Tuesday 29th of September
I had a thought today, I would get rid of my old journal. There was nothing wrong with it - it was just full of old memories which arn't painful. But, mostly annoying. My annoying pining over a vile woman for a start. Jesus, I re read some of my pages and was like "Niagra, you stupid *****." I was a ******* mess then, I'm so glad I sired Marjani - and then she became a constant from me. I was a ***** to her at the start, despite my bitchyness - and perhaps very stand offish way I spoke to her she still stuck by my side. If that's not love, **** I don't know what is. On the 30th of July. I married the love of my life, the only woman who was able to tie me down, ground me - and keep my attention strictly on her. Before her, I was a whore - I think I've slept with half the woman populace in Harper Rock. I love Marjani. Even her cute little African ***. mhmm.
So yeah. I sired someone new, Thorne. He's quite rich. It's why I sired him, he had more than me it seems from when I was growing up - I got jealous. I wanted what he had. He had crashed his private jet on the outskirts, when I was collecting **** for Micah. I saw him. I knew I had to have him, So I did what I also do when it came to people. I forced my fangs upon him and forcefully fed him my blood. He turned then. Baha. I like him though, he kind of reminds me of myself. His dark curiosity.
I'm trying this whole, get out of my wife's vagina thing. There are so many Andras these nights, I must meet a few of them at least. I briefly met Nesa. Sweet girl, very childlike. Micah's newest. Still looking to branch out and meet more.
Last edited by Nishaa on 02 Dec 2015, 01:19, edited 1 time in total.
Wednesday 30th of September
So, I've been thinking about telling people my real name is Niagra, not sure how people would take it to be honest - considering some people have known me for two years, and have always known me as Nishaa. Telling someone my real name isn't out of shame of it - it was because I wanted a brand new identity. Does that make me a bad person? Possibly. Am I a bad person? Yes. Perhaps it is something I will mull over more. I have eternity to tell the beings closest people to me the truth - well, the truth about my real name. It's not a huge deal.
I've been sitting in the Eyrie for most of today. Nothing special. I flicked from the company of my twin, to loneliness at the crafting bench. It has felt like it has been ages since I got my hand on a monkey wrench and just played with stuff. I forgot how much I loved it, ha.
Monday 5th of October
Micah is away with Velveteen for a week. Every is now gone out of town. Leaving Blake in charge of Tytonidae and Malachai in charge of Andras. I mean he barely talks on the Crow - and he called me a **** stand in. No one even knows he exists. Urgh. If anything, he's the **** stand in. Only talks to welcome someone to Andras then shuts the **** up again. I don't like him. For Micah and Every's sake. I'm being a good girl. I'm not stirring anything at all Good little vampire is me.
Thorne is doing alright it seems. I gave him some money, some pretty kick *** weapons too - ammo. Much like I did with Marjani when I sired her - and Abbadon before her. Not that I hear much from Abi. I think she's still sour I'm not in love with her - and never was. I'm not the best sire, I wasn't a good sire to Marjani. I think I'm a better wife. Don't tell her I said that. I'll try and be better to Thorne. I hate babying people though. I need to explain things still to him. He's dark though. Perhaps I could persuade him when he's a little stronger to come join Tytonidae - with me.
Monday 12th of October
Micah and Velveteen are back. Thank god. Some adults are back. Every and I have been emailing, the most we've spoken in weeks honestly, it's been quite nice though. Twin has gone to Russia. It seems everyone wants to leave me lately. Do I smell? I must have some form of body odor going on. Must be why they want to get the hell away from me lately.
Thorne has a tome now, I asked Micah to make him one. He agreed, my childe now has access to the hotel. The main family focal point.
Tytonidae is a bit quiet lately. We need a hunting session, we either need to choose someone stupid and hunt them down, or just find someone stupid and hunt them. Whichever works.
I've met a girl called Jupiter. She's odd. Not sure how I feel about her yet. Andras is growing, quite quickly. People can't keep their fangs to themselves. I can't talk considering I just spawned myself. Sooooo.
Sunday 25th of October
So I haven't written in a while. I haven't felt a need to. Nothing much has chained, I'm stealing again. I didn't quit or anything but I stopped doing it as much. Climbed all the way to the top of a building and snagged me a new bracelet.
I saw Paige recently. I got a lot of **** off my chest. I don't miss her. I don't think I ever will again. I can finally say she is out of my life, for good.
