West Africa
Worked with usual crew: Freeman, Streets, Blater, and Bridgeman.
Parameters: Simple evacuation.
Three pronged approach, one team: Distraction, Distraction, Snatch grab evac.
Event flawed but salvaged. Streets took too long, almost ruined the gig. Seriously would have wasted Streets if this had gone bad.
UK - Scotland and Wales
New Crew - O’Donnel and McPhearson.
Parameters: Fake assassination
Multi-leveled gig.
Team one: Insinuate self into household. Learn usual deliveries. Attempt assassination; Replace Mark with body double. Set double on fire. Put out fire. Stay on scene to misdirect authorities, to give team two time to evac to Wales.
Team two: gains access to doctor records, Changes Mark’s vital information to Body Double. Hijack delivery. Supplies body to location. Leaves location with Mark. Evacs to Wales.
Flawless event. Stayed on location longer than expected, but worth it in the end.
Toronto, Ontario
Lone, No Crew
Parameters: Unfaithful Wife
Simple eradication.
Flawless Event.
A Day Timer
- Day
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- Day
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Re: A Day Timer
Doc is sitting in the cafe, as was his custom when he wanted to sort things out. Cafes were excellent for that. As long as you left a decent tip for the waitress, and you don’t give her grief, she leaves you alone. It was on one such days as this, when a photo was thrust in front of him. And hell if it wasn’t Blackula. He looked at the photo and up at the large black man holding it. “No thank you, I am married.”
Day pressed his lips together,given the state of the city, he could understand such a reply. “No. She is missing, her name is Tameka. Have you seen her?”
“May I?” Doc reached out to take the photo. He studied the photo. He looked at the man. “I am sorry.” His face was devoid of recognition. “But if you have more copies, I work at the hospital.. I can show it around?” Doc had no intention of showing it to anyone, but Blackula, maybe, maybe not.
Day moved to sit in the booth across from the man. No one just ‘willingly offered to help’, unless they knew something. “My name is Day.. Tameka is my sister.” He watched for any telltale expressions. He rested his elbows on the table, and clasped his hands together, as he watched him.
Doc lifted an eyebrow as the man sat down uninvited and introduced himself. He leaned back ever so slightly, and lifted his chin as he assessed ‘Day’. He was large, over six feet and all muscle, he would be a substantial opponent if the odds were even . “Dr. Charles Nilson.” However, the odds were not even. “This city, has a lot of missing.” He nods sadly.
Day rubbed his face. “She’s my only sister.” If he could make her more real to him, maybe he would give something up. But something about this guy wasn’t right. “It’s killing my mother.”
Doc nodded in faux sympathy. “I have seen many families torn apart by substance abuse. Have you checked by the docks? The addicts and hookers congregate there. One of the other doctors tries to run a mission for them, and is always looking for volunteers to help.”
Day didn’t allow the insult to his sister to register on his face, though he recognized the insult clearly, “But ‘you’ don’t try to help?”
Doc shrugged apathetically, “There is no point. They have to realize themselves that they need help before they will accept it. Why waste good energy after bad?”
Day really wanted to punch this guy. He rubbed his forehead, he needed as much information as possible; so he continued to hide his animosity. “What makes you think she’s an addict or hooker?”
Doc turned the photo back, so that Day would have to look at it. “Missing means one of three things in this city. Dead. Addicted. Or hooking. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt that she still lives. She is pretty. Or was.”
Day took the photo back. “Thanks for your time.” He looked at him a long moment, before moving to the next booth.
Doc hid the smile that wanted erupt.
Day pressed his lips together,given the state of the city, he could understand such a reply. “No. She is missing, her name is Tameka. Have you seen her?”
“May I?” Doc reached out to take the photo. He studied the photo. He looked at the man. “I am sorry.” His face was devoid of recognition. “But if you have more copies, I work at the hospital.. I can show it around?” Doc had no intention of showing it to anyone, but Blackula, maybe, maybe not.
Day moved to sit in the booth across from the man. No one just ‘willingly offered to help’, unless they knew something. “My name is Day.. Tameka is my sister.” He watched for any telltale expressions. He rested his elbows on the table, and clasped his hands together, as he watched him.
Doc lifted an eyebrow as the man sat down uninvited and introduced himself. He leaned back ever so slightly, and lifted his chin as he assessed ‘Day’. He was large, over six feet and all muscle, he would be a substantial opponent if the odds were even . “Dr. Charles Nilson.” However, the odds were not even. “This city, has a lot of missing.” He nods sadly.
Day rubbed his face. “She’s my only sister.” If he could make her more real to him, maybe he would give something up. But something about this guy wasn’t right. “It’s killing my mother.”
Doc nodded in faux sympathy. “I have seen many families torn apart by substance abuse. Have you checked by the docks? The addicts and hookers congregate there. One of the other doctors tries to run a mission for them, and is always looking for volunteers to help.”
Day didn’t allow the insult to his sister to register on his face, though he recognized the insult clearly, “But ‘you’ don’t try to help?”
Doc shrugged apathetically, “There is no point. They have to realize themselves that they need help before they will accept it. Why waste good energy after bad?”
Day really wanted to punch this guy. He rubbed his forehead, he needed as much information as possible; so he continued to hide his animosity. “What makes you think she’s an addict or hooker?”
Doc turned the photo back, so that Day would have to look at it. “Missing means one of three things in this city. Dead. Addicted. Or hooking. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt that she still lives. She is pretty. Or was.”
Day took the photo back. “Thanks for your time.” He looked at him a long moment, before moving to the next booth.
Doc hid the smile that wanted erupt.

- Day
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Re: A Day Timer
Day: It had been a long fruitless day. Those that were willing to talk to him, didn’t have any information for him, and those that didn’t want to talk to him, made him feel that he was missing something vital that could break the case wide open. He entered the next business, a bakery, and moved to the counter.
Aura: The store was fairly quick since the lunch time rush was over and she was in the back kitchen putting in the next batch of cupcakes. When the bell at the front door rang she looked out from around the corner and stared into towards the store not seeing anyone. “Hello?” She said loudly, her hands working the apron as she cleaned off her hands and approached the front, “Welcome to Cupcake Corner can I help you with anything?”
Day: Day stepped forward, the girl was eclectic looking to say the least. It wasn't everyday you say a girl with pink hair. He looked at the offereings and nodded a plain chocolate cupcake with chocolate icing. He was tired, the sugar would be a nice boost, "That one and .. coffee?"
Aura: She stopped when she saw him, her eyes traveling over the male before stopping at his eyes, “Holy... tall...” She mumbled to herself. “Course, let me get those for you. We’re giving out a free mini sample cupcake of our red velvet, would you like that as well?” She pulled out a plate and set the desired cupcake on it, her free hand adding a large chocolate shaving to the top as a garnish, “How do you take your coffee hun?”
