Juliet: Annoyance, frustration, aggravation. Juliet stared at the computer screen for a few moments she slapped the laptop screen down. She didn’t get Altaire any more, she didn’t want to. With a sigh escaping past her lips, the woman tapped her fingertips against her thigh as she debated on what to do. As she always had, Juliet had done the business that she needed to attend to that her managers couldn’t, leaving her with several of hours with time on her hands.
Moving over to the safe on her wall, she typed in a code and waited for the soft click and pulled out her custom rifle, chewing on her bottom lip. “I wonder what Ric’s up to…” She muttered to herself before ultimately reaching out to find the man’s mind, speaking afterwards, Hey Ric, are you interested in hanging out? The last time they’d “hung out” she’d found the ashes in her basement after she’d returned. Killing ****, perhaps? I can meet you where ever.
Patting the pocket of her jeans to make sure she had her phone, the woman headed out towards the stairs on her boat, going onto the deck where a light ice had settled over the snow. Crinkling her nose in displeasure, she made a mental note to scrape it off. It would ruin it, she was sure.
Ric: I hate television, but I broke down and bought a small one finally. One of those ones you can put in a car on the back seat of the driver or passenger seat with the help of some device that holds it there securely. I only bought it for one show, some real life detective show where they talk about how they went around solving this case. I like that kind of ****. I know what they’re looking for and the latest technology that they’re using thanks to books, movies and shows like these. I’m almost done with the latest episode when my phone buzzes and I check it. Nothing important. Something about a delayed package to the store tomorrow.
I toss the phone to the couch at my feet and go back to my show, when I’m interrupted again. By Jules. A text would have worked just as well, I think as she starts yaking away in my head. There’s a pause in her sentences and that has me sitting up and putting the small, mobile television down on the coffee table. I grab the phone again and text a reply. Yeah. Anything particular in mind? I could and would kill just about anything, but some people only wanted to kill certain types of things. Only zombies, or just bears, or whatever. People are strange like that. Putting stipulations on things. ‘Nothing furry. Nothing cute. Nothing that hops.’ It was ridiculous the amount of stipulations I’ve heard over the years.
Meet me at Honeymead station in twenty. I hit send, stand up and look for my wife. “Going out with Jules.” I tell her before I leave. I don’t wait to hear what she has to say because I’ll never make it to my destination point in time with all her yammering.
Juliet: She stepped off the boat and onto the dock, glancing towards the water as she stood carefully. Her green eyes traced over the winter kissed area, thinking about how such a short while back people had swarmed for looting. She'd grabbed a few decent parts, some things to sell. It had created a good distraction for a day. While she put her rifle over her shoulder, Juliet double checked for her pistol and knife on her person.
Once done, she began to walk towards the transit. It pleased her that no one spared her a second glance at this time of night. It was cold, they wanted to get home. The bell that alerted her to her text went off and Juliet reached into her pocket to retrieve it. Her thumb hovered briefly before she typed out, Anything challenging. That was what she wanted, wasn’t it? A challenge? And bonding with him, she supposed.
Juliet felt the phone before she heard it and looked at the incoming text as she stepped onto the platform. It wasn’t a long ride away. Tucking the device away, she reached up to grasp the hold above her as she spoke into his mind again, I’ll be there. As she felt the train began to move, she tapped her boot clad foot idly and set her forehead against her arm as she took deep breaths.
Ric Something challenging. That could mean a lot of things. To me, challenging are those things in the caverns and in the castles. To others, challenging could be getting a wolf, or a bear. A mooncalf even. Middle ground, I suppose. I'm thinking the catacombs, two birds with one stone. We can kill things, and collect ritual things. I always need those items down there. Most of them anyways. And maybe we’ll get lucky and find a decent sword that my wife can make into something badass. She’s good at that. Good at a lot of things, but that especially. Everyone buys them because they’re the best in the city. I’m not one to talk up people, but I am one to give credit where it’s due.
My phone goes off and it's a reply for Jules. She’ll be there, no matter where she is in the city. Excellent. I stuff the phone away, because there’s no need for any more communication between us. We know where to be and what time to be there. I take the elevator down to the main floor and hope through the fade portal in the corner, not far from the entrance. It takes me to the Wickbridge area and from there I walk. I like walking. I like running better, but I’m not dressed for running and who runs in winter? Crazy people. People who want the attention. I don’t want that, so I walk. Briskly. I get there with two minutes to spare and look for my sister before sitting on a bench, as if I were waiting for a train.
