d'Artois: Events in Time
- Pi dArtois
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Re: d'Artois: Events in Time
Pi d’Artois: Pi didn't use this power often. She hadn't used it to visit Mathias when he found himself in the SR, in fact, she had only ever used it for two people. Robert and Reilly and now and third would be added to that list. Kainai. Her mystic sister. Pi wasn't sure how she felt, about how this had turned out or who she believed and whose story she should follow. But she knew what she wanted to do, and who she was most worried about. Ruth. Her soft hearted sister with the heart of gold. Closing her eyes she called on the power and let the feeling of disorientation overcome her. Her spirit disconnected from her body and she abstractedly watched her physical self flop deanimated on the couch where she lay. Her spirit disconnected fell into the alternate reality that was the shadow realm. "Kainai?" she called into the grey expanse.
Kainai: She was floating aimlessly in the void, reflecting on her sins. Feelings were difficult, especially when she couldn't control them. Now it was too late. But what would she have done anyway? Disrupted a binding, and her own marriage, for the sake of her own selfish desires? Break her husband's heart? He was a good husband. She loved him. She wished that it was impossible to love someone else. And it certainly was not practical. Ruth paused in her reflections when she heard her sister's voice. "Pi." She sounded heartsick and tired.
Pi d’Artois: Maybe a spirit knows when it is being looked for. Maybe it depends on the spirit whether it is easy to find. She'd always had to search for Robert. She'd always had to walk and walk and walk until she felt like she'd walked to the end of the world and back again. She didn't have to walk or search far for Ruth, as if their spirits called to each other and found one another easily, seamlessly. They had no bodies in this sphere, no forms, just barely recognisable features made watery by the fade. When Pi found Ruth she had to check twice to make sure she had the right person and when she was certain she sighed, an ephemeral hand reaching out to her beloved sister. "Oh Ruth.. what have you done to yourself?" she asked quietly.
Kainai: "What about you?" she asked guardedly. She didn't realize that her sister could leap between worlds like this. Was she a mirage? After walking for a day and not seeing anything more than a spirit or two, even a Sister Mirache should be welcome.
Pi d’Artois: Holding out ephemeral hands Pi shook her head. "MY body is okay, it lays on the couch, not far from where I found..." she choked on this, the emotion blocking her throat. ".. where I found what was left and your note. I'm here .. only in spirit, not here because... not like what you did." Moving closer Pi searched the woman's face, what she could see of it, what the spirit world allowed her to see. It would be the only place Pi would see the original features of the woman because if... when Ruth returned it would be to a different body and a different face would look at her and a different voice she would hear. "I needed to... see you. Talk to me Ruth. Please."
Kainai: Ruth sighed. She knew that she had traumatized Pi. She should have gone off to die somewhere else. "There's nothing to talk about. Nothing can be done about it now. It's irreversible." she didn't go into details, but perhaps Pi understood now why the young woman had done what she did.
Pi d’Artois: Pi didn't want to act the martyr and she didn't want this to be how the conversation went. Ruth was right. There was no changing what was. No changing the fact Doc love Ruth, Ruth was married and love.. both men. Or the fact Ruth had sent herself to the fade. Instead, she had to take a page from the book Doc had given her, the one he'd given to her to say to Ruth when she found her in the SR. For them all, she had to take the advice from the man who had loved this woman and knew her, probably better than Pi did herself. "Doc said he fucked up. But he said so did you. And I agree. God Ruth..." She turned to look at the SR and sighed deeply. "This, is a high price you exacted of yourself.... such a high price."
Kainai: "I know," she said after a long yawning silence. "I'm sorry for everything. I didn't know what else to do." She had wanted the pain to end, but she was a vampire, and there was no solace or closure in death. Instead she was forced to wander this lonesome wilderness with naught but the company of her thoughts. Until now. She found herself a little glad that Pi had come, in spite of how beaten down she had become.
Pi d’Artois: If only Pi could hug the woman she called sister. She hadn't really ever had one, sister that is. She didn't really have any good idea how the relationship was meant to work but she knew, if she'd been where she could touch the other, she'd have enveloped the woman in a tight hug. "I'm sorry too... for not following you. I knew.. I thought that it would have been a shock for you and I thought, only that it was okay you left, that I might have left too if I were you. I didn't know. But you can't run from what's happened. They're bound now... forever. And they are each other's. You need to face that now too. And I wish it could be different. But it's not... And I'm sorry for that too."
Kainai: "It wasn't your fault." She was thinking about what to do. There was nothing *to* do, really, but scrape up the pieces and go home. Allistair probably had no idea what happened. She could carry on with him and just learn not to get too attached to other people.
Kainai: She was floating aimlessly in the void, reflecting on her sins. Feelings were difficult, especially when she couldn't control them. Now it was too late. But what would she have done anyway? Disrupted a binding, and her own marriage, for the sake of her own selfish desires? Break her husband's heart? He was a good husband. She loved him. She wished that it was impossible to love someone else. And it certainly was not practical. Ruth paused in her reflections when she heard her sister's voice. "Pi." She sounded heartsick and tired.
Pi d’Artois: Maybe a spirit knows when it is being looked for. Maybe it depends on the spirit whether it is easy to find. She'd always had to search for Robert. She'd always had to walk and walk and walk until she felt like she'd walked to the end of the world and back again. She didn't have to walk or search far for Ruth, as if their spirits called to each other and found one another easily, seamlessly. They had no bodies in this sphere, no forms, just barely recognisable features made watery by the fade. When Pi found Ruth she had to check twice to make sure she had the right person and when she was certain she sighed, an ephemeral hand reaching out to her beloved sister. "Oh Ruth.. what have you done to yourself?" she asked quietly.
Kainai: "What about you?" she asked guardedly. She didn't realize that her sister could leap between worlds like this. Was she a mirage? After walking for a day and not seeing anything more than a spirit or two, even a Sister Mirache should be welcome.
Pi d’Artois: Holding out ephemeral hands Pi shook her head. "MY body is okay, it lays on the couch, not far from where I found..." she choked on this, the emotion blocking her throat. ".. where I found what was left and your note. I'm here .. only in spirit, not here because... not like what you did." Moving closer Pi searched the woman's face, what she could see of it, what the spirit world allowed her to see. It would be the only place Pi would see the original features of the woman because if... when Ruth returned it would be to a different body and a different face would look at her and a different voice she would hear. "I needed to... see you. Talk to me Ruth. Please."
Kainai: Ruth sighed. She knew that she had traumatized Pi. She should have gone off to die somewhere else. "There's nothing to talk about. Nothing can be done about it now. It's irreversible." she didn't go into details, but perhaps Pi understood now why the young woman had done what she did.
Pi d’Artois: Pi didn't want to act the martyr and she didn't want this to be how the conversation went. Ruth was right. There was no changing what was. No changing the fact Doc love Ruth, Ruth was married and love.. both men. Or the fact Ruth had sent herself to the fade. Instead, she had to take a page from the book Doc had given her, the one he'd given to her to say to Ruth when she found her in the SR. For them all, she had to take the advice from the man who had loved this woman and knew her, probably better than Pi did herself. "Doc said he fucked up. But he said so did you. And I agree. God Ruth..." She turned to look at the SR and sighed deeply. "This, is a high price you exacted of yourself.... such a high price."
Kainai: "I know," she said after a long yawning silence. "I'm sorry for everything. I didn't know what else to do." She had wanted the pain to end, but she was a vampire, and there was no solace or closure in death. Instead she was forced to wander this lonesome wilderness with naught but the company of her thoughts. Until now. She found herself a little glad that Pi had come, in spite of how beaten down she had become.
Pi d’Artois: If only Pi could hug the woman she called sister. She hadn't really ever had one, sister that is. She didn't really have any good idea how the relationship was meant to work but she knew, if she'd been where she could touch the other, she'd have enveloped the woman in a tight hug. "I'm sorry too... for not following you. I knew.. I thought that it would have been a shock for you and I thought, only that it was okay you left, that I might have left too if I were you. I didn't know. But you can't run from what's happened. They're bound now... forever. And they are each other's. You need to face that now too. And I wish it could be different. But it's not... And I'm sorry for that too."
Kainai: "It wasn't your fault." She was thinking about what to do. There was nothing *to* do, really, but scrape up the pieces and go home. Allistair probably had no idea what happened. She could carry on with him and just learn not to get too attached to other people.
K I L L E R || E L L I O T ' S


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Re: d'Artois: Events in Time
Doc: *text* Hows it going new chick?
Candice Daniels: *replied* Its going. Did you know there are zombies over here?!
Candice Daniels: Real zombies.
Doc: *text* Yes. Dissected a few. Pretty interesting stuff there. Watch out for the ferals.
Candice Daniels: What are those? Those vampire looking things?
Candice Daniels: Or the ones with the crazy teeth?
Doc: *text* Yes. Nasty creatures that give a nasty punch. Save your energy.. just slip past them.. take out the zombies until you get some experience under your belt.
Doc: *text* The multi-mouthed things are 'mooncalves'. Don't ask me why they are named that. No Clue. They are pretty stiff competition too.
Candice Daniels: *replied* Some guy tried to shoot at me in this old abandoned school. I swear... this place is crazy.
Doc: *text* What guy? why?
Candice Daniels: I don’t know. (gangster) He kicked my ***.
Doc: *text* Take a chill pill .. yea.. everything you used to know.. is a lie.
Doc: *text* If you see him again.. take note of him. The family need target practice.. (K on gangster)
Candice Daniels: Obviously. Thank god the university said in the fall I can start teaching night classes... maybe by then I wont want to eat all of my students.
Candice Daniels: I will.
Doc: *text* Rule one. Keep your personal life and business completely separate.
Candice Daniels: What?
Candice Daniels: I never take my personal life to work with me.
Doc: *text* Do not break the masquerade. I will hunt your *** down and kill you ***. Got it? Keep em separate.
Candice Daniels: No need for a threat. Do you really think I want people to know I have terrifying teeth and I drink blood to survive?
Doc: *text* Only fair to warn you.
Doc: *text* And if you find it so horrible.. I can end it for ya.
Candice Daniels: What do you mean?
Doc: *text* If you don’t like what you have become.. I can make it stop.
Candice Daniels: Not without killing me or sending me to the realm. I haven’t done anything wrong and I sure as hell didn’t do anything to you, so keep your threats for these violators you hate so much.
Candice Daniels: I've heard all about the realm and I don’t want to go there.
Doc: *text* was just offering.
Doc: *text* your words give impression that you are ashamed.
Candice Daniels: Your words give me the impression that you go looking for a reason to kill people rather than letting them give you one all by themselves.
Candice Daniels: I've been a vampire for what, a week now? And already you seemed to have developed an opinion of me. Which is entirely unfair. It is obvious that you don’t get along with the man that turned me, and yet I don’t judge you according to that.
Doc: *text* Lets me know pretty quick who is going to offend.. and who isn’t.
Doc: *text* Cry in your pillow. I'm a ********.
Candice Daniels: You know what? I've spent most of my career catering to bastards on an IVY league level... save your **** for someone else.
Doc: *test* Fair enough.
Candice Daniels: I am not Elliot. Don treat me like I am, and we will get along just fine.
Candice Daniels: Having said that, anytime you feel like showing me how to NOT get my *** kicked by gangster looking idiots, give me a call.
Doc: *text* Weapon you got?
Candice Daniels: I was going to buy a gun, but I don’t know which one to get. Right now, I'm using some dumb blade.
Doc: *text* you need both. God. E didn’t kit you out?
Candice Daniels: I don’t want help buying weapons.
Doc: *text* Look. Its not about you. OK? Its about being able to pull your weight. Got it?
Doc: *text* Meaning you need to kick *** and take names.
Candice Daniels: I'm a book worm and I'm damn good with money. I will buy my own weapons. I don’t do hand outs.
Candice Daniels: I understand what you are saying, I just don’t know which one to buy.
Doc: *text* You want high quality and accuracy.. if quality and accuracy is ****.. well.. end result will be ****.
Doc: *text* Contact my ball n chain.. tell her I sent you to her - She might be able to find you a decent firearm to -borrow-
Candice Daniels: I have money. I'll buy one, but thanks anyhow.
Doc: *text* You're a book worm.. you want to spend more than its worth? But one.
Candice Daniels: At least I wont have to carry around this damn blade all of the time.
Doc: *text* Didn't E tell you anything?!
Doc: *text* You will need both.
Candice Daniels: not at the same time
Doc: *text* Guns are great from 20 ft. They are **** closer.. cause all you get are chest shots. You need head shots. Or decapitation with a blade - got it?
Candice Daniels: zombies are the only things that don’t kick my *** at this point.
Doc: *sighed. She apparently wasn't going to get it. 2 is better than 1 any day.* *text* whatever.
Candice Daniels: Have a good evening, Doc.
Doc: *text* Yea. If only.
Candice Daniels: Come kill **** with me.
Candice Daniels: Its liberating.
Doc: *thinks, hmm it would get him away from the Psycho... * you're in QZ.. I will see what I can do.
Candice Daniels: I am.... it looks like an old bar in here.
Doc: *text* I may show up
Candice Daniels: K.
Candice Daniels: *replied* Its going. Did you know there are zombies over here?!
Candice Daniels: Real zombies.
Doc: *text* Yes. Dissected a few. Pretty interesting stuff there. Watch out for the ferals.
Candice Daniels: What are those? Those vampire looking things?
Candice Daniels: Or the ones with the crazy teeth?
Doc: *text* Yes. Nasty creatures that give a nasty punch. Save your energy.. just slip past them.. take out the zombies until you get some experience under your belt.
Doc: *text* The multi-mouthed things are 'mooncalves'. Don't ask me why they are named that. No Clue. They are pretty stiff competition too.
Candice Daniels: *replied* Some guy tried to shoot at me in this old abandoned school. I swear... this place is crazy.
Doc: *text* What guy? why?
Candice Daniels: I don’t know. (gangster) He kicked my ***.
