* Mortll finished placing the flowers around the large framed picture of Cytheria on the easel black bunting had been put on the bar and black table clothes with candles were all. on the tables with plenty of flowers all around Mortll knew Doc had cared for the woman despite their constant bickering so she wanted to make things nice for him
* Doc had finally stumbled in .. after Ric tracked him down at Madame Wu's .. 'laundry'. Attempting to walk casually, but in point of fact it was more a stumbling gait, that thankfully ended up with him propped against the bar. "Drink.. Here.. Now." He nodded, "And keep em coming.."
‹Mortll› Mortll eyed Doc as he stumbled across the floor. It was unlike him to be drunk when they were together he had been totally incapable of getting that way. So this was a totally new way of seeing him she sauntered over and put a arm on his shoulder "Hey what's up Doc you sure you don't want to take a little break and pace yourself ?"
* Doc grinned at Mortll. It was wide open grin, fangs and all showing. "Mortll!" He attempted to give her a hug; yes another uncharacteristic action. "I am just.. getting sart.. started.. " He nodded knowingly. "Did you know.. there is a laundry where you can sleep? Who knew..?"
‹Doc› "Best ******* sleep I have had since.. " He stopped suddenly, memories coming back. The grin faded. He took his drink and finished it in a simple gulp. He closed his eyes as he tried not to regurgitate it. He counted to ten. "Right.. I think I am good now.."
* Mortll embraced Doc trying to steady him "A Laundry huh well it beats the sewers or the gutter Have you not been home yet ?" she asked with concern in her voice
* Doc grunted, "No reason to.. only reason is gone.. gone.. " He slapped the bar top, "drinks all around.. The Chain loved a party.. or .. loved to party.. I don't ******* know.." Doc looked at Mortll, "Where is.. um.. You know.. what his name.. you know.. Him. He should be here.. "
* Kaelyn frowned seeing her Papi. He was wasted. The man who was all about decorum and presenting yourself well. He was shitfaced. This was hitting him a lot harder than she had thought it would. Maybe there truly had been some love there. Moving over to Doc and Mortll, she took Doc's other side. "Hey there Papi...Mortll, how can I help?"
‹Alexandrea› *Entering quietly the blonde adds several bouquets of flowers to the already huge file and finds a seat out of the way after giving everyone a polite nod. Not knowing what to say, Alexandrea opted for staying quietly to one side. She was here to honor a woman she never knew although she had painted her, and to show her friend support. There wasn't anything she could say that could help matters. With a sad sigh, she focused on the portrait of Doc's beautiful wife.
* Doc happy for the distraction, even if he didn't realize he was, grinned at Kaelyn, "Chub!" He pulled her into a bearhug, that may or may not bruised or broke some of her ribs. "I missed you...Don't leave again!"
* Kaelyn went wide eyed as she was yanked in. He was hugging her...in public. God what was this drink doing to him? Ugh her ribs would be sore after his embrace. However arms circled around him and kisses was pressed to his face. "Hi Papi...I promise I won't leave you"
* Doc nodded and loosened his hold, but didn't let her go. There was some dark fear lurking that warned him subconsciously not to let her go. "Good. Leaving will not be tol..tolo.. tolodated.. no.. " he frowned. What was the word..? "ALLOWED!"
* Dominique stood outside the building eyeing the front doors. She had a few reasons for taking a few last moments to figure out how best to enter. First would be the fact the trip was her idea to begin with. Hell, she paid for it. Second...on the trip Doc and Cyth had a rare opportunity to see the ground coming at them at such a speed that no human survived it. Neither did her sire's wife. She swallowed hard. She reached for the door handle and gripped it hard. the last time she went to such it took her a year of drinking to realize no amount of alcohol could ever make it hurt any less. Only a coward would turn and head in the opposite direction. He was there for her when it happened to her and now she would follow his example. She looked heavenward briefly as if answers could be found in the dark sky above her. She knew there would be none for her. Instead she pulled hard on the door and stepped in.
"The Wake" or "May She rest in Pieces.. I mean Peace"
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"The Wake" or "May She rest in Pieces.. I mean Peace"

Ego correctionis silentio grammatica tua
IC Forum username: That Guy
Dressed by Ariadne- Mortll
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Re: "The Wake" or "May She rest in Pieces.. I mean Peace"
* Kaelyn leaned in against him, resting her head on his shoulder. "You won't lose me, Papi. You have me forever and evers." Minus the vacation she'd need to go on eventually...she just wouldn't mention that right now. "Love you, Papi."
* Doc played with her curls. "I know.. I.. " he may have said it.. but he saw Dominique enter, "Minx!" He snapped his fingers at the bartender, "Drink.. for her.. and double for me.. " He slid down the bar to be make room for Minx, but almost fell over, had Mortll not caught him, by being there.
* Dominique moved slowly feeling so ready to crawl out of her skin at the sight of signs of loss, dark coverings, flowers. HOPE went to the back of her neck but dropped quickly. Her dark eyes found him and she approached. She heard her name, well the one he called her and she felt like she could do this. A brow shot up as she caught him ordering drinks upon her arrival. "Oh boy..." She breathed out.
‹Zodiac› *enters quietly and looks around at the mourners present.*
* Kaelyn was tugged with him since she had been leaning against the man. She squealed, nearly toppling out of her stool. As Dom joined them, an arm circled around the woman. "Hey. It's good to see you again. Even under this...circumstance"
* Dominique wanted to ask what happened but could smell the distraction of alcohol...both new and recycled back into the air from the body of her sire. "Doc..." She swallowed hard. "I am so sorry." And she was.
* Dominique a kiss was placed on her niece's cheek. It was then that she tried to smile towards Mortll and spotted Zodiac. The two who always knew what to say to make things better.
‹Zodiac› *still waiting her turn. waves at Mini , but holds her spot. She would find time to speak to Dr Neilson eventually*
‹Alexandrea› *sends a warm greeting mind to mind to Zodiac*
‹Zodiac› *moves towards Alex* So, what exactly is this about? *asks her mentally*
* Kaelyn hugged herself to her Papi as everyone made their greetings.
‹Alexandrea› *An event to honor the memory of a lost loved one. As far as I know... what else could it be?* Alex sent back to Zodiac, slightly confused at the query.
* Doc looked at Minx, "Sorry..? You didn't kill her.. I." He stopped abruptly, reached for the double that the bartender had only that moment set down in front of him. He downed it. Then he pulled Minx into an awkward hug, awkward because he still hadn't let Chub go. And somehow Mortll was still in the group hug as well.
‹Zodiac› ah, forgive me. I knew there was a wake, but not exactly for who *adds to her mindspeak*
* Dominique was closer than ever to several hours of hard liquor vapors flowing down over head and with her cheeks smushed to Doc's chest she mouthed the words to Kae."Is he okay?"
‹Alexandrea› *ohh... Doc's wife. I didn't know her myself but I painted her for Doc as a surprise gift one year...*
Alex replied to Zodiac *I believe he's.... not taking the loss so ... well* Alex frowned with concern
‹Zodiac› his wife? *her eyes grew wide as her mouth dropped open.* oh merciful goddess. No.
* Cytherea had expected to find her husband lurking at home, or perhaps within the Lab, brooding, but there was not where her powers had revealed him to be. No, he was at the cafe, the place he only ever frequented when he was spending time with others, celebrating. As her limber legs drew her closer to the destination, she felt the knot in her stomach increase. There was no way, even he would not do this. Again she was proven wrong as the door gave way and let her inside; there was her husband, in the midst of a group hug, looking as if he'd just won the damn lottery. Meanwhile Cytherea looked like she had been dragged through 10 bushes head first, still wearing the clothing in which he'd stabbed her with, the wound visible from the gaping hole. ''You have got to be ******* kidding me.'' she breathed out, the only one who looked upset was Dom. Of course she didn't expect much from Kaelyn, she'd be happy to have Doc all to herself now. Well, she could have him. After she'd beaten him half to death.
* Dominique her voice broke beneath the embrace. "I bought the tickets!" She confessed. "It was my idea."