Juliet: She fiddled with her phone as she waited. Trains weren’t her favorite thing, but she was getting more used to them. She walked or had spent most of her time driving around town when she first arrived, rode a bicycle. Maybe it would be something else for her to invest in at some point - a new car. She didn’t know where her old one had disappeared to after the day she’d died. There had been nothing of importance in it, with all the thieves in the city, Juliet didn’t bother to ever keep anything important on her person. In her apartment, even the shops had a high tech security system. When no messages went through, she tucked it back into her pocket.
One stop. Two stop. Once she finally came into Honeymead Station, Juliet waited until the crowd had pushed through the doors before following quickly so that she wouldn’t have to wait another several stops inside - she supposed if she got stuck, she could always walk from Westwall. Looking around, she hummed to herself before glancing at the clock. She was just a little bit late, but it wasn’t her fault. Focusing, she smiled a bit when she picked up on Roderic’s trail before walking in the direction, unsurprised to find him already there. Punctual. “Hey Ric.” She greeted, “Figured you’d like to blow off some steam, too.”
Ric As I waited, an altercation to my right caught my attention. Altercation might be too strong of a word, but it was an argument between two women. I don’t even know what they’re fighting about. Something about a bluetooth. Some girl borrowed the others bluetooth and lost it. I had come to the conclusion that it wasn’t a tooth that was blue for some reason unknown to me, but something expensive, because the owner of it wanted the other girl to pay for it to get it replaced if it wasn’t found. The other said it would take her two pay cheques to get it because she had other bills and priorities to take care of. In the end, I stopped paying attention, not that I had before, they commanded the attention because their squabbling was so damn loud you couldn't help but look in their direction.
“Jules.” I stand when I hear her voice and then turn to look at her. Usually I’m more on alert about what’s going on behind me, but those damn women. Women were going to be the death of me and not in some way that Skylar would take as being kinky or whatever. I literally mean I will walk into something I know nothing about and get killed due to some raging hormones. I nod at her statement and then move around the bench and bump her with my shoulder against the side of her arm. “Understatement.” I say with a small grin before walking away from the bench. “In an attempt to not waste time, I will leave the choice to you. Caverns or catacombs? I prefer the last choice because there are some ritual ingredients and sword parts down there, but if it’s not really a challenge, than I can forgo my person desires for the one that makes the most sense.” I slow my pace, so not to walk in front of Jules, but to walk next to her. I’m taller and a runner, so I tend to walk faster than most people who aren’t as gifted as I am in the height department and those who sat on their ***. I don’t think Jules does a lot of the latter, but I’ve got a few inches on her.
Juliet: There was something about the transit that made her think of April, the way that her cousin would always tease her because she didn’t like to take their car, maybe. It was never a big deal, really, but at the time, Juliet didn’t have much of a reason to go to and from the university. She didn’t get along with her father very well, nor her brother. The men in her life had always been business first, family second. It was likely one of the main reasons that Juliet was the way that she was, a workaholic that took pride in being able to pull away from those she cared for unless they were significant to her. In fact, she hadn’t heard from her father until recently - when he’d contacted “Cassadee” and asked who the hell she was for taking over his daughter’s businesses.
It had been a long, uncomfortable conversation.
And as Juliet drew closer to her brother, she found another uncomfortable conversation in play as she listened to the two women arguing. In an act to shut them up, the brunette focused on a wristwatch that the first wore, the item seeming to grow important, and then the second woman’s shoes doing the same. They didn’t shut up or notice at first, but it was a start when they did. Bumping Ric back, Juliet gave him a smile before she leaned over and pressed a kiss to his cheek - a gesture that she knew would likely annoy him, but oh well. “I would be fine with catacombs, I need to start collecting some items in my bag, anyway.” She stated. Unholy relics were helpful when locking out thralls and she didn't like the idea of some appearing out of nowhere in her boat. Although Cassadee's body was a different height than her own, Juliet kept up her long strides as she walked beside Ric. “I don’t think I really need a challenge. Just an outlet.” It wasn’t a secret that she'd been mad.
Ric I listen to her agree with the catacombs, it seems we’re both on the same page. We both need things from down there and we both want the satisfaction of destroying things. I personally would like to have a go at something else, but I suspect by now Phoenix is long gone and back to wherever she was, or supposedly was before she came back. I can’t be bothered to care, the only thing I care about is how Phoenix’s mad ramblings made Jules feel. I know what it’s like to be the unwanted, or dismissed ‘kid,’ when something new or different comes along. I’ve been there, and I used to think it was Nathan’s fault. When I was a kid. Thankfully, Jules knows who and where to put the blame on.