Day: "Uh.. Sure.. and .. black.." Day pulled the cash out and set it on the counter. As he watched her get his coffee he thought it wouldn't hurt to ask. He reached into his inside jacket pocket and pulled out a photo. "I am looking for her.. " He held the photo out so she could get a good look at it. "It's my sister.. we haven't heard from her in some time." He looked at the pink haired girl, he was tired and he needed a lead. "Have you seen her?" http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_f0bvyZMrZ9k/S ... braids.jpg
Aura: She spun on her heel and grabbed a large yellow polka dot tea cup with a matching saucer and poured the hot black liquid handing it over to him, “Missing you say?” She was fiddling around on the touch screen cash register before looking down at the picture. She stared at it a moment, her eyes questionably moving back and forth between the man and the image, “You say she is your sister... Tell me, do you have her name?” She slid her hands into the front of her apron testing the male of his knowledge.
Day: "Temaka.. Meka for short.." He grinned slightly, "Meka the mouth.. girl never knew when to shut up.. " the smile died a slow sad death. "You seen her?" Hope was something at this point he didn't have a lot of. He reached out for the coffee and cupcake.
Aura: She used her nails and peeled the picture off the counter toying with the edged before she walked around to lean, “She looks familiar I’m not going to lie to you.” She rolled her lower lip under her teeth a moment before she paused, “When did she go missing, I’ll need a little more information to go off of if I’m going to help. Anyone missing is worth searching for, right?” She inclined her head staring up at the man and offering him a reassuring smile.
Day: "Well I don't know the exact date.. I was in Toronto, when the parents called and told me they hadn't heard from her. You gotta understand, she always called.. then suddenly nothing. Not like her. That addled the parents. You know, they don't write **** down. They forget vital details.. and then yell at me 'cause they can't remember." He pressed his lips together. "Sorry." He shook his head. "Didn't mean to unload on you." Yes he did. He was trying to build a report. He had a feeling she knew something.
Aura: She mauled the information around in her head a moment; standing there completely silent as her foot idly tapped at the hardwood floor, “I understand the feeling of having someone go missing. It’s not a pleasant feeling and it can cause a lot a grief and strife between family and friends. For that I apologize because no one should feel that pain.” She drew her attention back to the picture; her thoughts traveling over the pro and cons of giving information to the man of which she didn’t know nor trust, “Was there something in this city that brought you here in particular?”
Day: "Harper Rock.. it's where the trail ended." He took bite of cupcake and a full swig of coffee, after a moment he swallowed and continued. "So I am just scouring the city, seeing what I can see." He took another swig of coffee. His feeling was getting stronger. But he wasn't going to push her. He didn't need to turn her against him. He was going to play it safe. "You can keep that.. if you want. I have more. In fact.. if you could put it up in your window, that would help alot..."
Aura: “Harper Rock isn’t a place people normally tend to stay, I stayed because I grew roots here but some just pass right through.” She offered him a friendly smile before drawing back internally, “I’d love to keep it. I’ll make copies and put some in my other store as well. So tell me.... I’m sorry I never got your name.” It was her turn to pull some knowledge from the man, “I’m Aura.”
Day: "Oh.. Sorry.. Day.. Dayshaun Vassey.. my sister's name is Tameka Vassey. It's nice to meet you Aura." He finished the coffee and sat the cup on counter. "Good coffee.. " He smiled tiredly. "I'll be back in few days.. to check if anyone knew anything.. Thank you." He finished his cupcake, shoved his hands in his pockets and left.
Aura: “Welcome, oh Day wait.” She scurried after him in her stilettos, “Here is my cell. Text me so I have your number, if I hear anything... I can contact you directly. Sound alright?” She pulled out a receipt pad from her pocket and scribbled down her cell number handing it over to him.
Day: He smiled. "Yes.. Thank you..." He had a nibble.
Aura: The store was fairly quick since the lunch time rush was over and she was in the back kitchen putting in the next batch of cupcakes. When the bell at the front door rang she looked out from around the corner and stared into towards the store not seeing anyone. “Hello?” She said loudly, her hands working the apron as she cleaned off her hands and approached the front, “Welcome to Cupcake Corner can I help you with anything?”
Day: Day stepped forward, the girl was eclectic looking to say the least. It wasn't everyday you say a girl with pink hair. He looked at the offereings and nodded a plain chocolate cupcake with chocolate icing. He was tired, the sugar would be a nice boost, "That one and .. coffee?"
Aura: She stopped when she saw him, her eyes traveling over the male before stopping at his eyes, “Holy... tall...” She mumbled to herself. “Course, let me get those for you. We’re giving out a free mini sample cupcake of our red velvet, would you like that as well?” She pulled out a plate and set the desired cupcake on it, her free hand adding a large chocolate shaving to the top as a garnish, “How do you take your coffee hun?”
Day: "Uh.. Sure.. and .. black.." Day pulled the cash out and set it on the counter. As he watched her get his coffee he thought it wouldn't hurt to ask. He reached into his inside jacket pocket and pulled out a photo. "I am looking for her.. " He held the photo out so she could get a good look at it. "It's my sister.. we haven't heard from her in some time." He looked at the pink haired girl, he was tired and he needed a lead. "Have you seen her?" http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_f0bvyZMrZ9k/S ... braids.jpg
Aura: She spun on her heel and grabbed a large yellow polka dot tea cup with a matching saucer and poured the hot black liquid handing it over to him, “Missing you say?” She was fiddling around on the touch screen cash register before looking down at the picture. She stared at it a moment, her eyes questionably moving back and forth between the man and the image, “You say she is your sister... Tell me, do you have her name?” She slid her hands into the front of her apron testing the male of his knowledge.
Day: "Temaka.. Meka for short.." He grinned slightly, "Meka the mouth.. girl never knew when to shut up.. " the smile died a slow sad death. "You seen her?" Hope was something at this point he didn't have a lot of. He reached out for the coffee and cupcake.
Aura: She used her nails and peeled the picture off the counter toying with the edged before she walked around to lean, “She looks familiar I’m not going to lie to you.” She rolled her lower lip under her teeth a moment before she paused, “When did she go missing, I’ll need a little more information to go off of if I’m going to help. Anyone missing is worth searching for, right?” She inclined her head staring up at the man and offering him a reassuring smile.
Day: "Well I don't know the exact date.. I was in Toronto, when the parents called and told me they hadn't heard from her. You gotta understand, she always called.. then suddenly nothing. Not like her. That addled the parents. You know, they don't write **** down. They forget vital details.. and then yell at me 'cause they can't remember." He pressed his lips together. "Sorry." He shook his head. "Didn't mean to unload on you." Yes he did. He was trying to build a report. He had a feeling she knew something.
Aura: She mauled the information around in her head a moment; standing there completely silent as her foot idly tapped at the hardwood floor, “I understand the feeling of having someone go missing. It’s not a pleasant feeling and it can cause a lot a grief and strife between family and friends. For that I apologize because no one should feel that pain.” She drew her attention back to the picture; her thoughts traveling over the pro and cons of giving information to the man of which she didn’t know nor trust, “Was there something in this city that brought you here in particular?”
