The gentle rocking of the train almost put the guy asleep as he stared down at the employment section of the local newspaper. Weeks, or months, rather, had gone by without very many spottings from his sister, his twin and money was getting tight once again. Tayden had to do what he had to do, there were bills to pay, and he would keep his eyes open but without any indication who or where she might be spending her time with, the guy couldn't do much more other than file yet again another missing person's report and hope for the best. He knew she was alive, or wanted to believe it at least. He would know if she was dead, right? Like a feeling, or gut instinct. Something twins shared and had. Tayden didn't feel any different than the first time she went missing by those paladin jerks, so he knew she was alive. She was alive.
Something he told himself every day and every night when he wasn't doing work around the apartment, trying to keep things clean and in order at his sister's jobs she owned and did the basic every day things. Eat, shower, get dressed, look for a job, eat again and so on. Like tonight. Tonight he needed some things for the city go to girl, aeryn. Prior to his arrival in the train that was taking him back to the apartment he and his sister shared, Tayden had scavenged around in the city dump looking for things she would need to do things for him. Tonight, however, all he came across were coins and used condoms, which had been collected with a small sandwich bag, then placed in a large Ziploc bag and closed immediately once he left the sewers. The coins, though dirty, weren't nearly as carefully picked up and placed in his pockets, like the used condoms were. A couple wallets were found, the guy just taking the cash and tossing them back in the murky water at his feet before he made it to the city streets again. No heads, or charms tonight, which was a good thing about the heads, because in his haste to get out of the shared apartment, Tayden later realized he didn't have anything to put the heads in, once he removed them off the heads of the guys in the sewers. Now that he thought about it, it seemed he hadn't really seen any of those guys or women in the sewers in a long time. Had they moved to a different part of the city, or were they spooked by the escape of his sister and what she might do and tell people? The last thought brought a smile, though grim, to his face as he came to the train station and got on the train Tayden was currently on. A train that was heading towards the district of Wickbridge, the guy glancing up from the paper he swiped off a bench from within the train as he claimed the seat he was currently on.
The Pocket Plunge ( Kaspar )
- Posts: 98
- Joined: 16 Oct 2015, 01:49
- CrowNet Handle: Pharside
- Kaspar
- Posts: 377
- Joined: 15 Mar 2016, 08:40
- CrowNet Handle: SonOfTheDawn
Re: The Pocket Plunge ( Kaspar )
Kaspar rarely bothered with public transport, he was a fit young man and enjoyed the night air so walking was his preference. If he was in a rush, he'd borrow the Wife's car, or perhaps grab a taxi but rarely did he see the need. Tonight was for him a particularly frustrating circumstance of giving in to public transport, he'd been shot just the night before by a hunter and had not realised how bad the wound had been. He had grown tired, and the pain sharp as he walked and found himself leaning against the railing outside the station. Damn. He'd considered calling for a lift, but he was already at the station, might as well hop on the train, it was only a few stops to Swansdale.
The man slipped down the steps, grabbed his ticket and waited at the platform under the flickering lights. The station wasn't in the worst state, but there always seemed to be a dodgy lightbulb, or a bit of graffiti and of course copious amounts of gum stuck on or under seats and railings. People were foul. Kaspar did not have to wait long, the train came rushing in, the wind picking up strands off his blonde hair along with it. It wasn't terribly busy, but the carriage he stepped onto had most seats occupied other than a few. He'd endeavoured to stand but in the long gap between the first stop and the second he felt the pang of his wound reminding him he was tired and sore. Even though it was an express there were still a few stops before his own and he figured there was no harm in taking a seat, better to rest now before the short walk to the house.
The nearest empty seat was beside a man looking ready to dose behind his paper, something about him reminded Kaspar of someone from a 90's movie or somewhat unsuccessful boy band from the same area, and he couldn't figure out why. As he went to sit, to let his long limbs stretch out and relax the lights flickered and the train came to a screeching halt. It sent Kaspar lurching into the man's side, his vampiric speed and grace managing to salvage the situation only jostling the man but managed to dislodge something from his pocket. "Oh, sorry man!" Kaspar sighed out, waiting for the inevitable announcement as to why the train was stopping between stations. As he reached out to grab the edge of what appeared in the low, dodgy lights of the train to be a zip lock bag the tinny voice of a flustered woman came over the speakers.
"We are sorry for the unscheduled stop, there has been an incident at Wickbridge of a person being pushed onto the tracks, police are on the scene and station staff are working to divert trains around it. We unfortunately will experience a delay as the trains in front of us divert. Thank you for your patience, and for travelling with us." He groaned loudly, snatching the plastic bag and dangling it in front of the man. He went to apologise again, his mouth opening when he spotted the contents. Used prophylactics. Seriously? He dropped them into the man's lap, gaping openly. "What... The hell?"
The man slipped down the steps, grabbed his ticket and waited at the platform under the flickering lights. The station wasn't in the worst state, but there always seemed to be a dodgy lightbulb, or a bit of graffiti and of course copious amounts of gum stuck on or under seats and railings. People were foul. Kaspar did not have to wait long, the train came rushing in, the wind picking up strands off his blonde hair along with it. It wasn't terribly busy, but the carriage he stepped onto had most seats occupied other than a few. He'd endeavoured to stand but in the long gap between the first stop and the second he felt the pang of his wound reminding him he was tired and sore. Even though it was an express there were still a few stops before his own and he figured there was no harm in taking a seat, better to rest now before the short walk to the house.
The nearest empty seat was beside a man looking ready to dose behind his paper, something about him reminded Kaspar of someone from a 90's movie or somewhat unsuccessful boy band from the same area, and he couldn't figure out why. As he went to sit, to let his long limbs stretch out and relax the lights flickered and the train came to a screeching halt. It sent Kaspar lurching into the man's side, his vampiric speed and grace managing to salvage the situation only jostling the man but managed to dislodge something from his pocket. "Oh, sorry man!" Kaspar sighed out, waiting for the inevitable announcement as to why the train was stopping between stations. As he reached out to grab the edge of what appeared in the low, dodgy lights of the train to be a zip lock bag the tinny voice of a flustered woman came over the speakers.
"We are sorry for the unscheduled stop, there has been an incident at Wickbridge of a person being pushed onto the tracks, police are on the scene and station staff are working to divert trains around it. We unfortunately will experience a delay as the trains in front of us divert. Thank you for your patience, and for travelling with us." He groaned loudly, snatching the plastic bag and dangling it in front of the man. He went to apologise again, his mouth opening when he spotted the contents. Used prophylactics. Seriously? He dropped them into the man's lap, gaping openly. "What... The hell?"

