An Account of Existence
Posted: 23 Jan 2014, 19:01
I am unsure who I am writing this to but I hope that someone is able to find benefit in it.
During my current...existence, I have been forced to endure the Shadow Realm three times if I remember correctly. Some of this life is...clouded to me but I think that the time there that I remember will be enough for this.
I remember the first time I was sent there. I was still new to this life and had dealt with too many guards that had caught me stealing. I was still struggling with accepting what I was. The name of my path, Killer, felt wrong. It wasn't me. It was something thrust on me. Something new.
Moriah was the one that "killed" me. I don't like using that term for what I experienced. Killing and death has more of a sense of finality to me that, at least for now, the Shadow Realm does not carry. I don't have the language to explain it any other way and that is how most people identify the act.
Anyway, it was during that first trip that I was forced to accept that the...traits I possess as a vampire were not created by the act of turning me. This existence might amplify some, but everything I am now I had the potential to be even as a human. When Moriah...let's say sent me to avoid using the other word. When Moriah sent me, she shot me in the head.
You probably know that we heal quickly by now but a bullet to the brain still scrambles things. Some just get stupid. If you've seen the CrowNet, you can search and see the garbled ramblings of the few that sit at a computer with a hole in their head. It wasn't like that for me. I...regressed. Luckily, I was not here to be a threat towards revealing our kind.
The Shadow Realm...if you haven't been there, it's difficult to explain. As the name implies, it's a shadow of this place. Wandering through it, if you have your senses about you, you can find familiar places but they're...twisted. Calling it a mockery would be too strong a word. It's just that a copy of something is not the same as the original and everything is just different enough to not feel the same.
I did not see this the first time. My mind gone I was more animal than anything. I was hurt and I was hungry and I attacked everything I came across. Have you heard anyone talk about the Darkness? It's what most people say makes us what we are. It's what the stories are told about. The marauding monster killing everything in sight. That's what I was. I realized though, that wasn't the vampire in me, it was just me. Sure, this new...existence might have made it stronger, but this was all there before. My brain was the same brain, my personality is the same personality. For me to be able to turn in to all had to exist before.
When I came back, I was still half wild from living like that and my mind still healing. I went to the hunting grounds and stayed there for as long as I could. Short excursions in to town kept me from getting to weighed down from all the furs I collected but I had to learn control. I still...resisted some. I saw success as learning to control that part of me. I still tried to keep it separate.
It all went to hell when I killed the cop. I honestly don't remember why I did it and I don't know if I ever did. I just remember letting go and murdering him in the street. I got a bounty again and the hunters came for me. I knew that I had done wrong but I was trying to work my way off of the list so when they attacked, I defended myself. Gave as good as I got, if not better. It was then that I started to really see that these were not two sides of myself but the same thing.
I turned myself over to Mircea and he taught me control. Not control over my vampiric nature, but control over myself. He made me see that my actions and reactions are guided by me. The same way you flinch when someone waves something in front of you face, maybe you didn't consciously decide to blink but it was still you blinking.
Phoenix sent me that time after Mircea called her in to make sure that I was in total control and she shot me in the head. That made it easier to slip in to the Darkness while I was there but I knew then that it was part of me. The Realm was still...difficult. It saps your strength. I think that's on purpose. As...painful as it is, it's a test. It forces us to prove that we're not weak, that we deserve Nox's gift to return from there.
And I did. I fought and showed my strength until I was able to return. As terrible as the Shadow Realm is, it's my belief that it is a world perfect for us. There is no need for the Masquerade and we can merely exist. It is a brutal existence, so perhaps it as much warning as it is perfect, but so many view the Darkness of the Realm, the Darkness in themselves, as something outside of the natural order of things. It is because of this that we have so many that cannot accept this existence, so many that rail against it and so many that are mindless. Both see this existence as separate from the previous one.
One group wants to squash it down, ignore it and say that nothing has changed. And to a certain degree, they're right. We all are still the same people we were before but there are changes and to ignore them is to invite disaster. Saying that we are completely changed though...they remove our choice. They want us to be nothing but animals, existing purely on instinct.
