Hi hi! Things I am Looking For!

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Mortimer (DELETED 9658)
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Hi hi! Things I am Looking For!

Post by Mortimer (DELETED 9658) »

Hello to anyone reading this thread. Sorry for the wall o' text; I wasn't sure how much to write here!

I'm new here, and I was lucky enough to get to dip my toes into my first RP thread (which I am still very excited about!). But now that I am feeling a little more confident, I wanted to make a thread to see about finding more connections for my character. I just have the one for now, named Mortimer, who is a pure human. As I'm new, I know I'll make mistakes, so I especially welcome people who are patient and can offer criticism in a kind way if I mess up.
Height: Around 6'2"
Weight: Around 150 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown
Eyes: Blue
RP Traits: Permanently Blind, Homeless (both of these would be public knowledge about him!)

Mortimer is a man in his late twenties. He used to work in construction, but an accident on site with a demolition resulted in shrapnel and debris in his eyes, which blinded him permanently. Because of this, since he had no family he lived with & few friends, he was unable to support himself and is now without a home.

He is nonetheless an upbeat individual who has been working on spending time learning to live with his new disability. He's quite social and friendly, and while his eyes might be rusty, his hands are still dexterously able to pick a pocket now and then and he can still sweet-talk his way into places he shouldn't be into. Is he the most capable? No. But that does not bother him at all.

He is usually reluctant to share information like his last name or things about his past; he's understandably a bit embarrassed about what he refers to as his "little financial misfortune."
Other things worth knowing about Mort, RP-wise:
- Mortimer, who doesn't mind being called "Mort" for short, is an upbeat person despite his troubles. No matter how much life throws at him, he can find something good in the experience. It would take a lot to change this outlook in him.
- He tends to panhandle around Wickbridge Station...but he's also known to dip his fingers into the unsuspecting pockets of those who get too close. He's not that great at it, and he doesn't mean badly, but a fella's gotta eat, doesn't he? He, however, does wander away from that area at times.
- Mort doesn't really know diddly about the supernatural, beyond the fact it seems to exist. He's kind of skeptical of it, and he remains incredibly ignorant of the realities of it all.
- He is attending a class to learn Braille and has only just met another player's character, whose name is Robin Little.

Anyways, about me as a roleplayer:
- I tend to write between 100 - 1000 words on average.
- I will respond every other day or so, roughly. Sometimes a little faster, sometimes a little slower, depending on the vagaries of life. If I am going to be away more than a week, I will notify you via PM on the forums.
- I shall never poke you for posts, though I do appreciate knowing if you'll be away longer than a week. But again, I'll never poke you about it. If you are away more than a month & I've not heard from you, I might tend to think you are no longer interested, though no hard feelings. RL happens to everyone, I know!
- My communication methods are via the forum only for now, preferably via PMs. If I become more accustomed and comfortable with the site, I may consider other methods of communication.
- I am a very laid back person. I am always open to changing/editing something I write if you don't like it--just ask nicely for me to change it. I'm especially open to changing things right now in my early days here, because I know I may make mistakes since I'm not wholly familiar with the world setting yet! I RP for fun, and I want it to also be fun for others I RP with.

So you read all of that? Holy crap, thank you! >_>; So what is it I am looking for when it comes to RP scenes?
- I'd love more friends for Mortimer. He's an affable & sweet soul.
- I'd love someone Mortimer could unintentionally offend...or maybe someone he actually tries to steal from, not realizing the trouble he's getting into! Anyways, I'm totally down with Mortimer suffering consequences for his actions, obviously, or I wouldn't be seeking this out!
- Mortimer is seeking employment. He used to work in construction, but that's obviously not something he can return to now as he's blind, and he hopes stable employment may one day get him off the streets. He's the sort of person who would need heavy job training, obviously. Much to Mort's dismay, he might be open to...less-than-legal professions. He's sadly learning that he can't always take the moral high road when it comes to things like stealing.
- Mort's not really well-versed in the supernatural; he's super ignorant. He'd be great for scenes if you want a normal human to scare or impress, though remember that he's blind, so that might affect how he perceives your character!

