Hannah both watched and listened to Jude enjoying the simply and pleasant conversation between the two of them. His personality was contagious; but in a positive limelight. The way he spoke so casually and so openly about anything and everything that crossed his mind had her smiling in enjoyment. It was nice to have an actual conversation with someone that wasn't tied to work, or a very one sided, and short conversation with a cat, over did she or didn't she forget to feed them in the morning or afternoon?
"That's actually a thing? You can really get kicked out of seminary school?" A laugh bubbled out of her before Hannah picked up her own milkshake and took another drink of it. The laughter subsided when he spoke about his perceptions on being a pastor and she noted his cheeks retain some color. She knew it wasn't because he was embarrassed, but it was because he was pumped and excited talking about the thing he did and was good at. For a minute she pondered asking a potentially heavy question, but decided against it. Perhaps another time, should he ever talk about needing something to believe in.
The tables had turned and his focus was on her and what was said earlier. Or how something was said. Hannah internally debated on how best to answer the question, while pondering the offer extended to her. "Oh, yes! I went to one place near some cabins and a large hunting ground about a month ago for some day climbing. But I haven't been able to go back out in a while. Work mostly." Hannah said with a casual shrug of her right shoulder. "But, I'd really like that. Both for fishing and the hiking. Or either or. I'm not overly picky and don't want to steal you away from any obligations or your family either. I would be happy knowing where the best of either are at." She picked the fork back up again and collected another piece of the pie before tackling what he asked earlier.
"I wouldn't say uncomfortable." Hannah started after chewing a piece of pie and swallowing it down. "I just come from a different sort of family. Sort of." Hannah put the fork down before she went in a different direction with the conversation. "It's not really that." Once again her right shoulder lifts and then falls back in place. "I don't get to really do much of the things I like to do with my family." She said after a while. "We do things, but my sister...have you ever been to Japan or studied Japanese culture?" Hannah asked before the corners of her lips curled up a little in a smile. "My younger sister embodies the whole street fashion known as Gyaru. The colorful wigs, lashes out to here." Hannah paused to show him just how long her sister's lashes could be, which might be slightly longer than they really were. "Make-up, the whole girlie glittery and glam thing. It's really cool, but sort of wild at the same time. I mean, I could never pull it off, so kudos to her." She confessed before Hannah continued on with her train of thought. "Needless to say, we have a difference of opinions on what women should do and focus on. Don't get me wrong. I'm not at all talking bad about her. We get along just fine and she's probably tied in first place with my best friend back home, but while she goes to clubs to dance and get a boyfriend; or wherever she goes to play video games, I'm more at peace with being with nature. Priorities are slightly different."
Hannah once again collected the milkshake, but instead of drinking it, she played with the straw in it while thinking. "I guess the saying is true in some respect. You can take the girl from the Midwest, but you can't take the Midwest from the girl." Hannah glanced around the bakery before the straw was lifted to her lips and drunk from. She slowly swallowed it down before finishing her thoughts. "I don't think you could probably find two sisters more different than the other...I probably take after my mom more than I would like to admit. Much like Misao, that's my sister, takes after hers." She put the shake down before shifting the conversation to Jude. "What about you? You mentioned your family before. Any brothers or sisters?"
The Sweet Escape-Jude
- Posts: 427
- Joined: 08 May 2016, 18:40
- CrowNet Handle: Leaping_Libra
Re: The Sweet Escape-Jude

- Judah Marck
- Registered User
- Posts: 227
- Joined: 12 Apr 2016, 03:19
- CrowNet Handle: JudeTheDude
Re: The Sweet Escape-Jude
He winked, the cheekiest of grins on his face. "OH, you can most definitely get kicked out, I probably would have if Anna and I hadn't gotten married and... I eased up, basically, and recommitted myself to..." He gestured vaguely, unsure if he wanted to say to God, the Church or just to doing his best. The third was the most accurate. When she started to speak again he took the opportunity to eat and listen, his gaze intent, his reaction clear in his expression to every bit of information she imparted. He'd been to the hunting grounds himself, it wasn't a bad place to get in a bit of camping, there were better areas though near a lake. "You and I are definitely going on an outdoor adventure, Miss Hannah, marshmallows by the campfire included, there is this amazing little spot where we can fish and it's secluded so there is a bit of a hike to get there, but it is SO worth it. As for my obligations, you can let me worry about those, i'm allowed to have a day or two away for a bit of fun."