* Kaelyn shook her head, speaking in Dom's mind 'No'
‹Alexandrea› Although upon further reflection... Doc was taking the loss of his mate far better than Alex would if she had lost Odin in such a permanent way. The blonde shook with shivering just thinking about it. *Yes... his wife.* Alex confirmed to Zodiac. *Isn't it awful??? Plane crash from what I heard.Out of the country... *
* Doc played with her curls. "I know.. I.. " he may have said it.. but he saw Dominique enter, "Minx!" He snapped his fingers at the bartender, "Drink.. for her.. and double for me.. " He slid down the bar to be make room for Minx, but almost fell over, had Mortll not caught him, by being there.
* Dominique moved slowly feeling so ready to crawl out of her skin at the sight of signs of loss, dark coverings, flowers. HOPE went to the back of her neck but dropped quickly. Her dark eyes found him and she approached. She heard her name, well the one he called her and she felt like she could do this. A brow shot up as she caught him ordering drinks upon her arrival. "Oh boy..." She breathed out.
‹Zodiac› *enters quietly and looks around at the mourners present.*
* Kaelyn was tugged with him since she had been leaning against the man. She squealed, nearly toppling out of her stool. As Dom joined them, an arm circled around the woman. "Hey. It's good to see you again. Even under this...circumstance"
* Dominique wanted to ask what happened but could smell the distraction of alcohol...both new and recycled back into the air from the body of her sire. "Doc..." She swallowed hard. "I am so sorry." And she was.
* Dominique a kiss was placed on her niece's cheek. It was then that she tried to smile towards Mortll and spotted Zodiac. The two who always knew what to say to make things better.
‹Zodiac› *still waiting her turn. waves at Mini , but holds her spot. She would find time to speak to Dr Neilson eventually*
‹Alexandrea› *sends a warm greeting mind to mind to Zodiac*
‹Zodiac› *moves towards Alex* So, what exactly is this about? *asks her mentally*
* Kaelyn hugged herself to her Papi as everyone made their greetings.
‹Alexandrea› *An event to honor the memory of a lost loved one. As far as I know... what else could it be?* Alex sent back to Zodiac, slightly confused at the query.
* Doc looked at Minx, "Sorry..? You didn't kill her.. I." He stopped abruptly, reached for the double that the bartender had only that moment set down in front of him. He downed it. Then he pulled Minx into an awkward hug, awkward because he still hadn't let Chub go. And somehow Mortll was still in the group hug as well.
‹Zodiac› ah, forgive me. I knew there was a wake, but not exactly for who *adds to her mindspeak*
* Dominique was closer than ever to several hours of hard liquor vapors flowing down over head and with her cheeks smushed to Doc's chest she mouthed the words to Kae."Is he okay?"
‹Alexandrea› *ohh... Doc's wife. I didn't know her myself but I painted her for Doc as a surprise gift one year...*
Alex replied to Zodiac *I believe he's.... not taking the loss so ... well* Alex frowned with concern
‹Zodiac› his wife? *her eyes grew wide as her mouth dropped open.* oh merciful goddess. No.
* Cytherea had expected to find her husband lurking at home, or perhaps within the Lab, brooding, but there was not where her powers had revealed him to be. No, he was at the cafe, the place he only ever frequented when he was spending time with others, celebrating. As her limber legs drew her closer to the destination, she felt the knot in her stomach increase. There was no way, even he would not do this. Again she was proven wrong as the door gave way and let her inside; there was her husband, in the midst of a group hug, looking as if he'd just won the damn lottery. Meanwhile Cytherea looked like she had been dragged through 10 bushes head first, still wearing the clothing in which he'd stabbed her with, the wound visible from the gaping hole. ''You have got to be ******* kidding me.'' she breathed out, the only one who looked upset was Dom. Of course she didn't expect much from Kaelyn, she'd be happy to have Doc all to herself now. Well, she could have him. After she'd beaten him half to death.
* Dominique her voice broke beneath the embrace. "I bought the tickets!" She confessed. "It was my idea."
* Kaelyn shook her head, speaking in Dom's mind 'No'
‹Alexandrea› Although upon further reflection... Doc was taking the loss of his mate far better than Alex would if she had lost Odin in such a permanent way. The blonde shook with shivering just thinking about it. *Yes... his wife.* Alex confirmed to Zodiac. *Isn't it awful??? Plane crash from what I heard.Out of the country... *

Andre Broussard, Seva Soryimova, Grace Batton, Natsuko, Tiamat, Shay Sylvar
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Re: "The Wake" or "May She rest in Pieces.. I mean Peace"
* Dominique felt less stable standing where she was now partially holding up Doc along with Kaelyn.
* Kaelyn binked a few times, turning in Doc's embrace, hearing a familiar voice. What hte hell?
* Dominique moved as much as she could looking at the same direction as Kaelyn.
‹Zodiac› Planes. Blah! Far better a ship. at least one can swim. Not all of us can fly.
* Doc shook his head, "So? Pfft..." Blowing alcohol breath into Minx' face. "You were innocent.. " He nodded. He knew who killed her.. he had. And she wasn't coming back. "You know.. I can still hear her voice.. creepy as hell.. BARTENDER.. load me up.."
‹Alexandrea› Alex's eyes went as big around as flying saucers when she followed the gaze of the others and saw.... "Oh! oh... my!"
* Kaelyn nudged him a few times, trying to get Doc to turn around "Papi....Papi you need to look"
* Dominique deadpanned pulling away from Doc and blinking."that is a hell of a thing to say."
‹Zodiac› *tugs on Alex's hand* who is that?
* Dominique punches him in the arm. "Better order than that to drink."
‹Alexandrea› ~starts poking Zodiac~ *It's her! ZOMG!*
* Cytherea stared for a few moments, still hear her voice? Was he serious. Cytherea picked up a nearby bottle, and in no time covered the distance between herself and Doc and the bottle descended down on his head. ''See if you can feel that, you prick.'' She was furious right now.
‹Cytherea› Fantastic. Looks like Lady Luck is on your side. ]
‹Zodiac› *blinks in confusion as she watches the woman attack the Doctor* Her who? Alex, none of this is making any sense
‹Kaelyn› WHAT THE HELL!? *She went wide eyed as a bottle was flailing down towards her Papi's head. She tried to stop it*
‹Alexandrea› Blinking in confusion as the presumed dead started to beat the snot out of the presumed widower, all Alexandrea could do was continue poking Zodiac's arm. A giggle escaping here and there as the fury storm flew at Doc~
‹Mortll› Mortll smiled and smacked Doc on the cheek and then kissed him her mouth moving on his then smacked his cheek again playfully "YOu need to sober up Mister
* Dominique ducked and was about to say what Kae did. "Cyth!" MOved to close the space between them. Was it a trick? One of those that was used on her to appear somewhere else and as if she had killed someone.
* Doc who was, let's face it, wasted as ****, couldn't follow what everyone was up in arms about.. and he was in the middle of a half turn when a bottle came down on his head, and sent him to the floor. He was knocked out cold. ( Fantastic. Looks like Lady Luck is on your side.)
‹Zodiac› *judging by the reactions of others, the woman was, apparently, the dead Mrs Nilson* Pretty lively for a zombie, isn't she?
‹Alexandrea› *Cytherea! Doc's Wife, that's who! Catch up, Zoey!* Alexandrea sent to Zodiac, still poking the Mystic....
‹Alexandrea› *Yeah, for reals!* Alex thought back with a chuckle
‹Zodiac› STOP POKING ME! *swats at Alex. Whatever was going on here, it was not amusing*
‹Mortll› Mortll smiled and smacked Doc on the cheek and then kissed him her mouth moving on his then smacked his cheek again playfully "YOu need to sober up Mister " when she heard the Voice
* Dominique looked at Cyth. "He said he killed you." She looked relieved then raised a finger as if she had a sudden point to make in the chaos. "About those tickets I bought you guys...."
‹Alexandrea› *I wonder what he did... or didn't do. She looks so pissed no wonder she didn't die! Whatever it was, bet it was his fault. It's always the dude's fault.* Alex nodded firmly, certain Doc had whatever his wife did to him coming.
