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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Posted: 23 Mar 2014, 22:49
by Keara Aithne
28th February 2014

Worry I do that Enver forgets does the powers that possesses he does. Okay. So…yes. Tome not a power is and yet possess one he does and forgets he does for that to use. Silly boy. Still, in raids he rarely goes. So forgive him perhaps I shall for tried he did a raid today and in there I was not. Easier would be though for him to forgive if angry with him I was not still. Brought he did Crash into our home. Told him I did that I no-one wished to see and still did this to me he did. Says he does that it matters not. Well matters does to me. Want I do not to be seen…by anyone.

Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Posted: 23 Mar 2014, 23:07
by Keara Aithne
4th March 2014

Despite all that happening is. Good I feel. Adore him I do. Even if he silly is. Brought home creature he did for me…for us. Know I do not why require puppy we do. But try I shall for for creature to care. No bigger than a rat he is. And at home he does already seem. Wonder I do not why he My Enver choose to follow. To me that clear is. Though wonder I do why Enver him to me did give. Never have I a pet owned. Perhaps advice from Peter I shall seek. Know I do that he such beasts does keep.

Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Posted: 23 Mar 2014, 23:07
by Keara Aithne
5th March 2014

Named creature today we did. Or rather Enver did. Puppy’s name Gizmo shall be. At first understand I did not why this name suitable for creature was, but then Enver this to me explained though films with me to watch. See now I do that colouring similar is. Hope I do that like creature in the film, that Gizmo stronger is than seems. Quite pathetic he does look when shivers and shakes he does from cold, or for attention.

Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Posted: 23 Mar 2014, 23:07
by Keara Aithne
6th March 2014

Enver pleased with me is not. But if wished he did not for us of the pup to care, brought him home he should not. Made I did a pillow for Gizmo. Yes. Material here limited is. So improvised I did. This why Enver annoyed is. Knew I did not that he mind would when I his t-shirt did use for creature’s pillow to create. Gizmo happy does seem though with creation. So content I am that deed worth my efforts were.

Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Posted: 23 Mar 2014, 23:08
by Keara Aithne
7th March 2014

Liking this I am not now. Bored I am. Enver his best does for me to distract. Know That I do and yet…well…used now I am not for in one place so long to stay. Miss I do the culling of creatures. Whispers hear I do of new raid in the city. Like I would for this challenge to try and yet, try it I cannot. If able I was this parasite to kill, kill it I would. Sure I am that this for me unhealthy is. Need I do for the city to stalk. For my childer to see. Worry I do for the fledglings. Yes perhaps with Peter spoken I have but Charlotte me too does need. And well think I do that Peter distracted is. Hope I do that careful he is. Want I do not for another life to have to take right now.


Enver upset is I believe. Hoped he did that wrong I was. That parasite not a fadebeast is. Now knows he does the truth. Found he did way of this to see. Appreciate that I do, for even if looked I did not, took he did the time for the truth to learn. Wish I do that proved me wrong he could have. That he the news that wanted he did to learn. But as told him I did. That our path is not.

Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Posted: 23 Mar 2014, 23:33
by Keara Aithne
8th March 2014

Another raid there is. Hate these walls I do. Well…hate them I do not. That unfair to the walls is but still…disliking my situation I am. Need I do for with my sword to practice. Quite crazy this place making me is. Perhaps shadows to myself I should draw and a walk in the city this eve take. Enver join me may, of course. For while tired I am of the location. Tire I do not of his company.

Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Posted: 24 Mar 2014, 00:12
by Keara Aithne
10th March 2014
Wondering am why she to her childe listen would not. Yes absent of late been I have but excuse I have…Not that tell them I can. Used to I am not another interfering, as that is what doing she is. Enver this does not understand. Know that I do as nothing he does. That worse is than when he something does and that something wrong is. Inaction infuriating to me is. And snort he likely shall for this to read as thinks he does that I nothing have done or thought over situation in which now sit we do. But think I do on this daily. No action now taken can be and explain that I likely shall again before the sun the horizon once more does kiss. Still that not the point is. Unhappy with this situation I am.

Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Posted: 30 Mar 2014, 14:28
by Keara Aithne
11th March 2014

Argued last eve we did and careful now I know I must be for my temper to control. Continue we do for over Peter to speak. However last night conversation different was. Enver him one thing has told and I another. Confused the boy we have and while of him we spoke, summoned him to me I did. Meant to do that I did not. Stupid of me that was, only so mad I was for that he did that helped it could not be. My emotions the better of me did get. Try I must for that to control.

Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Posted: 30 Mar 2014, 14:29
by Keara Aithne
12th March 2014

Tear I do at my own flesh for the love of him. His name upon myself etched. Claws for this perhaps useful are. Though more skilled with my blade I am. Wish I do that write in my own blood I could. As do this now I would. Fear greatly I do that he and I to an end will come. Want that I do not. Oh Nox. Do that to me not. Stand I could not for eternity now to face without him. Cast myself into that accursed realm I would before I that fate would suffer. Prefer I would to let the darkness take me. Fight it this time I would not.

Says he does that remove him I should from family boards. Want that I do not. Only want I do for him me to understand. Like I do not that tried she did for between us to come. Dislike more I do that working it is. No right had she for our son to approach. Trusted Enver she should have. But recount this again I cannot. Why does he this not understand? Reduce he does me to tears. Still odd that sensation is. Dislike it I do. Weak I feel for that to do. That not the woman is that Ven knew did. Choose I did a name for creature. Enos. If alone to be I am when birthed it is, know I must how best creature to address. Silent companion within. Understands me does…more than my husband. Reacts to me I swear it does. Waiting it is for me to kill. If voice it had, taunt me it would. This I believe. Perhaps if listen I do…hear it I shall…Voices I do hear. Though faint they are. Strain I would for to listen but cut too deep into my skin I did and weak now I am. That good is. As sleep without him likely I shall not.

“To die, to sleep -
To sleep, perchance to dream - ay, there's the rub,
For in this sleep of death what dreams may come...”

No dreams shall I have. For no peace can there now be. Torn I am. Broken. Protect it I must. Deliver me it shall to land of endless nightmares. Feeds from me it does. Know not how…but nourish it I do. Wonder if my blood desires it does? Not that much remains does for creature this eve. Hungry it must go. Hmm…hungry I am too. But no will have I for to hunt. Think that stand now I cannot. Thought I did that I Deanna saw. Called to her I did. Spoke to me she did not. Rude that is. Yes? For not to reply when called you are? Though…wrong I must have been, as sure I am that form she had. Wraiths no form possess. Wonder do then what seen was. Perhaps memory was. Dressed she was not in my fashions. Why need I do for her form to recall I do not. Perhaps next time that comes she does bring with her Ven she shall. Use now I could his council. Perhaps waiting for me he is in the oblivion. Learn answer to that I shall. Maybe…One day…If answer there is in this had to be. Enver quiet is. Like that I do not. And now…writ too much I have. Tired my hand becomes. Strike it all through I should and to Enos feed. Scold me he shall, if allowed he is for my words to read. Ringing in my ears there is…

Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Posted: 30 Mar 2014, 15:13
by Keara Aithne
14th March 2014

Wonder I do if Enver Gizmo does like? While cruel he is not to the tiny creature. See I do something in him when deals he does with him. Frustration perhaps. Know I do not what it is. Hope I do that this changes does. Brought he did Gizmo home for me. For us. So deal he must with the consequences. Tiny creature a home needed and gave him one he did. So mad he cannot be when creature his place with us tries to find.

Wonder too I do if Enver with River will speak as promised yesterday he did. Promised he did also for with Falcon to speak and know I do not if he that has done. Like I do not for to think that promise me he would for something to do and then do it not. Like I would not for to find that true I am in that to think. Prefer I do for to think that once Enos gone is. Once situation over with is. That then he something will say, as time then perhaps have he shall.