Day: "Harper Rock.. it's where the trail ended." He took bite of cupcake and a full swig of coffee, after a moment he swallowed and continued. "So I am just scouring the city, seeing what I can see." He took another swig of coffee. His feeling was getting stronger. But he wasn't going to push her. He didn't need to turn her against him. He was going to play it safe. "You can keep that.. if you want. I have more. In fact.. if you could put it up in your window, that would help alot..."
Aura: “Harper Rock isn’t a place people normally tend to stay, I stayed because I grew roots here but some just pass right through.” She offered him a friendly smile before drawing back internally, “I’d love to keep it. I’ll make copies and put some in my other store as well. So tell me.... I’m sorry I never got your name.” It was her turn to pull some knowledge from the man, “I’m Aura.”
Day: "Oh.. Sorry.. Day.. Dayshaun Vassey.. my sister's name is Tameka Vassey. It's nice to meet you Aura." He finished the coffee and sat the cup on counter. "Good coffee.. " He smiled tiredly. "I'll be back in few days.. to check if anyone knew anything.. Thank you." He finished his cupcake, shoved his hands in his pockets and left.
Aura: “Welcome, oh Day wait.” She scurried after him in her stilettos, “Here is my cell. Text me so I have your number, if I hear anything... I can contact you directly. Sound alright?” She pulled out a receipt pad from her pocket and scribbled down her cell number handing it over to him.
Day: He smiled. "Yes.. Thank you..." He had a nibble.

- Day
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Re: A Day Timer
Day: Day was making the rounds. He had hit the police station and they said he should check out the newspaper, because they were requesting reports on missing persons. They gave him the name Luffy to ask for. He waited at the newspaper's reception desk, "Looking for Luffy..."
Luffy: The receptionist called over to his office phone. There was another person looking for him she had told him. He asked for the woman at the desk to escort him to his office. He'd normally have gone out himself, but he had pretty much been buried in work as of late.
Day: Day was shown to an office, where he saw a blonde haired bearded man behind the desk. This was not what he expected, he expected a portly bespeckled man in suspenders. He moved forward, his right hand outstretched in order to shake hands, "Hi. I am Day Vassey. The Harper Rock Police suggested I speak to you.."
Luffy: Luffy stood up from his desk and shook the man's hand. "Luffy Andren, it's a pleasure to meet you Day." He tilted his head slightly at the man. "What can I help you with Mister...Vassey?" The last name sounded familiar but he was drawing such a blank today.
Day: Day shook Luffy's hand, and absently thought that guy needed to get out fro behind the desk, his hands were cold, his circulation was affected. He reached into his inside coat pocket and pulled a photo, as he spoke. "The Harper Rock Police said you have been pulling cases of missing persons. I'm here, because my sister, Tameka Vassey" He held the photo out, "Is missing. And I am trying to find her.. or any information.. hell anything that anyone wants to tell me."
[img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_f0bvyZMrZ9k/S ... braids.jpg
Luffy: he took the picture and looked at it closely. Then a light went off in his head. That's where he had heard the last name. "I haven't seen her in a while, I need to discuss this column she had said she wanted to write but hasn't. I had no idea she was even put down as a missing person."
Day: Day sat up a bit straighter. "But you have seen her? She was going to write for you?" This was more than he expected. He had vaguely hoped for a 'We'll send a reporter out to do a story' but to know she actually was supposed to work here, that was huge. "Do you know what the column was supposed to be about?" New idea for leads were flooding his mind.
Luffy: "I have seen her. I think i have some information on file, but do you mind terribly if I run a quick check on you. With this damn town, you never know who's out to kill who."
Day: "Absolutely.. feel free..." Day nodded, and relaxed back in his seat. He knew what would come up, a few brushes with the law, all based on his cases, which never went to court. His Private Investigators license was up to date.
Luffy: He quickly typed on his keyboard and pulled up some information. "Okay, you more or less check out." He pulled out the employee file of Tameka and jotted down the phone number she had provided. As he went to write the address, he paused. He closed the folder and tucked back into his desk. "Here's the number she gave me when she started working here. The article was sposed to be called "The Sunday Metro" but she's yet to give me a thing on it."
Day: Day took the proffered number. "THank you.. this is huge." He memorized the number, and tucked it safely away. "The Sunday Metro, that's about what? Entertainment and ****? Nothing criminal about that right?"
Luffy: "I have no clue any more. She pitched as an entertainment piece but she's never actually done anything with it. I almost think I'm going to scrap the idea and reassign her to something far more simple."
Day: "But she never turned 'anything' in? That's not like her at all. Whatever happened must have happened about that time.. Do you have firm date she was supposed to turn that article in?"
Luffy: "Well she wanted the piece to be full color. It was discussed couple months back so I had figured it was just taking time to get it set up. However her writing partner on another column has been complaining about her taking her time on their stuff together. But call that number she usually answers."
Day: "She usually answers? When was that last time you spoke to her?"
Luffy: "For me it's been a few weeks. However, I've also been up to my eyeballs in looking for people to report for the paper since the owner's been out of town."
Day: A few weeks, that could be months or less than a month. He was being cagey. Why? Was Meka undercover? And was he just waiting to get rid of him so he could call her, and warn her? "Can you be more specific? A few weeks? Like in months? Or like in three weeks?"
Luffy: "I really don't remember an exact timeline. I've spent so much of my time in this place that my days kind of just run together. I'd say that it's been about three weeks give or take? I may ask though, what made you feel like she had gone missing?"
Day: "The parents.. called me in Toronto.. Meka hadn't made her usual call home. The girl always calls her daddy. So Dad just assumed she was talking to Mom.. Mom was assuming she was talking to Dad. THey find out they hadn't heard from her in over a week.. and called me."
Luffy: "I see. Well she does seem kind flighty from my interactions with her. Still trying to figure out why Abelle hired her for this job myself. If you want to use my phone here to call feel free. I'm fairly certain she's just forgotten to call, ‘specially given the complaints i've gotten from her partner."
Day: "Thanks," Day reached over that dialed the number, and waited.
Luffy: Luffy turned his attention back to his computer and began typing up some new work related stuff while the other man was using his phone.
Day: Day's hopes weren't that high, but the call went unanswered. "No answer."
Luffy: "Hm. Well I guess you can try again later, If you have a number I can reach you at I'll let know when she checks in with me. It'll be good to say for certain that we have one person who's not actually missing."
Day: Day stood up and handed him his business card. "I appreciate your time. I may call to check in on her.. if you don't mind."
Luffy: He rose to his feet and took the card from Day. "Of course, I'd even be happy to set up a meeting if you needed as well. Knowing that I can pretty much close out a missing person case before the police would be a very nice change of pace,"
Day: "Sure.. if you hear from her.. by all means set it up. Thank you."
Luffy: "You're welcome. I'll try not yell at her too much for worrying you all."