I’m rubbing at my cheek the whole time I’m thinking about my life on both sides of the coin. As a human, the unwanted offspring, and here, I am the coveted and most precious offspring. I don’t want to be either. I like to blend. Not be anything special, so that people remember me, for good or bad. It’s my innate drive-to appear normal. Something I’ve tried to accomplish since I was fifteen or so.
“Sounds good.” I nod, as I give my typical response. I’m not a big talker, but I know there are things to talk about. Women need to talk about things. “I’m sorry.” I say as we bypass some abandoned farm on our way to the Cherrydale sewers. “She sucks.” I give my sister a sideways grin as I stop at the sewer cover and pull it back. I’m not being chivalrous or something. I’m just naturally stronger than most women I know. Minus my wife. She’s got real nice arms. Best arms I’ve seen on a woman-though Jules is a close contender. I’m not being creepy-I’m giving credit where it’s due. Jules has worked hard to keep toned arms.
Once the cover is pushed aside, I extend an arm to it. “After you.” Again, not being chivalrous, I’m keeping an eye topside to make sure people aren’t watching us going into the sewers. That’s not something you see every day.
Juliet: For a moment, Juliet was confused when she heard the apology - what was he apologizing about? Did he do something and it was going to backfire on her? Her expression showed it until he continued and she lifted a shoulder in a soft shrug. “You shouldn’t be apologizing, Ric, you didn’t do anything wrong.” She made a motion to show that she’d buried it - for now, at least. She would never know how she felt tomorrow, or the next day. Anger was a different emotion, however, than her depression and it was something she had decided to connect to rather than sulk. “Truthfully, I was ready to leave again when you and Skylar gave me a reason to stay.”
Wicked Game
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- CrowNet Handle: SinfulSaint
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Re: Wicked Game
Juliet:It probably wasn’t the best thing to say, considering she knew when she wanted to leave, she was often watched like a hawk and everything she did or said was under scrutiny by the man. It was something that she appreciated, even if it did drive her crazy at the time, but she liked being able to look back on it - knowing that there were people that cared for her in her darkest days. “I’m not now. I have people who care. I’ve always had you, but, you know.” She frowned. She had something to do other than her businesses, which she liked. She had a place to go when she wanted, on the rare occasion, to laugh as it was active to be active, not to strive or gossip.
Returning the grin, Juliet chuckled afterwards before moving to sit and scoot. She didn’t climb down, instead choosing to drop off the ledge once it brushed against her backside. It was easier, really, and less waste of a time as she landed, picking up a piece of fungi that was tucked away into her pocket. “No Paladin.” She called up, though, there was a fledgling that looked at her oddly as he stood several feet away.
Ric She’s not wrong and I know it. I shouldn’t apologize, but someone has to. Sorry, our sire is ****. Sorry she sired you and ended up ditching you. I’m a lot stronger than Jules is in this respect. I’m used to it, so to me, after she fucked off and Blake threatened all of Altaire, I chalked it up to a typical day in my life. Which didn’t bother me one way or another. If Phoenix didn’t care, then neither did I. I only cared about how she made Jules feel. Jules took it harder than anyone else, because Jules cared. I didn’t like most of Altaire, so my feelings weren’t as strong as hers were.
She calls up about the absence of paladins and I snort. Like I care. I wish there was a Paladin. I hate those guys, but most, if not always end up dead in the end, so I guess I can’t complain too much. I look around one last time and then drop down into the sewers by stepping off the circular border of cement. “Who’s your friend?” I ask, pointing to the guy staring at Jules, before I pull the sword out of the sheath on my back. I didn’t exactly threaten him, but I did keep staring at him. I guess that could be intimidating and it obviously was, because he booked it down another corridor of sewer. I look at Juliet and shrug. “What did I do?” I grin a little.
Juliet: If it were anyone other than Ric, Juliet would probably would have glared, but she was used to Roderic’s nature by now. He was protective and definitely the big brother type. Or momma bear, depending if she or one of his things were injured. It was something that always amused her. As he shrugged and grinned, a roll of her eyes was given, “You know, it would make more of an amusing sight for you to growl a little when they stare in my direction. Maybe even give a little hiss, bro.” Double checking that she had her knife on her, she then pulled out her handgun, the .44 Beretta a comfortable weight as she flicked off the safety. She rolled her shoulders, first the left, and then the right before finally, she returned his grin.