A look of surprise and intrigue caused him to pause mid-bite at her talk of Japan, of her sister and the fashion differences. There was clear affection, even as she discussed their differences and it was something that Jude definitely understood, smiling at the thoughts of his vast family and their differences, how they would come together for the important things and didn't let those differences tear them too far apart.
"Me? No siblings, though one of my cousins and I grew up together closer than the others and so we are likes brothers, I call him brother half the time." Louvel was as close as he could get to a blood brother, they had a complete understanding of each other and acceptance. "Your sister sounds like a fun girl to hang out in a city with, but perhaps not out in the wilderness. Midwest, Japan and now Canada? You are as bad as me." His pie was close to finished and he looked at it in surprise, he figured he must have been hungrier than he realised and having eaten made him feel relaxed, almost sleepy. It was nice, he was enjoying just chatting but he figured eventually he'd have to address what it was she wanted to talk about.
"This is nice..." It wasn't what he had intended to say, to speak his thoughts out loud but there it was and he managed to look only mildly sheepish. "I mean, I suppose I don't meet people in a casual capacity too often. It's often a family member i'm chasing down, or someone who needs advice. Though, that being said, you DID have questions didn't you? Did you want to talk about all of... That?" Vampires, was what all that was, he wasn't sure whether she was interested in really exploring it or it was an excuse to speak to someone outside of work, make a friend in a new place. "We don't have to, i'm just enjoying your company, we can let it ride and forget all about it if you want to just enjoy this and pretend the big bad monsters don't exist."
A look of surprise and intrigue caused him to pause mid-bite at her talk of Japan, of her sister and the fashion differences. There was clear affection, even as she discussed their differences and it was something that Jude definitely understood, smiling at the thoughts of his vast family and their differences, how they would come together for the important things and didn't let those differences tear them too far apart.
"Me? No siblings, though one of my cousins and I grew up together closer than the others and so we are likes brothers, I call him brother half the time." Louvel was as close as he could get to a blood brother, they had a complete understanding of each other and acceptance. "Your sister sounds like a fun girl to hang out in a city with, but perhaps not out in the wilderness. Midwest, Japan and now Canada? You are as bad as me." His pie was close to finished and he looked at it in surprise, he figured he must have been hungrier than he realised and having eaten made him feel relaxed, almost sleepy. It was nice, he was enjoying just chatting but he figured eventually he'd have to address what it was she wanted to talk about.
"This is nice..." It wasn't what he had intended to say, to speak his thoughts out loud but there it was and he managed to look only mildly sheepish. "I mean, I suppose I don't meet people in a casual capacity too often. It's often a family member i'm chasing down, or someone who needs advice. Though, that being said, you DID have questions didn't you? Did you want to talk about all of... That?" Vampires, was what all that was, he wasn't sure whether she was interested in really exploring it or it was an excuse to speak to someone outside of work, make a friend in a new place. "We don't have to, i'm just enjoying your company, we can let it ride and forget all about it if you want to just enjoy this and pretend the big bad monsters don't exist."

- Posts: 427
- Joined: 08 May 2016, 18:40
- CrowNet Handle: Leaping_Libra
Re: The Sweet Escape-Jude
Hannah inadvertently leaned into the table as Jude talked about the place he knew. All of it sounded...wonderful and a place she had to see. She didn't miss the camping offer or the fact that Jude had said he could have a day or two away for some fun from his obligations, which implied this wasn't a day trip in the slightest. His fixated gaze had Hannah glancing down at the remainder of her pie as a swirl of thoughts clouded her mind. More specifically...questions. Her mind raced a thousand miles a minutes, internalizing everything that was said and repeating it in her head. Until obvious reality set in and she realized the offer was completely harmless and 'fun.' Just as Jude proposed. However, the small spots of color on her cheeks remained as her eyes lifted to his face as he commented on Hannah being just as bad as he was.
"I'm only in Canada due to work. The job offer wasn't one I could refuse." That was a way of putting it. As if she could say no to the Golden Serpents. The fork was pushed into the pie to break a piece away so she could claim it a few seconds later in her mouth Jude changed the subject to the reason as to why they were really here. Hannah just nodded as she chewed, but then stopped and swallowed half-chewed pie down. Mostly due to the last comment he made. "If they were all big, bad monsters, I doubt we would be here enjoying our shakes and pie. Since you know one." Hannah said after a few seconds of deep thought.
