Slowly the chair revolved. The only sound was the clump of one spiked New Rock, and the dragging of the other. Around and around, the massive black leather chair rotated slowly. A sure sign that its occupent was lost in thought, surfing deep through the alleys of the internet. The search would seem frivolous to many, most even, but it was one he felt he had to do. The killer had spent an evening in Pandora's Box a month or so ago. It was spent in the back room, with the owner, a flamboyant, colorful, gypsy that went by the name of Zodiac. Her mystical powers had been reinforced and strengthed, the night a vampire named Scorpia had sunk her fangs into the woman and turned her. By odd coincedence, the male in the chair had been a killer, whose skills had advanced profoundly, when the same female vampire, had done the same thing to him. A more powerful mystic. A more powerful killer. Related, in the way of vampires, for that is what they now were.
The evening in question had had a profound affect on the massive killer. The two had sat on opposite sides of a table for hours, while the colorful mystic had flipped cards over, one by one. As each had hit the table, the gypsy with a streak of purple adorning her otherwise long dark hair had intoned the meaning and portent of each in turn. The killer had sat quietly for the most part, eyes riveted to the cards, and motions of the lithe hands wielding them, as his mind had processed and correlated each explantion to his past and present situation, trying to find a path that would guide his future in the way he felt necessary. At the begining he was skeptical, but he had as always kept an open mind. He had heard too much about the results of Zodiac's readings to dismiss them out of hand. Not understanding, was no reason to ridicule.
The cards had spoken, and spoken well. They had described his past and present with unerring accuracy. The killer had to give creedance to what the cards set out for his future, the descriptions of the other times had been too true. When he had finally left, he had taken the words of advice to heart, and actively tried to follow them. At first there had been no obvious change, but it was only a few weeks, before the changes showed results. He could tell in the way others reacted to him, but especially and most importantly, in his time with kennedy.
The chair stopped, his search was over. He had found the perfect thing. The corners of his lips quirked up into a small smile, as he studied the picture, then clicked 'buy it now'. One of the benefits of owning two successful businesses was the fact that price seldom mattered. When you found what you wanted, you bought it, period. A side benefit is with one of them being an import export and sales type business, was the fleet of delivery vehicles, and army of trained employees, waiting to do your bidding. Last week, he had sent a truck south, headed into the farmland of Ontario. It was expected back any moment, with its precious cargo. A Shire stallion. He smiled at the thought of the newest addition to his growing menagerie. A tap on the intercom, and a few terse words made sure that his assistant Victoria had the address and instruction, and a crew was on the way. This time as he closed his eyes and swung the chair around, head laid back, it was a smile of satisfaction, that ghosted the lips on his normally expressionless face.
Once more, another night began in the swiveling chair. It reminded him of a Bill Murray movie he had seen long ago as a human. Every night seemed to begin in this chair. Scanning the Webz and spinning about. Tonight was special though the crew would be back with the present, the present for Zodiac. The gps tracker on truck beeped as it reentered the city limits, a red dot tracing its path on the electronic map display showing on his comp. Leaving the office he settled the stetson on his head as he barked orders to the counter staff to radio the crew, and have them meet him in Honeymead, at Pandora's Box. Stepping outside he took a quick look to be sure he was unobserved, then burst into action, running across the city at speed so fast that no human eye could see him as he passed them. Slipping inside he glanced around, and not seeing the proprietor, reached out mind to mind with the opening chords of an old Santana song. ''Meet me Pandora's, I have something for you.''
yuletime thank you [Zo]
- Registered User
- Posts: 1697
- Joined: 28 Dec 2011, 23:17
- CrowNet Handle: Mordechai
yuletime thank you [Zo]
''Si vis pacem, para bellum'' ~*~*~*~*~*~ ''morituri te salutant''
''Deep within the shadows I'm the hungry wolf you fear''
''Si vis pacem, para bellum'' ~*~*~*~*~*~ ''morituri te salutant''
''Deep within the shadows I'm the hungry wolf you fear''
- Zodiac
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- Posts: 1987
- Joined: 02 Aug 2011, 22:23
- CrowNet Handle: Raggedy Ann
- Location: The Pandora Project
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Re: yuletime thank you [Zo]
"Just a little longer now."