“I’d like to see you find a guy or girl that you liked for me to date one of these nights. That’s what, one in a million, if not more?” The guy was cute. She didn’t have any issue admitting it as she bumped Ric with her hip in passing before walking further into the sewers. As she reached the corner, she paused and lifted her eyebrow in the direction of her brother. “And, you should have smiled at him. Probably would have had him run screaming in fear.”
Ric Growl at them. I actually like the thought of that. “I can do that.” He grinned at her from the side before thinking about people he knew that might be date worthy of Jules. In the end, as long they treated her good. Unlike Jaime. She could rot in the umbra for all Ric cared. Or fucked right off to another city. “One in a billion.” He teased Jules back before he connected his hip with hers in response. “I’ll give it some fair thought.” He promised, thinking about all the people in their family, and then thinking about all the members in Tytonidae. Most of them were taken, he thought. Though, he didn’t know that for sure. He didn’t know a lot of them on the personal level. Still, something to think about. Not everyone could be with someone, right? There were far more idiots than there were people worth a lick of salt in his mind.
“Come on, Julby.” I pat her arm closest to me with my free open handed one, and then start making my way to the catacomb entrance via the sewers. “So what is your dream girl or guy like?” I have to ask, because somehow I doubt our ideas are in line, so I don’t want to waste her time, or the other person’s time. No one likes their time being wasted. I look at her as I descend the stairs to the catacombs, waiting to hear what her ideal type is.
Juliet: Julby. It wasn't something that Juliet had heard him call her before, but she liked it - it was different, cute even. Slightly, she scratched absentmindedly at an itch on her cheek. Dating hadn't been something she really thought about often any more. “I bet you will.” She chuckled. It wasn't that she was still upset with Jamie, Juliet still loved her, she always would, but there had been an emotional transition shaped by the anger and hurt, by the depression. Truthfully, she felt that she was why they would never work again, something that she didn’t like to think on too often.
The question surprised her and for a few minutes, she had to consider it as she followed him down the steps. “Honestly, I’ve never given much thought to my ideal type. I have a preference of women over men, but have no issue dating either gender. I like intelligence, someone that I can communicate with but they don't have to talk much if they don't feel like it - I talk a lot, but I do like quiet and space. Dark hair, beautiful eyes.” As she spoke, she paused to pick up an old sword, checking over the dagger, “Think Sky can break this down into something nice?” She turned it over in her hand, showing it to him, “I guess my ideal type is just someone who will be there.”
Ric:I listened for her answer, seeing nothing but a glint of silver not far from us, but no one is around, so I make no move to collect it. Women. Okay, well I know a lot of those, unfortunately. I try to know as little as possible, but somehow I know more of them than men. “Finding someone who isn’t an idiot is like a needle in a haystack.” I tell her with a chuckle before moving towards the blade part, only for Jules to pick it up. I squint at it and then shrug my shoulders. “Looks alright. She’ll take about anything and try to make it grand.” She’s got some skill like that-my wife. “So brunettes.” I say suddenly focusing on the physical attributes Jules told me. I can start my search that way. I know a couple, but I’m not sure they’re quiet. Most women aren’t, right? Then it strikes me. River. I wonder what River’s into.
“Watch out.” I tell her as she comes up from picking the blade part up, an ancient lunging at her. I don’t have enough time to get on my sword, so I instead use a shadow power and let the shadows do all the hard work for me this time. They strike the gaunt, tall form and it drops to pieces of bone and decayed muscle mass to the right of Jules. “I know a couple people who sport dark hair.” I tell her, but don’t say who. “Come on. I’m just getting warmed up.” I push at Juliet’s shoulder before heading down the western corridor.
Juliet: Her shadow flicked lightly, reaching out for the sword before Ric’s words had it stop. “I suppose we should start looking then, si?” She questioned as she tossed the blade part from one hand and then to the other. Her green eyes lifted as she was curious, her head inclining as she listened to him speak of his wife. She was still minorly peeved he hadn’t told her until after it had happened. Putting the blade piece away, she rolled her head lightly on her shoulder to the left, and then the right before she looked to him with a curious expression. “Brunettes, black hair. Doesn’t matter.”
She didn’t like blondes, at least not in a sexual manner - she’d dated a few and had learned that sometimes, they were crazy. Although the saying that they had fun was right, at least she could remember things after the next day. As Ric’s statement, Juliet crouched low and she grimaced at the sight before brushing herself up, straightening up again. With her gun in hand, she nudged the mass and followed after her brother, lifting her foot to kick him in the *** lightly. “I would have gotten it.” She huffed. Although, the truth was she was likely wouldn’t have, and her shadow would have. Still counts, right?
