The floor was scattered with pieces of vellum stationery, wadded up into balls, wet with the tears of the writer. How does one put their heart, their emotions onto a piece of paper? How does one change the entire course of their life?
Klara went to the piano as she often did when upset, and began to play moving from song to song when the open strains to ‘I’ll Always Love You’ came to her mind. It was a cheesy song but the words fit the situation. She sat the phone on the top of the piano and pressed record. Her face wet with her tears, her hair a mess, her mascara streaked down her cheeks. She looked every bit the part of someone whose heart was broken.
If I should stay
Well, I would only be in your way
And so I'll go, and yet I know
That I'll think of you each step of my way
And I will always love you
I will always love you
Bitter-sweet memories
That's all I have, and all I'm taking with me
Good-bye, oh, please don't cry
'Cause we both know that I'm not
What you need
But I will always love you
I will always love you
The tears began to flow, she did not care; this was for Simon. After last night, she realized that even knowing she was cursed with truth and unable to lie, he still tried to make excuses and find a way to declare Renee innocent. That is what hurt the most; that he did not believe her or trust her. Even when he had witnessed it. Within two weeks his story changed, so much so that he claimed he did not remember and the excuses were back. His loyalties no longer lay with his wife but his friend. She no longer knew how to fight that.
Klara continued to sing, her heart broken, praying that he would find it in his heart to want her the way he used to want her. To let her have her rightful place as his wife but something inside told her that it was too late; Renee had already taken her place.
And I hope life, will treat you kind
And I hope that you have all
That you ever dreamed of
Oh, I do wish you joy
And I wish you happiness
But above all this
I wish you love
I love you, I will always love
I will always, always love you
I will always love you
I will always love you
I will always love you
She sobbed and whispered, “I will always love you Simon, please come fight for me, make me yours again.”
She pressed stop and saved the video, uploading it to her computer and saved it to a thumb drive. She sat down once again, trying to convey her heart knowing that it would probably be the last time she ever get the chance.
Safe in his arms
Don't dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer. ~ Denis Waitley
Klara was not sure why she was even trying anymore except she knew she loved him but it was all too clear that the truth did not matter to him, and her feelings certainly did not. She shook her head; the tears starting afresh wondering what he would say if she had come to him after rape? Apparently, if he was not there to witness it, the thing did not happen and he would not believe her even knowing she was unable to lie.
“I always trusted you Simon; it was you couldn’t put any trust in me.” Sighing she dipped the quill in the ink.
My Dearest Simon,
You are everything to me. You are my reason for existing. You have always brought me the type of joy I never dreamed possible. Even now with this unbearable hurt in my heart, just the sight of you makes my heart leap. I always imagined that we would be together for eternity but I never counted on a friend standing between us.
I don’t care about your friends you’ve always had them. What I care about is that you put this one in my place in your life and this one admitted to having feelings for you. Things were different with this one over all the rest.
I have given you every chance I could to fix our problems. Every idea you shot down, there seemed to be nothing you wanted to try. I do appreciate that you saw you hurt me and apologized to me for most of it but do you really understand why I’m hurt? I know you love me honey, there is no doubt in my mind but you don’t trust me, respect me nor do I have your loyalty anymore.
A marriage is based on trust, loyalty and respect. You have shown that Renee, but couple of months not so much to me. Without those, we have no marriage. Love isn’t enough without the trust, loyalty and respect.
I’ve come to realize that allowing you to question my word and make excuses for someone that you yourself was angry enough to confront for treating me with disrespect makes me a doormat. You were angry when it first happened, it wasn’t late as you think it was and she certainly had no issues interacting with you or my sister. I can’t take your excuses anymore Simon, all they do is tell me that I don’t matter.
I have become a shell of my former self. My needs aren’t important to you otherwise you would not make me beg just to be held to try and feel connected enough to you to begin to tear the walls down around my heart.
We both are hurt Simon. You want time…you have all the time you need now. I give up. You can’t have it both ways. Renee and I will never be equals and I will cannot be anything less than full your wife, with top billing.
With a third person in the middle, we will never be able to fix us. You did agree to break the friendship for a while, but what good is that break when it feels like you are throwing a temper tantrum about it because someone took your toy away? You have shut down since that conversation with her, you have seem to have forgotten all your memories about incidents, you have changed your stories and you shown blatant disregard for my feelings. I trusted you Simon; I never let my trust waiver. You know that it is true for I cannot lie. I have given you so much more through this and have gotten very little in return.
