Roxanne Ballard Other None Luck Rp arc Failed
The car door seems unusually light in my hand as I send it to shut with the brush of my fingers. I lock it and watch the dome light in the interior until it finally flickers then fades to darkness. If I don’t I risk not having a ride to work when the pager goes off. I know it's a relic but it's the same car I had since college. He helped pick it out and that is a huge part of its sentimental value. A souvenir of a past that was growing more difficult maintaining with the time it has endured.
It was cold and getting colder. Despite the declining weather I couldn’t stare long enough at the car that needed it's duct tape changed on the rear fender. I spot Lucas peeking out the kitchen window while waiting inside. It was my sign that very shortly the truth would set me free. Once I purged it of course. I kick my boots at the step knocking the snow from the soles and make my way in. So far everything is routine.
I set my briefcase on the counter and lean in giving the recent smoker a kiss. He knows he has been busted and this time I ignore it. I am the one about to deliver the deal breaker of the night. The dice had been rolled and I was the one with the explaining to do instead of Marlboro man.
The aroma of the sauce is enough to have me dip my fingertip in the bubbling pot and bring the blistering marinara sauce to my lips. I lick it clean and smile what perhaps would be the last time for the evening. I feel like **** and know it is time to tell him. I reach for the stack of mail on the counter and open the first one without looking at the front.
“Tastes great.” I pull open the refrigerator door and grab him one of his favorite beers. He would likely need it. I leave the wine where it is at. I am pretty sure I will be drinking it once he takes off after I tell what I know needs to be said. “I swear we live on spaghetti.”
I set the beer down and unfold the paperwork in my hands. It has to do with Lucas as it has his name on it. I barely read what else is beyond that because the name reminds me the man is making our dinner and shouldn’t wait for the truth any longer.
“Lucas, I fucked up.”
It is the words we both use when starting up that topic we hate yet find ourselves entertaining at least once a year. I want to say more but what is there to say? I am sorry would be kind of after the fact and really sound weak. The truth was there. I did **** up. It was meaningless and yet it happened. So now it was out there and we were both privy to it.
When I finish with the confession I finally look back down to the papers in my hand. I feel everything inside my body sink in awareness at what the papers are for. I fold them up and toss them on the counter. I look at him because I wouldn’t know how not to even at moments like these. as guilty as I was feeling there was a part of me that wanted tear the roof off the space we stood in. He was on his way out before I ever opened my mouth.
“Karma. It comes back in spades.”
Why was I acting all bent out of shape? I was the one who fucked up. Because the truth always has a way of kicking my *** really good and Lucas is always there to witness it. It wasn't his fault he was assigned to training that would last a year or more far enough away that it would require hopping a plane just to see him. I was getting way too old for this ****. So was he. It didn't ease how it burned a hole right through me as soon as I looked into his eyes. It made it all that much worse what I had done.
“I fold. You win.”