Doc’s jog, turned out to be more of an all out run. He had started jogging, but as he jogged, the previous events from the last few minutes ran through his head. It was supposed to be a simple movie night with Chubchub, then the Ball and Chain invited herself along. So there he had Chubchub on one side of him...and the Ball and Chain on the other, then she was on his lap.
His jogging speed increased. Cytherea loved to ******* tease him, and tonight it was no exception. She knew that did to him. Did that make her keep her hands to herself? **** no. That was all the more reason for her to keep at it. The jog was now a full fledged sprint to the finish. Doc had just about completed a circuit about the neighborhood, the house in Larch was coming up again in the distance. He passed it by. He was not ready to face the females again. Chubchub would be innocently curious as to why he left, what had happened? And he could see Cytherea once more goading him, taunting him, daring him to answer Chubchub’s questions.
The faster he ran, the more angry he got. It was a situation he couldn’t control. But a situation the Ball and Chain had well in hand. His hands balled into fists as his arms and legs pumped faster, carrying him at full speed once more around the neighborhood. He liked things in order. In order that he created. He disliked, no. He hated haphazardness that was born from erratic thoughts and spur of the moment ideas. Things should be planned and plotted. There should a well laid out order to things. When things were done on the spur of the moment, it was never good. It would come back to haunt you.
Yes things should be planned out, but that was not what he did when he saw the Blonde jogger half a block ahead of him. He had not even contemplating an attack. He was out running to get rid of some aggression. But somehow, somewhere along the line, Doc lost sight of the fact that he was about to break his own rule.
Doc torpedoed into the petite blonde, taking her completely off her feet, and landing with her, beside an unkempt hedge. He never even had a conscious thought about attacking her. It was a blitz attack. The hit was fast, hard and brutal. The blonde never saw it coming, and was most likely stunned by the brutality of the hit. It was an instinctive reaction for him. A predator seeing prey, and taking it down. He sank fangs into her neck.
Rarely did he feed from a human. It was too dangerous, too many had been seen. It was risking a breach to the masquerade. But the sweet coppery taste of the blonde’s warm blood brought a sense of order and satisfaction back to his world. All too soon he was once more aware of his surroundings. Breaking his hold and sealing the wound on the mostly unconscious female, he rakes his hands through his hair. ****! ****!
Reaching down he double checked her pulse. It was healthy and strong. Accessing her wounds, he noted she would have some road rash on her knees and one arm, but other than that, she was mostly alright. Relief filled him. He rearranged the female’s body, so that would think she fell and knocked herself out while jogging. Content with his rather hurried handiwork, Doc melted into the shadows and headed back the to house where Cytherea and Kaelyn waited.
One should always have a Plan (Cathy Dawn)
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One should always have a Plan (Cathy Dawn)

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IC Forum username: That Guy
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Re: One should always have a Plan (Cathy Dawn)
Last thing Cathy remembered was that she running some laps in the area she had been in to waking up in a bush a few hours later. She looked at her arms and legs she was a bit bruised up but that is all. She got up and looked down the street to make sure her car was still there with the trailer. She had yet to find a place to live but that was okay she would have one soon. Well a permanent place that is and not the hotel she lived in at the moment. She walked to the car and felt like she was hungry though she had just eaten not that long ago. She reached into the glove box and pulled out a granola bar opening it she started to eat it only to have her stomach start to reject it.
This was strange she was hungry but the stuff she was eating did not agree with her. She tossed the granola bar in the seat and leaned out the door throwing up on the ground outside it. She even threw up the supper she had had before she went jogging. This was nuts. She decided to head back to the hotel and get some rest. As she pulled up to the hotel she parked her car and trailer in place that was for her and got out locking it up before going inside to rest. She fell asleep with the curtain open and was asleep a few hours before she woke up in pain. The sun was shining on her and it was burning her skin. She had never burned before but this burning it hurt like hell. She got up and closed the curtains before rummaging in her bag she found the first aid kit and started to bandage her wounds with the anti biotic she had and the bandages she had as well. She would find a Dr as soon as the sun went down she did not like getting burned and was not going to risk it. Even in the pain she fell asleep back on the bed and slept through the night.
