyes rested on a couple books on Voodou and Hoodu. It had always interested her but given that she was born and raised in the Pac NW, there wasn't a whole lot of people to learn the craft from. Grabbing the books and adding them to her stack, she made her final trek to the counter and waited for the clerk to ring up all of her items.
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Re: A Great Fete

Post by Harmony »

Valentine had promised to take Harmony back to the chicken farm. He hadn’t allowed the excitable girl inside the night that they had met the Dark Queen. When they had woken that night, Valentine had re attached her leash and told her in that calm, quiet way of his that they were going to return to the farm so she could see the chickens. Harmony was excited over the prospect and it showed in the way that she danced around the area that they had chosen for sleeping, just until they were able to find a real place of their own. It didn’t matter to the young telepath. She didn’t need much, just her Valentine and the security he offered her.

That night Harmony was dressed in her usual tattered black dress. Her stockings were bright blue with black stripes and she was wearing a tutu in the exact shade of blue as the stripes on her socks. Her hair was a wild mess of tangles that framed her face and the spoons that had been given to her were placed behind her ears. Well worn black pointe shoes were on her feet and the worn leash that connected her to Valentine was in place. “Vaaaaalentiiiine!” She stood on her tiptoes and spun in a circle, arms wide. “The chickens are waiting for us!” As she continued to spin, on the next pass, she stopped and dropped to her feet gracefully at the appearance of the Dark Queen.

“Look Valentine! Lovely Atabei has come to visit!” She clapped her hands and bounced in place until she felt the slight tug on the leash, signaling her to be calm while in the presence of the woman with the lovely skin. It was difficult for harmony to contain herself around Atabei because she was so utterly and completely infatuated with the woman that had given both her and Valentine the dark gift. The telepath didn’t quite understand what that meant, and Valentine hadn’t tried to explain it to her. She just accepted it for what it was.

The mention of a celebration has her excitement reaching a whole new level. Celebrations were something that Harmony had never been a part of before. They didn’t celebrate anything at the institution, and she had never been included in anything that her family had had before they had her placed in the sterile environment and forgotten her. “The Dark Queen wishes us to find her things for the party??” Harmony’s eyes went wide and the devotion she felt for the other woman shone from her eyes. The telepath felt special, flattered that the older woman had sought them out specifically to help with this particular task. Shiny and nice smelling things were right up Harmony’s ally. She most likely already had something that would be perfect for what Atabei had in mind.

She left the wad of bills for Valentine to deal with. Harmony didn’t know what they were but she’d seen Valentine use them before. He would know what to do with them. “Yes lovely Atabei. Valentine and Harmony will bring everything to the crypt.” Harmony watched and waited until the Dark Queen’s form had been swallowed by the shadows before she turned to Valentine, giving the least an impatient tug. “Hurry Valentine. The Dark Queen needs us.”
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Re: A Great Fete

Post by Valentine »

Valentine had set up home for he and Harmony in a small alcove in the sewers that was away from the mainstream lines that most traveled. It was dry and while it still contained the dank smelling air that permeated most of the underground it was slightly elevated and safe. An air vent and old slow moving fan fed fresh air into the small. There was an an escape to the world above not far away and down here they were pretty much left alone. There belongings were set up in the recess as if it was their own private bedroom and a small place had been created for a fire to chase the dampness away at night. It wasn’t the Hyatt but it suited the pair just fine.

He had promised Harmony that they would go to the chicken farm so the girl could chase the birds about. She was so excited and could barely wait for the sun to drop out of the sky. The squeal of delight that escaped her echoed about the tunnels when he had announced that that it was safe for them to go. The girl barely stood still long enough for him to attach her leash as she danced around singing about the chickens.

His low chuckle rumbled around the walls. “You are such a delight, chiiild. You gi’e these weary bones purpose.” While he spoke softly that deep voice of his had a tendency to carry and was easily heard in the silence.

The fine hairs on the back of his neck beneath the heavy dreadlocks bristled slightly but not uncomfortably so. The Dark Queen was close. He knew this to be true because it was a feeling he had experienced several times now in her presence. As if to confirm, Harmony announced the arrival of their visitor. Valentine immediately removed his top hat and bowed low. “Ahhh, my Ebony Enchantress, welcome. You always be a refreshing and welcome vision to these tired ol’ eyes o’ mine.” A big toothy grin stretched across his features to display a pallet of white and gold teeth as he restored his posture and set his hat back upon his head.