Luffy: The receptionist called over to his office phone. There was another person looking for him she had told him. He asked for the woman at the desk to escort him to his office. He'd normally have gone out himself, but he had pretty much been buried in work as of late.
Day: Day was shown to an office, where he saw a blonde haired bearded man behind the desk. This was not what he expected, he expected a portly bespeckled man in suspenders. He moved forward, his right hand outstretched in order to shake hands, "Hi. I am Day Vassey. The Harper Rock Police suggested I speak to you.."
Luffy: Luffy stood up from his desk and shook the man's hand. "Luffy Andren, it's a pleasure to meet you Day." He tilted his head slightly at the man. "What can I help you with Mister...Vassey?" The last name sounded familiar but he was drawing such a blank today.
Day: Day shook Luffy's hand, and absently thought that guy needed to get out fro behind the desk, his hands were cold, his circulation was affected. He reached into his inside coat pocket and pulled a photo, as he spoke. "The Harper Rock Police said you have been pulling cases of missing persons. I'm here, because my sister, Tameka Vassey" He held the photo out, "Is missing. And I am trying to find her.. or any information.. hell anything that anyone wants to tell me."
[img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_f0bvyZMrZ9k/S ... braids.jpg
Luffy: he took the picture and looked at it closely. Then a light went off in his head. That's where he had heard the last name. "I haven't seen her in a while, I need to discuss this column she had said she wanted to write but hasn't. I had no idea she was even put down as a missing person."
Day: Day sat up a bit straighter. "But you have seen her? She was going to write for you?" This was more than he expected. He had vaguely hoped for a 'We'll send a reporter out to do a story' but to know she actually was supposed to work here, that was huge. "Do you know what the column was supposed to be about?" New idea for leads were flooding his mind.
Luffy: "I have seen her. I think i have some information on file, but do you mind terribly if I run a quick check on you. With this damn town, you never know who's out to kill who."
Day: "Absolutely.. feel free..." Day nodded, and relaxed back in his seat. He knew what would come up, a few brushes with the law, all based on his cases, which never went to court. His Private Investigators license was up to date.
Luffy: He quickly typed on his keyboard and pulled up some information. "Okay, you more or less check out." He pulled out the employee file of Tameka and jotted down the phone number she had provided. As he went to write the address, he paused. He closed the folder and tucked back into his desk. "Here's the number she gave me when she started working here. The article was sposed to be called "The Sunday Metro" but she's yet to give me a thing on it."
Day: Day took the proffered number. "THank you.. this is huge." He memorized the number, and tucked it safely away. "The Sunday Metro, that's about what? Entertainment and ****? Nothing criminal about that right?"
Luffy: "I have no clue any more. She pitched as an entertainment piece but she's never actually done anything with it. I almost think I'm going to scrap the idea and reassign her to something far more simple."
Day: "But she never turned 'anything' in? That's not like her at all. Whatever happened must have happened about that time.. Do you have firm date she was supposed to turn that article in?"
Luffy: "Well she wanted the piece to be full color. It was discussed couple months back so I had figured it was just taking time to get it set up. However her writing partner on another column has been complaining about her taking her time on their stuff together. But call that number she usually answers."
Day: "She usually answers? When was that last time you spoke to her?"
Luffy: "For me it's been a few weeks. However, I've also been up to my eyeballs in looking for people to report for the paper since the owner's been out of town."
Day: A few weeks, that could be months or less than a month. He was being cagey. Why? Was Meka undercover? And was he just waiting to get rid of him so he could call her, and warn her? "Can you be more specific? A few weeks? Like in months? Or like in three weeks?"
Luffy: "I really don't remember an exact timeline. I've spent so much of my time in this place that my days kind of just run together. I'd say that it's been about three weeks give or take? I may ask though, what made you feel like she had gone missing?"
Day: "The parents.. called me in Toronto.. Meka hadn't made her usual call home. The girl always calls her daddy. So Dad just assumed she was talking to Mom.. Mom was assuming she was talking to Dad. THey find out they hadn't heard from her in over a week.. and called me."
Luffy: "I see. Well she does seem kind flighty from my interactions with her. Still trying to figure out why Abelle hired her for this job myself. If you want to use my phone here to call feel free. I'm fairly certain she's just forgotten to call, ‘specially given the complaints i've gotten from her partner."
Day: "Thanks," Day reached over that dialed the number, and waited.
Luffy: Luffy turned his attention back to his computer and began typing up some new work related stuff while the other man was using his phone.
Day: Day's hopes weren't that high, but the call went unanswered. "No answer."
Luffy: "Hm. Well I guess you can try again later, If you have a number I can reach you at I'll let know when she checks in with me. It'll be good to say for certain that we have one person who's not actually missing."
Day: Day stood up and handed him his business card. "I appreciate your time. I may call to check in on her.. if you don't mind."
Luffy: He rose to his feet and took the card from Day. "Of course, I'd even be happy to set up a meeting if you needed as well. Knowing that I can pretty much close out a missing person case before the police would be a very nice change of pace,"
Day: "Sure.. if you hear from her.. by all means set it up. Thank you."
Luffy: "You're welcome. I'll try not yell at her too much for worrying you all."

- Day
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Re: A Day Timer
Day: Day had spent most of the day canvasing the city asking anyone who made eye contact with him, and a few of those that hadn't if they knew or had seen Tameka. He showed her photo and spoke to over 100 people. The sun had set, and he was gearing up for the night crowd. He had only had a couple of nibbles not true lead as of yet. He stood at the Wickbridge station, showing the photo to people as they got off the transit.
Kainai: Ruth saw a desperate looking man with a photograph, and immediately felt guilty. She knew that there was a good chance he was missing someone who had been turned into a vampire. Still, gangs ran rampant and sometimes abductions took place. She owed it to him to look at his photograph. She saw the face of Tameka, a vampire she had never met, but had seen on the forums. Ruth's face grew stony and she slowly shook her head. The boy reminded her of Chaz, looking for missing youth from their reservation.
Day: Day looked at the crowd as it thinned. He wanted to get a lead so bad. He wasn't looking forward to making that call to his parents and telling them he had no news for them. It was bad enough that his father thought his job was a **** job a monkey could do, so if he didn't find her, he knew his father would have some choice words to use about his efforts. The girl he showed the photo to, shook her head and he was about to move on, when he caught a hint of something. Recognition? No. Animosity. Why? "You've seen her?" he nods slowly at her, "You have.. where?"
Kainai: The Native woman stared at him, he was just a human. A human sniffing around for leads was annoying enough, but it would be worse for everyone involved if he started sniffing around in the right place. She wasn't going to, couldn't, give him that closure. "Just tell her family that Tameka is alright," Ruth told him, looking into his eyes. Then she attempted to disappear in the crowd.