This was strange she was hungry but the stuff she was eating did not agree with her. She tossed the granola bar in the seat and leaned out the door throwing up on the ground outside it. She even threw up the supper she had had before she went jogging. This was nuts. She decided to head back to the hotel and get some rest. As she pulled up to the hotel she parked her car and trailer in place that was for her and got out locking it up before going inside to rest. She fell asleep with the curtain open and was asleep a few hours before she woke up in pain. The sun was shining on her and it was burning her skin. She had never burned before but this burning it hurt like hell. She got up and closed the curtains before rummaging in her bag she found the first aid kit and started to bandage her wounds with the anti biotic she had and the bandages she had as well. She would find a Dr as soon as the sun went down she did not like getting burned and was not going to risk it. Even in the pain she fell asleep back on the bed and slept through the night.

The Divergent.
Adopted Name Cathy Dawn
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Re: One should always have a Plan (Cathy Dawn)
It was closing on 4am when Doc finished the chart on the patient he had been called into do emergency surgery on. Since his turning, he didn’t perform surgeries everyday. He couldn’t. Most surgeries were done in the early morning and during the day. Which meant he would be sleeping, or getting burnt to a crisp. So Doc moved his business model from surgeries to consulting, to opening Genesis Laboratories, and then finally re-opening the Asylum. However, due to his unique abilities to stay awake all night, he signed a rather lucrative contract the hospital that he would be the surgeon on call for any incoming trauma cases.
So that was how Doc found himself in the Emergency Room notating a patient chart. He had just closed out of the file when a young female vampire came in. What was her game? Why was she coming here, was she looking for him? Or someone else? As she come toward the nurses station, he could not help the feel a pull toward her. His brow furrowed as he stared at her, he knew her. He didn’t know how he how he knew her. No. It was something more than that. As she reached the station, he could now fully sense why he knew her. He had turned her. He raked a hand through his hair. The jogger. ****.
Just as one of the nurses was about to give the girl her attention, he stepped forward, “I’ll take this one nurse.. been a long night for you.. why don’t you got get some coffee? You deserve it..” Doc smiled tiredly at the nurse. He knew the importance of keeping the nurse staff happy, but in this case, he didn’t want the nurse checking the girl’s blood pressure.. namely because she didn’t have any.
The nurse successfully detoured, Doc looked the blonde up and down. Athletic, but on the thin side, the other spawns would make mincemeat out of her. “I am Dr. Nilson, how can I help you?”
So that was how Doc found himself in the Emergency Room notating a patient chart. He had just closed out of the file when a young female vampire came in. What was her game? Why was she coming here, was she looking for him? Or someone else? As she come toward the nurses station, he could not help the feel a pull toward her. His brow furrowed as he stared at her, he knew her. He didn’t know how he how he knew her. No. It was something more than that. As she reached the station, he could now fully sense why he knew her. He had turned her. He raked a hand through his hair. The jogger. ****.
Just as one of the nurses was about to give the girl her attention, he stepped forward, “I’ll take this one nurse.. been a long night for you.. why don’t you got get some coffee? You deserve it..” Doc smiled tiredly at the nurse. He knew the importance of keeping the nurse staff happy, but in this case, he didn’t want the nurse checking the girl’s blood pressure.. namely because she didn’t have any.
The nurse successfully detoured, Doc looked the blonde up and down. Athletic, but on the thin side, the other spawns would make mincemeat out of her. “I am Dr. Nilson, how can I help you?”

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IC Forum username: That Guy
Dressed by Ariadne-
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Re: One should always have a Plan (Cathy Dawn)
Cathy had just made her way into the ER and was walking up to the desk when a Dr came over and introduced himself to her. "Hello Dr. Nelson. I am not sure what is going on with me. Yesterday I was jogging and fell down. When I got up I was a bit dizzy so I tried to eat a granola bar I threw it back up. I decided I just needed some rest but when I was sleeping in the hotel I am staying at when the sun came in and burned me. I bandaged it up but the sun never burned me before well not like this that is." She showed him the bandage on her arms and leg.
