What is love? (Temperance Avila)

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What is love? (Temperance Avila)

Post by Zodiac »

Too many broken hearts have fallen in the river
Too many lonely souls have drifted out to sea,
She was sulking.

Sulking accomplished nothing. So her Nana often told her too many times in the past. Yet, sulking had a bizarre soothing quality to it at certain times. Mind, body and spirit suddenly in harmony with the upper and lower planes of existence as the inner eye opens wide and gazes into the depths of the cosmos itself, each looking into each other and themselves, and agrees totally that the current situation literally and absolutely...


How often Zodiac wished the rest of her extended life would know such total harmony as this. She did not have an answer for this and nothing in the lore her Nana passed down to her held a clue, nor did her own experiences suggest anything of value. For one who calls herself a Spiritual Advisor, her inner perceptions had debated to the point on this particular subject where their grand conclusion was
'Sorry, I got nothing, girl.'.

She sat on the sofa of her soulmate's apartment and looked at the chess set that occupied the coffee table. The place, despite its un-use, was clean. Twice a week the mystic came by to make sure of that fact, in case Temperance decided to come home again. A few drop cloths over the more nicer bits of furniture, but that was all. The game had paused midway. The marker (a bit of ceramic cuteness) sat on Tempy's side of the board meaning it was her turn. A game could last a month for them at the norm. A few moves here and there. Something always distracting them from the game, but it would be waiting patiently for them to return. Absently, a purple nail tipped finger hovered over her remaining knight. If Tempy moved to block the assault of her bishop as she hoped, she could put her in check and force her to castle her king to keep it safe. A major victory for the gypsy. Strategy was not either of their strong points, yet the game appealed to them regardless, but was it the game itself or the fact the pair could sit and talk freely between themselves as they played?

Talking. For being a mute, Zodiac certainly managed to do enough of talking in her own ways. Telepathy made things easy now, but when she first met the allurist, all she could do was scribble notes. Some found it frustrating to have a conversation with her back then, but Tempy had the patience of a saint. Once the allurist learned to mindspeak, the mystic simply let her read her thoughts. Willingly letting someone into your mind like that was not the smartest thing to do she had been advised by others, but she never hesitated to invite her in. By then they were almost joined at the hip anyway. The woman let Zodiac move in at the time she was still trying to come to terms with her new state of living. The last thing Zodiac needed was to be alone trying to sort things out and Tempy opened her home to her. Why?

A sharp eye spotted something on the carpet. She got up and went to investigate and pulled a single pine needle that had escaped the vacuum cleaner's repeated attacks on dirt in the past. An escapee from Christmas' past. She could recall the pair of them acting like kids with each new bit of tinsel or decoration they added during the season. A happy time, a festive time. Gifts exchanged, long walks in the night just taking in the colors and the lights. Other less then honorable things as well. The mystic wondered if the local police remembered her cookies she made for them (laced with laxatives and her home made stupidity potion). She recalled explaining them to Tempy as the allurist enjoyed one of the 'safe' cookies she made with a cup of tea. 'Be stuck in the bathroom and too stupid to know what to do.'. Some would judge her insane for playing such games, and truth be told Tempy had questioned her sanity a time or two when they first met. 'ARE YOU CRAZY?' she shouted at Zodiac when the mystic tried to kill a fly on her desk with her new found friend 'Mr. Sledgy'. She got the fly but also took a corner of the desk off in the process, but as the norm she took Zo's 'quirks' with a grain (or was it box?) of salt. Why?

She flicked the needle into the trash and sat back down. The last time she spoke with the woman she was different. Painfully different. If the gypsy understood her properly, she had gone through something quite similar. There was no way back from this. If there was a spell or something to return one back to the land of the living it was not to be found in her Nana's grimores or any ritual she had learned. Zodiac had tried to be as 'human' as she could despite the change, but it was close to impossible some nights. No one could deny, for long, they had changed. Maybe that's why she always felt cold inside. The inner war she fought with her rising vampire natures against what she was before. As long as she felt 'cold' she had finally reasoned, it meant what she was was still alive and kicking within, but the night she finally did not notice the cold would mean she lost the fight and thus, was lost as well.

She glanced down as she felt something rubbing at her ankles.
"Hello, Mr Pumpkin." she reached down and scratched the orange tabby behind it's ears. It suddenly occurred to her she had never asked Temperance what the cat's actual name was. It was an independent lil guy and came and went at will via a cat door. When she would stop in to clean she would find signs it had eaten and such. Zodiac bent over and picked up the cat and cuddled it in her arms.