Valentine was an impressive figure nearing almost seven feet tall without the top hat. While some areas of the sewers required that he not only remove his hat but also forced him to stoop to gain pass this section well accommodate his height though he found himself hunching, none the less, to bring him slightly closer to the much shorter women who now spoke. He nodded and made some noises of understanding as she delivered her instructions and took the money he she handed over. The bills were shoved in the pocket of his coat that had long since been returned and repaired. “Why a party sounds like a mighty fine idea Old One. We indeed have much to give thanks for.”

His scarlet gaze wandered to the girl by his side. While Nibo had not delivered in the way that Valentine had expected he certainly had fulfilled the man’s wish and then some. Atabei was right. Harmony was just as the girl should be. While her mind remained scattered she was granted strength and power. No one was going to hurt or take of advantage of her anymore and that was all Valentine had wanted for her. For the gifts she had bestowed on them Valentine given the only thing he had to give. His loyalty and devotion. If Atabei needed for anything then Valentine would do all in his power to deliver, no matter how big or small her favour was it would be done.

“Nay. Thank you, my Dark Queen. We are but humble servants. It will be done.” As Atabei faded into the darkness Valentine gave Harmony’s leash a little tug as his laughter boomed and bounced about the stone walls. “Come on child. We have business to do and a party to attend.”

The next night the unlikely pair arrived at the crypt as instructed with the items requested. Harmony had asked to provide the something pretty and he was certain that whatever the girl had chosen the lwa would be suitably impressed. He had purchased two bottles with the money Atabei had given him despite their being enough to have bought a truckload. Whiskey and vodka, one dark, one light. What wasn’t needed tonight could be kept for another time.

The pair arrived at the crypt and he heard the quiet mutterings of their Queen deep within. “It jus’ be Valentine and Harmony approachin’, Your Darkness.” He announced so as not to startle keeping his voice low in a bid to not disturb the sleeping spirits and draw unwanted attention, as the pair shuffled inside carrying their offerings. “It be a mighty fine night for a celebration.” He smiled wide and placed the brown paper bag at her feet, dropping one knee to the ground respectfully, before standing to dust off his undertaker styled coat, that was thick with the dust of their travels and worn by time, as if dusting an imaginary speck from a tailor made suit.
Atabei Narcisse
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Re: A Great Fete

Post by Atabei Narcisse »

Everything was perfect, minus the sacrifices of the pretty trinkets and the alcohol, both lwa's should be pleased, Atabei thought to herself as the woman searched through the pile of clothing to find a silk white robe that read “Bride” on it, but said nothing to Atabei personally, as the English letters were undecipherable to the woman from Hispaniola.

The robe was chosen for two reasons. For fetes and great rituals, the Mambo usually wore white or black, depending on the preference to the individual. Atabei had always been drawn to the crisp color, given the contrast against her skin as it rested against it. The second was because the woman was planning on going above ground, because it was a party and the spirits needed to be revered to the fullest capacity. A celebration just wasn't a celebration with just three of four people in the crowd and it might be difficult to draw the lazy madame herself out if there wasn't a lot of hoopala going on, giving her the respect she deserved and needed.

The woman tied the robe around her waist, loosely, only not to offend those up top, who saw skin as something more than just a layer that protected muscles, tissues and bones. This also hid the majority of her wounds from her days as a slave, wounds that never healed, on the upper part of the woman's body, but anything below the calves would be seen, if someone was looking hard enough in the dead of the night.

There was a tapping noise and scraping from inside the crypt before Valentine and Harmony appeared with the offerings, and as Atabei moved to greet the two of them, she pounded on the top of a brick burial vault with the closed side of her first before greeting the both of them on her continued journey. “Gud even'n to da both of yous. A might-ie fin' night indee'.” Atabei agreed as Valentine knelt before her and the woman looked down at him. It was an unnecessary gesture, but one she accepted with a light hand on his shoulder. “I be trust'n yous got da sacrifices ta make our madame 'appy tonight.” It wasn't a question, more of a statement as her eyes landed on the bag, then moved to Harmony. “'Oney chile' you looks like a pi'ture of perfection.” While Atabei admired both of her childer, the Hispaniolan woman had a soft spot for the gentle, but jovial soul that was known as Harmony. She could see why Valentine kept the girl with him and took her with him on his journey to find Atabei.

