Dawn gave a bit of a laugh as Myk was speaking, the way he was speaking, he sounded punch drunk - and maybe he was - and it amused her to no end. His idea that she she needed a reason to walk around naked in the city had her brows lifting towards her hairline. Not that she needed an excuse if she really wanted to do that, but she could just see the headlines now. ‘Famous Singer Takes Bare Stroll Through Snow-laden Forest.’ And she could also see both her parents looks on their faces when they both say the picture and read the headline. They would not just have cows, they would have a stampede.
She smiled a bit more though and nodded as he agreed with her about the sweetheart neckline, though there was a tiny part of her that felt upset that he didn’t look at her own assets. After all, they were pretty much on display right now because of her corset, of course, he was more her friend than anything, so he probably just didn’t think about her in a sexual way, despite his earlier teasing. Her smile though stayed in place, though it was only after his question that her eyes began to sparkle and she nodded.
“You know, I think that is a marvelous idea! That I should wear it for one of my concerts. Maybe my new song that is coming out, I think it would fit perfectly into the image I have in my mind!” She then leaned in quick and placed an equally quick kiss on his cheek as she hugged him. “I knew there was a reason that I loved you!” She said with a laugh, looking up at him before she pulled back and pulled the bolt of cloth from the shelf so that she could have it cut to length. “And I agree about the crystals, I was thinking clear, or maybe mother of pearl-esque looking, so that it all shimmers and looks like the snow. You know how the snow looks, the way colors seem to just reflect like the rainbow in it.” She said with a dopey smile on her face.
“Maybe I will do accents of black as well, small accents, the kind that draw your eye this way and that. Maybe around here...” she said with a small giggle as she did a ‘Price is Right showgirl’ display on her own chest. It was a silly tactic, she knew, but she figured ‘why not?’.
Welcome to my Tea Party OOC Note: Dawn has Famous (singer) & Siren Sig by the Kick *** Myk Crazy little Blood Thief
As Dawn doled out the details of her next masterpiece, her voice a coltish sound that murmured freely like a woodland brook, the white-haired Telepath listened endearingly. It was like she was already singing him one of her songs, there was so much passion in her voice that Myk was carried away with the moment. Plus, he enjoyed these kinds of adventures; he was the creative sort after all, not simply a hoarder of skills, knowledge and experience. Myk did have a flair for fashion and because of his own unique tastes, he’d had to learn how to master the craft of dressmaking a long time ago. You couldn’t always get your hands on that custom fitted outfit in the right colour, with the right accessories, and so, sometimes you would have to make it yourself. Besides, it’s not like circus or fetish inspired fashions just hang off the racks of GAP and Givenchy. Even the local alternative fashion stores would struggle to fit the exclusive requirements that fell out of Myk’s head, requirements that often changed with the phases of the moon too. Myk had recently dedicated his floating home to these kinds of escapades and he was wondering, where and when Dawn was going to start putting together the masterpiece as she was already gathering the material.
“When is the concert?” Myk asked, eyeing the platinum princess cautiously – cat-like eyes inspecting her like a baby bird. “Well, not only do I want a VIP pass, but we do need to figure out how long we have to put this dress together.”
The Telepath wasn’t the most organised being on the face of the planet, as a matter of fact, Myk was probably one of the least organised beings. Still, he appreciated the value of a plan, a schedule, and even though he could be happy to just be carried away on the currents of euphoria, they should probably put some kind of structure in place. If they had a few weeks to get something together and show worthy, then screw Halloween because this took precedence. This was her life, after all. There was so much to do. They would need measurements, time-lines, a place to work, and before anything could happen, they definitely needed to draw up a design. Rarely did things just come together off the top of one’s head. In fact, Myk was so far into business mode right now that he barely recognised Dawn’s attempt to get him to look at her cleavage. Pewter eyes gave a quick glance and then he hummed to himself, thinking about how the design of the dress was going to come together. What he really needed was some paper and a pencil or something so they could trace this design.
“Do you think we’re getting ahead of ourselves, dear?” Myk spoke, his voice sounding reasonable and sensible despite all outward appearances and what impressions Dawn knew about her friend. “I mean, if you’re really considering putting a dress together for something as important as a concert, I wouldn’t want to throw something together on a whim.” Realising that he was sucking the atmosphere out of the room, the Telepath added a laugh. “Or… we can just pig out on pretty materials and think about all that other stuff later. I have plenty of resources we can use at home, if you’d like.”