Things I might consider but am not actively seeking:
- A love interest. Mort is not in a stable enough position in his life to seek out romantic interests. He would be too embarrassed to do so. (Doesn't mean he couldn't develop an unrequited interest in someone or someone else developing one for him, just means I'm open to it, but not actively seeking). For the record, Mort has no outright preferred gender for his love interests. He is concerned more with the person and their heart, not their gender.

What am I not looking for right now?
- Not looking for a Sire right now! I'm enjoying trying to play as a normal human for now.


Please do post here if interested! Again, sorry for the massive wall o' text. I think my excitement to post sort of got the better of me a bit here.
Last edited by Mortimer (DELETED 9658) on 06 Aug 2017, 03:45, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Hi hi! Things I am Looking For!

Post by Vexen »

First off, welcome to Path! It's great to have active players, especially new-comers that seem to show such enthusiasm!

I'm sure you have those offering to lend a hand, but if you have any questions, you can always reach me through PM.

I'll toss you a message here in a bit, and maybe we can see if we can't find something to plot. :]
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Re: Hi hi! Things I am Looking For!

Post by Elizabeth »

Welcome, welcome! So glad to see you putting this up.

The best I can offer is some sort of friend, and/or a potential job. I have many characters who have different sorts of jobs. I'd be happy to hire a PC, over an NPC any day.
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Re: Hi hi! Things I am Looking For!

Post by Doc »

omg. This is perfect.

Doc needs a receptionist (yes a man can be a receptionist!) for his illegal business.

Someone to answer the phone and NOT ASK QUESTIONS.

Let me know if you're interested.

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Re: Hi hi! Things I am Looking For!

Post by Alexandrea »

Elizabeth wrote:Welcome, welcome! So glad to see you putting this up.

The best I can offer is some sort of friend, and/or a potential job. I'd be happy to hire a PC, over an NPC any day.
What she said. :)

Alex is VERY friendly and super protective of those she 'adopts' as one of her 'peeps' so there could be a lot of help from her in lots of ways. At least/esp., on the grid.

However... bad news. I suck at rp! >.< Esp., this time of year. I garden but not just a few flowers and sh*t... we have a huge veggie garden where we grow as much as possible to last us all winter. It's not just a hobby, it's how we live. So when I do write it is usually in the winter and even then I am not very prolific.

SO. Happy to help in any way I can for Mort (He would get called 'Morty' also just sayin'... >.> :D ) on grid, most especially with a job (just pm me what he wants to do) and with other goodies here and there. And I'd *TRY* to rp too but I usually let everyone down in that department, fair warning!! :(
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Re: Hi hi! Things I am Looking For!

Post by Rikki (DELETED 9657) »

I am more than open with offering a friend. :)

Rikki is a new pure human character and needs to make connections with others, and hasn't made her...RP debut, yet. I am still kind of fleshing her out, so any RP right now would be my test run, of sorts? I can't promise you much about her personality, because it hasn't totally been decided. >.> I may even surprise myself on what I suddenly come up with.
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Re: Hi hi! Things I am Looking For!

Post by Mortimer (DELETED 9658) »

Just letting y'all know I have not forgotten this! I will PM folks within the next day or two; RL has been a little hectic for me. But I am super excited to have received some PMs already and to see replies to this thread. :)
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Re: Hi hi! Things I am Looking For!

Post by Kira »

Oo *raises hand* can I be added to list of RPs?

Shame Logan isn't around much (think if the mobile app comes out, he'd be around more). Nimrod would be good for this, he hangs out at the Wickbridge bank lol

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Re: Hi hi! Things I am Looking For!

Post by Alexandrea »

I play on my phone with the chrome app. It's not great but it works. Tell that dude to get his butt back over here. I miss Nimmy! :(
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Re: Hi hi! Things I am Looking For!

Post by Azraeth »

Good luck finding writing partners!

I'm currently on a semi-break for OOC things (bestie is getting married, and that's been all sorts of a hubub). Otherwise I would totally offer something up. <3!
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