My sweet Simon, you do have a chance to win me back but I’m not sure you have the courage or even care to do so for it will mean being my champion, putting me first and Renee is gone for as long as it takes until we are healed. Then and only then could we even begin to reopen the conversation about a friendship with her.
You brought another person between us Simon, not I. You allowed her to become first in your life. If you want me, you have to fix that and fight for me. If you don’t then I guess we know who truly means the most to you.
I have to move forward with my life and you have left me no choice but to do it without you for now. You will either come to me whenever you decide you’ve had enough time or you won’t.
I love you Simon Cross! Always and forever.
P.S. Please come for me.
Klara slit her wrist draining a little blood, signing her name in blood adding a PS. As she reread the letter she wrote over a sentence hoping to draw his attention to it. Hoping her scent would remind him of all he was giving up, maybe giving him the courage to let go and refocus.
She desperately wanted him to come to her, finally to fight as hard for her as he had been fighting to keep Renee. She was not stupid, she knew all too well he would not honor the no contact rule with the woman and as long as that was happening, she did not have a chance.
The fight was gone. The anger was gone. Only a deep, gut wrenching hurt and sadness that made her just want to disappear forever. Suicide was never a good answer but she understood all too well now why people do it. This pain was unbearable but as Doc said one day at a time. He would either come or he would not but it was time to move on, to show herself some respect. Maybe if she started respecting herself, he would as well.
Safe in his arms
Don't dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer. ~ Denis Waitley
Watching the video Simon shed a few tears. Shadow streams ran down his face then disappeared into nothingness. He felt all of the emotion and uncertainty. The same uncertainty was in his own thoughts lately. Then he grabbed the note reading it. Sighing he stared at it.
Folding up the note he placed it in the breast pocket of the coat worn. From there he went around his apartment just talking to himself. "I've stayed the same with my story. I went and talked to Renee about it. In all honesty I don't think there was a slight at least not intentionally. People believe the truth is the combination of how two people said things. Klara keeps forgetting that the one slight was really late. People were sleepy. Hell, I was sleepy. No one was talking much. What she sees as this grievous thing is probably a huge misunderstanding. Although I did talk to Renee. I said it's not cool that it happened and if the slight was intentional that she owes Klara an apology. She's been trying to talk to Klara and Klara refuses to talk back. So I don't know what to do there," he moved through the apartment his arms flailing about as people from the states were usually more expressive when they talked even if it was to himself.
"I've told you before that I don't want to hold you Klara because I want to lick my wounds a little first. We've been fighting since the better part of a month or two. At least since Halloween and it's been damn near daily. I want to lick my wounds a little bit before I hug you. I haven't been given any time to go back to my corner. Some people need a breather after a fight and I'm one of them," he was hearing himself rattle off the walls as he moved around and kept talking.
From the he started to do tricks like walking on his hands just to let out some frustration without punching walls, "I even told you I wanted some space while we laid in bed. I was cool with laying with each other. I saw it as couples going to bed angry. Comforted by the presence of the other, but not exactly ready to get all kissy faced and snuggly," then he grunted holding himself as straight as possible. Through grained teeth he said the rest,"Then after twenty minutes after we began fighting again. I told you why I did things, then it felt like it wasn't good enough. It felt like I needed to go back in a TARDIS then do something at that exact moment.."
With a hard thud Simon's body eventually gave out and he landed on the floor. "Ow," he said absent mindedly. "I can't go back in a TARDIS to stop that from happening. If I could I would and probably grab some winning lottery tickets too. Sadly I can't. It felt like nothing was good enough. So, I don't know what to do Klara. I don't want you gone. You claim there's a wall between us and I agree that there is. The fighting isn't helping. I've wanted time to heal. A counselor is weird to me. It feels weird to pull other people into a fight that has pulled in many as it is. I just want the fighting to stop. Will this happen if I talk to another female that's a friend? I ask myself this question a lot."
Sitting up he signed and looked down, "I want us fixed. I'm not sure if we can be because right now it feels all the answers I've given are just not enough."
"I don't know where I'm going from here, but I promise it won't be boring." - David Bowie
Klara walked slowly back after her meeting with Doc, a lot on her mind. The letter and video had been delivered to Simon and she knew she would not hear from him for a few days, if ever. Knowing him, he still had not a clue what it was that really was bothering her.
