--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
Jayden: : Jayden tapped his fingers against the back of his neck as he waited for them to call on him for his to go order. He had called for the pizza, and then came in thirty minutes after calling, but it still wasn't done! This place had shitty service, but such good pizza. Lately, Jayd had been staying indoors, in the familial Haunted Home. But Dante was busy doing something else for Jayd, so Jayd had to go get his own pizza. Finally they called. His order and another. He went to grab his and what he found on it... Did not look like what he ordered, "Excuse me... Did they give you a large one with EVERYTHING on it?"
Dhara: She took the pizza box and could tell that it didn't smell right, but before she could open it, she was being spoken too. She looked up, amber eyes studying the male, then gave a hestitant smile. "I think maybe. I have not looked. Is that a medium with chicken and barbeque sauce?"
Jayden: : Nodded a bit, giving her a ditzy lopsided grin. He wasn't too good with social situations, but sure as hell would he not be rude to a girl. "That it would be." He held it out and glanced down at his clock on his free wrist. Dante wouldn't be back to the compound for another while... He could... Sit and have a slice, "You know. If you're not in a hurry, you really should try their buffet bar too. What do you think? My treat. Not like your to go box is going anywhere without ya."
Dhara: She smiled up at him and tilted her head, thinking about his offer. "Well, this medium is going to last a couple days. But if you want to sit and talk?"
Jayden: : Blinked in surprise at her words. So she was the eat like a bird type. That crooked grin continued, cheesy as it was. Women were completely adorable. Jayd all by himself could go through his large within a matter of minutes, "Sure." He thumbed over to a booth, "They keep that one cleanest because it's the first one people see when they come in."
Dhara: "Clean is good." She said with a chuckle, moving towards the booth, she set her box down and stood by the table, waiting for him. She then offered him a small, delicate looking hand. "I'm Dhara."
Jayden: : Jayd followed her over ad took the seat opposite her. Meeting people in booths. Was this going to become a habit, he had to wonder. He took the hand, and gave it a small, careful shake like he was afraid he'd break her if he were too rambunctious about it, "Jayden - Jayd. New here?"
Dhara: "Jayd. It is nice to meet you." She slid in opposite him, then shook her head at his question. "No, I moved here almost a year ago. I never intended to stay though." She flashed him a smile and opened her pizza box, and her face fell as she looked inside. "This is not my pizza either." She said with a dismayed sigh, spinning the box around. "There is broccoli in my chicken."
Jayden: : Blinked at the box and snagged it up, the crooked grin returning to his face as he gave her a wink and took the box up to the cash register. He spoke silently to the cashier and tapped the receipt stapled to the top of the box before pointing over to Dhara. The cashier apologized and took the box back to get the order straightened out and Jayd went back to his seat, "Look forward to a box of free breadsticks with it when it comes back in 15-30 minutes as the hopefully correct order." Jayd obviously did not mess around when it came to his food! That or maybe it's just that he's lived here his whole life and has been to this place too much.
Dhara: She was surprised when he took the box, blushing by the time he returned. "You didn't have to do that. But thank you. It is appreciated." She cracked open the bottle of water she'd purchased to go with her meal. "I do like bread sticks..." She mused almost thoughtfully, her eyes finding him again. "What about you? How long have you lived here?"
Jayden: : Kept up his cheesy grin as he finally took a slice of his own pizza and a bite of it. At first he was going to answer with a full mouth, but stopped himself before he did. He swallowed it down, "Since I was five. I don't suggest this shithole as a perma-residencey."
Dhara: She watched him with a small smile, it seemed to be permanently affixed to her face. "No? Then why are you still here? You do not look to be five anymore."
Jayden: : Seemed to be giving the answer a long, hard thought. What he came up with was to toast her with his slice, "The food. Not the same down in Iowa. My dad moved us there before, but I moved back when it was time to go to college for the food."
Dhara: She laughed softly and sipped her water. "I like food." She admitted thoughtfully. "That's part of why I travel so much. A small part, but part. What did you study in college?"
Jayden: : His cheesy, lopsided grin grew when he managed to make the woman smile, "I'm still in the process of being a Student, though I'm almost done. Things to help with my field of work. Business, Mechanics, Robotics, Computers, Artificial Intelligence. The usual stuff." Despite it being the truth, it came across joking. Jayd had a bit of a social anxiety and being a wise crack was how he handled it. Especially with women. He liked to make them laugh.