"What am I to do on the subject of your mistress?" her thoughts asked the cat. 'Mr. Pumpkin' just purred and nuzzled her in reply.
You lay your bets and then you pay the price
The things we do for love,
Some day I'm gonna be happy. I don't know when just now

I still have clouds to dance upon, and the moon expects me for tea
The Pandora Project.
Temperance Avila
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Re: What is love? (Temperance Avila)

Post by Temperance Avila »

Note to reader: stories written here are to be kept OC. There are some items that the main characters or others do not know IC. Much is ‘old’ history, however, please respect writers wishes. Timeframe of this is ‘before the thread ‘Night @ The Met’
Today, she awoke just before dusk. Fabric of her dress twisted a bit to the right around her waist as she rose from the bed of her secluded apartment in Deux Corbeaux. Palms pressed even through the fabric. She sighed. It was not like her to sleep in clothes from the day before. Lately, though, she had been running her mind ragged as she learned new skills and took on new challenges. It often just made her crash at the site of comfort to sleep on.

Temperance Avila (now nearly a year and half later since her disappearance and nine months from returning to harper rock) was finally starting to fall back into place. Her head was a container for a 1500 piece puzzle. Information was shuffled, flipped over in her mind. Her attitude was out of order. Everything she touched took twice as long to remember and even longer to form emotions around. It was the reason for her being so cold. The reason she kept secluded in the first place.

Seclusion would not consume the allurist. As she made more and more rounds in Harper Rock. Relearning the districts. Revisiting familiar streets and businesses, it slowly but surely clicked. The places, the sights and smells, the taste of food, the people. Even the memories.
It was pretty clear from the beginning, first day they met, they were soulmates. The allurist and gypsy had a connection. That, at least, is what Temperance thought. Her definition of soulmate was not of lover though. It was someone that represented the other side of you. Be it friend, family, significant other, or even a foe. She believes wholeheartedly that anyone that shared similar interests, anyone that had an aura or rhythm about themselves and made you felt completed, was your soulmate. An enemy can even do just that, being the temperamental side of you. At heart Temperance was a giver of adoration. Blessed with the ability to let someone’s true light shine through no matter how fruitful or detrimental they were in that moment. It was a gift in which her mortal uncle thought she had a part of God about her. She shared much of this with her family and those same traits belonged to the vampire within; so for an allurist-she fit the part.

Now Zodiac and Temperance were not lovers from the start. They came from the same master bloodline; Worthington, with different sires; Scorpia and Silver Argent (Liam Goodryke). In kind, Temperance opened her home to any of those whom she was familiar with. It was a time where vampires were learning to be humans and humans were learning about vampires. It was the beginning, of something unnatural that needed to be protected. Temperance abided by the laws of the vampire masquerade and helped shelter those new beings, to guide them until they can run off on their own. Her three childer and thrall had a place in her apartment in Alpha Towers as well. There was room for them all as they all came and went on different schedules. Roxy and Myk, her favorites, along with Temperance, Zodiac and Merry at times would jump upon the beds. Pillow fights in the halls; romp around in their pajamas after slumber parties. She remembers a time when all of them-not at once- was locked in the bedroom closet. The fun was never-ending.

When the fun settled down into a low mute, the two friends enjoyed each others company over tea. Zodiac knew how to make homemade tea blends and Temperance enjoyed sipping them. You could compare them to true friends. Who talked about their woes, their families, their friends, their boyfriends and girlfriends. Yes, before these two became a ‘couple’ there were others. Often that chess board (which was brought over by Zodiac) was an ice breaker when their conversation turned from words to silent thoughts. Temperance was in a world of hovering over certain men she had crushes on. Those crushes came and went when harsh waves plummet a sorrowful allurist to the beach front and pull away smiling, waving; until next meet. In short, those in whom she flourished over had traits that matched hers. And in no particular order:

Silver Argent, her sire from the Worthington line. Her creator, her maker. Later a lover. Temperance was always in constant conflict with this man. Not only because she was still discovering this life and what it all meant, but at the deeper level of missing her mortal home and seeking similarities among the immortal. She’d return to him a few times, but it was not always pleasant. Often times strained, confused, political, happiness, sadness. Drama plagued them both and Temperance did her best to sort out her sire. Assist him to see that the glass is half full instead of empty. To a certain degree, she did care for Silver.