Really, the urge to continue on with their previous conversations and skip past all things vampire was very tempting. She was enjoying the conversation and insight into Jude's life. Sitting here, holding a stimulating conversation was just as Jude put it...'nice.' "Do you think there are a lot of them out there?" Hannah glanced around the bakery, wondering who, if anyone was a vampire, but then laughed internally at her own paranoia. The folklore about vampires are all but kind; well, that which Hannah knew about. "I was actually just sort of...worried for you and your cousin, actually, more than anything. I mean, are you sure he is who he seems to be or how he seems to be?" Did that sound as pathetic as it seemed to sound when Hannah thought about how she said it? "Would really stink if we never got to go camping." She laughed as the fork was set down in a finalization move, as Hannah sat back in the chair, eyes back on Jude. "You know...I'm positive you can take care of yourself, and have a good sense of judgement about people, since you work among them all the time, so to move past all this awkwardness, when are we going camping?" Talking about camping and even family seemed to be a smoother, more easier conversation than that of 'so, I know this guy who is a vampire.' Her hands found a comfortable position on her lap as Hannah broke her focus from Jude, to the old woman behind the counter, watching her listen to orders. "I hope you can help her. You and the community. To think of building something your whole life and then watch it slip away in the blink of an eye..." She sighed and shook her head. "You know, if you need help...I know I'm not part of your church or anything...but I can manage to make half-way edible chocolate chip cookies and rice krispie treat bars. I put little surprises in them." She said with a slightly embarrassed laugh, having admitted to having almost no Betty Crocker skills in the kitchen.
"I'm only in Canada due to work. The job offer wasn't one I could refuse." That was a way of putting it. As if she could say no to the Golden Serpents. The fork was pushed into the pie to break a piece away so she could claim it a few seconds later in her mouth Jude changed the subject to the reason as to why they were really here. Hannah just nodded as she chewed, but then stopped and swallowed half-chewed pie down. Mostly due to the last comment he made. "If they were all big, bad monsters, I doubt we would be here enjoying our shakes and pie. Since you know one." Hannah said after a few seconds of deep thought.
Really, the urge to continue on with their previous conversations and skip past all things vampire was very tempting. She was enjoying the conversation and insight into Jude's life. Sitting here, holding a stimulating conversation was just as Jude put it...'nice.' "Do you think there are a lot of them out there?" Hannah glanced around the bakery, wondering who, if anyone was a vampire, but then laughed internally at her own paranoia. The folklore about vampires are all but kind; well, that which Hannah knew about. "I was actually just sort of...worried for you and your cousin, actually, more than anything. I mean, are you sure he is who he seems to be or how he seems to be?" Did that sound as pathetic as it seemed to sound when Hannah thought about how she said it? "Would really stink if we never got to go camping." She laughed as the fork was set down in a finalization move, as Hannah sat back in the chair, eyes back on Jude. "You know...I'm positive you can take care of yourself, and have a good sense of judgement about people, since you work among them all the time, so to move past all this awkwardness, when are we going camping?" Talking about camping and even family seemed to be a smoother, more easier conversation than that of 'so, I know this guy who is a vampire.' Her hands found a comfortable position on her lap as Hannah broke her focus from Jude, to the old woman behind the counter, watching her listen to orders. "I hope you can help her. You and the community. To think of building something your whole life and then watch it slip away in the blink of an eye..." She sighed and shook her head. "You know, if you need help...I know I'm not part of your church or anything...but I can manage to make half-way edible chocolate chip cookies and rice krispie treat bars. I put little surprises in them." She said with a slightly embarrassed laugh, having admitted to having almost no Betty Crocker skills in the kitchen.

- Judah Marck
- Registered User
- Posts: 227
- Joined: 12 Apr 2016, 03:19
- CrowNet Handle: JudeTheDude
Re: The Sweet Escape-Jude
"Must be one amazing job, Hannah, to bring you so far away from your family. I mean, this place is alright, it has good points for sure but it is kind of... Insane, you know? Like, way out there." He spread his hand wide, waving it above him as if he were viewing something on a screen, swiping it away at the last moment. "I hope it's been worth it though, for you to come all this way. I mean, can't be easy settling in." That had to be the understatement of the year. Moving was hard, making new friends and getting into a new routine but in a place like this? Surely that bordered on being a near impossibility without someone to walk you through it. He could empathise, and was determined in that moment to do what he could to make her transition easier, another person to take under his wing, to offer his time and support. There was always another person out there who could benefit from a kind act, a show of compassion or consideration and Jude's arms were always open, waiting, ears there to listen and voice steady to speak words of support. It was what he had committed his life to.
