Cleansing ((Renee))

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Ursula Wolfe
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Cleansing ((Renee))

Post by Ursula Wolfe »

Renee: *text* Ursa, I'd like to meet with you today so I can explain about last night

Ursula Wolfe: (Text) alright... Just let me know when.

Renee: *text* When is good for you

Ursula Wolfe: (Text) I'm free now

Renee: *text* Alright. Where would you like to meet.

Ursula Wolfe: (text) Do you remember where I live? The apartment that is?

Renee: *text* 4004?

Ursula Wolfe: (Text) indeed

Renee: Renee made her way over to Ursula's apartment. She stood outside for a moment before she reached up and knocked on the door

Ursula Wolfe: Ursa pulled herself out of bed just before the knock and made her way to the door. She was once again dressed in a baggy sweater and sweat pants. She opened it and smiled weakly to Renee. "Hey.." She said softly.

Renee: Renee threw herself at Ursa as she wrapped her arms around her. "I am so sorry about everything that happened last night. I should of stood up for Clover and Jesse and I should of been by your side."

Ursula Wolfe: Ursa let out a little Oof before hugging her sister. "From what I've heard Renee, you aren't the one that invited that creetin." She said softly before kissing her cheek and pulling back. "You are right about Jesse and Clover, but we all make mistakes, and I don't question your loyalty... Just your taste in men." She said with a small smirk.

Renee: "I'm not attracted to him or anything. He's just helped me out several times over the years and I didn't want to be between him and the family. I wanted to be neutral." She said as looked at her sister. "I already know Jesse doesn't see me as loyal now though. I want to explain things to him but he doesn't want to see me now."

Ursula Wolfe: Ursa blinked for a moment. "Are you sure about Jesse, that doesn't seem like him. It could be just his wanting to take care of clover while she's recovering." She said as she motioned to the couch and then head that was herself. "And how has that *** been helping you?"

Renee: Renee followed her sister to the sofa. "Well I was texting him last night after I left and I just got the feeling he wasn't happy with me. He did agree to talk to me after Clover gets better but I just feel trust is gone." She said with a heavy sigh "As for the help, After I was first turned he helped me more then our sire did, showing me the ropes as it were. Then when I was trying to get into ty, both times, he helped me through that and helped me after I was denied into the group. He has also been helping me with my fae problem I've been having and when he could of easily killed both me and Simon he didn't and he stopped his childer from coming after us as well."

Ursula Wolfe: Ursa curled her legs under her as she sat, looking at her sister. "I don't think the trust is lost, I think he's just having a hard time with Clover's injury right now. It makes him testy. As for that jerk helping you when our *** of a sire didn't... Why didn't you go to Jesse? He was the one that helped me. I know he would have helped you too. And what fae problem?"

Renee: "Jesse always seemed so busy and that stuff with Phoenix was going on anyway and at the time Jesse and doc seemed to be getting along. I could if been wrong about that but they definitely weren't like they were last night." She ran a hand through her hair for a moment as she thought about it. "As for the Fae, they have been talking to me. Most of the time when I'm asleep but it happens when I'm awake too. They try to get me to hurt others and sometimes myself."

Ursula Wolfe: "Yeah, he was busy, but he wanted and still wants a close family. He would have found a way to make time for you dear. You just needed to ask. And you could have come to me as well. I know I'm newer to this life than you, but I would have still tried to help. As for Doc and him, I get the feeling that his leaving the Ty and his fallout with Velveteen had a part to play in why they no longer get along. But I think his main problem with the man is what I saw last night. That he gets off on trying to break up and divide our family." She sighed and then continued "as for the fae... I'll try to help with that as well. Being a ritualist allows me some insight there."

Renee: "You know me though, I hate to ask for help. I don't want to seem like I'm bothering anyone. I didn't ask doc for help either he just started helping." She shrugged as she rubbed her head again "I'm able to ignore them for the most part but it gets worse when I start getting stressed out. It's like they know I'm an easier target then."

Ursula Wolfe: She nodded and placed her hand over Renee's. "You will never be a bother to me, and I know Jesse would say the same. You just need to remember to ask. I know it's difficult but we are family."

Renee: "I didn't have a family before I came here. At least not one that I could count on at any rate." She placed her free hand onto her sister's and squeezed lightly

Ursula Wolfe: Ursa squeezed back and nodded. "Just remember, you are my sister, my family, I am always here for you. I always will be. Never think asking me for help is putting me out. And if you need help from Jesse and he doesn't respond, come to me. I'll smack him around a little." She said with amusement.

Renee: She smiled "I'd pay to see that." She let out a small laugh "I just know you also have things going on in your life. I'd like to help you it I just don't know how."

Ursula Wolfe: Ursa nodded... "There is not much that can be done until Jordan is found. I'm starting to lose hope that he will ever return."

Renee: "What will you do then?"

Ursula Wolfe: "I don't know."

