Captain, my captain!

Single-writer in-character stories and journals.
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Enver Marshall II
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Joined: 09 Feb 2012, 01:53
CrowNet Handle: Al Cappuccino

Captain, my captain!

Post by Enver Marshall II »

Here we are. A new adventure--again. I've come to realize that's sort of my thing. I get sent out to, then come back to who knows where? Sometimes it's the same place with the same people. Sometimes it's an entirely new scene. Sort of like a boomerang.

I'm charting a new course. I've got to. I waited around for a few months, tried to sort some things out, but here we are. Almost a year later with no more answers than before. The book and the tour helped. Then after a few slow months, I spun a movie idea off of Ben and here we are. Most the cast hand picked, production set for early May.

The ice is melting. Can't wait to take Lady out. It's been a long time. She's been landlocked long enough. We'll have to get reacquainted again. I see a lot of lazy afternoons fishing. Reminds me. Gracie will be four this year. Time to give her her sea legs. It's a Marshall Rite of passage.
Hello, new adventure.
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