The colour that flushed her cheeks was noticeable, it made her look younger, sweet in a way and was a show of vulnerability that most might pounce on but Jude didn't, he instead internalised his confusion over what words he spoke or private thought she had might have been the cause. Was it a flush of anger? Was she feeling shy, or uncomfortable? The topic strayed and he let it, let her take the lead to a topic that was perhaps easier for her to speak on, one that would let that blush subside. She was pretty, her face softening beneath the pink tones and he couldn't fight the little smile, ducking his head to sip at his drink to cover it.
"Know one? Yes, indeed I do." He agreed, appearing ever the open book but behind the warmth of the wide brown eyes that glanced at her was a hundred secrets, folded neatly inside a box and locked away. It was he, Judah von der Marck, who had returned one more vampire to this realm. Of course he hadn't been alone but it was his idea, his research and fanatical enthusiasm over continuing the families work to restore their forefather and their name that had lead to the events that had Alaric with them and Gregor gone.
"A lot? Well, sure, I mean I figure there's gotta be. Like, I have no clue how many more might pop up now that they aren't a secret... My cousin?" He frowned in confusion, trying to work out which one she meant. "You mean Mirella? Sorry, I... I've got a lot of cousins." His laugh was awkward, the first sign of true discomfort from him. "Alaric is a good man, and I believe he has our best interests at heart. We can't forget what he was, of course, but he's trying to figure this whole thing out as much as we are. He's my super-duper-timesalot-Great Grandfather, he is blood of our blood and he believes in protecting this family like I do. We are his children, and I think he loves us for that alone, in his way. Holds us to high standards, but we are all bonding and I think it will be ok. Sacrifices were made, and we have to honour that. We have to... Camping." He cleared his throat, returning to the topic abruptly, his luminous grin batting away the faint lines of concern, the subtle tremble to his lower lip and fevered light in his eyes that had been growing as he spoke. "You tell me when you're free, and we'll make arrangements. My son can stay with his grandparents again that weekend, I feel like shoving August at you when you're only just getting to know me would be a bit of a jerk move."
He laughed briefly, fork pushing at the crumbs that littered his now otherwise empty plate. "You're sweet to offer, thank you. I'm sure i'll work it out with her... I've always wanted to own a bakery, I mean, who wouldn't love to get free cake?" It was an offhand remark, but the seed of an idea had been planted. There was money to spare, trust funds and investments made had left them with money and Jude used his regularly to assist his community, those in need. There was a way to do it smartly, keeping just enough to put back into a business, into stocks or investments to continue to grow that money ensuring there was never a complete shortage.
It wasn't where his focus was, but it paid to be good at research and confident with a contract, not to mention his outreach to the community meant he had access to a wide variety of people with skills that could come in handy, favours that could be called in to ensure things went smoothly.
Maybe, just maybe he could start a new project. A bakery... His very own Sweet Escape. It sounded good, his gaze wistful as it stared around the room. "You know, Hannah, this has been a very enlightening dessert date. Thank you. It's kind of amazing what you can find when you aren't even looking, isn't it? You seem like the kind of person who could really make a difference in this world, you've got a beautiful sort of... I don't know, like, you're just warm and open to possibilities. It's nice to see, gives me hope that making a difference isn't so impossible. I hope you use that, that special light you've got about you." There was amusement in his expression, a playful quirk of lips as he looked back to her, "So... What are your thoughts on abseiling?"
The colour that flushed her cheeks was noticeable, it made her look younger, sweet in a way and was a show of vulnerability that most might pounce on but Jude didn't, he instead internalised his confusion over what words he spoke or private thought she had might have been the cause. Was it a flush of anger? Was she feeling shy, or uncomfortable? The topic strayed and he let it, let her take the lead to a topic that was perhaps easier for her to speak on, one that would let that blush subside. She was pretty, her face softening beneath the pink tones and he couldn't fight the little smile, ducking his head to sip at his drink to cover it.
