***Asil Kahya***
The tall, brooding Turkish man stared intently at the door of the building known as the Haper Rock Morgue. The target had entered the building some time ago, and he had stayed behind, waiting, wondering why she would go in to such a place, and even more, why she was taking so long. Instead of wandering inside to find her, he simply lit a cigar and leaned on the building, watching and waiting. He was good at both of those things and sooner or later, she would return and then it would be time.***Aysel Johari***
She had felt uneasy since the sunset had woken her. It was as if the skin on the back of her neck itched and nothing she could do would stop it. She felt as if she was being watched and it was incredibly distracting to her. Though she knew the long, loose black pants and ankle length tunic were not ideal for fighting, she had removed her shoes and taken a few turns in the cage. The bigger surprise was not that she had stepped in to the cage and gone against Jonah, Zakar and Catherine, but that she had enjoyed her time and the rush of the fights. Her eyes had stayed fixed on the cage and the fights, even when she had decided she was done for the night. Her last match had been with Jonah and she was slightly dizzy from several blows to her head. So she stood in the corner and watched quietly.After a small amount of time, she figured that everyone else was suitably distracted and she moved silently to the door. She didn't want to say goodbye’s or stop and talk. The itch had moved from her neck to between her shoulders and she felt the urgent need to be outside in an open space. She moved quickly through the halls and up to the morgue, pausing a moment to look around before she slipped from the secret passage and in to the morgue itself. Her steps were quick, light and silent as she rushed out in to the night. She stood still long enough to draw in a cold breath of crisp air, then pushed off the wall and headed for her apartment.
***Asil Kahya***
The man who had been waiting for her did not miss her reappearance, nor the way she paused like a frightened rabbit. Something had spooked the woman and he hoped it hadn't been him. She certainly wasn't smart enough to figure out that something was up, and yet she was jumpy and nervous. Aside from her nerves, she seemed to be fine to his inexperienced eyes. And even better, she was alone. Normally the woman was with at least one other person, be that her fake husband or a friend. Asil had no qualms about harming any one she might be with, however his plans and that of his employer would go so much better if that were not an issue. And for once, for the first time in weeks, she was alone and he could easily accomplish his task.With that thought in mind, he plucked his phone from his pocket and pressed the programmed number. Lifting the device to his ear, he spoke in quick, curt tones to the man on the other end of the line. He then pocketed the device and put out his cigar before ambling across the street, forcing a smile on his face as he joined the woman on her stroll, greeting her warmly.
***Aysel Johari***
The chime of her phone distracted her and she glanced at the screen, surprised to see a text from Jonah wishing her safe travels. Blinking away the dizziness, she had started to respond when the arrival of her thrall caught her off guard, his voice coming from the darkness startled her and she gave him a thin smile, returning his greeting. It was all she said, her attention drawn back to her phone as she tapped out a reply, ignoring the world around her. She figured she didn't have to pay attention since her thrall was with her and the man normally watched out for her and kept an eye on their surroundings. Trying to ignore the shrieking tires of a vehicle trying to stop too quickly on the slick road, she attempted to send a text, finishing her sentence and hitting “send” just as her sixth sense urged her to look up. Urged her to run, to hide. But she didn't do either of those things. She didn't have time to do more than look up at the noise and then the world went dark, the phone in her hands falling to the pavement and shattering on the ground.