Note: All accounts are strictly OOC knowledge.
Day Four hundred Sixty-One: (11/05/2012)
News to write home about!
I finally did it, Mom. Been thinkin' on it for months. Worked with several renditions of blueprints. It's finally done. I bought a warehouse. The vacant one in Coastside district. Bossman would be proud too. If I knew where that dude went.
It has been over a year now since... well. Since I got new friends and... do different things then just working. Yea. Believe it Dad. I work now. A lot of things like, helping people and finding people. Sometimes showing them the way. Heh okay, I'm not all goody like Kevin. Learned how to shoot straight... finally. Still run in with the cops sometimes but do my best to stay outta trouble. Least they don't drop me at your door.
So yeah. Bossman, he had that warehouse in Bullwood. Been over that way a few times and looks worse then when I worked there. You believe he just left the place! Maybe... well. Maybe he got new friends too. Be nice to see him again. The ol' pain in the butt kept me safe around these parts. Oh and do not worry, I'm safe now too. Even without him.
So I took a gander around but that warehouse was too big. Did not think little me can handle it all alone. So I scouted out a few more. The train system here is pretty easy to learn. I stay out of some areas and learned some routes of others I like to hang out in. That's when I stumbled upon that place. It will work out just fine.
Alright so it's been months since I wrote. Maybe more then a year. But I will save this to send you guys. I will once the construction is done. Promise. Hope Micky and Kevin are stayin' outta trouble.
Save As: Journal 2: Neville Silvanus
-Signed off...