She was not going to take it off though in the waiting room. She followed him back to one of the rooms and then started to remove the bandage and looked at her arms they where almost healed but when she had bandaged them they had a 2nd degree burn on the verge of 3rd degree. She was confused and it showed on her face. "Okay this was worse this morning. I could have sworn I was burned this morning. It was about a 2nd degree burn almost 3rd. It also hurt. She was confused and the smell of blood was making her hungry and that was strange. She looked around for something to eat her stomach growling as she did.
She was not going to take it off though in the waiting room. She followed him back to one of the rooms and then started to remove the bandage and looked at her arms they where almost healed but when she had bandaged them they had a 2nd degree burn on the verge of 3rd degree. She was confused and it showed on her face. "Okay this was worse this morning. I could have sworn I was burned this morning. It was about a 2nd degree burn almost 3rd. It also hurt. She was confused and the smell of blood was making her hungry and that was strange. She looked around for something to eat her stomach growling as she did.

The Divergent.
Adopted Name Cathy Dawn
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Re: One should always have a Plan (Cathy Dawn)
Doc’s brow was furrowed into a deep crease, his lips were firmly pressed together, as he surveyed her. How do you tell someone that they are a vampire? She was young, pretty, blonde and -had been- so full of life.. until he stole it from her.
The different scenarios were going through his mind like scenes from a play:
Scene one:
Doc patted the exam table, “Take off your jacket, and hop up here for me.”
While Cathy took off her jacket and laid her things down, Doc kept his back to her, as he headed to the exam door and secured it. The he went to the supply cabinet and pulled out a pair of latex gloves, pulling them on as though this were going to be a normal exam.
His voice was passive as he asked, “Do you make a habit of wearing sunscreen?” Again, a question that would be asked considering the reason she was there; and used to distract her from his actions. The action of coming up behind her, pulling out a pocket knife, flicking it open, reaching around and stabbing her in the chest.
The girl gasped from shock and pain, at which Doc clamped his hand over her nose and mouth, and tightened his hold on her. “Yes it hurts.. but what is amazing is.. You’re not dead.” She struggled some, his hold held, “And you’re not able to breathe.. but you’re not suffocating.. why is that .. do you think?“
The different scenarios were going through his mind like scenes from a play:
Scene one:
- “You got burnt because you’re a vampire. Vampires burn in the sun”
“Where did you get your Medical Degree? Walmart?”
“You do not have a heartbeat either.”
“Of course I do.. You’re a looney.”
“Listen for yourself.” Hands her Stethoscope.
“That proves nothing.. these are fake.. that’s all. NURSE!”
- “You got burnt because you’re a vampire. Vampires burn in the sun”
“Ha ha very funny. I am telling you it was worse this morning”
“Vampires heal quickly.”
“There is no such thing as Vampires. NURSE!”
- “You got burnt because you’re a vampire. Vampires burn in the sun”
*Looks around for hidden camera* This is a joke isn't it? Where is the camera?
“I am being perfectly serious.”
“Who put you up to this? Just because I admitted to watching Twilight.. “
“I’m your sire.. “
“You’re a creep. NURSE!”
Doc patted the exam table, “Take off your jacket, and hop up here for me.”
While Cathy took off her jacket and laid her things down, Doc kept his back to her, as he headed to the exam door and secured it. The he went to the supply cabinet and pulled out a pair of latex gloves, pulling them on as though this were going to be a normal exam.
His voice was passive as he asked, “Do you make a habit of wearing sunscreen?” Again, a question that would be asked considering the reason she was there; and used to distract her from his actions. The action of coming up behind her, pulling out a pocket knife, flicking it open, reaching around and stabbing her in the chest.