* Kaelyn moved to kneel down by her Papi on the floor, a hand stroking over his face. Eyes shot at Cytherea cold as ice. "What the hell are you doing!? Do you not see how fucked up he is!? Are you playing some ******* game!? He thought you were dead...he's a ******* wreck...and you are hitting him!?"
‹Alexandrea› *okay no more poking* ~nudges Zodiac instead~ *want to place any bets on how this plays out or head for the hills in case innocent bystanders get dragged in?*
* Dominique knew their relationship a little more than likely Kae did. Some got off on hurting each other and these two were a prime example. She was nearly ran over by the woman driving through a farmhouse not long ago.
* Cytherea watched the male fall, her jaw twitching, then she looked at Kae, ''Do yourself a favour, and mind your own ******* business.'' she was not in the mood for her ******** right now. Then she turned to Dom. ''He did, stabbed me right in the chest, the ********. I'd suggest you get her out of her, and I'll borrow this for a second.''
* Kaelyn binked a few times, turning in Doc's embrace, hearing a familiar voice. What hte hell?
* Dominique moved as much as she could looking at the same direction as Kaelyn.
‹Zodiac› Planes. Blah! Far better a ship. at least one can swim. Not all of us can fly.
* Doc shook his head, "So? Pfft..." Blowing alcohol breath into Minx' face. "You were innocent.. " He nodded. He knew who killed her.. he had. And she wasn't coming back. "You know.. I can still hear her voice.. creepy as hell.. BARTENDER.. load me up.."
‹Alexandrea› Alex's eyes went as big around as flying saucers when she followed the gaze of the others and saw.... "Oh! oh... my!"
* Kaelyn nudged him a few times, trying to get Doc to turn around "Papi....Papi you need to look"
* Dominique deadpanned pulling away from Doc and blinking."that is a hell of a thing to say."
‹Zodiac› *tugs on Alex's hand* who is that?
* Dominique punches him in the arm. "Better order than that to drink."
‹Alexandrea› ~starts poking Zodiac~ *It's her! ZOMG!*
* Cytherea stared for a few moments, still hear her voice? Was he serious. Cytherea picked up a nearby bottle, and in no time covered the distance between herself and Doc and the bottle descended down on his head. ''See if you can feel that, you prick.'' She was furious right now.
‹Cytherea› Fantastic. Looks like Lady Luck is on your side. ]
‹Zodiac› *blinks in confusion as she watches the woman attack the Doctor* Her who? Alex, none of this is making any sense
‹Kaelyn› WHAT THE HELL!? *She went wide eyed as a bottle was flailing down towards her Papi's head. She tried to stop it*
‹Alexandrea› Blinking in confusion as the presumed dead started to beat the snot out of the presumed widower, all Alexandrea could do was continue poking Zodiac's arm. A giggle escaping here and there as the fury storm flew at Doc~
‹Mortll› Mortll smiled and smacked Doc on the cheek and then kissed him her mouth moving on his then smacked his cheek again playfully "YOu need to sober up Mister
* Dominique ducked and was about to say what Kae did. "Cyth!" MOved to close the space between them. Was it a trick? One of those that was used on her to appear somewhere else and as if she had killed someone.
* Doc who was, let's face it, wasted as ****, couldn't follow what everyone was up in arms about.. and he was in the middle of a half turn when a bottle came down on his head, and sent him to the floor. He was knocked out cold. ( Fantastic. Looks like Lady Luck is on your side.)
‹Zodiac› *judging by the reactions of others, the woman was, apparently, the dead Mrs Nilson* Pretty lively for a zombie, isn't she?
‹Alexandrea› *Cytherea! Doc's Wife, that's who! Catch up, Zoey!* Alexandrea sent to Zodiac, still poking the Mystic....
‹Alexandrea› *Yeah, for reals!* Alex thought back with a chuckle
‹Zodiac› STOP POKING ME! *swats at Alex. Whatever was going on here, it was not amusing*
‹Mortll› Mortll smiled and smacked Doc on the cheek and then kissed him her mouth moving on his then smacked his cheek again playfully "YOu need to sober up Mister " when she heard the Voice
* Dominique looked at Cyth. "He said he killed you." She looked relieved then raised a finger as if she had a sudden point to make in the chaos. "About those tickets I bought you guys...."
‹Alexandrea› *I wonder what he did... or didn't do. She looks so pissed no wonder she didn't die! Whatever it was, bet it was his fault. It's always the dude's fault.* Alex nodded firmly, certain Doc had whatever his wife did to him coming.
* Kaelyn moved to kneel down by her Papi on the floor, a hand stroking over his face. Eyes shot at Cytherea cold as ice. "What the hell are you doing!? Do you not see how fucked up he is!? Are you playing some ******* game!? He thought you were dead...he's a ******* wreck...and you are hitting him!?"
‹Alexandrea› *okay no more poking* ~nudges Zodiac instead~ *want to place any bets on how this plays out or head for the hills in case innocent bystanders get dragged in?*
* Dominique knew their relationship a little more than likely Kae did. Some got off on hurting each other and these two were a prime example. She was nearly ran over by the woman driving through a farmhouse not long ago.
* Cytherea watched the male fall, her jaw twitching, then she looked at Kae, ''Do yourself a favour, and mind your own ******* business.'' she was not in the mood for her ******** right now. Then she turned to Dom. ''He did, stabbed me right in the chest, the ********. I'd suggest you get her out of her, and I'll borrow this for a second.''
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Re: "The Wake" or "May She rest in Pieces.. I mean Peace"
* Cytherea took the blade she saw Dom conceal, which she used to poke Doc sharply through the shoulder, trying to rouse him from sleep. ''Wake up, you asshole.''
‹Cytherea› succeeded on both. ]
‹Zodiac› I want to know what kind of person finds such a trick amusing *she glanced at Alex*
* Kaelyn didn't know about the fact that Doc 'killed her.' She just saw a crazy lady attacking her Papi. With the blade being shoved through Doc's shoulder, Kae lunged herself at the woman, attempting to tackle her to the floor.
‹Alexandrea› *I.... do not think any of this was meant to be a trick. THAT's what so amusing.* Alex replied to Zodiac with a wink.
* Dominique looked at Kae then felt the weapon slide from her waist. That was not a good move. despite the public setting, the circumstances all that she could do was react. Her concern was rising with the force of a volcano and with that an energy that she could not stop once it started took over and in its wake she was over Doc roaring with warning in her lioness form.
‹Kaelyn› she failed >.> ))
‹Zodiac› Okay, wrestling wenches and roaring lions. Now it's getting entertaining
* Doc was coming around, still wasted, didn't feel the pain so much as the discomfort. "Ow.." He sat up and rubbed the back of his head, "What happened..?" His vision obscured as Chub threw herself at someone.
"Looks like Chub can't hold her alcohol.." Louder, "No fighting! It's ******* disrespectful!" He attempted to get to his feet, and failed a couple of times before finally getting to his feet.. At which point he turned to face the bar and get a drink.
* Dominique narrowed her eyes, her head lowering but her neck aligned with the spine. She saw in hues of green as she paced between the space smelling her sire's blood. Her massive head shook and she stood on all four paws beside him It was that damn devotion to him that had her ready to tear apart anything that came at him whether he was wrong or right.
‹Alexandrea› ~sighs~ Ain't love grand? He's a mess cus he loves her so much and she's out of her mind furious all because of him. That's so wonderful. ~sighs again, completely serious about how great she thinks it all is~
* Cytherea could feel her ire climbing bit by bit, Kaelyn seemed intent on putting herself in a situation she had no place in, and when she dove for Cyth, the female just stepped to the side, choosing to ignore her for now. At this point, if she had to stab Dom to get to Doc, she ******* would. Doc had this coming, and he knew that. Just as she poised herself to attack, her face seething with the anger she felt, Doc stood up. and went back to drinking.. disbelief flooded her features. ''Are you ******* kidding me?'' she all but screamed at him. ''You kill me, and all you care to do is ******* celebrate? You are a ******* psycho.''