Day: He knew how Tameka could piss people off without meaning to. She would just come right out with **** that should have been prefaced more tactfully. But when she tried, she could smile and tell someone to go to hell, and they would smile and thank her for the directions. But sometimes, sometimes she just pissed people off. Day wondered if maybe this girl had run afoul of Meka's mouth. Then girl used her name. He hadn't said her name. He took off after her and attempted to corner her. 'Whoa ..wait..I'm her brother..."
Kainai: "Get AWAY from me," Ruth spat, not loudly, but with enough pitch that everyone for yards turned to stare. They saw a large black man cornering a small Native woman. She wanted him to go away. What could she tell him? She was not afraid of the masquerade enforcers, and certainly was not afraid of death, but she knew that the consequences for this man would be worse. "For your own good," she added.
Day: Day was not above playing the sympathy, pity, guilt, color, whatever card he could to get information. When it came to his sister, he wasn't proud. He would do whatever the hell he needed to do to find her. She was the one person, that accepted him for him, flaws and all and still adored him. So if he had to grovel for this girl, he was prepared to do it. He held his hands up, being sure to show the photo, "My baby Sister.. Please.." He got down on one knee, "Please. Anything you can tell me. It's killing my parents..."
Kainai: Ruth sighed. She was going to have to have a word with Tameka. She reached forward and put a hand on Day's shoulder. "I don't know anything. And if you go looking, I can guarantee that your parents will be grieving again. I'm sorry." It had happened to her; her brothers and family were worried sick, and it hurt her heart to have to tell the human to just go away.
Day: "Wait please.. " He made no move to touch or hinder her in any way. "Is she alive? Can you get a message to her?" His voice broke slightly as he asked the questions. It wasn't an affected gesture. It was real. He needed hope. Something. Anything. Especially after she said 'grieving again'. Had Tameka gotten mixed up with the wrong people? Was she dead? Would he never see that cheeky grin again? He grabbing a pen and scribbled a note on the back of the photo, and offered it to her. Holding it out with finger and thumb. "Please.. give this to her?"
Kainai: "I don't know her," Ruth stated again, but took the photo anyway. She pushed past him with an incredible strength and repeated "I don't know her!" Then the strange woman was gone.
Kainai: Ruth saw a desperate looking man with a photograph, and immediately felt guilty. She knew that there was a good chance he was missing someone who had been turned into a vampire. Still, gangs ran rampant and sometimes abductions took place. She owed it to him to look at his photograph. She saw the face of Tameka, a vampire she had never met, but had seen on the forums. Ruth's face grew stony and she slowly shook her head. The boy reminded her of Chaz, looking for missing youth from their reservation.
Day: Day looked at the crowd as it thinned. He wanted to get a lead so bad. He wasn't looking forward to making that call to his parents and telling them he had no news for them. It was bad enough that his father thought his job was a **** job a monkey could do, so if he didn't find her, he knew his father would have some choice words to use about his efforts. The girl he showed the photo to, shook her head and he was about to move on, when he caught a hint of something. Recognition? No. Animosity. Why? "You've seen her?" he nods slowly at her, "You have.. where?"
Kainai: The Native woman stared at him, he was just a human. A human sniffing around for leads was annoying enough, but it would be worse for everyone involved if he started sniffing around in the right place. She wasn't going to, couldn't, give him that closure. "Just tell her family that Tameka is alright," Ruth told him, looking into his eyes. Then she attempted to disappear in the crowd.
Day: He knew how Tameka could piss people off without meaning to. She would just come right out with **** that should have been prefaced more tactfully. But when she tried, she could smile and tell someone to go to hell, and they would smile and thank her for the directions. But sometimes, sometimes she just pissed people off. Day wondered if maybe this girl had run afoul of Meka's mouth. Then girl used her name. He hadn't said her name. He took off after her and attempted to corner her. 'Whoa ..wait..I'm her brother..."
Kainai: "Get AWAY from me," Ruth spat, not loudly, but with enough pitch that everyone for yards turned to stare. They saw a large black man cornering a small Native woman. She wanted him to go away. What could she tell him? She was not afraid of the masquerade enforcers, and certainly was not afraid of death, but she knew that the consequences for this man would be worse. "For your own good," she added.
Day: Day was not above playing the sympathy, pity, guilt, color, whatever card he could to get information. When it came to his sister, he wasn't proud. He would do whatever the hell he needed to do to find her. She was the one person, that accepted him for him, flaws and all and still adored him. So if he had to grovel for this girl, he was prepared to do it. He held his hands up, being sure to show the photo, "My baby Sister.. Please.." He got down on one knee, "Please. Anything you can tell me. It's killing my parents..."
Kainai: Ruth sighed. She was going to have to have a word with Tameka. She reached forward and put a hand on Day's shoulder. "I don't know anything. And if you go looking, I can guarantee that your parents will be grieving again. I'm sorry." It had happened to her; her brothers and family were worried sick, and it hurt her heart to have to tell the human to just go away.
Day: "Wait please.. " He made no move to touch or hinder her in any way. "Is she alive? Can you get a message to her?" His voice broke slightly as he asked the questions. It wasn't an affected gesture. It was real. He needed hope. Something. Anything. Especially after she said 'grieving again'. Had Tameka gotten mixed up with the wrong people? Was she dead? Would he never see that cheeky grin again? He grabbing a pen and scribbled a note on the back of the photo, and offered it to her. Holding it out with finger and thumb. "Please.. give this to her?"
Kainai: "I don't know her," Ruth stated again, but took the photo anyway. She pushed past him with an incredible strength and repeated "I don't know her!" Then the strange woman was gone.

- Day
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- Joined: 10 Jul 2013, 01:12
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Re: A Day Timer
Day: Day arrived at the address mentioned in the email. He stood there waiting, unsure of who was actually going to meet him. The thing about emails, is you could never be sure, if the person was who they purported to be. By the name on the account, he was at a complete loss as to who would be there. He felt his back where his sig was safely tucked, just in case.
Ariadne:Ari was sitting just inside the winery on the other side of the picture window. She hadn't been upstairs for long before she saw a slightly lost male walking on the pavers. Standing, she walked over to the large wooden door and pulled it wide open, stepping out into the well lit courtyard. "Day, I assume? If not, I'm afraid to say that the winery isn't open to the public this late and we have no special events for this evening."
Day: "Yes.. I am Day.. " He looked at her. She wasn't exactly what he was expecting. She seemed .. normal. Thus far all the people that he had come across that hinted at knowing her, were far from normal. But there was something else. She was like him. Granted he was new to this. So maybe he should be more wary. But he felt an affinity for her.
Ariadne:She knitted her eyebrows as her senses reached out to him. Her expectation had been for a human, which in her book was risky. He was not human though. Not in the slightest. Recently, yes. Maybe only a few weeks old... and something else. Something she knew all too well. Setting aside her surprise and smiled and waved him over. "I'm glad you found the place. Please do come in. All the staff are gone for the evening so we can speak in private."