Jareth Archer, a shy gothic from the Grigori bloodline. She bumped into him often in Thornside park. He’d offer the allurist chocolates. She’d accept and make small talk with him. In a few meetings, he was not entirely her type, but more of a friend. He was too shy, too reserved. Temperance quickly ruined what little of a friend she had in him, when Worthington’s and Grigori were at war. It was her hand that had part in destroying Habren Ashe, after all. Temperance felt deeply sorry. So incredibly ashamed that she sent him a single flower. Their friendship was never the same.

Skyler, the hacker. He had a brilliantly quiet mind. He spoke in zero's and one’s, programs and codes. He had a childer in which he ‘slightly’ abandoned due to his dutiful studies and work habits. She enjoyed his company and encouraged his growth in his programming skills. He’d even run a few ideas passed Temperance to develop. Cristiana, became a fourth childe, Temperance took in and adopted as her own. She had an ideal mindset there. Crissy was a spark that Temperance didn’t have. She brought out another level of fun and inspiration. Skyler was the side of Temperance who was curious and calm waters to sit beside and admire. Temperance coming from a normal family oriented home, felt like she fit here. Their relationship, like the former was merely a cordial friendship.

PsychoCliff, her brother. The bond did not begin this way, however. At first their conversations began around the intricacies of their sire. They were on common agreement with many of the tales they talked about. The killer grew on the allurist. He’d give her a jab now and then, she would laugh and try to push back with all her strength. He was always stronger than her and forced her to grow as well. How many animals could she slay? How many gangsters to kill? How many bones can you break? When all was said and done, his hands fit well to smooth muscles she was learning to use. He kept her emotional tendencies in check when it came to learning about certain cliques. She the “girl” who listened and took everything one said. He the “guy” who knew when people were telling lies. Even if he got rough and crazy at times, PsychoCliff has always been her protector. He is the brother she never had.

Temperance would share these stories with Zodiac. She was always waiting for acceptance from them, never forceful. She felt that love should come naturally. She would wait until they would come around and see just what she could be for them...Ninety-nine percent of the time, she thought wrong and Zodiac would have some reasoning behind it or a rather unnaturally crazy solution. “Sledge-hammer them all”.

Her feelings so strong, were made mute by force of will to push them aside. This was a perfectly normal trait that the allurist would learn to take to advantage of. One after another, her emotions were tied to them all. Then, there was also a matter of privacy in which she held. Some stories Temperance never elaborated upon or shared too much information, even with her own sire, Silver Argent-even with Zodiac.

Malachai, level headed and musically inclined. Temperance became fond of him after the very first meeting she had. The meeting was a solution solving a problematic issue as her childe had gone on a rampage attacking several vampires. He and his sire, Micah, were understanding within limitations. She admired that and took responsibility for the incident. From this meeting, she made a few friends and still had yet to meet Malachai for a jam session of music and song.

Wolfgang was handsome. He was not of her bloodline. Temperance literally bumped into the man one evening. They exchanged numbers and went separate ways. Than, there upon the alter of a wedding between Etienne and Elizabeth, stood Wolf alongside his sire. Temperance grinned and sent him a text that they were at the same engagement without even knowing it. Her plan was to catch up with him after the celebration. However, Ripper slashed through the party terrorizing the guests. She could blame that boy for pulling him away. Though they did meet again, the shadow found her apartment and let himself in. They talked but tides turned and she found out he was already involved with another. Somewhere she hoped they two could meet again. From then on, they were mere friendly acquaintances. She watched his name blossom in the papers, billboard signs too. She was proud of him.

Mr. Scratch, a man whom Temperance gradually fell for. He was above her considered age group. Rough on the edges and always had stories to tell. Temperance was intrigued by his political guile. They swapped stories for days on end before they began to share more personal tales. She was fascinated with his tattoos, each one had a deep meaning aside from ink on skin. His smoky breath a reminder of home. His jazzy voice harmonizing in her soft tunes. The stitch work he’d done to mend her slashed throat. The relationship was doomed from the start, though. He was not looking for permanent comfort and she accepted, but every meeting the allurist grew more fond. Her heart broke each time a new girl was under his arm, but still she never said a word, only seeking comfort. He was a friend some days and others, more. Temperance was careful not to divulge much of her need to be around the necromancer. There were other hearts to hurt and friendships would have been crushed, due to a harmless relation that was never meant to be. Even Zodiac knew little of the man she adored. In time, he finally settled down, then disappeared.. This left her distraught not only on the edge of politics because she felt clear that he was a winning man with similar mind as she, but also that another piece of her was ripped away.