Renee: "It would seem neither of us has very much luck with keeping men around."

Ursula Wolfe: "Has Simon vanished again?"

Renee: "I know he's awake because I can read his memories and know he's doing things but I just cannot find him."

Ursula Wolfe: Ursa sighed softly and shook her head. "We both have terrible taste in men."

Renee: "He didn't even ask me to marry him. His mother as if I would marry him."

Ursula Wolfe: Ursa blinked then, "wait... I thought you said he had asked you."

Renee: "That's what I was told to tell everyone."

Ursula Wolfe: Ursa's brows knitted together for a moment before she spoke. "Why?"

Renee: Renee took a deep breath before she continued "His mother wanted this to be a way at getting back at his ex."

Ursula Wolfe: Sighing she shook her head, "Jesus... I swear the people in this town are more nuts than me. Giving vampirism a bad name too."

Renee: "Tell me about it."

Ursula Wolfe: Still shaking her head she took a breath. "Do you wonder if he really loves you dear?" She wondered that herself about Jordan now.

Renee: She shrugged. "When I hear the stories about his past I sometimes wonder."

Ursula Wolfe: "Stories of his past?"

Renee: "From what I've been told, most from him and his mother though others have chimed in as well, he becomes friends with a women then they become romantic and he finds a new person to be friends with and uses them to get ride of the first woman."

Ursula Wolfe: Ursa sighed again and shook her head. "Men like that make me sick. They need to be culled, and quickly." She said while still shaking her head.

Renee: "If he does that to me he will be."

Ursula Wolfe: "I'll help."

Renee: She smiled "I'll do the same to Jordon if need me."

Ursula Wolfe: Ursa gave a said huff of a laugh. "At this point, I'm doubting you or even I will get the chance."

Renee: "Have you thought about asking his sire about him?"

Ursula Wolfe: This time she scoffed "please, I'm not going to talk to that woman after how she was with Jesse."

Renee: "I understand that." She nodded "did he have any childer?"

Ursula Wolfe: She shook her head. "None that he ever told me about."
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Re: Cleansing ((Renee))

Post by Renee »

Renee: "That does leave things in an odd position."

Ursula Wolfe: "That it does..." She said softly then looked at her sister. "You said you could read Simon's memories? Could you read Jordan's?"

Renee: "Unless for some reason get blocks me, but yeah I think I could." She nodded as she closed German eyes and focused on Jordon

Ursula Wolfe: Ursa stayed silent as she watched her sister, hoping she didn't see anything bad.

Renee: Renee opened her eyes with a confused look on her face. "I see nothing. Just nothing."

Ursula Wolfe: Ursa sighed and closed her eyes, lowering her head. "That doesn't bode well."

Renee: "At least it was nothing bad. Nothing could mean sleep. I would be able to see death."

Ursula Wolfe: Ursa nodded softly. "True."

Renee: "There is still hope." She said as pulled her sister into a hug.

Ursula Wolfe: Ursa hugged her tight and sighed. "There is, but that doesn't help much. I miss him. So much."

Renee: "I know you do darling. I know."

Ursula Wolfe: "It hurts too."

Renee: She squeezed her lightly

Ursula Wolfe: Ursa returned the hug and leaned against her.

Renee: "We still have each other at least."

Ursula Wolfe: "True. The one and only good thing Axel did... Bringing us together."

Renee: "Amen"

Ursula Wolfe: Ursa giggled a little then.

Renee: "Hey you know about witchcraft and things like that don't you?"

Ursula Wolfe: Ursa smirked then and nodded, "indeed I do. Want me to make you a voodoo doll? Or a spell of some sort?"

Renee: "Actually I would like you to tech me."

Ursula Wolfe: Ursa smiled brightly, "I can do that. Do you have a direction you would like to go or shall I just teach you everything I know?"

Renee: "I have no idea" she giggled "start with the basics I guess."

Ursula Wolfe: Ursa smiled softly, "did you wish to start now, even the basics can take a bit of time." She said with a light laugh.

Renee: "That is up to you."

Ursula Wolfe: Ursa nodded and then patted her sister's leg. "Well, here is a good thing to remember. It's common sense really. First, there is always a price for magic. Second, everything you send out will come back times three. So when you do something bad at someone, be real sure you want to do it. Because what goes around does come around."

Renee: Renee nodded "so I shouldn't want to castrate anyone anytime soon."

Ursula Wolfe: She laughed and nodded. "Not unless they really deserve it. There are spells to speed up karma, make it hit a little sooner, a little harder. But when you mess with the balance of nature, it will still take something for you to bring the balance back."

Renee: She nodded as she listened and took on everything she said

Ursula Wolfe: "That is really what magic is in the long run, working with nature. As vampires we are at a disadvantage, but there is and will always be balance."

Renee: "Is it because we are not natural?"

Ursula Wolfe: Nodding, she sighed, "and we have power we shouldn't. But like I said, there is always balance it's just about finding it."