Dhara: Her brows arched slightly. "I would not call that the 'usual stuff', except maybe the maths portions. Sounds like you are very intelligent if you work in robotics and artificial intellegence. Do you enjoy it?"
Jayden: : Nodded, "It's amazing what we can do." His eyes lit a bit like a kid with a toy. Jayd obviously enjoyed his work, "Or rather. It's amazing what they can do. I have one with me. Wanna see?" He was already grabbing Gizmo out of his bag before the woman could answer. The little fluffball whined at always being stuffed in the bag when Jayd and he went out but upon seeing a lady, he walked across the table and cooed and did his little lullaby by, holding the little hands out in hopes of getting to sit in her lap instead of on the table, "He's one I made."
Dhara: "He's a robot?" Her eyes were wide, awe filled her voice as she watched and listened to the creature. She looked up at Jayd, then cupped her hands and held them at the level of the table, almost shyly. "Is it okay if I hold him?" She asked, finally looking up at Jayd again.
Pizza, Zombies and Robots, Oh My! (Jayden)
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- Posts: 687
- Joined: 30 Jun 2014, 22:42
- CrowNet Handle: Music@Midnight
Pizza, Zombies and Robots, Oh My! (Jayden)

Banner by Flynn
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- Joined: 18 Aug 2013, 23:14
- CrowNet Handle: Mayhem
Re: Pizza, Zombies and Robots, Oh My! (Jayden)
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
Jayden: : Jayd's grin brightened and he nodded, both in answer to her question of his robotics and to holding him, "He's a little ham. If you ignore his constant talking and humming a tune though, you'll hear the humming of what makes him run. I can take him apart and show ya." He waggled his eyebrows at the little creature on the table who squealed and held it's chubby little arms out to the woman in the predisposition fright.
Dhara: "Oh don't take him apart!" She scooped up the little robot and snuggled it close, thinking it was quite possibly the cutest thing she had ever seen. "So he likes to sing? I love music, too." She was half talking to Jayd and half talking to the robot, making little cooing noises at him.
Jayden: : Chuckled, "Nah. I wouldn't take him apart. I threaten to destroy him all the time but I wouldn't. All the coding and assemblage and the waste of time it would be!" He took another large bite of his slice and then another. In three bites a large slice was gone. Jayd definitely was a boy his age, so to speak.
Jayden: : Jayd watched the robotic coo back at the woman and rolled his eyes at the little ham. Gizmo started humming his little spray of 'conversation' which really you had to REALLY pay attention to realize the thing was actually talking and not just baby talking gibberish. And finally Gizmo started humming his song from the movie again to see if the woman wanted to hum it with him.
Dhara: She watched Jayd, her fingers stroking through the plush fur of the little creature. She listened to the cooing, then the humming, picking up the rather simple tune, she hummed along with him, she had no idea what the creature was, but it was absolutely adorable.
Jayden: : "So... You said you travel a lot?" Jayd tilted his head when he inquired. He made a face at the little Mogwai that had a smug grin on its smarmy little face across the table at him because it was getting cuddles and he wasn't.
Dhara: "Hm?" She looked up from the creature and gave a shy smile, she had forgotten Jayd was there for a moment. "Forgive me, that was terribly rude of me." She said apologetically, freeing a hand to sip her water. "Yes. I usually don't stay more than a week in any one place. Certainly never this long since I began my travels."
Jayden: : Instantly stopped making the face when she started to look back up. He smiled, sheepishly, "Nah, s'cool. He always shows me up. Women like cute little Gizmo." Jayd would end up eating the whole pizza before he ever made it out of the place, because he had just downed his third or fourth slice, "Oh, man. Rude. Sorry. Want a slice? It's got everytone on it though, yanno, like EVERYTHING they have in this joint as a topping. But if you're cool with that, feel free.... So... What job makes you move around so much?"
