The Musings of Keara Aithne

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Keara Aithne
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

23rd February 2015

Home we are. Enjoyed I did for my home to see, even if my home there was not. Expected as much I did. Though the manor house still standing was. A long time from home I had been. Much changed has. Though found I did the ground where once stood it did. Instinct perhaps me there did lead. A street there, there now is. While saddens me it does for that to know. Know I do that change normal is. Expected even. Only hope I must that what Enver and I have do, changes not. Though change together perhaps we shall. That bad cannot be. I hope. Imagine I cannot how our love fade can. Believe that possible I do not.

Missed I did the puppies while away we were. Missed our family so much I did not. Think I do that there a reason for that was. They all grown are. Trust them we can for, for themselves too care we can. The puppies independent are not. Gizmo perhaps was, once, but now he too pampered is. Require they do supervision. More even. Require they do attention. Missed us I think they did. Gizmo and Leeloo most affectionate were when saw us they did. Their puppies less so. But very excited they all were. Zazu Enver favours does. Clear that always has been. Think perhaps he more than the puppies his master missed. Hope I do that they not too distressed were.
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

24th February 2015

Home in time we were for in a raid to play. Zombified creatures in the catacombs there were. This my favourite type of raid is. Challenging it is. Though stay I did not. No luck had I for a key to find. Glad I am though, wished I did not for the night away from Enver to spend. Prefer I would always for at his side to be and enjoys the raids as I do, he does not. Unfortunately. Though understand that I do. That he different from me is. That a bad thing is not.
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

26th February 2015

Silly I was. Last night in the raid stayed I did. Ready for away from Enver to be I was not. Strange to write this is, but missed him more I did. Perhaps too much time together in England spent we did. Or too used to his company become I have. Sleep well I do not when with him I am not. Physically painful it is for me, for from his side to be. Easier perhaps things be would, if family member had I did there for me to distract. When alone I am, too much time have I do for to think. Wish I do, that wished he did for me in those places to join. With me once attempted he did to stay. Perhaps worry I should that he the effort no longer makes does. Perhaps his love for me lessening is. Hope I do that that untrue is. Destroy me that shall, if that the truth were.
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

28th February 2015

Broken this night I am. Perhaps right I was. The unthinkable happened has. Loves me less he does. Broke his word to me he did. Never did I think that I those words would write. He my everything is. Thought I did that I the same for him was. Though that impossible now does seem. Think he did not of me when he his mistake did make. Love him still I do, but know I do not how I him now can trust. Before tonight, trusted him implicitly I did. Now? Now wonder I do if he our vows could break. Hope I do, that he that could not do. But then never thought I did that he his word to me could break. Want to think of that more I do not. Cannot. Too tired I am. Only say I will now, that without him live I could not. If left me he did. Truly left me. My life worth living would not be. He my soul destroyed has, but know I do that he the only one that heal it can.
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

1st March 2015

A childe of my own this night taken I have. Watching her for some time I have been. A mistake she is not. Impressed me she did. Best it always is for your childe to know before you your blood to them do give. Hope I do that she a good addition to the family shall be. Though time have we need of for this to see. Not all to whom my gift given is, worthy of it are. Though know that you cannot unless the gift given is. My connection to Epsilon weakened has, feel him now I do not and thought I did that he born for this life was. Hope I shall that Izidora her place in this new world shall find. Need I do for a tome for her to make. If accepted feels she does, more chance there is that thrive she shall.
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

2nd March 2015

Told Sandy I did that she the asylum explore may. Explored perhaps too thoroughly she did. Know I do that she into several apartments did peek. Looking she was not for what there was though, looking she was for people with whom speak she could. Wanted she did for more about our kind to learn. Think I do that she the curious sort is. Decided as yet I have not if that a good thing or not is.
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

3rd March 2015

Charlotte asked did who in her cell was. Knew I did that something had forgotten for to do. Planning I was for a thread upon the family board to start, wherein said I did that need worry the family need not, if a female on their camera’s saw they did. Told her I did that it Sandy was and that worry she need not.


Enver mine is. Tried I did for this to him to show, but worried him instead I did. Least himself at first seemed he did not. Told me he did that devour him I could not. Though think I do that he the word devour literally did take. Half wish I do that that possible was. Adore him so I do. Though soon he to his senses came, almost made it to our cell we did not before we lost in one another were. While beginning to think I am that the family care not if sex we have, almost certain I am that wish for that to see they do not.
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

4th March 2015

Lost in my husband of late I have been. Though lost in my husband I usually am. Think I do that, that normal for Enver and I is. This perhaps the reason is, as to why his betrayal so difficult to fathom is. Regardless, remembered I have for Izidora into the family to welcome and for her a tome to make. Today used it she did. Yes, perhaps better instruction given I could but we all our own ways have for our tomes to use. Perhaps the power in perception comes and perceive we all do the tomes differently. Matters not. Able she is for the tome to use and happy seems she does for this mode of transport to have.
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

5th March 2015

Something said today was and think I do that meant he did not for it to say. Xian said did that Izidora a pretty, young thing was. True perhaps that is. That a reason was not for why sired her I did. Looks matter not. Though easier it is for into the crowd to blend if too striking ones features are not. Sure I am that, that a consideration was when Ven me did choose. Though this time different is. Here stand out you can and still your distance keep. So long as dress you do as I do. Most people me do avoid when I them on the street do pass. Izidora not like me in this is. So yes, perhaps pretty she is. Enver this had best not note. Though think him so stupid I do not for those words to me to say. Which reminds me does. Thought had I did last night. My name upon Enver write I could. Design something I could. Though know I do not if he this idea like would. Perhaps his permission require I would not. Stained his skin could be without consent, though that wrong of me perhaps would be for to do. Think more on that I shall. Then if this a good idea still think I do, suggest it I shall.
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

6th March 2015

Enver thinks that I strange am acting. Perhaps right he is but for reasons other than what thinks he does. Thinks he does that I pregnant am. That untrue is. My scent changed has not. Trying perhaps too hard I am for okay to be. Love him I do. Change I think that never shall, but trust him as before I cannot. Want I do for the way we were before to be. His attention trying I am for to keep, though says he does that I that have had since the day we met did. Practically. Not literally. Want I do for him to please but right he is, outfits unnecessary are. Fun they are though. That is the reason that wish I do for to dress for him. Wonder I do if e’er the same we shall be.
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