Syn'ing ( Syn, Family )

For all descriptive play-by-post roleplay set anywhere in Harper Rock (main city).
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Noemi Michaux
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Syn'ing ( Syn, Family )

Post by Noemi Michaux »

Light glowed from the screen of her cellphone revealing the email she was currently reading. The pale light cast shadows over her face, the pale complexion smoothing even more in the blue spill. Noemi's brows furrowed together as she reread the message from her Sire, the Dauphin wanted to bring the family closer together and desired her acquaintance with their newest member Syn, Childe of Cedric.

The consternation playing upon her face wasn't due to the request, she understood that. It was the poor timing of it... hardly shocking really but a disturbance to her own agenda in any case. What was she to do? Ask Syn out on a girls night? Brave the testosterone galas that every bar had become just so she could make nice as daddy's little princess? pfft.

Noemi normally was not so waspish, but her lack of sleep and the non stop hauntings had her on edge, and realizing this the Necromancer mentally shook her head, trying to put herself into a more even mood. It was hardly Syn's fault her temper. For all she knew the woman could be an equal, someone to actually converse with that didn't leave her gritting her teeth at the stupidity. One could hope...

Her thumbs began the response back to the Dauphin, acquiescing in as short a reply as possible. She then looked through her contacts he had somehow put in with his thoughts... that was just too damn weird right there, and she knew weird... she was a necro. She was learning that vampire were not really flesh, but rather a sort of solid spirit, a fleshy lie really, which might explain how he was able to do such. She then had studied anything she could get her hands on that had to do with the shadow, afraid she might be slipping in or it was spreading over her, anything to explain the hauntings...

She had found Hantu...

The wraith had agreed to teach her, bridging her into the shadow.. Also teaching her that wraiths and the spirit were not the same though had similarities. Noemi desperately wanted to learn more while everything was still fresh, but of course duties called...

Finding Syn's number she began the text

"Hello Syn, Noemi here, save my number. I'd like to meet with you tonight, have a drink oui?"

Hitting send, the angel faced killer leaned back into her chair waiting the response.
Noemi Michaux Dangeau - Childe of Ambrose - House Acheron
Die? Oh such a limited imagination
Syn (DELETED 7911)
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Re: Syn'ing ( Syn, Family )

Post by Syn (DELETED 7911) »

Syn had been sitting in her chair, staring at the laptop sitting upon the desk in front of her. It was strange that she knew that she should be feeling frustrated at her newest venture, but she felt nothing, absolutely nothing. It made her wonder if it was a simple gift, as she could look at things in a clear mind and not have anything such as emotion cloud her view or judgement. Some might consider it a curse, but Syn had yet to categorize it as anything. In fact, whether she couldn’t feel, was a matter of whether it was relevant or not. Somehow, it seemed not to be relevant at this point, due to the fact that she was a vampire. What did it matter if she couldn’t feel anything? She had died in fear and in pain, not to mentioned the woman had felt alone when she had died. So it would only be natural that her mind might have shut down her emotions when she had turned. What better way than to cope when she didn’t feel a thing on an emotional level?

Her phone beeped softly and she almost didn’t look at it, but her right hand reached for it anyways and she glanced at the screen. It was a simple text from Noemi and a nod of her head was given. She didn’t know who Noemi was, but it would only be logical that it was someone who Cedric trusted. So, she trusted his judgement. The last word had Syn wondering for a moment before she pulled up a translator upon her laptop and typed in the word. Her fingers caressed over the keys, soft and gentle, there was no need to hammer them. Oui, or so it seemed in French, meant yes. Syn figured that whomever Noemi was, she was probably French with a French accent. Or she could be of French descent.

”Noemi, it’s Syn. Yes, let us have drinks. Perhaps there is a bar that you like to enjoy?”

The woman hit send on her message and pushed her form out from underneath the desk and stretched. Well, she should get ready if she was to go out tonight. Speaking of clothes, she had to make a trip out of shopping eventually, buy herself a new wardrobe so then she wouldn’t be wearing the same handful of clothes that she had brought with her from her place in California. It looked far more professional if she actually looked as if she cared about her appearance, not that she actually did. To be in business, it always worked wonders to look one’s best. First appearances always mattered, that much she did know. So, if she was going to look her best then she best plan it out now ahead of time.

She rose to her feet and made her way over to where her clothes hung within the closet, her blue eyes settled upon the fabrics that were held up by clothes hangers. Tones, all she had to think about was tones. What went with and what didn’t. It was that simple. Everything normal felt simple and she knew that she should feel frustrated at such a thing, but again, she didn’t. It just simply wasn’t possible for the fledgling to drum up any kind of emotion and she wondered just as to how much she could stretch it out. A simple test might be able to suss out the boundaries of this emotionless blessing. Her gaze simply glanced over the articles of clothing before she reached in and grasped a simple dress and coat out of her wardrobe. It was then that she carried these articles of clothing over to the bed and laid them out upon it. A simple task done without so much as a caring thought, if only she had been turned a lot sooner. It would have made getting dressed a much more simple task years ago.