Doc: *text* Take a chill pill .. yea.. everything you used to know.. is a lie.
Doc: *text* If you see him again.. take note of him. The family need target practice.. (K on gangster)
Candice Daniels: Obviously. Thank god the university said in the fall I can start teaching night classes... maybe by then I wont want to eat all of my students.
Candice Daniels: I will.
Doc: *text* Rule one. Keep your personal life and business completely separate.
Candice Daniels: What?
Candice Daniels: I never take my personal life to work with me.
Doc: *text* Do not break the masquerade. I will hunt your *** down and kill you ***. Got it? Keep em separate.
Candice Daniels: No need for a threat. Do you really think I want people to know I have terrifying teeth and I drink blood to survive?
Doc: *text* Only fair to warn you.
Doc: *text* And if you find it so horrible.. I can end it for ya.
Candice Daniels: What do you mean?
Doc: *text* If you don’t like what you have become.. I can make it stop.
Candice Daniels: Not without killing me or sending me to the realm. I haven’t done anything wrong and I sure as hell didn’t do anything to you, so keep your threats for these violators you hate so much.
Candice Daniels: I've heard all about the realm and I don’t want to go there.
Doc: *text* was just offering.
Doc: *text* your words give impression that you are ashamed.
Candice Daniels: Your words give me the impression that you go looking for a reason to kill people rather than letting them give you one all by themselves.
Candice Daniels: I've been a vampire for what, a week now? And already you seemed to have developed an opinion of me. Which is entirely unfair. It is obvious that you don’t get along with the man that turned me, and yet I don’t judge you according to that.
Doc: *text* Lets me know pretty quick who is going to offend.. and who isn’t.
Doc: *text* Cry in your pillow. I'm a ********.
Candice Daniels: You know what? I've spent most of my career catering to bastards on an IVY league level... save your **** for someone else.
Doc: *test* Fair enough.
Candice Daniels: I am not Elliot. Don treat me like I am, and we will get along just fine.
Candice Daniels: Having said that, anytime you feel like showing me how to NOT get my *** kicked by gangster looking idiots, give me a call.
Doc: *text* Weapon you got?
Candice Daniels: I was going to buy a gun, but I don’t know which one to get. Right now, I'm using some dumb blade.
Doc: *text* you need both. God. E didn’t kit you out?
Candice Daniels: I don’t want help buying weapons.
Doc: *text* Look. Its not about you. OK? Its about being able to pull your weight. Got it?
Doc: *text* Meaning you need to kick *** and take names.
Candice Daniels: I'm a book worm and I'm damn good with money. I will buy my own weapons. I don’t do hand outs.
Candice Daniels: I understand what you are saying, I just don’t know which one to buy.
Doc: *text* You want high quality and accuracy.. if quality and accuracy is ****.. well.. end result will be ****.
Doc: *text* Contact my ball n chain.. tell her I sent you to her - She might be able to find you a decent firearm to -borrow-
Candice Daniels: I have money. I'll buy one, but thanks anyhow.
Doc: *text* You're a book worm.. you want to spend more than its worth? But one.
Candice Daniels: At least I wont have to carry around this damn blade all of the time.
Doc: *text* Didn't E tell you anything?!
Doc: *text* You will need both.
Candice Daniels: not at the same time
Doc: *text* Guns are great from 20 ft. They are **** closer.. cause all you get are chest shots. You need head shots. Or decapitation with a blade - got it?
Candice Daniels: zombies are the only things that don’t kick my *** at this point.
Doc: *sighed. She apparently wasn't going to get it. 2 is better than 1 any day.* *text* whatever.
Candice Daniels: Have a good evening, Doc.
Doc: *text* Yea. If only.
Candice Daniels: Come kill **** with me.
Candice Daniels: Its liberating.
Doc: *thinks, hmm it would get him away from the Psycho... * you're in QZ.. I will see what I can do.
Candice Daniels: I am.... it looks like an old bar in here.
Doc: *text* I may show up
Candice Daniels: K.

Ego correctionis silentio grammatica tua
IC Forum username: That Guy
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Re: d'Artois: Events in Time
Candice Daniels: K.* So... Doc... why do you dislike Elliot so much?
Doc: *text* What makes you think I dislike him?
Candice Daniels: *Replied* I can tell. I'm good at reading people.
Doc: *text* Then maybe you aren’t as good as you would like to think, hmm?
Candice Daniels: *Replied* Nope... I'm spot on. I promise not to tell him the why's. I just find you... rather fascinating.
Candice Daniels: You make me want to figure you out and I need a hobby... I know, but for the moment, you are it.
Doc: *text* I don’t hate Elliot.
Candice Daniels: You certainly don’t LIKE him particularly.
Doc: *text* I can say the same about you... but then again.. i don’t know you do I?
Candice Daniels: I do like him. Very much. He saved my life.
Doc: *text* terminal were you?
Candice Daniels: So to speak.
Candice Daniels: My student stabbed me and he happened to be there.
Doc: *text* You have killed the student then - yes?
Candice Daniels: No.
Doc: *text* slacker
Candice Daniels: Grouch.
Candice Daniels: Don make me come hug you.
Doc: *text* fair warning.. you touch me.. I shoot you.
Candice Daniels: I call ********. I might even grab your ***.
Doc: *text* OK.. but no ******* whining when I shoot you.
Candice Daniels: Its a nice ***... *she replied, snickering the whole time. He was going to be fun to mess with.*
Doc: *text* I'll tell my wife you said so...
Candice Daniels: I bet she has a nice *** too.
Doc: *text* Oh hell yea.. and if you touch it.. I will shoot you.
Candice Daniels: Jesus! Are you that hell bent on me having no fun at all? What if I touch them both at the same time?
Doc: *text* I say who touches me. I don’t ******* know you.. why do i want you touching me or her?
Candice Daniels: Oh for fucks sake. Lighten up.
Doc: *text* I am. Don read emotion where there is none.. shows you don’t know everything you think you do.
Candice Daniels: I call ******** again! Seriously... I'm going to get you a massage... not GIVE you one, but pay for one. Maybe with a happy ending.
Doc: *text* call ******** all you want. If iwasnt in a good mood.. I wouldn’t have replied period. note that in your journal.
Candice Daniels: Noted. Now... tell me why you dislike Elliot. And also... tell me how your *** got to be so nice?
Doc: *text* Told ya once, not telling you again; I don’t hate Elliot.
Candice Daniels: I said dislike this time!
Doc: *text* there is love, hate, and then there is indifference. I am indifferent to Elliot.
Candice Daniels: OK. Whatever you want to call it, will you tell me why? He's a pretty good guy.
Doc: *text* I don’t know you..why would I tell you ****?
Candice Daniels: Because you like me?
Doc: *text* one more time.. listen closely this time.. there is love, hate and indifference... I don’t know you.. I am indifferent to you
Candice Daniels: Thats a shitty explanation. We all make assessments about people we don’t know based on what we have experienced from them thus far. You have an opinion of him... you just don’t wish to share it.
Doc: *text* No. I don’t wish to share it ... with you.
Candice Daniels: So then I was right. OK... I'll accept that.
Doc: *text* if being right means that much to you.
Candice Daniels: I'm a female. Of course it does. Now... about that ***....
Doc: *text* What makes you think I dislike him?
Candice Daniels: *Replied* I can tell. I'm good at reading people.
Doc: *text* Then maybe you aren’t as good as you would like to think, hmm?
Candice Daniels: *Replied* Nope... I'm spot on. I promise not to tell him the why's. I just find you... rather fascinating.
Candice Daniels: You make me want to figure you out and I need a hobby... I know, but for the moment, you are it.
Doc: *text* I don’t hate Elliot.
Candice Daniels: You certainly don’t LIKE him particularly.
Doc: *text* I can say the same about you... but then again.. i don’t know you do I?
Candice Daniels: I do like him. Very much. He saved my life.
Doc: *text* terminal were you?
Candice Daniels: So to speak.
Candice Daniels: My student stabbed me and he happened to be there.
Doc: *text* You have killed the student then - yes?
Candice Daniels: No.
Doc: *text* slacker
Candice Daniels: Grouch.
Candice Daniels: Don make me come hug you.
Doc: *text* fair warning.. you touch me.. I shoot you.
Candice Daniels: I call ********. I might even grab your ***.
Doc: *text* OK.. but no ******* whining when I shoot you.
Candice Daniels: Its a nice ***... *she replied, snickering the whole time. He was going to be fun to mess with.*
Doc: *text* I'll tell my wife you said so...
Candice Daniels: I bet she has a nice *** too.
Doc: *text* Oh hell yea.. and if you touch it.. I will shoot you.
Candice Daniels: Jesus! Are you that hell bent on me having no fun at all? What if I touch them both at the same time?
Doc: *text* I say who touches me. I don’t ******* know you.. why do i want you touching me or her?
Candice Daniels: Oh for fucks sake. Lighten up.
Doc: *text* I am. Don read emotion where there is none.. shows you don’t know everything you think you do.
Candice Daniels: I call ******** again! Seriously... I'm going to get you a massage... not GIVE you one, but pay for one. Maybe with a happy ending.
Doc: *text* call ******** all you want. If iwasnt in a good mood.. I wouldn’t have replied period. note that in your journal.
Candice Daniels: Noted. Now... tell me why you dislike Elliot. And also... tell me how your *** got to be so nice?
Doc: *text* Told ya once, not telling you again; I don’t hate Elliot.
Candice Daniels: I said dislike this time!
Doc: *text* there is love, hate, and then there is indifference. I am indifferent to Elliot.
Candice Daniels: OK. Whatever you want to call it, will you tell me why? He's a pretty good guy.
Doc: *text* I don’t know you..why would I tell you ****?
Candice Daniels: Because you like me?
Doc: *text* one more time.. listen closely this time.. there is love, hate and indifference... I don’t know you.. I am indifferent to you
Candice Daniels: Thats a shitty explanation. We all make assessments about people we don’t know based on what we have experienced from them thus far. You have an opinion of him... you just don’t wish to share it.
Doc: *text* No. I don’t wish to share it ... with you.
Candice Daniels: So then I was right. OK... I'll accept that.
Doc: *text* if being right means that much to you.
Candice Daniels: I'm a female. Of course it does. Now... about that ***....

Ego correctionis silentio grammatica tua
IC Forum username: That Guy
Dressed by Ariadne- Candice (DELETED 3982)
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Re: d'Artois: Events in Time
Doc: *text* You are stereotyping. Isn't that against the rules?
Candice Daniels: Not when they actually serve a purpose, dear.
Doc: *text* I really do not like endearments when they are patronizing.
Candice Daniels: That was not patronizing... that was a kind gesture. If I wanted to be patronizing, I would have referred to you as sweet cheeks.
Doc: *text* suffice to say, it is not appreciated either way.
Candice Daniels: Well... all thats left then is Doc and that’s hardly a proper name.
Candice Daniels: So give me something substantial, and I shall refrain from using terms like baby doll and sweetheart.
Doc: *text* And because I prefer Doc.. you don’t wish to use it
Candice Daniels: No. Because it is not a proper name. Like mine is Candice. You are not my physician, and I think you would be offended by Sir... so in that regard, yes... I don’t wish to use it.
Doc: *text* Then don’t refer to me by name.
Candice Daniels: Are you listening to yourself?
Doc: *text* no.. I am typing.. not speaking
Candice Daniels: Smart ***. Hows that for a term of endearment?
Doc: *text* ******** is what most use.. but that one is acceptable
Candice Daniels: Nope. I only call people I don’t like bastards.
Candice Daniels: Sweet cheeks it is.
Doc: *text* I will not answer to that.
Candice Daniels: Then you should have given me your name.
Doc: *text* I don’t care if I speak to you or not. If giving my name means you wont speak, so be it.
Candice Daniels: Oh for the love of God, man... stop being so damn grouchy. I will make good on that hug, I swear it.
Doc: *text* Again. I am just being honest. You put emotion where there is none.
Candice Daniels: I put emotion everywhere. Just because you are showing you narcissistic characteristics doesn’t mean I am without emotion.
Doc: *text* some times words are just words.
Candice Daniels: Agreed. Like dear.... just a word. Goodnight, Doc.
Doc: *text* later.
Candice Daniels: Not when they actually serve a purpose, dear.
Doc: *text* I really do not like endearments when they are patronizing.
Candice Daniels: That was not patronizing... that was a kind gesture. If I wanted to be patronizing, I would have referred to you as sweet cheeks.
Doc: *text* suffice to say, it is not appreciated either way.
Candice Daniels: Well... all thats left then is Doc and that’s hardly a proper name.
Candice Daniels: So give me something substantial, and I shall refrain from using terms like baby doll and sweetheart.
Doc: *text* And because I prefer Doc.. you don’t wish to use it
Candice Daniels: No. Because it is not a proper name. Like mine is Candice. You are not my physician, and I think you would be offended by Sir... so in that regard, yes... I don’t wish to use it.
Doc: *text* Then don’t refer to me by name.
Candice Daniels: Are you listening to yourself?
Doc: *text* no.. I am typing.. not speaking
Candice Daniels: Smart ***. Hows that for a term of endearment?
Doc: *text* ******** is what most use.. but that one is acceptable
Candice Daniels: Nope. I only call people I don’t like bastards.
Candice Daniels: Sweet cheeks it is.
Doc: *text* I will not answer to that.
Candice Daniels: Then you should have given me your name.
Doc: *text* I don’t care if I speak to you or not. If giving my name means you wont speak, so be it.
Candice Daniels: Oh for the love of God, man... stop being so damn grouchy. I will make good on that hug, I swear it.
Doc: *text* Again. I am just being honest. You put emotion where there is none.
Candice Daniels: I put emotion everywhere. Just because you are showing you narcissistic characteristics doesn’t mean I am without emotion.
Doc: *text* some times words are just words.
Candice Daniels: Agreed. Like dear.... just a word. Goodnight, Doc.
Doc: *text* later.