Ric: Jules kicks me in my butt, and I laugh. She might have been able to get it, but I doubt it. Seeing as she was facing away from the ancient creature when it came at her. “Maybe.” I say, it’s neither a lie or the truth. I mean, I’ve seen stranger things happen and things with a smaller chance being pulled off. “You can get the next one.” I inform her as I start wandering down the old corridors that were not that long ago hidden. Crazy how much the city has changed in a short amount of time.
Brunette or dark hair. She said those two instead of redheads and blondes, so I’m going to focus my search on her spoken preference. If it didn’t matter, Jules would have said it didn’t matter before stating brunettes or dark haired individuals. From my peripheral, I see the faster of the two types of monsters down here, but don’t acknowledge it. Instead, I look in the opposite direction and see a pommel in a corner. I move to it and then leave it there. It’s not even in fair shape, so I’m wasting my time and my wife’s with even thinking about getting it for her to try to work some magic on. No one would do anything with it, other than sell it and I’m not hard pressed for cash.
Juliet: Hearing his laughter, her lips twitched in amusement. It isn’t a sound that she heard often and she wondered if it was a fluke. “Was that you laughing, I hear?” She teased, but she then tested the weight of her gun. Juliet followed after the male, her green eyes studying the walls and occasionally reaching out to track in search of a creature, “So, I never asked, but are you from around Harper Rock? You know I’m from Mexico.” It was something she never thought to ask, really, and likely wouldn’t have, but they were spending time together. And, it didn’t particularly hurt to get to know him a bit better, did it?
As he went towards a pommel, Juliet lifted her pistol and lined up a shot on the mooncalf. A breath was let out from habit and she pulled the trigger. Once, twice. Annoyed by the slowness of her actions, her shadow stretched out and disabled the creature, causing Juliet to scowl before she picked up the bone and studied it. Afterwards, she snapped it against her thigh and stuffed it into her bag. “Truthfully, Ric, while I’m over Jamie… I’m just not ready, I think. That’s a horse I’m glad to stay off of for a little while. Focus on me, try to keep the depression at bay.” She explained.
Ric: I look at my sister and then shake my head. “Was coughing.” I tell her with a solemn nod of my head, but my grin tells her otherwise. I listen to Juliet’s question and then look in her direction. “Yeah, I remember.” I tell her thinking about how much I want to share with Juliet. “And no, I’m not.” I tell her, not positive if I’m going to expand on that train of thought or just let it lay there. But this was Jules, right? One of the four people he trusted more than anyone else in the city. His wife, Velveteen, Jules and then Doc. “I lived all my life in the United States before here.” I feel okay with telling Juliet that. The United States is pretty big.
Depression. That’s a thing women get when life doesn’t go the way they imagine it to go. I don’t get what I want-well, actually, yes I do. Maybe I just have more tenacity or drive to see things my way. “Odd thing about not being ready. I never thought I’d be ready-but here I am.” It’s true, I wasn’t looking for any form of relationship when I met Skylar and even then it took a long time to get used to what it was we were doing. Sometimes I miss being solo, but other times I know I’ve come a long way and she’s got my back and I’ve got hers if it’s needed. When it’s needed. “East coast of the United States.” I tell her before moving to a new corridor in the underground area. I’m still okay with sharing the region I lived in. There are a lot of states on the east coast side of things. “I know you’re in no hurry and that’s cool-but nothing wrong with making some new friends along the line.” I like Jules and I’ll hang out with her if and when I can, but I don’t like the whole sharing of feelings thing that comes with most chick time hangouts.
Returning the grin, Juliet chuckled afterwards before moving to sit and scoot. She didn’t climb down, instead choosing to drop off the ledge once it brushed against her backside. It was easier, really, and less waste of a time as she landed, picking up a piece of fungi that was tucked away into her pocket. “No Paladin.” She called up, though, there was a fledgling that looked at her oddly as he stood several feet away.
Ric She’s not wrong and I know it. I shouldn’t apologize, but someone has to. Sorry, our sire is ****. Sorry she sired you and ended up ditching you. I’m a lot stronger than Jules is in this respect. I’m used to it, so to me, after she fucked off and Blake threatened all of Altaire, I chalked it up to a typical day in my life. Which didn’t bother me one way or another. If Phoenix didn’t care, then neither did I. I only cared about how she made Jules feel. Jules took it harder than anyone else, because Jules cared. I didn’t like most of Altaire, so my feelings weren’t as strong as hers were.