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Noemi Michaux
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Re: Syn'ing ( Syn, Family )

Post by Noemi Michaux »

"Lancasters" was the simple text sent back to Syn, the Necromancer finished getting dressed, a Dolce black swing dress, slimming down the sides with off the shoulder straps, fringe carefully placed to sweep and caress under her breasts and thighs. Finishing with a pair of hand made Italian stilettos, Noemi picked up her jacket and headed toward the door.

Glancing behind her to make sure the shade she was now growing used to was in tow, she inclined her head to Reichard and headed out the door toward her car. The drive took no time, and again it struck her that this city was unlike any other in the night... masquerade fail big time one would have to think as the population cleared out come dark. Shaking her head, her fingers tightening around the steering wheel, she eased herself through the sparse traffic toward Lancasters. She wasn't sure why the place was become habit for her, aside from the ambience and wine selection. She also didn't care to dwell upon it too much, just taking it as it was.

Noemi parked her car not far from the pub, and got out making sure to pay whatever parking was needed. It struck the vampire then that it was an Irish holiday this eve... the pub was crawling with the lot... well it couldn't be helped, she had chosen...

Shaking her head again she made her way into the crowd, stepping into the crush and blast of Rover type music. There was no place to sit close to the bar, but that suited Noemi fine as she headed to the depths of the place and took a small table for herself and Syn, looking about to see if any other family had braved the night to revel. Even as the dark bit of monster did so, she texted Syn to let her know she was there and seated in back, and a quick description of her dress.

Satisfied that she had done what was required of her, she ordered a glass of Bergeron and looked about for her shade.

Yes... there he was, hovering protectively against the back wall, a shadow amongst shadows. She didn't know how she came to this pass, but Reichard was of the dead and that made him hers. Now to get on with this night... please let the little darling not be a Buffy.
Noemi Michaux Dangeau - Childe of Ambrose - House Acheron
Die? Oh such a limited imagination
Syn (DELETED 7911)
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Re: Syn'ing ( Syn, Family )

Post by Syn (DELETED 7911) »

That was the only word that had been sent back and Syn was simply ok with it. It had been simple and easy, something which she was okay with. The woman didn’t want complications, complications only made present and future tasks difficult. Lancasters was a simple destination that she was able to give the cabbie that was now pulling up in front of the building. Silently, she handed over the money and stepped out, closing the door behind her. Her blue eyes looked up at the establishment and she slipped her wallet back into her grey coat pocket. It was strange really, that she was a vampire going out to have a drink. Well, pretend to drink in any case, because that was something that she had practiced in between practicing her hobby. Why? She wasn’t sure why, she didn’t get nervous, so perhaps it was a remnant human action? Something that her muscles, although now vampiric in nature, remembered.

Her phone buzzed again and she quickly glanced at it before she also slipped it into her coat pocket and pushed through the front door. A sigh parted her lips as she pulled off her white gloves and also pocketed them. The woman made her way over to the bar and waved down the bartender. He made his way over to her and she offered a smile, which was the polite human thing to do. ”A scotch, neat.” She watched as he nodded his head and went to fetch her drink. It was then that she turned her gaze to the room and listened to the heart beats within it. She figured that if she was meeting someone who her sire trusted; then the strange woman called Noemi, would also be a vampire. Slowly, she began to filter out the human heart beats, eliminating them so she could filter out an area where there would be a dead spot with no sound at all.

Finally, she heard and confirmed with her own sight what and who she was looking for. Syn’s blue eyes flickered over a woman’s form, noting the black hair and the emerald gaze. The stranger also had a pale appearance, something which confirmed what she had heard. Nothing. It was then that she noted the dress and recognized it from the description of the woman’s text. The stranger lacked a heartbeat and was dressed in the described dress. Satisfied that she had found who she was looking for, she turned her gaze back as the bartender returned with her drink. She handed over the relevant money and picked up her drink so then she could make her way over to the woman seated at a table. As soon as she reached the table, she perked a brow as she spoke. ”Noemi I’m assuming, yes?” Without waiting for the confirmation and without waiting for the woman to stand, she slipped into an empty chair at the table.

Gently she placed her drink upon the table and angled her head to the right, her blue eyes slid over the woman’s form. Syn blinked then as she pondered just as to what would make sense to say, instead she chose silence and glanced over the crowd. She did notice that there was loud music and a rather large crowd surrounding them. ”This particular pub seems rather packed tonight, I find it rather interesting.” No, not really all that interesting. In fact, she had found it less than interesting, but she had to start somewhere. So perhaps it could work as a conversational starter. ”So, how are you upon this night?” What else was she supposed to say? She could have asked, ‘why did you want to meet?’ but she already knew the answer, because Noemi had specified that she wanted to meet her. So, she was here and had begun conversation, now all she had to do was wait for this woman to pick up the conversation threads.
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