Meeting of Chance (Trahir, Velveteen)

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Trahir Trahison
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Meeting of Chance (Trahir, Velveteen)

Post by Trahir Trahison »

--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--

Velveteen - Velveteen had been busy crafting for most of the even and after having broken her final part for the evening she stood and wandered across the wooden floor wondering what needed her attention next. The card that had been given her the night before lay on the table where she left it and she picked it up to give it a closer inspection. Interesting. The tip of her finger traced a soft line across the leather that felt more like human skin than any other material she had come in contact with. The idea both amused and repulsed her but prompted her to ring the number. The card was tossed back on the table once the number was dialed and she paced as she waited for the other to answer.

Trahir - Trahir has been busy looking through real estate listings and trying to figure which ones he can broker a deal for at night. This would be when a thrall would come in handy, a ghoul as the books he's been reading refers to them. When the phone rings on his mahogany desk he is battering away at the keyboard and comparing listing of apartments in Veil Tower and Corvidae Flats. Real estate in his estimate is always a good bet. There also was a building that caught his interest, specifically a mansion at the north of town. After four rings he taps the bluetooth button at his neck and fumbles an ear bud into place. "Trahir. How may I help you?"

Velveteen - "Trahiiir," She let the name roll off her tongue like she had the previous evening when saying it for the very first time. There was a short pause then before she realised that he was likely wondering who the hell she was. "Hey! It's Velveteen. We met last night at the...Hookah Joint." She didn't even attempt to say the name of the place knowing she would fail miserably. "How are you? Hope you don't mind my calling."

Trahir - "Miss Velveteen, I hadn't been expecting a call from you so soon. I hope the evening finds you well?" Trahir is in all honesty not surprised at all. He knows the Masquerade is at risk more from an ignorant neonate such as himself with nothing but a book to guide him than by any other one factor. Empowered by newfound power, emboldened by the thrill of the blood, he can see why that's the case. "To what do I own the honor?" He looks over at the fish tank nearby, the fish tank he had wanted in the bedroom but Corentine had not seemed so thrilled with. He makes a mental note to bring home some leftovers from the slums for the fish.

Velveteen - The woman had stopped by the table and leaned into it as she pressed the device to her ear. "The honour?" This brought a genuine laugh from her. "You really are new to all this aren't ya?" She asked, her australian accent clearly obvious on the air ways. " be honest, I was wondering if you were busy. Could maybe meet up somewhere just to have a I got the impression you don't have a lot in the way of guidance at the moment and if I can help avoid have to hunt you down one night then I would like to be able to do so."

Trahir - "I have been keeping my actions relegated to the slums and have avoided contact with my... past life entirely. Those closest to me are no longer factors on that front." He stops and thinks it through though. "But of course, I would appreciate any guidance you could offer. As you stated I am new to all of this and to be honest, being hunted down doesn't sound like a sport I would enjoy. I prefer to be the hunter."

Velveteen - The fact that she hadn't already seen the guys name on the violations list was a good indication that he at least had a decent head on his shoulders but couldn't hurt to check in to double check. "Umm...Thornside the river? Westwall end. Meet you there?" She waited for a response just in case it wasn't suitable which was a little out of character for her. Usually she would have just hung up and been half way there, simply expecting the other party to show.

Trahir - He mulled it over. The setting of a time and place gave an advantage to the one doing the setting. Not used to giving away any advantages had served him well in his past life. In this one though, he was in no position to truly dictate any types of terms. He was to be a pupil, or possibly killed. If he was going to be taught, he needed to do ask requested to learn. If he was going to be killed, well, he doubted that higher ground would save him. "Sounds good. I'm on my way". Before he is finished speaking he is out the door, down the stairwell and half way there via the vampiric blood infusing dead muscles with supernatural celerity.

Velveteen - She didn't bother responding and grabbed her jacket that hung over the back of a nearby chair, shrugging it on as she stepped through a portal that would put her close to where she wanted to be. It was only minutes before she was wandering along the north edge of the river keeping an eye out for the man she had met last night. He seemed quiet at the time but that could have simply been the fact that he was in the room full of people he didn't know or....the other option was that he was a person who tended to watch, learning what he could about those around him. She suspected the latter.

Trahir - Speaking of which, on a rooftop nearby the young vampire is calmly watching her walk and checking out all the other people nearby. None of them give that feeling of familiarity that vampires give him, but neither had his hostess last night at the party. Ah well, he'd find out soon enough. Down the fire escape and across the street toward her he jogs at a leisurely pace. His trenchcoat billows out only slightly behind him as he does, his hair in a ponytail tonight, out of his face. Combat boots, a black sweater and a gold chain with an ankh complete his ensemble this evening. "Miss Velveteen, sorry about the wait. I got here as soon as I could safely" he says as he draws near.