Myk's first question made her stop and think. She had technically just had a concert only a month back, and it had gone quite well, but she had to get to her office to see about how long it would take her to get another concert. She would have to find a venue, she wasn't sure the arena would be booked or not, the arena allowed for her bigger shows, the bigger performances that allowed her several costume changes, several makeup jobs, brighter lights, bigger and louder speakers. They could pump out more bass because the arena was actually set a bit away from the city, that meant that the neighbors wouldn't get pissy if her fans screamed like they were on a roller coaster. The ebb and flow of the screams melting with the music. There was nothing quite like the sound of that, even from a distance. However, a lot of people didn't agree with that. Usually the older people, or the people that had sticks up their backsides.
She then had to wonder about the other places in town. There was perhaps that Eden place, it had room for a relatively big performance, but the music was usually toned down, and they tend to ask her for more of the dance music, which a lot of her music was, but lately, the music she had been more inspired to write had less of a dance flow to it, and in a dance area, that could go wrong. So wrong. There were other places, a lot of other places, but of those places, none of them were really performance outfit worthy. Lots of them would be the sort of place where she would dress closer to how she was now, and then do things unplugged. Much like she had the night that she had met Myk, as well as one of his buddies.
Dawn smiled softly to him as he said that he wanted VIP passes and she gave a soft giggle, of course he would get passes. Actually, since they had started to hang out a bit more she had started putting him on all of her concert lists, he need only give his name and he would be given a pass that basically listed him as part of the band. He'd have access to everywhere, including her dressing room if he had ever wanted it. She looked at him in that moment, enjoying the fact that he wanted to be so involved in the creating of the dress. "Well, I would have to see which of my costume worthy places are open for a concert and when. Quite a bit of planning does go into those shows, especially when they are large enough to warrant such costumes. Though, of course it could also be for an award show, but the Grammy's have already passed... though... there is the JUNO awards... that's next month. Actually a month to the day if I remember correctly." She said as she set the bolt down and pulled out her phone so that she could look at her calendar.
"Yup, April 3rd, so a good four weeks if I was to go to that..." She stopped for a moment and looked up at him with a wicked smile, wondering something. But before she could say anything else, Myk was wondering about if they were getting ahead of themselves. With a bright smile she shook her head "No, I think between the two of us if we so wanted we could pump out the dress in a little over a week. That said, I agree that throwing stuff together on a whim can go wrong, but it can also go right. You never know till you try, right?" She asked with a wink and then glanced at the other bolts of fabric then she smirked back at him, "And you know, I think that is the first time you have ever invited me over to your place." She teased, gently poking him with one of her nails before she crossed her arms over the bolt of cloth, "Though, I admit, the idea seeing your place tickles me. Tell me something?"
Her wicked smile came back and she looked into his silver eyes, "If I asked you to join me at the award show, would you say yes? I know that you prefer not to draw attention to..." she licked the tip of her fangs deliberately and then smiled again, "I also wouldn't want to put you in harm's way, but it would be interesting to go with someone other than my band though..." she gave another giggle, amused by her own thoughts about what headlines and captions under photos would say about the new male joining her on the red carpet. "Oh and their is also the CRMAs, but that's way in May... " She said randomly, but continued to wait on what her friend would say to all of the information that she had given him.
Welcome to my Tea Party OOC Note: Dawn has Famous (singer) & Siren Sig by the Kick *** Myk Crazy little Blood Thief
There was a chance Myk was overstepping his bounds with the dressmaking conundrum. Though, there was always a chance of that. Myk had a habit of taking over things, for leaping into the lime light as a self-professed leader who knew better than you did. It wasn’t something he did consciously, and neither was this position so important to him that the competition would have to claw out his eyes before Myk would relent. It was simply a lack of patience from being so excited. He didn’t really understand why when people said that they were going to do something, why they would have to wait and see how things went before doing it if they were genuinely enthusiastic. If you said you were going to mow the lawn, get the hell out there with the strimmer already. People did this a lot, though, they made plans and promises that they wouldn’t necessarily keep – sometimes with no intention to keep them whatsoever. While Myk didn’t understand it exactly, it could be said that he was guilty of these very same things. Often he would tell Jezebel or Noelle – and sometimes even Dawn – that he would visit them, and quite often he would get side-tracked and end up not visiting for weeks at a time. That didn’t mean he didn’t want to see them, but as time marched on and the deed still hadn’t been done, it just got harder and harder to face. The guilt was a weight that couldn’t be avoided by digging deeper into the foundations and trying to burrow out from beneath it. When you had a problem like this, it was just better to face it straight up – even if it hurt.