Dhara: "No thank you." She said to his offer of pizza, looking down at the creature, then back up. "He is adorable. I have never seen anything like him." She heard her name called and placed the small robot on the table. Inching from the booth, she made her way to the counter, double checking her pizza and thanking them for the breadsticks. When she came back, she opened the breadsticks and set them between herself and Jayd. Scooping up Gizmo, she cradled him in one arm, then took a slice of her pizza, finishing half of it it quick, neat bites before speaking again after a sip of water. "I do not have a job, per se. I am sort of... well.. you know what a bard is?"
Jayden: : Blinked and nodded, "Anyone who's played any MMORPGs knows what a bard is. Hell, anyone with half a brain cell knows what a bard is." Since he was staying to talk. He slid out of his side of the booth and went up to their fridge, grabbing a two litre out and throwing a few dollars on the cash-counter for them before going back. Definitely a boy his age. Even when he was human, he didn't really have to do much to work this kind of calorie intake off.
Dhara: She watched him as she finished her slice and started a second, swallowing and wiping her mouth when he returned. "Have some bread sticks?" She offered as he sat, then smiled. "I don't know what at MMORPG is..." She admitted sheepishly. "But I am a bard... or a minstrel. Whatever term you use. I wander from place to place and sing my songs and play music. Sometimes I do other things like washing dishes or walking animals. Just enough to earn the cash to move on to another place."
Jayden: : Gave a sheepish grin back, "It's a type of game." He nodded, "That's pretty neat. However, if you're going to stick around here, don't go out after night -too many crazies. Don't go into the QZ -Virus. And don't get sucked into cults. This place is a breeding ground for crazies. Not safe."
Dhara: "I um... sort of... well you know." She hedged, watching him. Her last encounter was with a terrible man who'd threatened her so now she was nervous. But Jayd seemed safe enough. She looked down at the creature, then up at Jayd. "I live in the QZ..."
Jayden: : Oh god. This was going to be Sati all over again, Difference? He didn't have an extra apartment to stick her in. "Are you being safe?"
Dhara: She nodded and smiled. "I like to think so. And I recently took a job that will having me moving house. The apartment in Corvidae is rent free... and when you make money the way I do... well it helps." She grinned at him and finished off the half slice in her hand.
Jayden: : "Good. Getting out of Corvidae would be a VERY good idea." He grinned back, finally taking a bread stick and downing it in one bite. He then took a rather large guzzle of his drink. "If you need any help moving your stuff, I can help!"
Dhara: She smiled as she watched him, then shook her head. "I could not ask that of you. We just met. And I am not in the habit of inviting strangers to my home." She canted her head, wondering something and just decided to blurt it out. "Because of the zombies you mean? About it being good to move out."
Jayden: : Choked a bit on the second breadstick he was downing. He smacked a hand over her mouth and looked around, "Z-Z-Zombies?" ... Did she really know? She sounded fairly sure, "You... Can't tell people you know about that stuff. It'll get you killed around here."
Dhara: She blinked in surprise when he fairly came over the table and covered her mouth, but instead of fighting it, she slid the water towards him in offer, her amber eyes watching him. He could probably feel her small smile against his fingers.
Jayden: : He scratched his number out on a napkin for her, "Listen, call me if anything turns up. But really. Don't spread what you know around. It's dangerous. Okay?" He offered her a nervous smile before scooping up his now nearly empty box and two litre.
Dhara: She looked at the napkin, then at him and nodded with a frown. "I know. About it all." She shrugged and watched him. "I didn't mean to chase you off..."
Jayden: : "No! You aren't chasing me off. I just have to get back. I kinda have a crazy after me so I'm not really supposed to be MIA." He grinned, cheesily. "But... Reallly. Shhh. On what you know. You'll live longer." He frowned a bit.
Dhara: She nodded slightly, her smile, though it lingered, seemed a little sad. She'd been enjoying the company. "Well alright. Be safe." She said, taking her water and sipping it slowly, then watching him. "I guess I'll see you around some time?"
Jayden: : "Yeah! If you go to Marvelous Mayhem or Mirror Mirage or Malevolent Machinery, those are all my places. If a guy named Dante is there, give him a shout. He's kinda my proxy man." He gave her a cheesy wink and departed out the door.
Dhara: She tried to remember the names of the places but before she could even get out 'good bye' he was gone. She sighed and looked down, noticing the little creature still nestled in the crook of her arm. "Oh no..." She gazed at the small thing and decided she'd look for Jayden or this Dante person tomorrow to return the robot.
