Steam rolled through the bathroom, thick, wet tendrils coiled and twisted through the air like a mist. Each breath sent a wisp swirling and fading into the vastness of the white haze. Water dripped from her naked form, each droplet hitting the white tile with a soft tap, tap, tap. The mirror fogged with the heat, and a simple swipe of her palm across the surface only purchased her a blurry reflection of her form.
A drop of water rolled down the tip of her nose, resting on a dark speck of freckle before falling free of the pointy peak to drop to her chest, trailing between her cleavage and sliding down her abdomen and out of view. She honestly stunned herself. She had always known she was beautiful; erotic. You only had to look at her mother to know she was going to grow up stunning. Even her lanky, awkward stage had been stunning.
She smirked, the sensual tug of her lips a subtle curve of amusement as she lifted her brush, running it through a tangle of wet, golden curls. As she worked at the silky spun gold, she heard her phone’s notification tone in the next room. She huffed loudly, flipping her sopping wet curls over her shoulder with a wet flop against her naked skin. She slipped away from the mirror, letting it fog over as she pulled open the door to the bathroom. “Bambi, doll, grab my phone? Let me know who it was and what they want.” She left the door open, letting it swing wide and the cooler air of the apartment wafting into the room like an icy gust of wind.
Her skin quickly covered in goosebumps, a sharp shiver trembling down her spine, her shoulders shuddering as she returned to brushing her hair. Bambi moved quietly to stand in the doorway, holding her phone and smiling at the amazon’s naked back. “Looks like it’s the brat, hon. She’s apparently got something for you to take care of.” she added the last bit in her most ominous voice, and gave a high lilt of a laugh as she waved a hand, wafting the steam from her face as she looked over the scrawny woman’s figure in the steamy room.
“You want me to tell her you’re on it? We both know you’re ready to jump through her hoops.” She spoke with a bitter smile, both hands on the iPhone as she tapped idly at the edge of the screen. She almost didn’t see the blow coming until the tall, powerful vampire caught herself and stopped just shy of slapping the face right off her skull. Her eyes were on fire as she towered over the small human girl, who found herself shrinking back away from her master. “I swear to ******* god, Bambi, you are pushing my buttons too ******* hard right now. Give me the ******* phone and get the **** out, before I toss your body in the river next. I won’t even think twice about it, either. You know better.”
She snatched her phone out of the woman’s grasp and shot her another glare, before taking a fistful of her platinum curls and tossing her out of the bathroom head first. “Now get the **** out of my sight. You’d better be somewhere out of the way by the time I get out of here, or I’ll be looking for your replacement. Tonight.”
She was harsh, her voice a sharp crack of a whip against the thrall’s emotions. Each word was a command of power, a master’s wish that her slave could not help but to obey. She hated it, each word bitter in her mouth as she spoke them, but she couldn’t stop herself. Caligrace was one subject she was inflexible on, and one subject that the bimbo always pushed her luck on. She was right, at the core of her teasing. Cali would ask her to jump, and Freyja would fire back with a ‘how high?’ She owed the girl a life. How could she ever pay that back?
What do you do, when the person you murdered comes back from the grave, only to worship the ground you walk on? How do you handle that? She was still trying to figure that out, but she figured that the least that she could manage was to keep the one person completely under her influence from shooting off her mouth about the poor girl. She adored Bambi. She knew she meant well, that it was just a bit of rib-rubbing, just to get under her skin. Just a tease. But Cali was just a very tender subject, a wound still raw and unhealed. The guilt still weighed on her shoulders like a ton of bricks.
She would apologize later, for being so harsh. She knew the blonde would forget all about it by the time she was back, but it wouldn’t make her feel any less guilty. In truth, Bambi loved Cali. It was easy to see when you watched the two together. There was a real admiration, a real sort of friendship in her eyes. The teasing was just her way of being playful. Taking a deep breath, she sighed and tapped at the screen to answer for herself.
Okay, babygirl. I’m almost
ready. What do you need?
I can be out the door in about
an hour. Just send me the
details and I will handle it.
She flipped the phone into her palm and stepped from the bathroom, stalking naked through the apartment to stop by her thrall’s room. Peeking her head through the door, she gave a soft, warm smile to the girl when she looked up from the books spread across her bed. “I’m heading out, hon. Don’t wait up. And finish your homework. I need your grades up or they’re going to take you off the squad.” The human laughed, the sound light and melodic. That made her feel worlds better, and she gave her a smile before she shut the door, and padded down the hall to her bedroom.
Tossing her phone to the bed, she threw open the doors to her closet and stepped inside, prowling through the spacious, walk-in carousel closet. Her icy blues flicked over dress after dress. Skirts, tops, cocktail dresses, formal dresses, and on and on and on. It would be a while, just selecting the pieces of her outfit. Oh, and the shoes. And the underwear. It all had to match, it all had to be perfect. She had to be immaculate, everywhere she went. Cali knew. Cali would understand.
She gave a loud huff, and lifted her hands to tie her hair up in a long, curly tail. Now prepared, she dove into the clothes in earnest, determined to never emerge without finding the perfect outfit for the night. She would know it when she found it.
Taking Care of Business [Caligrace]
- Registered User
- Posts: 579
- Joined: 22 Oct 2014, 12:46
- CrowNet Handle: GlittersaurusRex
Taking Care of Business [Caligrace]
N Ø R G Å R D ♦ M A T R I A R C H

You can throw me to the wolves. Tomorrow I will come back leader of the whole pack.

You can throw me to the wolves. Tomorrow I will come back leader of the whole pack.
Note: Freyja has Mortal Aura and Healthy Complexion