With Dawn appearing so compliant and welcoming to Myk’s take-charge attitude, however, not a scrap of guilt came to settle on his thoughts like a belated drop of snow in the early spring. Myk had grand ideas about how they could create the perfect outfit for such a fantastic evening. Dawn had made it seem so grand, after all. Myk imagined a whole festival – an outside venue in the dead of night, spotlights streaming into a sea of ink and zealous faces, hundreds of people strung up together like a net full of sardines, the writhing and desperate screaming a carpet upon which the platinum goddess walks. Apparently he had a celebrity for a friend, who knew Dawn was so popular? Myk certainly didn’t, but then again, he was useless with these kinds of things. For all his love of music and fashion, art and science, more often than not, Myk stumbled across knowledge rather than sought it out. Sometimes it was a side-show discovery on his way to learning something else, and sometimes it came across in happenstance. A boy from Pennsylvania introduced the white-haired man to Breaking Benjamin back in 2005, and now they were his favourite band. Another boy introduced Myk to Rise Against just last year, and these too were something of a favourite. Myk came across The Pierces from a temporary research project into circus-themed tunes, and as a matter of fact, the Telepath was sure he’d only found Yellowcard due to watching far too much anime, reading far too much manga, and discovering that there was a world in which people created their our stories and soundtracks to these fictional peoples’ lives. Fan fiction, they called it, and Myk loved it almost as much as the original story (and sometimes more so). **** cannon, ship it anyway!
Since the Telepath’s mind was floating away on its own uplifts of confidence and inspiring thoughts, it took a moment for those glassy eyes to focus and for those small pink ears of his to tune into the fact that Dawn had changed the subject. She made the point that he’d never invited her home before, as though it was a strange and curious thing. Myk began pondering immediately. Was it such a strange thing? It wasn’t strange to him and he knew the reasons why, but then, he hadn’t explained such a thing to Dawn, had he, so he shouldn’t expect her to just know. Perhaps Dawn had been expecting an invitation for some time – a natural requisite for friendship? Myk wasn’t aware of such perks or prospects, but then he recalled how women in particular were somewhat precious about those types of things, and how often he could be considered overly casual. It wasn’t that Myk was critical of their choices and perceived rules, just that he now had a reason to feel the snow falling on his good mood and he was somewhat bitter about that. Dawn’s tone of voice might have given him no reason to be worried or anxious, but then, people lie. People are tricksy. People smile when really they want to cry. People joke when things are serious. People exhibit anger out of love.
Myk didn’t know what Dawn’s motivations were and even if he were to read her mind, there was no guarantee that he could comprehend what he found. So, Myk was patient with Dawn and waited for her to reveal her meaning in her own time. She didn’t, not really, and instead chose to change the subject yet again. She asked if he would like to accompany her on some awards evenings; pewter eyes blinked back at her from a vacant face. Myk might have smiled or cackled and jumped up and down on the spot to express how excited he was to have the opportunity. Now, however, Myk was feeling confused and the tangle of emotions he felt just tugged any expression right out of his features. There was that weight pressing on him after all, that guilt for having not been the best friend he could have been. And then fear rose up too like a fresh wave of nervousness that crashed down upon him. Ultimately, Myk was afraid of disappointing Dawn and he was afraid that she wanted more from him than he could ever provide. There was always that trouble of making friends, which was why Myk preferred to keep a degree of separation between himself and others at all times. He didn’t judge Dawn to be necessarily different because he very rarely did until he had the chance to know someone better. Now though, now he was wondering about her psyche, and that confliction finally made its appearance in his features. Pewter eyes averted their gaze from those lovely blue orbs and searched the ground for answers.