Jayden: : Darted back in when he realized what he had forgotten. He grinned sheepishly, sitting his bag down to pick the Mogwai up and put it in said bag, "Kinda need him. Sorry." Gizmo fussed and threw out Jayd's handwritten report because of a douche professor as revenge for being taken from a pretty lady. Without Jayd realizing what the Mogwai did, he darted out again.
Dhara: She handed the robot over willingly and shook her head at the way he rushed around. She just chuckled and stood up, gathering up the remains of her dinner, except the bread sticks. As she was almost ready to leave, she saw the sheaf of papers with Jayd's name. She collected them and put them in her bag. Instead of hunting him to return a robot, she'd now have to find him to return his papers.
Jayden: : Jayd's grin brightened and he nodded, both in answer to her question of his robotics and to holding him, "He's a little ham. If you ignore his constant talking and humming a tune though, you'll hear the humming of what makes him run. I can take him apart and show ya." He waggled his eyebrows at the little creature on the table who squealed and held it's chubby little arms out to the woman in the predisposition fright.
Dhara: "Oh don't take him apart!" She scooped up the little robot and snuggled it close, thinking it was quite possibly the cutest thing she had ever seen. "So he likes to sing? I love music, too." She was half talking to Jayd and half talking to the robot, making little cooing noises at him.
Jayden: : Chuckled, "Nah. I wouldn't take him apart. I threaten to destroy him all the time but I wouldn't. All the coding and assemblage and the waste of time it would be!" He took another large bite of his slice and then another. In three bites a large slice was gone. Jayd definitely was a boy his age, so to speak.
Jayden: : Jayd watched the robotic coo back at the woman and rolled his eyes at the little ham. Gizmo started humming his little spray of 'conversation' which really you had to REALLY pay attention to realize the thing was actually talking and not just baby talking gibberish. And finally Gizmo started humming his song from the movie again to see if the woman wanted to hum it with him.
Dhara: She watched Jayd, her fingers stroking through the plush fur of the little creature. She listened to the cooing, then the humming, picking up the rather simple tune, she hummed along with him, she had no idea what the creature was, but it was absolutely adorable.
Jayden: : "So... You said you travel a lot?" Jayd tilted his head when he inquired. He made a face at the little Mogwai that had a smug grin on its smarmy little face across the table at him because it was getting cuddles and he wasn't.
Dhara: "Hm?" She looked up from the creature and gave a shy smile, she had forgotten Jayd was there for a moment. "Forgive me, that was terribly rude of me." She said apologetically, freeing a hand to sip her water. "Yes. I usually don't stay more than a week in any one place. Certainly never this long since I began my travels."
Jayden: : Instantly stopped making the face when she started to look back up. He smiled, sheepishly, "Nah, s'cool. He always shows me up. Women like cute little Gizmo." Jayd would end up eating the whole pizza before he ever made it out of the place, because he had just downed his third or fourth slice, "Oh, man. Rude. Sorry. Want a slice? It's got everytone on it though, yanno, like EVERYTHING they have in this joint as a topping. But if you're cool with that, feel free.... So... What job makes you move around so much?"
Dhara: "No thank you." She said to his offer of pizza, looking down at the creature, then back up. "He is adorable. I have never seen anything like him." She heard her name called and placed the small robot on the table. Inching from the booth, she made her way to the counter, double checking her pizza and thanking them for the breadsticks. When she came back, she opened the breadsticks and set them between herself and Jayd. Scooping up Gizmo, she cradled him in one arm, then took a slice of her pizza, finishing half of it it quick, neat bites before speaking again after a sip of water. "I do not have a job, per se. I am sort of... well.. you know what a bard is?"
Jayden: : Blinked and nodded, "Anyone who's played any MMORPGs knows what a bard is. Hell, anyone with half a brain cell knows what a bard is." Since he was staying to talk. He slid out of his side of the booth and went up to their fridge, grabbing a two litre out and throwing a few dollars on the cash-counter for them before going back. Definitely a boy his age. Even when he was human, he didn't really have to do much to work this kind of calorie intake off.