"Know one? Yes, indeed I do." He agreed, appearing ever the open book but behind the warmth of the wide brown eyes that glanced at her was a hundred secrets, folded neatly inside a box and locked away. It was he, Judah von der Marck, who had returned one more vampire to this realm. Of course he hadn't been alone but it was his idea, his research and fanatical enthusiasm over continuing the families work to restore their forefather and their name that had lead to the events that had Alaric with them and Gregor gone.
"A lot? Well, sure, I mean I figure there's gotta be. Like, I have no clue how many more might pop up now that they aren't a secret... My cousin?" He frowned in confusion, trying to work out which one she meant. "You mean Mirella? Sorry, I... I've got a lot of cousins." His laugh was awkward, the first sign of true discomfort from him. "Alaric is a good man, and I believe he has our best interests at heart. We can't forget what he was, of course, but he's trying to figure this whole thing out as much as we are. He's my super-duper-timesalot-Great Grandfather, he is blood of our blood and he believes in protecting this family like I do. We are his children, and I think he loves us for that alone, in his way. Holds us to high standards, but we are all bonding and I think it will be ok. Sacrifices were made, and we have to honour that. We have to... Camping." He cleared his throat, returning to the topic abruptly, his luminous grin batting away the faint lines of concern, the subtle tremble to his lower lip and fevered light in his eyes that had been growing as he spoke. "You tell me when you're free, and we'll make arrangements. My son can stay with his grandparents again that weekend, I feel like shoving August at you when you're only just getting to know me would be a bit of a jerk move."
He laughed briefly, fork pushing at the crumbs that littered his now otherwise empty plate. "You're sweet to offer, thank you. I'm sure i'll work it out with her... I've always wanted to own a bakery, I mean, who wouldn't love to get free cake?" It was an offhand remark, but the seed of an idea had been planted. There was money to spare, trust funds and investments made had left them with money and Jude used his regularly to assist his community, those in need. There was a way to do it smartly, keeping just enough to put back into a business, into stocks or investments to continue to grow that money ensuring there was never a complete shortage.
It wasn't where his focus was, but it paid to be good at research and confident with a contract, not to mention his outreach to the community meant he had access to a wide variety of people with skills that could come in handy, favours that could be called in to ensure things went smoothly.
Maybe, just maybe he could start a new project. A bakery... His very own Sweet Escape. It sounded good, his gaze wistful as it stared around the room. "You know, Hannah, this has been a very enlightening dessert date. Thank you. It's kind of amazing what you can find when you aren't even looking, isn't it? You seem like the kind of person who could really make a difference in this world, you've got a beautiful sort of... I don't know, like, you're just warm and open to possibilities. It's nice to see, gives me hope that making a difference isn't so impossible. I hope you use that, that special light you've got about you." There was amusement in his expression, a playful quirk of lips as he looked back to her, "So... What are your thoughts on abseiling?"

- Posts: 427
- Joined: 08 May 2016, 18:40
- CrowNet Handle: Leaping_Libra
Re: The Sweet Escape-Jude
With each word spoken from Judah, all Hannah could do was sit there and just silently nod her head. In truth, the real job that she could tell everyone and anyone about wasn't something she couldn't do in Japan. She could do the job anywhere, even back home, and be near the people she knew and cared about. Her attention drifted from Jude as he gave an opinion about the difficulties of living far away. “It hasn’t been all that bad. The settling in bit. I guess the hospital can take credit for that. Most of my time is spent there, so…” She shrugged her shoulders, giving him a wry smile as her attention returned to the guy across from her.
The topic changed, thankfully to the vampire Jude mentioned in passing in the back and forth email. She nodded her head when he asked about Mirella, indicating that it was indeed who Hannah was talking about. The uncomfortable laugh didn’t go amiss, and only caused Hannah to smile a little more. The vampire had a name, which sounded old. Archaic even, to Hannah. She listened carefully about his great, great, however many times removed grandfather and their shared beliefs. It gave her a little more insight about Jude, and his family. Many cousins, but it appeared the cousins were close. Very connected.
She held back a comment as camping was mentioned, her eyes going alight at the mere suggestion. Once again, Jude made sure to mention that it was a weekend thing and implied that it would be just them. August; she deduced was the name of his son, which caused Hannah to smile just a little more. Another sliver of insight on Jude’s life, whether intentional or not on his end. “I wouldn’t call it a jerk move. It’s just life. You’re a dad.” Hannah assured Jude, as she shifted the weight of her body; the left ankle crossing over the right as he continued to talk. The mention of free cake had Hannah laughing, and temporarily forgetting about the previous statements about relocating and the distance from her family being potentially difficult. “Free pie? Sounds tempting. A deal almost too good to pass up, even.” Hannah agreed as her fingers curled around the lip of the table, eyes drifting from his lips to his eyes every so often as Jude talked. She could see how his choice in career fit him with each minute that passed. It suited him; even if Jude was good at being a pastor.