‹Zodiac› Love? Please, a marketable commodity at best *takes a seat at a table just out of reach of the free for all*
‹Alexandrea› ~gets all dreamy eyed remembering the last time Odin killed her~
* Kaelyn picked herself off the floor and went right back after the woman. This time her gun was pulled from her holster and pointing at the crazy red head "You ******* touch him again, I'll put a bullet in your ******* brains"
‹Alexandrea› *well it shows they both care....* Alex defended her romantic view of the couple
‹Zodiac› *looks at Alex* Woman, I sell 'love' in little tiny bottles. 'Just two drops will bring your dreams to you'. People buy it like crazy.
* Dominique paces around Doc while her long tawny tail sweeps slowly back and forth in warning.
* Doc shook his head while tossing back another double shot. "I am being fuckin' haunted.." he says to the bartender, who was staring wide eyed at someone behind Doc, "I am seerisss.. "finally realizing the bartender wasn't paying attention to him, "What the **** you starin at?" He turned and saw Cytherea. He closed his eyes.. then opened them. He then squinted one eye shut. "Chain?"
‹Zodiac› it's showtime *nudges alex*
‹Alexandrea› ~grins~
* Cytherea had reached her limit with Kaelyn, her body turning slightly, palm shoving itself right into her face as she pacified the other. ''Like I said, sit down, be a good girl, and mind your own damn business.'' With that done, she turned back, her gaze falling back on Doc as he spoke. ''What's the matter, you seem shocked to see me? Probably because the last time you saw me, you shoved a stake into my chest and killed me.''
‹Cytherea› succeeded on both. ]
‹Zodiac› I want to know what kind of person finds such a trick amusing *she glanced at Alex*
* Kaelyn didn't know about the fact that Doc 'killed her.' She just saw a crazy lady attacking her Papi. With the blade being shoved through Doc's shoulder, Kae lunged herself at the woman, attempting to tackle her to the floor.
‹Alexandrea› *I.... do not think any of this was meant to be a trick. THAT's what so amusing.* Alex replied to Zodiac with a wink.
* Dominique looked at Kae then felt the weapon slide from her waist. That was not a good move. despite the public setting, the circumstances all that she could do was react. Her concern was rising with the force of a volcano and with that an energy that she could not stop once it started took over and in its wake she was over Doc roaring with warning in her lioness form.
‹Kaelyn› she failed >.> ))
‹Zodiac› Okay, wrestling wenches and roaring lions. Now it's getting entertaining
* Doc was coming around, still wasted, didn't feel the pain so much as the discomfort. "Ow.." He sat up and rubbed the back of his head, "What happened..?" His vision obscured as Chub threw herself at someone.
"Looks like Chub can't hold her alcohol.." Louder, "No fighting! It's ******* disrespectful!" He attempted to get to his feet, and failed a couple of times before finally getting to his feet.. At which point he turned to face the bar and get a drink.
* Dominique narrowed her eyes, her head lowering but her neck aligned with the spine. She saw in hues of green as she paced between the space smelling her sire's blood. Her massive head shook and she stood on all four paws beside him It was that damn devotion to him that had her ready to tear apart anything that came at him whether he was wrong or right.
‹Alexandrea› ~sighs~ Ain't love grand? He's a mess cus he loves her so much and she's out of her mind furious all because of him. That's so wonderful. ~sighs again, completely serious about how great she thinks it all is~
* Cytherea could feel her ire climbing bit by bit, Kaelyn seemed intent on putting herself in a situation she had no place in, and when she dove for Cyth, the female just stepped to the side, choosing to ignore her for now. At this point, if she had to stab Dom to get to Doc, she ******* would. Doc had this coming, and he knew that. Just as she poised herself to attack, her face seething with the anger she felt, Doc stood up. and went back to drinking.. disbelief flooded her features. ''Are you ******* kidding me?'' she all but screamed at him. ''You kill me, and all you care to do is ******* celebrate? You are a ******* psycho.''
‹Zodiac› Love? Please, a marketable commodity at best *takes a seat at a table just out of reach of the free for all*
‹Alexandrea› ~gets all dreamy eyed remembering the last time Odin killed her~
* Kaelyn picked herself off the floor and went right back after the woman. This time her gun was pulled from her holster and pointing at the crazy red head "You ******* touch him again, I'll put a bullet in your ******* brains"
‹Alexandrea› *well it shows they both care....* Alex defended her romantic view of the couple
‹Zodiac› *looks at Alex* Woman, I sell 'love' in little tiny bottles. 'Just two drops will bring your dreams to you'. People buy it like crazy.
* Dominique paces around Doc while her long tawny tail sweeps slowly back and forth in warning.
* Doc shook his head while tossing back another double shot. "I am being fuckin' haunted.." he says to the bartender, who was staring wide eyed at someone behind Doc, "I am seerisss.. "finally realizing the bartender wasn't paying attention to him, "What the **** you starin at?" He turned and saw Cytherea. He closed his eyes.. then opened them. He then squinted one eye shut. "Chain?"
‹Zodiac› it's showtime *nudges alex*
‹Alexandrea› ~grins~
* Cytherea had reached her limit with Kaelyn, her body turning slightly, palm shoving itself right into her face as she pacified the other. ''Like I said, sit down, be a good girl, and mind your own damn business.'' With that done, she turned back, her gaze falling back on Doc as he spoke. ''What's the matter, you seem shocked to see me? Probably because the last time you saw me, you shoved a stake into my chest and killed me.''

Death is a delightful hiding place for weary men.

Death is a delightful hiding place for weary men.
- Alexandrea
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- CrowNet Handle: xRobynxHoodx (aka AlexQ)
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Re: "The Wake" or "May She rest in Pieces.. I mean Peace"
‹Cytherea› Using your allurism powers, you pacify Kaelyn, who becomes less aggressive towards you. They will be unable to attack you until the end of the day. ]
‹Alexandrea› *Oh.My. That wasn't nice.* She whispers
‹Zodiac› farkin' allurists
* Kaelyn suddenly had a change of heart....this was very odd for her. Once her mind was set on
something...especially when it came to protecting those she loved, nothing would have it waiver. But she found herself holstering her gun and becoming much more relaxed. This was a lovers' spat....they'd work it out, yeah? Turning, she saw her lovey in the door way. Had he seen her attacking the other woman? She smiled to Stagger and made her way to his side.
‹Alexandrea› Turns to Zo *A stake in the chest? How... clisque...*
‹Zodiac› Least he didn't cut her head off and stuff garlic down her neck. that's really old school stuff there *grins*
* Doc reached out a finger to poke at Cytherea. She was real. He suddenly grinned wide. "CHAIN!" He stepped, actually fell forward and hugged her. "How? I killed you.." He breathed alcohol laced breath in her face.
‹Alexandrea› ~tries not to giggle and fails~
* Dominique felt the difficulty in trying to reason while she was covered in fur. This was for the birds. It was also difficult to get her knife back with only her paws to work with. Hugging happened and with that her inked skin appeared fluid like and there she was close enough to her drink to grab it. Love was grand. The drink went to her lips as she hopped up on the bar stool.
‹Zodiac› and I canceled a hair appointment for this? *gets up*
‹Alexandrea› ~starts poking Zodiac again for a moment then remembers and stops~ *See? Look how happy he is to see her. Maybe he did kill her but that doesn't mean he doesn't lover her! But I bet she wishes he had a breath mint right about now*
‹Zodiac› oh some serious nasal congestion
‹Alexandrea› *oh your hair always looks great, be real*
* Dominique raises her glass to Zo and makes her way over once she hops back off her stool.
‹Zodiac› hey. time to retouch the colors
‹Alexandrea› *I can do that for ya. Have a ghoul's night*
* Cytherea clamped her lips tightly together when Doc poked her; it was like toying with a hornets nest, he was about to get stung, buzz buzz ***********. When he screamed her name and threw himself on her, she had to let go of the weapon she'd borrowed from Dom, blanching at the breath in her face. ''Dear god.'' she grimaced, trying to turn her face away. ''You did, why do you think I'm pissed, you nutjob.''