The gypsy girl leaned back in the chair and rubbed her temples. This was the second year she had endured this, so part of her had hoped it would get easier as time went on, but it had begun to become apparent each year would hold a new set of problems for her little empire. Thank the goddess for Jennifer to help her keep it all spinning around with as few wronks as possible. The small gift wrapped box sat in the depths of her purse with the car keys and paperwork inside of it. A token of how much the girl meant to her and all of this. If she was still alive, the gypsy would have probably proposed by now, but was not to be.
She closed out the ledgers on the computer and stood up to stretch. The Eye was her last stop for the night. The plans for employee gifts and bonuses all in place plus her own personal shopping was completed. Food baskets for the homeless and in need had already been sent out as well. The last bits of stock had finally drifted in and now sat on the shelves till after Christmas, then a whole new mini blitz of sales and returns to be contended with. Two to three weeks at best and things would finally drift back to normal.
She could only hope.
"C'mon, precious," her thoughts brushed those of the cat that was dozing on the bookcase as she gathered her things. "Time to head home and get some serious sleeping in." Ginny stood up and did her own set of stretching before following the girl out of the office in The Eye of Zodiac. Some friendly words with her people before exiting the shop and descending to the lower level.
"I will be there as soon as I can. At Veil Towers at the moment," she replied while pulling her cloak tight around her as she entered the cold darkness. The pair walked to the section of the lot reserved for workers in the complex and got into her mini bus. She could have teleported to where he was, but she was tired and did not want the hassle of going back to get the bus later on. The little work horse was pulling extra duty of its own picking up deliveries, taking items to homes and from shop to shop. "Oil change and a total tune up for you soon," she thought while pulling out of the lot. Ginny sat shotgun and watched the colored lights passing as they turned east towards Honeymead.
She pulled into spot at the marketplace and stifled a yawn as she got out. Mordie was one of a handful she would deviate from her plans for, and considering how he was normally, she could only wonder why he had called out like this so suddenly.
She smiled and waved at a pair of customers leaving Pandora's as she entered with Ginny following her at heel. It wasn't hard to spot Mordechai among the other customers. He was like the tip of a mountain poking up out of a sea, though this particular 'sea' was moving around him with a degree of caution. The point of view between her and others always made her smile. She approached Mordie boldly and threw open her arms in expectation of hugs.
"Funny, I don't remember asking for a extra tall giant for Christmas, but look what I find waiting for me." she teased while wrapping her arms around the man as best she could.
The gypsy girl leaned back in the chair and rubbed her temples. This was the second year she had endured this, so part of her had hoped it would get easier as time went on, but it had begun to become apparent each year would hold a new set of problems for her little empire. Thank the goddess for Jennifer to help her keep it all spinning around with as few wronks as possible. The small gift wrapped box sat in the depths of her purse with the car keys and paperwork inside of it. A token of how much the girl meant to her and all of this. If she was still alive, the gypsy would have probably proposed by now, but was not to be.
She closed out the ledgers on the computer and stood up to stretch. The Eye was her last stop for the night. The plans for employee gifts and bonuses all in place plus her own personal shopping was completed. Food baskets for the homeless and in need had already been sent out as well. The last bits of stock had finally drifted in and now sat on the shelves till after Christmas, then a whole new mini blitz of sales and returns to be contended with. Two to three weeks at best and things would finally drift back to normal.
She could only hope.
"C'mon, precious," her thoughts brushed those of the cat that was dozing on the bookcase as she gathered her things. "Time to head home and get some serious sleeping in." Ginny stood up and did her own set of stretching before following the girl out of the office in The Eye of Zodiac. Some friendly words with her people before exiting the shop and descending to the lower level.
"So much for a hot bath," she sighed. Since learning how to daywalk, more of her time was devoted to the shops. It was easy to avoid the daylight traveling place to place, but the strain of staying awake was telling. She would feel better once the sun set, but she never felt totally 'right' again till she got some quality sleep in. Her goals were simple at the moment. A night cap, a hot bath, curl up in bed with a good book and crash out till she woke again. No more readings to be done till after Christmas, so the need for her to be in the shops during the daylight hours was gone, for now.''Meet me Pandora's, I have something for you.''