The mention of a dessert date wasn’t missed, but wasn’t commented on either. Hannah wasn’t one to read too much into things, or imply things that just weren’t there. The next statement got a subtle reaction from Hannah as she nodded and her eyes flicked to a memory from when Hannah was much, much younger. The first book she ‘found’ while looking for a book for a research project in the fifth grade. She had fallen in love with the premise of the book, so much that Hannah had forgotten to get the book she had intended to look for in the first place.
Her thoughts drifted from the recollection when a seemingly random question was thrown in Hannah’s direction. She looked at him, stunned before the woman blinked as her fingers lifted off the table. “I think it’s crazy!” She admitted with a laugh, before continuing her thought. “I’ve never been. Have you? It’s definitely on my bucket list, but I’ve just never done it.” Her face was lit with excitement at the vague mention dropped by Jude, her posture once again leaning forward as she inched closer to the table, and in essence, closer to him too. “I could barely get anyone to go hiking with me back home, so abseiling?” She laughed and shook her head. “Not going to happen.” A finger locked around some loose flying strands, and tucked it behind her ear as Hannah finished her thoughts. “If you’re ever up for it, I’d love to give it a shot.” Hannah leaned back in the chair, as she silently weighed in the comments made about her from Pastor Jude. His opinion seemed very high of her, for only having met twice, which made her feel slightly...bad. Overall, Hannah was, or at least believed she was an average, nice person. Minus one small detail, but the person Jude knew wasn’t the same person her neighbor knew. Was it possible to be one way with one person and have to be another way with a complete stranger for ‘work?’ Was it possible to lead a sort of double life? If only Jude knew, Hannah was positive he wouldn’t say half the things he had just said. “You only live once, right?” Hannah concluded, pushing the negative thoughts aside and focusing on the here and now. "I actually have off in two weeks. Not a weekend, but two solid days and nights. It's a Thursday and Friday. Would that work for you?" Hannah asked as she arranged the silverware on the near empty pie plate, along with the milkshake glass dead center of it. "If not, it might not be until next month. Which is fine. Might give a working gal some time to beef up her camping supplies again as I couldn't bring everything with me from Japan." Hannah admitted with a shy grin once everything had been placed neatly on the small dessert plate.
The topic changed, thankfully to the vampire Jude mentioned in passing in the back and forth email. She nodded her head when he asked about Mirella, indicating that it was indeed who Hannah was talking about. The uncomfortable laugh didn’t go amiss, and only caused Hannah to smile a little more. The vampire had a name, which sounded old. Archaic even, to Hannah. She listened carefully about his great, great, however many times removed grandfather and their shared beliefs. It gave her a little more insight about Jude, and his family. Many cousins, but it appeared the cousins were close. Very connected.
She held back a comment as camping was mentioned, her eyes going alight at the mere suggestion. Once again, Jude made sure to mention that it was a weekend thing and implied that it would be just them. August; she deduced was the name of his son, which caused Hannah to smile just a little more. Another sliver of insight on Jude’s life, whether intentional or not on his end. “I wouldn’t call it a jerk move. It’s just life. You’re a dad.” Hannah assured Jude, as she shifted the weight of her body; the left ankle crossing over the right as he continued to talk. The mention of free cake had Hannah laughing, and temporarily forgetting about the previous statements about relocating and the distance from her family being potentially difficult. “Free pie? Sounds tempting. A deal almost too good to pass up, even.” Hannah agreed as her fingers curled around the lip of the table, eyes drifting from his lips to his eyes every so often as Jude talked. She could see how his choice in career fit him with each minute that passed. It suited him; even if Jude was good at being a pastor.
The mention of a dessert date wasn’t missed, but wasn’t commented on either. Hannah wasn’t one to read too much into things, or imply things that just weren’t there. The next statement got a subtle reaction from Hannah as she nodded and her eyes flicked to a memory from when Hannah was much, much younger. The first book she ‘found’ while looking for a book for a research project in the fifth grade. She had fallen in love with the premise of the book, so much that Hannah had forgotten to get the book she had intended to look for in the first place.