She calls up about the absence of paladins and I snort. Like I care. I wish there was a Paladin. I hate those guys, but most, if not always end up dead in the end, so I guess I can’t complain too much. I look around one last time and then drop down into the sewers by stepping off the circular border of cement. “Who’s your friend?” I ask, pointing to the guy staring at Jules, before I pull the sword out of the sheath on my back. I didn’t exactly threaten him, but I did keep staring at him. I guess that could be intimidating and it obviously was, because he booked it down another corridor of sewer. I look at Juliet and shrug. “What did I do?” I grin a little.
Juliet: If it were anyone other than Ric, Juliet would probably would have glared, but she was used to Roderic’s nature by now. He was protective and definitely the big brother type. Or momma bear, depending if she or one of his things were injured. It was something that always amused her. As he shrugged and grinned, a roll of her eyes was given, “You know, it would make more of an amusing sight for you to growl a little when they stare in my direction. Maybe even give a little hiss, bro.” Double checking that she had her knife on her, she then pulled out her handgun, the .44 Beretta a comfortable weight as she flicked off the safety. She rolled her shoulders, first the left, and then the right before finally, she returned his grin.
“I’d like to see you find a guy or girl that you liked for me to date one of these nights. That’s what, one in a million, if not more?” The guy was cute. She didn’t have any issue admitting it as she bumped Ric with her hip in passing before walking further into the sewers. As she reached the corner, she paused and lifted her eyebrow in the direction of her brother. “And, you should have smiled at him. Probably would have had him run screaming in fear.”
Ric Growl at them. I actually like the thought of that. “I can do that.” He grinned at her from the side before thinking about people he knew that might be date worthy of Jules. In the end, as long they treated her good. Unlike Jaime. She could rot in the umbra for all Ric cared. Or fucked right off to another city. “One in a billion.” He teased Jules back before he connected his hip with hers in response. “I’ll give it some fair thought.” He promised, thinking about all the people in their family, and then thinking about all the members in Tytonidae. Most of them were taken, he thought. Though, he didn’t know that for sure. He didn’t know a lot of them on the personal level. Still, something to think about. Not everyone could be with someone, right? There were far more idiots than there were people worth a lick of salt in his mind.
“Come on, Julby.” I pat her arm closest to me with my free open handed one, and then start making my way to the catacomb entrance via the sewers. “So what is your dream girl or guy like?” I have to ask, because somehow I doubt our ideas are in line, so I don’t want to waste her time, or the other person’s time. No one likes their time being wasted. I look at her as I descend the stairs to the catacombs, waiting to hear what her ideal type is.
Juliet: Julby. It wasn't something that Juliet had heard him call her before, but she liked it - it was different, cute even. Slightly, she scratched absentmindedly at an itch on her cheek. Dating hadn't been something she really thought about often any more. “I bet you will.” She chuckled. It wasn't that she was still upset with Jamie, Juliet still loved her, she always would, but there had been an emotional transition shaped by the anger and hurt, by the depression. Truthfully, she felt that she was why they would never work again, something that she didn’t like to think on too often.
The question surprised her and for a few minutes, she had to consider it as she followed him down the steps. “Honestly, I’ve never given much thought to my ideal type. I have a preference of women over men, but have no issue dating either gender. I like intelligence, someone that I can communicate with but they don't have to talk much if they don't feel like it - I talk a lot, but I do like quiet and space. Dark hair, beautiful eyes.” As she spoke, she paused to pick up an old sword, checking over the dagger, “Think Sky can break this down into something nice?” She turned it over in her hand, showing it to him, “I guess my ideal type is just someone who will be there.”
Ric:I listened for her answer, seeing nothing but a glint of silver not far from us, but no one is around, so I make no move to collect it. Women. Okay, well I know a lot of those, unfortunately. I try to know as little as possible, but somehow I know more of them than men. “Finding someone who isn’t an idiot is like a needle in a haystack.” I tell her with a chuckle before moving towards the blade part, only for Jules to pick it up. I squint at it and then shrug my shoulders. “Looks alright. She’ll take about anything and try to make it grand.” She’s got some skill like that-my wife. “So brunettes.” I say suddenly focusing on the physical attributes Jules told me. I can start my search that way. I know a couple, but I’m not sure they’re quiet. Most women aren’t, right? Then it strikes me. River. I wonder what River’s into.
“Watch out.” I tell her as she comes up from picking the blade part up, an ancient lunging at her. I don’t have enough time to get on my sword, so I instead use a shadow power and let the shadows do all the hard work for me this time. They strike the gaunt, tall form and it drops to pieces of bone and decayed muscle mass to the right of Jules. “I know a couple people who sport dark hair.” I tell her, but don’t say who. “Come on. I’m just getting warmed up.” I push at Juliet’s shoulder before heading down the western corridor.