"I will be there as soon as I can. At Veil Towers at the moment," she replied while pulling her cloak tight around her as she entered the cold darkness. The pair walked to the section of the lot reserved for workers in the complex and got into her mini bus. She could have teleported to where he was, but she was tired and did not want the hassle of going back to get the bus later on. The little work horse was pulling extra duty of its own picking up deliveries, taking items to homes and from shop to shop. "Oil change and a total tune up for you soon," she thought while pulling out of the lot. Ginny sat shotgun and watched the colored lights passing as they turned east towards Honeymead.
She pulled into spot at the marketplace and stifled a yawn as she got out. Mordie was one of a handful she would deviate from her plans for, and considering how he was normally, she could only wonder why he had called out like this so suddenly.
She smiled and waved at a pair of customers leaving Pandora's as she entered with Ginny following her at heel. It wasn't hard to spot Mordechai among the other customers. He was like the tip of a mountain poking up out of a sea, though this particular 'sea' was moving around him with a degree of caution. The point of view between her and others always made her smile. She approached Mordie boldly and threw open her arms in expectation of hugs.
"Funny, I don't remember asking for a extra tall giant for Christmas, but look what I find waiting for me." she teased while wrapping her arms around the man as best she could.
Some day I'm gonna be happy. I don't know when just now

I still have clouds to dance upon, and the moon expects me for tea
The Pandora Project.

I still have clouds to dance upon, and the moon expects me for tea
The Pandora Project.
- Registered User
- Posts: 1697
- Joined: 28 Dec 2011, 23:17
- CrowNet Handle: Mordechai
Re: yuletime thank you [Zo]
Mordechai wandered through the store section of Pandora's Box as inconspicuously as someone over seven foot tall and three hundred ten pounds of muscle could. He stayed to the periphery and out of the main aisles, watching as the eclectic holiday shoppers picked and compared the goods. A slow smile graced his lips as he contemplated how they would react if they actually knew what half the stuff was, and how to use it. Or if they knew that the colorfully flamboyant proprietor, was really a vampire. Or that Death stood so close amongst them, watching their actions like a rancher herding cattle to the slaughterhouse. The killer reached out, touching the minds of the two workers that had just arrived. Following their earlier instructions they had pulled around to the side, and were even now opening the rear loading door of the truck and setting the ramps into place. Following the perimeter of the store, the laconic killer was slipping out the door when his sireling's answer came, informing him that she was on her way. Wondering what the mystic gypsy's reaction would be, he concentrated on her, and eventually pinpointed her location. She was in the middle of a street. Shaking his head Mordechai slipped around the corner, and approached the truck. She must be driving her old mystery van, he would have plenty of time to get this set up.
Calling out to his workers he got everything in motion. "Bill, Ted. You to take the front, I will go inside and push while you pull." There was no doubt who was the strongest of the three, and this way no one would see who or what was providing the power actually needed to move this purchase, nor what mass of muscle became the brake to keep it from crushing bystanders as it came down the truck's ramps. Carefully slipping between the wall and the present Mordechai worked is way into the interior of the truck and braced his New Rock shed feet on the wall to the cab as he set his back to the parcel. "Are you two ready?" he called out as he got settled into position. The answering call of affirmation echoed slightly in the truck body. "Lets get this done then, she is on her way and will be here soon."
Slowly increasing pressure against the wall, cords of muscle began to stand out as the laconic killer strained. Slowly the present began to move. thos idiots would have had to park the truck facing down hill. It was not a steep grade, but with this kind of weight, any grade made a difference. Turning his shoulder into it, Mordechai began to walk forward. Massive thigh muscles quivered as the package neared the door. Timing was everything, as once it hit the ramps, Mordechai would need to become an anchor, not a source of locomotion. The resistance lessened, and as the front slipped over the lip onto the ramps he yelled to the pair of front to slow it, and turned fully around grabbing on to two handholds an planting the cleats of the spiked New Rocks solidly on the truck floor. Bracing his back, Mordechai now reluctantly moved forward one step at a time, easing Zodiac's yule time thank you down the ramps to the asphalt below. Once it finally reached the ground, the killer growled out instructions, and setting his shoulder once more, Mordechai got the package moving again, and the trio guided it to the sidewall, blocking it in position.
Stretching up to his full height Mordechai cocked his head left and right, the vertebrae of his neck cracking as he stretched it. Thanking his workers, he shook the men's hands and sent them on their way back to Riverwood. The killer took a look around, then silently slipped back inside to await his sireling.