"How you have fallen from heaven, Morningstar, son of the dawn"
- Posts: 98
- Joined: 16 Oct 2015, 01:49
- CrowNet Handle: Pharside
Re: The Pocket Plunge ( Kaspar )
Tayden was busy looking at an ad about some sales clerk for some jewellery store, when a guy sat next to him. He didn't pay the guy any mind other than look up at him, nod his head and then go back to looking over the qualifications section in the paper and when he had to submit his resume by. It wasn't something he'd probably stick with forever, or more than a few months, just something to do while he collected money and looked for his sister who seemed to have vanish once again. And since the cops weren't any help, Tayden had to do his own searching.
There was an abrupt stop and the two guys bumped into the other, causing all of Tayden's condoms to fall out of his pocket. Well, not his, if only he were so lucky, but someone's. Whatever tickled the ritualists fancy. He never questioned things, just gave her what she wanted and went on his way after she helped him out. He went to pick them up but was too late. Far too late. He heard the guy ask a question anyone would ask and then stopped. "That's not what you think it is." Tayden said with narrowed, beady eyes. "Just some latex balloons, mate." Tayden said with a chuckle as he swiped them off the ground and secured them in his hand. A lame lie, one anyone would probably see through, but what was he going to say? Some creepy girl I know likes the love juices of strangers?
There was an abrupt stop and the two guys bumped into the other, causing all of Tayden's condoms to fall out of his pocket. Well, not his, if only he were so lucky, but someone's. Whatever tickled the ritualists fancy. He never questioned things, just gave her what she wanted and went on his way after she helped him out. He went to pick them up but was too late. Far too late. He heard the guy ask a question anyone would ask and then stopped. "That's not what you think it is." Tayden said with narrowed, beady eyes. "Just some latex balloons, mate." Tayden said with a chuckle as he swiped them off the ground and secured them in his hand. A lame lie, one anyone would probably see through, but what was he going to say? Some creepy girl I know likes the love juices of strangers?