Juliet: Her shadow flicked lightly, reaching out for the sword before Ric’s words had it stop. “I suppose we should start looking then, si?” She questioned as she tossed the blade part from one hand and then to the other. Her green eyes lifted as she was curious, her head inclining as she listened to him speak of his wife. She was still minorly peeved he hadn’t told her until after it had happened. Putting the blade piece away, she rolled her head lightly on her shoulder to the left, and then the right before she looked to him with a curious expression. “Brunettes, black hair. Doesn’t matter.”
She didn’t like blondes, at least not in a sexual manner - she’d dated a few and had learned that sometimes, they were crazy. Although the saying that they had fun was right, at least she could remember things after the next day. As Ric’s statement, Juliet crouched low and she grimaced at the sight before brushing herself up, straightening up again. With her gun in hand, she nudged the mass and followed after her brother, lifting her foot to kick him in the *** lightly. “I would have gotten it.” She huffed. Although, the truth was she was likely wouldn’t have, and her shadow would have. Still counts, right?
Ric: Jules kicks me in my butt, and I laugh. She might have been able to get it, but I doubt it. Seeing as she was facing away from the ancient creature when it came at her. “Maybe.” I say, it’s neither a lie or the truth. I mean, I’ve seen stranger things happen and things with a smaller chance being pulled off. “You can get the next one.” I inform her as I start wandering down the old corridors that were not that long ago hidden. Crazy how much the city has changed in a short amount of time.
Brunette or dark hair. She said those two instead of redheads and blondes, so I’m going to focus my search on her spoken preference. If it didn’t matter, Jules would have said it didn’t matter before stating brunettes or dark haired individuals. From my peripheral, I see the faster of the two types of monsters down here, but don’t acknowledge it. Instead, I look in the opposite direction and see a pommel in a corner. I move to it and then leave it there. It’s not even in fair shape, so I’m wasting my time and my wife’s with even thinking about getting it for her to try to work some magic on. No one would do anything with it, other than sell it and I’m not hard pressed for cash.
Juliet: Hearing his laughter, her lips twitched in amusement. It isn’t a sound that she heard often and she wondered if it was a fluke. “Was that you laughing, I hear?” She teased, but she then tested the weight of her gun. Juliet followed after the male, her green eyes studying the walls and occasionally reaching out to track in search of a creature, “So, I never asked, but are you from around Harper Rock? You know I’m from Mexico.” It was something she never thought to ask, really, and likely wouldn’t have, but they were spending time together. And, it didn’t particularly hurt to get to know him a bit better, did it?
As he went towards a pommel, Juliet lifted her pistol and lined up a shot on the mooncalf. A breath was let out from habit and she pulled the trigger. Once, twice. Annoyed by the slowness of her actions, her shadow stretched out and disabled the creature, causing Juliet to scowl before she picked up the bone and studied it. Afterwards, she snapped it against her thigh and stuffed it into her bag. “Truthfully, Ric, while I’m over Jamie… I’m just not ready, I think. That’s a horse I’m glad to stay off of for a little while. Focus on me, try to keep the depression at bay.” She explained.
Ric: I look at my sister and then shake my head. “Was coughing.” I tell her with a solemn nod of my head, but my grin tells her otherwise. I listen to Juliet’s question and then look in her direction. “Yeah, I remember.” I tell her thinking about how much I want to share with Juliet. “And no, I’m not.” I tell her, not positive if I’m going to expand on that train of thought or just let it lay there. But this was Jules, right? One of the four people he trusted more than anyone else in the city. His wife, Velveteen, Jules and then Doc. “I lived all my life in the United States before here.” I feel okay with telling Juliet that. The United States is pretty big.
Depression. That’s a thing women get when life doesn’t go the way they imagine it to go. I don’t get what I want-well, actually, yes I do. Maybe I just have more tenacity or drive to see things my way. “Odd thing about not being ready. I never thought I’d be ready-but here I am.” It’s true, I wasn’t looking for any form of relationship when I met Skylar and even then it took a long time to get used to what it was we were doing. Sometimes I miss being solo, but other times I know I’ve come a long way and she’s got my back and I’ve got hers if it’s needed. When it’s needed. “East coast of the United States.” I tell her before moving to a new corridor in the underground area. I’m still okay with sharing the region I lived in. There are a lot of states on the east coast side of things. “I know you’re in no hurry and that’s cool-but nothing wrong with making some new friends along the line.” I like Jules and I’ll hang out with her if and when I can, but I don’t like the whole sharing of feelings thing that comes with most chick time hangouts.