“I… I’m not sure,” Myk said, his voice as slow and dark as treacle and his actions just as sluggish. He found her eyes again, but he still didn’t appear to be very sure of himself. “I mean… I would love to attend, of course, but I… well, I can’t always promise to show up. It wouldn’t be fair to say that I could when I probably won’t.” Myk sighed then, and feeling the urge to compromise, he took hold of the Blood Thief’s hand and attempted a smile. “You’ll be disappointed if I say I’d love to join you now, but when the night comes, I fail to make it. Won’t you? Oh Dawny dearest, I don’t want to upset you like that! Do you know how rubbish I am at making promises and keeping to schedules?”
As those last words hit the air, Myk felt his confidence die on his tongue and fizzle away. He was so distracted by searching Dawn for a reaction that he failed to recognise the two sales clerks that had wandered up to them from behind. Myk almost leapt out of his skin as the woman with the braided ponytail said her greeting; her words were so sharp and shrill that they were like a scalpel cutting him out of his skin. The Telepath turned on the young mortal with a wolf-like glare, analysing brown hair and brown eyes, pale skin and freckles. She was somewhere between the ages of 20 and 30, but he really couldn’t pin-point where – her eyes were youthful, but her face was showing the signs of aging.
“Evening folks,” she said, this Georgian twang causing her voice to rise and fall like a skipping rope in play. “How are you guys getting on? Are you looking at this fabric, ma’am? Awfully pretty, ain’t it. Would look lovely on you too—”
“Oh sweet baby Jesus, she’s as bad as Rutherford for jumping out on me like that,” Myk murmured to his friend’s mind.
“—do you need me to get you a sample or somert? I’m sure we can help you with stuff to match. What are you thinking? A dress, a skirt—”
“I hate her.”
“—or maybe something like an evening gown? I mean, it’s not traditional or nothing, but I’ve seen plenty o’ people come in here lately looking for weird stuff.”
“What do you think, Dawn? Should I eat her? Or… better yet…” Myk’s eyes flared with something dark and then a smile came to his face, sickly and grievous. “Actually, it’s for a wedding gown. We’re getting hitched.”
Suddenly, the Telepath hooked his arm around Dawn’s waist and tugged her closer, fully expecting the blonde to play along as the store clerk’s face turned a shade paler.
As Mky began to answer her, Dawn waited on baited breath for his answer, the slight stutter in his beginning words did not bring much in the way of confidence. He started to tell her how he would love to go, but that he had a tendency not to show, and while she was a bit sad by the fact that he was both saying yes and no to her, she could not fault him for being upfront with her. He was telling her now rather than saying ‘yes’ and then never showing. He cared that it wouldn’t be fair to her and she gave a soft smile, one that didn’t quite reach her eyes, still it was clear that she wasn’t in the least bit upset with him. He took her hand and her eyes for a moment lowered to the connection before they once again lifted to his pewter ones. His final words both warming her heart and breaking it at the same time.
A soft sigh left her parted lips before she began to speak. “I don’t deny that had you said ‘yes’ and then not shown, I would have been sad, and yes a bit disappointed, but at the same time I would still understand. The media can be horrid for one, and then there is the fact that in truth, the rest of the vampire world still wishes to live in the shadows instead of like me where I live in the limelight. Still, I am glad you told me now rather than letting me wonder on the day, though there is one thing, had we gone, I would have picked you up.” She added the last bit with a Cheshire Cat grin and a playful wink before she too jumped at the sudden intrusion to their private conversation.
Dawn’s eyes narrowed slightly on the woman with a shrill voice, she could almost feel her ears beginning to bleed before her ears grew accustom to the sound. Her eyes lowered to the fabric she wore and then lifted once more towards Myk as she heard his voice in her mind. She smiled softly to him, though she was positive that her smile would be taken as a welcome to the girl’s observation towards the fabric that she held. ~Is that the shadow spirit that has been following us this eve?~ She glanced around the shop, wondering if the spirit had followed them into this store as well, but did not see him for now. Then she added in softly, ~Though, she surprised me as well.~
The girl continued to talk about the dress and for a moment, Dawn was tempted to pull out a dagger that she had hidden in her corset and stab the girl, but at the same time, she knew that wouldn’t help them because there was the other woman in the store that worked there. She smiled again at Myk’s voice, feeling almost as if he were a salve to her mind and soul that this woman was tormenting with her constant twittering. ~I do as well...~ She whispered back into his mind before she tried to concentrate on just what the girl was rambling about. And then she heard his voice again and the way that he broke off, the way that he smiled had her one brow lifting towards her hairline for a moment.
