The turning had been hard on Lorelai but she was doing her best to maintain control of herself and not to slip into nothingness. It had been easier to cope with everything that had happened to her as a human as she could drink her problems away; a few shots of vodka and handful of pills and she could drift away. Of course, as a vampire, the things that had made life liveable were no longer there. What was worse, was the fact that she'd of rather died than been turned into what she was now. A part of her hated Pru for what she'd done and yet a stronger part of her thought Pru the most amazing woman on the planet. She'd considered the woman to be some sort of angel before her turning, having been fed her blood had only deepened this knowledge for her. Lorelai would be forever devoted to Prudence, whether she wanted to be or not. She no longer had a choice in that. Not that Lorelai was the sort to look unfavourably on anyone. Given time, she likely would have grown to love her sire in her own way, as she always sought to see the best in people. Nature had just given her a helping hand in this in the moment she'd been reborn.This RP takes place on Tue Dec 02, 2014.
Nature had not been so kind to Lorelai though, or so she believed. She'd loved being a sorcerer and now she was what her sire called a mind raper; she was a telepath. It was perhaps a fitting path for her but at this time in her life, she was unable to see it. As a sorcerer she had been susceptible to the energies of others and could feel their life forces. As a telepath she was still susceptible to the energies around her only it was on a different level now. She was more in tune with the energies of the technological world. Unfortunately for her, she had retained her ability to see the dead and so not only was she hounded by echos of people past, she was surrounded by lines of communication. So much information. Too much information for one as young as her.
Lorelai had tried wearing noise cancelling headphones and they did help a little but her mind, being what it was, interpreted things in a visual form too. Whether the lines were there or not, she saw them in her own mind. She believed she could reach out and touch them. Pluck them one by one like guitar strings and make them speak to her. Wireless signals were literally everywhere.
The female had been out on the streets when she'd become overwhelmed by it all. She pulled her woollen cardigan tighter around her and slipped down an alleyway so that she could speak to the apparitions that had taken to following her thus far.
"I can't hear you if you all speak at once," she told the dozen or so spirits that had gathered around her. "You all have to stop talking. Please!"
She listened as one by one they told her who they were and what they wanted. Some wanted messages passed on. Other's wanted her to retrieve items and deliver them to their loved ones. One wanted to possess her and say a very personal goodbye to their other half; that was one request she couldn't or perhaps just wouldn't do. In the end it settled for her writing a very a personal good bye letter.
The fact that she could tap into the signals around her at times like this was quite useful. She could piggyback onto almost any connection and do what needed to be done without the fear of what she was doing being traced back to her. This was part of the reason she had a "ghost" account. Messages to loved ones didn't always get a civil reply. People had called her all sorts in the short time she'd been doing this. Recently she'd resigned herself to just clearing the inbox out without reading a word of it.
By the time she was finished, she was little more than a jabbering mess huddled against the wall. She grabbed the hem of her long dress and wrapped it around her ankles, ignoring the cold that had now become second nature to her. The snow didn't bother her; she'd walked around barefoot in it as a human, so a wet bum wasn't going to get her up and off the ground. It wasn't like she was going to catch a cold. Arms around her legs, she placed her head sideways on her knees, staring down the entrance of the alleyway and began to weep; for the ghosts, for her child and for herself.