Asher, the temperamental allurist. To this day she can still never begin to explain the connection there. He was gentle, reassuring, a friend. She felt the need to treat him in a respectful loving way. There were sides to Asher she praised and sides to the man she despised, everything opposite of what she was when he was causing trouble. Yet, somehow she found way to immediately push all of that aside in his presence. He was born again and glowing in her eyes. Allurist all the same, she hurt his feelings by attempting to take a situation too far. Again, a moment of deep regret and sorrow plagued her.

Gaijin, had a dual personality. One side which Temperance saw plenty of and the other rarely. She liked Gaijin. She enjoyed talking to him about his past and where he was from. Even though she cared for him, Temperance knew that they were better off friends and so she never pursued to take things further. Their relationship blossomed into brother sister-like with long talks and casual hugs. She was just glad to see the tall killer smile once in a while.

Temperance began to ask questions. She judged herself to an inner level of shame, regret, misery. So much so that her choices have all been failures for some reason or another. And now, was she to lose her longest standing relationship with Zodiac?
❧ holding on-still alive underneath this shroud ❧
Dressed By Myk! ღ
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Re: What is love? (Temperance Avila)

Post by Zodiac »

Communication is the problem to the answer
You've got her number and your hand is on the phone
She walked into the master bedroom and sat on the end of the bed. Her fingers traced the pattern on the comforter. Like the rest of the place, it sat clean and waiting. Despite having her own room, the pair had shared this space a lot. A hint of a smile as memories of it drifted by. 'Mr. Pumpkin' hopped up onto the bed and curled up next to the mystic. Her inner vibe attracting him as it did most cats (and occasionally other animals) Pajama parties on the cold winter days. Being a brat along with the allurist's children. Tempy knew her guest had issues with the cold so on occasion the two snuggled up under the thick blankets to sleep the day away. Making jokes and playing with those decrepit dolls Temperance seemed to love so much. Undead Raggedy Ann and Andy. Tempy favored Andy so Zo took Ann. Together they wove a tale of love gone insane between the two dolls, saying the damage to them was done by each other. Psychos in love. It was childish nonsense but they rolled in it laughing away. They had even gone as far as dressing like the dolls for a Halloween party Elizabeth had held and won first prize. It was crazy work to make themselves look like the toys but they loved every minute of it. Sometimes, the conversation ended and neither felt the desire to move. When one was down and depressed, the other listening. Encouraging. A lot of upset emotions were vented here.

Never sex. Sex came much later in their relationship and even then it had it's differences. For others that knew the mystic in such a fashion, they might swear she was a rabid minx in heat but it had never been the case with Temperance. The few times they had enjoyed each others company in such a fashion was downright sedate, pleasant, even comical at times with the pair once again snuggled close. Talking. Satisfied. A far cry from the mystic's normal habits. When she felt Temperance had gone for good, she was no angel. She would admit it. A bitter pill to swallow perhaps, but she would. But quantity did not satisfy apparently as did the few moments of quality time they shared in private.

Pride. One of the few traits she got from her thrice damned mother, Amanda. Syzgany pride. When the clues began to point to the face Tempy was back around, she kept her distance. She wasn't the one who just went poof, Tempy was-so Pride told her. She waited till the woman had come to her instead of running out to find her. When did they finally talk, she saw Tempy had changed. Disoriented, off balance, with a tale of trying to live and forget the fact she was no longer mortal. Again, she could sympathize. She did that herself in the very beginning and ended up making her first childer when she could not hold back the hunger any longer.

She kept a few feelers out. Apparently Temperance was getting herself back together now, which was a good thing. Eventually she would be back to her old self with a few new points of view. In such a thing as this it was inevitable, and that's where personal questioning began. Despite the fact she loved the woman, the gypsy could not help but wonder if she was toxic to Temperance's mental state of being. How many times had Tempy been blindsided by others complaining about Zodiac's actions? The mystic never answered to anyone in her life save her grandmother, and was confused at first till common sense kicked in. One's actions reflected on the other and the girl would have to admit she could cast a pretty dark reflection at times on her soulmate.