She kicked at a pebble a few times, as she walked wishing she were a child again. Even living in Afghanistan with the village controlled by the Taliban was easier than this. Doc had been right about a lot of things and it was sad that it had to take some stranger when she was drunk to admit it to herself.
Klara smiled thinking about Doc, how grateful she was to have someone who loved her enough to be honest with her and make her see the lies she had kept telling herself; but most of all for protecting her from herself and others when she needed it the most.
She still wished she knew who had come to Doc bringing a request to talk with her from Renee. The old adage curiosity killed the cat apparently must be true because Doc was protecting her and would not tell her who it was nor would he allow her to go. Klara had her ideas who it could be but he would not budge. She honestly did not see that talking to Renee was going to help anything. All Renee had to do was be kind to her but there was no point in just hear another version of the same thing, besides talking to Renee was not going to fix her problems with Simon. Renee was only a catalyst that was unimportant.
Only Simon could fix those problems and he just did not seem to get what the root problems were. He only kept seeing the surface issues. She had tried to get him to see past the surface but he refused. His want for Renee clouded everything for him, and that was a big part of the problem.
Sighing loudly she unlocked her apartment and went in. She flipped on the television and Dr. Who was on. The tears began to slide down her face as the show brought back so many memories of happier times and his obsession for the show. She dashed at her tears turning the channel.
“Let him go Klara. Doc is right. You have to let him go. You obviously are not what he needs anymore, let him be free and let him be happy.”
Going to her desk she took out note cards and wrote on them, “Let him go, he doesn’t need you anymore” and placed them on the her desk, her mirror in the bedroom and the mirror in the bathroom. Maybe seeing the reminder would help her. She looked at the card again as she taped the last one up and scratched out the word he and you and replaced the words with YOU and HIM written darkly.
“Let him go, YOU don’t need HIM anymore.”
She stood there staring at it for the longest time. Klara had come to the realization that she needed more from her husband. She needed a man that would go to the depths of hell for her and she had come to realize that Simon was not that man, at least not in this current incarnation. It took both sides fighting to keep something and if one was not fighting as hard as the other both would lose out and this is where this couple was at.
Klara realized that had Simon continued to treat her as he always had, Renee would have never been an issue but something changed for him and she needed to respect that, even if it meant walking away. She wanted him in her life and if that was just as a friend then so, be it but they were destroying one another and themselves and it had to stop.
Sometimes loving someone meant giving them their freedom to grow, develop, and be what they need to be. Sometimes that freedom is forever, sometimes just short term. She was not sure what the future held for the pair but she knew when or if he came to her the conversation would the hardest they would ever share. It was a conversation that needed to happen if they were going to move forward.
“Maybe in time we can both fully forgive one another but until that time comes Simon, we aren’t working, not at all and we are destroying something beautiful. I’d rather have you as a friend than not at all.” She whispered, as she looked the picture of them that hung above their bed. The street artist had captured that playful smirk perfectly.
No, she could never stop loving him but he was hurting her too deeply and the resentment was starting to set in. She would not allow them to destroy everything between them.
Safe in his arms
Don't dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer. ~ Denis Waitley
A couple days had passed since Klara’s talk with Doc and no word from Simon. She knew it would be any day that he would be knocking on her door to talk to him. She had done nothing but think about everything she had talked about with Doc and searched her heart to see if either of them were wrong and each time the same conclusion was met; Simon could not give her what she needed anymore.
Love had nothing to do with her decision. She still loved him deeply and always would but they were toxic for one another now and neither seemed to know how to make it stop. Honestly, it never would with both at polar opposites of wants and needs. They had shared something beautiful and now everything was being turned to ugliness. Many people would be happy about this. Doc felt she deserved better. Crissy was her friend but anytime there was an issue Crissy had always jumped to they should just break up so maybe this would ease some of the stress for Simon with his mother. There were others and she would not think of them for now but she and Simon it would be hard.
Finally deciding that things had gone on long enough, the resentment was beginning to set in for Klara. He did not want to resent her best friend and soul mate so it was time. She pulled her phone out and began to text.
“Simon, can you please meet me at the cabin, we need to talk.”
Safe in his arms
Don't dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer. ~ Denis Waitley
"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"
Simon Ward:*Texting back* Long as we don't fight.