Day: Day wanted to immediately take her at her word; and that feeling was foreign to him. He had prided himself on being wary and cagey and knowing when something wasn't right. However he wasn't, known for being overly accepting and easy going; so for his senses to be down, gave him a feeling of frustration. Almost reluctantly he moved over toward her. Still the flags were not raised. "Thank you." His words might come across as stilted only because he was completely at a loss, since his senses seemed to have left him.
Ariadne:She gestured to a few chairs set up is a corner of the large front shop. Taking one for herself she pulled out a few glasses and a bottle of what could have been mistaken for red wine. Ari hesitated at the thought of opening the bottle, not sure how well her own childe had been at introducing Day to this new world. She decided to wait a little and make sure he was more comfortable before tossing the concept of bottled blood at him. "So, I understand that you're looking for Tameka? Can I ask why?"
Day: Day sat, albeit uneasily. He was still coming to terms with the changes in things, and he wanted that 6th sense, that seemed to have left him. The Female asked him why he was looking for her. But for him, introductions still needed to take place. "I used my real name on the post.. I am Day.. short for Dayshaun. And you are...?"
Ariadne:It would have been easy to see that he was a bit uncomfortable, but with her senses she couldn't help but feel his mood taking over hers. Having two upset people wouldn't have been good for anyone. She smiled a little in an attempt to be reassuring. "I used mine as well in the message. I'm Ariadne."
Day: Day nodded, "Thank you.. Ariadne. You have an unusual name.. I wasn't familiar with it.. and so I wanted to make sure who I was talking to. I am looking for her, because she is my sister.. Blood born sister.." He adjusted belated. How did you refer to a human sister without them being seen as food. Because even as short a time as it had been, more and more they are just food to him.
Ariadne:Had she been breathing, she would have suffered a severe coughing fit upon hearing that Tameka was Day's sister. What on earth had her childe been up to? Thankfully, lack of full lungs allowed her to maintain a fairly composed demeanor. "Your.... sister? Oh dear. I'm not quite sure how to put this, but your dear sister is the biggest pain in the *** I have ever met."
Day: Day couldn't help but let loose a relieved laugh. "O.. k.. You've definitely met 'Meka the Mouth' You have to understand.. As much as I sometimes want to tape her mouth shut.. she sometimes says.. what I don't want too..." he grinned in a lopsided fashion. "I tend I to be quiet.. She tends to have diarrhea of the mouth.. " He huffed a relieved sigh. "She's ok then?
Ariadne:"That's actually very fitting. And yes, I can assure you that I have." Ari leaned forward in her chair to make sure she had his full attention. "She is alive, in a manner of speaking. Though I should tell you that she's been sired by someone else."
Day: Those last words gave him pause. Now he understood. All this time he was thinking it was a human reason she had not called home. Now he knew. "I see.." He pondered this for a moment. He really, honestly, didn't know what the significance of this would be. "So..." he frowned as he tried to formulate a polite way to ask, "..is she fucked?"
Ariadne:Ari leaned back in her chair. She was slightly unsure of his feelings at the moment and had to take pause to figure out an answer. If she was allow to do what she wished with Tameka, her answer would have been yes. Hell, Ari would have killed her months ago. Day changed things though. A little. Not enough to remove Ari's desire to shoot Tameka, but maybe her desire to shoot her repeatedly. "I'm afraid I need to ask for some clarification. What do you mean by 'fucked'?"
Day: Day looked at her, "You have understand.. she has always had a protector. My father. No matter what she did, he was always there to protect her. Now.. My father hates me." A wry smiles that dies quickly. "She doesn't know what it is like not to have a protector. Her mouth," he nodded slowly, "She doesn't realize that her 'truth' isn't what people want to hear, because my father always screened her from it..." He sighed, "But he isn't here. And her mouth is. Does she have a someone there.. for her.. to pick up the pieces when she shatters?"
Ariadne:She nodded, thankful but unsympathetic for the small peek into Tameka's past. "Her sire protects her very well, even from rightly deserved criticism. She tends to breed discontent in those she works with and I'm afraid that she's making a few good enemies. Regardless, she is protected and I expect she will remain so."
Day: Day nodded. His mind full of excuses for his parents, as to why she hadn't called or written. He was going to go with a man. Meka finally found a man that would put up with her ****. Later he would say she was dumped by said man. It was par for the course for her. He would dare her to call it a lie. "Good." It was all he could say. Because honestly, he knew what that poor sire was up against and he did not envy them. She had her good points, she really did. But her mouth killed most of them. "thank you.."
Ariadne:Ari picked up the bottle of blood and turned it around in her hands carefully. She was happy to have helped Day out a little, but she had a suspicion that the next bit of this conversation may call for a drink. In truth, she was very unprepared for a meeting such as this, but with her childe she couldn't have imagined another way for it to go. "You're quite welcome. So, would you care to tell me how you met Wendigo?"
Day: Day stilled immediately. Where was his sixth sense? Dammit! He relied on it to tell him these things, and it failed him! Day pinned his look on her. It wasn't a hostile look, or even a knowing look. It was a '**** how did you know that look?' It was a look that he had prided himself never to show as a human. And here in less than a week as a vampire, he played his cards for this female to see! What the hell?! Being a vampire was supposed to be a boon.. not a liability. He sat for a minute, no emotion, he hoped, passed across his face, before he finally responded, "A Job."
Ariadne:She snorted, which was not something she often did. Digo was a constant enigma to her even though she had brought him to the night. At least he was able to manage his own affairs and didn't cause her any headaches. She took her time with opening the bottle in her hands, slowly rotating the corkscrew until it was in deep enough to pull out with little to no fuss. A slight whiff of human blood drifted between them as she poured two glasses. "Hmm. That sounds about right. I only ask because he is my childe, you see. He hadn't told me that he'd sired someone. Knowing him, I doubt that he ever would have told me directly."
Day: Ah. It all becomes clear now. He was relieved in a way. He thought his sense had left him; but in actuality they were telling him he was in good hands. However, he was loath to become a pawn between the 'parents'. He had been that during his human life. His father wanted to blister him and his mother stepping in the way. The difference now was, he wasn't a child to be protected. He was an adult. If Ariadne had a problem with Wendigo, she should broach it with him. He wasn't going sell out his sire for her wellness of heart. He did however take the glass she poured for him and drank from it. "You know him better than I."
Ariadne:Now it was her turn to laugh. She didn't know her childe better than any other occupant of the city. He kept his business to himself and she was happy to leave it that way. However, she did feel a need to at least make herself known to any that her childer sired. "Well, that's a misconception. He and I are about as alike as you and Tameka... at least as far as I can tell. He is his own person and I don't like poking around in his affairs. I just never expected him to sire... and, well..."
Ariadne:She paused again. Thinking back on what happened in Grigori was like lancing an old wound. All sorts of unpleasant feeling tried to rise up and had to be quickly squashed before she continued. "We were never really welcomed by my sire and the head of her bloodline. In the end we were treated very poorly and shunned. I wouldn't want any of my childer or Wendigo's to feel that way."