She laid back on the bed and just looked at the ceiling. She would rather live without her totally than cause her any more pain. Zodiac had told her once, if she found true happiness in the arms of another, she would do their binding and dance at her wedding gladly. She could swear she heard Nana screaming
'TALK TO HER!' somewhere in her mind, but talking did not seem like an option at the moment, which was a pity, cause it was one of the things the pair could always do with ease.
The weather's turned and all the lines are down
The things we do for love.
Some day I'm gonna be happy. I don't know when just now

I still have clouds to dance upon, and the moon expects me for tea
The Pandora Project.
Temperance Avila
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Re: What is love? (Temperance Avila)

Post by Temperance Avila »

On the outside, she was full of light movements and awe in the aura around her. Inside she was a ball of disappointment, broken shards of glass, cracked egg shells to walk on. She was conflicted. One evening, unlike all the rest had changed this. On the night she kissed Zodiac or Zodiac kissed her, but she did indeed kiss back. The night played in her head as if it were yesterday. The pair had returned to Temperance’s apartment in Alpha Towers. Rambling on of their fun filled evening since dusk. After their choice of dinner they pulled out the old chess board. The game always took forever and on this night, it was never complete. During each move their conversations grew to a topic about boys, relationships, and how they sucked very badly. The allurist was finally ready to share the pent up energy she had been feeling inside. No one would love her right, not they way she wanted them too. Or was she just looking too hard. Or expecting too much. Wanting perfection. Wanting that caress. Look in the eye, tingle sensation of rain pouring down on a great looking couple as they melted into the world around them. Together in perfect harmony. Her ideals were that of a love story. Any love story that had a happy ending. Temperance sat there with her dearest friend. Ranting in sad notes of things lost. That’s when it happened. The unexpected actions of her over-emotional state mixed with the one phrase that Zodiac screamed.

“If you opened your damn eyes, you'd see someone who loves you right here. or something like that.”

A kiss as true as could be.

She was both knocked off her socks and surprised by the actions in place. The game had immediately come to a halt and the two paused. It was as this movie which played perfectly in her head was now being watched all the same. Her heart sunk deeper but not of despair, of an exuberance. Giddy, dancing in the rain, sitting under a tree in a lightening storm, shocked by the touch and feel of another woman’s breath. Temperance did not push away or let the moment get awkward to ruin what friendship the two had. Up to this point they were already inseparable soulmates. What if this was as right as it could be? Or was it all a euphoric moment that would fade. The two talked briefly about it. Nothing negative was brought up. It felt right. It must be. Like all relationships Temperance had, this was extremely different and so time passed on. They kept to themselves until the right possible moment to share news to their closest kin. Much of who were happy for the pairing.

This opened a world of new adventures. Second apartments, merging closets, kitchens and clothes. Still they walked down the street as if nothing were any different than before. Aside from respect. Ensuring to do no harm against the other. Keep family matters separate and work far at best. Like all relationships, there’s had a few dips. The surprise kiss killed existing relations Zodiac already had. Though she would swear on her nana’s grave it is her choice. Temperance couldn’t help but feel as though she had taken something away or suppressed something that Zodiac lived for. The conversations were few and always reminded of the reasons behind what they had. It was not temporary, not childish, not restrictive, but something more. More than the fairy tale love stories with consistent praise. More when she refused charming reminders of her past. More when they would make it through the hardest of times from situations not controlled by her. It was everlasting.

Temperance needed to speak to the woman. Even though she was rude. Down right terrible in their last meet, as her mind was beginning to remind her. Life was not always was it was cracked up to be. Sometimes you had to do the worst possible things to realize what you have is nothing more than what you always ever wanted. Could it be that simple? She had eternity to find out. Something began to break beyond the barrier. A little bit of humanity as brush strokes upon the brain. She pondered the misery and the loss. What greater a feeling than love? The perfect balance in a world with many days of uprooted and winding memories to be made. It was as simple as that kiss.

She pulled away the dingy material she wore from the former day. Tossed them into the trash can beside the bare wall. She was in desperate need of cleaning up the mistakes she herself had now made. She started with a hot shower.
❧ holding on-still alive underneath this shroud ❧
Dressed By Myk! ღ
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Re: What is love? (Temperance Avila)

Post by Zodiac »

Like walking in the rain and the snow
When there's nowhere to go
And you're feelin' like a part of you is dying
Ivy Bluffs.