Klara:*She slid her stockings on and attached them to her garter belt as her phone beeped* I seriously doubt there is going to be a fight on what I have to say
Simon Ward:*Simon nodded at the text* I'll be waiting. *He braced himself for the worst. The man didn't want to have another fight.*
Klara:*Klara was already at the cabin, it was where she had gone after their last fight. She was dressed in a simple red dress, her hair curled in soft curls falling around her shoulders. She looked younger than her age though she felt much older than her years. The house looked nice; Simon's things were all packed in boxes in the garage all ready for him to take. She paced the living room; the click of her heels was all that could be heard in the cabin as she waited for him to appear.
Simon Ward:*Sending another text he asked* Where are we meeting? *He was expecting Klara to port in his apartment*
Klara: “The cabin outside of the city.”
Simon Ward:*Appearing in a swirl he was unsure what to expect by all of this. Breathing hard he looked around. Draping his three quarter length coat around himself. His eyes went about as he moved to the cabin in just jeans and a simple shirt. He knocked on the door*
Klara:*She heard the knock on the door; she brushed as non-existent lint from her dress and opened it. She almost gasped at how handsome he was after not seeing him for a few days. To her he was the sexiest thing on the planet. She gave him a soft smile, "Hello Simon, come in.' *She placed a kiss to his cheek and took his coat, and hung it on the coat rack by the piano.*
Simon Ward:Klara *His eyes ran up and down the dress and he shuddered a little. He was dressed in all black. Both eyes went to her.* How are you? *The question was afraid to be asked.*
Klara:*She smiled shyly before turning to walk to the couch taking a seat and patting the cushion next to her.* "Come sit by me Simon, we need to talk. I've seen better days, and yourself?"
Simon Ward:The same. *The answer was honest as Simon sat next to her. She looked great. Deep down Simon wondered why she was looking so good.*
Klara:*Klara did not really know where to start. She was glad she had fixed herself up; she wanted him to remember that the last time he saw her as his wife that she looked beautiful. She opened her mouth to speak, having to stop to swallow hard to keep the tears in check. She tried again, and cleared her throat. She finally took his hand into hers and tried once again.* "Simon, I love you with every fiber of my being and there is no doubt that you love me too but we're at an impasse. I've been thinking a lot these past couple of days and I have come to the conclusion that at this point in your life you are unable to give me what I need. I need a husband that would go to hell and back for me because he believed so strongly in me. Even if I was wrong, he might tell me privately I'm way off base but publically and to others, he would defend me to the death.
Klara:My happiness and our happiness as a couple would be his only thought. We had something beautiful Simon and we are turning it into something ugly. I need you in my life and if the only way I can have you in my life where we are happy and not fighting is as a friend, then that's good enough for me. I love you so much I can't watch us destroy one another any longer and because of that I think it's time we realized our marriage is over and move on before we hate each other." Her tears began to slide down her cheeks as the words were finally said.
Simon Ward:*Saying nothing Simon held her and kissed Klara's tears. Then he brought her head to his chest. Simon did not want Klara to see his tears. So he was trying to hide them from her as best he could*
Klara:*She slid her arms around him holding him tightly sobbing but knowing as much as this hurt right now; it would hurt her even more to know that they drove one another to hatred. "Simon, for whatever reason I can't meet your needs anymore, nor can you meet mine anymore. I hate this, I hate this so much but we can't keep this up."
Simon Ward:I hate this very much *He said softly and stroked her head and his eyes looked down at her.*
Klara:*She caressed his face, wiping his tears away with her thumb. "I want us to be in one another's lives. I'm not saying that in the future when you've grown that you won't become the man I need and maybe at that point I'll be able to meet all your needs. I think it's time that we realized we need both need to move forward separately with our lives and salvage our friendship. You will always be my best friend Simon; this won't change that unless you let it."
Simon Ward:*He nodded to her still crying hard. His eyes were downward. The tears darkened his face before dissipating away into nothingness.*
Klara:*Her own eyes closed as she sobbed holding him tightly, "Am I wrong in this?"
Simon Ward:I want us to be in one another's lives. It just hurts Klara. *Simon said in a voice laden with sadness. His eyes met hers for a moment.*
Klara:*She nodded, "I know, it hurts deeply but I cannot waiver from what I need from a man and you cannot give that to me and that leaves us with no middle ground except this. If we are meant to be together, you will find that I am your best friend, that you want to protect me at all costs, that no one could take my place in your thoughts and that is when it is time for us talk about our relationship once again.
Simon Ward:*Nods and he holds her tightly.* “You mean the world to me. I do not want you think you do not.
Klara:*She sighed, "I know I do but I just didn't mean enough Simon."