Looking out over the small sea of humanity that roamed the shop, Zodiac's arrival was easy to spot. The ravenesque hair with the violet streak, the ever present Ginny winding through the crowd behind her. The killer watched patiently as she greeted a few customers constantly making her way towards him. As she came in on final approach her arms were thrown wide, and he knew that etiquette called for a hug. Mordechai waited silently as the colorful pint sized gypsy wrapped her arms around him, then lowered one arm to envelope her small frame with light pressure. A small chuckle escaped his terse visage as he listened to her light hearted teasing. Slipping from her grasp he took her hand and led her towards the door, the sea of humanity parting like the Red Sea of old, the inherent menace in the size and visage of the killer opening a wide path for them. "Come with me, I have something outside."
Hobbling his pace so that his mystic friend could stay up, he led her out and around the corner. "I saw this, and thought it an appropriate thank you for the work you did in helping me solve my short comings."
Calling out to his workers he got everything in motion. "Bill, Ted. You to take the front, I will go inside and push while you pull." There was no doubt who was the strongest of the three, and this way no one would see who or what was providing the power actually needed to move this purchase, nor what mass of muscle became the brake to keep it from crushing bystanders as it came down the truck's ramps. Carefully slipping between the wall and the present Mordechai worked is way into the interior of the truck and braced his New Rock shed feet on the wall to the cab as he set his back to the parcel. "Are you two ready?" he called out as he got settled into position. The answering call of affirmation echoed slightly in the truck body. "Lets get this done then, she is on her way and will be here soon."
Slowly increasing pressure against the wall, cords of muscle began to stand out as the laconic killer strained. Slowly the present began to move. thos idiots would have had to park the truck facing down hill. It was not a steep grade, but with this kind of weight, any grade made a difference. Turning his shoulder into it, Mordechai began to walk forward. Massive thigh muscles quivered as the package neared the door. Timing was everything, as once it hit the ramps, Mordechai would need to become an anchor, not a source of locomotion. The resistance lessened, and as the front slipped over the lip onto the ramps he yelled to the pair of front to slow it, and turned fully around grabbing on to two handholds an planting the cleats of the spiked New Rocks solidly on the truck floor. Bracing his back, Mordechai now reluctantly moved forward one step at a time, easing Zodiac's yule time thank you down the ramps to the asphalt below. Once it finally reached the ground, the killer growled out instructions, and setting his shoulder once more, Mordechai got the package moving again, and the trio guided it to the sidewall, blocking it in position.
Stretching up to his full height Mordechai cocked his head left and right, the vertebrae of his neck cracking as he stretched it. Thanking his workers, he shook the men's hands and sent them on their way back to Riverwood. The killer took a look around, then silently slipped back inside to await his sireling.
Looking out over the small sea of humanity that roamed the shop, Zodiac's arrival was easy to spot. The ravenesque hair with the violet streak, the ever present Ginny winding through the crowd behind her. The killer watched patiently as she greeted a few customers constantly making her way towards him. As she came in on final approach her arms were thrown wide, and he knew that etiquette called for a hug. Mordechai waited silently as the colorful pint sized gypsy wrapped her arms around him, then lowered one arm to envelope her small frame with light pressure. A small chuckle escaped his terse visage as he listened to her light hearted teasing. Slipping from her grasp he took her hand and led her towards the door, the sea of humanity parting like the Red Sea of old, the inherent menace in the size and visage of the killer opening a wide path for them. "Come with me, I have something outside."
Hobbling his pace so that his mystic friend could stay up, he led her out and around the corner. "I saw this, and thought it an appropriate thank you for the work you did in helping me solve my short comings."
''Si vis pacem, para bellum'' ~*~*~*~*~*~ ''morituri te salutant''
''Deep within the shadows I'm the hungry wolf you fear''
''Si vis pacem, para bellum'' ~*~*~*~*~*~ ''morituri te salutant''
''Deep within the shadows I'm the hungry wolf you fear''
- Zodiac
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- Posts: 1987
- Joined: 02 Aug 2011, 22:23
- CrowNet Handle: Raggedy Ann
- Location: The Pandora Project
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Re: yuletime thank you [Zo]
She offered no resistance as the big man took her hand. She smiled brightly as he led her though the shop and silently laughed at how her customers broke ranks to allow them to pass. Yes, it was a bizarre sight the pair of them, she had to admit, but it was the stray thoughts and looks they got that amused her the most. One comment stood out the most.