Renee: She sighed "we have powers that are sometimes painful."

Ursula Wolfe: "There is always a price."

Renee: She nodded

Ursula Wolfe: "Sometime pain is ours. We defy nature so nature fights back. But just because we are of the dark does not mean we are only bound to it. We have our balance we just need to find it."

Renee: "Is that why we have the fae?"

Ursula Wolfe: "The fae are the balance for us, that much I can say is true. But our balance, the balance we need, that we need to find."

Renee: "Sounds hard to do."

Ursula Wolfe: "Is anything that is worth it ever easy?"

Renee: "True"

Ursula Wolfe: Ursa smiled softly and hugged Renee once more. "We will find it though. We will."

Renee: "Two heads are better than one."

Ursula Wolfe: "Indeed. About the magic though, I know you want me to teach you, but before I can, you need to be sure, to your bones, that you are ready to learn. Some of these spells, they aren't for the faint of heart."

Renee: "I understand." She nodded "I want this."

Ursula Wolfe: Ursa smiled softly. "Then when it comes to spells, I think our first one will happen soon. One of the best times to cast is during a natural cycle. So a full moon or new. Quarters work too, depending on the spell. But the best times... The equinoxes and the solstices. Spring equinox is the 21st."

Renee: "So we should do on then?"

Ursula Wolfe: Ursa nodded and smiles "indeed, the night before though dear I will need you to meditate. You need to be centered. Find that center."

Renee: She nodded. "I can do that."

Ursula Wolfe: "Good girl, I'll start you with a relatively small spell. But it may involve the fae so that is why I need you centered. So they can't harm you, mentally or physically."

Renee: "What's the spell?"

Ursula Wolfe: "It's meant as a dedication, or in my case a re-dedication to the gods and spirits. Think of it as a birth, or rebirth, into the pagan world. Having the gods, watchers, and spirits on our side mean we have a buffer."

Renee: "Oh cool."

Ursula Wolfe: Ursa smiled and nodded "spring is after all the time when things are being born and blooming. So to shall we."

Renee: "This might be just what we need to do."

Ursula Wolfe: Ursa nodded again. "A cleansing as it were."

Renee: She smiled. "I can't wait."

Ursula Wolfe: Ursa smiled and hugged her sister and hugged her tight before she stood and moved over to her lockbox. She opened it and pulled out a wooden box. As the lid fell shut, Ursa sat down and handed the carved box to Renee. "The night before, while you are meditating, I need you to burn what is in this box. Not the box, just what is in it. Best thing to put it in is a glass bowl. Inhale the scent it produces. Sage is a powerful cleanser in the pagan world, it will help you find your center faster and easier. Though careful, it may also put you to sleep." She added the last bit with a light laugh.

Renee: Renee took the box and held looked at it as her sister spoke. "So I should make sure I'm by myself."

Ursula Wolfe: Ursa nodded "or at the very least in a place where you won't be disturbed for a few hours."

Renee: "I have an empty apartment that I can use."

Ursula Wolfe: "That will work. If you have any sage left when you are done you could use it to cleanse the apartment actually."

Renee: "I can do that." She nodded

Ursula Wolfe: Ursa smiled brightly. "Just let the sage burn for a few minutes in all four directions. North, south, east, west."

Renee: "Okay, that's simple enough."

Ursula Wolfe: "That it is. Start small, work to the bigger bangs." She said with a wink.

Renee: "Anything else I need to do to prepare?"

Ursula Wolfe: "Nope, the rest of the night you can do whatever you want. I would suggest doing the cleansing near dawn though, so that it is the last thing you do before sleep."

Renee: "Can do." She smiled at her sister. "I'm kinda excited."

Ursula Wolfe: Ursa laughed softly and nodded. "As am I. It's been a long time since I have practiced with family."

Renee: "Well this will be the first of many."

Ursula Wolfe: "That's the kind of thing I like to hear."

Renee: She simply smiled

Ursula Wolfe: "So what else do you have planned for this eve?"

Renee: "All I had planned was to talk to you to be honest."

Ursula Wolfe: Smiling, Ursa leaned in and playfully bumped her sister's shoulder. "I always like hearing I have priority." She teased then added, "How about we go hit the caverns? I feel the need to take down some fae."

Renee: "Always sounds good to me."

Ursula Wolfe: Ursa nodded and stood, holding her hand out to her sister. "Let's teleport."

Renee: She stood and grabbed her hand

Ursula Wolfe: Ursa smiled, concentrated on their destination and felt the world wrap around her before a light breeze blew through her hair. She was outside the cavern entrance.

Renee: Renee smiled as she breathed in the fresh air. "Well shall we?"

Ursula Wolfe: Ursa smiled to her sister and nodded as her sword formed in her free hand. "We shall indeed!" She said with a giggle before the two of them headed into the caverns.
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