The first home she owned. Phaedra and her pooled their resources to get it and they began to turn it in to the equivalent of a witches 'man cave'. She was heartbroken when Phae passed on beyond even the shadow realm. They were not lovers, but best friends. Phae would have been her second, or she hers, when the time to form a coven came round to be. Several had inquired about buying the place from her, but there was too much of Phae, and now Tempy in the place to ever consider letting it go. Walking in the front door was like walking into a memory.

This had become their home. Tempy always had her place at Alpha, but the pair seemed to spend the most time here. Everywhere her eyes would set within these rooms, a memory would blossom up and open. It hurt sometimes to be here alone, especially when Temperance took her leave of the town.

Her fingers ran across the small table for two next to the small kitchenette. How many times when the sun had set had they sat there like sisters discussing their night or half a hundred other things. Tea for Tempy and a mug of blood for her and if one squinted at it all, they were two normal people sharing their lives. Not discussing the affairs of vampires at all. They could have been discussing the newest film in town of the bargains they found at the mall (and sometimes they did exactly that) and as she sat in her chair of the two at this setting, she realized both of them had kept the remaining spark of humanity within them both alive and well. Being human was not the crime most vampires thought it was in her view. What they were now had its origins in what they were then and her rationale screamed not only could the worst of them have survived the changed. Some of the good had to come as well. it just had to.

She also remembered other things. One night she tried to teach Tempy how, if she paid attention, she could rook anyone in a game of Five Card Stud. Telling her how games of chance at the carnivals were rigged and how to beat them. Talking about family-then and now. If they hadn't crossed that one line they would still have been sisters in spirit.

The fireplace was dark now. Usually it was always alive with a welcoming cheerful glow. Zodiac never figured out till much later why she always felt cold, but more memories rose up now. Impromptu pajama parties on the large cushions she kept round the fire. Playing with Ginny. Just chilling and reading books or swapping bad jokes. Taking notes from a new grimore, only to look up and smile as she heard Tempy practicing a few bars from a number she was planning to perform at the Met. She got up from the chair and began laying kindling in place and stacking logs. Soon the dark space was glowing again with its familiar light as she sat cross legged before it thinking. Softly, the words to a tune drifted in her mind.

" When you're feeling low
To whom else do you go
See I cry if you hurt
I'd give you my last shirt
Because I love you so"
Her head turned to their bed. Ginny was perched upon it-awaiting her to join her. Oh goddess, the pillow fights, the laughter, the tears, secrets, and all else they shared laying there. Her eyes continued on to the door itself. Another memory played out. She stood there clutching Tempy's hand trying to keep her from leaving. Her family and the Grigori was having a private war and Tempy's side was loosing. She could have stayed hidden, with her, till it was all over, but instead she chose to be brave and face the music of it all. She cried like a baby and forced her mouth to cry out her name as best she could when she left. She knew the moment Temperance had slipped into the shadow realm and this apartment suffered her frustration and rage for it all.

She also remembered sweeping up all the crystal she had shattered when she finally had calmed down. Zodiac had truly outdid herself breaking crystal with that fit. It had been before she had truly professed her love for the woman this had happened, but she knew then her feelings went beyond friends. Her emotions were balanced by her rage and considering how badly she had torn this place apart that night.......

It was real.

So damned painfully real.

She left the comfort of the fire and opened the panel that led to her garden. It was perhaps the one part of the place she had never shared that much with the allurist. Not that she wouldn't have, of course. In the controlled room, her flowers continued to grow despite the weather outside. Fresh cut flowers for their table most evenings. She walked among the various rows of plants absently inspecting them. So much of herself she had not shared with her despite it all. It occurred to her she had never had Tempy out to the farm. A deceptive title, actually. Granted the quaint house sat on farmland where she grew the plants for her ritual needs, but the house was anything like a farmer would live in. A last retreat from all the drama and crap their new lives in darkness seemed full of. Was being undead any different than being alive in that respect? Hardly. There was always drama to find oneself stuck hip deep in if one wasn't careful.

And whose hand was there to help pull you out of it all?

How much drama had she laid at the woman's feet? How often did she smile and say we will figure out a way, and the pair would move on.