- Kaspar
- Posts: 377
- Joined: 15 Mar 2016, 08:40
- CrowNet Handle: SonOfTheDawn
Re: The Pocket Plunge ( Kaspar )
His brow went up, taking a better look at the man now, studying him to look for signs that he wasn't human, that he was other. Kaspar really hoped he was just some train riding weirdo, who got his kicks in strange places, that he could just shake his head and walk away. He couldn't walk away though, could he? The train was stuck, the lights flickering on and off as they waited for the all clear to keep moving. Hel figured he could change carriages if he wanted or needed to, but his curiousity as per usual was getting the better of him. After all, how often was it you saw a ziplock bag full of not so new condoms slip from a mans pocket? "What do you mean "it's not what it looks like"? What the hell could it be? Seriously, man, that's a new standard of strange." His accent was European, when he spoke English it sounded almost British at times but those who new the German accent would pick it up.
Hel was not entirely sure he was in the mood to judge someone else's kinks, hell, he'd been turned into a blood sucking ******** who had started carrying a gun tucked inside his jacket or dagger in his boot most days. Who was he to judge anyone? He'd heard rumours of humans with abilities, and knew that his fellow vampires had them, that they could use items like the ones in that bag to perform rituals, or spells. He didn't dabble in that himself, he was very much more inclined to using his newfound strength and enhanced abilities of persuasion to get by. If his guy was one of those human sorcerer's things could get a little more tense in the carriage. "Seriously, what is wrong with you?"
Hel was not entirely sure he was in the mood to judge someone else's kinks, hell, he'd been turned into a blood sucking ******** who had started carrying a gun tucked inside his jacket or dagger in his boot most days. Who was he to judge anyone? He'd heard rumours of humans with abilities, and knew that his fellow vampires had them, that they could use items like the ones in that bag to perform rituals, or spells. He didn't dabble in that himself, he was very much more inclined to using his newfound strength and enhanced abilities of persuasion to get by. If his guy was one of those human sorcerer's things could get a little more tense in the carriage. "Seriously, what is wrong with you?"

"How you have fallen from heaven, Morningstar, son of the dawn"
- Posts: 98
- Joined: 16 Oct 2015, 01:49
- CrowNet Handle: Pharside
Re: The Pocket Plunge ( Kaspar )
The other guy wasn't believing it. Not that Tayden could blame him. He doubted he would believe himself in this very situation. He wasn't saying anything believable and probably looked a little sketchy too while he tried to think of some lies to tell. He called Tayden strange, which was timid compared to what most people would have called Tayden in this sort of situation. But if he was strange, then so be it. It wasn't like he'd ever see this guy again, or grab a name even.
The other guy asked him what was wrong with him and all he could do was shrug. "These aren't for me." He said, pushing them back in the pocket they came from. "It's for...a friend. Well, someone I know. An acquaintance I guess. You should go ask her what's wrong with her. You can find her to the north in some old mansion that's been long abandoned." Tayden said as he started to take a step back, intending on going to another area of the train and far away from this guy who was starting to make a scene between the two of them as a couple heads turned at the last question the guy asked Tayden. "Not that it's really any of your business." Tayden uttured under his breath as he turned and headed to a new spot of the train, people moving away from tayden as he progressed on. Clearly, they heard enough to know to stay clear of the guy. This train couldn't get going fast enough and he couldn't get out of it any faster either.
The other guy asked him what was wrong with him and all he could do was shrug. "These aren't for me." He said, pushing them back in the pocket they came from. "It's for...a friend. Well, someone I know. An acquaintance I guess. You should go ask her what's wrong with her. You can find her to the north in some old mansion that's been long abandoned." Tayden said as he started to take a step back, intending on going to another area of the train and far away from this guy who was starting to make a scene between the two of them as a couple heads turned at the last question the guy asked Tayden. "Not that it's really any of your business." Tayden uttured under his breath as he turned and headed to a new spot of the train, people moving away from tayden as he progressed on. Clearly, they heard enough to know to stay clear of the guy. This train couldn't get going fast enough and he couldn't get out of it any faster either.

- Kaspar
- Posts: 377
- Joined: 15 Mar 2016, 08:40
- CrowNet Handle: SonOfTheDawn
Re: The Pocket Plunge ( Kaspar )
He seemed intent on denying his involvement, trying to say that they were for a friend. A friend with a weird fetish? A friend who dabbled in the darker side of things? Kaspar's eyes narrowed, he was concerned with what the man might know but also didn't really want to implicate himself in the whole mess. "Your friend? In an old mansion? Not sure who is more mental, you for going along and picking these up for your little pal, or her for asking. Seriously, that is one weird way to show friendship." He grumbled.
He didn't intend to be following behind him, but next thing he knew he was leaning over the man, "None of my business. Sure, it isn't but damn if i'm not curious. Are you sure your friend isn't imaginary? A ghost? Did you perhaps forget the old meds? Hm?" He scoffed, slumping once more into one of the unoccupied seat, just in time for the train to jolt forward and the announcer's voice to return. "We are sorry for the interruption to your scheduled service, we are on our way with a clear run expected for the rest of your journey. Thank you for travelling with us."
He didn't intend to be following behind him, but next thing he knew he was leaning over the man, "None of my business. Sure, it isn't but damn if i'm not curious. Are you sure your friend isn't imaginary? A ghost? Did you perhaps forget the old meds? Hm?" He scoffed, slumping once more into one of the unoccupied seat, just in time for the train to jolt forward and the announcer's voice to return. "We are sorry for the interruption to your scheduled service, we are on our way with a clear run expected for the rest of your journey. Thank you for travelling with us."

"How you have fallen from heaven, Morningstar, son of the dawn"