Simon Ward:*He nodded and cried a little harder. Then sighed again.*
Klara:*Klara wanted scream at him, to yell at him that this was his fault for not letting her be enough, for making Renee more important to him than herself but she was done. Doc helped her to realize that with all of Simon's protections towards Renee, it pointed very clearly his thoughts and heart weren't where they should be. It took her hours of self-abasement to realize that her sire spoke the truth. There was no doubt Simon loved her, or even wanted her for that matter, he just wanted Renee in his life more. It had not gone unnoticed that she had told him that he would always be her best friend but Simon had not been able to offer her the same comfort. She had realized he had not done it to punish her, in fact he probably still did not see it himself. *
Klara:"I love you Simon"
Simon Ward: I love you. are my wife. You are my love. I...I don't want us to fight. I don't want us to fight, but I want you to be my friend.
Klara:"We'll be friends Simon and we can hang out but until you can treat me as a wife and be the kind of husband I need we'll just grow to hate each other if we stay together. I'm trying to look at this as not a good by, just redefining who we are."
Simon Ward:*He nodded liking that redefining bit.* I like that Klara.
Klara:*She smiled. A weight lifted off her heart. They both would move forward with their lives and hopefully learn how like one another again. She looked into his eyes, sliding a lock of hair that had fallen to his face, biting her bottom lip as she memorized his face that last time she would look at him as his wife.*
Simon Ward:*His eyes watched her. Looking into her eyes the man blushed for a moment* Thoughts?
Klara:She blushed, "I just was thinking how much I will miss your kisses and sleeping in your arms at night."
Simon Ward:I will miss those as well and the outfits *He blushed*
Klara:She blushed deeply, "Yeah that was one area we were very good in."
Simon Ward:*A similar blush ran through his face then he kissed the back of her hand then suddenly nipped her lip once*
Klara:She hugged him tightly, "To new beginnings?"
Simon Ward:*Simon suddenly kissed her deeply on the lips. His tongue darted past her lips for a moment then reluctantly he pulled away to new beginnings.*
Klara:*she smiled caressing his face, wishing it didn't have to be this hoping one day he'd become what she needed* I'll always love you Simon
Simon Ward:and I you Klara. So very much.
Klara:*she looked at him, their bodies still fused* I hope one day you'll be ready to be that man I need and come for me.
Simon Ward:I want us to no longer fight. I would like that very much.
Klara:when you leave that door, you're no longer my husband and we'll have to reason to fight
Simon Ward:I meant in general. I want to be the guy you need one day.
Klara:*she caressed his face* When you can put me first, be willing to go to hell and back for me, when you can yell at me at home for being stupid but in public defend me to the death even if I'm wrong, you'll be that man. I pray you will become him again. You'll always be my best friend Simon
Simon Ward:And you mine Klara *Simon said getting a little hurt by the words, but it didn't show.*
Klara:*she knew her words had probably hurt him but he need to know what she needed, what she could accept into her life as a mate. She loved him; she doubted he knew how much this hurt her. She wondered if she could ever love again, she just wanted to lock herself in her room and forget to live. She didn't know how she watch him walk out that door. Sure, they'd see one another again, and hang out and have sex but now it would be different. He wouldn't be her husband. She would always wonder if he was ******* another besides her but it would kill her to know he was. She never thought it would come to this but for her own self-respect and to save them from hating one another. She loved him to much for it come to that.* I love you
Safe in his arms
Don't dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer. ~ Denis Waitley
Simon Ward:I love you *Simon said with large chunks of sadness in his voice*
Klara:*she gave him a bittersweet smile* We'll be fine, I pray in the future we'll get back together
Simon Ward:Are you sure we'll be fine?
Klara:Since we'll no longer be a couple, we'll have nothing to fight about
Klara:I already know you'll run to Renee and it will hurt like hell to see it but we're separated so I have no right to be angry or say anything
Simon Ward:I'm going to stay single for a bit to be honest. Not try anything with anyone. Focus on the business.
Klara:I have no desire to be with another, I'm not sure I ever could
Simon Ward:I'm just focused on the business
Klara:I think I will be hoping for a very long time you'll become what I need and you'll come back to be honest
Simon Ward:Apparently, I changed...I’m sorry
Klara:I don't know what happened, I don't know what Renee had for you that I didn't but that was when you changed. Maybe you just need to do some soul-searching honey, really search your heart about what you want. Maybe you're just the type to always play the field, maybe you just got a little lost with Renee, who knows I don't even think you do. I do know one thing I think you should change, because I think it holds you back a lot
Simon Ward:What's that?