Regardless of our status as human or not-human, we are people.
During my current...existence, I have been forced to endure the Shadow Realm three times if I remember correctly. Some of this life is...clouded to me but I think that the time there that I remember will be enough for this.
I remember the first time I was sent there. I was still new to this life and had dealt with too many guards that had caught me stealing. I was still struggling with accepting what I was. The name of my path, Killer, felt wrong. It wasn't me. It was something thrust on me. Something new.
Moriah was the one that "killed" me. I don't like using that term for what I experienced. Killing and death has more of a sense of finality to me that, at least for now, the Shadow Realm does not carry. I don't have the language to explain it any other way and that is how most people identify the act.
Anyway, it was during that first trip that I was forced to accept that the...traits I possess as a vampire were not created by the act of turning me. This existence might amplify some, but everything I am now I had the potential to be even as a human. When Moriah...let's say sent me to avoid using the other word. When Moriah sent me, she shot me in the head.
You probably know that we heal quickly by now but a bullet to the brain still scrambles things. Some just get stupid. If you've seen the CrowNet, you can search and see the garbled ramblings of the few that sit at a computer with a hole in their head. It wasn't like that for me. I...regressed. Luckily, I was not here to be a threat towards revealing our kind.
The Shadow Realm...if you haven't been there, it's difficult to explain. As the name implies, it's a shadow of this place. Wandering through it, if you have your senses about you, you can find familiar places but they're...twisted. Calling it a mockery would be too strong a word. It's just that a copy of something is not the same as the original and everything is just different enough to not feel the same.
I did not see this the first time. My mind gone I was more animal than anything. I was hurt and I was hungry and I attacked everything I came across. Have you heard anyone talk about the Darkness? It's what most people say makes us what we are. It's what the stories are told about. The marauding monster killing everything in sight. That's what I was. I realized though, that wasn't the vampire in me, it was just me. Sure, this new...existence might have made it stronger, but this was all there before. My brain was the same brain, my personality is the same personality. For me to be able to turn in to all had to exist before.
When I came back, I was still half wild from living like that and my mind still healing. I went to the hunting grounds and stayed there for as long as I could. Short excursions in to town kept me from getting to weighed down from all the furs I collected but I had to learn control. I still...resisted some. I saw success as learning to control that part of me. I still tried to keep it separate.
It all went to hell when I killed the cop. I honestly don't remember why I did it and I don't know if I ever did. I just remember letting go and murdering him in the street. I got a bounty again and the hunters came for me. I knew that I had done wrong but I was trying to work my way off of the list so when they attacked, I defended myself. Gave as good as I got, if not better. It was then that I started to really see that these were not two sides of myself but the same thing.
I turned myself over to Mircea and he taught me control. Not control over my vampiric nature, but control over myself. He made me see that my actions and reactions are guided by me. The same way you flinch when someone waves something in front of you face, maybe you didn't consciously decide to blink but it was still you blinking.
Phoenix sent me that time after Mircea called her in to make sure that I was in total control and she shot me in the head. That made it easier to slip in to the Darkness while I was there but I knew then that it was part of me. The Realm was still...difficult. It saps your strength. I think that's on purpose. As...painful as it is, it's a test. It forces us to prove that we're not weak, that we deserve Nox's gift to return from there.
And I did. I fought and showed my strength until I was able to return. As terrible as the Shadow Realm is, it's my belief that it is a world perfect for us. There is no need for the Masquerade and we can merely exist. It is a brutal existence, so perhaps it as much warning as it is perfect, but so many view the Darkness of the Realm, the Darkness in themselves, as something outside of the natural order of things. It is because of this that we have so many that cannot accept this existence, so many that rail against it and so many that are mindless. Both see this existence as separate from the previous one.
One group wants to squash it down, ignore it and say that nothing has changed. And to a certain degree, they're right. We all are still the same people we were before but there are changes and to ignore them is to invite disaster. Saying that we are completely changed though...they remove our choice. They want us to be nothing but animals, existing purely on instinct.
Regardless of our status as human or not-human, we are people.