The girl gasped from shock and pain, at which Doc clamped his hand over her nose and mouth, and tightened his hold on her. “Yes it hurts.. but what is amazing is.. You’re not dead.” She struggled some, his hold held, “And you’re not able to breathe.. but you’re not suffocating.. why is that .. do you think?“

Ego correctionis silentio grammatica tua
IC Forum username: That Guy
Dressed by Ariadne-
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Re: One should always have a Plan (Cathy Dawn)
Cathy had just taken off her jacket and laid it on the table when she was stabbed and had tried to gasp for breath when her mouth was covered. She struggled to get loose when he tells her that she is dead and not alive. Tears stream down her face for she thought a Dr was supposed to help not hurt people. She was starting to hate this man. He had just stabbed her and she did not know what to think of it. What was he saying she was not alive she had to be alive. All of this was to much for her to take in and she collapsed there in the room.
She woke sometime latter not in the hospital anymore but somewhere strange. She was also still hungry but the thought of food made her feel sick. Even drinking made her feel sick. She looked around to figure out where she was at. This was a strange place and she did not know where it was. She was also worried about her stuff and if it was okay. She ran a hand through her pink hair and wondered what was going on with her and why the hell the Dr. had stabbed her she did not know and her burns where healed as well as the stab wound. How the hell had that happened was a different story. She was scared and not breathing but that did not seem to register with her because she was sitting up in the bed she had been put into.
She woke sometime latter not in the hospital anymore but somewhere strange. She was also still hungry but the thought of food made her feel sick. Even drinking made her feel sick. She looked around to figure out where she was at. This was a strange place and she did not know where it was. She was also worried about her stuff and if it was okay. She ran a hand through her pink hair and wondered what was going on with her and why the hell the Dr. had stabbed her she did not know and her burns where healed as well as the stab wound. How the hell had that happened was a different story. She was scared and not breathing but that did not seem to register with her because she was sitting up in the bed she had been put into.

The Divergent.
Adopted Name Cathy Dawn
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Re: One should always have a Plan (Cathy Dawn)
"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"
Cathy Dawn: *cathy looks at the sire* You stabbed me you prickDoc: *returned her look blandly* You'll heal. You're not dead. You needed to be believe."
Cathy Dawn: *rolls her eyes* You could have done it a different way. Yah I do not believe I am dead but f you say so
Doc: Doc raked a hand through his hair. "Believe me or don't, it is your choice. But if you, that sunburn you received earlier.. will get worse if you go out during the day. And You can't eat food anymore."
Cathy Dawn: Cathy looked at him "Yah food does not even appeal to me anymore but why do I want to have blood that is just weird."
Doc: "Because.. You are vampire." He held up a hand. "Please no clichéd denials. Take the evidence based on your own experiences. Sun harms. Stab wound to the chest did not kill you. Thirst for blood. Sorry. You're vampire. If it's any consolation..I didn't do it on purpose."
Cathy Dawn: "You didn't then how did it happen?"
Doc: "I am still trying to figure that out." He sighed. "I am still new to this too. So.. now you get the talk. Humans cannot know we exist. If they found out.. they would exterminate us. I don't want to be exterminated. Do You? I doubt it. So you keep to masquerade.. that vampires are just fairy stories made up to scare people in movies."
Cathy Dawn: Cathy listens to him as he speaks about things she does not understand. Things about a Masq and things like that
Doc: Doc can tell she doesn't get it. He pinches the bridge of his nose and counts. "You're a vampire. However, unless you want to die a gruesome death, you will keep that secret. Do you understand? If you break the masquerade and I find out about it.. I will kill you. Bring you back to life.. and kill you again. It's a hobby of mine. Dying is still painful. Do not break the masquerade."
Cathy Dawn: "What is the Masquerade
Doc: "The fact that vampires real.. we pretend that we aren't. That vampires are just made up things. That is the masquerade."