"Oh my god! That man could swallow that poor girl in one gulp."
She wondered why they were going back outside, but when Mordie guided her to the side, she realized whatever he had going on was on the blind side of how she arrived. When they turned the corner and he spoke, the girl froze in her tracks as her eyes took in what was waiting there. An audible squeak left her mouth as her eyes grew larger. Her hand reached out and touched it, as if it were an illusion that might vanish, and when it didn't she grew bolder and began to explore it. This was a dream from childhood brought to life. When she lived with the tribe, Varos were a thing of history and not actual use. Her gypsies traveled in vans, RVs, and pick up trucks. The idea of the handcrafted, painted wagons was a romantic notion she had considered many times but never beyond a few thoughts. She could see it now in a parade. Her girls dressed the part as it was pulled along the streets by Dimitri (if he could ever be trained for such a job properly)
Ginny had already made herself at home inside. Zodiac's eyes was already considering layouts for the interior of it and a repaint of the outside to match her own tastes. His words in her head as she stepped back out onto the deck and looked him in the eye (for once).
"All this?" she finally managed to 'speak'. "Just for telling you what you already knew deep inside? If it wasn't in you to begin with, we would not be here right now." Thin ribbons of scarlet slipped from her eyes and slowly crawled down her white cheeks. She was glad to have helped him. It was her calling in life and continued to be now in this half life they both walked in. "Mordie, I'm...."
She reached out and wrapped her arms around his broad neck and clung to him tightly for a moment before turning her head towards him. She swallowed and opened her mouth.
The half words were forced from her mouth in a whisper before hugging him again and burying her face against his shoulder.
"Oh my god! That man could swallow that poor girl in one gulp."
She wondered why they were going back outside, but when Mordie guided her to the side, she realized whatever he had going on was on the blind side of how she arrived. When they turned the corner and he spoke, the girl froze in her tracks as her eyes took in what was waiting there. An audible squeak left her mouth as her eyes grew larger. Her hand reached out and touched it, as if it were an illusion that might vanish, and when it didn't she grew bolder and began to explore it. This was a dream from childhood brought to life. When she lived with the tribe, Varos were a thing of history and not actual use. Her gypsies traveled in vans, RVs, and pick up trucks. The idea of the handcrafted, painted wagons was a romantic notion she had considered many times but never beyond a few thoughts. She could see it now in a parade. Her girls dressed the part as it was pulled along the streets by Dimitri (if he could ever be trained for such a job properly)
Ginny had already made herself at home inside. Zodiac's eyes was already considering layouts for the interior of it and a repaint of the outside to match her own tastes. His words in her head as she stepped back out onto the deck and looked him in the eye (for once).
"All this?" she finally managed to 'speak'. "Just for telling you what you already knew deep inside? If it wasn't in you to begin with, we would not be here right now." Thin ribbons of scarlet slipped from her eyes and slowly crawled down her white cheeks. She was glad to have helped him. It was her calling in life and continued to be now in this half life they both walked in. "Mordie, I'm...."
She reached out and wrapped her arms around his broad neck and clung to him tightly for a moment before turning her head towards him. She swallowed and opened her mouth.
The half words were forced from her mouth in a whisper before hugging him again and burying her face against his shoulder.
Some day I'm gonna be happy. I don't know when just now

I still have clouds to dance upon, and the moon expects me for tea
The Pandora Project.

I still have clouds to dance upon, and the moon expects me for tea
The Pandora Project.
- Registered User
- Posts: 1697
- Joined: 28 Dec 2011, 23:17
- CrowNet Handle: Mordechai
Re: yuletime thank you [Zo]
The laconic killer stood stoically watching as the gypsy mystic wandered along the gypsy wagon he had had created for her. Her hands slid over the surface as nimble fingers explored the details. He had commissioned its creator to make it as authentic as was possible, the promise of an extra stipend if it was satisfactory had been all the incentive needed. It was more than a match for any ancient photo or painting he had seen of a gypsy vardo. The beginnings of a small grin plucked at the corners of Mordechai's lips as he watched the wonderment in her eyes. It seemed Ginny approved, as black feline that accompanied Zo everywhere, had pranced up the stairs and was settled down inside.