Her thoughts drifted from the recollection when a seemingly random question was thrown in Hannah’s direction. She looked at him, stunned before the woman blinked as her fingers lifted off the table. “I think it’s crazy!” She admitted with a laugh, before continuing her thought. “I’ve never been. Have you? It’s definitely on my bucket list, but I’ve just never done it.” Her face was lit with excitement at the vague mention dropped by Jude, her posture once again leaning forward as she inched closer to the table, and in essence, closer to him too. “I could barely get anyone to go hiking with me back home, so abseiling?” She laughed and shook her head. “Not going to happen.” A finger locked around some loose flying strands, and tucked it behind her ear as Hannah finished her thoughts. “If you’re ever up for it, I’d love to give it a shot.” Hannah leaned back in the chair, as she silently weighed in the comments made about her from Pastor Jude. His opinion seemed very high of her, for only having met twice, which made her feel slightly...bad. Overall, Hannah was, or at least believed she was an average, nice person. Minus one small detail, but the person Jude knew wasn’t the same person her neighbor knew. Was it possible to be one way with one person and have to be another way with a complete stranger for ‘work?’ Was it possible to lead a sort of double life? If only Jude knew, Hannah was positive he wouldn’t say half the things he had just said. “You only live once, right?” Hannah concluded, pushing the negative thoughts aside and focusing on the here and now. "I actually have off in two weeks. Not a weekend, but two solid days and nights. It's a Thursday and Friday. Would that work for you?" Hannah asked as she arranged the silverware on the near empty pie plate, along with the milkshake glass dead center of it. "If not, it might not be until next month. Which is fine. Might give a working gal some time to beef up her camping supplies again as I couldn't bring everything with me from Japan." Hannah admitted with a shy grin once everything had been placed neatly on the small dessert plate.

- Judah Marck
- Registered User
- Posts: 227
- Joined: 12 Apr 2016, 03:19
- CrowNet Handle: JudeTheDude
Re: The Sweet Escape-Jude
He laughed with boyish glee at her reaction to the abseiling comment, it might have come a bit out of left field especially after he'd, foolishly he thought, declared that she seemed like a good person in a ranty sort of way. He really ought to learn to keep some of those thoughts to himself, but honesty and openness was high on his priority list. Well, mostly, every now and then he knew all too well the importance of keeping things tucked under your hat. Like Austin, his Austin, that was something that he'd yet to bring up. He wasn't even sure where they stood, the guy traveled a lot and part of that was his fault because he'd tried to drive him away and create space so often between them. Now he had it. Austin seemed happier now though, he wasn't running anymore, he genuinely enjoyed going to new places and exploring, seeing how he may help and getting his hands dirty in the process. Jude respected his choices and while he missed his best friend, the only man who might have a chance in getting Judah to look beyond his firmly set principles, he was happy to see him out there doing good work.
His expression had grown briefly distant, as if thinking over her words but really he was just trying to settle his emotions, to tuck them back away where they belonged before he chose to reply.
"Well, yeah i've done it. Enjoy a bit of rock climbing, there is actually an indoor rock climbing place nearby. I was considering putting in some training there before getting out into the big bad world, finding some cliff face to cling to. My cousin Lou would LOVE that, he's a real adventurous kind of guy." Jude's grin had returned, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he laughed. "I'm cool with week days, they can actually be better for me, we have service on a Saturday so i'd need to hang back for that anyway. Let's book it in, and don't stress about gear, we've got loads. You just need your personal supplies, really, we won't be going anywhere too crazy just a nice steady hike, a secret lake and some campfire antics." His enthusiasm was clear, but was promptly interrupted by the sharp ringing and accompanying vibration of his phones message tone. Jude drew it out, glancing at the message and receiving two more in quick succession. "For goodness... Hannah, i'm so sorry, I am gonna have to run. Drama back at the Manor." He groaned as he dutifully, albeit reluctantly, rose to his feet. "I will call you about our mini adventure, is that alright?"
The dark haired man leaned forward, his lips barely brushing her cheek in one of those friendly, casual farewell kisses. He hadn't intended to do it really, but he was in a rush and it was far from out of the ordinary for Jude to greet friends with a hug and a kiss. Did he know her well enough? Probably not, he'd taken a liberty and he hoped she'd let it slide. "Thanks, this was really great." Jude waved to the older woman who was taking a plate over to another customer, mouthing "see you tomorrow" before darting towards the door, one more rueful look behind before he was gone into the sweltering heat of the summer evening and off to deal with his wayward family. Again.