* Dominique took the weapon on her way over to the ladies.
‹Zodiac› What's up, Mini butt? *grins as she approaches*
‹Alexandrea› ~gives Dominique a warm smile~
‹Doc› "You're angry.. but I am really happy to see you.." He grinned stupidly at her. He caressed her face. "I missed you."
‹Alexandrea› ~melts~ Awwww! She exclaims quite loudly
* Dominique winks at Alexandrea and leans in and squeezes Zodiac tight while not letting go of her drink.
* Cytherea opened her mouth to give him a tongue lashing his mother would be proud of, but the words died as she heard what he said. ''..what?'' How ******* drunk was he?
‹Alexandrea› ~whispers~ Still... my money's on her to kick his arse. Any takers?
‹Zodiac› I want to know why I get dragged into places where I'm the only one who can't drink
* Dominique stepped back and nodded. She could go with winning a little extra. "I am in for a grand. Or you feeling really lucky? Pretty sure she will do it. She nearly ran my *** over in a farmhouse with his car."
* Doc was ******* wasted. A four day drunk. "I do." he closed his eyes, "I did." He nodded, "Yes.. I did. I can't 'do' 'cause you're here..so it was 'did'." He nodded. He pulled her into a hug. One of those, he could break ribs hugs, cause .. well he was happy she was back.
‹Alexandrea› ~ponders this~ Say yeah... used to be only a few of us could do that and fewer still would get drunk. Like me, lol*
‹Alexandrea› Let's make it interesting. How about betting dares? I bet you one streaking through town that she ends him to the SR in 3 rounds.
‹Zodiac› *points to the doctor* I'd murder the lot of you just to get that hammered again
‹Zodiac› ummmmmm. how bout no?
* Cytherea had never heard Doc be openly 'affectionate', so at that point she knew he was drunk, or even something beyond drunk. ''Listen,'' she went to start but was completely shut down as he hugged her, pretty sure a rib just snapped. ''Jesus **** me, what the ****.''
‹Alexandrea› *Oh.My. That wasn't nice.* She whispers
‹Zodiac› farkin' allurists
* Kaelyn suddenly had a change of heart....this was very odd for her. Once her mind was set on
something...especially when it came to protecting those she loved, nothing would have it waiver. But she found herself holstering her gun and becoming much more relaxed. This was a lovers' spat....they'd work it out, yeah? Turning, she saw her lovey in the door way. Had he seen her attacking the other woman? She smiled to Stagger and made her way to his side.
‹Alexandrea› Turns to Zo *A stake in the chest? How... clisque...*
‹Zodiac› Least he didn't cut her head off and stuff garlic down her neck. that's really old school stuff there *grins*
* Doc reached out a finger to poke at Cytherea. She was real. He suddenly grinned wide. "CHAIN!" He stepped, actually fell forward and hugged her. "How? I killed you.." He breathed alcohol laced breath in her face.
‹Alexandrea› ~tries not to giggle and fails~
* Dominique felt the difficulty in trying to reason while she was covered in fur. This was for the birds. It was also difficult to get her knife back with only her paws to work with. Hugging happened and with that her inked skin appeared fluid like and there she was close enough to her drink to grab it. Love was grand. The drink went to her lips as she hopped up on the bar stool.
‹Zodiac› and I canceled a hair appointment for this? *gets up*
‹Alexandrea› ~starts poking Zodiac again for a moment then remembers and stops~ *See? Look how happy he is to see her. Maybe he did kill her but that doesn't mean he doesn't lover her! But I bet she wishes he had a breath mint right about now*
‹Zodiac› oh some serious nasal congestion
‹Alexandrea› *oh your hair always looks great, be real*
* Dominique raises her glass to Zo and makes her way over once she hops back off her stool.
‹Zodiac› hey. time to retouch the colors
‹Alexandrea› *I can do that for ya. Have a ghoul's night*
* Cytherea clamped her lips tightly together when Doc poked her; it was like toying with a hornets nest, he was about to get stung, buzz buzz ***********. When he screamed her name and threw himself on her, she had to let go of the weapon she'd borrowed from Dom, blanching at the breath in her face. ''Dear god.'' she grimaced, trying to turn her face away. ''You did, why do you think I'm pissed, you nutjob.''
* Dominique took the weapon on her way over to the ladies.
‹Zodiac› What's up, Mini butt? *grins as she approaches*
‹Alexandrea› ~gives Dominique a warm smile~
‹Doc› "You're angry.. but I am really happy to see you.." He grinned stupidly at her. He caressed her face. "I missed you."
‹Alexandrea› ~melts~ Awwww! She exclaims quite loudly
* Dominique winks at Alexandrea and leans in and squeezes Zodiac tight while not letting go of her drink.
* Cytherea opened her mouth to give him a tongue lashing his mother would be proud of, but the words died as she heard what he said. ''..what?'' How ******* drunk was he?
‹Alexandrea› ~whispers~ Still... my money's on her to kick his arse. Any takers?
‹Zodiac› I want to know why I get dragged into places where I'm the only one who can't drink
* Dominique stepped back and nodded. She could go with winning a little extra. "I am in for a grand. Or you feeling really lucky? Pretty sure she will do it. She nearly ran my *** over in a farmhouse with his car."
* Doc was ******* wasted. A four day drunk. "I do." he closed his eyes, "I did." He nodded, "Yes.. I did. I can't 'do' 'cause you're here..so it was 'did'." He nodded. He pulled her into a hug. One of those, he could break ribs hugs, cause .. well he was happy she was back.
‹Alexandrea› ~ponders this~ Say yeah... used to be only a few of us could do that and fewer still would get drunk. Like me, lol*
‹Alexandrea› Let's make it interesting. How about betting dares? I bet you one streaking through town that she ends him to the SR in 3 rounds.
‹Zodiac› *points to the doctor* I'd murder the lot of you just to get that hammered again
‹Zodiac› ummmmmm. how bout no?
* Cytherea had never heard Doc be openly 'affectionate', so at that point she knew he was drunk, or even something beyond drunk. ''Listen,'' she went to start but was completely shut down as he hugged her, pretty sure a rib just snapped. ''Jesus **** me, what the ****.''
Crownet Handle: xRobynxHoodx

- Zodiac
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- CrowNet Handle: Raggedy Ann
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Re: "The Wake" or "May She rest in Pieces.. I mean Peace"
* Dominique takes another sip of her drink eyeing up the sire she had enough rows with to know he was a bad *** when he wanted to be. Then again Cytherea was insane as all hell. She smirked. She liked the woman...a lot. "Sounds like you have yourself a bet." She winked at alex and extended HOPE out to shake on it."
‹Alexandrea› Sweet! ~shakes back and then fist bumps~
‹Zodiac› I'll get my camera ready
* Kaelyn stroked fingers over Stagger's face and pushed a kiss to his lips. Pacifying her shut off all the angry, rawr instincts. She was just happy to see Stagger there. And Cyth was back, so Doc would be fine.
‹Alexandrea› Is it high speed film?
‹Zodiac› always
* Doc nuzzled his face into her neck and smelled her; then sighed in a content way. He wasn't going to let her go. He didn't say anything. He didn't need to. If this was an alcoholic delusion, he was going to enjoy while he could.
‹Zodiac› Got a Nikon I 'liberated' from one of those reporters once. thing is fast and sweet
* Dominique watched the loving couple while the whiskey rolled over her tongue behind her lips. She looked to Kae and found Stagger had arrived. She nodded to the bartender who happened to glance her way. She pointed to Stag and raised her glass again to signal sending over what she was drinking.
* Cytherea could admit she had tendencies to be insane, but when she beat the living crap out of Doc, she would do it when he was aware of his surroundings, she wasn't going to take this kind of advantage, because in his current state, she could probably snap his neck with little issue. ''I think it's time we took you home and put you in bed, hmm? Does that sound nice?''
‹Zodiac› aw hell. show's over *pouts*
* Dominique settled into a seat next to Zodiac and Alex.
‹Alexandrea› ~giggles~ That's so cute.....