Professor of Literary Arts, University of HR

Candice Daniels
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Re: d'Artois: Events in Time
Pi d’Artois: "No. What are you going to do Ruth?" Pi asked, concerned about the answers she was receiving. Hell, concerned about the whole thing and what happened. But talking about that part wasn't going to change what had happened. Doc bound to Cyth and that was forever. Ruth was married to Allistair and that was just the way it was. But the here and now, that needed... some hope that the woman who entered this place, would still be the same woman who eventually, hopefully found her way out.
Kainai: "I am going to pretend this never happened," she told her with quiet resolve. "But I can't leave yet." Something was keeping her back.
Pi d’Artois: "Oh Ruth." she sighed, wondering if maybe that wasn't the best plan. That they could pretend it didn't happen and Ruth could go back to Allistair and Doc could go back to pretending to love Cytherea and Pi could pretend, she hadn't just been a part of any of it. None of the family knew about this. And none of them needed to. And if that is how Ruth wanted to do it, then she could.. and would let her dictate. "We can do that.. if that's what you want. Only Cytherea and Doc know... and that's all that need to. If that's what you want."
Kainai: "What do you think I should do?" she asked her sister, sensing the sigh in her spirit. Ruth's spirit was beginning to faintly glow as they thought about not just what had gone wrong but what to do in the future.
Pi d’Artois: "Only you can answer that, I just want to be there to support you... and them too. If that's what you want to do.. then that's what we'll do." Turning to stare into the shadow realm she wondered if Ruth had thought about what coming back would mean to her. What... had happened to her body when she'd made the choice to end herself. "Ruth." she said quietly. "I'll help you... pretend this didn't happen. But your body... there's nothing left of it. It's turned to Ash... when you return... you'll.. you'll inhabit, you'll need to ... find a new body. Yours is... " God she just couldn't say it. She was tripping over her own words and she jsut couldn't get the words out. "I'm so sorry. It's gone."
Kainai: "I've died before. When I was fighting alongside the Grigori. I managed to find a new body. I will do it again." There were plenty of bodies, plenty of souls.
Pi d’Artois: Sighed in relief. "Thank God, I was worried you... didn't know. But that was silly, of course you do.." And she handled the knowledge of it like she always did, with pragmatic grace. If Pi could have slumped she would have, in relief. Nodding once she then looked at the woman, impressed once again by her enduring spirit. "What do you need.. while you are here?" she asked.
Kainai: Ruth felt very drained of willpower, but even so she knew that she had to press on. It was the only thing she knew how to do. Her sister, her family, her husband, they all needed her. What use was she in this lonely place? She couldn't even use her powers. Pi's question brought her out of her melancholy thoughts and she began to pulse like a beacon, seeming to come alive in a mechanical way. Her spirit was reaching out, wanting to live. There was so much left to do. Why waste it all on a fleeting emotion? It was so simple to see here, where it was quiet and she could think.
"There is something I need," she finally replied. "I don't know if my husband is looking for me or not, but I do not want you to tell him why I sent myself here." If anything, Allistair would accept 'I don't want to talk about it' for an answer. She hoped. She simply didn't want to broach the Doc issue any longer. It had turned her into a depressed and self destructive creature, and for what purpose? To destroy her marriage, and his binding? The very idea seemed embarrassingly foolish to her now. She was consumed with regret.
Pi d’Artois: Could Pi blame her for her request? No, of course not. Could she had expected anything else? Also no. What would she have done if the positions were reversed. What would she had done if that had been Elliot and his Irene and she’d have been called into a family meeting without knowing why she was attending. What would she had done if she’d have had to stand there and watch the man she loved bind himself to eternity forever. Pi would have broken. She would have unraveled on the spot. She’d have been in reality what she as now. A shell of a person, more spirit than flesh. The moment would have hollowed her out and she wasn’t sure she’d have survived it. She wasn’t sure she’d have come back and she was sure she couldn’t have handled it with the grace Kainai showed now. But Ruth was a woman who had been torn, for but a moment between two men, her husband and the man who had told her he loved her. Maybe this had been her trial, her test of fire to temper and make her marriage a resilient one.
Holding out an ephemeral hand Pi reached for her sister as her light pulsed and she felt herself smile even though she had no muscles to stretch her lips upwards. “What happened today… is only ours to know. And you… will control who knows what, and when.” She hoped it was true that it could be that easy. Very few knew. Doc, Cytherea and Am and none of them would talk of this to anyone, if that was what Ruth wanted. And as much as she could; she’d make sure of it. “I’ll go now…. But I’ll be there when you get back and there if you need anything.” She assured her sister even as she felt herself being pulled back to her body. There was a time limit to how long she could spend in this place and she knew she’d reached it. And with one last long look Pi let herself be pulled away, what remained of her magic and her will keeping her here letting go. “Soon Ruth… I’ll see you soon.”
Kainai: "I am going to pretend this never happened," she told her with quiet resolve. "But I can't leave yet." Something was keeping her back.
Pi d’Artois: "Oh Ruth." she sighed, wondering if maybe that wasn't the best plan. That they could pretend it didn't happen and Ruth could go back to Allistair and Doc could go back to pretending to love Cytherea and Pi could pretend, she hadn't just been a part of any of it. None of the family knew about this. And none of them needed to. And if that is how Ruth wanted to do it, then she could.. and would let her dictate. "We can do that.. if that's what you want. Only Cytherea and Doc know... and that's all that need to. If that's what you want."
Kainai: "What do you think I should do?" she asked her sister, sensing the sigh in her spirit. Ruth's spirit was beginning to faintly glow as they thought about not just what had gone wrong but what to do in the future.
Pi d’Artois: "Only you can answer that, I just want to be there to support you... and them too. If that's what you want to do.. then that's what we'll do." Turning to stare into the shadow realm she wondered if Ruth had thought about what coming back would mean to her. What... had happened to her body when she'd made the choice to end herself. "Ruth." she said quietly. "I'll help you... pretend this didn't happen. But your body... there's nothing left of it. It's turned to Ash... when you return... you'll.. you'll inhabit, you'll need to ... find a new body. Yours is... " God she just couldn't say it. She was tripping over her own words and she jsut couldn't get the words out. "I'm so sorry. It's gone."
Kainai: "I've died before. When I was fighting alongside the Grigori. I managed to find a new body. I will do it again." There were plenty of bodies, plenty of souls.
Pi d’Artois: Sighed in relief. "Thank God, I was worried you... didn't know. But that was silly, of course you do.." And she handled the knowledge of it like she always did, with pragmatic grace. If Pi could have slumped she would have, in relief. Nodding once she then looked at the woman, impressed once again by her enduring spirit. "What do you need.. while you are here?" she asked.
Kainai: Ruth felt very drained of willpower, but even so she knew that she had to press on. It was the only thing she knew how to do. Her sister, her family, her husband, they all needed her. What use was she in this lonely place? She couldn't even use her powers. Pi's question brought her out of her melancholy thoughts and she began to pulse like a beacon, seeming to come alive in a mechanical way. Her spirit was reaching out, wanting to live. There was so much left to do. Why waste it all on a fleeting emotion? It was so simple to see here, where it was quiet and she could think.
"There is something I need," she finally replied. "I don't know if my husband is looking for me or not, but I do not want you to tell him why I sent myself here." If anything, Allistair would accept 'I don't want to talk about it' for an answer. She hoped. She simply didn't want to broach the Doc issue any longer. It had turned her into a depressed and self destructive creature, and for what purpose? To destroy her marriage, and his binding? The very idea seemed embarrassingly foolish to her now. She was consumed with regret.
Pi d’Artois: Could Pi blame her for her request? No, of course not. Could she had expected anything else? Also no. What would she have done if the positions were reversed. What would she had done if that had been Elliot and his Irene and she’d have been called into a family meeting without knowing why she was attending. What would she had done if she’d have had to stand there and watch the man she loved bind himself to eternity forever. Pi would have broken. She would have unraveled on the spot. She’d have been in reality what she as now. A shell of a person, more spirit than flesh. The moment would have hollowed her out and she wasn’t sure she’d have survived it. She wasn’t sure she’d have come back and she was sure she couldn’t have handled it with the grace Kainai showed now. But Ruth was a woman who had been torn, for but a moment between two men, her husband and the man who had told her he loved her. Maybe this had been her trial, her test of fire to temper and make her marriage a resilient one.
Holding out an ephemeral hand Pi reached for her sister as her light pulsed and she felt herself smile even though she had no muscles to stretch her lips upwards. “What happened today… is only ours to know. And you… will control who knows what, and when.” She hoped it was true that it could be that easy. Very few knew. Doc, Cytherea and Am and none of them would talk of this to anyone, if that was what Ruth wanted. And as much as she could; she’d make sure of it. “I’ll go now…. But I’ll be there when you get back and there if you need anything.” She assured her sister even as she felt herself being pulled back to her body. There was a time limit to how long she could spend in this place and she knew she’d reached it. And with one last long look Pi let herself be pulled away, what remained of her magic and her will keeping her here letting go. “Soon Ruth… I’ll see you soon.”

Banner by Ariadne. YIM: kokothehunter
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Re: d'Artois: Events in Time
Doc: Doc was tired. The training had gone well, but he was still energized, he wanted to hunt.. to kill so he spent the next few hours in the catacombs killing mooncalves and ancients. But now he was headed home. He just wanted to sleep. He opened the door to the apartment and stopped dead. “Oh ****...” the words escaped in a gasp of horrified awe. His apartment, his minimalist apartment had been turned into Bed, Bath and ******* Beyond! “What the hell?!” He shouted, but it was doubtful anything was heard because there was a stereo playing full blast. He stepped in finally, and there on his couch.. where he usually slept, were seven severed heads staring at him. His duffel bag fell to the floor as he took in all the horror. There were ...flowers and candles.. and pictures of flowers every-*******-where!
Cytherea: Cyth was in the bathroom, cleaning the blood from her face and arms, though failing. It was caked on, and plus the wounds she had acquired were also still bleeding. In the midst of all that, the door opened, she retrieved a blade from the side of her boot, using the barely lit room to her advantage. It was only Doc, but he was letting his blind side down. She was thankful for her black clothing as she slipped around him, and up behind his body. Her knife came to his throat as her lips pressed to his ear. ''Should be more careful.'' she was trying not to laugh as she stepped into his sight. She probably looked insane with the blood and bullet holes.
Doc: “Kill me now.. “ his voice was one of shock “Flowers? Really? One.. maybe 2.. but..” he caught her knifed hand and pressed it harder to his throat. “Do it quick.. this torture is unbearable!”
Cytherea: ''Quit being so melodramatic. If you don't like them, we can get rid of some. Candles stay though, I like the smell.'' she pulled the knife away from his throat, walking towards the couch and shoving the tip through one of the many heads, so she didn't lose the blade. ''Nasty little bastards. Got me in the arm and leg. But they died in the end.''
Doc: “Thank god.. If it was possible to have a coronary.. I would have had one..” he looks at his couch. Doc shoved some of the heads over, and collapsed on one end of the couch. He looked around, his apartment was unrecognizable. It looked like the cover of a magazine. There was clutter everywhere. And the music... well it was apparent he wasn't getting any sleep here. “How's the leg?” he said lamely, because he was still mourning the death of his home.
Cytherea: She was trying not to laugh, his reaction was hilarious. At the question, she sent him a sideways glance. ''It healed, then I got shot again. Leg, arm. I'm dealing with it though. I'll go take a shower and hope it closes over or something.'' she used one of the towels to wipe her face clean, or try. ''How was your.. where you were. Doing things.''
Doc: “It was ok..” he forced himself not to dwell on the changes. It apparently made her happy. Ok then. But god damn.. how did clutter ever make anyone happy? “We.. the family.. your pop included.. did some training of hunting and tracking a target .. Aidan played the fox.. we were the hounds..” There was even **** in the kitchen .. color coordinated ****. “I am thinking of studying up on tracking..” At least she left the coffee maker alone. He loved that damned thing, even if he couldn't drink it anymore.
Cytherea: ''We'll decide what to keep and get rid of.'' she flashed him a smile, before she moved to the bathroom, still listening to him. The tap was turned on as she cleaned her wounds, looking for the kit. ''Pass me the med kit in?'' she asked, before replying to his words. ''And how did you guys fair against her? Is the team good, or needs a lot of work? And if you do study it, I'll need help getting some help getting stuff.'' she removed her top, though her sports bra remained. She cleaned the blood that had gathered under her shirt as well. ''It's good you guys had the training thing though. Smart.''
Doc: Doc went to where he left the med kit, a spot on the floor by the couch, but it wasn't there. He frowned and about the place. Where in all this crap would she have put the medkit? He didn't have the first idea where to start looking. “Where did you move it?” He frowned, and started opening and closing things randomly. “And Aidan.. well she ******* hid in the wilderness.. threw us for damn sure... but we got her..” He paused, “Wait what? Help getting what? What do you need help with?” He turned to look at her. He had been preoccupied looking for the medkit, he missed what she said about needing help.
Cytherea: ''In a drawer in the coffee table.'' she called back. ''I don't want to bleed over the floor, might ruin the wood and carpet.'' it hadn't stopped bleeding, once she had it bandaged it would be much better. ''Aidan's a clever one. At least it prepared you guys for things that might happen. And I need some things from the junkyard, but they have to have good tracking to find anything.'' she seat on the edge of the bath, one hand held to her thigh, the other to her arm as she waited for him to find the damn thing.
Doc: Doc opened the drawer and there is was, he collected it and carried it to her. “Want me to help?” He eyed her arm wound, but she seemed very self assured, she may not want his help. “Aidan's damn smart.. it was a good choice to pick the wilderness. Threw us for a damn loop. And in a real situation.. we would have wasted too much time figuring it out. Now.. we do have some experience with that.. so hopefully, given practice.. we will fine tune it.” he opened the kit and studied the leg wound. “Ever thought of investing in kevlar?”