Velveteen - She could sense him before she saw him but she didn't show any outwards signs of it, instead looking a little surprised at the sound of her name. "Just Velveteen is fine...or Vel even and don't apologise. I haven't been here long." She strolled towards a nearby park bench and slid onto it , silently inviting him to join her with just a gesture of her hand which disappeared into a pocket immediately after. "Thanks for coming at all." She grinned crookedly and tilted her head to the side a little as she shifted her gaze to look out over the river. "This probably seems a bit weird huh?"

Trahir - Trahir sits down next to her, hand likewise in the pockets of his jacket. "Truth be told if it seemed mundane if would be out of place with everything else that's been happening lately." He hasn't taken the time to get to know many spots in the city since... well... since dying. ""I do appreciate any help you can offer me. This is all very different."

Velveteen - Velveteen chuckled softly and nodded. "Aint that the truth, though....hang around long enough and even the strange becomes normal. Chatting with random newly turned isn't something that I do a lot of to be honest. Most I don't even know about until they turn up on the violations list so if I can help even one avoid that happening then it is a good thing. That in turn can only help those that you may turn yourself. Ignorance is something that seems to be handed down from sire to childe and before we know it we have a whole bunch of problems running around without a ******* clue. How long have you been a vampire?"

Trahir - He thinks back a moment, "Since the 16th. I've sired, I have a grand-childe, she is very astute and learns quickly. She adjusting very well and is no threat to the Masquerade. My childe, well, I did what I could to point him in the right direction to find help but I didn't think the blind leading the blind was in anyone's best interest. He was turned in a moment of regret. I didn't want to murder him and he was my first feed. I embraced him instead and er... pointed him toward Lancasters to seek employment." This is the most he's said to anyone outside of Corentine since the embrace. He looks a little uncomfortable at the mention of siring. "They are both doing fairly well."

Velveteen - She couldn't help but look a little surprised though she wasn't sure really. It seemed to be one of the first things the fledglings did...make more. "I am really happy to hear it. I...take vampire secrecy very seriously and tend to hunt those among us that break it. Though...I know it's not a viable long term option I do think that our introduction to the humans population is one that needs to be handled carefully and they have to know or at least believe that we are not a threat to them." She leaned back against the hard wooden surface behind her and kicked one ankle over the other. "Though I am curious as to what you do or don't know on that front. It seems you have done rather well despite your lack of real guidance. How does that happen?"
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Re: Meeting of Chance (Trahir, Velveteen)

Post by Velveteen »

--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--

Trahir - "Mostly books." he explains. He tells her about the role playing games he has read, the websites, not all true, not all useful. By erring mainly on the side of caution and experimenting when he knew it to be safe to he'd pieced together enough to stay under the radar, start making some money and stay fed well. "Perhaps some luck was involved too."

Velveteen - Velveteen listen curiously and bobbed her head occasionally as she listened. It amused her to hear some of the sources he had relied on but had to admit that the fact that they had helped was of itself rather impressive. She narrowed her gaze thoughtfully for a moment. "You are the kind of person I tend to look out for actually...though I did not expect to admitting that. You seem rather resourceful. Obviously have a good , working brain and don't mind doing what you have to....I like that. But as far as help goes...I am more than willing to share what knowledge I have that will help you and yours."

Trahir - "Thank you Velveteen" he says with a smile. "Would it be alright to perhaps bring Corentine with me when we next meet? I believe she too would benefit. I am taking her out to hunt soon, she already has a good grasp on keeping a low profile. I've told her what little I know." He goes on, "I guess most of my questions are sociopolitical. The who to meet and who to steer clear of. I don't mind being on my own but I know that eventually I'll cross paths with others. I've seen too many on the streets at night not to."

Velveteen - Her laugh carried on the breeze., genuine and melodical. "Seriously....asking me who to meet and not meet is probably not going to be very helpful. I tend to think the general population at large is ....unworthy." She sat forward and tucked her feet under the bench beneath her. "I would like to meet her." She said with a curious tilt to her head. "This is probably a little bit ahead of things but what do you think you want for yourself in this life?"

Trahir - Trahir thought about the question for a good long while before leaning forward and scooping up a rock, tossing it toward the river. "Not to be the stone. After I get that figured out, work on living in a lavish lifestyle with servants galore somewhere in Europe. Maybe a castle somewhere in rural Russia where I can live nice and secluded and the villagers are too superstitious to be paid any attention. Until then, survive and thrive quietly, make contacts. Stick to feeding from the criminal type."

