No item in any of the inventory tabs match that description.
Cash: $0
I'm fairly certain every other monetary prize from NPC kill has been given to him in cash [accumulated and then banked]. I don't know when this happened exactly, but it was from either a wendigo / transhuman wendigo in the past two weeks.
Added information: it could have been either from a team or solo battle vs the NPC. Though my team member doesn't have anything like this.
telepath |mortal aura | healthy complexion | gift of the spider| #D93F3F
You haven't by any chance gotten one of those random events that can pop up while walking the 'world' part of the grid? (The ones where you click to 'investigate'and then have a choice of four reactions) $200 is the exact amount it pays out for best choice and I swear I recall there being a bug related to that before... >.>
Honestly? I don't remember... It's been a while since he's had any events. That said, he has had a few between now and the last visit to the sell tab in auction (months ago). So it's not outside the realm of possibility... I don't remember the bug you're referring to, but it could very well be that and now the wendies.
telepath |mortal aura | healthy complexion | gift of the spider| #D93F3F
Reported time (GM): 2020-05-30T06:30:35Z.
Encountered time: Every time I go to auction.
Bug location: Auction
Bug type: gameplay problem
Bug details: A non-existent item titled "$200" appears when Filter Category is (all). It is not found in any other category or in the inventory itself.