Alt partners cannot attack the same character [f]

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Aaron Hunter
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Alt partners cannot attack the same character [f]

Post by Aaron Hunter »

Two of my characters - who happen to be linked as alt partners, so therefore should be able to act independently - have been thrown out of window. Ouch. I attempted to attack the pesky window chucker with both of my window chucked characters, but I wasn’t allowed with this one because my other one had just skirmished him.

Firstly, alt characters should be able to act independently, as if they aren’t run by the same person, right? So they should both be able to attack the same character. I think that’s the bug.

Secondly, if someone else’s character throws more than one of your characters, shouldn’t all of the thrown characters be able to respond? I know that’s not a bug as such, but it seems odd that characters have to sit idly by, unable to respond to a dastardly chucking incident because another character run by the same player has already attacked the phantom window flinger. Wouldn’t that mean that the window thrower could throw 5 or 6 characters owned by the same player, but only one of those characters could attack back?
Maybe this actually is a bug? Perhaps, my two characters were “independent”, hence the ability to throw both of them, but then not “independent” when it came to hitting back?


As a quick edit, the thrall of this character, ie the thrall of the character who has been denied the opportunity to attack the thrower, has been able to attack the thrower, which doesn’t make much sense. If the actual character can’t attack, I’m surprised that the thrall can.
In theory, both alt characters, plus any thralls that they have, should be able to attack if the alt system is working correctly. If a main character can’t, but their thrall can, it seems to be half working.
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Re: Alt partners cannot attack the same character

Post by Myk »

Aaron Hunter wrote: Maybe this actually is a bug? Perhaps, my two characters were “independent”, hence the ability to throw both of them, but then not “independent” when it came to hitting back?
I'm not sure it's specific to alt characters because I have had 4 characters thrown out of the window by the same character.

It might just be that Throw 2 doesn't count as an attack.

Still, I would agree that alt characters should be able to attack the same character as that was the "perk" of the purchase. No?

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Re: Alt partners cannot attack the same character

Post by Alexandrea »

100% agreed. On all counts. Marking this a B.

Possible related issue ... =4&t=32072
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Re: Alt partners cannot attack the same character [B]

Post by Aaron Hunter »

I thought I’d post a quick update on this, as 12 hours have passed, so I can have another pop at the window cleaner.

This character, Aaron, still can’t skirmish the target because my other character has already attacked him. This is still a bug because, as previously mentioned, they are alt chapters and should be able to act independently.

My other alt character, Stonehouse, who successfully attacked the target yesterday can no longer hit the target because one of my other (completely unrelated) characters has apparently interacted with the target in the last month! Two things here: I don’t think my other characters have recently attacked the target, although he is always on the most wanted list; and surely I wouldn’t have been able to attack yesterday if that were the case?

Interestingly enough, both thralls of Aaron & Stonehouse can still attack the target, as they could yesterday.

As Myk player mentioned, is Throw counted as an attack or not? It seems like it should be.

Any info here would be handy, as alt characters are either completely independent, or they’re not, in which case it would kind of defeat the object :)

Anyway, I do find it quite funny that my two characters have been chucked out of a window, and all they can do is effectively stick their tongues out at the target and threaten to tell teacher! :))
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Re: Alt partners cannot attack the same character [B]

Post by Myk »

Attempted to use Throw on the character in question and got this message:
This target has been attacked by 4 other hitters recently. You must wait 10:01:45 before attacking again.
So this tells me that Throw counts as an attack.

Therefore, why can 1 character attack 4 of mine? I wouldn't be able to retaliate with all 4 despite having legitimate cause, yet this 1 character could have legitimate cause to attack 4 of mine according to the game code - unless this is a bug too.

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Re: Alt partners cannot attack the same character [B]

Post by Myk »

I also get a warning saying that Myk can't give his Thrall, Jeremy Wade, any items because Claude Lambert (alt partner) has already given Jeremy items this month.


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Re: Alt partners cannot attack the same character [B]

Post by Aaron Hunter »

Another update, as there was another twist.

Aaron could still not attack because Stonehouse (his alt partner) had already attacked the target. This should be a bug.
Stonehouse, despite initially being able to make one attack, could still no longer make any additional attacks because, apparently, one of my other targets had interacted with the target. This seems weird. How could he attack initially if one of my other characters had done something?
The thralls of both Aaron & Stonehouse could continue with their attacks every 12 hours. This is what should be able to happen under the alt partner set up, but as their main characters cannot attack, it seems odd that the thralls can.

I decided to get my other character Angelique, involved, the one that is supposedly stopping Stonehouse attacking, to see what would happen. I tried to track the target, but couldn't because one of my other characters, Stonehouse, had already attacked the target! So Stonehouse cannot hit the target because apparently Angelique has interacted with them (although I don’t know when) and Angelique cannot do anything because Stonehouse has already attacked the target. All a bit wired!
Yes, I appreciate that last test of using Angelique to track the target could be classed as crossing, but it was done purely to test the bug issue.

Any clarity on the alt partner set up would be helpful. Theoretically, alt partners should appear as completely unrelated characters, as if they are run by different players.
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Re: Alt partners cannot attack the same character [B]

Post by Aaron Hunter »

A final update on this if I may. Both my characters could still not skirmish the target, despite both of their thralls still being able to do so. My characters could not track the target or place a bounty on the target, but the thralls could. In essence, the thralls were behaving as they should, but the main characters were buggy.
As another twist, a couple of days back, I discovered that the main characters could use powers against the target, even though they couldn’t skirmish, which seems pretty weird. Needless to say, I just got them to use offensive powers against the target, and the rest is history.

There is clearly a bug here, in fact possibly several. Any insight would be helpful :)

As a strange bonus bout of weirdness, just before the target died, he had wounds giving him -37 intelligence, so whatever stats he had prior to this overall encounter, he definitely had negative intelligence just before the kill shot. He did, however, manage to fire a gun in retaliation and wound my guy (obviously in the groin!)
Is it possible to fire a gun with negative intelligence, and how do you retaliate when you’ve just been killed?
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Re: Alt partners cannot attack the same character [B]

Post by Alexandrea »

still an issue?
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Re: Alt partners cannot attack the same character [B]

Post by Aaron Hunter »

I won’t know until I have to double team someone again! :))
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