Velveteen - Velveteen nodded as she listened though the meeting hadn't quite gone as she planned. She honestly thought she was coming to provide assistance, give advice and maybe even offer to be a more permanent type mentor but it seemed that for one so young this guys was all over it. To say that she was just a little bit impressed was a slight understatement. She fell silent for a time as the sharp edges of her teeth scraped thoughtfully at her lower lip. "So your wish is really to be...alone?" She shifted a little and twisted the upper half of her body to face the male. "I mean more that well....I lead a faction. A group of vampires with similar goals to each other. We do our best to protect vampire secrecy and survival among other things." She wasn't about to get into the details but instead offer just enough to gauge the males interest. "Do you think you might be interested in being part of a group that could both teach and aid you in your desired goals?"

Trahir - "I am interested actually. The move to a desolate region holds no appeal and isn't likely to occur for a long time. Hopefully there will still be desolate areas by then." He gives a small laugh and adds "May I bring my grand-childe with me? I think she could benefit from the same tutelage." He doesn't mention his childe, that one is a mistake Trahir intends to eventually address. For now there is no reason to. He'll wait until it becomes convenient.

Velveteen - A small smile crept across her lips and her silver orbs lit up just a little. Tytonidae was her passion. second only to her husband and the prospect of a new member always excited her a little bit though her expression changed slightly at the mention of his grande-childe. "We are a very select group and there is a process. While I’m not saying no to your bringing your grande-childe I think it would be better for you to go through the initiation process first. That will also give me a chance to meet her and will give you a chance to decide if the faction really is for you. We aren't...everyone’s cup of tea." She hoped that wasn't a deal breaker and paused to give him time to process.

Trahir - Trahir simply nods. "Very well.” He's fine with delays, if Corentine will make a good fit, she will make a good fit. The when of it doesn't matter to him. "What are the requirements I would be judged on for the initiation?"

Velveteen - "We have a place called the Bridge. That is where you will spend the assessment period. During that time you may be grilled by faction members on different beliefs and desires for the future and your knowledge so far. It is also during this stage you will be assessed on your interactions. socially, during hunts and/or meetings. For the duration you will come under our umbrella of protection. The faction is made up of some rather strong personalities and your ability to deal with such will also be put to the test." She chuckled and cast her glance sideways. "And in case you didn't pick up on it the other night my husband can be rather...possessive. He doesn't like me bringing strange men home. But he is pretty damned awesome once you get to know him."

Trahir - "Will I be able to spend days at my own haven during that period or is there a communal one I will have to be at?" He isn't put off by questions, he knows what he knows and as far as hunting goes, well, he hunts the targets that people don't just not notice, but ~want~ gone. The gangs, the killers. Trahir hunts them because he doesn't connect with them. He hunts them because if he kills them he doesn't feel bad. "I am no threat to anybodies relationship. I'm in no position to be." He doesn't elaborate further on the matter.

Velveteen - She nodded in answer to his first question. "Of course....Unless there is some threat which may require you to stay at the Eyrie which is the faction hangout." She shifted to tug her phone from her pocket, her finger sliding across the screen in different directions a couple of times before she tucked it away again. "And of should ask any questions you have about anything too. Though you said something earlier about your feeding habits. You know that can still get you in trouble if you aren't careful? And as for being a threat...." She laughed and shook her head. "You don't have to be a threat....just your existence is enough." She didn't elaborate and figured Trahir would find out himself in due time. "So...any other questions before I make the necessary arrangements?"

Trahir - Trahir shakes his head. He doubts she has a cheat sheet up her sleeve for passing this test. No, he will find out as he goes since the test is mutual. A chance to see if he has found a place where he will feel at home. A chance to possibly find like minded individuals. Of course that pales in comparison to the benefit of assistance when it comes to survival. He tells Velveteen as much and then pauses and and states "I hope it leads to a mutually beneficial arrangement."

Velveteen - Velveteen stood and dipped her head. "It has been a pleasure Trahir." She says extending her hand. "I don't personally invite many myself so that in itself is a good thing. I am sure this will be good for both sides and I do look forward to meeting your grand-childe as well." She smiled and tipped her head. "I tend to believe that things happen for a reason and I don't believe your turning up at the event the other night is an exception."

Trahir - Rising he takes her hand and presses the space between index and middle knuckle to his lips. "The pleasure is mine Velveteen, I look forward to introducing the two of you. She is very dear to me and I'm sure she has much to offer." He releases her hand, straightening back up and taking a step back. "Is there anything I should bring with me when I am to meet the others?"

Velveteen - She tucked her hand back in her pocket and chuckled not having expected the old fashioned gesture. "Just a thick skin." She grinned and dipped her head once more. "I will contact you shortly to let you know when everything is in place. Stay safe Trahir." With that the dark haired vampire seemed to vanish into thin air.

Trahir - He tosses another rock toward the river, gone before it makes it to the water's surface. Walking into the lobby of Veil Tower he turns and heads for the elevator. He has some research to do.
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