Cytherea: Cyth lifted her pale golden gaze to his face, before she replied. ''Would you mind? I can do it, if you don't want to?'' she'd probably do a **** job with just one hand, but it would be doable. She continued with the rest of the conversation. ''More experience with these things will be good. I've some powers that will help tracking, and Tennyson. He can slip into buildings without a key. I should probably tell Pi this. I was in the sewers though, severing heads. Not good reception down there. So I didn't get the text until today.''
Doc: Doc nodded at her request and began cleansing her arm wound. “It would be helpful.. especially since that ******** Tennyson wont go in the sewers.. we can send him tracking and ****.” He smirked, teach Tennyson for saying no to Cytherea's requests, little prick. “And I would like it if you joined us..” that's all he was going to say. He wasn't going to pressure her, or demand. If she wanted to, she would, if she didn't, he would deal. “Good job on the heads.. though.. where am I supposed to sleep now?”
Doc: Doc wrapped her arm quickly and efficiently. Her comment about the bed not escaping him. Just how did she expect him to sleep next to her day after day and keep his hands to himself? He smirked at her 'bite' comment. He moved to the wound on her leg, cleaning it. "I will be sure to call you next time we train. Pi mentioned something about giving E and Maddie a couple of weeks to work together on their tracking skills. With only 2 .. if we need to hit and one of them wasn't available.. we would be up a creek. Sorta why I think I should invest in studying it." He was kinda glad for the music now. It made the silence not seem so telling. He was preoccupied about thinking of her in bed.
Cytherea: ''Well. I have the same abilities that those two have in tracking. So I could be a back up I suppose. And yes, bring me along. I'll want to help get this family ready for anything.'' she was finally able to move her arm without worrying about blood leaking out. She smiled at him, a silent thank you. It however didn't go un-noticed that he hadn't replied about her offer. Was he afraid to sleep beside her? She wasn't that bad. Sometimes she moved. Well, a lot. He'd have to deal though. It was the bed, or the floor. The couch was too stained and wet right now. ''I think it's wise for you to learn some tracking too, just incase.''
Doc: "Right.. "he nodded. Doc bound the wound on her leg, all the while picturing it wrapped around him. This was going to be harder than he ever even remotely imagined. "So.. you said you need stuff in the junkyard.. " He busied himself with putting away the medical supplies. "What do you need.. If I come across it.. I can.. I mean.. I will make sure to get it.." ****. What the hell was wrong with him.
Cytherea: It was amusing, to see him act this way. She had an idea it was because she had invited him to share the bed. Perhaps he didn't like being close to someone? Intimacy? She wasn't sure, but her twisted side kicked in, and she flashed Doc her sweetest smile, standing, using her good leg for most of the support. ''Mmm. Some microwaves from the junkyard, I'm sure you'll find some other things there too.'' she managed to get out of her trousers, now remaining in her underwear. Though she was marred with a lot of blood, so she didn't exactly look desirable. But she stuck to her evil plan. ''Want to join me in the shower? Then go to bed.'' she waited for him to shoot her a nasty look, say something, then storm off. But before he did, she grazed a kiss to his cheek. '''Thanks for the help. I'd have done a shitty job of it myself.''
Cytherea: Cyth was in the bathroom, cleaning the blood from her face and arms, though failing. It was caked on, and plus the wounds she had acquired were also still bleeding. In the midst of all that, the door opened, she retrieved a blade from the side of her boot, using the barely lit room to her advantage. It was only Doc, but he was letting his blind side down. She was thankful for her black clothing as she slipped around him, and up behind his body. Her knife came to his throat as her lips pressed to his ear. ''Should be more careful.'' she was trying not to laugh as she stepped into his sight. She probably looked insane with the blood and bullet holes.
Doc: “Kill me now.. “ his voice was one of shock “Flowers? Really? One.. maybe 2.. but..” he caught her knifed hand and pressed it harder to his throat. “Do it quick.. this torture is unbearable!”
Cytherea: ''Quit being so melodramatic. If you don't like them, we can get rid of some. Candles stay though, I like the smell.'' she pulled the knife away from his throat, walking towards the couch and shoving the tip through one of the many heads, so she didn't lose the blade. ''Nasty little bastards. Got me in the arm and leg. But they died in the end.''
Doc: “Thank god.. If it was possible to have a coronary.. I would have had one..” he looks at his couch. Doc shoved some of the heads over, and collapsed on one end of the couch. He looked around, his apartment was unrecognizable. It looked like the cover of a magazine. There was clutter everywhere. And the music... well it was apparent he wasn't getting any sleep here. “How's the leg?” he said lamely, because he was still mourning the death of his home.
Cytherea: She was trying not to laugh, his reaction was hilarious. At the question, she sent him a sideways glance. ''It healed, then I got shot again. Leg, arm. I'm dealing with it though. I'll go take a shower and hope it closes over or something.'' she used one of the towels to wipe her face clean, or try. ''How was your.. where you were. Doing things.''
Doc: “It was ok..” he forced himself not to dwell on the changes. It apparently made her happy. Ok then. But god damn.. how did clutter ever make anyone happy? “We.. the family.. your pop included.. did some training of hunting and tracking a target .. Aidan played the fox.. we were the hounds..” There was even **** in the kitchen .. color coordinated ****. “I am thinking of studying up on tracking..” At least she left the coffee maker alone. He loved that damned thing, even if he couldn't drink it anymore.
Cytherea: ''We'll decide what to keep and get rid of.'' she flashed him a smile, before she moved to the bathroom, still listening to him. The tap was turned on as she cleaned her wounds, looking for the kit. ''Pass me the med kit in?'' she asked, before replying to his words. ''And how did you guys fair against her? Is the team good, or needs a lot of work? And if you do study it, I'll need help getting some help getting stuff.'' she removed her top, though her sports bra remained. She cleaned the blood that had gathered under her shirt as well. ''It's good you guys had the training thing though. Smart.''
Doc: Doc went to where he left the med kit, a spot on the floor by the couch, but it wasn't there. He frowned and about the place. Where in all this crap would she have put the medkit? He didn't have the first idea where to start looking. “Where did you move it?” He frowned, and started opening and closing things randomly. “And Aidan.. well she ******* hid in the wilderness.. threw us for damn sure... but we got her..” He paused, “Wait what? Help getting what? What do you need help with?” He turned to look at her. He had been preoccupied looking for the medkit, he missed what she said about needing help.
Cytherea: ''In a drawer in the coffee table.'' she called back. ''I don't want to bleed over the floor, might ruin the wood and carpet.'' it hadn't stopped bleeding, once she had it bandaged it would be much better. ''Aidan's a clever one. At least it prepared you guys for things that might happen. And I need some things from the junkyard, but they have to have good tracking to find anything.'' she seat on the edge of the bath, one hand held to her thigh, the other to her arm as she waited for him to find the damn thing.
Doc: Doc opened the drawer and there is was, he collected it and carried it to her. “Want me to help?” He eyed her arm wound, but she seemed very self assured, she may not want his help. “Aidan's damn smart.. it was a good choice to pick the wilderness. Threw us for a damn loop. And in a real situation.. we would have wasted too much time figuring it out. Now.. we do have some experience with that.. so hopefully, given practice.. we will fine tune it.” he opened the kit and studied the leg wound. “Ever thought of investing in kevlar?”
Cytherea: Cyth lifted her pale golden gaze to his face, before she replied. ''Would you mind? I can do it, if you don't want to?'' she'd probably do a **** job with just one hand, but it would be doable. She continued with the rest of the conversation. ''More experience with these things will be good. I've some powers that will help tracking, and Tennyson. He can slip into buildings without a key. I should probably tell Pi this. I was in the sewers though, severing heads. Not good reception down there. So I didn't get the text until today.''
Doc: Doc nodded at her request and began cleansing her arm wound. “It would be helpful.. especially since that ******** Tennyson wont go in the sewers.. we can send him tracking and ****.” He smirked, teach Tennyson for saying no to Cytherea's requests, little prick. “And I would like it if you joined us..” that's all he was going to say. He wasn't going to pressure her, or demand. If she wanted to, she would, if she didn't, he would deal. “Good job on the heads.. though.. where am I supposed to sleep now?”
Doc: Doc wrapped her arm quickly and efficiently. Her comment about the bed not escaping him. Just how did she expect him to sleep next to her day after day and keep his hands to himself? He smirked at her 'bite' comment. He moved to the wound on her leg, cleaning it. "I will be sure to call you next time we train. Pi mentioned something about giving E and Maddie a couple of weeks to work together on their tracking skills. With only 2 .. if we need to hit and one of them wasn't available.. we would be up a creek. Sorta why I think I should invest in studying it." He was kinda glad for the music now. It made the silence not seem so telling. He was preoccupied about thinking of her in bed.
Cytherea: ''Well. I have the same abilities that those two have in tracking. So I could be a back up I suppose. And yes, bring me along. I'll want to help get this family ready for anything.'' she was finally able to move her arm without worrying about blood leaking out. She smiled at him, a silent thank you. It however didn't go un-noticed that he hadn't replied about her offer. Was he afraid to sleep beside her? She wasn't that bad. Sometimes she moved. Well, a lot. He'd have to deal though. It was the bed, or the floor. The couch was too stained and wet right now. ''I think it's wise for you to learn some tracking too, just incase.''
Doc: "Right.. "he nodded. Doc bound the wound on her leg, all the while picturing it wrapped around him. This was going to be harder than he ever even remotely imagined. "So.. you said you need stuff in the junkyard.. " He busied himself with putting away the medical supplies. "What do you need.. If I come across it.. I can.. I mean.. I will make sure to get it.." ****. What the hell was wrong with him.
Cytherea: It was amusing, to see him act this way. She had an idea it was because she had invited him to share the bed. Perhaps he didn't like being close to someone? Intimacy? She wasn't sure, but her twisted side kicked in, and she flashed Doc her sweetest smile, standing, using her good leg for most of the support. ''Mmm. Some microwaves from the junkyard, I'm sure you'll find some other things there too.'' she managed to get out of her trousers, now remaining in her underwear. Though she was marred with a lot of blood, so she didn't exactly look desirable. But she stuck to her evil plan. ''Want to join me in the shower? Then go to bed.'' she waited for him to shoot her a nasty look, say something, then storm off. But before he did, she grazed a kiss to his cheek. '''Thanks for the help. I'd have done a shitty job of it myself.''

Ego correctionis silentio grammatica tua
IC Forum username: That Guy
Dressed by Ariadne-
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Re: d'Artois: Events in Time
Cytherea: Kisses would be preferred. Maybe even coffee. Or muffins. Which, where is my muffin? You did say you'd get me one. *eyed him.*
Doc: Gah...I just woke up..give a man a break.. *will get her a damn muffin a ******* dry bran muffin*
Doc: Doc left and returned roughly 8 hours later with cold coffee, and a bran muffin. He left them on the counter, with a note. "Enjoy."
Cytherea: *text* thanks for the coffee and muffin. They were delicious.
Doc: *text* Good.
Cytherea: *text.* You're going to kill me one of these days. I can just feel it
Doc: *text* You are quite accurate on somethings.
Cytherea: *text* I only do it out of love and a need to be close to you!
Doc: He snorts *text* love of devilment.. and a need to needle...
Cytherea: *text* Fine then. I won't touch you again, so you won't get pacified.
Doc: *text* Promise?
Cytherea: *text* I give you my word.
Doc: *text* Now what fun are you?
Cytherea: *text* You'll see. I don't have to touch you to shoot you.
Doc: *text* I shoot back, darling.
Cytherea: *text* Where would be the fun if you didn't?
Doc: *text* Good to know.
Cytherea: *text* I'm not going to be home for a couple of days, so you've the place to yourself.
Doc: *text* Ok.
Cytherea: *text* Try not to kill my flowers.
Doc: *text* There is no try to it. I will.
Cytherea: *text* You will not.
Doc: *text* Oh Yes I will.
Cytherea: *text* We'll see.
Doc: *text* To test how well your pacification works.. or doesn't...
Cytherea: *text* meaning?
Doc: *text* Meaning what I said.
Cytherea: *jesus, he was more grouchy than normal. Maybe her flowers weren't safe.. text* Have fun testing.
Doc: *text* when do you leave?
Cytherea: *text* In a few hours.
Doc: *text* specifically? *as soon as she is gone, every ******* flower is going down the disposal*
Cytherea: *text* You'll be rid of me in two hours, and 30 minutes.
Doc: *text* Or you will be rid of me.. you're the one leaving.
Cytherea: *text* I'll only be gone for a couple of days. Besides, means no pacifying you.
Doc: *text* which is why you promised I presume?
Cytherea: *text* No, it seems to be twisting your panties, so I said I'd stop.
Doc: *text* Someone seems to be in a pissy mood. *his was looking up*
Cytherea: *text* Aren't you always?
Doc: *text* No.. I am typically in a testy mood.. pissy was referring to you.
Cytherea: *text* I'm fine.
Doc: *text* good.
Cytherea: *text* But seriously, please don't kill my flowers. I like those things.
Doc: *Grins as he reads it* *text* Too bad?
Cytherea: *text* And here I thought you loved me.
Doc: *text* What does love have to do with it?
Cytherea: *text* I love those flowers. If you kill them. It would upset me?
Doc: *text* they are ******* Flowers
Cytherea: *text* I grow them, I take care of them. I make them bloom from a bud into something beautiful. I'm sure if someone destroyed some of your experiement work, you'd feel somewhat similar.
Doc: *text* you just have to ruin my enjoyment dont you?
Cytherea: *text* Only sometimes.
Cytherea: *text* I'm sure you can find something else in the house I like to destroy
Doc: *text* I may as well stay elsewhere. So if they do die you cant blame me.
Cytherea: *text* They aren't going to die in two days. I thought you'd be pleased to have the place all to yourself.
Doc: *text* Didn't say I wasn't
Cytherea: *smiled when she read that, shaking her head.* I'll see you in a few days.
Doc: *text* Promise?
Cytherea: *text* I promise.
