Rebirth. Renewal. Like the ouroboros, society is constantly on the cusp of change. Every few centuries brings a new cycle. Change, for better or worse. But there are times when a society has a rotten core, and the current state of vampiric society is...cannibalistic, to say the least. The old ways are atrophying. The masquerade? Barely more than the desiccated corpse of a system that has been broken for years.We must devour the past, absorb it to grow from it and move forward. We are the future. We are the youth. We are the new order. We are the code breakers, and rule benders. We are the Syndicate of Novitious.
The Syndicate of Novitious intends to rise from the ashes, before the rest of the city is buried underneath them.
Now that I have your attention:
SoN is a recently formed faction open to both vampires and humans (Pure and classed) alike. Its target audience ranges from the younger generation to forward thinkers. Individuals, in short, committed to change. SoN's goal is to ultimately attract those interested in applying their talents towards making the city a better, safer place for those who are human and vampiric alike. In short, the goal is to secure the future of HR, without being burdened by the old ways.
SoN is a faction that could be considered - and largely is - anti-Masq, though the leadership recognizes the need for discretion. It is a faction that values both races, and doesn't consider one above the other. To that end, it is dependent on both to move forward from the stagnation that has gripped the city for so long, while repairing the damage that has been done from both humans and vampires with selfish motives.
While the faction is in the early stages of recruitment, and we are more than accepting of all Paths, we would love to eventually have a cabal of hackers/sorcs to our name, to assist SoN with preserving the balance. The goal of SoN is to be inclusive.
SoN is primarily a roleplay-centric faction. While we will host multiple grid events, the majority of our focus will depend on character interaction and cooperative roleplay through mini story lines. If there is enough interest, we'd be more than happy to start an open thread.
For more information, feel free to express any questions/concerns/etc below, or via PM. (Kaspar or Skoll.)