She now sat on the edge of the small pond fountain and watched her koi fish swimming about. She dropped some food in for them and envied them. How simple their little lives were. How trusting that the food would always come for them. Was that her problem? Had she become so trusting that Tempy would always be there that when she was gone, she was suddenly clueless how to continue?

Just as clueless as she was now?

She sat for a time in the bubble of green she had made for herself thinking, then opened her thoughts out to her soulmate.

"Come home to me,"
And you're looking for the answer in her eyes.
You think you're gonna break up
Then she says she wants to make up.
Some day I'm gonna be happy. I don't know when just now

I still have clouds to dance upon, and the moon expects me for tea
The Pandora Project.
Temperance Avila
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Re: What is love? (Temperance Avila)

Post by Temperance Avila »

Willpower played a very large role against the relentless reminders of who she was. In this new relationship she was truly happy for every moment of worth despite the hard times. Curiosity and questions from others tried to push through that barrier on several occasions. Excuse upon item was brought forth by those around the women. Knowing her past was clearly filled with the male significant other. Why the sudden change? Why the interest? Was the allurist playing others all along or playing Zodiac? It was neither though it took a long while for certain persons to comprehend that. It was the relationship, the friendship or comadre that built her from an acquaintance to friend to more. It didn’t surprise her much because of a love that had been building all along.

The sudden turn of events could be quite rare for others. There is always a given percentage of the female population being curious. Always a percentage of those who live in the fashion they do because it is who they are. Temperance was not opposed to it, even though her Catholic roots would beg not. A mother-female and father-male was what the populace saw as normal. Any other interesting combination was labeled as different. Especially in her town back home. Which made up 10% of why Temperance did not take Zodiac with her. Another 70% in the fact she was a vampire. 20% because she needed to face what she left behind alone.

She fought the good fight before. She was love-striken and there was no stopping someone so devoted, especially an allurist devoted. Temperance was the type of person who put her whole heart into something. She didn’t speak strongly otherwise. Of course there is room for general conversation, but finding the passion is what she strives for much of the time.

It had been a while since Zodiac and Temperance was left in a distraught state. Words were first unfamiliar. Words that came through the thick of the shower fog, implanted straight into her mind. Temperance opened her eyes to stare straight into the tile wall before her. Heat pebbled down the length of her back, matting short waved locks against her head. Had this been like it were before, the wordy allurist would promptly return in silent whispers. However there were a few things in which she did not strengthen or perfect just yet. She’d try as the water washed away the desperate state of misery she had put onto herself. As much as love could conquer all, so tragedy did a wondrous job in such little time.

A grey sweater dress pulled over her frail frame. Black tights to protect her knees from the bitter cold of winter. A knit hat. Heavy coat and comfortable snow boots. Temperance was beckoned nicely and though she was the one left with the ultimatum to start the conversation once more. Perhaps Zodiac was in the same state she had been since waking. Remembering all that was built. Reopening opportunities to get back to the way things were. Ivy Tower would be the first place she would start. Which was a short walk away from her private abode in DC.

The apartment building was not as tall as that of Alpha in Gullsbough. While the long walk from the river through the part was glorious this part of town had a different kind of class than the other. It was something she noticed in her walk. Not that it ever bothered an undead female who could probably flirt or break her way out of a group of gangsters. She’d quiver more when lingering the cemetery grounds. She focused on the path in which she was headed. Entered the building, arrived at the door, and knocked lightly.

She waited for the door to open before uttering with a smile, “I know I should have come sooner, but the time was not right. It’s different now. I’m different, again.” She shrugged a bit. ”If you would have me again?”
❧ holding on-still alive underneath this shroud ❧
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Re: What is love? (Temperance Avila)

Post by Zodiac »

A compromise would surely help the situation
Agree to disagree but disagree to part
When she opened the door, she was surprised. The girl had honestly thought her whispered call would go unanswered, but here she was. Something in the woman's eyes gave her pause and let her say what she had come to say. She had almost expected a good bye.

She was terrified that's what Temperance had come to say.

Without a word in reply, she encouraged Temperance to come inside and closed the door, then motioned for her to follow her. She took a seat on the small sofa and urged the allurist to do the same.

