"and that concludes our meeting for tonight. Ladies, Gentleman."
The relative quiet of the board room was broken then, people pushing back from the table, grateful for the ability to move again, to not be under scrutiny for every twitch. The realm of advertising was cut throat at best of times. Downright suicidal at worst. Dragonal's newest client, an established fashion house in the United States was wanting international appeal and the campaign to grab the rising star had been brutal. Relief was almost palpable in the austere yet lush room as the team began to mingle quietly, readying to leave for the night.
Late hours were a norm in this world. And none kept later than the CEO of Dragonal. Enzo Dragomir did not join in the quiet celebrations, his chair still swiveled so that his back was to the table, his gaze on the wall touch screen lit up with a graphic map of the world. He hadn't said much during the meeting at all, though this wasn't a surprise, most employees that had contact with the head of their company knew he didn't bother speaking unless it was in the name of commanding. His fingers steepled under his chin, his broad shoulders assumed a strong line made even more so by the precise cut of his Valentino power suit. There was something about the head of Dragonal that made people scurry to do as bid. To live inside a bubble that had them ready to jump off the skyscrapers gardened roof rather than fail a task he'd given them. Some would say it was his skills at leadership, and they would be partially right. He'd been commanding and charismatic when alive. Now that he was dead?
An Allurist got his way when it came to the herd. And if they didn't? There were a thousand more to get it done... over your dead body.
Enzo could sense a few of his board members hesitate as they got closer to him, unsure if he should be disturbed or not... then slowly melt back as he did nothing to acknowledge them. He simply waited them out, the room finally clearing until it was just himself and his thoughts.
His thoughts were in direct opposition of his demeanor. Rampant with plans and variables, he played them over and over, looking at the problem at hand as if it were a cube and he could turn it and see all sides. The Allurist sat like that for a time, not moving, not answering his phone, his tablet, his damned secretary.... until in a flash of a hand he hit the speaker on the table behind him, his chair spinning in a sudden flurry of movement. "Maxine, put me through to the Chairman."
He didn't pay attention to her 'yes sir.' it was a simple task. Not that she was incapable of grander things, she was nothing if not superbly efficient and usually prepared for any step Lorenzo might take. It took no time for the speaker to sound out the telephones ringing, directing his attention to the answering service he knew he'd get. Doc was more than likely *** deep in patients tonight, and no surprise, Harper's Rock seemed to be going insane of late.. and who else to take the brunt of that than one of the most prestigious Psychiatrists in the business....
And that thought brought him to the purpose for the call as Docs voice wound down, inviting the leaving of information for recording.
Doc was not the only one in that practice who was a brilliant head picker.
His wife Cytherea also had that distinguished title. The 'ball and chain'. Doc's personal hell.
So, here the dragon sat, his friend in a seemingly unsolvable bind, until drinks a few nights ago. "Doc, it's Enzo... I'm on it." was all that need said. Anything more on a recording Doc's wife could easily access would be not only idiotic but suicidal. Cytherea was a holy terror of a woman, a harpy of the first order, and much like that mythical beast of feathers and breast, the ball and chain was just as deadly.
It really was a pity she was so damned beautiful. This entire venture would be easier if she looked the monsters part.... but no, she had the face of an angel....
Lucky for Doc, his dragonish friend enjoyed plucking angels apart. Lorenzo hung up then and stood slowly to his feet, his finger still resting on the intercom. "Maxine, patch me through to Raven and Matilda, and remind the helicopter that we will be leaving in ten minutes."
Lifting his finger from the touch slide on the desk he turned and walked from the boardroom, making his way to the rooftop from the private elevator in his office suite. Taking his personal phone from his inside jacket, he pressed a hot key and it instantly flared up to show an image of his fiance Mortll. That made him smile slightly as it began to ring. "Cara love, I won't be in til morning, meet me on my yacht so I can show you the plans for the racetrack. Ti amo, bellezza."
The Allurist wasn't waiting for Raven or Matilda to meet him, he knew they would make their way to the helicopter pad so entered his office and took down from the closet a pair of black fatigues, boots and black body armour shirt that stretched comfortably over his chest. Last, he put on a headset, strapped his Montante onto his back and slid into a bullet proof vest. Which had a target painted mockingly on the back in black light paint. Enzo stopped only long enough at his mini bar to pour a quick whisky, light his sobranie black and gold, and head upstairs via the receded door masking an elevator.
Let's do this.