‹Dominique› "They love so much it hurts. Ain't it?" She glanced back at them and shook her head.
‹Doc› "Nope" He said into her neck. "You'll go away."
‹Zodiac› Love is just a fancy word for war, ladies, and that woman is planning on a siege
* Dominique nods. "You know it."
‹Alexandrea› ~sighs feeling jealous but happy for them~ I guess I get to run through town naked .... ~laughs~
* Dominique leaned down and looked at alex's legs. "YOu shave for this?"
* Doc would agree with Zo.. if he was capable of hearing and understanding..
‹Alexandrea› Wait and see.... ~crosses her silk pant covered legs~
* Dominique shrugged and sipped her drink. "And I was worried this was going to be a depressing night."
‹Zodiac› oh she does shave *nods*
‹Alexandrea› Shhhh ~giggles~
‹Zodiac› I wonder if they have 'Puppy Love' on the jukebox
* Cytherea should have expected him to say no, it was Doc, ''Aha.. I'm not going anywhere, you can trust me on that one.'' It was annoying her that he was being affectionate, because part of her was thrilled, ecstatic, wanting to forget the whole mess. Then there was the other side, who wanted to pull every hair off his body slowly until he was crying like a child. ''Fine, get me a drink at least. I've been stuck god knows where for a week.''
* Doc yelled into her neck "drinks all 'round."
* Cytherea felt her resting ***** face kick in as she felt him spit all over her neck as he spoke. Dear god, how the **** was she meant to cope with drunk Doc?
* Kaelyn loved drunk Doc. He was affectionate and lovely
* Dominique unlike her sire she knew from first hand experience she was at her limit. She had to runs her business and seeing alex run through town naked was best done sober to appreciate it. She waved her drink coming towards Cyth. The woman needed it far more than she did.
‹Mortll› Mortll had just sat back and watched it all happening Cytherea was like a ******* StD that kept popping up every so often once you thought she was gone for good she would come right back full force It was enough to make Mortll wish she could get about as plastered as Doc was now She pushed away from the bar and went over to the jukebox maybe a bit of music would ease her mind She grinned as she put in her selection and turned walking back to the bar as the song began to play
‹Mortll› https://www.youtube.com/watch?...FPa6xuI
* Cytherea sent Dom a look of utter desperation, taking the drink. ''Thanks... how long has he been like this? Because I'm pretty sure he's gonna have a week long hangover. Wanna watch it unfold together?''
* Dominique takes another sip of her drink eyeing up the sire she had enough rows with to know he was a bad *** when he wanted to be. Then again Cytherea was insane as all hell. She smirked. She liked the woman...a lot. "Sounds like you have yourself a bet." She winked at alex and extended HOPE out to shake on it."
‹Alexandrea› Sweet! ~shakes back and then fist bumps~
‹Zodiac› I'll get my camera ready
* Kaelyn stroked fingers over Stagger's face and pushed a kiss to his lips. Pacifying her shut off all the angry, rawr instincts. She was just happy to see Stagger there. And Cyth was back, so Doc would be fine.
‹Alexandrea› Is it high speed film?
‹Zodiac› always
* Doc nuzzled his face into her neck and smelled her; then sighed in a content way. He wasn't going to let her go. He didn't say anything. He didn't need to. If this was an alcoholic delusion, he was going to enjoy while he could.
‹Zodiac› Got a Nikon I 'liberated' from one of those reporters once. thing is fast and sweet
* Dominique watched the loving couple while the whiskey rolled over her tongue behind her lips. She looked to Kae and found Stagger had arrived. She nodded to the bartender who happened to glance her way. She pointed to Stag and raised her glass again to signal sending over what she was drinking.
* Cytherea could admit she had tendencies to be insane, but when she beat the living crap out of Doc, she would do it when he was aware of his surroundings, she wasn't going to take this kind of advantage, because in his current state, she could probably snap his neck with little issue. ''I think it's time we took you home and put you in bed, hmm? Does that sound nice?''
‹Zodiac› aw hell. show's over *pouts*
* Dominique settled into a seat next to Zodiac and Alex.
‹Alexandrea› ~giggles~ That's so cute.....
‹Dominique› "They love so much it hurts. Ain't it?" She glanced back at them and shook her head.
‹Doc› "Nope" He said into her neck. "You'll go away."
‹Zodiac› Love is just a fancy word for war, ladies, and that woman is planning on a siege
* Dominique nods. "You know it."
‹Alexandrea› ~sighs feeling jealous but happy for them~ I guess I get to run through town naked .... ~laughs~
* Dominique leaned down and looked at alex's legs. "YOu shave for this?"
* Doc would agree with Zo.. if he was capable of hearing and understanding..
‹Alexandrea› Wait and see.... ~crosses her silk pant covered legs~
* Dominique shrugged and sipped her drink. "And I was worried this was going to be a depressing night."
‹Zodiac› oh she does shave *nods*
‹Alexandrea› Shhhh ~giggles~
‹Zodiac› I wonder if they have 'Puppy Love' on the jukebox
* Cytherea should have expected him to say no, it was Doc, ''Aha.. I'm not going anywhere, you can trust me on that one.'' It was annoying her that he was being affectionate, because part of her was thrilled, ecstatic, wanting to forget the whole mess. Then there was the other side, who wanted to pull every hair off his body slowly until he was crying like a child. ''Fine, get me a drink at least. I've been stuck god knows where for a week.''
* Doc yelled into her neck "drinks all 'round."
* Cytherea felt her resting ***** face kick in as she felt him spit all over her neck as he spoke. Dear god, how the **** was she meant to cope with drunk Doc?
* Kaelyn loved drunk Doc. He was affectionate and lovely
* Dominique unlike her sire she knew from first hand experience she was at her limit. She had to runs her business and seeing alex run through town naked was best done sober to appreciate it. She waved her drink coming towards Cyth. The woman needed it far more than she did.
‹Mortll› Mortll had just sat back and watched it all happening Cytherea was like a ******* StD that kept popping up every so often once you thought she was gone for good she would come right back full force It was enough to make Mortll wish she could get about as plastered as Doc was now She pushed away from the bar and went over to the jukebox maybe a bit of music would ease her mind She grinned as she put in her selection and turned walking back to the bar as the song began to play
‹Mortll› https://www.youtube.com/watch?...FPa6xuI
* Cytherea sent Dom a look of utter desperation, taking the drink. ''Thanks... how long has he been like this? Because I'm pretty sure he's gonna have a week long hangover. Wanna watch it unfold together?''
Some day I'm gonna be happy. I don't know when just now

I still have clouds to dance upon, and the moon expects me for tea
The Pandora Project.

I still have clouds to dance upon, and the moon expects me for tea
The Pandora Project.
- Registered User
- Posts: 3014
- Joined: 05 May 2013, 02:32
- CrowNet Handle: We Regret To Inform U
Re: "The Wake" or "May She rest in Pieces.. I mean Peace"
‹Zodiac› *waves off the arriving drink* I am sick of pretending to drink them, smelling them and not being able to enjoy them. However *pats her purse* either of you want to enjoy a major herbal experience....
‹Alexandrea› ~surprised to be one of the few to NOT be drinking for once, Alex realized she couldn't even blame being drunk on her upcoming run...~
* Dominique winced. "I just heard about this. Honestly no clue how long the guy has been drowning in booze."
* Kaelyn had given Stag a smooch before he headed out. Feet then took her back over to her Papi and the others. "He's been drunk like this a while...a few days or so"
‹Zodiac› think like an olympian, Alex *cackles*
* Dominique chuckles.
‹Zodiac› now representing harper rock in the 400 meter sprint
‹Dominique› "It is going to be hell until it wears off. Longest I had the effects was...what was it a full week after I stopped drinking? I regretted it for weeks after that."
* Doc was still holding Cyth in a clinch. He was afraid if he let go, she would disappear. He heard people talking, and even felt the vibration of Cytherea talking through his hug. However, all the memories kept coming back too. Memories he didn't want to remember. The alcohol did make them stay away. But now they were coming back. He tightened his hold on her.