Stepping up to the edge of deck like porch the male decided that it met with Zodiac's approval as he watched her now looking about the interior. When she stepped out to face him, the raised deck put the raven haired mystic at eye level, and Mordechai felt the first twinge of regret, his grin faltered as he saw twin narrow streaks of blood beneath her eyes. Slowly he lowered his head, some how he had hurt or offended her. Once again an attempt to copy the actions and emotions of a normal being had failed.
His head raised hesitantly as her voice spoke in his mind, the words belying the tears. Perhaps he had done right. As her arms wrapped around his neck he placed one muscled arm of his own around her waist to steady her. The killer wondered to himself if it was possible that the lack of emotions was possibly preferable, as it seemed his beautiful sireling was overcome. Mordechai looked in her in the eye, his odd, bi-colored eyes locking onto her violet tinged blue orbs. He saw her throat twitch as she swallowed, then her painted lips parted. At first the killer thought his friend was going to give him another kiss on the cheek as she often did when he brought her materials for her rituals. He started to turn his face for her, then froze.
Stepping up to the edge of deck like porch the male decided that it met with Zodiac's approval as he watched her now looking about the interior. When she stepped out to face him, the raised deck put the raven haired mystic at eye level, and Mordechai felt the first twinge of regret, his grin faltered as he saw twin narrow streaks of blood beneath her eyes. Slowly he lowered his head, some how he had hurt or offended her. Once again an attempt to copy the actions and emotions of a normal being had failed.
His head raised hesitantly as her voice spoke in his mind, the words belying the tears. Perhaps he had done right. As her arms wrapped around his neck he placed one muscled arm of his own around her waist to steady her. The killer wondered to himself if it was possible that the lack of emotions was possibly preferable, as it seemed his beautiful sireling was overcome. Mordechai looked in her in the eye, his odd, bi-colored eyes locking onto her violet tinged blue orbs. He saw her throat twitch as she swallowed, then her painted lips parted. At first the killer thought his friend was going to give him another kiss on the cheek as she often did when he brought her materials for her rituals. He started to turn his face for her, then froze.
Mordechai's head snapped back around as she buried her face in his shoulder. She had spoken. Sort of. Zodiac had spoken. Sort of. Now she was hiding. Hiding in him. Silently he lifted her from the deck of the vardo as he drew shadows from the night to enclose them, to blend around them and hide them from eyes that did not need to see her. His mind whirled trying to process what had just happened. He would need more information, but somewhere deep inside he realized that this was not the time to ask questions. The mystic weighed no more than a new born child in his arms as he stepped back against the wall of the shop to aid the shadows in concealing them. The killer absent mindedly stroked her hair in a soothing caress as he looked down upon her. One single red tear formed, hovering in the corner of his eye as he studied her. "You are welcome""...ank......ooh.."
''Si vis pacem, para bellum'' ~*~*~*~*~*~ ''morituri te salutant''
''Deep within the shadows I'm the hungry wolf you fear''
''Si vis pacem, para bellum'' ~*~*~*~*~*~ ''morituri te salutant''
''Deep within the shadows I'm the hungry wolf you fear''
- Zodiac
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- Posts: 1987
- Joined: 02 Aug 2011, 22:23
- CrowNet Handle: Raggedy Ann
- Location: The Pandora Project
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Re: yuletime thank you [Zo]
When she finally composed herself, she discovered herself held in Mordie's arms and wrapped in a blanket of shadows. She wiped her eyes and looked apologetically at him. She could not help being emotional. It was in her blood. Her Bohemian roots could not be ignored when something moved her so deeply. Anger and delight always swelling like a storm inside of her when they happened and exploded out of her without pause. In this, the pair was opposites. Mordechai, as her Nana would have put it, wouldn't say **** if he had a mouthful of the stuff while the girl would be screaming blue murder.
"Sorry about that," her thoughts touched his as she turned to look at the prize he had brought her again. Part of her mind was still boiling with potential color schemes and layouts for the inside. The barn on her farm was large enough to hold it (one she managed to move the tractor out of the way. Another item on the endless to do list.) so she could begin the re fit over the cold winter months to have it ready to unveil in the spring. It would be safe here, for the moment. She doubted any thief would have the ambition to try and remove something like this. She was reasonably sure it could be towed with the mini bus if they was careful.