I sired again though. I met him at a restaurant. A french one, french blood is lovely. I kind of had a lapse of judgement, I didn't want him to die. So I turned him. I force fed him my blood, I didn't give him a choice. Much like I had with Marjani. Perhaps, I can get some more french blood from him. Use him to help me reign in those french ladies. Who knows. Actually, I need to check up on him. I'm slightly worried.
Thorne is doing well though. Adapting to this new life of his quite well, I'm beginning to think he was made for this sort of life style. Perhaps it was fate that my fangs slipped into him and he became my childe. I see it in him, every day he becomes more and more like me. It's almost scary.
I won a spiffy new weapon at the Ty auctions, she's called War. She's beautiful. I can't wait to take her out for a test spin. It feels powerful. It vibrates with sheer power. Heh. I'm grinning, can you tell? I also got my hands on an arcane fetish. I'm going to give that to Mari, I don't know if she has one or not. It can be a gift. I hope she likes it. Wives like random gifts, right?
Thursday 12th of November
I think I have a problem, I mean. I've sired three new people within the span of two months. That's very unlike me. After Marjani I vowed to never sire again, and yet here I am spawning more and more like me. Thorne was a mistake, I never meant to turn him. Yet, he turned through a single bite. He's turned out quite well though, he relishes in the hunt, the kill. I will talk to him about Tytonidae when he comes to me for a chat. I believe he would find us beneficial to him. Who knows, Pierre. He's quiet. We've not spoken since the night of his siring, he doesn't come around on the Andras Crow either. I sired him because of the delicious taste of his blood, and now I fear he dislikes this gift he has. I do hope he comes around soon. I'm not the type of person who would baby, but in this instance, I'm half tempted to reach out to him. Check up on him. Then there is Marty. He hit on my wife, I have one simple rule. Don't touch my things, that includes my wife. She is mine, no one elses They were texting, so I found him and killed him. Mari found out, and begged me to sire him. How can I say no to her? So I turned him, much to my distaste. Now I'm stuck with him. I do hope my thoughts change on the man, as long as he stays the **** away from my wife, or at least doesn't hit on her. Then I can be nice, kind of.
Every has gone away again, back on her travels to figure **** out. Sad times. Nothing else to report really, won a nifty necklace the other day. Sold it off for some money, I needed the money. I like money, these new childer and soaking my bank dry. Those bastards.
Monday 16th of November
I'm trying to be more family orientated. I'm trying to help people. I'm putting down daily shadow gates now, It feels right, it means the family can benefit from it and I feel like I'm doing something for them. Maybe they will, maybe they won't. At least I know I'm helping.
Tuesday 1st of December
A holiday would be nice.
Might take Marjani on holiday.
I've been spending all my time in the caverns lately.
Killing - ******* - killing - more *******, just a routine im going through.
Maybe I'll do that.
Saturday 5th of December
I'm writing this whilst my childer sleep around me. I forgot how nice it is down here in the catacombs, there's a competition. Micah and Velveteen want Unholy Relics. I emailed my... I don't know what to call them, spawn? brood? brats? kids? What is the formal word for them?
I'll call them mini nishies. Yes. Seems fitting for now. The mini nishies came to my aid, they came to the catacombs for me - to help me look for unholies, they are resting with me each night. A small fire, a shadow gate every other night. Seems almost cosy, it's nice. Spending time with them, even Evee is spending time with us. It's actually nice.
Perhaps I should do this more with them, just.. spend time with them. Is that something a sire, a maker should be doing with their mini nishies. Maybe I should get to know them.. what do I ask? -- favorite color? favorite food? hobbies? Asking these things doesn't come naturally to me, I suck at being nice. Perhaps if I showed them this diary, showed them what I want to do, instead of saying it. They'll understand, right?.
Monday 7th of December
I re read my Bridge application the other day, I said a couple of things on there that I never followed through with, the idea of perhaps being more political with the way I speak. Offering the community something. I was meant to get with the big guy and work on that. I never did, I picked up my laptop the other and began browsing the middle road forum, I gave my two cents about the subject of humans. I don't think I was too harsh, blunt maybe. Kill all the humans that are a threat. That was political for me.
Perhaps it needs a little work but it was heartfelt. I was trying to protect the community with my words, even if I came across as someone who is sadisric yet violent, granted I'm both those things. Sure. But I wasn't trying to be those things then.
Man, someone should teach me how to be nice to people. Or to work on my approach with me.