Day: To Day much of what she said was 'unfamiliar' to him. But he gathered from her words, that there was an undercurrent that ran along them somewhere, some how, that played a significant role in part to her words. 'Never welcomed' she said, they were the black sheep. So be it. He was always the odd one out. The one that never fit in. He was used to being a black sheep, this was not a problem for him. Treated poorly and shunned. He almost smiled, "Welcome to my world." He knew that feeling. He wasn't the one to fit in. He was the one to sit on the sidelines and watch. Watch to see what others did first, then plan his actions based on theirs. It seemed he was more prepared for this than he ever supposed.
Ariadne:She shrugged and took a sip of blood from her glass. "Your world? Hmm. That sounds like a story for another time. My point is, being kicked out of that line was almost a gift. I've built a nice little life and I welcome those who are sired under myself and my childer. I'm here to help." She set down her glass and leaned forward again, her eyes meeting his with in earnest. "Your relationship, or even lack thereof with my childe is between the two of you. However, if you ever find yourself in need of assistance that he can not provide, I'm here to help. And this... " She gestured with an open hand to the building around them. "This is where I can normally be found."
Day: Day drank the rest of the contents form the glass. "Thank you. Should I ever need your assistance I will contact you." He said the words, and he meant them... to a degree. He hated asking for help. He liked.. no. He wanted to know that he could take care of himself. He would be there for anyone else if they needed help, but him? For him to ask for help would be like a last ditch effort. "Should you need my help.. such as it is.. I am happy to oblige."
Ariadne:"Well... I would actually be eternally in your debt if you could manage to smuggle Tameka to a place where she would never be seen again? At least, not seen or heard by me." She placed the cork back in the bottle as she sensed their meeting was coming to a close. "Aside from that, haven't any simple tasks I would need help with at the moment, but I'll keep your offer in mind."
Day: Day had to grin at that, "She does have a way of pissing people off." He sat the glass down, "If it's any consolation, she drives me nuts too. She means well. She just hasn't grasped the concept of 'catching more flies with honey, than vinegar' yet." He made note of the words 'simples tasks'. Hell he thought had come a long ways in the last week. ****. If he was only able for simple ****, what was hard ****?
Ariadne:"Yet? You say that as if such a thing is even possible. I suppose stranger things have happened." She stood and brushed the wrinkles out of her trousers. "Since I assume you have other matters to attend this evening, I'll let you go. I do have a fair bit of work myself. It was nice to meet you though, Day. I hope to see you around a bit."
Day: He stood, and nodded politely, "A pleasure Ariadne. And should she learn this.. secret.. that you and I already know.. perhaps we shall share another drink then, hmm? Until such a time, I wish you well."
Ariadne:Tilting her head she opened the door to the winery to politely see him out. "And I you. I'll try and make sure I set aside a nice bottle for that night. Good evening to you, and good luck with her."
Day: Day nodded. He would need all the luck he could get.
Ariadne:Ari was sitting just inside the winery on the other side of the picture window. She hadn't been upstairs for long before she saw a slightly lost male walking on the pavers. Standing, she walked over to the large wooden door and pulled it wide open, stepping out into the well lit courtyard. "Day, I assume? If not, I'm afraid to say that the winery isn't open to the public this late and we have no special events for this evening."
Day: "Yes.. I am Day.. " He looked at her. She wasn't exactly what he was expecting. She seemed .. normal. Thus far all the people that he had come across that hinted at knowing her, were far from normal. But there was something else. She was like him. Granted he was new to this. So maybe he should be more wary. But he felt an affinity for her.
Ariadne:She knitted her eyebrows as her senses reached out to him. Her expectation had been for a human, which in her book was risky. He was not human though. Not in the slightest. Recently, yes. Maybe only a few weeks old... and something else. Something she knew all too well. Setting aside her surprise and smiled and waved him over. "I'm glad you found the place. Please do come in. All the staff are gone for the evening so we can speak in private."
Day: Day wanted to immediately take her at her word; and that feeling was foreign to him. He had prided himself on being wary and cagey and knowing when something wasn't right. However he wasn't, known for being overly accepting and easy going; so for his senses to be down, gave him a feeling of frustration. Almost reluctantly he moved over toward her. Still the flags were not raised. "Thank you." His words might come across as stilted only because he was completely at a loss, since his senses seemed to have left him.
Ariadne:She gestured to a few chairs set up is a corner of the large front shop. Taking one for herself she pulled out a few glasses and a bottle of what could have been mistaken for red wine. Ari hesitated at the thought of opening the bottle, not sure how well her own childe had been at introducing Day to this new world. She decided to wait a little and make sure he was more comfortable before tossing the concept of bottled blood at him. "So, I understand that you're looking for Tameka? Can I ask why?"
Day: Day sat, albeit uneasily. He was still coming to terms with the changes in things, and he wanted that 6th sense, that seemed to have left him. The Female asked him why he was looking for her. But for him, introductions still needed to take place. "I used my real name on the post.. I am Day.. short for Dayshaun. And you are...?"
Ariadne:It would have been easy to see that he was a bit uncomfortable, but with her senses she couldn't help but feel his mood taking over hers. Having two upset people wouldn't have been good for anyone. She smiled a little in an attempt to be reassuring. "I used mine as well in the message. I'm Ariadne."
Day: Day nodded, "Thank you.. Ariadne. You have an unusual name.. I wasn't familiar with it.. and so I wanted to make sure who I was talking to. I am looking for her, because she is my sister.. Blood born sister.." He adjusted belated. How did you refer to a human sister without them being seen as food. Because even as short a time as it had been, more and more they are just food to him.
Ariadne:Had she been breathing, she would have suffered a severe coughing fit upon hearing that Tameka was Day's sister. What on earth had her childe been up to? Thankfully, lack of full lungs allowed her to maintain a fairly composed demeanor. "Your.... sister? Oh dear. I'm not quite sure how to put this, but your dear sister is the biggest pain in the *** I have ever met."
Day: Day couldn't help but let loose a relieved laugh. "O.. k.. You've definitely met 'Meka the Mouth' You have to understand.. As much as I sometimes want to tape her mouth shut.. she sometimes says.. what I don't want too..." he grinned in a lopsided fashion. "I tend I to be quiet.. She tends to have diarrhea of the mouth.. " He huffed a relieved sigh. "She's ok then?
Ariadne:"That's actually very fitting. And yes, I can assure you that I have." Ari leaned forward in her chair to make sure she had his full attention. "She is alive, in a manner of speaking. Though I should tell you that she's been sired by someone else."
Day: Those last words gave him pause. Now he understood. All this time he was thinking it was a human reason she had not called home. Now he knew. "I see.." He pondered this for a moment. He really, honestly, didn't know what the significance of this would be. "So..." he frowned as he tried to formulate a polite way to ask, "..is she fucked?"