Dhara: She watched him as she finished her slice and started a second, swallowing and wiping her mouth when he returned. "Have some bread sticks?" She offered as he sat, then smiled. "I don't know what at MMORPG is..." She admitted sheepishly. "But I am a bard... or a minstrel. Whatever term you use. I wander from place to place and sing my songs and play music. Sometimes I do other things like washing dishes or walking animals. Just enough to earn the cash to move on to another place."
Jayden: : Gave a sheepish grin back, "It's a type of game." He nodded, "That's pretty neat. However, if you're going to stick around here, don't go out after night -too many crazies. Don't go into the QZ -Virus. And don't get sucked into cults. This place is a breeding ground for crazies. Not safe."
Dhara: "I um... sort of... well you know." She hedged, watching him. Her last encounter was with a terrible man who'd threatened her so now she was nervous. But Jayd seemed safe enough. She looked down at the creature, then up at Jayd. "I live in the QZ..."
Jayden: : Oh god. This was going to be Sati all over again, Difference? He didn't have an extra apartment to stick her in. "Are you being safe?"
Dhara: She nodded and smiled. "I like to think so. And I recently took a job that will having me moving house. The apartment in Corvidae is rent free... and when you make money the way I do... well it helps." She grinned at him and finished off the half slice in her hand.
Jayden: : "Good. Getting out of Corvidae would be a VERY good idea." He grinned back, finally taking a bread stick and downing it in one bite. He then took a rather large guzzle of his drink. "If you need any help moving your stuff, I can help!"
Dhara: She smiled as she watched him, then shook her head. "I could not ask that of you. We just met. And I am not in the habit of inviting strangers to my home." She canted her head, wondering something and just decided to blurt it out. "Because of the zombies you mean? About it being good to move out."
Jayden: : Choked a bit on the second breadstick he was downing. He smacked a hand over her mouth and looked around, "Z-Z-Zombies?" ... Did she really know? She sounded fairly sure, "You... Can't tell people you know about that stuff. It'll get you killed around here."
Dhara: She blinked in surprise when he fairly came over the table and covered her mouth, but instead of fighting it, she slid the water towards him in offer, her amber eyes watching him. He could probably feel her small smile against his fingers.
Jayden: : He scratched his number out on a napkin for her, "Listen, call me if anything turns up. But really. Don't spread what you know around. It's dangerous. Okay?" He offered her a nervous smile before scooping up his now nearly empty box and two litre.
Dhara: She looked at the napkin, then at him and nodded with a frown. "I know. About it all." She shrugged and watched him. "I didn't mean to chase you off..."
Jayden: : "No! You aren't chasing me off. I just have to get back. I kinda have a crazy after me so I'm not really supposed to be MIA." He grinned, cheesily. "But... Reallly. Shhh. On what you know. You'll live longer." He frowned a bit.
Dhara: She nodded slightly, her smile, though it lingered, seemed a little sad. She'd been enjoying the company. "Well alright. Be safe." She said, taking her water and sipping it slowly, then watching him. "I guess I'll see you around some time?"
Jayden: : "Yeah! If you go to Marvelous Mayhem or Mirror Mirage or Malevolent Machinery, those are all my places. If a guy named Dante is there, give him a shout. He's kinda my proxy man." He gave her a cheesy wink and departed out the door.
Dhara: She tried to remember the names of the places but before she could even get out 'good bye' he was gone. She sighed and looked down, noticing the little creature still nestled in the crook of her arm. "Oh no..." She gazed at the small thing and decided she'd look for Jayden or this Dante person tomorrow to return the robot.
Jayden: : Darted back in when he realized what he had forgotten. He grinned sheepishly, sitting his bag down to pick the Mogwai up and put it in said bag, "Kinda need him. Sorry." Gizmo fussed and threw out Jayd's handwritten report because of a douche professor as revenge for being taken from a pretty lady. Without Jayd realizing what the Mogwai did, he darted out again.
Dhara: She handed the robot over willingly and shook her head at the way he rushed around. She just chuckled and stood up, gathering up the remains of her dinner, except the bread sticks. As she was almost ready to leave, she saw the sheaf of papers with Jayd's name. She collected them and put them in her bag. Instead of hunting him to return a robot, she'd now have to find him to return his papers.

Healthy Complexion & Mortal Aura