The Taming of Doc's Shrew [open]
- Enzo Dragomir
- Registered User
- Posts: 475
- Joined: 24 Mar 2016, 01:31
- CrowNet Handle: The.Devils.Halo
- Location: Savaging the soothed beast
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- Matilda
- Posts: 74
- Joined: 04 Sep 2011, 07:51
- CrowNet Handle: Mephistopheles
Re: The Taming of Doc's Shrew [open]
The Charmer had been roaming the streets, running some errands and eradicating some problems in the Quarantine Zone around the old Velox Nocte building. It was a pretty straightforward night, nothing overly exciting going on but she'd dressed for it just in case. Enzo had bounced around chattering excitedly at her about some dastardly plan or other he was considering, but had been unwilling to spill the proper details. She'd lost interest quickly, eyes glazing, head nodding idly until he let her go. As she strolled into her own personal office, she began the process of removing the gun nestled into a holder across her back, blunt weapon hooked at her hip over the matte black catsuit she wore. Shadow abilities meant she could slip by largely unseen, and Matilda loved it. Stalking through the night, prowling up on unsuspecting idiots and dreary dead things.
Her actions came to a stop as the phone on her desk began to buzz, the woman pressing the flashing button that dictated which line it was attached to. A voice echoed through the office, the receptionist patching Enzo through. Bugger. The woman took the phone off the hook and pressed the speaker button, barking impatiently. "What is it this time, boss? Got a boo boo that needs kissing? Please, don't tell me where it is, I can guess" His laughter was short, sharp and good natured. Helipad, and prepare to deal with a badass *****. Charming. She hung up without waiting to hear if he had more to say, he generally knew to keep it short and sweet.
With a distinctive groan and not so elegant bout of swearing Matilda worked at putting her weapons back in place, slipping on her fingers grip gloves and ensuring boots were laced to the heavens. "Here we go again." Even as she acted like it was a total drag, Matilda fought the urge to grin, instead adopting a killer cold expression when stalking out towards the stairs that would take her towards the roof. She chose them over the elevator almost every time, and traversed them easily often skipping up two at a time with her long legs. Shortcuts were often preferred, or paths that were free of people when your life was largely spent performing tasks that would be viewed as horrifying by most. The pale waif of a woman slipped through the night until she made her way to Enzo's demanded meeting point.
Her actions came to a stop as the phone on her desk began to buzz, the woman pressing the flashing button that dictated which line it was attached to. A voice echoed through the office, the receptionist patching Enzo through. Bugger. The woman took the phone off the hook and pressed the speaker button, barking impatiently. "What is it this time, boss? Got a boo boo that needs kissing? Please, don't tell me where it is, I can guess" His laughter was short, sharp and good natured. Helipad, and prepare to deal with a badass *****. Charming. She hung up without waiting to hear if he had more to say, he generally knew to keep it short and sweet.
With a distinctive groan and not so elegant bout of swearing Matilda worked at putting her weapons back in place, slipping on her fingers grip gloves and ensuring boots were laced to the heavens. "Here we go again." Even as she acted like it was a total drag, Matilda fought the urge to grin, instead adopting a killer cold expression when stalking out towards the stairs that would take her towards the roof. She chose them over the elevator almost every time, and traversed them easily often skipping up two at a time with her long legs. Shortcuts were often preferred, or paths that were free of people when your life was largely spent performing tasks that would be viewed as horrifying by most. The pale waif of a woman slipped through the night until she made her way to Enzo's demanded meeting point.
::Necro:The Wild:Charmer::
::Proud member of the Wild, Wild West's::
::Proud member of the Wild, Wild West's::
- Raven Talius
- Registered User
- Posts: 253
- Joined: 30 Jan 2016, 05:41
- CrowNet Handle: The_Raven
Re: The Taming of Doc's Shrew [open]
Raven eyed the masterpiece before her, honestly it was her own make of the human centipede, in a way. Although, minus the sowing needle because the woman didn’t sow and minus the actual alive part. The woman had sought out hunters upon this lovely night and had gotten more than she had originally plan. Four hunters were all arranged in a way so then their lips were kissing each other’s asses. A small demonstration of what she had seen when she had been killing them off one by one. They were inexperienced hunters that basically knew nothing about vampires and their ability to kill. Not to mention that they constantly looked at each other for some direction. It was a loop of never ending idiocy, the blind leading the blind, so to speak. So, Raven had arranged them, like so, in a circle, all kissing each other’s asses. A fine representation if she did say so herself.
Slowly, she reached up to grasp the shaft of the arrow and pulled. With a gasp of pain, which might as well be pleasure for the woman, the arrow sliced through yet more flesh and skin to finally be free of her left shoulder. Hunters, what was with them and their ridiculous weapons? Guns and arrows? It was as if they thought that a wooden arrow to the heart would do just nicely. Raven scoffed as she tossed the arrow into the middle of the human circle and rolled her shoulders, feeling the pull of the skin that was slowly trying to heal. The woman pulled the strap her top to the side to see that the wound had already become translucent. In a day or two, the wound would heal, as per normal. She summarized to herself as she reached into her jacket to tug out her phone.