His expression had grown briefly distant, as if thinking over her words but really he was just trying to settle his emotions, to tuck them back away where they belonged before he chose to reply.
"Well, yeah i've done it. Enjoy a bit of rock climbing, there is actually an indoor rock climbing place nearby. I was considering putting in some training there before getting out into the big bad world, finding some cliff face to cling to. My cousin Lou would LOVE that, he's a real adventurous kind of guy." Jude's grin had returned, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he laughed. "I'm cool with week days, they can actually be better for me, we have service on a Saturday so i'd need to hang back for that anyway. Let's book it in, and don't stress about gear, we've got loads. You just need your personal supplies, really, we won't be going anywhere too crazy just a nice steady hike, a secret lake and some campfire antics." His enthusiasm was clear, but was promptly interrupted by the sharp ringing and accompanying vibration of his phones message tone. Jude drew it out, glancing at the message and receiving two more in quick succession. "For goodness... Hannah, i'm so sorry, I am gonna have to run. Drama back at the Manor." He groaned as he dutifully, albeit reluctantly, rose to his feet. "I will call you about our mini adventure, is that alright?"
The dark haired man leaned forward, his lips barely brushing her cheek in one of those friendly, casual farewell kisses. He hadn't intended to do it really, but he was in a rush and it was far from out of the ordinary for Jude to greet friends with a hug and a kiss. Did he know her well enough? Probably not, he'd taken a liberty and he hoped she'd let it slide. "Thanks, this was really great." Jude waved to the older woman who was taking a plate over to another customer, mouthing "see you tomorrow" before darting towards the door, one more rueful look behind before he was gone into the sweltering heat of the summer evening and off to deal with his wayward family. Again.

- Posts: 427
- Joined: 08 May 2016, 18:40
- CrowNet Handle: Leaping_Libra
Re: The Sweet Escape-Jude
Everything about the indoor rock climbing place was devoured and stored away for later use. Hannah would have to go online later and search the place out for when the weather got colder and the weather made it impossible to climb during the late fall to early spring months. Supposedly it rained a lot, got chilly (which wasn't really a problem as she could put on layers) and snowed a fair bit too in Canada. His reassurance on to basically bring herself and some odds and ends brought a sense of excitement from Hannah, thinking about how quickly two weeks actually came, when she worked he majority of the time. Two weeks sometimes came as quickly as say, five or six days in her mind when she was just in and out of the hospital more times than at her own apartment.
Suddenly his phone went off and she just waited patiently. After all, he also not only a dad, but a pastor and so a phone going off probably happened a lot. Hannah was more than understanding of that, so she just sat back and waited. Suddenly he was apologizing and on his feet explaining he needed to go. The woman just nodded, the braid shifting from the back of her neck, to the right side of her neck as she did this. "Of course. Don't worry about it." Hannah assured him as he talked about planning the excursion and contacting her through a phone call to make sure things were solidified.
A kiss was placed on her cheek before a thank you was passed along. She smiled a little wider and stated her opinion on their meet up too. "It was. Thank you, Jude." Hannah watched him leave, before standing herself. She was sure there were things she could be doing. Should be doing. Such as figuring out how to deal with one Levi DAmico. After all, the Serpents weren't paying her to be here to have too many cake and milkshake 'dates.'
Suddenly his phone went off and she just waited patiently. After all, he also not only a dad, but a pastor and so a phone going off probably happened a lot. Hannah was more than understanding of that, so she just sat back and waited. Suddenly he was apologizing and on his feet explaining he needed to go. The woman just nodded, the braid shifting from the back of her neck, to the right side of her neck as she did this. "Of course. Don't worry about it." Hannah assured him as he talked about planning the excursion and contacting her through a phone call to make sure things were solidified.
A kiss was placed on her cheek before a thank you was passed along. She smiled a little wider and stated her opinion on their meet up too. "It was. Thank you, Jude." Hannah watched him leave, before standing herself. She was sure there were things she could be doing. Should be doing. Such as figuring out how to deal with one Levi DAmico. After all, the Serpents weren't paying her to be here to have too many cake and milkshake 'dates.'