Doc: *Text* Good see you then.
Doc: Gah...I just woke up..give a man a break.. *will get her a damn muffin a ******* dry bran muffin*
Doc: Doc left and returned roughly 8 hours later with cold coffee, and a bran muffin. He left them on the counter, with a note. "Enjoy."
Cytherea: *text* thanks for the coffee and muffin. They were delicious.
Doc: *text* Good.
Cytherea: *text.* You're going to kill me one of these days. I can just feel it
Doc: *text* You are quite accurate on somethings.
Cytherea: *text* I only do it out of love and a need to be close to you!
Doc: He snorts *text* love of devilment.. and a need to needle...
Cytherea: *text* Fine then. I won't touch you again, so you won't get pacified.
Doc: *text* Promise?
Cytherea: *text* I give you my word.
Doc: *text* Now what fun are you?
Cytherea: *text* You'll see. I don't have to touch you to shoot you.
Doc: *text* I shoot back, darling.
Cytherea: *text* Where would be the fun if you didn't?
Doc: *text* Good to know.
Cytherea: *text* I'm not going to be home for a couple of days, so you've the place to yourself.
Doc: *text* Ok.
Cytherea: *text* Try not to kill my flowers.
Doc: *text* There is no try to it. I will.
Cytherea: *text* You will not.
Doc: *text* Oh Yes I will.
Cytherea: *text* We'll see.
Doc: *text* To test how well your pacification works.. or doesn't...
Cytherea: *text* meaning?
Doc: *text* Meaning what I said.
Cytherea: *jesus, he was more grouchy than normal. Maybe her flowers weren't safe.. text* Have fun testing.
Doc: *text* when do you leave?
Cytherea: *text* In a few hours.
Doc: *text* specifically? *as soon as she is gone, every ******* flower is going down the disposal*
Cytherea: *text* You'll be rid of me in two hours, and 30 minutes.
Doc: *text* Or you will be rid of me.. you're the one leaving.
Cytherea: *text* I'll only be gone for a couple of days. Besides, means no pacifying you.
Doc: *text* which is why you promised I presume?
Cytherea: *text* No, it seems to be twisting your panties, so I said I'd stop.
Doc: *text* Someone seems to be in a pissy mood. *his was looking up*
Cytherea: *text* Aren't you always?
Doc: *text* No.. I am typically in a testy mood.. pissy was referring to you.
Cytherea: *text* I'm fine.
Doc: *text* good.
Cytherea: *text* But seriously, please don't kill my flowers. I like those things.
Doc: *Grins as he reads it* *text* Too bad?
Cytherea: *text* And here I thought you loved me.
Doc: *text* What does love have to do with it?
Cytherea: *text* I love those flowers. If you kill them. It would upset me?
Doc: *text* they are ******* Flowers
Cytherea: *text* I grow them, I take care of them. I make them bloom from a bud into something beautiful. I'm sure if someone destroyed some of your experiement work, you'd feel somewhat similar.
Doc: *text* you just have to ruin my enjoyment dont you?
Cytherea: *text* Only sometimes.
Cytherea: *text* I'm sure you can find something else in the house I like to destroy
Doc: *text* I may as well stay elsewhere. So if they do die you cant blame me.
Cytherea: *text* They aren't going to die in two days. I thought you'd be pleased to have the place all to yourself.
Doc: *text* Didn't say I wasn't
Cytherea: *smiled when she read that, shaking her head.* I'll see you in a few days.
Doc: *text* Promise?
Cytherea: *text* I promise.
Doc: *Text* Good see you then.

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IC Forum username: That Guy
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Re: d'Artois: Events in Time
All in all married life wasn’t any different than unmarried life. Except that he had a live-in psychotic who liked to attack him for no apparent reason. She turn hot and cold with the flip of a ******* switch. He never knew which Cytherea was going to be waiting for him, when they met up. But that quality of hers, actually appealed to him for some odd reason. Sometimes he even went out of his way to pick a fight with her. She usually bested him in their physical bouts, but he was gaining experience and it was showing. It was getting harder and harder for her to easily best him. They were almost evenly matched now.
However one fly in the ointment was Tennyson. Tennyson was Cytherea’s human dogsbody. Doc rolled his eyes. Waste of space to have him around. He did nothing of any use for either of them. Cytherea even admitted she was frustrated him as well. And the one time Doc thought he could get Cytherea to put him to use, she reverse delegated that hateful little task to him.
Cytherea: ''You can use Tennyson if you ever need him, for stuff.''
Doc:: "I say we make the lazy ******** go collect that chemical waste for you .. put him to use.."
Cytherea: ''I tried. He's not very useful doing that.''
Doc:: "Why? how hard is it? If I can schlep down there ..so can he.."
Cytherea: ''People eat him when he goes down there. From what he said.''
Doc:: *snorts* He needs to go in and out.. wuss. He doesn't want to get his shoes mucked up.
Cytherea: ''Talk to him then, make him go in, give him advice.'' she mumbled, flicking through pages.
Doc:: "This is you saying.. 'I like having a 'Tennyson' but I don't want to deal with him..’ isn't it?"
Cytherea: ''I never really use him. I don't think he likes I'm a woman who controls him.''
Doc:: Doc nods. "Fine I will talk to him.. but if he pisses me off I might kill him.." Tennyson knew about him. It would tie up one loose end.
Cytherea: She looked at him from behind her book. ''Try not to. He's sort of useful once in awhile, when the family needs blood or something.''
Doc:: Dammit she had a good point. "Fine." He maybe he could find her a replacement Tennyson..? Then off the nosy one..
Cytherea: ''If you do kill him, don't replace him with a woman. I hate women.'' she mumbled, she could barely deal with the women in their family, another would send her crazy.
Doc:: Doc shot a look at her, did she just ******* read his mind?! "How long have you been doing that?"
Cytherea: ''Doing what? Hating women? Or reading?'' she was a little confused.
Doc:: He looked at her. "You read my mind...don't deny it.."
Cytherea: Arched a 'brow, as she set her book down, staring straight at him. ''I didn't read your mind. I don't do that. You'd know if I did. You'd feel me inside your head.''
Doc:: "Cause I had this thought.. I could always kill him and replace him..." he eyes her.
Cytherea: ''Why the hell would you want to kill him?'' stared at him a little harder. ''I didn't read your mind though. ''If I did, I'd know why you wanted to kill him.''
Doc:: He sighed, "Because if he can't do a simple thing like collect caustic chemical waste.. what ******* good is he?"
Cytherea: ''Even I find it hard to find that stuff, it's kind of rare down there. And he's only human. Not like he can do a lot.''
Doc:: If she had been reading his mind, she would have known he was lying. "You're sweet on him.. you like him..." He deflected.
Cytherea: ''Like a bullet to the head. I think he hates me or something, he avoids me a lot. It's probably because I have him under my spell.'' she shrugged and looked back to her book.
Doc had intended to talk to Tennyson about his less than useful habits, but the little ******** knew how to avoid him. Every time Doc was ready to close in on him, Cyth would interrupt and Tennyson would make his escape. Tennyson was getting on Doc’s last nerve. It was bad enough that he sold Cyth out, within days of Cyth and Doc meeting. It was ******* annoying that Tennyson refused to help Cyth and he had to play heavy, and now the little prick was avoiding him. Tennyson was acting like this was a ******* game.
Then the straw that broke the camel’s back happened. Cytherea had been shot by yet another cop, and she wanted Doc to come immediately to patch her up. It was a ******* leg wound, he only wanted her to wait a few minutes.. but no.
Cytherea: *text* Oh forget it you old grouch, I'll get Tennyson to help me.
Doc:: *text* I hope he hurls all over you.
Cytherea: *text* He's helped with my wounds before. And done a better job than you.
Doc:: *text* Fine then you don't need me.
Doc glowered at nothing in particular. What the ****? Tennyson did a better job at wound care? That’s it. He dies.
Doc spent the next few hours tracking Tennyson down. And when he found him, he started casually enough.
Doc:: “Ah there you are Tennyson..” Doc manoeuvred himself, between Tennyson and the doorway so there was no way for him to slip out this time.
Tennyson: Doc, to what do I owe this pleasure?
Doc:: Cyth said you decided not to go in the sewers to get the items she needs.. I think you should rethink that position.
Tennyson: I don’t have a death wish you know, that place is crawling with vampires.
Doc:: Then you shouldn’t dawdle down there hmm? In and out.. it’s quite easy.
Tennyson: It’s easy for you, you’re a vampire. I am fresh meat to those vultures down there.
Doc:: So go during the day, when they are less active...
Tennyson: No.. I’m not going down there, and you can’t make me.
Doc:: “Fair enough.” You take Tennyson by surprise and are on them before they realize. Your sword attack swings upwards into their stomach, spilling blood everywhere. “Prick.”
Few days later.....
Cytherea: Cytherea was worried, unusually so. Tennyson, her human thrall, was missing. He wasn't responding to her call, in fact, the bond she had once felt, wasn't there. It was like she was calling to a rock. Unresponsive and no feeling of life. It caused a blossom of dread to settle in her stomach as she paced around the house she shared with Doc. Doc, this was his fault. If he hadn't stabbed Tennyson, she wouldn't be worried, he wouldn't be missing. Perhaps he was dead. Doc had stabbed him after all. And Tennyson was only human. But as much as she wanted to blame Doc, it was her fault. He was her responsibility. With a frown marring her features she tome'd to the portal room, brushing past the people there, quickly searching around the place. Nothing. Zip. No sign, she turned then and looked straight at Doc, her teeth tearing into her bottom lip as she approached him. ''You haven't seen Tennyson, have you? I can't feel him anymore. I can't find him. I don't know what’s going on.''
Doc:: Doc glanced up from his medical book and looked at her blankly. “Tennyson? Only that day you asked me to speak to him.” He lied through his ******* teeth. He closed his book and gave her a look of concern. “When did you last recall him?”
Cytherea: Upon hearing his words, her face fell even more. Guilt. She was feeling guilty over a grown man. Though she knew why. She was his master, she was meant to protect him, look out for him as he did things for her. But it had all been messed up. Her teeth began to bite at her lip even more, it was a defense mechanism when something was going wrong, or she felt bad. ''I don't know. The last time I saw or had contact with him, was when you stabbed him. I haven't seen him since then.''
Doc:: Doc frowned. “But I spoke to him after that.. not long after that really. I told him he needed to collect the ******* waste **** you need. That if I could go do it.. by god he could too. He was headed down the manhole there in Wickbridge.. where we spoke.. I just presumed that he was supplying you with it, when you said you really didn’t need anymore.” His tone was curious, “You mean he hasn’t been collecting it for you?”
Cytherea: Cytherea was starting to feel worse, she had forced him once or twice to go get her things from there. What if someone had killed him? Captured him? No. He was dead, she was sure of it. She just couldn't feel him anymore, it was like the link had just been severed. Golden irises looked at Doc, revealing her inner turmoil. ''No. I knew you were getting it for me, so I told him he was useless or something and I didn't need him to get it anymore.'' oh god, she had been quite rude about it too, great, it was getting worse. ''I .. I need to go find him. Maybe he is in the sewers. He's probably just lost.'' she knew it was a lie. He was dead. She knew it. But when you dog runs away, you don't want to believe the worst when he doesn't come back.
Doc:: Doc set his book on the side table. Alright, he admitted it, the side table was a good addition. “Let me go.. You stay here in case he comes back.” He really should feel bad about lying to her. but he didn’t. He kissed her on the forehead. “Don’t worry I will find him.”
Cytherea: Something wasn't right. Why was he being so helpful? Where was the snarky comments? He always had them. Why wasn't he complaining about her complaining to him, or whining, or it wasn't his problem. Her gaze lowered to the floor as he spoke, trying to keep her suspicion off her face. Eventually she looked up, allowing a grateful smile to spread her lips. ''Thank you.'' she said, pressing her lips to his cheek. No. Something was really out of place here.
Doc:: Doc grabbed his shoulder holster and jacket, and started to put them on, “You realize I am going to tear a hole in him when I find him, and he going to ******* collect **** for you.. and if he doesn’t I will kill him.” he opened the door, “And if he gets back before I do.. tie his *** down to that chair.”
Cytherea: Her smile grew wider, though she knew something was wrong, she couldn't help it. He was making her feel better. That trust she had in him telling her that it would be alright, though her logic told her not to be naive, to trust her gut instinct. She ignored it. For now. ''I will if he comes here first, then you can smack him over the head again.'' she teased. She walked towards the door, holding it open for him, before she stood up and pressed a small kiss to his lips. ''Really, thank you.''
Doc:: Doc accepted the kiss, and gruffly said “I mean it.. don’t hide him from me.” He gave her a even look, that clearly showed he wanted words with Tennyson. As he left, he took the elevator down to the basement level and accessed the sewers. He almost knew the sewers by heart now. He knew the twists and turns and how many steps to an alcove, and where best to hide a body. He however made his way to Wickbridge. He needed to check something at his lab. After an hour at the lab, Doc once more ventured into the sewers. He took a different route this time. Passing a few vampires along the way. He smirked, he had been spotted in three different areas of the city’s sewer system by the time he returned. If she checked, there would be people that could vouch for him, that he was down there. He doubted she would, but just in case.
Cytherea: ''You probably didn't find him, I know you didn't. I can feel he's dead. I'm going to go meditate or something, and see if I can access his memories. Find out who killed him. Thanks for trying.'' - note. She knew it wasn't possible to access his memories, she had tried. But Doc didn't know that. And his actions after this, would give her a little more insight.
Doc: found the note she left him. He was about to text her, when her note continued on about reading Tennyson’s memories. ****! He hadn’t counted on that. ****! He could suck it up and tell her.. but... maybe, just maybe she needed to read his memories. So she can see how Tennyson had double crossed her, and what ******* low life he really was. He texted her, “Yes, You do that.. let me know what you find out.”
