OOC Note: All of this information is out of character knowledge unless otherwise noted, or permission to use in RP is granted.
All entries are written in Spanish. English is in italics.
All entries are written in Spanish. English is in italics.
December 14th, 2012
I've never kept one of these things before. Not even in Iraq. I'm not going to be sentimental by giving you a name or anything. I'm already writing to you like you're a person. Christ. I'm Cali. Just Cali. Caliopa is too formal. People usually only call me that if they don't know me well, or they're pissed. People tend to get pissed at me pretty often, but it's not like I can blame them. I'm stubborn. And hard to get along with in general. Kyrian can attest to the former.
I'm twenty six years old. I was in the United States Army for seven years, until I was discharged for... Actually, that's not something I'm comfortable writing about. When I got out, I didn't really know what to do with myself. I didn't have any family, so I just picked up and left. Withdrew all my savings and what little pension I got from the military to buy a new car, and drove north to Canada. I guess this place is like the new Mexico, with the exception that it's freezing balls and infested with a lot of supernatural ********. Mind you, I wasn't exactly running. Not from the law, anyway.
When I got here, I needed money. I looked around for a while, slept in my car near the abandoned buildings... and that's where I found them. It almost looked like a crack house, and now that I think about it? That's exactly how it worked. Two to four hundred bucks a bite wasn't all that bad, and I got some decent perks on the side. I remember being paranoid, though. Being a blood doll was risky business. Being a human in this city at all, let alone one that interacts with blood suckers, is dangerous.
My last job was just supposed to be a house call. Normally I would have had some sort of escort, but the guy was a regular and I'd had no problems with him. ****, did I misjudge. By the time he was done with me it looked like I'd been mauled by a wild animal. I guess that's all he really was. I barely remember being stuffed into the trunk of my own car and driven to some building. A warehouse, maybe? Outside it smelled like oil, and I could hear waves smashing against the docks. There was a lot of blood on the concrete around me, and in my eyes so I couldn't see.
Kyrian ended up finding me within minutes of my death. He didn't waste any time turning me, ajd Idon't know why. I've never asked him. This is about to get incredibly cheesy, but... he was my guardian angel that night. He still is, he just doesn't know it. He's given me everything I've ever needed, without even being asked. I don't know how or why he puts up with me. I'm just glad that he does.
I have no idea what to get him for Christmas. Something too sentimental gives off the wrong vibe, and anything less isn't good enough. A blade better than the one I gave him will be impossible to find, and giving him a drawing would be the equivalent of giving my high school crush a mixtape. Lame and cliche. Besides, it's not like that. I should just get him a watch. A really nice watch. That's platonic.
Who am I kidding.