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- CrowNet Handle: SinfulSaint
Re: Wicked Game
"You are so full of ****." She replied with a roll of her eyes, but she couldn't help but return the grin as she lifted her gun and fired three shots into an ancient as it rounded the corner. From where she stood, there wasn't anything that she wanted from the creature - ancient relics weren't really worth selling. She'd pick it up when they got closer. Mentally, she counted the amount of rounds that she had gone through. She wasn't really ever worried about running out of ammo. She'd spent too much time around Ric to not be prepared - plus, it didn't help that she thought he'd stab her if she got herself hurt because she wasn't paying attention to something so simple, not that she wouldn't shoot him back. His answer caused her to hum in thought, it was something she accepted.
There was a shrug of her shoulder, "I don't know if you've noticed, but I either fall hard and fast or I don't fall hard enough in a relationship." If it happened, it happened. If it didn't, oh well. At the mention of the east coast, she tried to listen to the man's vocal tone to see if she could pick up on any signs. Her cousin, April, had lived in the south for a main bit in her life and the southern twang vocals had been evident enough. At the mention of making friends, Juliet could only sigh. She pictured if she said no, he'd start dragging her out to be social again or at least keep a hawk's gaze on her. "Friends could be good. I thought about making friends with River. Doc still creeps me out."
There was a shrug of her shoulder, "I don't know if you've noticed, but I either fall hard and fast or I don't fall hard enough in a relationship." If it happened, it happened. If it didn't, oh well. At the mention of the east coast, she tried to listen to the man's vocal tone to see if she could pick up on any signs. Her cousin, April, had lived in the south for a main bit in her life and the southern twang vocals had been evident enough. At the mention of making friends, Juliet could only sigh. She pictured if she said no, he'd start dragging her out to be social again or at least keep a hawk's gaze on her. "Friends could be good. I thought about making friends with River. Doc still creeps me out."

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- CrowNet Handle: We Regret To Inform U
Re: Wicked Game
I don't say anything about her calling me out on my coughing, or laughing. I just let it roll passed us as Jules focuses on something else to talk about as we continue on through the catacombs. I look at her when I hear her say Doc creeps her out and then blink once. I'm replaying what she said in my mind because I can't imagine Doc creeping anyone out, but I've heard that twice now. From two women. Women. Have soft hearts and are often more paranoid than us men, so I don't take it too seriously.
"River would be good. She's got some of the qualities you listed off..." I nod solemnly as I spot an ancient relic and go to swoop it up. It will only get me 100 bucks, but I could take that 100 bucks and go put it towards something else. Maybe some supplies for birthday presents-home made of course. If I felt like acknowledging anyone's birthday that is. I don't really buy into that birthday crap now that we're dead. I mean, I can be sixty seven and still look like I'm in my late twenties to early thirties because of this immortality thing. "I think you two should definitely meet and be friends." I confirm my initial thought with a nod so she knows that it's a good and heavily preferred suggestion.
I put the relic in what I not consider our joint pack, grab it from Juliet and then put it on my shoulders. It's nothing for me to lug around a pack full of random crap. "I think you could at least give Doc a fair chance. He's always been good to me and Skylar. All of Hawthorne really. He's family, even if he's not family. Well, he sort of is. Did you know he was Nix's father? Biological." I tell her, not sure if she knew that, but I figure it's no real big secret and if it was...Jules wouldn't be telling a single soul anyways.
"River would be good. She's got some of the qualities you listed off..." I nod solemnly as I spot an ancient relic and go to swoop it up. It will only get me 100 bucks, but I could take that 100 bucks and go put it towards something else. Maybe some supplies for birthday presents-home made of course. If I felt like acknowledging anyone's birthday that is. I don't really buy into that birthday crap now that we're dead. I mean, I can be sixty seven and still look like I'm in my late twenties to early thirties because of this immortality thing. "I think you two should definitely meet and be friends." I confirm my initial thought with a nod so she knows that it's a good and heavily preferred suggestion.
I put the relic in what I not consider our joint pack, grab it from Juliet and then put it on my shoulders. It's nothing for me to lug around a pack full of random crap. "I think you could at least give Doc a fair chance. He's always been good to me and Skylar. All of Hawthorne really. He's family, even if he's not family. Well, he sort of is. Did you know he was Nix's father? Biological." I tell her, not sure if she knew that, but I figure it's no real big secret and if it was...Jules wouldn't be telling a single soul anyways.