Before she could even question him in her mind, he was pulling her against him, and she let out a surprised yelp before smiling and wrapping her own arms around him. The hand behind his back held to the bolt of cloth, but the one in front came to rest over his heart and her head rested against his shoulder. She knew that his words were just in jest, but at the same time, her heart skipped a beat, because she so wished for a male - be it the one she currently cuddled against or another - to do what he had just did, pulling her close in front of another, a clear staking of claim on her, and then telling some random stranger that they were getting hitched. So when she giggled and nestled her cheek against his shoulder, her eyes glittering with joy, both the look in her eyes and her reaction was real. She gently scratched her nails over his chest and nuzzled him once more before she nearly purred out “My fiance is correct, I plan to make my own wedding dress. And a few other things for our wedding night.” She added in with a wicked grin before she leaned up on her toes and placed a soft kiss against his jawline, and then looked back with a beaming smile to the clerks.
Welcome to my Tea Party OOC Note: Dawn has Famous (singer) & Siren Sig by the Kick *** Myk Crazy little Blood Thief
Frankly, the Telepath hadn’t expected Dawn to respond at all to his earlier telepathic pushes as it would have been far too much stimulation for any normal person to grasp hold of. His words had, after all, knocked onto the forefront of her mind within the cluster of words that the salesclerk had chirped out. It was a remarkable show of skill, perception and precision for the Blood Thief not merely to hear two conversations at once, but to also respond in turn. Unfortunately, the Telepath just couldn’t make heads or tails of it himself. He wasn’t nearly discerning enough to listen to the saleswoman, listen to Dawn, make his own comments and plans and meanwhile respond to Dawn’s responses to his immediate telepathic words. He just wasn’t that good of a multi-tasker. Maybe it was the whole missing chromosome thing that males tended to suffer that caused such a trifling lack of grace. Men just weren’t good at juggling too many tasks at one time, not even this male who masqueraded as a female on occasion and had actually taught himself to juggle three items at once. The gender-bending clown just couldn’t keep up with his platinum goddess, but that inability held no power over his skill and will to mock and revile these Humans…
With a tight grip on Dawn and the confidence to continue, Myk focused solely on the face of the saleswoman. Pewter eyes watched those puddles of dirt grow over her pupils like an enveloping swamp, watched fair skin become pale and pasty like drying salt marshes, and for those flecks of darker skin to seem darker by contrast. Incidentally, the more uncomfortable the saleswoman became, the happier Myk felt. He was overjoyed too that his friend was willing to share his little prank, so it encouraged him to push that little bit further with every dark smile, every haunting flicker in his eyes, and the provoking words that were about to spill out of his lips. Myk assumed that Dawn was misunderstanding him, that she found his rejection to be a fault of his Vampiric nature. That wasn’t the case at all. Myk wasn’t afraid of revealing what he was to anyone, and besides, he doubted that the media who followed this Vampire wannabe around would think much of him if he chose to at any rate. If the media could follow Dawn’s claim to Vampirism without bursting into laughter or getting out the stakes and crosses, then they wouldn’t be overly concerned if Myk turned up at her side covered in the remains of a recent feed or fight. No, that wasn’t the problem at all and Myk would attempt to reveal such as well as he continued to scare these poor women half to death.
“Is it machine washable?” the Telepath asked, locking eyes with the brunette. “There’s going to have to be a sacrificial ritual to bond our souls with Satan after all and… Well. I can’t really stand the idea of trying to scrub the blood out of it ourselves. It’s really important that the fabric’s machine washable. We’ll want to pass this onto our daughter… Naturally.”
Although no one had ever accused Myk of being serious, he could pull together a look of pure sincerity out of deceits whenever the occasion called for it. Lying to people’s faces was something of a common practice for him, funnily enough, so it didn’t take too much to keep his lips from pinching at the corners and to keep those pewter orbs honed in on those wavering brown blobs in the centre of the saleswoman’s face. As she looked to her younger colleague for support, Myk could tell that he had snared the pair of them. The younger colleague – a red head, full of nervous energy and Irish piety – was looking at Myk and his moonlit bride with pure disgust. It was bad enough that they had some devil-worshiping sickos in their store, but to be so blunt about their rituals and add on the bit about possibly reproducing? It was a little too much. The young colleague, without saying a word, blinked at her superior, turned, and simply walked away.