<Zodiac› *takes one last look around the malfunctioning family in play and shakes her head.* and people got the nerve to say my life is fucked up?
* Cytherea felt that hold strengthen, her initial reaction was to knock him out, but instead she settled for stroking the back of his head as she listened to both women. ''Well, I guess even he does things he regrets..'' she mumbled.
‹Zodiac› *reaches into her purse and touches her tome*
* Doc did regret it. More than he will ever admit. And it will bother him for a long ... long time.
* Kaelyn stared at the crazy woman. "He loves you, ya know."
* Dominique glances at Kae. She nodded though was interested in how her tune switched. Kae was ready to throat punch Cyth not that long ago.
* Cytherea turned to look at Kaelyn, ''Lets hope your boyfriend doesn't love you enough to take you to another country and stab you in the chest.'' She just kept petting Doc, hoping he'd fall asleep at some point.
‹Kaelyn› Our love is different
‹Kaelyn› Stag would protect me with his life
* Roderic saunters in, sees Doc and...well...guess this wasn't a wake after all. Ric shrugs, grabs his smokes, lighter and lights the cig. "Doc having a mid-life crisis or something?"
* Dominique wouldn't say it outloud but was swooning at the thought for so many twisted reasons that only Cubby could understand.
* Doc wraps her hair around his hand. You know.. just in case the illusion tried to get away, as he finally looked up at hearing Ric's voice. "Ric.. "
‹Roderic› "Doc." Ric watches the interaction between Doc and the wife.
‹Mortll› Mortll was growing more concerned for Docs well being each time Cytherea opened her mouth Yeah he probably deserved a good *** kicking but not in the state he is in " Maybe Dom should take him to her place tonight and let him sleep it off "
* Roderic stares at Dom and just allows the head to be shook.
‹Doc› "Not dead..."
* Cytherea had little idea why he was fisting her hair, but at that moment, she didn't seem bothered as she spoke to Kaelyn some more. ''That's very true, we're.. different.'' And pretty fucked up, she thought to herself. When Mortll spoke, she offered a smile, wrapping her arm around Doc's shoulder as she crooned. ''Nah, he doesn't wanna leave me, do you babe?'' she said to him, being a bit sickly even for her own taste.
* Dominique brow jumps as she looks to Mortll."He won't be sleeping that off. He has worked at it for four nights it will take more than 8 hours to get rid of. "
‹Roderic› "We're all technically dead." Ric said pointedly
‹Doc› "Nope not leaving." said to Cytherea, then he grinned at Ric. "**** you."
* Roderic flips Doc off.
* Kaelyn smirked a little bit "I think I need a vacation after all this drama..."
‹Cytherea› ''I see the bromance has fully blossomed,'' she teased.
‹Mortll› Mortll Glared at Dom and spoke directly into the other womans mind "Better him sleeping it off at your place than the Shrew letting him rest it off in the shadow realm "
* Dominique knew it never ended.
* Roderic points to Dom. "We're going to Alaska...speaking of..." Ric looks at Dom.
‹Kaelyn› Don't die out there…
‹Cytherea› ''What Kae said, I'll buy you some thermo underwear.''
‹Kaelyn› What the hell is in Alaska? Deep country hunting or something?
* Doc turned to look at Cytherea fully, "You are real.. Right?"
‹Alexandrea› ~surprised to be one of the few to NOT be drinking for once, Alex realized she couldn't even blame being drunk on her upcoming run...~
* Dominique winced. "I just heard about this. Honestly no clue how long the guy has been drowning in booze."
* Kaelyn had given Stag a smooch before he headed out. Feet then took her back over to her Papi and the others. "He's been drunk like this a while...a few days or so"
‹Zodiac› think like an olympian, Alex *cackles*
* Dominique chuckles.
‹Zodiac› now representing harper rock in the 400 meter sprint
‹Dominique› "It is going to be hell until it wears off. Longest I had the effects was...what was it a full week after I stopped drinking? I regretted it for weeks after that."
* Doc was still holding Cyth in a clinch. He was afraid if he let go, she would disappear. He heard people talking, and even felt the vibration of Cytherea talking through his hug. However, all the memories kept coming back too. Memories he didn't want to remember. The alcohol did make them stay away. But now they were coming back. He tightened his hold on her.
<Zodiac› *takes one last look around the malfunctioning family in play and shakes her head.* and people got the nerve to say my life is fucked up?
* Cytherea felt that hold strengthen, her initial reaction was to knock him out, but instead she settled for stroking the back of his head as she listened to both women. ''Well, I guess even he does things he regrets..'' she mumbled.
‹Zodiac› *reaches into her purse and touches her tome*
* Doc did regret it. More than he will ever admit. And it will bother him for a long ... long time.
* Kaelyn stared at the crazy woman. "He loves you, ya know."
* Dominique glances at Kae. She nodded though was interested in how her tune switched. Kae was ready to throat punch Cyth not that long ago.
* Cytherea turned to look at Kaelyn, ''Lets hope your boyfriend doesn't love you enough to take you to another country and stab you in the chest.'' She just kept petting Doc, hoping he'd fall asleep at some point.
‹Kaelyn› Our love is different
‹Kaelyn› Stag would protect me with his life
* Roderic saunters in, sees Doc and...well...guess this wasn't a wake after all. Ric shrugs, grabs his smokes, lighter and lights the cig. "Doc having a mid-life crisis or something?"
* Dominique wouldn't say it outloud but was swooning at the thought for so many twisted reasons that only Cubby could understand.
* Doc wraps her hair around his hand. You know.. just in case the illusion tried to get away, as he finally looked up at hearing Ric's voice. "Ric.. "
‹Roderic› "Doc." Ric watches the interaction between Doc and the wife.
‹Mortll› Mortll was growing more concerned for Docs well being each time Cytherea opened her mouth Yeah he probably deserved a good *** kicking but not in the state he is in " Maybe Dom should take him to her place tonight and let him sleep it off "
* Roderic stares at Dom and just allows the head to be shook.
‹Doc› "Not dead..."
* Cytherea had little idea why he was fisting her hair, but at that moment, she didn't seem bothered as she spoke to Kaelyn some more. ''That's very true, we're.. different.'' And pretty fucked up, she thought to herself. When Mortll spoke, she offered a smile, wrapping her arm around Doc's shoulder as she crooned. ''Nah, he doesn't wanna leave me, do you babe?'' she said to him, being a bit sickly even for her own taste.
* Dominique brow jumps as she looks to Mortll."He won't be sleeping that off. He has worked at it for four nights it will take more than 8 hours to get rid of. "
‹Roderic› "We're all technically dead." Ric said pointedly
‹Doc› "Nope not leaving." said to Cytherea, then he grinned at Ric. "**** you."
* Roderic flips Doc off.
* Kaelyn smirked a little bit "I think I need a vacation after all this drama..."
‹Cytherea› ''I see the bromance has fully blossomed,'' she teased.
‹Mortll› Mortll Glared at Dom and spoke directly into the other womans mind "Better him sleeping it off at your place than the Shrew letting him rest it off in the shadow realm "
* Dominique knew it never ended.
* Roderic points to Dom. "We're going to Alaska...speaking of..." Ric looks at Dom.
‹Kaelyn› Don't die out there…
‹Cytherea› ''What Kae said, I'll buy you some thermo underwear.''
‹Kaelyn› What the hell is in Alaska? Deep country hunting or something?
* Doc turned to look at Cytherea fully, "You are real.. Right?"
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Re: "The Wake" or "May She rest in Pieces.. I mean Peace"
* Dominique glanced to Mortll and was about to say something when Ric mentioned their trip. She was confident it would be just as exciting as Doc and Cyths. "So looking forward to it."
* Cytherea looked at Doc for a moment, deliberating how to answer that, she settled on just kissing his face off for a minute or two. ''Does that answer your question?''
‹Roderic› Ric looks at Kae. "It's more like what isn't in Alaska." Looks at them all, save Dom then smirks at Dom.
* Kaelyn rolled her eyes "Meany"
‹Kaelyn› I could ruin it and tag along.