Cathy Dawn: Cathy nods as she listens "So if we hide how do we feed as you would call it. Thought the thought of drinking blood makes me squeamish"
Doc: "You don't have to like it. In fact, if you don't .. it will be easier for you to keep the masquerade." he moved to a small refrigerator and pulled out a bloodbag. "Pretend it's Sunny'D" He tossed her one. "Drink in private. I will give you a list of stores you can obtain them. I'll transfer some money to you too.."
Cathy Dawn: She grabbed the bag as it was tossed to her and her stomach grumbled she looked at the bag to figure out how to open it. "Don't it come in bottles like what Nick Knight drank out of in Forever Knight?" Yes she had watched vampire tv programs even ones that where before her time but that was a series she liked.
Doc: "Sorry.. I don't know what you are talking about.." he gave her a confused look.
Cathy Dawn: As he said that she laughed "It is an old show that was on late nights in the 80's called Forever Knight about a cop who was a vampire trying to be human he drank pigs blood out of wine bottles. He was from the crusades."
Doc: "Right. None of us are that old I don't think. Of the elders.. there are only maybe ten.. or less. The rest of us are basically babies. Less than 5 years old. There is a special blend that is made that you can get in a wine bottle, but for now.. choke that one down."
Cathy Dawn: She could still not figure out how to open it and looked at him. "Got a knife and a glass I will not drink out of the bag that is gross" She watched him as she asked. "What area are you from that you never heard of the show Forever Knight?"
Doc: "I don't watch a lot of television. I am from Toronto. I prefer to read. " He opened a drawer and handed her some utility shears, while he found a coffee cup instead of a glass. "Best i can do."

Ego correctionis silentio grammatica tua
IC Forum username: That Guy
Dressed by Ariadne-
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- CrowNet Handle: Innocent Divergent
Re: One should always have a Plan (Cathy Dawn)
"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"
Cathy Dawn: She took them both after placing the bag on the table. She picked up the bag opened it and poured the blood into the cup. She then took it to the Microwave and put it in there for a minute making it warm before drinking it. For a new one to being a vampire she knew things that would make you think. But that was from watching shows on tv. "Forever Knight was from out of Canada and a interesting show though did not last more than 3 seasons.Doc: 'Yes well.. Life is stranger than Fiction.. I am living proof. And now you are too. You will have to start doing things at night, sleeping during the day. I wasn't joking, the sun really will harm you badly."
Cathy Dawn: Cathy nods "Yah that sunburn was bad. Hey do you know where my stuff is. It is all I have left of my Nana."
Doc: "The stuff you were carrying?" He looks at the laundry bag in the corner. "Over there."
Cathy Dawn: She looks at the bag and shakes her head "I have a car with a u-hall trailer behind it always connected those are mine and I would like them back if you can find them."
Doc: "You parked it at the hospital?" He pulled out his cell and started a tapping a message, but paused as he waited her her answer, "Color, year and make?
Cathy Dawn: Light blue 1989 ford truck
Doc: Doc nodded and finished tapping the message and looked at her, "You can stay here for the time being, my sire owns the building. I will ask her to get you sorted with a place. But remember, you're human. Vampires aren't real. The reason you sleep during the day is that you work third shift. Got it?"
Cathy Dawn: She nodes her head "Got it Dad" Yep that would probably stick since he was being a father then again her real one paid her no attention.
Doc: 'Dad.' Seriously, she called him dad? He was tired, he wasn't going to argue. And well ****, he was old enough to be her dad. "So.. I have a Daughter named Catherine.. so You're Dawn."
Cathy Dawn: She laughs "I can go by Dawn it is my middle name." She so did not mind and she also yawned as well.
Doc: "Finish your dinner, get some rest. I have to go check in on the Ball and Chain.. I.." His words were cut off as his cell vibrated. He read the test. Then tapped out a new message. "I am having your truck delivered. It was found in good shape.”
Cathy Dawn: She finished the drink and nodded "Thanks everything my Nana gave me is in there."

The Divergent.
Adopted Name Cathy Dawn