"I will have to see now if that great lump of a horse of mine can be calm enough to pull this along." Dimitri would look magnificent pulling the multi-colored delight along, but how well could it survive if he chose to go into the customary runaway train mode he seemed to be so fond of?
She turned back to face the giant. "It's beautiful, Mordechai . I am not sure how you feel I deserve such a gift, but thank you again, my dear one." she sniffed again as she smiled while gently encouraging him to let her back down to the ground. "There's a whole world up here I didn't know existed. The air is kinda thin up here." she jested.
"Sorry about that," her thoughts touched his as she turned to look at the prize he had brought her again. Part of her mind was still boiling with potential color schemes and layouts for the inside. The barn on her farm was large enough to hold it (one she managed to move the tractor out of the way. Another item on the endless to do list.) so she could begin the re fit over the cold winter months to have it ready to unveil in the spring. It would be safe here, for the moment. She doubted any thief would have the ambition to try and remove something like this. She was reasonably sure it could be towed with the mini bus if they was careful.
"I will have to see now if that great lump of a horse of mine can be calm enough to pull this along." Dimitri would look magnificent pulling the multi-colored delight along, but how well could it survive if he chose to go into the customary runaway train mode he seemed to be so fond of?
She turned back to face the giant. "It's beautiful, Mordechai . I am not sure how you feel I deserve such a gift, but thank you again, my dear one." she sniffed again as she smiled while gently encouraging him to let her back down to the ground. "There's a whole world up here I didn't know existed. The air is kinda thin up here." she jested.
Some day I'm gonna be happy. I don't know when just now

I still have clouds to dance upon, and the moon expects me for tea
The Pandora Project.

I still have clouds to dance upon, and the moon expects me for tea
The Pandora Project.
- Registered User
- Posts: 1697
- Joined: 28 Dec 2011, 23:17
- CrowNet Handle: Mordechai
Re: yuletime thank you [Zo]
Gently the killer rocked the diminutive mystic in his arms as she slowly calmed. Her weight was nothing to him, a small humming seemed to come from him as he watched over her, eyes wandering around the area, tracking every movement. Mordechai had hoped, no, hoped was to strong a word. Mordechai had felt that the colorful wagon would be a useful addition to the gypsy's possesions. In acquiring it for her, it had crossed his mind that she might show some sort of reaction, and it was preferable that it was positive, as compared to negative. He had not expected this. She had been overwhelmed, she had cried, she had spoken. Mordechai was not equipped to deall with such a reaction, so he did the only thing he could think of. Mothers often cradled their young close, gently rocking and humming till the child settled. It appeared this also worked with mystics.
The corners of his lips quirked slightly as she referenced her head strong light draft, and realized that the rareified air comment was a polite reminder that he held her, and she was ready to stand on her own once more. Slowly he lowered the gypsy mystic to her feet as he released the shadows once more exposing them to the light of night. "The vardo weighs a bit more than you, Zo, it may slow Dimitri a bit more then when you ride him. I am happy that you like it." Her depreciative statement puzzled him slightly. She did not seem to think she deserved the gift of the gypsy wagon. Did she not know what she had done for him?. He was not sure if he should say anything, so he remained silent and listened. Reaching out with one thumb he gently wiped away the last red trace on her cheek before speaking. "If you require assistance in the repositioning of the vardo, please let me know."
The corners of his lips quirked slightly as she referenced her head strong light draft, and realized that the rareified air comment was a polite reminder that he held her, and she was ready to stand on her own once more. Slowly he lowered the gypsy mystic to her feet as he released the shadows once more exposing them to the light of night. "The vardo weighs a bit more than you, Zo, it may slow Dimitri a bit more then when you ride him. I am happy that you like it." Her depreciative statement puzzled him slightly. She did not seem to think she deserved the gift of the gypsy wagon. Did she not know what she had done for him?. He was not sure if he should say anything, so he remained silent and listened. Reaching out with one thumb he gently wiped away the last red trace on her cheek before speaking. "If you require assistance in the repositioning of the vardo, please let me know."
''Si vis pacem, para bellum'' ~*~*~*~*~*~ ''morituri te salutant''
''Deep within the shadows I'm the hungry wolf you fear''
''Si vis pacem, para bellum'' ~*~*~*~*~*~ ''morituri te salutant''
''Deep within the shadows I'm the hungry wolf you fear''