‹Dominique› "No you can't."
‹Kaelyn› Ruin it? You're right...I'd make it more fun!
‹Dominique› "Only two tickets to that paradise."
‹Roderic› "Don't you have a wedding or something to do with stagger? You know...normal things?"
* Dominique winks at Kae.
* Kaelyn stared at him a long moment but decided to change topic "So how are you feeling, Papi?"
* Roderic just stared back at Kae
* Doc took the back of his finger and ran it down her cheek. "I am sorry baby.. I am.." He swallowed hard, "You don't know how much.."
‹Roderic› "I think I'm close to cutting my ears off and stabbing my eyes out." Turns to Dom. "Ready to go?"
* Kaelyn didn't know what he was talking about. Nope.
* Cytherea had intended to make him suffer, it was their thing, but when he apologised, she felt her lips tug. That was probably the only time he'd ever said sorry. ''It's... fine. I'm here now. No more planes for a while tho, yeah?''
* Dominique stood up and nudged the chair behind her so she coudl step around it . "I am. Need to start packing."
‹Doc› "No more planes." Doc nodded, but he still looked guilty and horrible at hiding it.
* Kaelyn stepped back some, feeling a bit awkward now...this was their moment
* Roderic made a face at Doc and Cyth. It was all so...disgusting. "Yeah. we need to pack. Or anything other than watching this." Ric muttered as Ric approached Dom and wrapped an arm around her waist.
* Dominique slid her hand around to hook her thumb at his waistband and curl at his hip. "Take care of eachother." She glanced at Doc and Cyth and nodded at the rest. "We will send postcards if we find some."
‹Roderic› "No we won't." Ric raised a middle finger to everyone as they head out.
* Doc wasn't even aware of what others were saying, doing, or looking at. He had the Chain back and that was all he cared about at the moment.
* Cytherea wrapped her arm around Doc's waist, supporting him as she pulled him over to a sofa, settling him down before she tugged Kae over as well, letting her sit in Doc's lap. ''Why don't you tell Doc all about your week? I think he'd love to hear about it!'' she said, sipping at her drink as she settled beside him.
* Doc was pulled off Chain and shoved to a sofa and a Chub thrust into his lap. He was about to balk, when she sat beside him. He relaxed, then waved at the bartender.. cause his hand was empty.. no drink. He pulled Chub's curls. "Kid.."
* Kaelyn curled against her Papi. She didn't mind being pushed into his lap. Her head rested against the smelly man's chest. She was so happy he was home. The thought of not having him was excruciating. Those two wouldn't be allowed to leave again. "Chub, not kid."
‹Alexandrea› ((can't stay but one last parting shot)) ~having snuck out the back door to ditch her clothes, Alexandrea Quartermaine takes off running from the Voodoo Cybercafe, streaking passed the front windows in all her glory~
‹Doc› "Chub.. " nodded. She was still a kid to him. But he kept a surreptitious eye on Chain, .. just in case.
* Cytherea was dozing off against his shoulder.
* Kaelyn would have to change her views on Cytherea. Papi actually loved her. She hadn't seen it before. It was all just a dare, but there was something much more and she was seeing it. She wasn't that bad was she? Just a little crazy...Kisses pecked over his face as she loved on her Papi "You stink Papi"
* Doc gave her confused look, "I was a laundry last night.. " Although it was mostly just a fuzzy haze, now. He nudged Chub. "I need to take her home.. She's had a hard week.. and I need to get ..cleaned up.. I guess.."
‹Kaelyn› Uhhhh....how about I take you both home. You're wreck, Papi
‹Doc› 'Yea ok.. fine.. cause.. I don't know where my car is.."
‹Kaelyn› I've got mine out front. C'mon. *She slid off of Papi's lap and extended her hand to help him up*
* Doc let Chub help him up,..His other hand holding Cytherea's "Chain.. let's go home.."
* Kaelyn headed to the door, holding it open for them
* Cytherea looked at Doc for a moment, deliberating how to answer that, she settled on just kissing his face off for a minute or two. ''Does that answer your question?''
‹Roderic› Ric looks at Kae. "It's more like what isn't in Alaska." Looks at them all, save Dom then smirks at Dom.
* Kaelyn rolled her eyes "Meany"
‹Kaelyn› I could ruin it and tag along.
‹Dominique› "No you can't."
‹Kaelyn› Ruin it? You're right...I'd make it more fun!
‹Dominique› "Only two tickets to that paradise."
‹Roderic› "Don't you have a wedding or something to do with stagger? You know...normal things?"
* Dominique winks at Kae.
* Kaelyn stared at him a long moment but decided to change topic "So how are you feeling, Papi?"
* Roderic just stared back at Kae
* Doc took the back of his finger and ran it down her cheek. "I am sorry baby.. I am.." He swallowed hard, "You don't know how much.."
‹Roderic› "I think I'm close to cutting my ears off and stabbing my eyes out." Turns to Dom. "Ready to go?"
* Kaelyn didn't know what he was talking about. Nope.
* Cytherea had intended to make him suffer, it was their thing, but when he apologised, she felt her lips tug. That was probably the only time he'd ever said sorry. ''It's... fine. I'm here now. No more planes for a while tho, yeah?''
* Dominique stood up and nudged the chair behind her so she coudl step around it . "I am. Need to start packing."
‹Doc› "No more planes." Doc nodded, but he still looked guilty and horrible at hiding it.
* Kaelyn stepped back some, feeling a bit awkward now...this was their moment
* Roderic made a face at Doc and Cyth. It was all so...disgusting. "Yeah. we need to pack. Or anything other than watching this." Ric muttered as Ric approached Dom and wrapped an arm around her waist.
* Dominique slid her hand around to hook her thumb at his waistband and curl at his hip. "Take care of eachother." She glanced at Doc and Cyth and nodded at the rest. "We will send postcards if we find some."
‹Roderic› "No we won't." Ric raised a middle finger to everyone as they head out.
* Doc wasn't even aware of what others were saying, doing, or looking at. He had the Chain back and that was all he cared about at the moment.
* Cytherea wrapped her arm around Doc's waist, supporting him as she pulled him over to a sofa, settling him down before she tugged Kae over as well, letting her sit in Doc's lap. ''Why don't you tell Doc all about your week? I think he'd love to hear about it!'' she said, sipping at her drink as she settled beside him.
* Doc was pulled off Chain and shoved to a sofa and a Chub thrust into his lap. He was about to balk, when she sat beside him. He relaxed, then waved at the bartender.. cause his hand was empty.. no drink. He pulled Chub's curls. "Kid.."
* Kaelyn curled against her Papi. She didn't mind being pushed into his lap. Her head rested against the smelly man's chest. She was so happy he was home. The thought of not having him was excruciating. Those two wouldn't be allowed to leave again. "Chub, not kid."
‹Alexandrea› ((can't stay but one last parting shot)) ~having snuck out the back door to ditch her clothes, Alexandrea Quartermaine takes off running from the Voodoo Cybercafe, streaking passed the front windows in all her glory~
‹Doc› "Chub.. " nodded. She was still a kid to him. But he kept a surreptitious eye on Chain, .. just in case.
* Cytherea was dozing off against his shoulder.
* Kaelyn would have to change her views on Cytherea. Papi actually loved her. She hadn't seen it before. It was all just a dare, but there was something much more and she was seeing it. She wasn't that bad was she? Just a little crazy...Kisses pecked over his face as she loved on her Papi "You stink Papi"
* Doc gave her confused look, "I was a laundry last night.. " Although it was mostly just a fuzzy haze, now. He nudged Chub. "I need to take her home.. She's had a hard week.. and I need to get ..cleaned up.. I guess.."
‹Kaelyn› Uhhhh....how about I take you both home. You're wreck, Papi
‹Doc› 'Yea ok.. fine.. cause.. I don't know where my car is.."
‹Kaelyn› I've got mine out front. C'mon. *She slid off of Papi's lap and extended her hand to help him up*
* Doc let Chub help him up,..His other hand holding Cytherea's "Chain.. let's go home.."
* Kaelyn headed to the door, holding it open for them