Elongated chestnut colored fingers reached down into the bag and Atabei laughed at what she saw. “Dis be mighty purf'ct for what et es we be need'n tonight. Mighty fine.” Atabei pulled out the bottle of rum first, and moved to the more decorated of the two set ups and placed the bottle to the right of the key chain, while the second bottle, the clear colored one was put on the lesser of the two adorned placings and put in about the same location, just different tables, as the last. “Harmony, chile' what es et you gots for our lov'ly Erzulie, dis v'ry night?” Atabei turned back to the woman, a smile on her chapped lips as she moved forward, the sound of scuffling in the vault that barely rose above the ground in the crypt, once again.

The noise was ignored, as if Atabei hadn't heard the noise as she collected the rings and bottle of perfume. It was important to serve only the madame when focusing on her and setting her offerings up. The rings would be placed to the left, across from the bottle of rum, while the dainty, but beautiful bottle of perfume was yanked open, then squirted around the altar space, making the room smell less earthy, dingy and dusty for the time being. The bottle was closed and set down not far from the rings, while Atabei focused on the vault that continued to hold the sound of scraping against the lid, like a scared animal trying to escape the confined area it was stuck in. "T'ought we culd start off wit' our own libashuns first." Atabei moved to the vault, and hoisted the cover open with a little bit of struggle, then yanked out a female vampire that was a couple inches taller than she, but with a foot to the back of the knee and a firm hand on the woman's shoulder, she wasn't going anywhere quick while on her knees.

"Sweet Harmony. En 'dat wall o'r there es sum t'ings from 'da folks up top. Thur be a container. Round as 'da full moon en there. Color of 'da ocean. Cum bring et to Atabei, if your will. I be mighty thirsty dis night." The container she spoke of was a half crushed Pepsi can that had fallen down a drain, perfect for drinking out of, even in its imperfect form.
Reagan (DELETED 8100)
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Re: A Great Fete

Post by Reagan (DELETED 8100) »

It wasn't long before the clerk had everything that Reagan had placed on the counter rung up. With a brilliant smile across her face, she paid the clerk and respectfully nodded her head towards her as she took the bag and her receipt. Turning back as she reached the door. "Blessed Be, Sister." As the woman responded back in kind, Reagan slipped out the door. As she placed the bags into her trunk, she deeply breathed in as the wind danced across her face. It was a beautiful night outside and would be perfect for a walk. Closing the trunk of her Sonic, she slipped into the driver seat and made her way across town to the cemetery.

Beltane was a celebration that was traditionally held on May 1st but sometimes festivities would start the night prior with various activities. Fertility was a big part of life and as she thought about the upcoming holiday, a smile slipped even further upon her face as she thought of an idea. With life comes death... It was the circle of life and if she was to celebrate life with a fertility holiday then she would take a walk through the cemetery to celebrate death as well. It was the perfect harmony.

Driving through town until she reached the northwest corner of the city. There sitting just back on the edge was the cemetery. It was filled with graves and crypts of those that had passed. Reagan had seen others walk through the the cemetery but out of respect she never bothered them as they came and gone from the crypts. One should never bother those visiting the dearly departed as not everyone celebrates death but mourns instead. Parking outside of the large wrought iron gates of the cemetery. Slipping out of the car, she placed her cell phone in her back pocket and put her purse in the trunk before popping the top in so when she closed the trunk, no one could see down inside but the shelf that now sat behind the back seat. Pushing the lock button twice on her key fob until her horn honked, she slipped though the gates.

The sun was just starting to vanish behind the horizon as night was settling in. It was the perfect time to go for a walk in the cemetery because most would be gone by now and if not, they were in the crypts with candles lit. A soft look on her face, one that showed of calm yet sympathetic should someone cross her path. Reagan was not one to disrespect other especially when it came to their emotions. Nodding to a couple that was leaving for the night, she stepped out of their way to give them more room on the path before she continued on, moving though the rows. After a few minutes, she found herself towards the back of the cemetery where the older grave stones and crypts sat. There was serious history behind those piles of stone. Dates that were centuries old and she could only imagine how they spoke and small Harper Rock might have been. History was always an interest of hers. She liked to know how people lived and what they experienced. She could be seen often at the coffee shop speaking with a single elderly woman or man about their life. It all fascinated her. Stopping before a crypt that was one of the oldest ones in the cemetery, she sat across the way on a bench and admired the work of the building. Even with as old as it was, it still stood strong against the years of wear and tear from the changing weather.
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Re: A Great Fete