"I..." she had considered what she would say a hundred times, and now all she had was a void where she had stored those words. "I know at times you find what I do....questionable, when it comes to faith and magick. I understood why you left. I truly did. I did some of my own 'going home' while you was gone, but I doubt your journey and mine ended up the same way." she looked at her and wondered how creepy it was for Tempy. 'Hearing' her speaking, yet her mouth did not move a muscle. Some had told her outright it was unnerving to have a conversation with her because of that. "But when I heard nothing at Beltane, I totally lost it. Part of me insisted something was keeping you from messaging me, but in how I was raised there was no bigger insult to be had. I admit I can be a spiteful, angry little ***** sometimes and that's why you had to come to me. I knew you was back, love. I was afraid of what you were back to say to me."

The rules of a handfasting had been taught to her since she was a child. A pair was one for a year and a day and then they would return to declare if they wished to continue as a pair or if one (or both) decided to move on in different ways. For one not to appear was a sign of utter contempt for the other unless situations prevented it, but normally one would know what was going on before hand. With no word as to what was going on, Zodiac simply went into a tail spin.

The gypsy wrapped her arms around the woman and held her tightly.
"To not show up after a year and day and say if you still wanted me or not. It hurt." she sobbed a bit but refused to let go. "I think the question is, do you still want to be with me? I could not blame you if you said no, but I never stopped worrying about you or caring even if a part of me was insisting you had." She pulled back, smiled, and cleared her throat for a second before opening her mouth.


It was the most sincere way she had of answering anyone. To embarrass herself by actually trying to form words like anyone else could. Precious few had ever heard her try to talk and every time she did, echoes of childhood teasing rang in her head.

"Of course I still want you," her thoughts took over again as she pulled her close and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. "So would you care to stay? I'll make tea." she asked hopefully. She glanced down to see Ginny had squeezed herself between them on the couch, purring away as if she had just found her long lost happy place again. "Well, i guess you are staying. Boss lady says so," she finally laughed a bit.
When after all it's just a compromise of
The things we do for love,
the things we do for love....
Some day I'm gonna be happy. I don't know when just now

I still have clouds to dance upon, and the moon expects me for tea
The Pandora Project.
Temperance Avila
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Re: What is love? (Temperance Avila)

Post by Temperance Avila »

The atmosphere of Ivy apartment was much warmer than she had previously seen. She had stopped in a few times on our journey to re-educate herself of her past travels and the place felt abandoned, to say the least. In the state then, it was a weird sort of comfort. To feel alone within walls which sung the same song. Temperance let the warmth of the room take hold of her frame. She grew cozy into its arms which made her feel safe to be here. She followed Zodiac and sat to her side on the couch.

Temperance was slightly disappointed with Zodiac’s concern and her interpretation of the message. Zodiac despite her rough exterior and stomach for so many things, had a soft spot. That spot was a continued paranoia that Temperance would find someone else and walk away. No matter how much reassurance the allurist gave, begged, and proved. The first thing that would come to mind was unsatisfactory to be stuck in place. Temperance was not keen to the idea of someone she cared for so deeply tossing the card out there like she really should just find someone new.

Her fingers drew into loose balls and hugged at her sides as the mystic hugged her tightly. She listened carefully, told her mind to accept what was happening, and her heart to remain drawn to the fire’s flame. The thought of Beltane was not the issue. Nor the fact that it was still her fault (glaringly) that Zodiac was left waiting a magical appearance from someone who had gone so long before. Temperance had her disappearing act under wraps now, though not spoken word to anyone about the journey back home. Her tightened fists did not show the ring which she should still carry with her. ”I did not return… because I honestly forgot. I was distraught..” She fished for words without making her cringe or want to run or sound uncaring. ”I did not forget intentionally. I was not in the right state of mind, barely alive for that matter.” Honesty is the best policy. ”I lost my ring. I didn’t realize it right away. I know where it is.. but. I’d rather not dig up my mothers grave a second time.” And a story for another time. "Nor talk about that right now."

She placed her hand upon the woman’s knee, a comfort there which helped ease the memory. ”I’m ready to try. I do not want to give up what we had. Now that I’m remembering what it all was. Thank you for still caring.” Temperance always felt that appreciation was something many lacked. Especially others unlike herself. It was something everyone needed to hear sometimes and felt it was meant. She did not exactly try to prolong or act in the soft kiss, but just accept it.

”I can stay.” She grinned. ”Tea sounds lovely. Oh! but.. not peach. I fear I have soured my taste for that old favorite.”
❧ holding on-still alive underneath this shroud ❧
Dressed By Myk! ღ
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