Unlocking the piece of technology, she held it up so then she could angle the camera to take a photo and she chuckled to herself. The fledgling had outdone herself, it was something that she probably wouldn’t normally do, but tonight she had felt like playing for a bit. Playing with the dead and drained bodies of course, not to mention that she was feeling a little artistic. It was at this point that her phone began to buzz and started playing a song called, ’Everything is Awesome,’ by some silly artist called Tegan and Sara. Or were those two people? The ring tone was naturally for Enzo. Every number of his she had, played that stupid little tune. Raven shrugged as she slid it to answer and held the phone up to her ear. Rarely did she ever greet people, as she found it unnecessary, not to mention that it was rare for someone to call her as it was. She nodded her head with a simple yawn. Well now her fun had been cut short, oh well, she would just light the bodies up and get moving. Without another word, she ended the call.
The woman angled her head then as she took in the image that she had taken, it almost looked like that pin from that stupid movie. She pondered about it for a moment, the mockingbird pin? Finally, she shrugged and sent the image off to Enzo. Why? Well, just because and she pocketed the phone before she dug out a disposable lighter. With a flick of the igniter, she tossed the lighter on top of the dead bodies and watched as one caught fire and blazed. Brown hues watched as the fire leaped from one body to the next until she had a ring of fire. It was a delicious sight to behold, one that made her wish that she could eat marshmallows, simply because if she could, she would pull up a chair, grab a stick and hold the marshmallows out over the fire while quietly eating them.
After a moment of simply watching the bonfire and the bodies burn, she rubbed her hands together before she pulled the shadows close around her to disappear amongst them. The vampire had a shoulder wound and the occasional blood splatter upon her pants. If she was going to get to the helicopter in time, she would have to move quick and without the hindrance of eyes. So, slinking amongst the shadows was her best bet at arriving on time. Reluctance made her wait just a little longer, mostly because she had been enjoying her night of blood, death and alone time, but duty called, as always. At that thought, she moved away from the burning bodies to make her silent way to the helicopter pad, confident that she would make it in time.
Slowly, she reached up to grasp the shaft of the arrow and pulled. With a gasp of pain, which might as well be pleasure for the woman, the arrow sliced through yet more flesh and skin to finally be free of her left shoulder. Hunters, what was with them and their ridiculous weapons? Guns and arrows? It was as if they thought that a wooden arrow to the heart would do just nicely. Raven scoffed as she tossed the arrow into the middle of the human circle and rolled her shoulders, feeling the pull of the skin that was slowly trying to heal. The woman pulled the strap her top to the side to see that the wound had already become translucent. In a day or two, the wound would heal, as per normal. She summarized to herself as she reached into her jacket to tug out her phone.
Unlocking the piece of technology, she held it up so then she could angle the camera to take a photo and she chuckled to herself. The fledgling had outdone herself, it was something that she probably wouldn’t normally do, but tonight she had felt like playing for a bit. Playing with the dead and drained bodies of course, not to mention that she was feeling a little artistic. It was at this point that her phone began to buzz and started playing a song called, ’Everything is Awesome,’ by some silly artist called Tegan and Sara. Or were those two people? The ring tone was naturally for Enzo. Every number of his she had, played that stupid little tune. Raven shrugged as she slid it to answer and held the phone up to her ear. Rarely did she ever greet people, as she found it unnecessary, not to mention that it was rare for someone to call her as it was. She nodded her head with a simple yawn. Well now her fun had been cut short, oh well, she would just light the bodies up and get moving. Without another word, she ended the call.
The woman angled her head then as she took in the image that she had taken, it almost looked like that pin from that stupid movie. She pondered about it for a moment, the mockingbird pin? Finally, she shrugged and sent the image off to Enzo. Why? Well, just because and she pocketed the phone before she dug out a disposable lighter. With a flick of the igniter, she tossed the lighter on top of the dead bodies and watched as one caught fire and blazed. Brown hues watched as the fire leaped from one body to the next until she had a ring of fire. It was a delicious sight to behold, one that made her wish that she could eat marshmallows, simply because if she could, she would pull up a chair, grab a stick and hold the marshmallows out over the fire while quietly eating them.
After a moment of simply watching the bonfire and the bodies burn, she rubbed her hands together before she pulled the shadows close around her to disappear amongst them. The vampire had a shoulder wound and the occasional blood splatter upon her pants. If she was going to get to the helicopter in time, she would have to move quick and without the hindrance of eyes. So, slinking amongst the shadows was her best bet at arriving on time. Reluctance made her wait just a little longer, mostly because she had been enjoying her night of blood, death and alone time, but duty called, as always. At that thought, she moved away from the burning bodies to make her silent way to the helicopter pad, confident that she would make it in time.