Gray wasn’t checked in enough to the situation to know exactly who though.
Plus he was busy slacking off, and his sights were set on someone to help make that pass time all the better. Except it was ******* freezing. He was wearing green hose, which did nothing to protect him from the knee down. From that point up, he basically was just wearing velvet shorts, which were so breathable that it was basically like sticking his nuts on an ice block. His hands descended very briefly to protect the dispenser of his genetic inheritance with two cupped hands. Oh thank god. Warmth. A little warmth. HIs shoulders hunched in a little bit, and he shifted his weight from foot to foot so as to keep the circulation going. Except. The guy with the mane of darkness did not follow after him. He glanced back in the direction of the party, and caught a glimpse of the guy chatting with someone.
“Hey, there’s a bathroom inside.” Someone mentioned to him in passing with a tap on the shoulder.
Grayson glanced down, and realized how it looked. HIs brows flattened. “Yeah, well you can **** off.” He muttered under his breath as he straightened up, glancing around. And that was when he caught sight of a large fur coat. There. That would be his ticket out of chillsville. So he crept back in the direction of the ballroom. The woman wearing it was absolutely swimming in a pelt that looked big enough to have come from a bear. It was basically hanging off of her shoulders, and barely held on by her arms. Her dress itself was long and elegantly simple. Black as pitch. He moved upon her with what he thought was a fox. He hard would it be to just slip the thing off of her. Walk away? She was barely wearing it anyway.
So he reached out and gently tugged.
“Young man. What exactly are you doing?”
Slightly more frantic tugging.
She gave him a flat stare, and Grayson had the dignity to pull away, dust himself off, and then retreat back outside into the cold. Sure. It was still chilly out there, but it was warmer than the look the lady gave him.
So there he was, back outside, hands cupping the family jewels again, with an expression that said if anyone commented, he was going to eat them...when he caught sight of what appeared to be a fully garbed Santa booking it towards the party.
He smiled. It was probably the greatest thing he had seen at the entire Ball.
It was upstaged though, when he realized the guy he had been trying to entice out into the cold was finally coming. Jesus. That had taken ******* forever. And Grayson was frozen enough that playing coy (what little ability he had to do so) essentially went out of the window. So he moved closer, leaned to look into Bohan’s eyes. His teeth were chattering a little.
“You h--h-had actually better be h-h-hot stuff. Or I s-swear to g-god, I’m kicking your a-a-***.” He hissed.