Cytherea: Cytherea's anger began to boil. He was lying to her, she knew he was, it was screaming her right in the face. And the only thing she could ask, was why. He'd been honest about what he did, killing people, how he felt. And now he was just taking a few steps back, lying to her like he had once before. It was sad really, but it was what it was, and so she replied. ''I know you're lying to me. I can feel it. I thought you'd have learned by now. And if you are going to try and twist it into me being crazy again, don't reply. But it is what it is. Keep your secret. I hope it's worth it. I'll see you when I see you.'' she sent the text and then walked into Elliot's, she'd stay here for a while, she wasn't going near the portal room, or anywhere she could see him for now. It wouldn't matter, he wouldn't care, he'd probably be thankful. Knowing him. That would be his next text, something snarky or smart ***.
Doc:: *text* I didn't like that he lied to you
Cytherea: Cyth stared at the text, reading it a few times before replying. "So you lied to me instead? Tennyson was my thrall, I failed in some way of enthralling him to me if he was lying, I don't really care. He's insignificant. What I do care about, is my husband lying to me. But I've had to remind myself this isn't like a normal marriage. And you don't owe me anything, least of all honesty. So it's cool. I'll remember it in future. I'll be sure to actually enthrall the next one better to avoid another mess."
Doc:: *text* You knew I wanted to kill him. You didn't want me to. He was a threat to the masq. If he talked, like I imagine he would since he had nothing on me anymore, then you and I would both a target. So I killed him. And I lied, for you.
Cytherea: *text* You lied for me? You saw how upset I was, and you lied for me? I'd have rather known the truth, I'd have been a bit vexed, but is have gotten over it. Instead, you lie to me, right to my face, put on an act to go find someone you did god knows what to. For someone who got stabbed at by my sire, because you were saying I was strong enough to handle things, to then do this. I just don't understand. But you really don't owe me anything. Thanks for getting rid of Tennyson. He was a pest, and I wouldn't have been able to kill him.
Doc:: ******* women. If he had told her; she would be yelling at him just as much.. how he completely ignored what she said. **** it. She was going to hate him regardless. Fine. *text* I'll move out.
Cytherea: Was he actually serious? He lied to her about killing her thrall, and because he was found out, his solution was to move out? Not even an attempt to rectify the situations? It was laughable, she couldn't believe how foolish she'd been. But if that was what he wanted, so be it. ''If that's what you want, so be it. It's your home, so I'll leave it. I'll have someone go get my things sometime this week.''
Doc:: *text* You need a decent place to stay. I don't. you Stay.
Cytherea: *text* No. I'll save up and get something.
Doc:: *text* Dammit I killed your ******* thrall take the apartment as payment
However one fly in the ointment was Tennyson. Tennyson was Cytherea’s human dogsbody. Doc rolled his eyes. Waste of space to have him around. He did nothing of any use for either of them. Cytherea even admitted she was frustrated him as well. And the one time Doc thought he could get Cytherea to put him to use, she reverse delegated that hateful little task to him.
Cytherea: ''You can use Tennyson if you ever need him, for stuff.''
Doc:: "I say we make the lazy ******** go collect that chemical waste for you .. put him to use.."
Cytherea: ''I tried. He's not very useful doing that.''
Doc:: "Why? how hard is it? If I can schlep down there ..so can he.."
Cytherea: ''People eat him when he goes down there. From what he said.''
Doc:: *snorts* He needs to go in and out.. wuss. He doesn't want to get his shoes mucked up.
Cytherea: ''Talk to him then, make him go in, give him advice.'' she mumbled, flicking through pages.
Doc:: "This is you saying.. 'I like having a 'Tennyson' but I don't want to deal with him..’ isn't it?"
Cytherea: ''I never really use him. I don't think he likes I'm a woman who controls him.''
Doc:: Doc nods. "Fine I will talk to him.. but if he pisses me off I might kill him.." Tennyson knew about him. It would tie up one loose end.
Cytherea: She looked at him from behind her book. ''Try not to. He's sort of useful once in awhile, when the family needs blood or something.''
Doc:: Dammit she had a good point. "Fine." He maybe he could find her a replacement Tennyson..? Then off the nosy one..
Cytherea: ''If you do kill him, don't replace him with a woman. I hate women.'' she mumbled, she could barely deal with the women in their family, another would send her crazy.
Doc:: Doc shot a look at her, did she just ******* read his mind?! "How long have you been doing that?"
Cytherea: ''Doing what? Hating women? Or reading?'' she was a little confused.
Doc:: He looked at her. "You read my mind...don't deny it.."
Cytherea: Arched a 'brow, as she set her book down, staring straight at him. ''I didn't read your mind. I don't do that. You'd know if I did. You'd feel me inside your head.''
Doc:: "Cause I had this thought.. I could always kill him and replace him..." he eyes her.
Cytherea: ''Why the hell would you want to kill him?'' stared at him a little harder. ''I didn't read your mind though. ''If I did, I'd know why you wanted to kill him.''
Doc:: He sighed, "Because if he can't do a simple thing like collect caustic chemical waste.. what ******* good is he?"
Cytherea: ''Even I find it hard to find that stuff, it's kind of rare down there. And he's only human. Not like he can do a lot.''
Doc:: If she had been reading his mind, she would have known he was lying. "You're sweet on him.. you like him..." He deflected.
Cytherea: ''Like a bullet to the head. I think he hates me or something, he avoids me a lot. It's probably because I have him under my spell.'' she shrugged and looked back to her book.
Doc had intended to talk to Tennyson about his less than useful habits, but the little ******** knew how to avoid him. Every time Doc was ready to close in on him, Cyth would interrupt and Tennyson would make his escape. Tennyson was getting on Doc’s last nerve. It was bad enough that he sold Cyth out, within days of Cyth and Doc meeting. It was ******* annoying that Tennyson refused to help Cyth and he had to play heavy, and now the little prick was avoiding him. Tennyson was acting like this was a ******* game.
Then the straw that broke the camel’s back happened. Cytherea had been shot by yet another cop, and she wanted Doc to come immediately to patch her up. It was a ******* leg wound, he only wanted her to wait a few minutes.. but no.
Cytherea: *text* Oh forget it you old grouch, I'll get Tennyson to help me.
Doc:: *text* I hope he hurls all over you.
Cytherea: *text* He's helped with my wounds before. And done a better job than you.
Doc:: *text* Fine then you don't need me.
Doc glowered at nothing in particular. What the ****? Tennyson did a better job at wound care? That’s it. He dies.
Doc spent the next few hours tracking Tennyson down. And when he found him, he started casually enough.
Doc:: “Ah there you are Tennyson..” Doc manoeuvred himself, between Tennyson and the doorway so there was no way for him to slip out this time.
Tennyson: Doc, to what do I owe this pleasure?
Doc:: Cyth said you decided not to go in the sewers to get the items she needs.. I think you should rethink that position.
Tennyson: I don’t have a death wish you know, that place is crawling with vampires.
Doc:: Then you shouldn’t dawdle down there hmm? In and out.. it’s quite easy.
Tennyson: It’s easy for you, you’re a vampire. I am fresh meat to those vultures down there.
Doc:: So go during the day, when they are less active...
Tennyson: No.. I’m not going down there, and you can’t make me.
Doc:: “Fair enough.” You take Tennyson by surprise and are on them before they realize. Your sword attack swings upwards into their stomach, spilling blood everywhere. “Prick.”
Few days later.....
Cytherea: Cytherea was worried, unusually so. Tennyson, her human thrall, was missing. He wasn't responding to her call, in fact, the bond she had once felt, wasn't there. It was like she was calling to a rock. Unresponsive and no feeling of life. It caused a blossom of dread to settle in her stomach as she paced around the house she shared with Doc. Doc, this was his fault. If he hadn't stabbed Tennyson, she wouldn't be worried, he wouldn't be missing. Perhaps he was dead. Doc had stabbed him after all. And Tennyson was only human. But as much as she wanted to blame Doc, it was her fault. He was her responsibility. With a frown marring her features she tome'd to the portal room, brushing past the people there, quickly searching around the place. Nothing. Zip. No sign, she turned then and looked straight at Doc, her teeth tearing into her bottom lip as she approached him. ''You haven't seen Tennyson, have you? I can't feel him anymore. I can't find him. I don't know what’s going on.''
Doc:: Doc glanced up from his medical book and looked at her blankly. “Tennyson? Only that day you asked me to speak to him.” He lied through his ******* teeth. He closed his book and gave her a look of concern. “When did you last recall him?”
Cytherea: Upon hearing his words, her face fell even more. Guilt. She was feeling guilty over a grown man. Though she knew why. She was his master, she was meant to protect him, look out for him as he did things for her. But it had all been messed up. Her teeth began to bite at her lip even more, it was a defense mechanism when something was going wrong, or she felt bad. ''I don't know. The last time I saw or had contact with him, was when you stabbed him. I haven't seen him since then.''
Doc:: Doc frowned. “But I spoke to him after that.. not long after that really. I told him he needed to collect the ******* waste **** you need. That if I could go do it.. by god he could too. He was headed down the manhole there in Wickbridge.. where we spoke.. I just presumed that he was supplying you with it, when you said you really didn’t need anymore.” His tone was curious, “You mean he hasn’t been collecting it for you?”
Cytherea: Cytherea was starting to feel worse, she had forced him once or twice to go get her things from there. What if someone had killed him? Captured him? No. He was dead, she was sure of it. She just couldn't feel him anymore, it was like the link had just been severed. Golden irises looked at Doc, revealing her inner turmoil. ''No. I knew you were getting it for me, so I told him he was useless or something and I didn't need him to get it anymore.'' oh god, she had been quite rude about it too, great, it was getting worse. ''I .. I need to go find him. Maybe he is in the sewers. He's probably just lost.'' she knew it was a lie. He was dead. She knew it. But when you dog runs away, you don't want to believe the worst when he doesn't come back.
Doc:: Doc set his book on the side table. Alright, he admitted it, the side table was a good addition. “Let me go.. You stay here in case he comes back.” He really should feel bad about lying to her. but he didn’t. He kissed her on the forehead. “Don’t worry I will find him.”
Cytherea: Something wasn't right. Why was he being so helpful? Where was the snarky comments? He always had them. Why wasn't he complaining about her complaining to him, or whining, or it wasn't his problem. Her gaze lowered to the floor as he spoke, trying to keep her suspicion off her face. Eventually she looked up, allowing a grateful smile to spread her lips. ''Thank you.'' she said, pressing her lips to his cheek. No. Something was really out of place here.
Doc:: Doc grabbed his shoulder holster and jacket, and started to put them on, “You realize I am going to tear a hole in him when I find him, and he going to ******* collect **** for you.. and if he doesn’t I will kill him.” he opened the door, “And if he gets back before I do.. tie his *** down to that chair.”
Cytherea: Her smile grew wider, though she knew something was wrong, she couldn't help it. He was making her feel better. That trust she had in him telling her that it would be alright, though her logic told her not to be naive, to trust her gut instinct. She ignored it. For now. ''I will if he comes here first, then you can smack him over the head again.'' she teased. She walked towards the door, holding it open for him, before she stood up and pressed a small kiss to his lips. ''Really, thank you.''
Doc:: Doc accepted the kiss, and gruffly said “I mean it.. don’t hide him from me.” He gave her a even look, that clearly showed he wanted words with Tennyson. As he left, he took the elevator down to the basement level and accessed the sewers. He almost knew the sewers by heart now. He knew the twists and turns and how many steps to an alcove, and where best to hide a body. He however made his way to Wickbridge. He needed to check something at his lab. After an hour at the lab, Doc once more ventured into the sewers. He took a different route this time. Passing a few vampires along the way. He smirked, he had been spotted in three different areas of the city’s sewer system by the time he returned. If she checked, there would be people that could vouch for him, that he was down there. He doubted she would, but just in case.
Cytherea: ''You probably didn't find him, I know you didn't. I can feel he's dead. I'm going to go meditate or something, and see if I can access his memories. Find out who killed him. Thanks for trying.'' - note. She knew it wasn't possible to access his memories, she had tried. But Doc didn't know that. And his actions after this, would give her a little more insight.
Doc: found the note she left him. He was about to text her, when her note continued on about reading Tennyson’s memories. ****! He hadn’t counted on that. ****! He could suck it up and tell her.. but... maybe, just maybe she needed to read his memories. So she can see how Tennyson had double crossed her, and what ******* low life he really was. He texted her, “Yes, You do that.. let me know what you find out.”
Cytherea: Cytherea's anger began to boil. He was lying to her, she knew he was, it was screaming her right in the face. And the only thing she could ask, was why. He'd been honest about what he did, killing people, how he felt. And now he was just taking a few steps back, lying to her like he had once before. It was sad really, but it was what it was, and so she replied. ''I know you're lying to me. I can feel it. I thought you'd have learned by now. And if you are going to try and twist it into me being crazy again, don't reply. But it is what it is. Keep your secret. I hope it's worth it. I'll see you when I see you.'' she sent the text and then walked into Elliot's, she'd stay here for a while, she wasn't going near the portal room, or anywhere she could see him for now. It wouldn't matter, he wouldn't care, he'd probably be thankful. Knowing him. That would be his next text, something snarky or smart ***.
Doc:: *text* I didn't like that he lied to you
Cytherea: Cyth stared at the text, reading it a few times before replying. "So you lied to me instead? Tennyson was my thrall, I failed in some way of enthralling him to me if he was lying, I don't really care. He's insignificant. What I do care about, is my husband lying to me. But I've had to remind myself this isn't like a normal marriage. And you don't owe me anything, least of all honesty. So it's cool. I'll remember it in future. I'll be sure to actually enthrall the next one better to avoid another mess."
Doc:: *text* You knew I wanted to kill him. You didn't want me to. He was a threat to the masq. If he talked, like I imagine he would since he had nothing on me anymore, then you and I would both a target. So I killed him. And I lied, for you.