Klara:*she took a deep breath* I think Crissy has hurt you a hell of a lot more than she's helped you
Simon Ward:Oh?
Klara:I know you love her but every single problem you have she always seems to get in the middle and makes things worse instead of letting you handle it. Like all those times she was killed for your sins and then she killed you was just stupid. She should've just let them kill you and you probably would've learned. Lyana she had you convinced you should just leave me, and now with Renee we were talking and working it out until she called that meeting. She was the catalyst that set into motion me leaving. In fact, I'm pretty sure it was she that went to Doc asking him to get me to meet with Renee
Klara:She wouldn't even let us have sex while we were dating and every single time whatever she said you went along with, you caved every single time, to the point that when I put a contract on her, you told her it was me knowing she would probably kill me.
Klara:I think you need a sire that lets you be your own man. You can go to for advice without them getting in the middle to try and fix stuff
Simon Ward:It was stupid of you to put out that contract.
Klara:No, it was a promise I made to her.
Simon Ward:True...I just think that was rushed.
Klara:When I say I’m going to do something, I do it. She was warned when she interfered and wouldn’t let us have sex I told her if she ever interfered with our relationship again I would make sure she died
Klara:but then you sold me out
Klara:I should have left then
Simon Ward:*Nod listening to her*
Klara:*she looked at him with sadness* Simon if you put a contract on Doc I would've lied through my teeth and taken that information to the grave. He could've sent me to the shadow realm and I wouldn't have said a word. Honey that's what I'm talking about. Youv'e always defended everyone but me
Klara:I didn't realize it until you did it again and I saw what you said the night at the bar change to the point, you said you didn't even really remember the incident. If you ever find that you can put me first and defend me like a mate should please tell me *the hurt shown clearly in her eyes* I want you to be that man but I do think that Crissy holds you back and I wonder if she didn't spoil you against me
Simon Ward:She didn't spoil me to you. *Simon said then looked down.*
Klara:Why did she always seem to tell you to leave me?
Simon Ward:I do not know
Klara:She seemed to like me but as soon as she thought you did something wrong the need to leave him came out. My heart broke so many times watching how she treated you
Simon Ward:*Nodding Simon listened to her.*
Klara:Why do you let her do that to you Simon? You are an amazing man. Yes, there are things you need to improve upon as we all do but it's like nothing is ever good enough. I just think having someone that truly believed in you would be so much better
Simon Ward:I'm not sure what to make of all of that.
Klara:*she caressed his face* Just think about things Simon, think about what will take you further in life instead of holding you back. You are not a child. She should have been defending you against Doc and she didn't, she accused you of something horrible.
Simon Ward:*Nods*
Klara:*she kissed him gently* Will you call me?
Simon Ward:*nodding he kissed her deeply* Yes. I will
Klara:*She kissed him back swallowing hard* Good, I want us to still be close
Simon Ward:I want to be close too *He said getting sad seeing the door*
Klara:*She kissed him again* I want us to get back together some day
Simon Ward:*Kissing her hard he pulled her close to him*
Klara:*She clung to him kissing him back deeply
Simon Ward:*His hands clawed her back*
Klara:*Tears fell from her hold him tightly to her not wanting to let go
Simon Ward:*Simon just held her tightly just enjoying*
Klara:*She memorized his scent not letting go
Simon Ward:*Pulling her tighter to him, he held her tighter*
Klara:*She began to shake, know the end was so near wondering how she would make it through this
Simon Ward:*Simon cried silently and he looked at her*
Klara:*She looked up at him and smiled swallow hard, wiping at the tears that wouldn't stop* I loved being married to you
Simon Ward:I loved being married to you *He whispered wondering if he should go, if he should take her, all thoughts ran through his mind*
Klara:*she tucked his hair behind his ear* We'll work this out Simon
Simon Ward:I know.
Klara:*She looked at him sadly wondering if they truly would, if he had it in him to be what she needed. She hoped he did* Call me tomorrow and let me know how you are?
Simon Ward:I will. *The words were soft and Simon went outside after getting dressed then shut the door. Once on the other side he cried hard and teleported to his apartment.*
Klara:*Klara crumbled where she stood curled into a fetal position and wept
"I don't know where I'm going from here, but I promise it won't be boring." - David Bowie