She was sulking.Too many broken hearts have fallen in the river
Too many lonely souls have drifted out to sea,
Sulking accomplished nothing. So her Nana often told her too many times in the past. Yet, sulking had a bizarre soothing quality to it at certain times. Mind, body and spirit suddenly in harmony with the upper and lower planes of existence as the inner eye opens wide and gazes into the depths of the cosmos itself, each looking into each other and themselves, and agrees totally that the current situation literally and absolutely...
How often Zodiac wished the rest of her extended life would know such total harmony as this. She did not have an answer for this and nothing in the lore her Nana passed down to her held a clue, nor did her own experiences suggest anything of value. For one who calls herself a Spiritual Advisor, her inner perceptions had debated to the point on this particular subject where their grand conclusion was 'Sorry, I got nothing, girl.'.
She sat on the sofa of her soulmate's apartment and looked at the chess set that occupied the coffee table. The place, despite its un-use, was clean. Twice a week the mystic came by to make sure of that fact, in case Temperance decided to come home again. A few drop cloths over the more nicer bits of furniture, but that was all. The game had paused midway. The marker (a bit of ceramic cuteness) sat on Tempy's side of the board meaning it was her turn. A game could last a month for them at the norm. A few moves here and there. Something always distracting them from the game, but it would be waiting patiently for them to return. Absently, a purple nail tipped finger hovered over her remaining knight. If Tempy moved to block the assault of her bishop as she hoped, she could put her in check and force her to castle her king to keep it safe. A major victory for the gypsy. Strategy was not either of their strong points, yet the game appealed to them regardless, but was it the game itself or the fact the pair could sit and talk freely between themselves as they played?
Talking. For being a mute, Zodiac certainly managed to do enough of talking in her own ways. Telepathy made things easy now, but when she first met the allurist, all she could do was scribble notes. Some found it frustrating to have a conversation with her back then, but Tempy had the patience of a saint. Once the allurist learned to mindspeak, the mystic simply let her read her thoughts. Willingly letting someone into your mind like that was not the smartest thing to do she had been advised by others, but she never hesitated to invite her in. By then they were almost joined at the hip anyway. The woman let Zodiac move in at the time she was still trying to come to terms with her new state of living. The last thing Zodiac needed was to be alone trying to sort things out and Tempy opened her home to her. Why?
A sharp eye spotted something on the carpet. She got up and went to investigate and pulled a single pine needle that had escaped the vacuum cleaner's repeated attacks on dirt in the past. An escapee from Christmas' past. She could recall the pair of them acting like kids with each new bit of tinsel or decoration they added during the season. A happy time, a festive time. Gifts exchanged, long walks in the night just taking in the colors and the lights. Other less then honorable things as well. The mystic wondered if the local police remembered her cookies she made for them (laced with laxatives and her home made stupidity potion). She recalled explaining them to Tempy as the allurist enjoyed one of the 'safe' cookies she made with a cup of tea. 'Be stuck in the bathroom and too stupid to know what to do.'. Some would judge her insane for playing such games, and truth be told Tempy had questioned her sanity a time or two when they first met. 'ARE YOU CRAZY?' she shouted at Zodiac when the mystic tried to kill a fly on her desk with her new found friend 'Mr. Sledgy'. She got the fly but also took a corner of the desk off in the process, but as the norm she took Zo's 'quirks' with a grain (or was it box?) of salt. Why?
She flicked the needle into the trash and sat back down. The last time she spoke with the woman she was different. Painfully different. If the gypsy understood her properly, she had gone through something quite similar. There was no way back from this. If there was a spell or something to return one back to the land of the living it was not to be found in her Nana's grimores or any ritual she had learned. Zodiac had tried to be as 'human' as she could despite the change, but it was close to impossible some nights. No one could deny, for long, they had changed. Maybe that's why she always felt cold inside. The inner war she fought with her rising vampire natures against what she was before. As long as she felt 'cold' she had finally reasoned, it meant what she was was still alive and kicking within, but the night she finally did not notice the cold would mean she lost the fight and thus, was lost as well.
She glanced down as she felt something rubbing at her ankles. "Hello, Mr Pumpkin." she reached down and scratched the orange tabby behind it's ears. It suddenly occurred to her she had never asked Temperance what the cat's actual name was. It was an independent lil guy and came and went at will via a cat door. When she would stop in to clean she would find signs it had eaten and such. Zodiac bent over and picked up the cat and cuddled it in her arms.
"What am I to do on the subject of your mistress?" her thoughts asked the cat. 'Mr. Pumpkin' just purred and nuzzled her in reply.
You lay your bets and then you pay the price
The things we do for love,