Ariadne:Ari leaned back in her chair. She was slightly unsure of his feelings at the moment and had to take pause to figure out an answer. If she was allow to do what she wished with Tameka, her answer would have been yes. Hell, Ari would have killed her months ago. Day changed things though. A little. Not enough to remove Ari's desire to shoot Tameka, but maybe her desire to shoot her repeatedly. "I'm afraid I need to ask for some clarification. What do you mean by 'fucked'?"
Day: Day looked at her, "You have understand.. she has always had a protector. My father. No matter what she did, he was always there to protect her. Now.. My father hates me." A wry smiles that dies quickly. "She doesn't know what it is like not to have a protector. Her mouth," he nodded slowly, "She doesn't realize that her 'truth' isn't what people want to hear, because my father always screened her from it..." He sighed, "But he isn't here. And her mouth is. Does she have a someone there.. for her.. to pick up the pieces when she shatters?"
Ariadne:She nodded, thankful but unsympathetic for the small peek into Tameka's past. "Her sire protects her very well, even from rightly deserved criticism. She tends to breed discontent in those she works with and I'm afraid that she's making a few good enemies. Regardless, she is protected and I expect she will remain so."
Day: Day nodded. His mind full of excuses for his parents, as to why she hadn't called or written. He was going to go with a man. Meka finally found a man that would put up with her ****. Later he would say she was dumped by said man. It was par for the course for her. He would dare her to call it a lie. "Good." It was all he could say. Because honestly, he knew what that poor sire was up against and he did not envy them. She had her good points, she really did. But her mouth killed most of them. "thank you.."
Ariadne:Ari picked up the bottle of blood and turned it around in her hands carefully. She was happy to have helped Day out a little, but she had a suspicion that the next bit of this conversation may call for a drink. In truth, she was very unprepared for a meeting such as this, but with her childe she couldn't have imagined another way for it to go. "You're quite welcome. So, would you care to tell me how you met Wendigo?"
Day: Day stilled immediately. Where was his sixth sense? Dammit! He relied on it to tell him these things, and it failed him! Day pinned his look on her. It wasn't a hostile look, or even a knowing look. It was a '**** how did you know that look?' It was a look that he had prided himself never to show as a human. And here in less than a week as a vampire, he played his cards for this female to see! What the hell?! Being a vampire was supposed to be a boon.. not a liability. He sat for a minute, no emotion, he hoped, passed across his face, before he finally responded, "A Job."
Ariadne:She snorted, which was not something she often did. Digo was a constant enigma to her even though she had brought him to the night. At least he was able to manage his own affairs and didn't cause her any headaches. She took her time with opening the bottle in her hands, slowly rotating the corkscrew until it was in deep enough to pull out with little to no fuss. A slight whiff of human blood drifted between them as she poured two glasses. "Hmm. That sounds about right. I only ask because he is my childe, you see. He hadn't told me that he'd sired someone. Knowing him, I doubt that he ever would have told me directly."
Day: Ah. It all becomes clear now. He was relieved in a way. He thought his sense had left him; but in actuality they were telling him he was in good hands. However, he was loath to become a pawn between the 'parents'. He had been that during his human life. His father wanted to blister him and his mother stepping in the way. The difference now was, he wasn't a child to be protected. He was an adult. If Ariadne had a problem with Wendigo, she should broach it with him. He wasn't going sell out his sire for her wellness of heart. He did however take the glass she poured for him and drank from it. "You know him better than I."
Ariadne:Now it was her turn to laugh. She didn't know her childe better than any other occupant of the city. He kept his business to himself and she was happy to leave it that way. However, she did feel a need to at least make herself known to any that her childer sired. "Well, that's a misconception. He and I are about as alike as you and Tameka... at least as far as I can tell. He is his own person and I don't like poking around in his affairs. I just never expected him to sire... and, well..."
Ariadne:She paused again. Thinking back on what happened in Grigori was like lancing an old wound. All sorts of unpleasant feeling tried to rise up and had to be quickly squashed before she continued. "We were never really welcomed by my sire and the head of her bloodline. In the end we were treated very poorly and shunned. I wouldn't want any of my childer or Wendigo's to feel that way."
Day: To Day much of what she said was 'unfamiliar' to him. But he gathered from her words, that there was an undercurrent that ran along them somewhere, some how, that played a significant role in part to her words. 'Never welcomed' she said, they were the black sheep. So be it. He was always the odd one out. The one that never fit in. He was used to being a black sheep, this was not a problem for him. Treated poorly and shunned. He almost smiled, "Welcome to my world." He knew that feeling. He wasn't the one to fit in. He was the one to sit on the sidelines and watch. Watch to see what others did first, then plan his actions based on theirs. It seemed he was more prepared for this than he ever supposed.
Ariadne:She shrugged and took a sip of blood from her glass. "Your world? Hmm. That sounds like a story for another time. My point is, being kicked out of that line was almost a gift. I've built a nice little life and I welcome those who are sired under myself and my childer. I'm here to help." She set down her glass and leaned forward again, her eyes meeting his with in earnest. "Your relationship, or even lack thereof with my childe is between the two of you. However, if you ever find yourself in need of assistance that he can not provide, I'm here to help. And this... " She gestured with an open hand to the building around them. "This is where I can normally be found."
Day: Day drank the rest of the contents form the glass. "Thank you. Should I ever need your assistance I will contact you." He said the words, and he meant them... to a degree. He hated asking for help. He liked.. no. He wanted to know that he could take care of himself. He would be there for anyone else if they needed help, but him? For him to ask for help would be like a last ditch effort. "Should you need my help.. such as it is.. I am happy to oblige."
Ariadne:"Well... I would actually be eternally in your debt if you could manage to smuggle Tameka to a place where she would never be seen again? At least, not seen or heard by me." She placed the cork back in the bottle as she sensed their meeting was coming to a close. "Aside from that, haven't any simple tasks I would need help with at the moment, but I'll keep your offer in mind."
Day: Day had to grin at that, "She does have a way of pissing people off." He sat the glass down, "If it's any consolation, she drives me nuts too. She means well. She just hasn't grasped the concept of 'catching more flies with honey, than vinegar' yet." He made note of the words 'simples tasks'. Hell he thought had come a long ways in the last week. ****. If he was only able for simple ****, what was hard ****?
Ariadne:"Yet? You say that as if such a thing is even possible. I suppose stranger things have happened." She stood and brushed the wrinkles out of her trousers. "Since I assume you have other matters to attend this evening, I'll let you go. I do have a fair bit of work myself. It was nice to meet you though, Day. I hope to see you around a bit."
Day: He stood, and nodded politely, "A pleasure Ariadne. And should she learn this.. secret.. that you and I already know.. perhaps we shall share another drink then, hmm? Until such a time, I wish you well."
Ariadne:Tilting her head she opened the door to the winery to politely see him out. "And I you. I'll try and make sure I set aside a nice bottle for that night. Good evening to you, and good luck with her."
Day: Day nodded. He would need all the luck he could get.