Cytherea: *text* You lied for me? You saw how upset I was, and you lied for me? I'd have rather known the truth, I'd have been a bit vexed, but is have gotten over it. Instead, you lie to me, right to my face, put on an act to go find someone you did god knows what to. For someone who got stabbed at by my sire, because you were saying I was strong enough to handle things, to then do this. I just don't understand. But you really don't owe me anything. Thanks for getting rid of Tennyson. He was a pest, and I wouldn't have been able to kill him.
Doc:: ******* women. If he had told her; she would be yelling at him just as much.. how he completely ignored what she said. **** it. She was going to hate him regardless. Fine. *text* I'll move out.
Cytherea: Was he actually serious? He lied to her about killing her thrall, and because he was found out, his solution was to move out? Not even an attempt to rectify the situations? It was laughable, she couldn't believe how foolish she'd been. But if that was what he wanted, so be it. ''If that's what you want, so be it. It's your home, so I'll leave it. I'll have someone go get my things sometime this week.''
Doc:: *text* You need a decent place to stay. I don't. you Stay.
Cytherea: *text* No. I'll save up and get something.
Doc:: *text* Dammit I killed your ******* thrall take the apartment as payment

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Re: d'Artois: Events in Time
Cytherea: Now she lost it. *text* I don't want the ******* apartment, you inconsiderate fool. I wanted honesty. And then when you're found out, it's what? Oh, it's over, I'm moving out. Well fine then, go. I shouldn't have expected anything different, so I don't know why I did. Ugh, you're such an idiot, I wish I could just punch you right now. I don't give a **** you killed him, go kill him again for all I care. I actually thought we were getting somewhere, I let my defenses down and started to fall for you, and then the first little hurdle. You leave. Well go. That's fine. I'm not taking the apartment, and if you say so again, I'll find you right now and ram my sword down your throat.
Doc:: He barely refrained from throwing the ******* phone into the ******* wall. She was the one that said ‘he didn't owe her anything’, He knew what that meant.. it meant 'stay out of my ******* life' so he agrees to do that..he'll ******* move out.. then thats not good enough she has to ******* one up him, she has to ******* move out.. but she has no ******* where to go, so he will give her the damn apartment.. but she doesn’t want anything of his. Apparently his crap isn't good enough for her. He slammed a vase into the wall. *Text* Just tell me what the **** you want me to do.
Cytherea: The urge to type 'leave me alone' was strong, but that was just her anger and hurt talking, so she took a few moments to calm herself. When she was certain she wasn't going to crush her phone in her hand, she replied. ''I don't understand why you didn't just tell me. Where's the man who fought my sire, because you were defending I was strong and could handle things? Where's the man who told me what he did for a living? It doesn't come down to what I want, it goes both ways. I don't know what you want from this? If you can't figure out what I want, then you're an idiot. But I will spell it out. You. But if this isn't going anywhere, and you want to nip it in the butt, do it now. We can get back to the way things were. I won't quit on you. And I want honesty. Don't lie to me again. If you do, I swear, you'll be missing more than one limb. If you don't want to talk about something, say it. I won't push it until you want to talk about it. Just don't lie.''
Doc:: *text* I only want to protect you. I thought I was.
Cytherea: *text* Your lying upset me more than his death. I don't know if you've had someone you love, lie to you. But it's not really nice. No matter the reason. Thank you for protecting me. I know Tennyson was a loose cannon.
Doc:: He was so ******* tired of fighting with her. But dammit he always fucked things up. Yes he should ******* tell her the truth. But he was so used to lying to everyone it wasn't an easy habit to break. Especially when he had just killed a lying scumbag that had sold her out, when she didn't want him to? Did she not see how ******* difficult that was!? OF course he lied! *text* Loose cannon? THe little asswipe sold you out two days after we met
Cytherea: Sold her out on what? Doc was a vampire, so she was sure he hadn't sold her out on that? Was that why he avoided her a lot of the time? Secrets. ''Sold me out on what? And if you'd have told me sooner, I'd have let you kill him, or chopped off his head. How am I meant to know how dangerous something is when I'm not told something? I knew my control on him was slipping, and that was bad enough. It would have had to be dealt with eventually. You didn't do anything wrong in killing him. I felt guilty because I thought I'd got him killed, that I could protect him, since I turned him into my property. Evidently, not.''
Doc:: So she wanted to know, fine he wouldn't lie. But she would get pissed again. He started throwing thing a duffel bag, then it would be 'you've been lying this ******* time'. He sighed. *Text* You had him follow me. He found out things. He sold you out, if favor of me.
Cytherea: Cytherea read the text, trying to remember what he was talking about, then it clicked. It was when they had first met. She was suspicious, she had Tennyson follow him. He'd said nothing. And of course Doc didn't tell her. *text* ''That little ****. If he was alive right now, I swear I'd boot him where it would hurt the most. Alright then. Maybe you did have good reason to kill him. How did he even get around that.. this is my fault. I didn't turn him into a thrall properly.''
Cytherea: She sent another text. ''I don't care what you've lied to me before we got bound. That was your business. I shouldn't have intruded on your privacy, and I apologize. You've lied to me before, remember? I didn't blow up back then. But if you want this marriage to work, us to work, you're going to have to not lie to me. If that's something hard to do, tell me. I won't give up on you. I don't expect someone who's lied their whole lives to just be able to stop. But for any sort of relationship to work, trust needs to be there. And lying breaks trust. If I lied to you, would you still trust me? Of course, if I'm being too much of an idiot, feel free to say.''
Doc:: He read her text. He stopped. Doc was confused. She should be yelling.. texting angrily. But she wasn't. Why the ****, could he not figure her out?! She was supposed to be screaming at him. What. The. ****. He just stared at the text, he wasn't going to delete this just in case.. She admitted it was her fa...his phone beeped. Another text. He read it. He read it again. She was ******* mental. He was keeping this one too. Hell he was gonna have it ******* framed. She apologized! It was like the world was just turned inside out. He wasn't going to second guess. He was taking it at face value. *text* Yes it is hard to stop lying! I've done it too damn long.
Cytherea: He hadn't said she was an idiot? So was he agreeing with her? Maybe he was just trying to be kind, who knew. *text* Well. Here's the only solution I can think of. If you're about to lie to me, say you don't want to talk about it, if you don't want to tell me the truth. But I think I've proven I can handle anything you've thrown at me. You didn't answer me though, about this. Us. I've told you before, I won't quit on you. And if you ever suggest moving out again, you're losing both legs.
Doc:: *text* so, let me get this right.. instead of lying I say I dont want to talk about it? And you wont get mad?
Cytherea: *text* No, I won't get mad. I'll know something is up, but I won't push it until you are ready to talk to me about it.
Cytherea: *text* Is that a fair compromise?
Doc:: Hell yes! He quickly backspaced the hell out.. *text* Yes.. quite fair. Thank you.
Cytherea: She felt like she'd just set herself up for a fail, but if he used that line for everything, he'd only be hindering himself. *text* Great. And you've still not answered.
Doc:: He scanned through the messages, and couldn't find what she was asking, *text* I missed it. What didn't I answer?
Cytherea: Typical man. She went back to the previous messages and copied the text she was talking about, getting the bit she wanted. ''But I think I've proven I can handle anything you've thrown at me. You didn't answer me though, about this. Us. I've told you before, I won't quit on you. And if you ever suggest moving out again, you're losing both legs. '' - ''It doesn't come down to what I want, it goes both ways. I don't know what you want from this? If you can't figure out what I want, then you're an idiot. But I will spell it out. You. But if this isn't going anywhere, and you want to nip it in the butt, do it now. We can get back to the way things were. I won't quit on you.''
Cytherea: *text* Those texts. I just need to know where I stand, and if I should back off a little from.'' she paused. what was she meant to say? From falling in love with you? This conversation was seriously tricky, but **** it she sent it anyways. ''From falling further in love with you.''
Doc:: *text* I thought you knew I wanted you. Hell I let you put flowers every ******* where. I did all this **** to protect you.. *Didn't that clearly say that he wanted her?! Then it hit him, she wanted him to say the words. Ah.. fuuuuck. He couldn't jinx this. Last two times.. ended bad. He couldn't lose her too.
Cytherea: *text* The moving out bit through me for a loop, that you'd just said it so quick, instead of trying to fix anything. I just needed to know where I stood. And you like the flowers, at least a little. Listen. This was a bad day, on both our parts. So lets set it aside, and move past it. I want you, you want me, no one has to lose any legs for moving out. You aren't perfect, and I'm certainly not. But we've forever to work on this ****. I don't like fighting with you, unless I get to rip your shirt.
Doc:: He dialed her number, the texting was starting to annoy him.
Cytherea: Cyth answered the phone, waiting for him to speak, since he hadn't said anything to the text. She was assuming he had something to say instead.
Doc:: "Ok.. I misunderstood.. I thought you were being ******* sarcastic when said 'I didn’t owe you anything' that means.. get the hell out.. been there done it .. heard it enough. So I was getting out - cause I thought you me to, and I wasn’t going to argue over it. I just wanted to give you want you wanted. And I broke your ******* vase.. the flowery one. And I am not sorry."
Cytherea: Cytherea listened, and when he said the last part, she had to bite her lip to stop from laughing, but he would probably hear her failed attempt. When she spoke, it was evident in her voice, though she tried to sound upset. ''You broke my favorite vase? You murderer. We both misunderstood things. It happens. I thought you didn't care and were just legging it. It's fair to say we're both idiots sometimes. But. If we communicate, instead of being stubborn, then we should be fine. I don't want you to go, ever. So please don't leave. And if I ever say to, slap me. You have my permission, because I won't mean it.''
Doc:: "Ok.. I promise to slap you, if and when needed.. and I won't be conflicted about it either..." He smirked. He then said in a more serious tone "I really thought you would be happier if he just didn't show up one day. He was a shithead, and he lied to you.. but you liked him.. but he had to die. I could just see you crumpled up in pain hearing that I killed him after you asked me not to.. I didn't want to do that to you."
Cytherea: ''I don't expect you would either. Kisses would be prefered, but I won't push my luck.'' she teased, allowing her voice to take on the serious tone as well. ''I wouldn't say like. I felt responsible, then guilty. I turned him into a slave, and failed at doing it. And now he was sort of stuck here. So when I felt that link gone, I guess I felt more guilty. If I had known the truth though. I wouldn't care much. It's sad he had to die, but he should have known better. And he was quite a big risk, to us, the family, our kind.'' a smile twitched at her lips at his last words. ''Thank you for trying to spare me upset. That's sweet.'' he'd probably grumble about the sweet comment. I am sorry about all of this. You were trying to do something to protect us all, from someone who had potential to destroy our family, knowing what he knew, and the people. And I was more focused on your lying, instead of the good thing you did.''
Doc:: "Y-You're welcome." He stammered it because he honestly couldn’t believe his luck. He quickly coughed to cover the stammer. He didn't know what else to say, cause as soon as he did, he was afraid she would blow up again. So he just asked, in a slightly, but not overly so, needy way, "You coming home?"
Doc:: He barely refrained from throwing the ******* phone into the ******* wall. She was the one that said ‘he didn't owe her anything’, He knew what that meant.. it meant 'stay out of my ******* life' so he agrees to do that..he'll ******* move out.. then thats not good enough she has to ******* one up him, she has to ******* move out.. but she has no ******* where to go, so he will give her the damn apartment.. but she doesn’t want anything of his. Apparently his crap isn't good enough for her. He slammed a vase into the wall. *Text* Just tell me what the **** you want me to do.
Cytherea: The urge to type 'leave me alone' was strong, but that was just her anger and hurt talking, so she took a few moments to calm herself. When she was certain she wasn't going to crush her phone in her hand, she replied. ''I don't understand why you didn't just tell me. Where's the man who fought my sire, because you were defending I was strong and could handle things? Where's the man who told me what he did for a living? It doesn't come down to what I want, it goes both ways. I don't know what you want from this? If you can't figure out what I want, then you're an idiot. But I will spell it out. You. But if this isn't going anywhere, and you want to nip it in the butt, do it now. We can get back to the way things were. I won't quit on you. And I want honesty. Don't lie to me again. If you do, I swear, you'll be missing more than one limb. If you don't want to talk about something, say it. I won't push it until you want to talk about it. Just don't lie.''
Doc:: *text* I only want to protect you. I thought I was.
Cytherea: *text* Your lying upset me more than his death. I don't know if you've had someone you love, lie to you. But it's not really nice. No matter the reason. Thank you for protecting me. I know Tennyson was a loose cannon.
Doc:: He was so ******* tired of fighting with her. But dammit he always fucked things up. Yes he should ******* tell her the truth. But he was so used to lying to everyone it wasn't an easy habit to break. Especially when he had just killed a lying scumbag that had sold her out, when she didn't want him to? Did she not see how ******* difficult that was!? OF course he lied! *text* Loose cannon? THe little asswipe sold you out two days after we met
Cytherea: Sold her out on what? Doc was a vampire, so she was sure he hadn't sold her out on that? Was that why he avoided her a lot of the time? Secrets. ''Sold me out on what? And if you'd have told me sooner, I'd have let you kill him, or chopped off his head. How am I meant to know how dangerous something is when I'm not told something? I knew my control on him was slipping, and that was bad enough. It would have had to be dealt with eventually. You didn't do anything wrong in killing him. I felt guilty because I thought I'd got him killed, that I could protect him, since I turned him into my property. Evidently, not.''
Doc:: So she wanted to know, fine he wouldn't lie. But she would get pissed again. He started throwing thing a duffel bag, then it would be 'you've been lying this ******* time'. He sighed. *Text* You had him follow me. He found out things. He sold you out, if favor of me.
Cytherea: Cytherea read the text, trying to remember what he was talking about, then it clicked. It was when they had first met. She was suspicious, she had Tennyson follow him. He'd said nothing. And of course Doc didn't tell her. *text* ''That little ****. If he was alive right now, I swear I'd boot him where it would hurt the most. Alright then. Maybe you did have good reason to kill him. How did he even get around that.. this is my fault. I didn't turn him into a thrall properly.''