Post by Harmony »

The next night, Harmony had dressed a bit more conservatively than normal. With Valentine’s help she had toned down her usual eccentric attire. Her black dress was still just as tattered, and the pointed shoes just as worn, but her tights were a dirty white, no tutu was in sight and her hair was done in two long braids that cascaded over her shoulders. The spoons were in place behind her ears, no matter how hard Valentine had tried to convince her that the Dark Queen’s celebration wasn’t the place for such decorations. It had been a new experience for her as hearing Valentine try and talk her out of something never happened. The young telepath’s lip had wobbled and tears of anguish had filled her eyes. Valentine hated to see her cry and because of that, the spoons remained.

When they arrived at the crypt, Harmony was unusually subdued. She had never been to a celebration before and wanted to be on her very best behavior so she didn’t embarrass her beloved Valentine or the Dark Queen. She stuck close to her savior as he led them inside the crypt. He knelt, as he always did while in the presence of such an ancient figure and handed over the bottles he had purchased with the bills that lovely Atabei had give to him the previous evening. The Dark Queen seemed to be pleased with Valentine’s offerings and Harmony wanted to clap her hands so badly but she refrained. She didn’t understand that celebrations were meant to be happy occasions, but she would.

When Atabei’s attention turned to Harmony, the girl seemed to blossom under the attention. A bright grin appeared on her face and she couldn’t stop herself from rising up onto her tiptoes to spin in a circle as was normal for her. “Ohhh lovely Atabei I have pretty things for your party! And good smelling things too!” Harmony had many things tucked away in her bedroll and it had taken her hours to select what she deemed were the perfect items for Atabei’s offerings. She stuck her hand into her bedroll and extracted a small bundle wrapped in a silken hanky she had stolen from a random stranger’s pocket. “I brought these.” Inside the hanky were 3 beautiful rings with semi precious stones set in a white gold setting and a half empty bottle of expensive perfume that Harmony had picked out of the trash. It wasn’t the liquid inside that had appealed to the young girl. It was the small, ornate bottle that sparkled when the light hit it.

Harmony watch with wide eyes as Atabei moved across the crypt and pulled an unknown female vampire out from behind a wall. The Dark Queen had made a woman appear from the wall, she had to be a magician! She would have to ask if the Dark Queen knew any other magic tricks. Harmony never got the chance to do so, because the Dark Queen then asked her to fetch something. The young girl’s excitement at the prospect was evident from the excited squeal that echoed through the crypt. She practically skipped over to where the older woman had indicated and collected the pretty colored can, handing it off to Atabei carefully, as if it had been the most precious item there was.
Clementine (DELETED 7983)
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Re: A Great Fete

Post by Clementine (DELETED 7983) »

Everything was so different. There was a hunger swelling in her neck that seemed to never be sated. She had spent quite a lot of her time in the sewers since the night she was sired - since the night she had her first encounter with a vampire. Yes, that was what they were now. The night it had happened she had gone to see Paul. She was clearly in shock and unsure as to the changes that were happening inside her. When she had seen Paul, she hugged him so tightly that her new found strength had broken his back. Now, her used to be husband was lying in Harper Rock’s hospital unconscious.

She didn’t even know her own strength. Still didn’t. She had called an ambulance, what else could you do in that predicament? They had asked her what had happened she had claimed a wild bear roaming the streets, she was a petite looking woman, there was no one they would think she had the strength to crush the bones in his spine. No way.

Atabei was a dark woman, rugged looking. Quite like an amazonian queen. She had come for her in the sewers when she was running for her life away from a wild vampire, that red head. She had caused this - no, the case she took. That was what started this. This was all HIS fault. Jeffery.

She was on her way to the crypt. A small one, there was a celebration. She wasn’t quite sure what was to be celebrated, a birthday perhaps? She was a lawyer. She didn’t attend birthday party but she felt compelled to go, there was something about it that was singing in her blood. She needed to go, for some strange ominous reason. Presents, she needed to bring one - how could you not turn up at celebration without a bottle of red, port wine? Despite being a vampire she could still drink - which was something that made her happy. Kept the nerves under control.

She arrived in good time, she could see Atabei was in a white robe which had.. Bride? Written on the back. She was getting married? Oh jesus, she was not prepared for a wedding. She tried to be quiet. Everyone else was bustling around - she didn’t know anyone here. Only Atabei. Bottle of port still firmly clutched in her hand.
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