“One down. One to go,” the Telepath chimed with a ghastly grin.
Even though Dawn was acting quite well to be in love with the male at her side, even she gave a couple curious blinks up at him when he questioned on if the fabric was machine washable, she had no idea where he was going with that one and it brought her up short and her smile faded for just a moment. A quiver really. One that thankfully she was able to hide her curiousness by turning her head so that it looked as if she were to whisper in his ear. It wasn’t until he brought up the sacrifice to satan that she gave off a girlish giggle and nuzzled her face against his neck to keep herself from bursting into straight laughter that would have her bent at the waist. She hid her face even harder against his neck when he brought up the idea of giving the dress to their daughter.
~Awww, I think we would have lovely children...~ She cooed playfully into his mind before making sure that her smile was one of a girl in love not a girl trying to hold back from laughing so hard that it would tip the clerks off that everything that Myk was saying was pure and utter BS. ~I think I have an idea to get the other one to break.~ She whispered once the younger one had gone and stormed off. ~But I don’t know if you would like it.~ She whispered, her tone going a tad wicked as she practically sang to him. Her blue eyes landed on the older of the clerks and she smiled a Cheshire cat grin then looked up at Myk with what she hoped was a look of pure adoration.
“My fiance, he just makes me so happy. This is why I want to spend all of eternity with him, not just our mortal lives, but our immortal ones as well.” Then she leaned up on her toes and nibbled on his earlobe, tugging gently on it with her fang and nearly purring as she did, trying to make it look like she had forgotten all about the woman standing right in front of them.
Welcome to my Tea Party OOC Note: Dawn has Famous (singer) & Siren Sig by the Kick *** Myk Crazy little Blood Thief
Myk’s grin tightened his cheeks, the metal in his eyes swirling like mercury on a pool of ink. It was imperative that he kept those malevolent features locked in place, locked onto the woman, so he forced himself not to react to the tickling thoughts pressing into his mind or that warm, wet mouth against his ear. The Telepath had to channel his response into his hand – hidden from the saleswoman, but known to Dawn with the way his grip flexed against her waist.
“I will… go ask my manager.”
And just like that the girl was turning tail and heading for the staff rooms, jogging after her younger colleague and keeping her eyes focused ahead of her like she didn’t want to know if death was snatching at her heels. Visions of Slasher Flicks danced in his head as lavishly as children dream of candy and cake. That nasty grin turned a shade redder as Myk considered the possibility of fulfilling that sweet little fantasy. If not for the thousands of reasons explaining why that was a bad idea, he might have pursued her, pinned her against a wall and drank his fill against falling rolls of textiles. Maybe Dawn would enjoy the hunt too, or maybe she wouldn’t. Honestly, it was difficult to get a read on where the parading ended and the devilry was necessary. His platinum Goddess obviously enjoyed biting into him whenever the occasion called for it, but he had always been a willing party. The Telepath enjoyed the feeling of pain, but, that wasn’t the only reason he obliged her. Myk liked Dawn, he wanted to make her happy and keep her healthy. Plus he enjoyed physical interactions; the closeness of being pressed against a body was satisfying even if the act wasn’t remotely sexual. The heat Dawn provided, the affection and that shameful feeling of being wanted, was worth a hundred pints of blood.
Although by now the mortal was completely out of sight, she hadn’t fled from the Telepath’s thoughts. Myk wondered where Dawn drew the line, because it was one thing to shock and startle people and quite another thing to attack them, degrade them, and steal their life. His morals were shocking, his conscience span like a top most nights and landed on various degrees of cruelty or kindness. How would Dawn fair against those who didn’t volunteer their blood, and could she even begin to bring herself to take without permission? Perhaps he would ask her sometime soon and they could take their party out onto the streets, into the shadows that indulged their hostility. For now, however, they had a job to do and Myk’s mind forgot the intimacy of their moment. Those slender fingers released their tender grasp on her waist and he stepped away from her, the warmth of their connection tugging away and allowing the bitterness of loneliness invade like a frost. Nevertheless, Myk smiled at his companion in the friendly-vacant manner in which he usually did. He addressed the roll of fabric in her hand and decided he would test a little of her morality.
“So, now that we have terrified the staff, shall we take it as a sign from our Dark Lord that the fabric is a wedding present?”