Cytherea: She sent another text. ''I don't care what you've lied to me before we got bound. That was your business. I shouldn't have intruded on your privacy, and I apologize. You've lied to me before, remember? I didn't blow up back then. But if you want this marriage to work, us to work, you're going to have to not lie to me. If that's something hard to do, tell me. I won't give up on you. I don't expect someone who's lied their whole lives to just be able to stop. But for any sort of relationship to work, trust needs to be there. And lying breaks trust. If I lied to you, would you still trust me? Of course, if I'm being too much of an idiot, feel free to say.''
Doc:: He read her text. He stopped. Doc was confused. She should be yelling.. texting angrily. But she wasn't. Why the ****, could he not figure her out?! She was supposed to be screaming at him. What. The. ****. He just stared at the text, he wasn't going to delete this just in case.. She admitted it was her fa...his phone beeped. Another text. He read it. He read it again. She was ******* mental. He was keeping this one too. Hell he was gonna have it ******* framed. She apologized! It was like the world was just turned inside out. He wasn't going to second guess. He was taking it at face value. *text* Yes it is hard to stop lying! I've done it too damn long.
Cytherea: He hadn't said she was an idiot? So was he agreeing with her? Maybe he was just trying to be kind, who knew. *text* Well. Here's the only solution I can think of. If you're about to lie to me, say you don't want to talk about it, if you don't want to tell me the truth. But I think I've proven I can handle anything you've thrown at me. You didn't answer me though, about this. Us. I've told you before, I won't quit on you. And if you ever suggest moving out again, you're losing both legs.
Doc:: *text* so, let me get this right.. instead of lying I say I dont want to talk about it? And you wont get mad?
Cytherea: *text* No, I won't get mad. I'll know something is up, but I won't push it until you are ready to talk to me about it.
Cytherea: *text* Is that a fair compromise?
Doc:: Hell yes! He quickly backspaced the hell out.. *text* Yes.. quite fair. Thank you.
Cytherea: She felt like she'd just set herself up for a fail, but if he used that line for everything, he'd only be hindering himself. *text* Great. And you've still not answered.
Doc:: He scanned through the messages, and couldn't find what she was asking, *text* I missed it. What didn't I answer?
Cytherea: Typical man. She went back to the previous messages and copied the text she was talking about, getting the bit she wanted. ''But I think I've proven I can handle anything you've thrown at me. You didn't answer me though, about this. Us. I've told you before, I won't quit on you. And if you ever suggest moving out again, you're losing both legs. '' - ''It doesn't come down to what I want, it goes both ways. I don't know what you want from this? If you can't figure out what I want, then you're an idiot. But I will spell it out. You. But if this isn't going anywhere, and you want to nip it in the butt, do it now. We can get back to the way things were. I won't quit on you.''
Cytherea: *text* Those texts. I just need to know where I stand, and if I should back off a little from.'' she paused. what was she meant to say? From falling in love with you? This conversation was seriously tricky, but **** it she sent it anyways. ''From falling further in love with you.''
Doc:: *text* I thought you knew I wanted you. Hell I let you put flowers every ******* where. I did all this **** to protect you.. *Didn't that clearly say that he wanted her?! Then it hit him, she wanted him to say the words. Ah.. fuuuuck. He couldn't jinx this. Last two times.. ended bad. He couldn't lose her too.
Cytherea: *text* The moving out bit through me for a loop, that you'd just said it so quick, instead of trying to fix anything. I just needed to know where I stood. And you like the flowers, at least a little. Listen. This was a bad day, on both our parts. So lets set it aside, and move past it. I want you, you want me, no one has to lose any legs for moving out. You aren't perfect, and I'm certainly not. But we've forever to work on this ****. I don't like fighting with you, unless I get to rip your shirt.
Doc:: He dialed her number, the texting was starting to annoy him.
Cytherea: Cyth answered the phone, waiting for him to speak, since he hadn't said anything to the text. She was assuming he had something to say instead.
Doc:: "Ok.. I misunderstood.. I thought you were being ******* sarcastic when said 'I didn’t owe you anything' that means.. get the hell out.. been there done it .. heard it enough. So I was getting out - cause I thought you me to, and I wasn’t going to argue over it. I just wanted to give you want you wanted. And I broke your ******* vase.. the flowery one. And I am not sorry."
Cytherea: Cytherea listened, and when he said the last part, she had to bite her lip to stop from laughing, but he would probably hear her failed attempt. When she spoke, it was evident in her voice, though she tried to sound upset. ''You broke my favorite vase? You murderer. We both misunderstood things. It happens. I thought you didn't care and were just legging it. It's fair to say we're both idiots sometimes. But. If we communicate, instead of being stubborn, then we should be fine. I don't want you to go, ever. So please don't leave. And if I ever say to, slap me. You have my permission, because I won't mean it.''
Doc:: "Ok.. I promise to slap you, if and when needed.. and I won't be conflicted about it either..." He smirked. He then said in a more serious tone "I really thought you would be happier if he just didn't show up one day. He was a shithead, and he lied to you.. but you liked him.. but he had to die. I could just see you crumpled up in pain hearing that I killed him after you asked me not to.. I didn't want to do that to you."
Cytherea: ''I don't expect you would either. Kisses would be prefered, but I won't push my luck.'' she teased, allowing her voice to take on the serious tone as well. ''I wouldn't say like. I felt responsible, then guilty. I turned him into a slave, and failed at doing it. And now he was sort of stuck here. So when I felt that link gone, I guess I felt more guilty. If I had known the truth though. I wouldn't care much. It's sad he had to die, but he should have known better. And he was quite a big risk, to us, the family, our kind.'' a smile twitched at her lips at his last words. ''Thank you for trying to spare me upset. That's sweet.'' he'd probably grumble about the sweet comment. I am sorry about all of this. You were trying to do something to protect us all, from someone who had potential to destroy our family, knowing what he knew, and the people. And I was more focused on your lying, instead of the good thing you did.''
Doc:: "Y-You're welcome." He stammered it because he honestly couldn’t believe his luck. He quickly coughed to cover the stammer. He didn't know what else to say, cause as soon as he did, he was afraid she would blow up again. So he just asked, in a slightly, but not overly so, needy way, "You coming home?"

Death is a delightful hiding place for weary men.

Death is a delightful hiding place for weary men.
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Re: d'Artois: Events in Time
As of late, Aidan had been feeling lost. At least in the sense of having a direction in her eternal life. It had gotten to the point that even the trips to the strip club no longer offered her any real enjoyment. That one she figured had to do with the woman that she now had waiting for her at home, someone who made her feel happy, content and at peace. Now, the strippers were entertaining, but even the regulars could tell there was something different about her. Especially, when she stopped with the individual attention, the lapdances and private shows.
Without her usual distraction, Aidan was left with something that was very dangerous.
Aidan had never been one for much of an attention span. Though not officially diagnosis with ADD, it was speculated that she had the condition. She needed something to focus on, or multiple somethings to focus on or she would get bored. When she got bored she would make up things to entertain herself, which more often then not involved something that was dangerous and bound to hurt someone. Usually her self, but that depended on how much she planned on getting into the project.
With so much time stretched out before her, an eternity. Aidan needed something to focus on, to work on in her spare time. A job, a hobby....anything.
It was when she was in the family portal room, again the notion of playing catch with herself her only means of distraction, Ast asked her to go on a hunt for some supplies.
“Sure,” the remark made with a tone that was probably sounded as bored as she felt. The “shopping” list was taken down and Aidan blinked out with celerity over to the QZ. The moan of zombies and their shuffling actions, it was familiar to her in a way it should be. That week she spent her, one of them, bits and pieces came back to her from time to time.
It was not a time she truly cared to remember....
The sickening sound as the skull of an zombie unfortunate enough to shamble too close, the butt of her gun more than enough to cave in the already decaying cranium. Knife out, she knelt to retrieve an ear when she caught the faintest sound on the wind and used Celerity to dodge out of the way of the Feral that thought to sneak up on her.
“Now now...that's not very nice...,” she chuckled at the thing while it snarled at her, a slight cocking of her head as she wondered what it took to become like that thing. It rushed her again and she allowed it to connect with her, allowed it to impact with her. The pair carried to the floor by the momentum, with Aidan on her back and the Feral atop. She just stared up as the creature struggled to get at her, struggled to get a hold of her. The eyes, they were wild and held a certain amount of freedom that Aidan found herself in envy of. To be free. Without the need for purpose, need for a goal....just free...
It lunged and nearly caught her throat, which snapped her out of her thoughts. Again, the gun ever empty was brought to bare and she cracked the across the jaw. The force was enough to stun the beast and allow Aidan to roll atop it. With a hand at it's throat she pinned it to the ground and proceeded to bash it over and over again with her gun, even when it ceased to move she continued. Only once the blood splatter marred her vision did she stop.
Chest heaved with unneeded breaths and she stared down at the now pulverized pulp, her head cocked to the side for a moment as if to take in her handy work, then she reached for the fangs that Ast needed. The next couple of kills were less involved and the Ferals were dispatched faster. With her collections in hand she ported back to the family room, Ast was deep in another ritual so the ingredients she asked for were dropped off before Aidan blinked out once again.
Ast said something about chemicals, or something that could only be found in factories. For a long while Aidan watched the building from across the street, her eyes on the guards and those who went in and out. After a moment she blinked across the street and slipped into the building. This was a different rush and it was welcomed. As she moved from corner to corner, the guards just barely not catching her, Aidan felt focused. Felt herself driven, to the point that when she finally managed to get some supplies she hit several more buildings before she decided to head back.
Unfortunately, none of the buildings had what Ast needed, but Aidan found herself with a bunch of stuff she was not sure what to do with. For a long moment she merely stared in her bag of goodies, before a random glance about the room caused her gaze to land on the crafting table. Then...an idea struck!
Components were dumped on the table without any sense or reason and Aidan began to craft.
“OW! Son of a *****!” she growled when something sparked and she was shocked. “I'll fix you!” the distinct sound of duct tape as it was pulled from the roll is heard, along with “AHA!”
More grunts, grumbles and broken parts, but in the end she managed to make something.
“YES! AST!” she shouted without a care and jumped from her chair to rush over with her proudly made device in hand. “Look! Look what I made!” the grin was from ear to ear, the sensor alarm held out for Ast to see. “Pretty cool, huh?”
Without her usual distraction, Aidan was left with something that was very dangerous.
Aidan had never been one for much of an attention span. Though not officially diagnosis with ADD, it was speculated that she had the condition. She needed something to focus on, or multiple somethings to focus on or she would get bored. When she got bored she would make up things to entertain herself, which more often then not involved something that was dangerous and bound to hurt someone. Usually her self, but that depended on how much she planned on getting into the project.
With so much time stretched out before her, an eternity. Aidan needed something to focus on, to work on in her spare time. A job, a hobby....anything.
It was when she was in the family portal room, again the notion of playing catch with herself her only means of distraction, Ast asked her to go on a hunt for some supplies.
“Sure,” the remark made with a tone that was probably sounded as bored as she felt. The “shopping” list was taken down and Aidan blinked out with celerity over to the QZ. The moan of zombies and their shuffling actions, it was familiar to her in a way it should be. That week she spent her, one of them, bits and pieces came back to her from time to time.
It was not a time she truly cared to remember....
The sickening sound as the skull of an zombie unfortunate enough to shamble too close, the butt of her gun more than enough to cave in the already decaying cranium. Knife out, she knelt to retrieve an ear when she caught the faintest sound on the wind and used Celerity to dodge out of the way of the Feral that thought to sneak up on her.
“Now now...that's not very nice...,” she chuckled at the thing while it snarled at her, a slight cocking of her head as she wondered what it took to become like that thing. It rushed her again and she allowed it to connect with her, allowed it to impact with her. The pair carried to the floor by the momentum, with Aidan on her back and the Feral atop. She just stared up as the creature struggled to get at her, struggled to get a hold of her. The eyes, they were wild and held a certain amount of freedom that Aidan found herself in envy of. To be free. Without the need for purpose, need for a goal....just free...
It lunged and nearly caught her throat, which snapped her out of her thoughts. Again, the gun ever empty was brought to bare and she cracked the across the jaw. The force was enough to stun the beast and allow Aidan to roll atop it. With a hand at it's throat she pinned it to the ground and proceeded to bash it over and over again with her gun, even when it ceased to move she continued. Only once the blood splatter marred her vision did she stop.
Chest heaved with unneeded breaths and she stared down at the now pulverized pulp, her head cocked to the side for a moment as if to take in her handy work, then she reached for the fangs that Ast needed. The next couple of kills were less involved and the Ferals were dispatched faster. With her collections in hand she ported back to the family room, Ast was deep in another ritual so the ingredients she asked for were dropped off before Aidan blinked out once again.
Ast said something about chemicals, or something that could only be found in factories. For a long while Aidan watched the building from across the street, her eyes on the guards and those who went in and out. After a moment she blinked across the street and slipped into the building. This was a different rush and it was welcomed. As she moved from corner to corner, the guards just barely not catching her, Aidan felt focused. Felt herself driven, to the point that when she finally managed to get some supplies she hit several more buildings before she decided to head back.
Unfortunately, none of the buildings had what Ast needed, but Aidan found herself with a bunch of stuff she was not sure what to do with. For a long moment she merely stared in her bag of goodies, before a random glance about the room caused her gaze to land on the crafting table. Then...an idea struck!
Components were dumped on the table without any sense or reason and Aidan began to craft.
“OW! Son of a *****!” she growled when something sparked and she was shocked. “I'll fix you!” the distinct sound of duct tape as it was pulled from the roll is heard, along with “AHA!”
More grunts, grumbles and broken parts, but in the end she managed to make something.
“YES! AST!” she shouted without a care and jumped from her chair to rush over with her proudly made device in hand. “Look! Look what I made!” the grin was from ear to ear, the sensor alarm held out for Ast to see. “Pretty cool, huh?”